How To Use Psychology To Create Better Facebook Ads | Dawid Tuminski | Skillshare

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How To Use Psychology To Create Better Facebook Ads

teacher avatar Dawid Tuminski

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      0How To Use Psychology To Create Better Facebook Ads Promo Video


    • 2.



    • 3.

      What Do Others Think About It


    • 4.

      What Is Someone I Look Up To Telling Me To Do


    • 5.

      What Is The Ultimate Facebook Ad Scuccess Recipe


    • 6.

      What's In It For Them


    • 7.

      You Better Act Now


    • 8.

      Bonus Tip Words That Sell


    • 9.

      Class Project


    • 10.

      To Sum Things Up


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About This Class

Did you know that there are 1,65 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide and that 5 new profiles are created every second?

For business owners this is great news, but it also is a real challenge to get through to all those people with your message.

I mean let’s face it.

You are not the only entrepreneur using Facebook to get more likes, shares and increase your conversion rates.

Luckily there’s something in this world that can help you win the battle of getting the most exposure on Facebook and that thing is called psychology.

Welcome to How To Use Psychology To Create Better Facebook Ads.

If you are looking for scientifically proven strategies and techniques on how to get your Facebook marketing the attention it deserves, take a look at what you will find inside this class:

  • You’ll learn science based psychological principles that will help your Facebook ads convert better.
  • You’ll get lots of real life examples – you’ll learn how the biggest and best on the market do it, so you can do it just like them.
  • As a special bonus, you will learn which specific words can trigger the right emotions in your customers so they click your ads like they are hypnotized.

You’ll be surprised how theories on human behavior can help you understand your consumers and deliver on their needs through Facebook Ads.

My name is Dawid Tuminski and I wanted to thank you for choosing this class.

I know that there are a lot of classes out there, that’s why I am so grateful that you chose this one.

So enroll in the class I’ll see you inside!


