1. Introduction : Hello and welcome. My name is Honey Widmar, and I love everything to do with public speaking. I delivered my very first presentation when I was seven years old, and I remember almost everything about it. I remember thinking about why I wanted to talk about. I remember writing my presentation, preparing my hooks, and I remember delivering the introduction as well. I don't remember the rest of it, but I do remember feeling really good on falling in love with presentations. Ever since that moment, I have planned, prepared on delivered, many presentation since presentations such as investment pictures on Duin in lots of contracts presenting for the queen's exported guards, live television, red carpet events, interviews, corporate videos amongst so many others. The ability to deliver presentation is an extremely important skill to help. It's a skill I believe we should all have, whether it's for business or personal development, that mortar presentations than we see every presentation doesn't matter. The duration A with the audience requires certain preparation and planning. We couldn't use an array of techniques to ensure your presentation is successful, effective on deliver the greatest impact for both you and your audience. The whole idea off structuring or presentation a certain way is to avoid confusion on to help you deliver your presentation in organized manner to ensure you get your message across effectively with clarity on for you to achieve your go. Now, there are no laws with public speaking rules, Yes, but no laws, However, just like building an airplane, a business, a TV show, a piano requires a structure for it to be successful. A presentation does this. Well, in this course, I'm gonna focus on one every off presentations, the structure. I'm gonna teach you how to structure your presentation, and I'll share some tips and techniques with you so you can maximize both your potential on the potential of your presentation. You're probably thinking, Why would this topic take a whole cause? Especially Many presentations are less the duration of this course. Well, like I said, delivering a presentation is an important skill tohave you can achieve so much in a single presentation and in order to get the most out of our presentations, we must implement certain tools to ensure we get much success out of them as possible. I will cover two very important aspects of presentations in this course pre planning on structuring. Let's get started
2. Module 1 - How to Structure Your Presentation: in this video, I'm gonna talk you through what you need to think about before you start designing on planning your presentation on what you need to think about when you start planning on designing your presentation, we will also discuss your slides and other officials should you wish to on if you need to use them the whole point of your presentation, Issa, deliver an ideal message to a group of people. What goes into the presentation is extremely important and also how it's delivered. Take the structure of your presentation very seriously. When you start planning for your presentation, you must have the structure in mind and stop planning the content around it. You have a presentation coming up. You're planning the content. So here is a checklist off the types of questions you should be answering and thinking about before you design your presentation so that you could be crystal clear with your goal . Welcome. In this section, we're gonna talk about what you need to do and what you need to think about before you design your presentation. We need to define our goal. So before you start planning and designing your presentation of Panola slides, together and thinking about the content. Be clear on what's the main aim of your presentation, and to achieve this you'll need to ask yourself a series of questions. So, first of all, ask yourself what is the ultimate goal of my presentation? Be super clear with this. Write it down and answer it. Make sure you know what is the ultimate goal of your presentation before you do anything else. Do you want to inform your audience? Do you want to persuade them? Do you want to entertain them? Do you want to motivate them? Do you want to change their life? You want to change their perception on something doing it, Educate them? Do you want to share your passion? If you have a specific package on our Formula One driving, do you want to tell them about your passionate and all the ins and outs of it? Do you want to sell them something? Do you want to inspire them? Do you want to share your story with them? Do you want to raise money for a particular cause, or do you just want to raise awareness for a particular calls? Or is it something else? Whatever goal, you have be clear with your ultimate goal. This is super important before you move on and do anything else. Now let's say we have our goal. We know exactly where our ultimate goal is. We now need to delve further, so we have the ultimate goal of our presentation. Let's say, for example, the ultimate goal off our presentation is to teach our audience how to enjoy healthy eating on to include 10 superfood in our diet per week. We now need to focus on the result of the results we want. What exactly do you want your audience to do and how do you want them to do it? So even recap on the gold in the previous slide, which is to teach our audience how to enjoy healthy eating and to include tens of the foods in our diet per week? What now and how do you want your audience to sign up to a healthy eating retreat you've got planned? Do you want them to implement a new, healthy eating regime on report back to you? Do you have a product you'd like them to buy? Let's say, for example, you've got 10 week food delivery service that delivers 10 super foods and recipes, for example, and you want them to buy this package or this delivery service, or is it something else? What exactly is the outcome? You want to be super clear with this so you can work towards achieving it. If you don't know what this is, you can't work towards achieving anything. So you need to make sure that you know exactly what your goal is on what the desired outcome is as well. So before you start planning and designing your presentation on its content, be clear with three things. Number one, your goal Number two, your presentations go on Number three, the desired outcome. So focus on the above on the three points on be crystal clear before moving on, knowing what the ultimate goal of your presentation is, and what results you want is extremely important before we start to do anything else. When we clear, we're now decide outcome, designing our presentation on its content becomes so much easier. Let's now turn our attention to the structure of our presentation. The main purpose of this course
