1. Introduction: Hi everyone and welcome to a new skill share cores. So in this course I'm gonna show you how to use notion to basically create the perfect productivity system for you. Notion is basically an all in one workspace where you can write, you can apply, you can organize, you can collaborate, you can literally do anything on it. I've been using it for about six months out. So literally, every aspect of my life, like including my videos schedule, my school life, even my meal plans. Literally, I use motion to make every single list. If I have a wish list of reading list, anything, I use it to plan my time as well. So this class will be broken down into two sections. The first section we're going to go into the main features, different tips, keyboard shortcuts, basically just how to use it. In the second section, we're gonna go more specifically into how I use it. So I'm going to show you how I made someone most used pages or like how you can use it as a student and things like that. So the second section is going to be more personalized to me. But I feel like I can give you a lot of inspiration on how you can use notion. If you've used notion before, I would still recommend to watch the first section because there's a couple of things that I found out in last couple of weeks that I never knew when I first started using notion that are extremely helpful. So I also recommends just go through quickly, maybe there's some things that you don't know. And yes, so if you wanna see more classes based on productivity, time management, organization and notion, make sure to follow me on skill share. And if you wanna see more videos based on like my student experience and language learning productivity, vlogs arm. I also have a YouTube channel. I hope it goes into this class and let's get straight into it.
2. [1.1] Creating your account: Okay, so to start off, I'm going to quickly walk you through making your own account. Once you're cau it's made, I'll explain some of the basics and then we can get strained to organizing. So you can use notion as a website or an application on your computer to sign up. I'm going to use the website, but personally I only use the up. And also notion has a mobile APP, an iPod up, so you can make your notion pages there, but I would personally recommend to make your notion pages on computer and then you can keep track of them on your phone. So first we're gonna go on the notion website, which is notion dot. So if you look up notion on Google, it will literally come up. And to sign up, you literally just need to enter your email. I already have a notion accounts, so I can't really say no because I already have one. But basically, you're gonna enter email. They're gonna ask you for your firstname, for your last name. And then when you sign up, they're going to ask you if you want to use notion for personal uses or for work uses. In this class, I mostly just going to cover how you can use it for personal uses. But still like everything I say here is still applicable if you use it at work. But personally, I just choose the for myself option just because I'm not using it in a workspace, I'm just using it for me. So and then that's it. You've signed up. It's literally that easy. So as you can see now, notion is suggesting for us to add a template to our workspace. So in the next lesson I'm gonna kinda go over what templates are, how you can download them and how you can use them for and spoke. So yeah, let's go to the next lesson.
3. [1.2] Using templates: So in this course I'm gonna show you how to use templates once you're logged in. This is what notion will initially look like your main pages, settings, templates, and trash are located on the sidebar, which will always be on the left side of the screen. And your actual pages will be on the right side of the screen. If you want, you can hide the sidebar by clicking up here, or you can use a keyboard shortcut. So if you're in a mock, then press command backward slash, and it will just open and close as you are on Windows or Linux and press control backward slash throughout this whole cloth, I'm going to be mentioning a lot of keyboard shortcuts. I'm just going to be saying command because I have a mock and that's what I'm used to. But just keep in mind that if you're on a Windows computer or a Linux computer, then press Control instead of command. And also don't feel like you have to memorize all the keyboard shortcuts like there are so many and you just learn them naturally. I'm just going to mention them throughout the class just so you kind of are aware of them, but you don't have to like learn any of these off just like learn naturally through using it. Ok, so back to the templates. So the templates are located in the lower left corner, right here. And when you click on the tablets button, you'll see that they give a lot of great examples of how you can use notion. So in this class I'm telling you how I would use notion, but if you want to see some more examples, I would really recommend it through these templates because they have so many different examples. For example, this template for roommate space is not relevant to my life out all of the moment because I'm living at home. But seeing it is giving me an idea that when I do move out, I could try something along these lines and if I was just doing it by myself, I wouldn't have thought of this. Whereas them showing us their templates makes you think of new ideas of how you could organize a specific part of your life to save a template to your workspace. You're gonna press this button that says use this template. And it's just going to save right here. And then once it's here, you can kind of like move it around wherever you want to. When I first download a notion, I went through all the templates that they give and I was just like, do I need any of these? Are there any ways that I can make these more personal or like, I don't know, it's just something that you really should do when you first get notion. Also, you can press the full template gallery right here. And it's going to bring you to this web page that is basically full of thousands of templates made by users all over the world. So the templates that you saw earlier was templates that notion specifically made. Whereas these templates are templates that anyone around the world can make images, upload it, and you can just search any specific template you want. And there are hundreds, if not thousands of keys on here. So yeah, I would highly recommend just go through the templates as soon as you go on notion. And yeah, that's all I have to say about template.
4. [1.3] Blocks and pages: So in this lesson we're gonna talk about blocks and pages. Basically, though she is just a set of building blocks to create things like documents, databases, productivity systems. You can even make notes if you're a student. So what exactly are blocks? Basically a building block as any type of content you would onto a page. So text and image, a table, a link, literally anything. And every page is basically a stock of blocks that are arranged in a specific way. So for example, this piece of text right here is considered a block. This picture is also a block. And so as this divider, every single block will have these six dots on the left-hand side. And basically, when you click on these six dots, they give you a lot of options with what you can do without block. So there's a lot of self-explanatory auctions like delete, duplicate. And then we have this turn into function, which basically means that you can turn your text into anything you want it to be. So if you want your text to be a heading, you can make it a headache and you can make it a to do list. You can do anything you want with this block. Another really important thing you could do is you can turn it into a page, basically a page. What you see here, so this is a page, so you can make pages within pages. So for example, if you had a page for the goals for 2020 and you can make a page for every single month just so it's more organized. So here for example, in this page called example title, which was so original, We have another page called to-do lists. So if we click here, it's going to bring us into a new page called to-do list. And as you can see here and the directory, we can move between the pages, but the to-do list page is inside of the exam title page. So if you look here on the left, you won't see a page called to-do list because it is inside this page, how Paige's work. Okay, now going back to blocks and extremely important thing you need to know about blocks is that you have full flexibility with how you want to move them around. So if you press on these six dots and hold, you'll see this blue line that basically signifies where you're moving that block two. And I'm just gonna show you how to add columns. So basically saw earlier had an image and then I had text. The way you would do that as just drag it to its side until you see a blue thing there. So if you want to add something in the second column, make sure the blue line is just in that color. If that makes sense. You can also kind of change around how your clothes are by doing this. Yeah, that is how flexible of walks are. It's very, very important if you want to make your notion more personalized and you want your notion pages to look a specific way. So I'm going to show you my own Workspace, As you can see here, I have three columns and if I hadn't been able to move blocks around, this would just be a long straight list, whereas now it's very much, much more personalized, less the only way I can really explain that. But, and then the last thing I want to mention is this keyboard shortcut, which basically I think this is the most common used one because notion always recommends it. As you can see here what I'm trying to type, it says type forward slash for commands. A command is basically a block because when we type in the forest slush, they're gonna give you all these different options of things that you can have there. And another one that I use a lot is forward slashes turn. So if you want to change your block into something else, you can press on the six dots and just turn into something else. But I find it's a lot easier to just type in four slash turn and then I can just turn it straight into a bullet point or whatever I have to turn it into. So those are the basic things you need to know about blog. In the next lesson, I'm going to show you how to decorate your pages to make them look a little bit more like this, more color, more find, basically just to make it more personalized. So.
