How to Sew a Hexi Quilt Top By Hand | Mel Thorley (Ditsy Tulip) | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to making a Hexi Quilt Top Class


    • 2.

      Cutting fabric Hexi's


    • 3.

      Cutting freezer paper Hexi's


    • 4.

      How to construct a single Hexi


    • 5.

      Pressing Hexi's 2


    • 6.

      Building the Quilt - Tools


    • 7.

      Building the Quilt - Row 1


    • 8.

      Building the Quilt - Row 2


    • 9.

      Hexi Quilt - Thank you and Future Classes Insight


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About This Class

There is something so special about a hand stitched hexi quilt, nearly everyone that you speak to recalls someone in their family creating one and the heirloom quilt then gets passed down the generations.

Do you want to be the person in your family to create it?

Let me show you how.

So, what is a Hexi Quilt?

A Hexi Quilt is constructed from lots of fabric pieces that have been crafted into a hexagon shape, which all fit together perfectly to make a beautiful hand crafted piece of fabric that can be used as the top layer of your quilt.

I will walk you through, step by step, how to cut out and hand sew each individual Hexi, I will then show you how to stitch them together to create your quilt top.

Choose beautiful fabrics that compliment each other perfectly to create your own work of art.

I love to sew and love to help other people to learn how to sew even more, be sure to follow me for future lessons that I will be adding very soon.












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Mel Thorley (Ditsy Tulip)

A Dressmaker who likes to paint.


Hi I'm Mel from Handmade By Ditsy Tulip.

I recently joined Skillshare to help me to re-ignite an old skill of painting/illustration which I am absolutely loving so far (thanks lovely Teachers), but then I thought "I'd love to help others to learn how to sew"!

So, watch this space, I'm filming lessons as we speak and look forward to sharing them with you very soon.

