1. Introduction: Hi, Mariana, and I'm the
author of a color name Love. I left my tenure
marketing career to self published his
book on Kickstarter, and it was a great success. I was so thrilled to see that
we had more than 177% of the funding goal
achieved at the end of the 30-day campaign than more than 1,000 units
of this book sold. It is amazing to see your story going
throughout the world to people's houses and
having the feedback of people love in
your stories so much. For me, it was really
important to have Kickstarter as a partner in
launching this campaign. Because the
self-publishing route can be a very interesting
and exciting one. If you're eager to do it. In this course,
you're gonna learn everything from the manuscript, how to format a good
manuscript to show to your editor how to hire an editor to check your
texts and lead your story. How to reach out
for an illustrator, you, for not an
illustrator yourself, you know where to find
the best illustrators to bring your story to life and make your dream come true and farms of
beautiful images. I will also give
you a downloadable PDF that you can have as a checklist for your Kickstarter Crowdfunding
step-by-step. From how much would it cost
to launch your campaign? How much would you
charge for your books? How much would it cost to clean your books? Where to print them? Should have print
them in China or in the US where it's
cheaper, worse, faster, where it has
a great quality and what are the things
you need to know before sending to print. We will also talk about
the logistics up to your crowdfunding
campaign is launched off how to send the books
to people's houses? What format should it do? What does the cheaper and
easier way to send his books? Because I'm sure you will have a successful campaign
and we'll just send me this book so
people in no time. This is a beginner's
friendly course and I will do my
best to teach you everything I can from
all of the things I learned from lunch and
my Kickstarter campaign, from all the concerns I had, all the doubts and frustrations
and how I overcame them. And I'm sure you're going
to have and do a great job. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to shoot me
an email or write them on the chat because I'm here to
help you in any way I can. I'm so glad you're here and ready for your
self-publishing journey. Join me if you want to
transform yourself, pollution, dream into a reality and bring
your story to the world. I'm sure you're going to love it and you won't
regret it to have your beautiful story read by a lot of people
around the world.
2. Why Crowdfunding: Welcome. In this
class we're going to talk about the crowdfunding. Why choose crowdfunding y to self-publish instead of
choosing the traditional route. I'm sure everyone who
writes a book and has this story wants it to be
published by a big house, one of the big five
houses in the US. But when you go look up for it, It's a very, very hard path
and it's not easy to get in. You're starting it to
be extremely polished. You need to find the ideal
agent for your story. Agents have thousands
and thousands of piles on this lush biome that they call of different
books that they reject day after day. And it takes a long time for
your book to be selected. If you want to choose
the traditional route. I'm not saying that
it won't work, but it's a very hard pet. I decided to go to for crowdfund because I wanted
something faster and something that I
could control myself and have the power to
choose what I wanted. And self-publishing
gives you that. While a traditional publisher
takes usually 1-2 years, have the book out in the world. Self-publishing
took me four months to have my story
out in the world. So for me it was very easy, quick, and empowering
to be able to choose and do that by myself. I looked at the two
major platforms for crowdfunding that
you have now in the US. Kickstarter and Indiegogo. And I decided to go for
kick-started because I think they're more well-known.
They are bigger. It's easier to update, plug-and-play my story in there. I saw there were a lot of other different
children's books there, which made it a big platform for people to get to my story. So I thought they were
great for promoting children's book and also be in that very well-known
platform will give more confidence and
credibility to my story. For this step, you should have
a manuscript ready to go. It's really important
that you have a very well-polished manuscript because not because you're
doing a self-publishing book, your storage shouldn't be
as professional as it can. Pay attention to this. I heard a lot of people
talking to me about how they do not do book reviews
for self-published books, or they do not post them
on Instagram or talk about them just because
they're not well-written. So it is not only about doing your store in
self-publishing, but it's making
sure that you have a high-quality standard as if you're doing in a traditional
publishing route. Okay, so for this class, your task is to find a book editor to breed
proof and check your story. I understand. This is your baby,
this is your star. It's something you
love. You wrote with passionate and care. But you have to be really open to be read and
share the story with an editor because that person will bring
it to the next level. Racing is a platform I choose
to look for my editor. I found Jennifer
There. She is amazing. I'm gonna put her contact
here in the class resources. But you should look
for the editor that resonates with your
story, with your book. You can pitch up to five different editors
at the same time. And you can choose if
you want copy editing, story editing, if
you want them to check the plot, check the story. Really read through each
editor and what they do if they are into children's book because that's very important. And you're going
to share with them your manuscript and share with them the reasons
why he wrote the story. And they can accept
or reject your story depending if they have
affinity with it. So don't take this
very personal. I got a lot of rejections from my first book from
editors because they just didn't talk about
those specific topics I was writing for. And then Jennifer, she told me she talked about
those topics. She was interested
in doing that. And this is the person who
needs to read your story, someone that likes what
you're talking about, that we want to help you the
way you need to be helped. So for this class project, I want it to find
your five editors. Share your story with them, get to know them, see which one you're
going to choose four. And there's a lot
of back and forth. They give you feedback, you
can send a text back to them, they're going to
send it back to you. So it's a very friendly and
music going way of having your story completely and
100% taken to the next level. This is mainly what you're
gonna do for this class. After that, with their
story polished and ready, you can go and find
your Illustrator. We're going to talk more about the illustrators on next
glyphs. See you there.
3. The Importance of the Illustrator: Welcome back. In this
class we're going to talk about the importance
of an illustrator. If you're already
one, that is great, you can use that
in your favorite. And if you're not, we're
going to see how we can find the perfect
Illustrator for your story. Why they Illustrator is so important for your
Kickstarter campaign. Not only for your book but
also for your campaign. But Illustrator is gonna be the person that is going to make your Kickstarter project come to life with beautiful images. Illustrator, we have
this catches of your characters which he
reached a lot your project, you're going to
see that up ahead. They Illustrator is going
to do beautiful drawings that you can add to your videos. You can do the titles, all the information you
need to add to your story, and your main image
of your campaign, which is your front cover. The main image of
your companion or Kickstarter project is
the call to action. People are going to see that
image and they're gonna relate to start
immediately or not. So it needs to be a very
compelling and interesting image to attract people's attention. You're going to be
one children's book amongst a lot of
children's book. So that's why I cannot stress the importance
of the Illustrator. If you aren't one Illustrator, you can find one for on
Behance and Instagram. Help with all of the links of this websites on our
resources in the class. But just so you know, if there is an illustrator
you follow that you like, don't be afraid to shoot
them an e-mail sentiment, Instagram direct message and
really try to be out there. For me, it was very important to find the perfect
Illustrator to tell my story. Just so you know, my Illustrator
is a childhood friend. I met her when I
was seven years old in school, first grade, and I just got back with her, talking to her again and
reinforcing our friendship. When we did this book together, this was something that
really connected as bag. And it was amazing to see my words and her
drawings come together. So never underestimate the
importance of an Illustrator. There's a lot of websites
talking about how you should pay $500 for an
illustrator to do your book, but that's not a reality. An illustrator is one of the
most expensive costs you will have because they
illustrators of a picture book, 50% of a picture book,
this is the story, but 50%, he's illustrations
and the drawings. It is called a picture book. So don't underestimate
the necessity and the value of an Illustrator. They are very important
piece of your project. Hi, I'm quite risky
and I'm so grateful to tell you that the illustrator
of this lovely story, when I write the manuscript for the first time, I felt, Oh, below that, this little grill, call it n and her parents head. I could see all the colors
coming together in my mind. The type of families, me happy and
respectfully Wild Bill. I'm going to talk to you how you should present your manuscript to your illustrator after
it's polished and ready, edited and read proof by an editor like
we've talked about. Unless class, you're
going to have it ready to share it with your illustrator
if you're not one. So this is my books, manuscripts that is
submitted to my editor. Here you're going to
see the name edges, email and telephone at all your personal information
on the left hand side. On the right, you tell
what kind of book it is. So picture book Fiction
Anyway, your word count. Mine had 643 words. Keep in mind that
children's book need to have maximum 700 words. The idea was 500. 300-500 is a sweet spot because today picture
books are not very common. Bleep, big, unless you're a
well-known author and you already have an age
and you're ready to have a publisher
that works with you. It is recommended that your first books and
your first star is be very concise and short so you have to really work with
your craft with words. But mine had 643 words. You put the title and the name of the author and illustrator. If you're not an
author illustrator. And this is very
traditional manuscript to center traditional
publishers, but it is also
preferable that you have a very well-written and polish to share with their editors. So that is why I'm
showing you in this traditional format. Okay? I usually put the
numbers of the pages. So first and second are gonna be the end sheets where
you start your story. The third and the
fourth gonna be the front matter and the title. And then I start doing
by spreadsheets. So 5678910, all the
spreadsheets of my story. You're going to see
here in red that I had some Illustrator notes. I always leave them
in red so they're more easily recognizable
by the illustrator. So they don t think
it's part of the story. And I just write
exactly what I want to be drawn in the picture. So image of the parents legs
and her hiding behind them, the character bigger than them showing this inviting hand. Just because I thought this was such an important
thing for her to know that I decided to wet On my manuscript,
but the rest is, you can see I left it completed without
illustrator notes so she could envision the way she thought the story
should be told. If you see here,
my manuscript has 35 text pages and the 36
page is the back matter, and then 37 and three-eighths
or the end sheets. This is a 40 page picture book. They always have to be a number
that is divided by four, just because this
is the only way that it can be printed
at the printer. So keep that number in mind. Usually picture books
are 32 pages usually, but you can go a little
bit up to 36 or even 40, but always remember they
need to be split by four. Okay, Let me
illustrate imagination run free because
that's their job. That's what they, they do good. So let them see how the story talks to them
and let them show to you. What I did with my illustrator was I sent her the manuscript. We had a one-on-one call to talk together
about the manuscript. I told her everything I
was feeling when I wrote the manuscript and she told me what she felt
when she read it, and we kinda started to
decide about characters. So while I was working on the Kickstarter
campaign before launch, she was illustrating
the characters, illustrating all the parts of the story that you
wanted to share with me. And we had weekly one-on-one meetings that is
very recommendable for you because this is the moment you're going
to really share with your illustrator your thoughts and they're going
to share with you back and you start to
construct the story together. Because again, this is something
made by the two of you. So don't forget to do your
one-on-one meetings with your illustrators
at least once a week and share a Polish
manuscript with them. So for this class, your project is to look up at
five illustrators that you like and that you
would like to have for your story and
reached out to them. Don't be afraid to reach
out to him as their price, tell how much admired their
work and really want to connect with them and have
them doing your story, received their quotes,
check their prices, see what's feasible and
knock or not for you. Remembered, that will
be a cost that you're going to have to
pay upfront now, but it will add later to your Kickstarter
costs and it will be paid by your backers when
your campaign is successful. And if you are an illustrator, start deciding which
characters of your book, which kind of style the
one your book to have. Because those characters,
that mood board, the way you envision them, their colors, the textures, how you want your
story to be told visually will be very important to plug and play to your
Kickstarter projects story. So start combining those images. Pharma, mood board, if you
want to target with here, with us in the class projects or the illustrators,
you looked up four. And this way you can continue
and move to the next step, which is going to be the
crowdfunding checklists. Next lesson, we're going to see every step you need to
follow when you have your manuscript ready
and your illustrated ready to have a
successful campaign
4. The Crowdfunding Checklist: Welcome to the crowdfunding
checklists class. And this class, I
would suggest you to do a Kickstarter account if
you don't have one, okay, this is the first thing and it's very important that
you have it so we can start creating and plugging in your project
information. Over there. Here is our
crowdfunding checklist. I'm going to show
you step-by-step. You just download it in
the resources class. And it's split up by the may thinks that have
in our Kickstarter. So the first thing is
gonna be your setup. So you will set up your account. You're going to add
a book category, your idea, if you're eligible
or not and your location. We're going to talk a little
bit more about that later. The second one is the
basic information. So your title, the image, the video, the funding goal, and all of those that
we're also going to talk about then are going
to tell your story. You're gonna choose
your rewards. You're going to talk about the people who are
behind the project. This is the time
to talk about you. You're going to talk about
the payment information, which is really important
because we've been payment information are gonna be paid in the end
of your campaign. And you're also going
to talk about some kind of promotion and pre-launch, which are very important
for your story too, come to fruition. You're going to see
that I split up all the items in 1s or 2s. The number ones are the things I think you should do first. They are in order, but they're also with the
number one next to them. So do the number ones first following the
number one order, and then the number two second following the
number two orders. Just because if you follow that with the number one's
ready and completed, you can pre-launch
your Kickstarter page before launching your project. And I cannot stress how important it is to
do your pre-launch. Just because so
much good benefit from pre-launch can happen and it can give so much credit, credibility to your story
before starting your campaign. We're going to talk
a little bit more later about that
on the next class. And I'm going to tell
you exactly what is each and every topic of that lives in how you
can walk through them. Okay, I'll wait here
on the next class.