5. [1.4] Decorating pages: Okay, so now let's talk about decorating your pages. This is one of the things that makes notion really personal to you and this is what will bring you back to keep on using it. Because if you make an amazing organization system, but it looks very boring, you're not gonna wanna come back to it and keep adding on to it. Whereas if something is really aesthetically pleasing to the eye, you'll want to come back to it. And I don't know PLA more usually as soon as I made the page, I have a couple of things that I do straightaway to just get the design of the page going. And then as I build the page, I try to make it as authentic as possible. So I'm gonna go through a little checklist that I have in my brain when I make a new page. So let's go make a new page. We're going to make another personal dashboard. Personal dashboard is basically just like where you keep a lot of your lists. This isn't how a specific themes for me. I usually put like an emoji and sky, but OK, let's just call this our personal dashboard. Okay, now the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a little emoji because if you look at the sidebar here, these other pages, they have these little emojis, but our personal dashboard has a little page icon and it just looks boring. So if you hover over the personal dashboard title, you're gonna add an icon and it's just going to give you a random one, so you just have to press it. You can select a random emoji or you can go and manually choose one. I'm going to choose a coconut because why not? You can also upload your own images. But if you're going to upload an image, I would really recommend to upload a PNG. For example, if you have a picture of a coconut, but the background of the picture as white, yes, it might look fine right now. But if I switch to dark mode, that white background would show up and it would look really weird. Solve I haven't emoji, so this isn't apply. But like if this was a picture with a white background, it could look weird. Also, by the way, I just mentioned the dark bowed and I didn't even show how to do it. So you can press into your settings and it will just be right here. Or you can do command shift L, which is what I usually do because it's just a lot quicker. Yeah, I actually don't use this a lot because in the evenings when I use notion, I always forget the dark mode exists hopefully in the future. Notion can feature where dark mode like activates automatically offer specific time. That would be extremely helpful because I just never remember to switch it. Okay. Coming back to decorating the page, the next thing I would always do is odd a cover because this space right here is very empty, so we ought to cover it's in the same place where the icon was. By the way, they'd give you a wronged him one that they have and they have some like run the pictures here, like some pictures for Nasir, some pictures from museums. And you can upload your own picture or you can go to the unspliced gallery. Basically, the unspliced gallery is connected with notions. So you can just search up an image and you can just use it. You don't have to like save it, download it, import it like you can just use an image here. So I want a picture of a beach. I don't know why we have a coconut so it's fitting and you can just choose any picture here. Okay, I like how that looks. You can also reposition your picture to like, the next thing I would do is I would odd the titles, the pages, like all the things that I need to make. So I'm just gonna give an example. I'm gonna do lists aren't financial. So in our list, we're just going to have a reading list and a wishlist. And in financial We're going to have a budget and accommodation payment. So the first thing I'm gonna do is make the titles actual headings because you can't really see that it's a heading. It just looks like it's a part of the list. But once again, I'm using the force lush turn and I'm just typing in heading. It's a lot quicker than having to like press in and change it. The next thing I would do is odd a divider. Basically a divider is just like a line. That's all it is. Is just to make it look a little bit cleaners. Yes, we can see that like lists is the title, but you can make that even clearer by adding a divider. So as you can see, is this like little line right here, a keyboard shortcut for this divider is you can type in three hyphen. They think they're cold like three of these and it will automatically give you divider. So that's very important. I haven't dividers everywhere. And then the next thing I would do is I would up colors to my title is just to make it pop a little bit more. So the way I would do this is I'm press on the six dots and then they have the color. And you can change the color of the font and you can also change the color of the background. I'm just gonna change the color of the background. I don't usually change the color of the font, but it's perfectly fine. If you do, it's just like a personal preference, not do it. And then as you can see, technically, it looks a lot better than before, but it still looks a bit because we have this short list and then we have all this free space here. And it just looks really awkward. It's not actually going to select all these blocks by pressing Shift and like selecting everything. And I'm just gonna do rocket on the site here. But when you do that, the things below will also move down. But I'm just going to select them as well under the list. And boom, deluxe, a 100 times better than before because it just like is distributed a little bit better now, also another really important thing is this menu in the top right hand corner. Basically you can change the font of your page. And then another thing is the small text option and the full-width option. Basically, this looks a little odd right now because I don't have much in my page. But when you get to the point where your page looks very full and very hectic and there's a lot going on. You're going to want to make it look a little bit more, smaller, little bit more put together. And this is when you would use the small text and full-width. Okay, so this is my personal workspace. As you can see, there's a lot going on and it would just look like it was too much if it was. And so currently it's up full-width, but if I turn this off, it's like it's a little bit, it's, I don't know, this looks a lot more hectic than this does. So sometimes I would prefer to do full-width just depending on the page. For example, then if you look at my personal dashboard, I don't like this full-width. I like that this is skinny because i like how It's like a picture and then some pages and some pages and another picture. Whereas if I just put a full width, then it just completely changes the look and I don't like it. So it really will depend on your page. Like you don't have to do the same thing for every page, like my main page as my workspace and my personal dashboard. And they look completely different to each other. So yeah, that's my basic decoration methods. These are the first things I do when I first make a page. And 201A extremely important because without them, notion would just be very boring and blind. So I really recommend you to get into the habit of decorating your page as soon as you're making it, because it just makes it a lot more fun and a lot more interesting because I don't know. It just, it's a lot more personal. So.
6. [1.5] Introduction to databases: So in this lesson we're gonna talk about what a database is and how to make one. So a database is basically a page that will store information in a super structured way. So a database can be any of these options, or could be a table aboard a gallery, a list, a colander. So let's start with the basic table. You can give the name to your table. I'm gonna give my table name table just because it makes sense. Now we can start adding information to it also depending on what you want to store in here, it can have a multiple amount columns, so you can delete them with a round, rename them, resize them, to resize them, you're just going to drag this. But basically the first column of every database is going to be called name. And you can change this to anything you want. So I can change this to date, but this will be the name of a page. So this might sound confusing, but say for example, this was a wishlist. You could say iPhone, new Watch. And now technically this is just the name of something I want, but it's going to become it's own page. So you cannot delete this column, you can do really anything else. But because this is the name of the page that you're making, you'll never be able to delete this column. So now back to the new columns. So when you do a new calling though, you're gonna have to set the property type. The property types basically means what are you tracking? So as you can see here, you can just hop text and learn. You could have a number, you can select a tag or you can multi-select. So this column is a select property type and a name that price, and this column will be a multi-select, and I just named that type. So for example, if you had to choose a price range for product, it can't be expensive on cheap or expensive, unaffordable. It can only be one of them. So say for example, I say an iPhone is expensive. I can only choose one thing if I choose something else, it'll just change. Whereas multi-select, I can choose multiple things at the same time. And then in the property type, we also have date, person, files, and media will allow you to add pictures. A checkbox is basically just like a checkbox, pretty self-explanatory. Next we have the URL of something and you can also email and phone. So it's extremely helpful. There's a lot of different options depending on what kind of database you're making. This will be extremely different. So as you can see, I'm not explaining it very in-depth right now, but because I think people learn better when they see from examples. So section two is going to be a much heavier section because I'm gonna be actually showing you all these things. Whereas right now it might not mean much like it just seems really basic. It seems like you can't do much with it, but I promised you there's so much you can do with it. Ok, and the last thing I just want to say in this video is a difference between an inline and a page. As you can see, if when I type in table, they're gonna give me two options that give me table inline and table full-page table in lines means that you make the table within the current page. So for example, I have this page called data bases and I can have tables in that page. If I make a table, it's own page, it's going to be a complete new page and I cannot add anything else in that. I personally usually only use inline because if there ever comes a time where I need to add something else, I don't like the fact that with a full page, but you can literally only habitable. So I always use n line, but I don't know. I feel like it's just personal preference. So that is the very, very, very basic introduction to databases. We're gonna talk more about them in the next four or five lessons, I think so. So yeah, this is kind of like the most basic things you would need to know.