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1. 0How To Use Psychology To Create Better Facebook Ads Promo Video: Did you know that there are 1.65 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide and that five new profiles are created every second Now, for business owners, this is great news, but it also is a real challenge to get through toe all those people with your message. I mean, let's face it, you're not the only entrepreneur using Facebook to get more likes shares and increase your conversion rates. Luckily, there's something in this world that can help you win the battle of getting the most exposure and Facebook, and that thing is called psychology. Welcome to how to use psychology to create batter Facebook ants. If you're looking for it's scientifically proven strategies and techniques on how to get your Facebook marketing it the attention it deserves. Take a look at what you will find inside this class. You will learn signs based psychological principles. It will help your Facebook ads convert batter. You'll get lots off Rheal life examples. You'll learn how the biggest and the best on the market do it so you can do it just like them. And as a special bonus, you learn which specific words can trigger the right emotions. in your customers. So they click your ads like they are hypnotized. My name is David Tyminski, and I wanted to thank you for choosing this class. I mean, I know that there is a lot of classes out there. That's why I'm so grateful that you chose this one so enrolled in the class and I'll see you inside. 2. Introduction: welcome to how to use psychology to create batter Facebook ATS. Let me briefly walk you through what you're going to learn in this class. This list is about using psychology to create bad of Facebook ads. That's why you will learn how to use some of the principles of persuasion to do just that. We will talk about exactly five strategies that, if used properly and ethically, can maximize your advertising efforts on Facebook. Each video is a stand alone piece of information, So if you're interested in a specific topic, feel free to jump to a certain video. First, we'll talk about the rule off consensus more commonly known as social proof. This concept explains why people react in a certain way when they don't know how to react. This is one off three ways. How the uncertainty is being psychologically eradicated from that decision making process. Secondly, will talk about the rule off authority, sometimes mistakenly taken as a variation off social proof. It tells us that when people don't know how to react, they look at what someone who they consider as authority tells them to do. Thirdly, will talk about asking questions with your Facebook ads. It's one of the most common strategies used to create Facebook ads. In this video, you will learn the reason for that. Next, we'll talk about showing your customers the benefits off using your product or service. Your Facebook ad or any ad, for that matter, should communicate the benefits off using your product or service. The benefits of using the product are far more interesting to your customers rather than how it works. And after that, we'll talk about the rule off scar city spice with some urgency people want and value more those things that they can't have. It's the most powerful when its makes with the feeling off urgency. So if your customer doesn't feel that he has to have your product now, there's a big chance you won't get it at all. So are you ready? Let's start 3. What Do Others Think About It: The biggest obstacle between a consumer angel product is your consumers. Uncertainty and uncertainty, especially if it is a new product, holds him back from saying yes to whatever you're offering, regardless, if it is a physical or a digital product. One of the psychological phenomenon that helps eradicate uncertainty is known in the psychology of influence. Ask incenses or, more commonly, as social proof. The social proof concept explains why people react in a certain way when they don't know how to react. This is one of the three ways how the uncertainty is being psychologically eradicated. People assume that if other people are doing something than this, must be the right thing to do or the correct way to do it with all senior reviews online with all seen reviews in adverts. But have you noticed how you are following other drivers? If you're not entirely sure how to drive in a city you've never been before? Well, that's also social proof. There's one extra thing that is extremely important and that you need to keep in mind when you want to use social proof in your Facebook ads. That one thing is similarity. Social proof will work the strongest. If use the testimonials of people who are similar to your target audience, think about it. Would you decide to buy sports car if it was retirees first? Transportacion choice. Of course you would if you were a retiree looking for a car. So how can you apply this rule to create bad of Facebook ads? The best way would be to use your customers words. This would be the oldest trick in the book, but it's have been around for so many years because it simply works, and now you know why it works. Did you know that three out of four people don't believe that companies tell the truth in advertising? But at the same time, seven out of 10 off online consumers trust recommendations from unknown other users, and this is powerful knowledge because it allows you to create your Facebook ads in a way, they build report between you and your customer. What I would like it to remember from this video is that you can use social proof to create better Facebook ants and for that used testimonials off people who are similar to your target audience. So if you are selling health products to people who are over 40 used testimonials given by people who are over 40. Also don't use a photo of a product. Use a photo of a person who gave the testimonial. It will create a stronger, more coherent message. It will attach a real face toe a real testimonial, making it more credible because people are more likely to believe other people than just some words on the Internet. Social proof is a powerful rule that you can apply with success in your Facebook ads. And sharing what other people think about your product can help eliminate the uncertainty that consumers feel, especially at the beginning. And if you eliminate that uncertainty, you'll give your Facebook at a chance off performing much, much better. So now that you have all this knowledge, I want you to take a look at these Facebook ads examples and notice how they are using the power off social proof. You can pause the video on each new slide to take a battle look 4. What Is Someone I Look Up To Telling Me To Do: you might have come across people or blog's or posts, claiming that using a celebrity or someone famous for not just being known as an endorsement is also social proof. Well, that's not really true. I mean, it definitely works, but it's a part of another principle of persuasion the rule off authority, which basically says that when people don't know how to react, they look out what someone who they consider as authority tells them to do so. Whenever you see some quotes, citations, etcetera, that's the authority rule, and you can successfully use it to create batter Facebook ads. The rule off authority is yet another