5. Creating Your Project: Hello, and welcome to your
creating your project. For this class, we're
gonna be focusing exactly on the crowdfunding checklists that are already
formed less class. And I'm just going to go
through each and every step on this checklist
so you know what I'm talking about and you can follow through just so you start. I want it to be familiarized
with the Kickstarter page. Just because this is something that you're
gonna go through the crowdfunding checklist at the same time as you
go through the page. So it's really important that
already know how it works. And just to be clear, you're going to see
that it added number one and number two here. This items follow the
Kickstarter flow. So as far down the setup, going through basic
rewards, story, people, payment, and promotion, this is the ongoing list
that Kickstarter has, but I decided to add number one then number
two for the things I think you should do first and the things that I think
you should do second, just because the things that
I think you should have first are the things
that if you accomplish, you're ready to do
your pre-launch page. And I cannot stress
the importance of your pre-launch page. We're going to have a class on the pre-launch page further. But just so you know, this is a place you can put
your image, your title, and your description of
your projects and lead people clicked to be notified when your project is launched. This way you can create
a database of people and see who is already interested
in your project or not. That is why in my
personal experience, I believe creating
all the topics for the pre-launch page is very important to continue
working with calm and these inner project
while you gain a database. Okay, So just to start, I'm going to show
here like your dream, I chose publishing because
we are our children's book. Then you're going to describe what you're
going to create, as they say here, don't worry, you can edit this later, but this is going to
be your information. This is going to be
your elevator pitch. For those of you who don't know, elevator pitch is the
information you are able to give to someone while
you're in an elevator ride. So 20-30 s and it needs to contain the basic
information of your project. Why is it important? Why does it matter?
What is it about? It needed to convince people
to click on your story. This is also going to be present
on your pre-launch page. So I, so I recommend you to do something very special
and very unique here. And it needs to be 135 word max. So it's like a tweet. You need to read very
mindful of words. And I decided to road right
mid n and has for parents and children's book that
celebrates polyamory and all the beautiful valley
forms of loving family. So I introduced the character. I talk about what it
is a children's book. I talk about the main topic
you could write here. If it was about sleeping well, if it was about
first day of school, everybody knows about anxiety. So you write here the
theme and compliment with something that will really entice and talk
about your story. Then you're going to
go to your location. You need to select your
country just so you know, this is very important. Kickstarter has a list of around 20 eligible
countries and I'm going to share with you here
in the class resources. But you're also
going to see now, these are the only countries that are allowed to
be on Kickstarter. Now, if you're not from
one of these countries, unfortunately, you
won't be able to have a Kickstarter project, but I recommend it to look your country if it's
not on this list, what are the best crowdfunding platforms and your country? Because each country has their own good and well
known crowdfunding platform. I chose kick-started
because it was a bigger and best
for me in the US. But it's up to you, depending on the
country you reside, you have to confirm you're
at least 18 years old. You can verify and have an address and make
the column the US. You can verify and have
a government issued ID and you have a debit
or credit card in the US, they're not going to
charge you anything on that cart is just in the case of something happens
and they need to have an information of your car, you add that information and
then you click Continue. If you're eligible, perfect,
you're ready to go. If not, unfortunately,
you cannot move forward with the
Kickstarter page, but I recommend you continue watching these videos and
watching this lesson. Because everything that
I'm going to tell here, it's gonna be very similar to any other crowdfunding platform. The backend may differ,
but the information, the important part of the
video of the marketing, the importance of the tools and parties of the
Google Analytics. Everything is gonna be the same. So I'm pretty sure you're going
to learn a lot from that. So you continue
with us right after you're going to take
a moment to review the rules so we have to
have something to share. They have to be honest, you cannot fund
raise for charity, you cannot offer equity, and you cannot evolve
prohibited items. If you click there,
you're going to see it, but it has gums, all types of things that are hazardous or harmful.
You cannot have. If you click on
it and now you're ready to go and
overview your project. And then we move to
the second category, which is the basic,
the basic integrin. I'm gonna go here to a
project already have, just so you go and see what I've done on the basic integrity, you're going to add your title, the title of your book. It needs to be short
and sweet and concise. Hotkeys, I put a color name
of love and a color name, slash children's book with a polyamorous families because this was very important
for my project. So let's say her book
is about insomnia. You can add your title
of the book slash, a book that deals with insomnia for kids or
anything like that. It's important that people
know on your title exactly what the book's about.
On the subtitle. They're gonna copy and replace the main information
that you had on your project idea is
gonna be the same You could tag or you can choose a subcategory which I
chose children's book. You add the location. And here you're going to
add your project image. Be very mindful that for the project image
is very important, that you have a very beautiful
and compelling image. Don't have a lot of texts. Show what the story's about. In, use your time to look around other
children's books in the kick-started that
already are launched to see if there's a style that
really appeals to you. In my case, I decided with Clara that we wanted
to have the title of the book and an image of the parents because
just so you know, the COVID wasn't ready when
we did the pre-launch. The cover was ready for the launch, but not
for the pre-launch. And Clara told me that
a lot of illustrators, when they're doing
children's book, The covers, the last thing they do. So be mindful of that
and half the time of the Illustrator and really tried to come up
with some image. I'm going to show here, this was the image we had
for our pre-launch. You see that we have the
four parents already drawn. Clara thought about the shared
at the tire in a nice way. This is not how our
n turned out to be. So prelaunch had one image and our final
launch had another. But this, since we
wanted to pre-launch, to go quickly, after we checked all the
number ones in the list, we decided to have
a specific image only for the
pre-launch and is also the image I shared on
our Instagram account just to be very
cohesive and coherent. After the project image
you add the video. On this case, we're not
going to add the veto because you don't need
it for the prelaunch. We're going to have a
class only on the video because it's a very
important component. 80 per cent of successful Kickstarter campaigns
have videos, so keep that information. We're going to have
world-class only on vetoes, but it can skip that for now. You put a goal amount,
what do you want? This can be something
that you imagine. Now, we're going to have
a class only on the goal, on the funding go
and on your cost. So I put on my
kick-started 13,000. I use their calculator
to estimate the cost, but this is something
very initial. Just leave it here as a
placeholder and you're going to come back to that
after your pre-launch, after your lunch, you
choose your target date. And I decided to do a month
from where I was doing. So you put a target date. This can also be changed
before you launch. So just put something as
a placeholder as well. And the campaign duration, my recommendation does is that it shows that 30-day campaign, Just because you
could put more days. But a 30-day campaign is very, is a very good period
of time that is not very short and
not very long. Two people understand the
pressure you have and they understand they have
a short period of time to pack your project. I've seen projects with
45 days or 60 days, but even Kickstarter
and a lot of other project craters
tell that doing a 30-day project is
much more likely to be successful just because people understand the
pressure you're on. They understand they need
to help you and fast. So put 30 days as my recommendation
because there's going to be best
and easier for you. Then you click Save and you're
gonna go to your rewards. Here, I suggest you not
to add anything for now. That's why I put a number
two next to rewards. Just because you can come
back to this later and you don't need the rewards
for your pre-launch. Your story is the same thing. I recommend you leaving
the store in blank. This is one of the most important things of
your kick-started. We're going to have a
class only on story. We also have a sheet, a PDF only for your
story as well. And I'm going to help you
through all this story process. But for your pre-launch,
don't need it, so we'll just keep it for now. Then you're gonna
go to the people. People are very important.