7. [1.6] Database views: So in this lesson, I'm going to show you the different views you can make for a database. This basically means that you can see your information in a different way. So I'm actually going to use my own notion because I feel like it doesn't make much sense when there is no context to it. So as you can see right now, I'm going to show you my goal tracker and I'm just going to show you what the different views actually mean. This is a table view of my goal tracker. As you can see that things I showed earlier, we have dates, we have the select, we also have like the multi-select option. And then we have some formulas which I'll talk about later. And then this is the name of the goal. So this is kinda what it looks like when it's actually being used because earlier make a solid example. So here is an example of how you use a database. So say for example, I wanted to see it in a different way. If you'll go right here, you'll see it says Default view, or if you're making a complete new database, it could say odd of you, and you'll see that there's different types of use here, for example, is a Kanban board version of my table. So this looks completely different to my table, but it's the exact same information. It's just laid out in a different way. So this is why different views can be really important because it just makes it more visual and it makes you understand the information more. So the way you're going to add a new view as you're going to just press here as odd view, There's different ways you can out of you. There's table of board, a calendar, a list, or a gallery for each one. There's kind of like an explanation on the side, but it really depends on which one you're going to use. So in this video, I'll just show you the different types of use you could use. So for example, for my gold tracker, I mostly use this Kanban board view. I have a board called meal ideas. And in this board I mostly use this gallery you, so it really just depends on like the page that you have. Like for every database you'll want to use a different type of view. And then let me show you another database. This is my reading list. So for my reading list, I don't have a different view in the sense that I don't have a board, I don't have a gallery and how many of those, but I have a different view called read next. So if I click into this view, you'll see I have much less books here that I did earlier. So you might be like, why, why they have less books, like it's the same mu, this is still a table. So the reason it's different is because the filter on this view as different. So as you can see and my default view, I can see every single book, but in my read next view, I can only see the books that I have not read, but that I also ONE. So views don't have to mean that you're seeing it in a different way. Views can also be concentrating on one specific thing you want to see. So for example, here, I just want to see the books that I have not read and that I own. So it goes to my table and it cuts out all those books that I don't own and books that I've already bread and yeah, I don't know if that makes any sense, but I'm basically trying to say that different views matter a law. It's not just for the visual aspect of it also can save you time looking for something. In the next lesson, I'm going to talk about filtering and sorting and databases so that you know how to kind of make a view with a specific filter.
8. [1.7] Filtering and sorting in databases: So in this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to filter and sort through your databases. So as I mentioned in the last lesson, this is quite important if you are making different views. So let's make a new view together for my reading list. So we're gonna out of you, it's just gonna be a table. We're gonna stick with table. And this view is going to be called books that I've read. So I want to only see books that I have read out of this whole list. So basically when I add a new view is just going to show me everything is the same because there's no filters cite, Yeah, there's no sorting. So basically what I want in this view is I only want to see books I have already read and finished. Because maybe if I'm going through my default view and I'm trying to find the books that I've read. It could be difficult to find them. I know right now they're coincidentally all lined up. But say for example, there were scattered all over the place and I just wanted to see them altogether. All the books that I've read. What we're gonna do is we're gonna go to Filter here and I'm going to add a filter. So when you add a filter, you're basically saying, I only want to see this. For me. The important thing is I want the status to say red. So I'm gonna say filter for books that I learned where status is read and there we go. That's super quick. Now I can straight away just only see the books that I've actually read. You can also sort more. So say for example, I could also filter and say, I wanna see books that I've read that had a rating of 5-stars. And now I can only see the books that I've read, the also hover rating of 5-stars. I don't actually need this one, so I'm just going to delete this one, but it really just depends on what you're trying to C. Now, the next thing I'm gonna do is sort. So sorting is basically changing the order of how you see it. So I'm not taking anything out. I'm not hiding anything, just changing the sort. So right now as you can see, there is no source. The book names are not in an alphabetical order. The stars are also not going in order. So what I can do is I can press sort and I can add a sort for, for example, I can add a sort for rating. And I can say that I want the rating to be descending. So if you can see here, now, all the books that I've read are going down in order of ratings. So it's gonna go 5-stars, 5-7, five stars, four stars, four stars, three stars. So now everything is the same. I can still see the saving books, but now there's a different order to them, and I prefer that a lot more. Now I can also add another sore and say, okay, I have three books that hub 5-stars, but these are not in alphabetical order. I want these three to be an alphabetical order. So I can add a sort and say book name, and I can say Book name ascending. So that's going to mean that it's going in alphabetical order. So as you can see now, you probably didn't see it change. But before this book called Women don't owe you pretty, it used to be in the second place. Announce in third place because alphabet, it's like lower down. So yeah, you can play around with this and see what you like. Also, you can move your sorts around. So the thing that this changes is right now, my first sort is based on rating. So what they're doing is they're first changing the order based on the rating. And then if there's anything else left to sort their sorting it by the book name. But if I first say that I want to sort of buy book name first, then they're gonna sort it alphabetically. And only then will they sorted by ratings. So you really have to play around with it and really figure out what you're looking for and how you can get there. But for every single database, it's different, but, but it's extremely helpful. And anytime I make a new database, I always a bunch of new views just to see specific information at the same time. Let me just show you another example. For example, I have a database for my meal ideas that I showed you earlier. I don't have a lot of meal ideas here yet, so this isn't as necessary right now. But just pretend I had like 300 recipes in here and say, for example, I just wanted to make some dinner, but I just didn't know what to make for dinner. I can go into the different views and I can choose dinner. And now I'll only see the things that are for dinner. Now, this was not made for me. I made all these myself, so I went into each one individually and I made to filter the i will only see the food that contains the dinner talk. So yeah, that's kinda how to do it and it's super important and it will just make databases a lot more efficient. And it's just going to be easier to look at in general. And yes, so that's basically how I make my databases a little bit more organized and a little bit less overwhelming. So yeah, that is all I have to say about filtering and sorting.
9. [1.8] Gallery view and Kanban board: So in this lesson, I'm going to quickly show you a little bit more about the gallery view and the Kanban boards because there's one specific thing that I couldn't figure out for a while and I thought it was kind of important. So let's once again go with my meal ideas. This is quite a simple database. We'd just hopped the name of the recipe, the food type, whether I've tried it or not, the website where I found it and the picture of the food. So say for example, I wanted to make this a gallery view just because it's lot easier to just look at the picture and said the name and figure out if that's what I want to make. So we're going to add a new view and I'm gonna make it a gallery view. So when you make it a gallery view, this is what you're gonna see. And as you can see, this is extremely different from this. I'm basically going to show you how to change this into this. But what we're gonna do here, we're gonna press on these three dots for the settings of this database, and we're going to press into properties. So now when we press into properties, they're gonna give you these options are going to say card preview. Basically what this means is what can you see inside of this card right now, what we see is the page contents. So we're seeing inside of the page, we don't want that. I don't want to see what's inside the page. I want to see the picture. So I'm going to press on it and say that I want to see the picture. So boom, ten times better and we're halfway there. Next thing I wanna do is I want to change the card size to be small just because I feel like when it's larger, medium, it's just too much at once like I feel like is better when it's small because you can see more then also fit image, but I prefer it this way. I think also you can change the type of things that you see. So right now, only one thing is turned on. That means we can only see the name of the recipe. Let's say for example, I also wanted to see the food type of each food. So when we turn this on, you'll see that now the tags show. So depending on what you want to see, you can turn it off and on. And I don't know, just like figure out what you want to see. But yeah, that's it for the gallery view I just wanted to show you because I remember I cannot figure out. I was like, I want to see the picture but I do not see the picture. So what do I do? So for the Kanban board, we're gonna go back to my gold tracker and I'm going to add a new view and I'm gonna make it a board. I'm just going to call it Kanban board assault. What you're going to see now, once again, it doesn't look the same as my one looks. So this is what this one looks like and this is what my original one looks like. So here in my original one, all my goals are sorted by the progress of the goal. So if it's a new goal, if it's a golden progress, if it's on hold or completed. Whereas in the board that we just made, their categorizing it by the different type of goal is so is it an achievement goal? Is it a habit? Goal is a challenge? Is that for organization? I don't want that. I don't want to see like the type of goal it is. I want to see what my statuses with that goal. So here all we have to do is you're gonna see this button here. It's gonna say group by goal type. I want it to be grouped by the progress. So here you're gonna see those grouped by the progress, it dependence on the progress. And once again, we can go into properties and we can turn specific ones off savers. Awful. I didn't want to see my latest activity. I've just turned this off. You can just turn stuff on and off depending on what you want to see. But yeah, there's a lot of personalizations. So yeah, that's it for the compound word I just wanted to quickly show you because these were little things that I did not understand when I first started. So yeah.