3. Module 2 - How to Structure Your Presentation: everything you see around you has been designed in such a way so we can function correctly . The phone or computer. You're watching this on the building. You're sitting in the glass of water next year, the car outside the lightbulb. I could go on and on. Everything has a certain structure layout physics behind it. Make sure it functions correctly. Your presentation is no different in order to achieve our result of the most of best out of our presentation on to ensure everything is presented in a clear manner for everyone, including you. To understand, we need to structure a presentation correctly. In this video, I will discuss the opening off your presentation. The opening Your presentation is used to produce yourself. Explain the purpose of your presentation on what's coming up. You also use the opening of your presentation to grab the attention of your audience on their confidence in you as well. Let's get straight to it. Welcome to module to the opening of your presentation. The opening of your presentation is a fight super important, actually. And if you do a correcting, of course, we have to do it correctly. Weaken. Grab the attention of our audience and then we use the rest of our presentation to maintain that attention. We need to use the opening in order to introduce ourselves on that presentation. Tell our audience what's coming up, and we need to grab their attention as well. I heard from a few people recently that they don't like it when a speaker introduces themselves and I have to disagree. I think it's super important to introduce ourselves to our old because our audience needs to know who we are and what authority we have to be able to deliver this particular presentation. One quick sentence is more than sufficient on. We don't want to spend ages. Introducing ourselves do make time for it. In addition to grabbing attention, a successful opening also introduces the presentation to our old years and lets them know what's coming up. I don't know about you, but I like to know what's gonna happen and what plans we have in every single situation, and the presentation is no different. Introducing the presentation to your audience on letting them know what's coming up is like laying out a plan for them, letting them know what's going to happen and went. For example, if you have a speaking coming up at a certain time, tell them that this is going to happen if you're gonna do a group activity at a certain time. If you're in a workshop, for example, tell them lay the path for them. So we all know what's gonna happen and when Get them excited. And he also clearly lays out the purpose of your presentation as well. My favorite waste open a presentation is by using a hook first and then introducing yourself or doing the introduction first and then using your hook. So, for example, my name is Honey Vidmar and down the creator of how to structure your presentation. Cause did you know that public speaking scarce more people than death does so the very start of your presentation. Introduce yourself and yours a powerful hook to get the presentation started. The hook should be powerful enough to grab your audience attention on. Make sure that your hook is relevant to your presentation into its goals. Just because you've used a particular hook before and it was really useful, it doesn't mean that's going to work in every single presentation are forever single audience, so make sure your hook is relevant. Toe every single particular presentation that you deliver you can see in the supporting material the attached hawks. Pdf for a list of hooks that you can use in your upcoming presentations after you've been to do to yourself on to use your hook with any to tell our old use what we will cover in the next. You know, whatever amount of minutes this is a transition into the next part of our presentation. How do we achieve this? Simple. You have the intro, you have your hook and then you have your transition. So hello, My name is funny. Vidmar and down the creator of how destructive your presentation course. Did you know that public speaking is more likely to scare people than death? In the next 30 minutes, I'm gonna share three ways in which you can strengthen your presentation on deliver with conviction as well. If you have any questions, please make a note of them. As at the end, we will have a dedicated Q and A session. Now, if you don't mind your audience putting up their hands in the middle of your presentation, then mentioned that to them. So if you have any questions, please do interrupt on I will come to you. Or, if you would, rather than wait till the very end than tell them to make a note for the dedicated Q and A session. This is part of you telling them what to expect. Let them know what they can do. What's allowed, what's not allowed, etcetera in the opening of your presentation, so used the opening wisely, so there's no rules with the length of your presentation. However, if you have a 30 minute presentation coming up, you don't want to spend too long on your hooks or too long introducing yourself off spending too long on I don't know a Q and A session, for example, wherever it make sure every part of your presentation is to the point, it's relevant. Andi. It's short and sweet, and we don't want to be spending too long going over the same thing over and over again. Just be to the point and make sure everything in your presentation is relevant. I can't emphasize enough how important the opening of your presentation is. This is our opportunity to show and tell our audience what they'll receive in the duration of our presentation. What we're about, and it will allow us to lay the path towards our gold in the slides. I shared some examples with you on how to structure in a few script examples, but a quick piece of advice. Don't be rigid with your word in. Just know what you'll need to say and say how it comes out. Do not memorize your script and don't read for anything. Use bullet points off scorecards, but relax. When did living. The more you relax, the better the flow of your presentation. See you in the next video, right, cover the body of your presentation.