This is something that is also going to be very
useful for your pre-launch. The pupil is where you
add, your profile, is where you talk about
who you are, how you are. It's about your story. Why I decided to create this is where you put a
beautiful profile. Imagenet talk about
you and you create a persona who is the person
behind this project? Because I'm sure
you're just like me. If you see some project that I'd like you to see a
brand that you like. You always want to know
who's behind that. You don't click just for clique, but you have to create
a connection and empathy with that
person and their story. So I would suggest it's really create a beautiful profile. If you go here to
edit your profile, you can add your name,
you can add your avatar, which is your icon. You add a biography of herself, you at your location, your time. Then you can go and decide if you're going
to have a vanity URL. What is the vanity URL? Is a custom URL that is going
to determine your page. I created one on myself. I added a color name of which is the name of the
book. It can have. It has to have at
least three characters and is the beginning
of your project URL. They're going to
generate for yourself. Kickstarter is going to generate for you your project URL, but your vendor to want is the one that takes to your profile. So if I click here, I go to my Kickstarter page, but I go to my profile page. Okay, That's what the
vanity URL is about. So if you want to put your name, so slash profile is less Mariana,
which is my name. This would be my vanity URL, but not my project URL. Okay, so decide your
vanity URL here, you add collaborators
if you have them. I added my husband
because he was our very important
collaborator for our project. But you just have to
do it as optional. You don't need to add if no one, Okay, Then you go to payment. Payment is also really important because
with the payment, you're gonna be able to
create your pre-launch page. So you add your contact e-mail. You tell them if you're
at individual oil for legal entities. So if you're a person
or if your company, and when you click Continue, they're going to ask for
all your information, so your ideas, your nicknames, all the information you have. You're also going to ask
for your bank account, everything for your bank
or your payment sources? Complete everything of this. They usually say can
take up to five days to verify your information
or three business days. But that wasn't
the case with me. It took 5 min, but just keep in mind that this can
take a little bit long. So after you went all through
the number ones that I told you about leaving this
number twos further later, you're going to arrive
to your promotion page. This is where at
the moment we were waiting for your pre-launch. You're going to see that on
the pre-launch happen number one and also number two. And I'm going to show you why. When you prepare for
your pre-launch, you're going to have
your project URL. The URL was already defined
as your vanity URL. And now they're going to get
your vanity URL and they're going to add right after the slash, the name
of your project. Okay. In my case, mine was
slash a color name, a color nimble of that happened. But if you put your name on their profile and then add
the name of your book, That's gonna be your URL. It's gonna be generated
after you submit for review. So that's why it's
still not showing here because I didn't
submit in this case. But in your case you will have submitted for review, so
you'll have it ready. Then your user pre-launch page. This is the moment to
activator page with all the things you
check with the number one are ready and
you are verified. You'll be able to
launch your pre-launch. And you're going to have it and click to start your
pre-launch page. And you're going
to start tracking everyone who arrives
to your page. The pre-launch pages of very
interesting moment because up until now the project
was all with view. It was all on the backend. It was all with your friends and family and the people
you've talked about, and it was all your dream. The pre-launch, I had this funny feeling when
I launched my book, that it was the moment
my project became a reality because my project
page wasn't ready yet. But this was the moment
that everyone will see it. The big platform like Kickstarter
had my book over there. People could click the
booklet, Think about it. People could look at my project. Even if it was just a title
image and a subtitle, It was the materialization
of this dream. It was the beginning
of this process. So I really believe
you should do. I recommend you do
your pre-launch page and have it ready
because this is gonna be the first step we're
going to take to have a successful
Kickstarter campaign and started getting
in your database. And you're also going
to see that I left the Google Analytics
here as a number two, they Google Analytics are
the cold you're gonna get on Google to
track your page. We're going to have a class
only on Google Analytics. And the reason why I'm
not doing this now, because I was very
frustrated when I created my Google Analytics
tracking and I put it over there and I never saw
the numbers showing up. I never saw any
analytics for my page. And then after a
lot of research, I found out that the
Google Analytics doesn't trace your
pre-launch page, is it only traces
your launch page. That's why we're going
to leave that step for next moment. Okay, So that's basically
it for this class. Your task is to go through all the number ones
in the checklist, check them all, get your
account verified and go live, click life and activate your pre-launch page
and have it ready, shared here with us if you want, as of now so we can all
go and be notified when your project came
that come out and we can interact with
your page as well. And do the main points here.
See what already have. If you have anything missing, go through all the number
was check them all. Go-live in your
pre-launch page and on the next place you're
going to see why I talk so much about this pre-launch
and the importance of the pre-launch page.
See you all next class
6. The Importance of Pre Launch: Hello. I hope you had fun and in creating your
pre-launch pages and just the feeling
that you have of starting to see
something coming up, starting to see your
project is taking shape. I remember when I launched my pre-launch phase with Clara, we were very excited
just because it was the first time we put
our project out there. At first, it was
just something we had on the back with us and no one knew at least not only our family
members and friends. But then just putting this
pre-launch page Live, It just made the
project feel more real. We just started feeling
the clock was ticking. So I hope you had fun and enjoyed creating and launching
your pre-launch page. I'm going to talk
in this class about the importance of
the pre-launch page. Okay, we're gonna
go through why it is so important to have this
link and this project's life while you're still working
on your Kickstarter page and how to reach out to
people using that link. Okay, so what I did with my
pre-launch page was that just by having Kickstarter
photo on your Kickstarter, a title and the link that
leads to a Kickstarter page. This just gives automatic
credibility to your project because at first I couldn't mail someone talking
about my book, but I didn't have
anything to show them. It was not very credible. When I created the
pre-launch page. At now I have suddenly
and link that takes two existing page to a well-known
crowdfunding platform. And people just believe on that, they just understand it
starts to take shape. So I decided to look who was the experts in the
area of my subject. So let's say you're
talking a book about, let's say you're talking
about anxiety on your book. So the people we're talking
about anxiety today, are there any blogs
talking about it? Are there some researchers researching for
anxiety related to children or their podcasts
that treat about the subject. Are there books, other books? Are there people of interests that talk
about that on Instagram? So just start looking
for that network of people that could support
you in your launch. When the time comes, what I did was I
started looking for people that would understand and relate to my books topic. And it was amazing to
see their response. I emailed researchers
in the area. I e-mailed almost 15
different podcasts that talked about my subject. I reached out to people on Reddit forums,
on Facebook groups. And I just started putting
my book out there, talking about the book that
I was going to launch. Talking about myself
a little bit. I think for this part is
written part and that will build a pitch that talks about who you are and what you're going to
share with this book. What is the importance
of your story? So one paragraph pitch, introduce yourself talking
about why I wrote this book. You talk about when you're
going to launch a Kickstarter. So you have an idea always
in one month from now, you put the link of your pre-launch page and it
talks about your project. I got five positive
responses of people wanting to interview me for their podcasts,
which was amazing. So I use this link to
share with everyone from the media that I thought
would relate to my topic. And I got a lot of
positive responses. So this is such a good
energy vibration to just get this positive
response for people because it just went to work
and do more in your project. In this moment on
the pre-launch, two things are gonna happen. You're gonna be
yourself, the author, is going to be talking about your pre-launch page and
reaching out to people, creating this beautiful
compelling pitch email to talk to people and
reach out to them. On the back-office, they Illustrator or you
as an illustrator, is going to start taking care and polishing
your project page. Just because you're walking
towards the launch in one side you're going to be a market here and that side are going to be talking about
your book putting out there, reaching out the
most people you can. I remember I sent
about 50 mi per day just to receive
ten positive answers. And those answers are
what got me here. So keep pushing, talk to
people. Don't give up. If you get one negative
response, disregard, or see what the
person is giving us a negative feedback and try to change it for your
upcoming emails. But just keep pushing forward. Because again, Clara, we
saw the amount of people clicking on our pre-launch page keeps increasing and increasing. And the most important
thing we did was add our launched link to an Instagram account we
created for our book. I cannot explain to you how crucial the
Instagram account of our book was for the success of our project because
there is where it can reach micro influencers. There's work where you can reach pages of interests that
talks about your subject. And everyone is
on Instagram now. So keep that in mind because we're going to talk about
that on next class. And you're going to see how
important it is to have an Instagram page and social media presence
for your book, for your Kickstarter launch. Okay, talk with you next class.
7. The Importance of a Social Media Account: Okay, so now that you have
your pre-launch lean, now that you're working on
the back-office to make the best car you can
for your project. And we're going to talk
about that on next class. I'm just going to tell you about the importance of the
social media account. For this case, my personal
Instagram account is only for friends and
family and closed ones. Clara, as an illustrator,
has two accounts, one personal, one for
her friends and family, and one for her work. So we decided to create
an Instagram account for our book because Clara's
database is based in Brazil, her father's offer illustration
are majorly from Brazil. And this is where it's
gonna be a book that was going to be
launched in the US. So we decided to create an Instagram account
for a color name love. Just don't know. As any
other Instagram account, this one started
with zero followers and that is completely normal. Today, we had, we launched this book On November
of last year. So it's less than
one year and we have almost 3,000 followers on
our Instagram account. That's because we do a
very big job in a lot of effort in promoting the book and keep posting
and talking about it. When we started it, it was a very empty
page, of course. And we decided we were going
to have at least nine posts before sending it
to people around because this would also give credibility to our
Instagram account. So my tips for you are one, I have a image of your profile on your
social media account, the same as the image of
your pre-launch page. Just because this can
relate both and people can understand it is the
same thing at the title, the same time to have on
your pre-launch page to your Instagram account and add a description of
your elevator pitch on your Instagram as well. There's a part on your
Instagram account when can add the link, add the link of your
book over there. We decided to create first
as a personal account, not a business account, because personal accounts
on Instagram tend to have a larger reach because they relate to people,
they talk about people. So we chose to do it
as a personal account. And just today after
the book is launched, after it was a success, we change it to a
business account so we can do paid ads and
different things, but that's something for later, much later and
we're not going to touch upon that in this class. But choose to be a personal account azure link at your profile image
and make a nice bio and post nine photos to create a beautiful complete grid before started
sharing it around. That's my personal tip to you. Just because, you know, some people have followed your own Instagram and you check the name and you're like, This person only has one photo. I don't know if this
is a very reliable I don't know if I should
trust this person. So just to create a more
reliable and compelling page, have this nine posts. And really think about the story you're going to
tell him this pose. This is a moment where you
went Illustrator gonna sit together and decide what
is she gonna illustrate. My suggestion is
that you present the character,
present the story, give a little bit of industry information
or a little bit of interesting information
because your followers are not only interested
on beautiful images, but they're also
interested in culture, in story, in knowing things. We put some information about articles that are
related to the book, but everything with the same
aesthetic and the same look and feel we have for our book and now we want to
create first story page. If you already have
a large database and talk about your books on
your own Instagram account. And you think your
followers will relate to that in a positive
way. Go for it. You already have the database, already have the information. Just start sprinkling
of information here and thereabout your
book about your story and people know you are
ready so we'll just continue to follow and that will
increase your folders database. But if we don't have,
don't be afraid to create a page on Instagram on
your own. For this class. I wanted to have that
page ready to go. And I want it to start thinking. The people you are going to
talk to on your Instagram. Think about 30 names
we're going to talk with and start to
market your project. This is going to be really, really important
and we're going to talk about that on next class, how to make the best marketing for your project. See you there.