10. [1.9] Creating a template in a database: So in this lesson we're going to talk about creating templates within databases. So at first you're like, why would you create a template and a database? And that doesn't make sense. But I'm going to show you an example of what exactly I mean. And then I'm going to show you how to do it. So for example, here's my habit tracker. In my habit tracker, I chocolate habits and I also have like a very short morning and evening Journal just to kinda keep in touch with how I'm doing day-to-day, I don't know. But basically, if I were to add a new day, as you can see here, the page is empty, like we have all the habits here and I can take the habits, but the actual page is empty. There's nothing inside of it. There's no journal prompts for me to answer. But if I press on this button instead of new and I press New Day, as you can see when I scroll down, there's things already here automatically. So if there is no templates, I would have to copy and paste this every single day, but that takes so much time. So you can basically create a template so that every time you add a new page into your database, it already has that layout inside. So the way we're gonna do is we're going to press little down button beside new, and we're just going to press new template. So in this new template, it looks like you're starting a page, but it's going to tell you right here, like you're editing a template. So okay, I just made this super, super quick template. It's really ugly, but just for example, how did you feel today? What was the best part of your day and what was the worst part of your day? And now this is saved as a template. So now I can just go into new way. I forgot I didn't give my template and name. Let's give it the name daily check in. So say for example, now I add a new page. I'm going to press on the daily check-in and I'm going to write the number of the week. As you can see, now we have the prompts there and I didn't have to copy and paste it. So basically this is just a quicker way to out something into every page of the database without having to copy and paste every single time. So it is extremely useful. I use it for a lot of my databases. Anytime I schedules, make a new video, I just press new video and I have a lot of questions there that helped me plan my video and make it better. So it is extremely helpful and I would recommend you try it out on one of your databases and see if you like it. So yeah, let's go to the next lesson.
11. [1.10] Database formulas: Okay, so in this lesson I'm going to explain the formulas and databases. I'll show you the very basics of formulas and I'll show you the two formulas that I use the most, but I'm not gonna go deep into it because honestly there could be a whole one-hour class just on these formulas. So I don't feel like I'm qualified to speak about over too long. So I made this little table right here just as an example to show you these formulas. But we have three columns of numbers, just because this is the easiest to show with numbers, but we're going to add a new property and we're gonna make it a formula. If you've ever worked in excel, you know that for example, excel can automatically odd up specific columns of numbers and you don't have to do it manually. So kind of the same situation, you don't have to do everything manually. So when you press on the white box here, there's gonna be all these things here. So obviously I can't go into each one because look how many different things there are here. But let's just show you a very basic example of how to add everything. So here are the properties that we have. So my properties are 123. That's just when I named them. So we're just going to press on the one. So basically, when we press on the one, we're selecting property called one. So now what we're gonna do is a plus and we're going to add it to the second property. And then we're also going to add it to the third property. Oops. So as you can see now, we have 85, four hundred eighty, three thirty one. So basically what it did there at automatically added everything for us and we didn't have to do it manually. So in that sense, it's very easy. It's just like Excel, but it's when we get into more difficult formulas that it gets a little bit confusing. So please look up videos on this on YouTube. There's so many amazing videos. I'm just not qualified to talk about these formulas because I understand them, but I just, I really, I really cannot talk about them. So I'm just going to show you the two that are used the most. So the first one isn't my habit tracker that you just saw one lesson and go. So basically what I truck here is the progress of my habits. So as you can see, I have all my habits here have meditation affirmations, reading, typing, coding, walking and Anki, and whatever I tick them, the percentage changes. So if I take all the boxes for one day, I'm getting a 100% of that day. And if one of them is not ticked, I automatically get 86% and I don't have to do anything, I don't have to adopt any of it. So the actual formula, it looks long, it looks confusing. So the main thing that we can see here a lot is to Number replace property read true one, basically, this seems so confusing. It's really not that bad. So we're saying if the meditation books is ticked, then odd one, if the affirmations bulks is ticked odd one and is basically saying that for every single property, and then I have seven properties. So we're dividing it by seven to get a percentage. So say for example, I only did 50 these habits in total, they're gonna add up five and then you're gonna divide five by seven to get a percentage of how much I did that day. And remember that when you're doing these formulas, it is case sensitive. So if I type in on key with a small letter, it's not gonna work. So make sure you type everything end perfectly. The reason I have this round, 100 divided by 100 is because if I didn't do that, I would get like 88.7654 and I don't want that. I want an even percentage, so that's what we're doing there. It looks a little more difficult than it really is. Like all they're doing is adding up the numbers and then dividing it by the amount of habits together percentage. But I use this one quite often. And the second thing that I mostly use it for as my goal tracker and my fitness tracker. But I'm just going to show you in my gold truckers. So basically we have this star and dislike Red Cross here. Basically the reason we have these here is I have a formula that says, if you have not done any work on this task in two weeks, put a red cross. Basically what they're saying is if my latest activity is more than 14 days ago, I will automatically get this red cross. So if I put my latest activity to today, we get a star straight away. Whereas if I put my latest activity to, I don't know, 2.5 weeks ago is gonna give me a Red Cross. So the formula we have here is if date between now and Linda St. activity is longer than seven days, then put a red cross or else put a star. So I feel like this could seem a little confusing if you haven't ever done any coding and also if you've never done like Excel and stuff, but it's really not that difficult if you want the same type of thing that I have, just copy this formula, make sure to name your latest activity the same way. Like, remember it's case-sensitive and change the number here depending on how many days you want. But yeah, those are my database formulas. They look a little more confusing than they actually are. And there are some very confusing ones that I cannot get into because I just don't understand them myself. But it is really useful and in the future I myself want to take like an hour class on these formulas because they can do so much and it can make notion of very, very predictive tool, self. So make sure to research them if you are interested in this type of thing. So, yeah, let's go to the next lesson.
12. [1.11] Notion Webclipper: Okay, so in this lesson I'm going to teach you about notions Chrome extensions, which is called a notion web clipper. And it is extremely useful if you plan on using notion daily. So basically I have this section in my workspace and I just call it the web clipper. So basically anytime I'm on a website and I want to save it, but I don't want to go into notion and manually put it in myself. I can just use this web flippers. So say for example, we are on a website. So for example, let's look at this random page, Top ten benefits of a vegan diet. Say for example, I don't really have time to read it right now, but I do want to save it for later because I know it's important for me to read it. This extension right here, which is notion Web Clipper, you just press on it, you set the name. So say for example, I just want the name to be top ten benefits of a bigger diet. And then I'll save it to my Web Clipper, which is the database that I made. And I'm just gonna save page. So basically now that webpage will be stored and the web clipper that I showed you earlier. And it's really helpful sometimes when you really just need to quickly save a website, but you don't want to go on notion. So, yeah, that's literally all I have to say about the Web Clipper is just super useful and I thought you guys would benefit from it. So just letting you know, go on the chromosome function store and it's there for free. And it's super helpful.