4. Module 3 - How to Structure Your Presentation.: Welcome back in this court were discussing structure. Structuring your presentation correctly is useful for so many reasons. One you must only ever deliver a well organized presentation and structuring your presentation allows you to do so to structure in your presentation gives you the opportunity to grab the attention of your audience. Three. You don't risk losing and confusing your audience, and four, you can let your audience know what to expect in the next X amount of minutes. Having said that, I can't control content in your presentation. That's up to you. Make sure your content is to the point clear toe. Understand, useful and avoid any complex information. Put your clear to understand content into the structure of discussing in this course in this video, I'm gonna walk you through the middle of your presentation, otherwise know as the body module three. The middle of your presentation. The middle of your presentation is just as important as the opening. I know apart a lot of stress and a lot of emphasis and a lot of importance on the opening of your presentation. But your presentations broken down into the open in the middle and the end and every part of that presentation is just as important as the other parts. So make sure that you give the same attention the same level of energy in the same important toe. All the aspects of your presentation. It's no good having an amazing open in. But then the middle lacks energy or lacks importance. Make sure you maintain the same level of importance in the same level of energy throughout the entire presentation. The middle part of your presentations, where we started aimed towards our goal. So you remember. The opening is to grab their attention so we can aim towards achieving our goal. On the middle part is where we achieve our goal. In the first video of this course, we discussed the goals of our presentations. Remember for each every presentation, we need to be clear on three things. Want your goal to your presentations goal. And three, the desired outcome. The middle part of your presentation is a key player. So how do we structure this? Section three is a magic number. Five is a swell seven also, and 10 would or could work. What am I talking about? The middle part of your presentation needs to be broken down into key points. My favorite way to do it is to use 3 to 5 key points. It helps with the pleasant structure presentation. You're not giving point after point after point on. It helps you but law, energy and important into each and every single one of those points. But if you have to use seven key points, that works and tent would also work. But if you really can break the middle part of your presentation into 3 to 5 key points, so let's go back to our example. We want to teach our audience how to enjoy healthy eating and to include 10 superfood in our diet per week. I would share three key points or three piece of advice on how to eat and create enjoyable , easy to create healthy meals. So, for example, one of the points I would say would be try very stressing spiegel Sellards Chicken Fisher. Roast veggies at various flavors so you can enjoy eating healthier. And with each of those points, I would go in deeper and I would give example recipes on nutritional facts. People love facts. Use additional material to support your point or your argument or your fax and then move on 2.2. So you see, you would give one point. You would back it up, give additional information, really give that point a lot of energy and a lot of focus, and then move on to point to a quick tip. Do not overdo it with too much information. And keep your supporting material simple as well. Less is more. Don't confuse your audience. Don't go around in circles. Don't overdo with too much information. Keep simple. Keep it to the point and keep your material. You're supporting material simple as well. The middle part of your presentation is an organized breakdown off the main point. You'd like your audience to take away with them, so you have to decide. What is it that you really want your audience to take away with them. If there's only one thing you want them to take away with them, what is it? Make sure that the important thing is the thing that you really want your orders. Take away with them on. Be specific with that and make sure you put that in your goals at the very beginning before you start designing your presentation. So once you've done your research uncorrelated the range of information, pick the top 357 or 10 points again, it depends on how long you have and how much information is deemed as important. Remember your audience and not going to know what you missed out. They will only know what you're giving them there will only hear what you're given them. There will only take away what you're given them to take away. So make sure you know exactly what those points are and then utilize those points in your presentation. Ask yourself, what should they know? What should they be learning here? What are the key points and use those points in the middle part of your presentation? Keep your presentation simple to the point. Clear on. Easy to follow. Remember simple to the point clear and easy to follow. This applies to the entire presentation. Not just the middle, not just the opening and not just the end. The entire presentation should be simple. The entire content should be to the point. The entire presentation should be clear and easy to follow for everybody. Even if your topic is complex. Your presentation needn't be. You can simplify it and break it down so it can be easily followed by everybody, including you. Some people seem to think that it's okay if I get a little bit confused. No, it's not. You have to understand what you're delivering, and you have to help your Audi's understand as well. By delivering a simple presentation. Simplicity is key. I hope it's becoming more and more clear as to why having a well structured presentation is useful on. I hope that by following the tips and advice in this course you're confidently be able to structure your own presentations moving forward. In this next video, we will discuss the ending of your presentation. RC sued.