8. Market your Project: So for this class, your project is to have an Instagram page and
the pre-launch page of your URL on your Instagram and start reaching out to people. Okay, with that in mind, create a nice speech, the same pitch you did for your mails and further podcasts and for the people
you're reaching, to reach out to
people on Instagram. Find people who are influencers that don't have
thousands of followers, but they have like
5,000, 1,000, 3,000, top of the smaller
ones are going to be much more open to you at first, you can talk to the big ones, of course, you can bet and try, but go for the small ones as well because they
are so responsive. I remember me and Clara reaching
out to people with our, with our Instagram account, to accounts of people
that had 800 followers, that had 1,000, 3,000. That's more than
us. We had zero. And we reached out to them
talking about the book, why we decided to
create the story? What was the importance
this history and why I wrote that story? Because they need to understand my reasons why writing it. And I just shared everything
with them and people were so responsive it
was amazing to see. They started following the
pages, started sharing it. And in no time we had a very well known page that
keeps growing by the day. So it's really important that if focused on that father database, one thing that I did in
particular that I really liked that I suggest you
do it if you have time, is for every new follower I
got on my Instagram account, I would send them a
personalized message, thanking them for
following the page. Just because that created such a special relationship
between me and them. And they replied to me, they asked me things and
we started conversations. We became friends on Instagram. Of course, now that we have
more than 2000 followers is really hard to keep track. But at first, every
new follower count that because they will be my backers in the
future possibly. And I want to create that
connection with them. It's really important to
create that moment with them. So that's why I decided
to reply one-by-one. And I would suggest you
do the same if you can. So this is what I want for this class that you have
this Instagram page ready, start reaching out and start thinking about the
purpose of your project, because that's gonna be
what you're going to write on your direct messages
to your followers, or if the people are
reaching out on Instagram. And keep that in mind
because this is going to be the ethos and the same content of your project
page on Instagram, which we're going to
touch upon on next class
9. Creating a Compelling Story: Hi, Welcome to the creator
compelling story class. In this class we're going
to talk about one of the most important parts
of your Kickstarter, which is your story. This is what comes
right underneath your title and your
photo or video. And this is the moment
to wow your backers. Show them who you are,
show them sketches, tell your story the reasons
why you wrote this book. This is the moment to really
connect with your audience, because this is the front
page of your website. This is where you're
going to make them buy your book
or leave your page. So keep in mind
that this is one of the most important parts
of your Kickstarter. And for that reason, I
created this checklist. We're going to find this
in the class resources. But this is what
I use and what i followed to do my
Kickstarter story. Those are the main points
that I think are important. I researched a lot of
children's book kick-started. And those were the
topics that really resonated with me
and that I thought were the most part important to have in my Kickstarter page. Okay. So what I did with
Clara was I did a skeleton, which I suggest you do as
well on the story page, this is something that
is not going to be published until we
launch your Kickstarter. And this is something that
can be changed if you want. So I'm just gonna go through
all the steps that I went through just to
tell you what I did. And as a tip, write
your skeleton and put Illustrator notes where you want her to add sketches, book pages, graphics, titles, and share with your illustrator. Because like this, you
can keep writing and she can keep adding images
while we'll do this together. If you are an
author illustrator, I would suggest you start with the skeleton in words as well, and then plug-in the
images just because it makes easier for you
to organize yourself. Okay. So going through
the checklist, the first thing that I did
was talk about the story. So why this book, why I wrote this book, just a little catch phrase
of y rho the start. And then Clara illustrated
it because I thought illustration would make it very interesting to start my page. Then I would suggest you
read a book mock-up, Joe, so that people know
what the book is about. This is the most important
thing of your page. This is why they're going there. Then you talk a little bit
about why this story matters. This part is really
interesting because this is the moment to tell
why you wrote this. Was it because of
your son or daughter? Was it because of a sibling? What is because of a
childhood memory? You have. Anything that you
think will really make the Becker
connect with yourself. A lot of people who
are reading this, they identify with that. They identify with
what you write. And that's why they decided
to back your projects. So really put yourself out there personally and
create this empathy and connection with
the future Becker, because this is going to
be very important for you after I talked
about the story. So the story characters, who are they, What
are they doing? Their styles, their
characteristics, for me was really nice
because Clara did this specifically for
this kickstarted. This was not on the book, but she just made this very cool characterization
of the main characters. And I think this is
also a moment for the reader to connect with
their character as well. Not only with you, but with a character that is going to
be presented on this book. We didn't have our kickstarted
our book pages yet. And this suggests that I give to you a lot of kick-started
already have the pages of the book ready with it because Clara was
developing the page as we did the
Kickstarter solution we had was at the quotes, main quotes from the
manuscript that for me really show who this book was and showed what
the book was about. Can we put them as
illustrated nodes, which gave this a little
fun and cute touch. We also think was important
to talk about the book. So just give the
information of the book. Is it hardcovers,
it's tough, covert. How many pages,
what is the size? Because this also
gives a little bit of credibility to your story. It shows you already
have a mock-up. It shows you already
have a book. You already have
all these details that are going to be
important to who, whoever is going
to buy your book. And I added here that
we're going to be uploading book pages
as they got ready. Just because this was
something we wanted to share. And since the project part is something that
can be changed, me and Claire, will we added the pages as they
were being unlocked. And as you can see, there's
our Instagram handle here. Just because we shared the
same pages on our Instagram, we would always
like to mirror or Instagram to our
Kickstarter just because it makes a mark
concise message to the backers and to everyone
who's following us as well. Claire also added some sketches which are very interesting. People really like to see the development and evolution of sketches made in pencil to
the original final art. And we also thought it was
really cool to share that. So she added some sketches here. Moving forward, we have
the recommendation. If you are able to get recommendations from
people from the industry, that's amazing because it really gives credibility to
your project as well. What we did was we talked
to two people that I got interviewed for podcasts and I asked them to read
the manuscript. I send the manuscript
to them in Word format. I asked them, of course,
not to share with anyone, but I asked him to give
their honest opinion on what they read and what came
back was so beautiful. It's so nice to see someone
else's opinion on your story. Not your mother or your father's opinion
or your siblings, but someone from the industry really enriched our
Kickstarter page. So Clara made an
illustration of their quotes And we also add it
to the project. Following that is
how to get the book people are going to go
for here, for your book, mainly, of course, the perks and rewards are
also going to be interesting, but the book is like the key
point for what they are. They're either a PDF because
in my case I had an e-book. I suggest you have a
book yourself as well. And we showed how they
could get the book or get the physical
book as well. I added this here because
I decided my perks later. So I added this later. I just added a part
here for Ed perks. But I have to wrote about all the perks that
we're gonna have. We're going to have a
class only on perks. So you're going to
talk about that later, okay, but I also
added the perks here. You can leave that
blank for now. We also added this
stretch goals here. Keep in mind that you can have stretch goals in your mind
before launching the project just to push people to invest
more in your Kickstarter. But for us, we didn't add any stretch goal until we
reached our main goal. Because I think that really diverged from the
main point which is achieving your goal and selling your book and
making become a reality. So my suggestion is
that you don't add a stretch goals now
and edit only later after you reached your
first initial and the main goal we also
added about the creators. This is also really cool because we were able
to tell our story. Mian car we met
when we were kids as we added a little photo
of us here when we were smaller than we added a zero
when we were all there and just told why we came
together to launch this book. This is something
that you can get from your profile that you
already did or add some extra information
the next retouch to create that
connection that we talked about later I put why I decided to go in
for Kickstarter. Everyone has their own reason why I decided to self-publish. So here's a moment to tell why. We also added the book costs. Just so you know, we were going to have a class
only on book costs later. So leave the space in
blank only with the title. And then you can come back
to that and really make your book costs charged pie in a very cute way when
people would have their book. This is also good to have. So just keep in mind that it can take up to eight weeks
for the book to be ready. We're going to talk more
about that on the cost part, where I'm going to
show you some of the book printers I
found to print my book. But usually the
average is 8-12 weeks. So keep that in mind
when letting your Becker's know when the
book is going to be ready. Okay. We also added
shipping cost because of course that's a
very important information. I will share with you a little tip card on shipping costs. Because sometimes
it can be really daunting to know how
much would it cost to ship something that you
do not know the weight yet? But we're going to
talk about that on the cost glass as well. And finally, I added the
dedicatory. Thank you. Who are we dedicating
this book and this kip foot kick started to, I edit all the podcasts that helped us just because
they were very, very important in this journey. So add the names of
everyone who supported you. That's a very nice
way to tell them. Thank you. We also added
our e-mail for contexts. You're also add our
Instagram so people can reach out to us after
our Kickstarter, we can continue talking with
them Kickstarter as to, to have a risks and challenge. So we put the risks and
challenges for books. Usually the risk and
challenge is the printing, the time the printing
is going to take and if you don't
get the full money. So just keep that in mind when you're writing
that those were the main risks I found everything
else was pretty smooth. So you should just talk about the waiting time and what
you already have ready, what will still need to
do just so they have this timeline with them as well to follow up
with their project. So that's basically it. I know it was a lot, but just because there's one of the most important parts
of the Kickstarter. As I said. For this class, your project is to have your story tab with
their skeleton ready just so that
your illustrator can come and add
in all the titles, all the information,
all the graphics, and all the images as you move forward with
the project and as you prepare to launch
your Kickstarter and with your star in
Han doing this, you will have a very easy
guide for your video. This is going to be a script
for your video mainly. So keep in mind that the
video is very important. 80 per cent of the successful Kickstarter campaigns
have videos. So we're going to talk more
about that on next class, but just have that in
mind for your script, for your video. See
you next class.