13. [1.12] Keyboard shortcuts: So in the last lesson in this section, I'm going to show you my most use keyboard shortcuts and also just like the most commonly used words in general, maybe not ones that I specifically use a lot. But what is the notion recommends? Once again, I said this earlier but don't feel the pressure to learn all of them off. Like, I don't use every single one, every single day, but like slowly, I use more and more and it does save me time. So this is extremely helpful, but yeah, let's get into them because there's quite a lot. Also again, I'm making the disclaimer that I'm on a Mac, so I'm going to say command. But if you're on a Windows computer or on a Linux computer, you should use Control instead of command because we've got different keyboards. Okay, so the first shortcut is used Command N to create a new page. So we're gonna call our page keyboard shortcuts. I just made a page called dot, but we're going to make another one. This one is super easy to remember because N stands for nu. So you're just saying command knew like Come on new page. Then if you want to quickly open up the search bar, you do Command P. Also, what I mentioned earlier, Command Shift L to switch between night shift because honestly, I should have a night shift on right now it's 09:00 PM, but I don't have it on. The next one is also an important one that I mentioned earlier. It's just Forest lacZ turn to turn any block into anything else really quickly. If you're just using notion to plan something, you might not need to use this as much. But honestly, I think this is a good idea because if you're planning something and it reminds you like, Oh, I have to do something else. You can make a comment on that blog. So if you do command shift M, I can write a comment like, Oh, I have two prints. This, I don't know, this makes some sense, but and then I'm just going to add it. And as you can see, the block will have a little comment and then I can like figure out whatever I have to do, so, yep. Okay. The next one, I am like 95% sure most people know this because this is just like a basic keyboard shortcut that's used in most websites. But basically, if you do commands Zed, you're undoing your auction. And if you do Command shifts at your undoing your undo so you're redoing it. So you can edit texts by doing command i to make it atomic, command B to make it bold, command you to underline that, but you can also just press them here. But usually when you're working really quickly, this is just a lot quicker. Also, you can do Command E to make it this like, I don't really know what it is for me. I usually do this when I'm like practicing coding and I want to write in like key word, I would make it look like this. I don't really know what it is, but it just makes it look like a button. So I'm going to another shortcut that I always forget exists, but it's so helpful is if you want to create a heading, you can just do four slash h two or h one for example, and you'll have a heading straight away. So, so say for example, I could do for slush page too high for a slashed H three by and then that way we have all the different sizes. So yeah, four slash H and the number and it's a very quick headache. Honestly, I feel like that was a lot of shortcuts. There are so many more, but these are just the ones that I thought were worth mentioning. But there are many more. If you look up notion keyboard shortcuts on Google, you will get like 100 more. So if you want to check that out, it is somewhere, I'll Google it. So yeah, that is the end of section one. So I hope you guys enjoyed. I hope you learned a good amount. In section two, we're going to fully be going into how my notion works, like just fully explaining to you how I made my pages. So yep. By the way, a little disclaimer. The first video of section two is a tour of my notion page. And that video is coming straight from YouTube. So when you see me be like, hi guys, welcome back to my channel. I have a new skill share clause out that's fully just because it's coming out on YouTube before it's coming out on skill share. So ignore me being a YouTube are just less. I'll talk about it. I'm proud of you guys for finishing section one. Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoy Section two.
14. [2.1] A tour of my Notion pages: Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. So it's never gonna do a little tour through my notion. Basically, if you don't know what notion is, it's basically an organization up slash website. It's incredible. It's literally amazing. By the way, before this video, like stars, I'm just gonna do a disclaimer. This video is not sponsored at all. I do have an affiliate links, so if you decide to join, Please join with the link down below. But this video is not sponsored. All opinions are completely my own, is not even really opinions. I'm just like giving you a tour of my notion because I am a notion out it also another disclaimer before we get into this video, this video, I'm not going to show you how to use notion. This is just going to be going. My notion, if you want to know everything about how to use notion, I made a skill share clause so which you will hopefully be able to find it in the description down below, does kind of like two sections in the class. It's, the first section is going to be like how to use it and all the little house. And the second section is how I specifically made my own pages. So if you see some pages throughout this tore video that you're like, oh my god, how did she make it? Go check out my skill share clause. Also, I have a link for skill share so that you can join school CR for two months for free and you can watch my costs for free. The links will be down below. But now that we've got the intro out of the way, I don't know how to start like my notion, there's so much in it, there's so much. So when you open up an ocean, this is what it looks like. So first I'm going to go into the main pages that I have, and then we're gonna go into all the little side pages I have in every page and just kind of how it's laid out. So first I have no workspace. This is kind of just like any tasks they have to do. Any projects I'm working on, anything like school-related, goal related, anything like that. Then I have my personal dashboard. This is anything that's just not a work environment lists to keep for finding kind of. Then I have my habit tracker, which doesn't look very interesting. And I have my gold tracker, content creation. I will just call this YouTube, but there's just like other things like for example, the skills, sharp claws and I'm working on. So I'm just like content creation, you know, try to make myself sound professional. And then we just have notebooks. We're going to start with Workspace. As I said, workspace is anything work-related, goal related, YouTube related to-do lists, plans or anything like that. It goes into my workspace because this is the place where I concentrate. This isn't the place. Get things done. So as you can see, we have this cute little design. I haven't obsession with clouds, I don't know why. And then we have this quote, and then this is what my workspace kinda looks like right now. It looks a lot messier right now than it usually does. I'll explain to you in a second why. But here are the sections we have. So we have monthly goals, quick access, plan, reference and daily. So monthly goals, as you can guess from the title, is just my monthly goals. It's like a little table. And when you go into the month, they just have some goals here. Quick access is things that I just want to see very often and to be fair, actually not really. I just didn't know where to put it, so I'll just put it there. But we have looked back on, which It's kind of a weird thing. But look back on is basically anything where say for example, somebody recommended me a website and I just don't have time to look at it right now. I'll put it down here. I'll put like the category of what it is like. What it actually is like isn't a book, is that an emails into a website and then I'll ticket when it's done. And yeah, I haven't gone through this. I really need to go through a plies. This is like anything cool, like I haven't missed 2020 goals here from my 20-20 Goals video. And I also have random goals. I'm not gonna go into them because I recently don't really like sharing my goals because then I find that I don't achieve them. Next we have the Impossible List. I got this from unshaded jade. So go watch her video is really interesting, is basically like a bucket list. It was called the Impossible List. It kinda sounds like very negative, but it's not as it's more like nothing is impossible. So like get all these things done. It's basically like big goals, small goals literally anything just like big life goals that you want to achieve next year in the middle, we have our plan. And so the reason I need this here is because if you scroll down, you'll see I have this hectic to-do list for the week. Sometimes like seeing a to-do list. Yes. It motivates me. I'm like I need to work harder right now, but not setting times for each toss, it makes me not complete it because sometimes I don't realize how long a task will take. And when I laid out and like a daily form, everything just seems to flow better. Next, we have reference, basically, as you can see, this little arrow. This means that this page is not in the workspace, is just a reference. It's like a link to that. So the reason I put it here, because these are things I use often. So as you can see here on the left, we have like my content creation and gold tracker here. But I don't know if I'm on the workspace, I just want to quickly see it like I can just click on it here instead of having to click on it here. Next I have this thing called Daily. This is just like things. Thanks. Chuck Daly, silica habit tracker, fitness log. That's it for now. If I ever have like a meal plan in the future, like when I'm living alone, if I want to have a meal plan, probably be on there as well. Next, I have my weekly goals here. Usually, this doesn't look like this because right now as you can see, it starts with Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It doesn't really make sense, but right now, I'm currently pre filming because I'm going on holidays to Lafayette and a couple of days and I'm just trying to get a lot of things done. And as you can probably see here, I'm probably going to blurt out because when you see this video, most of these videos have not come out yet and I don't want to explore. But then in this little toggle list, I have my a oh, wow, I suppose scheduled wrong. I have my upload schedule so I can just open it up and see a colander of everything that needs to be done. I know when things have to be done, but it's nice to have it there because it's a more visual representation. And the next thing I have is this thing called Web Clipper. So I'll go more into this and my sculpture class. But basically Web Clipper is like a Chrome extension. So like if you're on a website and you want to save the website to notion without having to go into notion, you can just click on the extension and clip it. So yeah, that is my workspace. So next we have my personal dashboard again, explaining kinda whatever's on dashboard is it's just a personal little lists for me. It's not specifically something that's like strict. Let's get motivated and less be productive is just like something. I mean, we have like a fitness log here and we have like finance stuff here, which should be in workspace, but I like having it here more. So first thing we have as health here, we have some meal ideas which I don't have that many here yet. But like when I'm cooking in the future, I just hopped like all the different recipes. I can see it in a table format and the website is here. And then I can click, if I've tried to give it a rating, I have not used this yet, but I'm setting it up because I am moving in about a month. And next we have a fitness log. I don't use this much and I want to I really want to I'm just I like made it a while ago and I forgot it existed. I'm gonna show you a little formula if you want to screenshot and have it on your thing as well. If you put your latest activity like say for example, the last day I practiced the compass pose, it was July first. So I put the thing, I put the date here and the formula will basically say, if the time between now and your latest activity is longer than 14 days, we're gonna put a little red cross. So the Red Cross means like, get on your game like Practices again, please. And a star just means like you're on track. Next, we have my habit tracker and gold tracker, but as you can see, these are just links. So after I finished the personal dashboard, I'm going to go into them separately here. And then next section we have as London. I don't know why I called it London. Basically, I'm moving to London and And I could have just called it moving or something. I don't know. I just called it London anyway. So I think out