5. Module 4 - How to Structure Your Presentation.: Welcome back. Now we are working our way towards the end of our presentation. So far, we've opened our presentation with a clear introduction and used a hook to capture out ordinances. Attention. You can choose whatever hook you want. Just make sure to relevant to your presentation. It's topic and goals. Then we delivered three key parts that we really want. Our world is to take away with them now. We need to finish our presentation on the high notes. We maintain our audience attention and have them doing what we want and need them to do before or just after the presentation has ended. In this video, I'll be talking you through how to deliver the closing segment of your presentation. So let's get to it module for the closing of your presentation. The closing segment is a necessary part of our presentations. You need to be utilized correctly in order to get the most out of our entire presentation. So we have put a lot of effort in the opening. We put a lot of effort in the middle and now we need to make sure that the closing part of our presentation is used and completed in such a way that makes all of our efforts so far worth, while the purpose of the clothes and segment of our presentation is to summarize the content on to refresh the memory of our audience. But we need to do this without repeating ourselves. So how do we do that? Firstly, we can lie to recap on the topic of our presentations of example. In this presentation, I wanted to share three ways in which you congee as up healthy eating so you can actually enjoy it. And to recap my personal favorite ways are and then tell them what those were. If it was three points, then deliver the three points. Just recap on them we don't need to recap on are supporting material only the headings. For example, dressing your food in different flavors. This is at the state where you can summarize the content and purpose of your talk, often overview off what has been achieved and make a lasting impact. Next, you can deliver some final statements related to your presentation to strengthen the presentation. Deliver point that will help your audience double Remember the key points in your presentation on Walk Away With your goal accomplished was your goal to persuade your ordeal . Did you want to inform them? Teach them something? Did you want to motivate them, or is it something else? Use the conclusion to achieve that goal. And after we've recapped, we can open the floor to questions. But be strict with your time here. Don't let every single audience member asked you a question. Tell them we have 10 minutes. I can take four or five questions or whatever is on. Be strict with your time. If you don't have time for questions, offer them your contact details where they can get in touch should they want or need more information. But if you really plan the presentation in advantage, you prepare well. Rehearse it, Practice it. Go through it. Time it correctly. You should have time for questions if you want time for questions. If you don't want time for questions, fine. But if you do want time for questions, make sure you incorporate it in the entire time in on the entire duration of your presentation after your Q. And now you can take the opportunity to deliver your call to action. Whatever your goal of purposes, use this part to ask your order you to do something, or maybe now is the time to sell them your product or deliver your final words off motivation or something else. Whatever your gold is, now is the time to put the icing on the cake and achieve your goal. Use the end of your presentation to ensure that your oldest walks away. Remembering your presentations. Key points on taking the action that you want them to take. Thank you is a magical statement in presentations. It shows gratitude towards your audience for their time. Your audience may be paying to sit there in the audience. They may have paid you to listen to you, however, that time is something they never going to get back. So thank them for their time because if they don't like your presentation, they can ask for a refund and then get that money back. But they're never gonna be up to get their time back if they have a complaint or they didn't enjoy. So please make sure you thank your audience because it shows gratitude on it marks the end of your presentation comfortably as well. Quick tip never endure presentation with a Q and A ended with a strong statement, a phrase date or something else that you, you, the speaker wants to say the ending of your presentation should not be the answer to a question. Do the Q and A and then you deliver the closing statement or whatever is at the end of the presentation that you want to deliver. Make sure it's that and not the answer to a question. There you have it how to structure your presentation in three simple stages on what to implement into each section. In the next video, I bring all three stages together in a short, concluding presentation to show you how it all works side by side. I'll see you in the next video.