10. The Video: Hi, welcome to the video lesson. In this class,
we're going to talk about making your video. I know that we already have a skeleton of
your story ready? And with that, you can have the script of how your
video is going to work. So the first thing
you need to do for this class is really write down the main topics you're going to
talk on your video. Follow the topics
that you spoke about on your project page
that we did last class. And really tweak
it just to be more concise so you can speak
in front of a camera. The first thing we
usually do when going to a Kickstarter page is
looking at the video. It's really important
that you do a very compelling and
interesting video for your package to
see who you are. A video that talks
about yourself. This is the best
way for anyone who is senior project to get
to know your emotions, the reasons behind your book, get to know you, your story. Why I decided to
write it and how is this story important and
why this story matters? All the projects that have vetoes success at a
much higher rate, like we talked about last class. And I know that making a veto can be really hard and daunting. Being in front of a camera
is not for everyone. But I'm sure this is
an effort that is going to really pay off just because this video is
this main connection you're going to have
with your backers. So even if you don't
want to do it, even if it's something you're pushing the back of your mind, you don't want to deal
with that right now. Just be out there, get together with some friends, get together with your
partner or your partners, and just do this video. It's going to be easy and quick. I record my video in one day
and I edited in three days. It was me, my
husband, his camera. We don't have a tripod,
so we put the camera on top of a bench, on
top of some books. And we just had this space in our living room that
was fun to record, and we did that together. Clara lives in Brazil,
my Illustrator. So she recorded on the
same day as I did, and I decided to edit the
videos because she was really focusing on doing the
design of the book. So you should decide who is going to edit your
video for you. If you don't have
editing skills, you can hire someone, but
it's gonna be caused him. So I suggest you edit yourself. There are a lot of editing
apps that are free, such as iMovie, and you can have it on your
computer really easily. There are some more
professional ones, but I will suggest to stay
with the simple ones. If that's not your thing. It's going to be very easy and interesting to do your video. Okay, so what I did was I got a lot of images from
Clara's catching on her iPad, sketching on her papers. She recorded speech
for me as well. I made the script for her. So that's why it's really
important that you only record the video when you
have your script ready. And my suggestion
is that you do not only do a recording
of only your face, do a montage of different
types of videos and things. This way, you can have a very dynamic video for your project. In my case, I mixed my face
talking with the camera, Clara's face talking
with the camera. Clara's hence drawing to film herself drawing
in her house. I also added some
photos of us as child. She also added a
video of her son. We just created this really
concise and beautiful story on why we wrote this book. And that's something
you should really do to create and take your
story to the next level. The most important things on the video or tell who you are. Tell the story behind your book later, get your ideas from. As for people for support, explain why you need support. Explain why you
need their money. This is, we're talking
about people's money here. People don't want to put
their money anywhere. So really tell them why
you need this money. How is this going to help you? How is this story going to help kids all around the world? Talks about how
cool your rewards are if you already have them, I will suggest to have them
before recording the video. But if not, that's okay and explain that if you
don't reach your goal, you're gonna get nothing. Everyone will be said with
that information just because it's very
nice for them to know that they need to back your project.
For it to happen. You have to tell them that this is an all or nothing campaign. Most people don't know that Kickstarter is all or nothing. So it's really important
that you make it very clear for them
this way they will know they will need to support your project if they wanted
to come to fruition. This is an all or
nothing campaign. So you're going to see
that as soon as you decide to purchase any of
the perks that we have here, the mind is not going
to come out of account. We have to wait to
reach the whole goal of the campaign in the
30 days are closed so the money can leave your
accounts and we can start publishing this book
as soon as possible. Finally, thank everyone. Thank, thank them for their
time for being there, for really talking with
you through your project. Help us bring this story to lie. The other thing to remember, don't put any copyrighted
music on your videos. There are a lot of
different places that have free copyrighted music just because you don't
want to abuse the music that is not free of views. Some resources with you in the class resources,
but SoundCloud, Vimeo, and ccMixter,
some of them that I use, and they're very good
for this purpose. They have a lot of
different musics and different sounds that you
can just mix and match. And it's going to
make your video very interesting and dynamic. There are some technical
specs as well. I'm going to share
the link here with the technical spec so
you can see what are the main information
is we need to have to have your video
on Kickstarter, but it's pretty simple
and straightforward. And finally, vetoes
are my favorite part. I really liked doing my video. I love editing. This was something that was
really fun for me. I left the not very fun part for next one is also
very important. So next place we're
going to talk about the main
cause and what you should consider when doing
your Kickstarter project. I'll wait you there. Thank you.
11. The Main Costs: Hi, Welcome to the
main costless and the main costs are very
important for your book. This is when your business
persona comes in place. Kickstarter makes to
have a lot of heads. So you need to edit videos, write a book promoter
book, be the market here. Do the administration,
take care of finances? So just keep in mind that this
is something that is going to really show you all the
different things you can do. And I'm sure you're
gonna do them very well. And the business side
of the Kickstarter, you're going to talk
about the main cause. They're very important because
you need to consider every single one of your cost to have an accurate Kickstarter go. A lot of people want
to put the goal super high to get paid a lot. But if you don't have
your goal reached, you're not going to
have your project. So my suggestion is
that you put the go as low as you can and
everything that again, extra is gonna be amazing, but just make sure your project
is going to be launched. The main reason you're
doing this is because we want to have a book out
there in the world. So I suggest you put
all the costs you have. That is going to be
the amount of when you're going to ask
for your project. Just because you want this to
be the lower number you can get to have your project back and then you
get the extras. Okay, so make a list of every possible expense you
think you're going to have. Even the less obvious ones like bubble wrap or like envelopes. But do your research
on everything, everything you think you should
expand with this project. For large expenses,
you'll need to research the best prices. It's okay if the number is
bigger than you expect. Because you thought the
project was simple, but sometimes it isn't and it's better to have
everything taken into account then leaving something out and not being able
to pay those things, I decided to price my book
in $20 because I thought that would cover the cost of everything that would entice
in my book production. Because I saw that a lot of different Kickstarter pages
also had their books for $20. So I decided that would be an accurate and good
amount for my book. Don't forget to give yourself
a little bit of cushion. Don't put it strictly
everything you've spent, but add a little bit extra just because kickstarted charges a five per cent tax if your
project is successful. So make sure you add
that to your costs. There's also a 3% charge on
credit card transactions. So keep that in mind as well
and find that there's taxes. Each country has their
different texts. It will be great
if you check with your accountant or
someone you know, that really
understands what kind of Texas could be charged. Kickstarter has a part
on Texas as well, but they can really change
depending on your country. So keep that in mind
for your project. Because in the US
is 14% for taxes. But this is something you
really need to look for your case and specifically
with your accountant loud, let's go through my costs. I had a cause with editing, like I mentioned, So
I, I added them out. I paid for my editor
here on Kickstarter. So it's good that you talk with your editor to see
how much it costs. Printing. Printing is a really,
really important costs. And it was something
that made me go very insecure and all
over the internet trying to figure out where
would I print my book. I found two printers, one in China, in one in the US. I decided to go with the US one because the
one from China would take longer and the books would take shoe months to
arrive here by ship. Printer I used in the US
is called Bank printing. I'm going to share their
contact here with you. I had a lot of problems
with them on delays. They gave me an
eight-week timeframe and then it became 12 week. So just keep in mind and
those are the things that are important to put it in your risks and challenges. Keep in mind those
things can happen, okay, especially because I
did my book during COVID, there could be some delays and
it's really important that your backers know about
that and there are very clear and
communicative with them. For the printing, this is going to be the
cost of your product, the cost of your goods sold. So that is going to be one of the most important
costs for your book. In my case, I asked my printer for books, they already printed. I asked them for pages samples. I asked them for hardcover samples of books
they already have, and keep having track of time.
That's really important. Cost shipping is also really important one we're
going to have a class only on shipping. But I use an platform
and app called stamps. It's amazing, it's really good and they have exactly
all the shipping costs. You can print labels
at your house. And I'm going to share with
you some shipping costs. I got very confused
at the time because I didn't know how much
my book would wait. Usually a children's book, mine had 40 pages with
hardcover weights. Almost a pound. One pound was the weight
I added for my books. And whenever people bought it, I added there the
cost of the shipping, I added worldwide shipping. This can be up to you, but really keep that in mind when how you're going
to send this books because shipping are very high and important
cost of your book. So what I did was I charge
$5 for shipping the US, $10 to shipping for Canada and $20 to shipping for
the rest of the world. You're going to see that there
is a very accurate amount because it is very
costly to ship books. It's very costly to have
shipping internationally, shipping in the US, I use media Mayo, but we're going to talk
more about that later. There's also ISBN purchasing. I don't know if you
guys know, but ISBN is this little number that appears
on the back of your book. For self-publish
books, you don't need to have an ISBN
because this is only for libraries and for bookshops that are going
to sell your book. But as I wanted my book to be
really professional and as that one in my book to be sold to bookshops in the future, I added an ISBN, go online. There's the ISBN website and I'm going to share
with you as well. And you can buy
official ISBN number. E-books and printed books need to have different ISBN, Okay? So whenever you have a
new format for your book, you need to buy a new ISBN. That's another cost. You
should at least have any marketing costs. We
should add them as well. I didn't have anything, but if you have you
should add them. Texas, as I mentioned, gifts and gift shipping. So it's important that
you have the gifts you're gonna ship in the
cost of the shipping. Because there is a case of this guy that made a
game for Kickstarter. And he rocket, he's
sold a lot of units. But the shipping for the
game's ended up being more expensive than the book and he didn't take
that into account. So he ended up having a
debit because the cost of the shipping was more than
what he got for his games. So keep that in mind
that if you're gonna do a perk or you're going
to send a reward, make something that
can go with your book. In our case, we had
a sticker that went inside the book and they
did increase the cost. The secret didn't wait anything. We add some sketches that
also didn't cost anything. Authors signed copies. So if you are going to do a
reward, keep that in mind. If you want to do a tote
bag and poster, a t-shirt, if it really relates to your book and if you think it's really important to do it, but I wouldn't suggest
doing things that are so heavy or are hard to ship it just because
it's going to create, increase your cost a lot. And it can have Becker's not support your project
because of that. So keep that in mind
for this class. Your project is to
create an Excel file with all the costs and
items in your project. If you don't feel like sharing
in the class resources is fine just for a question
of confidentiality. But if you want to chat with
anyone in the course and just share a printer
you found or share a place if all
that is interesting to have the best cost
benefit for your book, be free to share
it because I think everyone will benefit from that. Leaves space for your rewards in this XML file because
we're going to talk about them on next
class and then you can add their cost
so your Excel file, okay, see you all next quiz
12. Create Your Rewards: Hi, Welcome to the
rewards class. In this class you're
going to decide what are the rewards
that are gonna give that little extra
something to your story when going through different Kickstarter children's
book pages. And I recommend
you do that a lot. I searched for all the different products
that people gave. Some people gave shirts, some people gave tote bags, some people gave sicker,
some people gave sign books. And I decided to
choose the ones that were resonated with my project. And also the ones that wouldn't increase the cost for shipping, like I mentioned to you. So just to show you here
little bit of art works. Man Clara decided to have a
paper doll and drawing sheet. This was a pdf downloadable, so it wouldn't
incur any costs for printing or shipping,
which was great. And this was also something that parents could print
in their houses. And they connected
to our story because our stories about this
girl that needs to find her own love and has a very special
and unique family. So we did about this kid that can have any
clothes they want. The children had the option
to draw the hair thing. This can thin the colors,