of all my pages on my notion, These are the least organized ones just because I'm not there yet. I don't really know how to organize living alone. What I've never lived alone yet. So these are the least organized out. But basically in the moving, we just have like my Susie and student finance information, which is so important. And then I just have like a list of random things I need to do when I get to London. So I need to make a list of important thing is to do while I literally just set up, but I answered research gyms, I need to make a list of vegan food to try to open up, say count. And next we have things I want to try. There's literally two things on this list. So yeah, very random list. I don't have a lot of things here, but I think I have a law until it moves. So next we have student hawks. This is so, so Romney and I basically just like watched a bunch of YouTubers that were like hacks, like when you start university or Hawks for living in London and I just wrote some of them down. They don't mean much to me right now because I've never tried any of them yet because I have not moved. But I'm basically like prepping to move. Next, we have an ideal meal plan. Once again, I can't really use this until I moved. Next we have financial, so I'll click into it and you'll see like the categories that I have. Obviously I'm, I can show you that. But for saving, it's not that interesting. I'm basically like anytime I'm earning money or anytime I'm spending money is kinda like a little budget going. I don't really know what it is. And then next we have accommodation payment here. I just have the days where I have to pay and then I kinda public a rough budget about how I'm going to be living. So like how much I'm earning each month, how much I have to pay each month, how much my rent costs, and all of this. So it's not very interesting, but it's, you know, we're getting ready to adult. Next. We have lists there, so random and I love him. The first thing I have is a reading list. You know, I don't think there's much to play is just a typical reading lists. And there I also held like this view which is read next. So basically my read next view is books that I own but that I have not read. So whenever I'm trying to find a book to read next, it's going to be one of these. And you can also like filter them and sort them by any specific ways. If you guys want to see any page in detail or any specific thing in detail, let me know in the comments I loved notion like lemon make another challenges for an ocean. I honestly use it too much. Then we have a wishlist. It kinda works the same way. It's kinda like something I want to buy how much it costs. And then we have like urgency if it's like completely unnecessary versus very necessary versus unnecessary but helpful. Next, we have a travel list. This isn't much, but these are just like some places I went to visit. And once I'm actually planning to go to those places, I'll basically just turn this into a page. And then inside that page, I'll like whatever I'm going to do in that country, then we have restaurants. I don't listen pretty self-explanatory. We have the location, the website, the name, The kind of restaurant that it is, then I have things to research. So the difference between things to research and things to look back on that we saw earlier is thanks to look back on is like something quick, like I need to just check out a website or I need to read an email orally recently like that, but things to research as something that I want to research in depth. So I don't know, like say for example, EQ guy, if you know what it is. The way people in Japan find their meaning of life and thus not something you're going to look up for five minutes and bounce it. Like this is something I could research for like ten hours, a little thing like that. I'm like, oh, I really want to learn more about it. I put it in here. Then we have screenshots to look back on. This is a weird one, but it's like personal to me. It's like I screenshot, a lot of things like I'm such a screenshot or these are things I don't want to have on my camera roll, but I want to save them to look back at them one day. These are so Rhonda and I'm not gonna go into every single one of them, but it's basically like say and the Korean won is probably like a Korean grammar tip. On next we have quotes, I love, I love quotes. They're so crazy, they're so cheesy sometimes, but I loved them and my heart, they motivate me. So then we have shopping websites. Basically, I'm like, eventually I want to start shopping completely sustainably, ethically vegan. And it's really difficult to find shops sometimes the are all of the following. So anytime I find a website that I'm like, oh, like you have some cute clothes, but also its sustainable ethical envy again, I write it down here and then next time I'm like, oh my god, I need to go shopping. I will go to these websites instead. So it's really helpful, like research stuff. And then we have names I love. I literally I feel like it's going to be other 20 years until I have kids. But sometimes I just see names and I'm like, I want like, if I have a kid name to be my kids, then we have personal. I'm not going to click into it. It's any like important information or I don't know if I ever like journal or like it's just personal things, personal info, I keep it in there. So next page, we have our habit tracker. This isn't that crazy special, and I actually need to change it for August a little bit because I start following the habits, but I want to change them a little bit because there's a couple of things I don't really need to get die anymore. We have all the different habits. And then here we have like the progress of each day. So like on this day, I got 8188. Something was wrong or formula but it's fine. And if i ever did like a weekly review or monthly review, all like water down here. So I can kinda and another thing I want to show you for each day that I had, as you can see here, like when I add a new day, we have like morning journaling and even journaling and here, so I have like a quote of the day for that day, any images I want to add a thought of the day, things I'm grateful for things that would make state great things that I shouldn't do today. I have daily affirmations. We have amazing things that happened today and how could today have been better? I don't do this daily, but it's such a nice reflections. Hop on everyday. Next we have my goal tracker. I use my goal tracker and a Kanban board way because it just seems more comfortable like when I haven't goal, say renewable, clean up my camera roll. That sounds like such a stupid goal, but I went from having 20 thousand pictures on my phone to Currently I have about 8 thousand and I'm trying to get down to like 2 thousand because I just have a crazy amount of screenshots and just unnecessary things. So for example, say I finished this goal, I just drag it into the completed folder. So I have new goals that like I haven't started yet and I don't really need to start right now goes I'm currently working on goals that are on hold. So things that I can't work on right now and things that I've completed and is just like a very nice visual thing to have. Again, the same thing with the fitness log, like if you saw the fitness locally, we had that little star is the same thing. So as you can see, if I said that I haven't worked on cleaning out my camera roll since June 12th is going to have like a little red circle on it. It's just kinda like letting know like, hey, work on this, this is important, you need to get done. Hubble worked on it in a while. And then if you put your latest activity to like moderately recently, it'll give you a star so you're all good to go. I'm going to show you guys the formula once again because people would want to see it. So I'm not going to go into it and explain because I have that in my notion gloss. But basically, all you have to do is make like a date for latest activity. So yeah, that was my goal tracker. Very simple, very useful. I use all the time. Next we have content creation. This is very specific and I'd say most people watching are not YouTubers, so you might not need it, but you know, if you're interested to see what it's like, I will show you first I have my video schedule. Basically, my videos schedule is the thing I check right before I post my video. Usually like if I have a video idea, I won't put it in here. But if I know that a video is coming up in the next 2-3 weeks, I'd add it on here. We have the video number, the title, the status. For status, we have a lot of different sizes. We have idea researched, ready to film, filming, filmed editing, Review, scheduled, published, unlisted, private. And yeah, there's a lot of different things. There's so much that goes into it as forgot people think it takes like a minute to fill them in. You just upload it? No, like it takes me about 15 hours for each video and video ideas. I don't want to share my ideas because my ideas they look so stupid with they're not done out properly because it, my ideas are just like right, like that. We have different tags for the type of idea. These are things that are not possible right now. So if it's like a university type of video, but I'm not in university. I will flag it as something that's not possible, but it's an idea that I want to do when I go to university. Next, we have sponsored details as basically the lifetime of the sponsor when my upload date is all the details necessary for sponsorships, I'm not gonna go into it because I don't think I'm allowed to show emails. I'm also not going to show these are basically little templates I make for myself. So I get a lot of emails with like partnerships from people and it just takes time to email people sometimes. So I make a little like template for myself. It just saves me so much time from writing up emails because I already have my templates made out invoices with a lot of companies. You have to submit invoices when you do a video for them because later I have to pay taxes. So my invoices aren't actually here, but some info about my invoices are in here. Then we have thematic music. Basically, thematic music is like a free website where you can use music for YouTube, extremely helpful, extremely, extremely. I literally use all my music here. So anytime I download a song, I will put the name of the artist, the name of the song, and the link that I have to put in my description. And anytime I post a video, I basically tag the song. And as you can see here, automatically counts how much times I've used the song of the past. Next, we have just like little editing ideas. If I've ever watching a video and somebody does something very inspiring or I'm just like That is a great idea. I want to like try something similar. I write it down here and inspirations kinda the same editing ideas is very specific to like editing things like maybe they have a specific fonts that I was just like is beautiful. Maybe they have a specific like storytelling method. I don't know something like that, but inspiration is more like video ideas and like thumbnail ideas and potential partnerships. It's like anytime I want to work with a company, but I'm kinda like, I don't think they'll want to work with me. I'll just write it down here and I'm like in the future when i get bigger maybe. And then other projects, I don't have a podcast. There's literally nothing in there. I think it's just like the header. And let's say it is just because in the future I want to start a podcast and keeping it there. It just reminds me that I want to start one. And then the last thing we have is notebooks. This is like the least interesting one. It's really nothing to it. It's like I have a bunch of random notes. I have like look at this. A strong transverse abdominus helps with lower back pain. I don't know. It's just like sometimes I see something and I need to write it down and I'm like, I want to make notes on it or like I want to learn something from it. So inbox is a bunch very quick notes here we have specific notebook. So like anything related to my internship, anything related to computer science. It's pretty self-explanatory. It's just notes, but oh, and also let me explain. For my favorites, I always keep my workspace and personal dashboard as my favorite, but also I favorite anything that I'm currently working on. So this notion class is something I'm working on. If I'm working on a specific video, I will favorite as well because when I go into notion, the things I'm working on, that's like the things I will see first. So yeah, that was my notion. I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Let me know if you wanna see more notion videos also, don't forget to check out my skills sre clause. I worked so hard on it and I really think you can learn a lot from it. So click the link in my description. You can get two months off for free and you will get to watch my class for free and my camera is flashing. So peace out. Thank you so much for watching guys.