6. Module 5 - How to Structure Your Presentation.: welcome back and well done for working through the videos. In this course so far, I have to reiterate there are no laws in public speaking. There were no secrets. Either. You can and should be relaxed in your methods of delivery in style. However, I strongly advise you implement certain tools and techniques to ensure the results or results of your presentation are successful and strong. Be yourself in your presentations, but use a firm structure to guide you and your audience through your presentation so you can deliver with confidence. With conviction on with clarity. In this short video, I will walk you through promptly how to structure your presentation. The content is, of course, up to you. Module five course conclusion so well done for working your way through the cause and getting so far in this video, I'm going to go through everything that I've discussed in this course in the previous module. So this is all about structure in your presentation. A quick recap open your presentation with an introduction on a hook and remember, your hook must be relevant to your presentation just because ah hook has worked really well . In a different presentation or someone else's presentation. It doesn't mean that particular hook work really, really well in yours. So make sure that whatever hook that you use is relevant to your presentation and also all there is no important. If you want to introduce yourself first and then use the hawk, fine. If you want to use your hook and then introduce yourself, that's absolutely fine as well. After the opening and then need to transition into the middle of your presentation. You can say something along the lines up. I'd now like to share three ways in which you can lose weight, find partner, make money. Whatever is you could use a sentence like this to lead them through to the middle of your presentation, which is the body holding your key points in the middle of your presentation. Share a limited number of key points. You don't want to give them too much information. How many points you do share, though, really is up to you, the up to the speaker to decide what he or she wants the audience to take away. But remember, you don't need to give your audience everything. Don't overburden your audience with information overload so really, truly the correct way to do would be to stick to 3 to 5 main points. But again, it's your presentation. You know what's best. Make sure that you give your orders what they really need to know. Your audience there will never know what you've missed that, but give them what they need in order for you to achieve your ultimate goal. Then back up each of those points with supporting information, for example, fact, data, statistics, stories or whatever it is that you need to give them in order to back up each of your key points. After delivering the middle, you then need a transition into the closing off the presentation. So, for example, here's something along the lines off. My intention for this presentation wants to help you enjoy healthy eat in, enjoy dating again or whatever is that. Your goal was for the presentation and in the closing of your presentation week up on your main points lightly. You don't need to repeat the supporting information. You just need to go through the five points of the three points lightly without repeating yourself over and over again. If you're writing a Q and a session, Hold it and then finish your presentation with your final words. If you do want to add a cure in a session, makes reincorporated into the timing of your presentation so that you don't go over the time limit or you don't hold a five minute Q and a session for 20 minutes. Make sure your strict with this time on always end your presentation with your final words on. Not the answer to someone's question. But please remember, you don't need to be regent with your presentation. Allow it to flow naturally. Make sure you put firm structure in place and off course. Be familiar with this content as well, so you can actually enjoy delivering it. Like I said, there are no laws in public speaking. There are no rules in public speaking. You must relax when you come to delivering the presentation. But if you use the, um, tools, the techniques, Andi, the different tips when it comes with living presentations, then you'll work towards a more successful delivery. Well, there you have it. How to structure your present tape with me. Honey Widmark. I want to remind you of my very first presentation when I was seven years old, I had zero training. I was seven. But when my teacher told me we could deliver a presentation and next day if you wanted to, I just knew with something I had to and wanted to do. I remember researching for structure my presentation very well. To be honest, it's not brain surgery, but sometimes people do forget how useful on what necessity structure in your presentation successfully actually is one reason we need to structure a presentation so we can deliver out presentation confidently on. Clearly remember the statement. If you confuse them, you lose them. Thank you so much for joining me on this course. Public speaking is a passion of mine and sharing my passion. My knowledge and experience is really excites me. I hope will implement my tips and techniques I covered in this course into your presentations. Moving forward. I wish you lots of speaking success