everything they wanted, and put them in the family and
draw the family with them. Because a lot of
things that are sold today are very
standardized families. And we want the kid
to be able to draw their family the way
they imagined it, in the way they envisioned
it and how their families, independently of how many people they have
in their family. So this was a very
cool, interesting one. We also had our loving circus
said it was also a lot of empowering and cute stickers that are related to our story. As you can see here, when
we did the Kickstarter, Clara didn't know all the
secrets I would have here. So she just did this
question marks, but it was very interesting
because people could see what the stickers
would be about and suggested some unique ones and the ones to decide later. This is something
you can totally do. We also added the
donation option. This was something very
interesting for us because It's really good that you're
able to give and get back. And if people purchase a
book and they feel like donating it to someone in
need that cannot purchase it. That would be amazing. So we decided to add the
nation as a park because it's really important for us to be able to spread this love around, even with families who
couldn't afford it. Finally, one of the
biggest prizes was the original
sketches done by car and she would illustrate
someone's families. Okay. So I'm just going
to show you on the right, How're perks worked
and how they went. Good pledge, $5 just
for sharing your love. And this was for people
who just wanted to support the project but
didn't want a book. We got six people
helping us here. We also decided to charge
$15 for the e-book. We got 35 backers. So this is a part of the money that came to help the
project come to fruition. I think is really important
to have an e-book, even because after
you're going to share the link of your e-book
with different people. If someone wants to
make a review of your book and they don't
want a physical copy, is really parties have
a digital version, so I think you should
add that one as well. $20 for the book. This is what the
people came far. So of course, the majority
of Becker's we're here, 378. We also had a paper
doll and the book, 19 bankers for there, the colors should
plus the secret. 33 people came to books, stickers in the coloring sheets. 50 people came. Two books and one donation because we don t
think people need more than two books
in their houses. So we just added the
donation components starting from the third book. We also had here the
introduction of this sign at hardcover copies because
we thought people who were getting to books and we're investing so much in a project, they deserve to
have a signed copy and that wouldn't
cost anything for me. We had this 301 that we
didn't get anything, but then we got the
501 that we only had five because Clara only had time to do five
illustrations. This is something you can
do for your rewards, okay, You can add a maximum amount. For all the other
ones, we had no limit, but for this one
we had a limit of five and we had three people supporting us with $500,
which was amazing. Clara did beautiful sketches of their families that I'm
going to share with you. And it was very special
to have them and give this reward to them
as a thank you for them helping so much
in our project. We also had one thing that
you can also add to yours, which is a timed reward. So we had an early
bird free shipping for only for us because shipping
worldwide is very costly. Like I mentioned, we had
a timed free shipping for the people who bought on the
first 48 h of this project. And we had 67 and
people purchasing here. I suggest to the side and look around what perks
relate to your book. What things you can do that
will not add cost to you, are there will be as
cheap as possible. And that will tell your story in a more compelling way and
decided which weren't reward, you're gonna go
for your back-end. This is how the rewards work. Here's where you add
all the information, where you're gonna talk, what you're going to launch
for the main crucial things about your book at the
time if you want or not, and really describe what the
rewards are going to be. And I really think
the cool part about the rewards is that
you add something that is going to make your
story be told in a fun way to not only
add what the reward is, the edit in a cool way so that people can understand what
you're talking about. So in my case, just to
give you an example here, like pledge five or more equity, just add something
as a title saying, help us with money. But I don't want
people to read that. That's not interesting. So I put sharing your love because that's what
people are going to do. They're going to share
their love with us. They don't want
anything in return, you're just sharing their love. So here on the description, I also added something. You have a lot of love to show you what I'm
part of her story, but you cannot pledge
for your full book. That's okay. You're gonna
get a thank you card, Clara, sent by e-mail. Thank you card for
this six people. And it's really
cool that you add an information that is
not very straightforward. What makes something fun
and interesting when people read your pledge is another thing we did
here for the book. We could only have a color
name Love by the book here, this is the physical book,
but we decided to put, share the love and
bedtime stories with your family time
one-on-one with your kids, got hardcover copy
delivered to your door. Just make it very
special description. That's why I spent
a lot of time doing my rewards because I
wanted it to be the most enticing and interesting and hard touching information
that I could add. I didn't want to have only
a single information, but something that
people will read, put a smile on their
face and identify with. So that's it for this class. For this class,
the reward section of Vicki started
should be filled out. You don't need to have
all the information now. This is something that
cannot be changed later. So it's the part that
we really have to pay attention to before
launching your page. But this is something I
came back a lot of times with Clara while
deciding the prize, deciding the tags, really reading through all the rewards, We've talked about it a lot. So just start having the
skeleton of your reward pages now and add this information to your stories section, okay? Because you already
have the title there, just waiting for this
information to fill up and add the reward shipping and
reward costs your Excel file. So you can see how
much was spent and set a realistic funding
goal to your project. We're going to talk
more about the funding. Go on next class
13. Set the Financial Goal: Hello, welcome. For this class we're
going to talk about setting your financial goal. We've already walked through all the path of
creating your story, thinking about your rewards, thinking about what
you're going to shape, how much you're gonna
be, your costs. And all of that is going to be fundamental to determine
your financial goals. As I mentioned, this is an
all or nothing can paint. So I need to be really mindful
of your financial goal. Don't put it so high
that is unachievable. And put it as low as possible to cover all
your, all your costs. But make sure you're
covering all your costs. You don't want to have a
successful project where people are going to
send you money and you won't be able to send
the books with them because you were
financially unavailable. So make sure that everything that you're
going to spend is going to be taken into
account and the tax and spend the extra to set
up this financial goal. You need to have a goal
that is achievable, goal that is realistic in
a goal that is going to pay all your debts and
costs with your book. Keep in mind that the
financial goal cannot be changed at any time after
your starter campaign. So this is something
that is going to be, when you put it up, it's
going to be over there. There's something that
you can have with which is at a stretch goal, you can change
your funding goal. But once it's reached some
projects and incentives, some of them add new features, some of them at colors
are gifts to Becker's. I'm gonna put a link here that Kickstarter offers
with all of the things that you should take
into account when creating your stretch goal. But I reached my goal 100%
in ten days of my campaign. Right after that, we decided
to add this tried to go up. And it was really
important to add this goal because for
us it was something that would benefit not only the project, but
everyone around. We had a goal of
13,000 and we added an extra goal of $18,000. We would then donate 100
books. If we got that. This one we added later, as
soon as it was achieved, we also did the same thing
at our Instagram account. And it was really interesting to keep adding milestones at the Instagram account so
people could understand they were almost at a stretch goal that we're almost at the goal. And followers just love to see and check your project
and see how is it going. And people kept sharing, froze, they kept pushing. They became our market tiers and our advocates
for this project, which was also amazing. And we had the luck to achieve
also our stretch goal. And that's why we added
the unlocked information over here so that people knew that 100 books will be
donated, which was amazing. And just so you know, the donation part
is really important because I read
another Kickstarter and I'm going to tell
him now as well. It's really hard finding a
place to donate or books. Male schools, they
never replied. You would mail helping groups that relate to your
topic, they don't reply. So we had to find select people in select schools should
donate our books. But we had a hard
time finding someone. So keep in mind to start
researching already. If you decide to go
into donation route where you're going
to send your books too, and how you're gonna do it. And remember you also have shipping costs for
that, okay, this class, your task is to add up
all the costs you have, though we already
did unless class and compare it to
your financial goals, make it even make your cost is the same
as her financial goal and have it set up for you to
continue with your project. See if everything
that you have as a cost is aligned to
your financial goal. And see if that's how much
one again, with your project, with that number in
hand, you need to fill out your initial
project page. Remember we left a blank space there for the financial goal. So you need to ask
your Illustrator or yourself to create a doodle for it showing how much you're going to ask for
in water, your cost. So if you see over here, here's where we showed how much it costs,
we're going to be. How much would go for printing, editing fee rewards,
and shipping. This is the amount we're gonna set up to our financial goals. So for this class, you should have your financial goals setup. The comparison between the
goal and the amount of costs you're going to have
to see if they add up. And you're going to ask for your Illustrator or yourself to do the visual chart telling where you're going
to spend your money. So as soon as you have that, you're almost ready to go, you're only missing one key
part before the launch. That is the Google
Analytics that's going to really help you check how
your project is going. But we're going to
talk about that on next class. See you there?
14. Google Analytics Code: Hello. Today we're going to talk about the Google
Analytics code. I'm pretty sure you
heard some point in your life if you work with Internet or with anything online about the
Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a page offered by Google that helps you track down and analyze data from people who went
to your website, how much purchases they did. How many people will view your website on a
set period of time, where they came from. Was it mobile was a desktop. You can see all
those information into Google Analytics page. And it can seem hard. Just gonna give you
some tricks to you. Create your own
Google Analytics code to add your Kickstarter page. Remember when we
were talking about the promotion page that
you already have and it's ready to go and you already did it for
your prelaunch. On the bottom there
was a tracking ID for adding a Google
Analytics number. And that's what we're going
to talk with you about today. It's gonna be super simple. If you see here is a
tracking tool to give insights of who went
to your website. And I wanted to give you a tip. It's very, very addictive. I got completely addicted to
my Google Analytics page. I would go in there like every
five-minutes to look how much how many people were online therapy for
online at that time? Five people where they were
looking for from Brazil, was it from Canada,
was it from the UK? And he got very interesting
to see the website. And of course,
when you have like 200 people land on your page, is almost certain
that you're going to make two to three or
four sales or more. And if have like
one to two people, it's going to take awhile. But it's just fun and
interesting to see where your sources are coming from
and maybe in the future, use that information to talk
to publishers if you want, or use that information
for yourself to see what market really
purchase your book. Of course, you're going
to see from whoever purchases the book,
where are they from? Because you're going
to have their address after the project is successful. But Google Analytics just
shows you at the moment where your project is successful and it shows where
people are coming from. You can also create
traceable legs if you went from Reddit or Facebook to head over there and see exactly where
people are coming from. And that was really interesting. So I'm just going to
show you how to use your Google Analytics
tracking code. This is how your analytics page should be. You
click on the admin. After having a cow, you
add an account name, Kickstarter pay launch,
you click Next. Then you create a property name, which is going to be also the
name of your Kickstarter. You can put whatever you want. You choose your time,
which is New York, and then choose your industry
which I chose books and literature small because it's just me and Clara
and my husband. And I decided to measure engagement with
my App optimized, measured that across multiple
devices are platforms. And finally, I click Create. You agree, you accept. And then you're going to have your unique ID number
right over there. With that number in
hand, you just copy it. You go to your Kickstarter page. You go to your promotion part. And you just paste it
over there in safe. It's as easy and quick as that. Don't forget to go back and
click on your property, which already have
property settings. And then click Check
your tracking ID. And then on the bottom part, you're going to click on enable users metric and
reporting this way you're going to enable to read your information while they're pulling up from Kickstarter. Like I mentioned
to you, the code won't work with a
pre-launch page. Okay. Just with the launch page. That's why I decided
to leave it for after, because you will need
this for the launch for this class project is to create your unique Google
Analytics code, your UA code, and put it in your Kickstarter page
under the promotion tab, and click Save, and you should be ready to go live
at any moment. We're going to talk
more about this on next class. See you there?