principle of persuasion that helps people decide when they don't know what to do. They tend to listen to the authorities, especially when they are not too interested in the subject. People assume that if someone is an authority in a certain subject than he must know what he's talking about and there are different kinds of authorities. The 1st 1 that pops into our mind when we think about an authority is an expert with all his credibility, attributes, experience, recognition and trust. It can also be a celebrity with all her celebrity attributes like fame, following or publicity. But those authorities don't have to be presented as real people. They could be magazines, online services or, to be more precise, quotes from magazines, bloc's or online services. If your product gets enough attention and it's featured in a magazine or blawg or if you paid for that attention, you can use a quote from, Let's say, a review made by that magazine or block. For instance, If you are selling audio speakers and they get reviewed in an audio magazine, you can use a sentence from that review. Inner Add letting the consumer snow what the experts have to say about your product. As for the image, just like in the case of Social Proof, used the real face of your authority to increase credibility. And if you are using a quote from a magazine or a block, provide the link to that post and used the image used there so you don't create any confusion among your customers. Using the words of someone who's an authority. Your target audience is an extremely powerful way off, eliminating the uncertainty that your customers have always use the write authority for the right audience. And remember that to the authority more known, the more powerful his words are. Here are some examples off. How can the authority rule be applied in Facebook? Ads notice different ways off. Using what the experts had to say about this rule in each of these ants again, pause the video if you need. 5. What Is The Ultimate Facebook Ad Scuccess Recipe: If you've watched my practical headline copy writing class, you might be familiar with the concept I'm about to share with you. If you haven't, I highly recommend that you do. Now. The concept lies in the question itself. The human brain is programmed to solve problems, So when someone is asked the question, his brain is looking for an answer straight away. This is the most effective way to engage someone in a certain problem, and that engagement is the fastest and easiest way to divert the consumer's attention from the fact that he's actually reading an ad. So before asking your customers a question, ask yourself what problem is my product or service solving? And then when the crafting your ad, put yourself in your customer's shoes, picture yourself starting up Google and looking for an answer to a question your customers might have. What kind of information would they be looking for? How would they ask? Would keywords would they use by asking questions? You are engaging your customers in a conversation with you, and you need to think what questions to ask to make a great first impression, meaning to address real problem. There are two most popular asking questions strategies when used to create Facebook ants. The 1st 1 is to leave the question unanswered. Ask the question, but don't give the answer right after that. A great question will make the reader grave for an answer, so he or she will have to click your ad to find it out. But remember that the question has to be crafted professionally, and the problem addressed a big one. The second strategy would be to give the answers straight away. This allows you to show that you have the answer to the readers problem and that they will get it as soon as they click your ad. Asking questions in a Facebook ads is one of the most frequently used techniques to catch people's attention and rightfully so. It is one of the most efficient ways off creating successful Facebook ads. So take a look at few examples of fusing question in Facebook ads. If you need, pause the video to take a battle look 6. What's In It For Them: this one should go without saying your Facebook ads should be about your customers to be more specific. It should be about what's in it for them in new berating the features of your product is good and even necessary, but only when your customers get to your actual sales page. Before they click on your ad, they must see at the very first glance oven I the benefits they will get from your product or service. And this goes deep into the human brain. Whether you like it or not, humans are egoists. We constantly think about our needs. What we will get this is not a good or bad thing is just how evolution shaped us. And there is one simple way how we contest this on your own. Next time you're talking to someone, check how many times that person will relate what you're saying to his own situation. Trust me. You will be surprised now, knowing all that your Facebook ad or any ad for that matter should communicate the benefits of using your product or service. To most customers, what they're going to get out of using the product or service is far more important than how it works. Look at these two examples, so you can tell for yourself which one has the bigger potential to be clicked if it was used in a Facebook ad. Our new razor blade has seven blades with diamond coating and a Lowy nozzles. I want to know how to leave your skin smooth and healthy every time you shave. Honestly, people won't care how this razor blade leaves a smooth skin without any irritations. What counts is the smooth skin, not the technology used to achieve the effect. Simply put, when you're trying to attract customers, your product, you need to tell them what this product or service will do for them. Sure, your target audience how your product will satisfy their specific need or even matter how it will solve their problem. When you take a closer look at Facebook ants, you will find out that the good ones talk about the benefits, and here are a few examples are encouraged to pause the video. If you need some more time 7. You Better Act Now: one of the strongest ways to persuade others that they should get which want to give them is to tell them that they can't have it, or soon they won't be able to have it. The phenomenon of scar cities probably the one that is the most overused in contemporary advertising, but using it has deep psychological basis. People simply value mawr the things that they can't have. What's interesting. It doesn't matter if it is a physical or nonphysical good. What matters is is that I can't have it. Therefore, I wanted more. This phenomenon is sometimes described as the fear off medicine out or foam O for short scarcity is the last of the persuasion principles, along with consensus and authority we've already talked about that eliminates uncertainty. It's a normal situation that if something is scars, it is more valuable, like clean water, redder animals or the first addition of a famous comic book with a typo in the title. But Scar City wouldn't be as effective if it wasn't for two extra conditions. It's not just the lower number of certain goods that strengthening the need to process them , but also the fact that this good was available before, but now it's soon to be gone. And the fact that the good is going to be available for a limited time old