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1. Intro to making a Hexi Quilt Top Class: Hi. Welcome to him. Made by Dixie. Julie, I'm Alan. I'm super excited to have you here to view some of my lessons to help you, to learn how to say, tell you a little bit about make before I tell you a bit more about the lesson that you're watching today. So I've been so mean for about five years or so. Now I am a totally self taught, So we're so if that's the journey that you're going through at the moment, then I can totally relate with you. I know how difficult it can be to find a lot. The information that you need to learn how to say what will say is keep going at it. It's so rewarding. Once you've mastered it on, once you've mastered the basics, then you can pretty much try anything on debt issue. No trial and error. You need to make some mistakes along the way, but it's so rewarding to be able to make your own things. For example, the top that I'm wearing today is one of the tops that I've made. Okay, so bit more about the class that you're watching today in this class, I'm going to be sure we knew how to hand sew a Hexi quilt top one that looks a bit like this. This is one that I'm just working on at the moment. Now, a quilt is made up off three layers. You got the top, which is what I'm going to be showing you in this lesson when you actually then make the quilt. You've got a center layer, which is the Wadi, which is what makes it nice and cozy. And then you'll put a backing layer on, and then you'll quilted altogether. The stage that I'm going to be showing you in this class is the quilt top section, which is purely so my hand. So if you don't have any of the Fante sewing machines or anything like that for this stage , you don't need them, so don't worry about it at all. It's purely done by hand, so you just need some thread, some cotton on a couple of special tools, which just helped the cutting out process to be a little bit quicker. So the reason why I started to make one of these Hexi quilts myself is no matter who you speak to, somebody can recall a person in their family making a quote like this and it being passed down the generations, and it then becomes an heirloom. And I want to be that person in my family. I want to make a quilt that'll get keep getting passed on to my Children than to my grandchildren and great grandchildren on its cherished and loved by the family forever. So what I'm gonna be showing you in the class is how to make individual taxis, first of all, so that look at this, they're really easy to do. Wouldn't you know how to use the rulers, Andi, things that help to call them out on another great thing about this project is it's totally portable because it's sewn by hand and you don't need to plow sewing machines around with you. You can throw a few hexes in the car, take them to work, do a few in your lunch spray core. If you're going for a weekend away somewhere or something like that, you can take the project with human work on it There. I do tend to try and set himself a goal, so I have a goal off. So being under attaching at least three hexes onto my quilt per day. That's just to help motivate me, really. And wouldn't you start to see in the quilt coming together? It's really rewarding. It really encourages you to carry on with it. What I will say, though, is this isn't a quick project, so don't expect to get it finished overnight will get it finished within a couple of weeks unless you're spending loads of time each day doing it. It's a project that could take years. You know, I do hear of people that work on these quilts for years and years. I'm on and you know that that's that's that's the joy of it, really In relation to fabrics. The fabric that I'm using is Tilda. I love using tells till the fabric because they bring out collections where they work really well together. So I haven't got to spend a lot of time planning where I'm going to attach each hexi because I know that because it's from the same collection, it'll match really well together. Eso you called youth told er, but there are loads and loads and loads of gorgeous clotting fabrics on the market, and you could even use old clothing and things like that if you wanted to make it more off a memory quilt. So that's a little bit about what The classes. Thanks again for joining me on the next lessons, I'm going to be showing you a bit of an overview of the tools that you will need on how to cut out the heck sees. I'll then be showing you how to sew the individual hacks ease. And then how to start the actual Quilty in process itself, where you start joining the hexes together to make your quilt top. I won't be showing you in this lesson how to actually make the quilt by putting all three layers together. I'm going to do that in a separate lesson simply because I haven't finished my quote top myself yet. So as soon as I finish my quilt top. I loved that Teoh the lesson library for that section. You want to need a sewing machine? Well, there are plenty of shops out there where you can take your quilt up along to them and they will do that quilting process for you. So don't let that put you off making the quilt talk. You don't even have to make a quilt. I guess what you are making here is a piece off fabric. So if you didn't want to make a quilt, you could use that to make a notice board. Like the one that's beyond me. Here. You could use it to make a bag or a caution. Oh, or anything. Really? You just making a beautiful piece off fabric that will be unique. So thanks again for joining me on. I look forward to seeing you in the next class. 2. Cutting fabric Hexi's: Hi and welcome to Earth this lesson in this one. I'm going to show you a bit about the equipment that you need. Teoh work on a Hexi quilt on. I'm going to show you how to caught out the taxis for both the fabric Onda out of the freezer paper. You'd think it's simple enough to cut out some hacks ease, but there's rulers and things that you can use on. They don't come with any instructions. So you think it would be simple enough? But I was puzzled at first when I was trying to work out how to use the rule. So I'm going to show you that. So just to talk you through the equipment, then first thing that I've got you can see in the background this green. It's a self healing courting, Matt. That is quite important because you will be using a rotary quarter to court the fabric. I'm And if you caught that directly onto a table or something like that, it's just going to ruin it. You're gonna have it full of scratches. So a self healing courting Matt is the first thing that I've got. So the rotary quarter, I use one, which is made by clover, but there's loads of different brands that are available on