15. Go Live!: It has arrived the moment
we've been waiting for the moment to review your project and go
live this moment, I expect you to have
everything ready, your Started page, your
video, your images, all the information
plugged-in in your skeleton, your rewards revision,
everything ready to go live. This is the moment
we've been exciting for taking the time to read
everything you've done so far. Send it to the Illustrator
to read it as well. If you have one and just make this work of checking everything you've had
friends and family. Let them read, let them see if they
understood everything, just go through everything
to see if it's all fine. As you know, I've been
telling you a little bit about this on
the last lessons, a lot of things are
able to be changed while your project is live at a lot of things that are not. So keep that in
mind and make sure you're taking double
attention to the things that are not able to be changed because they will be locked as soon as you
launch your project. The following things you need to pay attention because
they cannot be changed. Your funding goal, your
deadline of your projects. So the days are decided
to set it up for your reward tiers so the amount or the quantity
and the text for the rewards, rewards cannot be changed. The information about the
payments or your bank account and your verified identity
that cannot be changed. So pay attention to that
as I mentioned before, your kickstarted profile name. So take your time, read it all through, see if it's all the way you
believed it should be. If it's all according
to your plan. And press life, does a green button and go live on the day we
decided to do that, I called Clara and I
press the life dwelled, doing a Zoom call with her. And it was amazing to see
the magic happen when we press life because we had the 200 names and our
pre-launch link page. It was like this. $20, $40.45, 50, 75. Like the numbers kept increasing and I showed my
husband, he was shocked. The first hour we had
sold almost $1,000, just a friends and family and the people that we had
on our pre-launch link. So keep in mind that first
day is going to be your most important and biggest day and
that first week following, you, just keep tracking the numbers because I'm pretty sure you're going to
have a great success. And after the
Kickstarter is launched, should go and sleep
and take a rest. No, no way. There's a lot to be done
and we're going to cover all that on the next
class. See you there?
16. Marketing Homework: Hi, I hope you had a great time doing your
Go-live of your project. I hope it's already
up and running. And if you would
like to share with us how your page
ended out to be, That's one of the main
things of this class. So please share with us in the class comments and on
the class project as well. We would love to see your link. And just so you know, now that it's live,
what should you do? Should I go an ad? Relax. No, you should really pay attention to
everything that's going on now because every day is a counter clock running to
your ending of your campaign. So what I did was
I had two fronts. One was my social media account, reach out to people, Marketing, going to read groups, Facebook groups, talking
about deadlines, posting about deadlines, talking about how much percent I
hadn't reached off my goal. I shared everything with my bakers in the updates
that I'm going to show you. Now, I also shared everything with everyone on Instagram just because it's makes this
so real and people understand It's so on time. I think that's happening now and they should help
it if they want. So one part of me was
doing this marketing work, doing interviews, being
out there and constantly, constantly posting on Instagram. Clara really helped
me with that. She was the one who made
all our Instagram posts. So it was really good because we could have an update every day. And another thing that I did was on the back end
of the project. I'm going to show now screen
of how my project was. If you go to your project
that is already launched, you're gonna go to
your dashboard. But that's where it was
one of my favorite parts, just because they're together with the Google Analytics is the place that you're
going to check everything that's going on
with your project. So you're going to see the
amount that was pledged. How much percentage
was it funded? How many seconds and
days and hours you have to go and how many bankers
have helped your project. Here you're going to see
the funding Progress tab. It shows as I told you, how on the first day launched, November 10th until
November 11th, like this was the higher
peak at it started, it kept growing on
the first week, then it kept growing but slower. And on the end, it peaked again. The beginning and the end
are the times that you're going to really skyrocket. So pay attention to
those two moments. And as I mentioned,
really focused on that messy middle
so you can keep pushing the project as
you go along the way. And as you can see,
we reached our goal here with ten days
of the project. So you can see your goal. And then from there on it was
just extras and extras and the stretch goals and
everything that we do to really push the project and bringing
it to the next level. This is a part that
I really loved. I don't have it here anymore
because my project is done. But you're going to
see here that it can create a referrer. What is the referred? Refer is a traceable link that you
can share with people. So let's say you're
gonna be on a podcast. You're going to click here.
It's going to be the link of your project and you're
going to add podcasts x, and you're going to send
that podcast a link that all of them will have in here and
you're referred tab, you're going to see
how many people came from that podcast. Was it from Instagram, was it from reddit, Facebook? If you send it to some teacher or someone who is an
expert in the area, put the name of the person on the link and they will
be able to share that. And you can trace and see where the majority of your
followers are coming from. And maybe do a push again on that place top of them
again, do another post. You're going to see that having this Refer is really important
because you're going to see who really is important
for you to keep sharing the project with and who didn't bring that as much as
return as you want it. So this is a very cool part. And kickstarter has their
own refers as well. So recommender, internal
MAO, checkout rewards, paid search and advance, everything we'd
already come from Kickstarter and the rest, which is custom and external. You're going to do it yourself. You're going to see the
amount of followers. In the end of my
project I had 324. So during the time that
kick-started his life, even after the pre-launch, people can still follow your
project, but not Beckett, from $325, only 95
converted was 29%. 2000 people played my videos. This was, you can check what
reward is more popular. Here you can add the
Google Analytics as well to connect this project to your Google Analytics
if you haven't done it yet on the, on the pre-launch page. But if not, you added here and all the information
of your Becker's. So this is something very interesting because
you're gonna have these two areas of your Kickstarter page
going on at the same time. The front end where you
post your milestones, you talk to your
followers on Instagram and you keep pushing. Every single day I wake up and go to the focus
you on your project. That's what that was what I did. And even when we reach the goal, I continued pushing so much because I wanted to bring
this story further. I wanted to read
two more people, wanted more people to know
about this loving book. I kept pushing and
talking to people and doing the marketing
work. Clara helped me. They illustrations and
everything I needed for social media posts, for Facebook, for reading
groups and everything I needed. She helped me daily while she
was illustrating the book, which was very intense
for her as well, but it really paid
off in the end. So this is what
we're going to do together successfully
funded campaigns. And I'll see you on
next class talking about how you can reach
your goal and faster. See you there.
17. Reach your GOAL!: Hi. So now that you have
your page up and running, you had your Instagram up and running your interview schedule, your podcast schedule, your illustrator is
helping with the post. Now it's time to really
push your project forward and reach
your goal and fest. One really important feature that you have on your Becker, Becker and page is the updates. You can keep posting updates at anytime and sharing everyone, what are you done
with your project? So on my case, I sent, I think 11 updates starting
with we were live. Clara also helped me
doing the layout for this one is the same one we did for read it
and also on Facebook. So we have a very cohesive
form of communication. We've just shared with everyone. So they knew the
project was live. And after that, we kept publishing everyday
and talking to everyone about there
were only 48 h to go, only 2 h to go. Our project was funded
with thanked everyone. We talked about the next tabs, which was really important. But here are some of the updates we did
during the project. So we told the book was live. Then we told them
we had 30 per cent back already on the same day. Then we talked about
projects we love. This is something that
me and Clara head as a wish for this project, Kickstarter has a badge called
projects, we love beds. And they give this batch two
projects that they believe have all the communication
that they wanted. Four, there's not a rule for you to be in a
projects we love is something out of luck and out of a good work you did mankind, we believe we had done a
really great work and we were hoping so much
to get this badge. And then on November 13th, two days after we
launched our project, we received an email
from Kickstarter is saying that we got our projects, we love badge, and
that was amazing. He really took our
project to another level. And it puts us in a page where
only project we love our featured so people can
really see what are the good projects in the best
projects on Kickstarter. And we were there
side-by-side with so many amazing projects,
which was amazing. We also shared that on our
updates with our backers when we were only 10% towards your goal
with shared as well. When we reached our
goal, we shared new pages unlocked,
stretch goals reached, talking about pages
40, 8 h to go, 2 h to go project funded and thanking everyone saying that we did it and we did it together. For us, it was really important to keep sharing
these milestones and people kept texting and saying
they were so happy you're in senior updates
receiving our emails. Because imagine you put your money somewhere
and you just want to be sure that you put your money in the right place and then you're gonna get a return from that. People really were excited with the updates we did and we
were happy that we did it. So I recommend you
do updates as well. Following any kind
of communication you're gonna be doing on
your Instagram account and any kind of
communication you want to push for your project
during those 30 days, I think it's really important
to add extra milestones. Like I was saying, you also should add
your stretch goal. Talk about it, why
you're doing it, how you're doing extra
gifts, donations, whatever you think
is important because that's going to push it further. You can also put your
milestones images on Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook groups talking about how much
you have achieved. We did that and it
was also really good. Every time we posted on Reddit, we saw a huge increase in
people coming for our project. Also create video
on Insta stories, timelines, poster timelines, the goal talk about your goals. Share with everyone just like
I showed on the updates, because this is what it's
going to make people see your project is life. It was not done by
someone who just press life and left
the project, abandon. You were there everyday crafting and improving
your work daily. And this is what matters
to your backers and to everyone who's Senior
effort for this project. And I think this is what really
made we reach our goal in such a short period of time
and exceed the going 77%. So for this class, if
you haven't done it yet, Create and create and post instagram stories
and timelines and talk to your followers
about things you are achieving and how your
project is going on. Just wait to see the success
that will come from there. I'm sure people are gonna be thrilled to know your
project is going so well and are going to be so excited to help you
push it further. Because anytime we posted
anything that was missing 48 h, 24 h, that the goal
was almost achieved. So many of our
Instagram followers that were close to 1,000 shared with everyone else
and talked about it and were so eager to help
you push it forward. So this is time to reach
your goal and celebrate. If you reached your
goal, have fun, enjoy, celebrate the moment and
push forward to reach those extra milestones
that you decided for yourself if you
want them to happen. I want to share with you here a video of a message
we got from a backup. This was a banker that really supported us in our
Instagram account. And they send us a message at around midnight,
I believe saying, I just wanted to know
I was the person who reached your 100% funding. And I cried so much. I called Claire on Zoom immediately and we were
sold through to see that that person wanted
to tell us that they were on 100% funding Bakker, and we reached our goal. I was in tears,
so excited I told my husband and we were so happy
to celebrate this moment. And we were just looking
forward to see what this project will bring
for us in the future. So if you reach your
goal, enjoy celebrated, publish on pain it Kc, have fun and be happy and
eager to start again tomorrow. Pushing your goal further, reaching more people
and being able to tell their story for more
people around the world. And right after that happens,
after the kick-start, after your goal is
funded, what next? What do you do when
your project is over? How can you ship your
books? All of that. We're going to see
you all next place. I'll see you there.