15. [2.2] Setting up your workspace: So in this lesson we're gonna talk about what a workspace is and how to start setting yours up. Basically as you saw in my tour, my workspace was just the place where I kept all my plans. My video schedule's anything I have to be productive with and my personal dashboard was more like random lists that I wanted to keep. So if you want, if you don't have that many things that you need to organize, you can always kinda combine this into wine. But personally, I would prefer to split it up because I had so many lists in each one that if I was to make it one big page, it would just be too overwhelming. So if you have so many List ideas and you just don't want to fit them all on one page. Don't split it up in a way that suits you. But if you're gonna make a workspace on the personal dashboard, These are going to be my suggestions for each one. So the first section, I would make an workspace as monthly goals or yearly goals. Also, if you have like a five-year plan or like any of those other things, I would honestly put that at the top of your workspace because this is something you need to see as much as he possibly can because it's kind of a reminder like this is the things I need to get done and this is how I want my life to be. So I need to be reminded of it constantly though, if you put it on the bottom of your workspace, you're not gonna be motivated to make those dreams come true. So put at the top of your list. So the next thing I would have as quick access to some of your most used pages. So use notion for a week or two and see what you're using very often and then put those in your quick access because sometimes it takes a long time to find page and this way is on your workspace. It's visible and it's just a reminder that it exists because sometimes we'll hide pages just to make it look prettier, but then we forget they exist and then they service no purpose. So if you're making an important page with all of your plans or things that you want to look back on, make sure it's visible so you're reminded to look at it. Exciting I have is a little timeline. And the reason for me this is important is because to-do lists don't push as hard enough to get the task done so we can write down the tasks aren't to-do list, but when it's not allocated a time, we won't feel the same motivations do them because we might just push them off until later. So I would highly recommend to have a little timeline here, also write down any current projects to currently have going on. So if it's a work project, if it's a personal project of it's like a side hustle business. If you're trying to follow a new fitness plan, if you have a new weekly goal that you really want to work on. If you have a financial goal, just have it there and how quick access to it so that you are reminded of it like I said earlier, because it's nice to have it in your monthly goals. But if it's a big enough project, it deserves a page of its own. So if you have one of those projects, I would definitely keep this in the workspace as well. Web clipper extension that I mentioned earlier. I think it should be on your workspace. I understand why some people might not like it on the workspace because it's a little bit messy. But if you keep it at the very bottom of your workspace, it's just like you're reminded to lift bucket those websites because you still have a low. So my notion where I would add all my websites, but it was kind of hidden and I completely forgot about it. And now I have like 200 things to look back on and it's just not helpful actor. So I would put your daily to-do lists and weekly goals in your workspace as well, but hide under a toggle list and that way it's not like messy. And then on your personal dashboard I would literally put any list you want. So if you have a list of baby name as you like, if you have a list of recipes, you want to try it. If you have a list of, I don't know, languages you want to learn. Literally, it could be anything. There's no rules. But one thing I would do with the personal dashboard is I would recommend not just to the row, like 20 pages on this page. Try to categorize them very well and try only to have like maximum five or six pages in each category because that way, as I said earlier, like if you're seeing 20 pages at the same time and none of them really mean much because at the end of the day you're not really seeing them. So like dividing them up into little categories will make you like, I don't know, I don't know if that makes sense, but to me it's really important. So if you're actually setting it up and you don't really know how to make it look nice. I would recommend to go watch my decorating pages lesson from earlier because literally that's all I do If you saw for my tour, my workspace and my personal dashboard, like it's just colors and pictures and dividers like that's the only thing that makes it look nice apart from law, I really don't think you need much. So yeah, that's how you set up your workspace.
16. [2.3] How I made my study plans: So in this lesson I'm going to show you how I use notion to make my study plans. I've recently just graduated, which is insane, but basically I started using notion as a student and I would mostly only use notion to make my study plans. So I'm just gonna give you a very rough guideline of how I made them. Obviously, it's not going to be those specific ones because I don't even have my books and my room anymore, so I don't have specific chapter names and stuff, but I'll just give you an idea. So we hover study plan page. So the first thing I'm gonna do is less true of subjects. So say for example, I want to study biology. So what I would do first is I would write out all the chapters I have for that subject. So I'm not actually going to write out the real choppers because when I did my biology class, we had 40 chapters or something and I don't, I'm not gonna read them a lot. I'm going to write out seven chapters. So, okay, so say for example, we have these seven chapters. These are completely random chapters that I just remembered from the course. But what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to type out how many days I have left until the exam. So just for the sake of making this a little bit easier, I said that I have 14 days until my exam and I have seven chapters to do so what I do now as literally simple division, I'm just like, okay, I have seven chapters, I have 14 days. That means I have two days to study every single chapter that I work out my plan for week one. So as we said earlier, I have to do one chapter every two days and in a week there, seven days. So that means in one week, I'm gonna do 3.5 chapters. The half. A bit weird, but it's fine. I died still did anyway, I kind of did like half chapters sometimes. So that means Week one, I have to do 3.5 chapters of biology, okay, so this is kind of what I would do. I would do Week One and I would write out the chapters I have to do, and I would also make a to do list. So whatever I finished, I can take it off and then feel more peace. And basically I would do this for every single subject that I had and I put it all together. So in week one, I had to do like three chapters of Biology, three chapters of Physics, one poem in English, five stories and Irish. I don't know. I had to do a lot of different things. It would basically look like a long list. It would just say week one and then it would go by subject. I will color-code each subject as well. And then I would literally just, whenever I finished studying that subject, I would take off. And if I didn't have time to get something done, I would just move a chapter into week two. Honestly, it's as simple as that. I remember a lot of people use ASI like omega. Please make a full video on how you make your study plots. But my study plans are extremely simple. This is all they are, but they got me through. They helped me a lot. So yeah, that is my whole study plan.