salesman? No, that for sale to happen. It has to happen now, not tomorrow, not in two weeks. But now, in order to inspire that sense of urgency in your customers minds with your Facebook. And here's what you can do. You can make your offer limited in time or use urgency provoking words and phrases like Onley today. Hurry, act now, last chance and in soon, or get it before it's gone. Scar City Mixed with urgency is a powerful persuasion tactic that draws from the fact that people are more likely to act when they can lose something. When people can lose something, they will be more likely to risk. When they can lose something, they will act quicker in order to prevent the loss. When they can win something, they won't act so promptly. Here are a few examples to look at how scar city and urgency are used to provoke action in Facebook Ads. Pause the video to take a closer look 8. Bonus Tip Words That Sell: If you want your ad copy to be as persuasive as a single image, you would have to use 1000 words at least right. What? That's what the old saying has. Of course, that is not possible in riel Facebook ads world, but what is really is the use of words that will strengthen the message of your ad. Let's take a look at the power words you can use to get more customers engaged with your Facebook ads. Depending on the goal of your ad, you should choose different words evoking different emotions. A social media studies have revealed posts that sparked happiness or generally positive emotions. Got the most clicks. So if you want to kindle positive emotions with your message, you can use words like amazing eye opening. Surprising, wonderful, etcetera. But if you want people toe act because of some negative emotions, you can use words like mistake, nightmare frightening, risky, etcetera. If you want more negative words, just turn on any news channel. And if you're like me or any almost other person on this planet, you like the best deals you can get. So if you want to communicate your audience that what you're offering is actually the best deal available. You can use words like bargain, best free money, save etcetera. But if you were to choose only five words from the whole dictionary that you should use in your ad copy, choose from the following. As we already know, everyone wants to know what's in it for them. That is why the word you is so powerful. It catches the attention and makes people listen. So, writing how to get a money problem solved is going to have a lot less positive reaction than writing how to get your money problem solved. Everyone likes free, even if they don't need it. They're going to take it because it's free one out here to avoid connecting free with low quality. It's a good idea. Toe AdWords regularly X amount of dollars to your free offer. For instance, get this gigantic flat screen TV for free regularly. $999 instead of just get this gigantic flat screen TV for free, Given People Reasons, is one of the most powerful persuasion techniques. What's surprising? The reason itself doesn't have to be compelling. It can be as blunt as grabbed this best deal because it is the best. The magic trick here is the use of the word because although scientific studies have shown that people associate more positive emotions with established brands brands that they can trust, they can't overcome the excitement of interacting with a shiny new object. Now this word derives straight from the urgency rule. The human brain loves being rewarded as soon as possible, so talented that it can have something at this very moment sends a strong message. So which ever words you choose, or whichever you come up with yourself? Remember to keep them short. Don't make them sound exotic and avoid any wordplay. The right words will send the right message, and the right power words will send a powerful message that will make your Facebook ad stand out from the crowd. 9. Class Project: for the class project. I want you to do only a few simple things, but those few things will allow you to truly get better at Facebook ads. So first of all followed this link to a Google drive folder, and you don't need any account to view it. No off boot. Dozens of Facebook ads examples there. Your task is to look at them and notice which psychological principle you learned in the class was used in them. Then down the ad that you like particularly it will be a PNG file uploaded in the class project section and the right which psychological principle you think was used to create the ad. 10. To Sum Things Up: Creating a successful Facebook ad can be tough, not only because you have to send a convincing message, but also the number off ads out there makes the users immune to them. Luckily, with psychology, you can maximize the results of your efforts because deep understanding of human behavior is so one of the most important aspect of a successful ad campaign. And in this class, we talked about five strategies that, if used properly, can maximize your advertising efforts on Facebook. First, we talked about the rule of consensus, more commonly known as social proof. This concept explains why people react in a certain way when they don't know how to react. This is one of the three ways how the uncertainty is being psychologically eradicated from their decision making process. Secondly, we talked about the rule off authority, sometimes mistakenly taken as a variation of social proof. It tells us that when people don't know how to react, they look at what to someone who they consider as authority tells them to do so. Whenever you see some quotes, citations, etcetera, that's the authority rule, and you can successfully use it to create batter Facebook ants. Thirdly, we talked about asking questions with your Facebook ads. Now we know that the human brain is programmed to solve problems. So when someone is asked a question, his brain is looking for an answer straight away. This is the most effective way to engage someone in a certain problem and divert his attention from the fact that he's actually reading an ad. Next, we talked about showing your customers the benefits off using your product or service. Remember that your Facebook ad or any ad, for that matter, should communicate the benefits off using your product or service. To most customers, what they're going to get out of using a product or service is far more important than how it works. And lastly, we talked about the rule off Scar City spiced with some urgency. The principle of Scar City tells us that people want and the Valium or those things that they can't have its most powerful when it's mixed with the feeling off urgency that you can kindle by making your offer limited in time or by using urgency provoking words like today . Hurry, act now, etcetera. All these strategies are powerful and effective because they are based on scientific research on the human behavior. Therefore, they should be used ethically and Onley to help your customers make a decision not to trick them. I hope you found this class useful and that from now on, your Facebook ads will become super effective. Now, if you like this class, please give it a thumbs up. Submit your class project because practice is what will make you really good at this. It would also be great if you advise me. Know how to make this class batter in the review section off this class. So happy Facebook ads creating my name is David Tyminski.