18. Ok, What Next?: Welcome back. So after
the Kickstarter is done, you should be asking
yourself what next. What I did in my
personal situation was Clara continued doing the
illustrations for the book. We were happy was
successful. It worked out. We knew the timing
of our printer, which was three months. So we had to rush because we've promised the delivery
date in March of 2021. So we wanted to send
everything to the printer until the end of December.
That was our plan. So Clara was doing through that one month all
the illustrations and I was looking for all the shipping costs and
all the things that we need to have hire
for my project. What is important here is be sure to have all
the files ready to send to the printer
at the time you've promised so the book
can arrive in time. I told you my
specific case there was that my printer was delayed, so my books were delivered
in end of April, which was one month after
my project was done. For that reason, I posted
a lot of things on Instagram for our
followers telling them two-way talking
about COVID, how hard it was for a printer to have things done on time. And I shared that
also my book updates. And I cannot tell you how
many heart-warming messages we got from everyone's
saying they were so thankful for us to
share that with them and letting them know that the
project was still ongoing, but it wasn't a little
bit of hold because of external situations
that we could not control. Always be very honest
with their Becker. Always be very honest
with their followers. Always be very honest with what your project is taking because these people
invested on new, is there money that you have and you want to give
them a return and let them know whatever
was going on on the back-end because
they they don't know. Wild Clara was doing
the illustrations. I was preparing
for the shipping. I had a call with a lot of
different packing and shipping companies and I decided that the best cost-benefit
was doing it all myself. This is something you
will decide for yourself. There's a website
called Becker kids, that they also have all the infrastructure to
ship books to you and a lot of different ones that
Kickstarter shirt on their pages I will put here
on the class resources. For myself. I found that stamps was the best
website on the world. It is connected to UPS, USPS, and global posting, and it does national and
international shipping. I bought a printer for
labels from my house. I bought a normal
printer from a house. I kinetic that everything to my computer and I downloaded
the Becker's list. I download it each list from their website from Kickstarter. And it's super easy. It comes as an Excel file to you already. And it has the
name, the address, and all their main
information from your backyard that you will need to ship the books to them. I was doing all that
while I was preparing for the books to arrive
just because I wanted to have everything
completely organized. As the books reached my house, I was ready to ship them
to everyone's place. So I recommend you
doing the same. Download all the backers lists, see whoever has sent you
the address who hasn't central starts sending
emails to recruit, collect, and survey
their information because you will need
to do that on your own. You have to do the survey yourself to get their addresses. Their addresses are not filed
when they buy the book, only after the campaign is
successful and it's over, then you can ask them
for their addresses on a survey done by kickstarted
and sent by yourself. So I decided to send
all those emails, gathered the list, prepare
everything, get the packaging. I think it's really
important for you to buy cardboard wrap, to protect your books, plastic pouches to go over the cardboard wraps, the labels, the label printers,
and a good stapler, and have a good team
to be there with you. I had all the people in my house helping me pick all the
books when they arrived. And it was really good to
have this amazing team with me until later time, just to be able to have this books delivered
on time to everyone. So after your project is done, you go menu and then
you're going to go on your reward surveys. And you're going to send
the survey to your backers, asking them the information
you need from them. So as an example, I didn't send any service for the Sharing Your laws
because they don't need to send me any
information for the e-book. Already had everyone's email, so I didn't need to send a
survey for them as well. But I started serving
everyone West for books. So you'll click here
to create a survey. And you create a survey with an intro message that you're going to put whatever you want. I just said hi to everyone, talked about the illustrations, talked about when we expected
the books to arrive, and then we wanted to prepare for shipping and we'll send them the survey with good timing
to have everything on time. So I asked him for
full name, address, city, state code,
so-called phone number, e-mail, and I ask them to have any other comments or requests
they want for me to read. I think only 12 people replied
on that one in my case, and they all asked me to
sign the books for them. I did that, of course, with a lot of pleasure
and happiness to be sending the books to their house with a personalized message. So I recommend you
to really think through your survey and
sent to everyone with a timely moment for them to send you the answers and you see who's still
missing to reply. Until today. It's been more than three months that
I launched my Kickstarter, that my books
arrive, that I shift my books and I think I have around 20 books of people who never send their
addresses to me. I still have them with me. I still hope that they're
going to send it someday, but I still keep
their books with me. So keep in mind that a
lot of people will reply the survey quickly and a lot
of people will take time. So it's good that you take
some time to send these emails as soon as possible when your project is
successfully funded. Another great tip
that I can give you is create a hot site, a webpage that informs about your book so that your Kickstarter is
not the only point of contact and so that you
can continue capturing people's emails because
that's gonna be very important for
when your book cover. I want to continue selling them on top of all the
kick-started purchases. What I did was when
your campaign is done, you can change your main page. I change the information
and I added this info. If you miss the
Kickstarter campaign, join the waiting list on
the green button below. When people click
on Get on the book, they were directed
to my website. Now the website is
already done and changed is a website
that is complete. I added the I added
e-commerce on this website, so I sold the book, I
sell different things. But mainly it was
just the title, a call to action asking people to subscribe
for their email. They become our database
on our website, we had more than 300 people subscribed before
launching the book. So another database
that we created, here, we just show all the
beautiful images of the book, all the pages, all
the information that people needed
to know for them. I also added the reveals. I connected our Instagram page to become very professional. And if people wanted to send
comments or suggestions, they still had the chance here. And now my became a store,
so they can click it. Loving store, man Clara, we added a lot of
different perks. Books, e-books, audio books. We also added the seekers here, there were a success and we
create a new sets of posters and postcards for everyone who wanted to buy at our website. This is something I cannot
stress the importance of. I really recommend you
create your own website on Squarespace is pretty
intuitive, quick, but there's a lot of
different tools and resources online on the
Squarespace website teach you how to do
it all on yourself. And it's really easy and
fast. And that's it. Later, you can continue
doing your marketing work, sharing the word
about your bulk. Of course, you're going
to be on a waiting time. In my case, I was very anxious and very nervous
because I was waiting for this book to
arrive and I saw only delays and
delays and delays. Men Clara was send the
book on time and it still took so much time
specially due to COVID. They had a lot of issues
that the printer, but in the end, it
was all worth it. The books arrived at my
house at the end of April. Everything was as
we as we expected. All the pages, the end sheets, all the colors, everything was exactly
like we dreamed off. And something that I'm
going to give us a tip. I think I read the PDF file of this book before sending to
the printer around 100 times. Just because I wanted this to
arrive at my house with the perfect everything all the
details need to be perfect. So I read it and saw all
the pages around 100 times. And a tip I can give you is I read the book backwards just because our mind is so fixated on reading something
from beginning to end, we're ready to
fill out the words because we know I've
read it 100 times, but read it backwards. So this way your mind doesn't trick you in filling the
words you already know. In reading backwards, I caught two mistakes that
haven't seen before. This is a good tip
for you to just check and double-check before
sending to the printer because this is gonna
be your last chance to have it all correctly done. Okay? And that's it. Continue your marketing work, spread the word about
your book, be out there. I'm sure you're going to have a huge success in your book
is going to be tremendous. I would love to see all your Kickstarter page
is up and running supported projects
and see where does it go in with everything
you learn in this class. If you need anything,
send me an email or leave in the comments here
on the comments section. And I'm going to be super thrilled to help you in any way. I tend to make your project
the best it can be. Next class, I'm going to do the final thoughts and I'll
see you there. Goodbye
19. Final Thoughts: Well, that was all that we had. I hope you enjoyed
all the lessons. I hope you enjoyed this class. I hope it really, really made
you believe and understand that doing a Kickstarter
campaign can be very daunting, but it can be very rewarding. And I hope you were
able to create a successful Kickstarter
campaign page, your link, your pre-launch,
your Instagram. And I'm dying to see everything that you have to
share here with us. I would love to be able
to join our pre-launch. Lean can be able to see
your campaign moving forward and sell the successor
book is going to bring, be happy for a dream that
is coming for fruition. This was something that I
got from my Kickstarter. It was just this
feeling of mission accomplished and that
I had my gym in paper. Now more people
were looking at it. And I think you're going
to feel the same way just because it's
gonna be a very, very special Joiner and you're
gonna see from that one, everything is going
to be very special. All the answers are going
to get all the messages, all the contacts are
going to make an, everything you're
going to learn, you're going to learn
so much Kickstarter is just one part of an amazing and very scary
publishing journey. But I'm sure you're going to be very good at it and you're
going to be very successful. Complete each of the
classes milestones, the Kickstarter checklists, and share everything
with us here at the class projects so we can see your success and be able to exchange everything that you've
learned with one another. All the questions,
all the doubts. Everything that I
taught here was from my point of view and everything that I learned in my journey. But I'm dying to see what
everyone has learned on your own personal
journey because I'm sure there will be so much learnings and mistakes and things
you think you should understand better that
you are sharing here with us and we're going to
all grow together as a group. So thank you so much
for being here and cheers for your children's
books successful campaign. Hope to see you again soon. Goodbye