17. [2.4] How I made my habit tracker: So in this lesson, I'm going to show you exactly how I made my hobbit talker. So how am I haven't shrunk or opened in front of me on my iPod. And I'm just going to redo it on my computer like completely from scratch and you're gonna see the process of me making it. So first thing I'm doing is making a new page and naming it habit tracker. Oh, this is the exact same picture I have of my hub but Turgot, wait, let me just remake my habit tracker. So on my real habit tracker, I have a croissant emoji and forests picture. I don't know why they have no connection, but it is just I like how it looks. What I have now is I have kind of a line that says 2020. So we're gonna go, hey, h two I think, and just say 20-20. And then I'm gonna change the color of this to pink because I don't know, that's what I was feeling it. And then I have a little quote here as well. Okay. So this is the quote I have in the habit tracker. I don't know why I really love quotes and then I'm using command i to make it italic also. I think I want to make it bold. Yeah, okay. And then we're going to have three lines to make a divider. And that is the basic beginning of our habit tracker. So now what we have is we have a toggle list for each month. So I'm gonna go ahead and make a toggle list and say August, September. Now that we have a toggle is for each month, I'm going to open up and we're going to add a table inline. And let's see. Okay, so the first thing we have here is weak. So the reason I named a week is because I could always just put the date, but then I have to write out the date newly every single day. And I like that with this option, I can just choose the date, so I just decided to write the week. So say for example, we're going to do, I think right now is the 33rd week of the year. Oh, and also I can see all my habit tracker that it's very wide. So I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna do full-width small text. I forgot that we have to make a template for my habit tracker, so I'm just going to delete these for now. But we have date, we have, oh, we have a formula here. I'm gonna do this one later and we'll say DE, and then we have our habits here. So let me pretend I'm making a brand new HAVA truck or what's like some common habits. Ok, so workout. Okay, so say for example, we just hub five habits. I just throw out some five random hobbits I thought were pretty common, I think. And we're going to have another formula and we're going to call it progress. And then I have this thing called planning. Basically, I don't think I showed this much and my notion tour, but my planning is basically like anytime I have like a weekly check-in or a monthly check in or a quarterly or an annual check-ins. I'm basically going to say that that day I like planned. It's basically just to check in that I've actually kept up with the goals that I set. So for example, if I can see it's been a whole month since I did a weekly review. I'll be like, oh my god, I have to do a weekly review soon, like I literally haven't done at this month. So it's just kinda see what days I'm making those big planning days. And that doesn't make any sense, but you know what I mean? So in the planning we have four tags. We have weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly review. And yeah, I think that's about it now, for our two formulas in this day, formulas, I didn't show it in my class because honestly I just copy this off someone else because I it's confusing. I like I understand what it does obviously is not that difficult, but it's confusing. So basically what I have here is I have Format date. So basically what this can do is when I put in the date into this thing, it will automatically tell me what day of the week it is, so I don't have to manually type out today's Monday. Today's a Tuesday. It'll just type it out for me. So I'm just gonna do Format date and then for the property date, also a reminder, this is case sensitive, so if you have like date with a small D, remember like to write it accordingly. And then we're going to write d, d, d, d. So yeah, I really, I can't really explain this one to you. I just know it works, but now, when I input the date, it's going to automatically say Tuesday, so I don't have to write out manually. And then for the progress formula, I talked about this one in my database formulas video, but I don't really know how to explain that. Basically what we're gonna do is we're going to do the two number. So we're converting the checklist to a number. So we're saying if this checklist is checked off, then out of one. So we're going to say to a number, replace property, and then we're going to write out the name of the property. So for example, my first property is called workout. And then we're gonna say if it's true. So basically they're saying if it's checked off, then add one and then I'm just going to copy and paste this and add this for every single thing. So I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it five times because I have five. Okay, and now I'm gonna change the name of this because I don't want it to be worked out every time. I want it to be all the different habits I'm tracking. So once we have this, we're just going to divide it by five because I'm tracking five hobbits. So if you're talking three habits divided by three, but just like do it accordingly, okay, now as you can see, anytime we click something, the progress is gonna go up. And yeah, that's basically all you have to do. And then when I make this table, I will copy and paste it into every single month. And that was my alpha checker.
18. [2.5] How I made my goal tracker: So in this lesson we're going to remake my goal tracker. And yeah, I hope I can make a almost same. I'm going to try to find the same picture, same emoji, same everything just so that you get the same experience. So we're gonna make a page and naming goal tracker. And I'm just loving that I'm literally finding the same pictures and everything. So I'm like remaking it exactly. So what we're gonna do now is we're just going to add a table and then we're going to add a different view because I mostly use my goal tracker and the board view. But I'd prefer making databases as like tables and then converting them to a different view just because it seems a little easier, sort of sky nameless goals, I don't know. So here we have three goals and I just left it as name just because it's the actual name. So the first thing I have here is the status formula. Once again, we're gonna do the formulas in the end just because they're a little bit more confusing. But I'm just going to set it up to not forget that I have one and then we have a date property that says latest activity. So latest activity is basically like what's the last day that I worked the song? Like what's the most recent day when I worked on this, then we have progress and this is gonna be a select property. Then we have the domain. This is kinda like what type of goal it is like, what kind of category does this goal go into? And then the term is gonna be a select properties. And once again, I'm straight away. You gonna make this full width small text because it's just easier to deal with when we have more space like this, I'm gonna turn off this count because it's not necessary. And now we're going to have the gold type, and this is gonna be a select property as well. We're going to have the start date of when we start working on the goal and just see how long we've really been working for. Because, you know, sometimes when you see that you've been working on a small goal for like a month and makes you realize like, oh my god, let me like hurry up. So then for the progress, we have four different options. We have new goals, goals and progress completed goals, goals on hold. So you can only choose one at a time. You can't choose like it's a new goal, but it's also in progress, like it doesn't make sense for the domain, which is how like some different categories that you can have your goals in. So this will be different for you like depending on what kind of goals you have. But these are some basic ones. I have like a half organization goals. I have YouTube goals, health goals, education goals, financial goals, and there's many more, but it just depends like what you're trying to track. So for the term all we have a short-term and long-term basically like when I say term, I don't mean like how long does it take to do this? I mean, more like how long will this affect me? Four. So it could be a small goal that doesn't really affect me for the rest of my life. And then there could be a big goal affects me for a good amount of time. So, so for the gold type, we have achievement goal, organization goal and challenge goals. Basically what they all mean like achievement is just like a goal. You achieve something and that's not like you don't get anything else out of it after organization goal is like what I end up organizing something very well. It's not very like it's not exactly an achievement, so I would just call it an organization goal. So now once we have our table, it's done, but it's like this isn't how I like to see my goals. So I add a new view and I make it a board, and it's going to create it. And now we can see some of our goals. New goals and progress goal is completed on hold. And I'm just going to move this around to be in a way that makes sense. Now I'm gonna go into Properties and I'm going to change it up a little bit. So I'm gonna keep these horns and now we're gonna quickly go back and do the formula for the status. So the formula that I have for the status is if the date between now and the latest activity date, if the days are more than seven, then they're gonna give me one emoji. And if it's more than seven, I really can't explain this one, but this is kind of what it's gonna look like. And here's the emoji that you're gonna put when you're not on track. And here's the emoji that you're gonna put when you are on truck. So I'm just gonna say good vs, but just because, why not? And then automatically the status, we'll just say BAD, good, good. I usually have emojis here, but right now I'm on my computer and I don't have the emojis because up screen recording. So I'm just gonna say good as BOD. And now when we go into our Board view, you're gonna see here it says like this is body to work on it and this is good and good. And it looks a little bit different from my actual goal tracker because on my actual goal tracker I have a lot more. And also I felt like the emojis instead of the words, but it's the same idea. I just need to add more goals to it. So yeah, that's how I made my gold tracker.
19. Outro: So I really hope that you got some value out of this class and have a little bit more ideas on how you can use notion to organise your life. But I really hope that you guys do use notion because honestly if I didn't have notion right now, my life would feel so an organized bullet journals just don't work for me lately, like I just need digital planning and notion is just like the way to go. So yeah, I hope you guys make your own workspace and actually the project for this class, you make your own workspace or you make your own personal dashboard. Please share with us just to give other people inspiration. Like even if you think your workspace as super-simple and not interesting, trust me, somebody will find inspiration and that the way you would share with the project is at the top of every single page there's a Share button. And when you press the share button, you can press share to the web. And then people will be able to see your workspace, but they won't be able to see like everything while your pages like just that one page. So please share your workspaces because it's going to inspire all of us. Also, please don't forget to leave me a review and be sure to ask literally any questions. I'll be answering all of them down in the discussion area. And yeah, thank you for watching. Bye.