the market. I'm really straightforward, really simple to use. Keep it closed when it's not in use just to stop yourself from court in your fingers. But then just press the button there, pull it down, which will open the blade out, ready for court and then using freeze of paper. You can just get this from either a craft shop or from a local supermarket. This is the plastic coated freezer paper. It's really cheap on Debt lasts absolutely ages. There's 50 square feet on there, and as you can see, I've hardly took the role. There's absolutely loads left on. I've got a couple of different rule rulers. The 1st 1 is my Hexi ruler. It's gonna put it on a sheet of paper so you can see it better. So this is the key tool that I used to cut out. The hexes Mine is made by a company called So Easy Ondas. You can see there's loads of different size. Heck sees that you can cut out using this ruler, but I'm going to show you how to use it because as a state doesn't come with any instructions and not the rule that God is just a standard square ruler. So again I put on the sheet of paper. This is also made by at the same company so easy. That's just the brand that my local store stock, they're not really expensive, these rulers. But you do get loads and loads of use out of them, and then you will need some quilting fabric. Now the quilt that I'm making, I've already caught out all of my taxi's pray to decide in that I was going to start filming this lesson. So I will just be using a scrap off quilting fabric that I've got in my stash just to show you the method of how to call them out. Quilting, cotton, quilting weight. Cotton is the best cotton to use because it is quite stable. So when you are making your taxes and your sewing them together, it gives you that stability to work with. So what we are going to be doing is cutting out the hexes, using really Hexi ruling. And as you can see, I'll just hold it underneath. Um, the heck sees that I'm working with our court at 2.5 inches. But once that has been stitched, the actual finished size of the Hexi will be two inches. So I caught the layer under freeze a paper to be to win cheese. The fabric is 2.5, so I'll show you how to do that. So the first thing that I'm gonna do is just caught off the salvage edge off the fabric. I just open up the ruler. Sorry, the road recorder and use the ruler to trim off the edge. Okay, Is a good idea to regularly replace the blade on your road to record it and will say I am guilty of not doing this anywhere. Near is often as a short, but you can also use the guidelines on your Corti Matt, just to make sure that you caught in a straight edge, if you see is well, I have got my fabric folded in half, just its speed. Things off so I can be cutting, wouldn't spot getting to lots of fabric to the first thing that you need to do is caught out strips of fag fabric to the right. So I'm gonna show you putting out at this two inch finished size Hexi. I'm so I caught the fabric to 2.5 inches. So for the fabric, the width of the strip that need to court is 2.5 inches. Well, just check that on this ruler. Yep. So there you go. There's one inch to engineer, not to this line here. So 2.5. So all you do is line the ruler the 2.5 inch line up to the edge off the fabric, just going to flit around the other side to call it that. - Okay , so that's my first strip of court. And of course I've got to there because I had folded the fabric. So it turns out that you've got two strips you can layer up. I wouldn't really lay Europe more than four strips on top of one another because it can just get a little tricky to trim with. You wrote recorder. I was gonna work with the two here to show you how to use the ruler and but feel free to lay Europe as many as you like, but I don't tend to use any more than before. So what I'm now going to Dio is use my ruler, Andi. It really is simply case off lining off the Hexi ruler with the edges of the strike. So that's my 2.5 inch line, 2.5 inch line. So what I'm going to do is a trip the top rid of those scraps. Then what you gonna do is flip the ruler over. So what did pulled it off, flipped over on line off the 2.5 inch line at the edge. But line off the tip of the Hexi to the guy that shone on the rule and they caught away the bottom. I really do need to get a new blade on this road trip. Qatar. There you go. So there is the first to hack sees that caught out. If I just put them on top of the ruler, you'll say they lie not perfectly with the guide, which is show them. Now. Let's just put it under the piece of paper you get, and then we just carry on, repeating that process down your strip. Just make sure that you strip if you have laid up pieces of fabric. Just make sure they've remained even. And then we just do the same again. So Well, I know that flip it rounds have taken it off. I flipped it around. Andi lined off veggies on the blind, off the top to the point and then trip on the edge. Make sure you do put pressure on holding down and the ACSI rule in place while she caught in. Because otherwise it'll float away like that and it'll look not being straight. So there's my next to so you can see pay for the sized show you want. Small. So line up the ad Jews. Yeah, it's just a way. Flip it over in court again. You go so that pretty quickly six axes caught out, perfectly sized, perfectly much. 3. Cutting freezer paper Hexi's: Okay, So in this part of the lesson, I'm going to show you how to caught your axes out off the freezer paper. It's very similar to what we've just done with the fabric. There's just a slight complication in relation to size. The first thing you see have pulled out some of the length off the freezer paper, and I'm just going to cut my strips, as I did with the fabric. First of all, I'm just line in the airdrop with the centre line on the mat, using my brutalised to measure to Ng's So on the Fabry, and we caught it out to be a 2.5 inch wet for the Strip. But the finished size of the Hexi is two inches, so for the free is a paper. I need to cut it out to be the two inch wit. So just using my ruler to line up 12 inches and then I use the road to recorded just to trim that. Okay, so, as before, I'm going to start off by what in the top of the Hexi? Just by lining off the sides of the quilting ruler to the two and juice and then trim it off. You will find which way is comfortable for you to call with your road recorder. Normally, when I'm quoting that way, I'd flip myself from the other side of the table, um, to give myself that bit more leverage, but I disappear off the cover them what looks a little bit awkward. Okay, so this is where it gets a little bit complicated in. This is the bit that I struggle to get my head around to start off with. So if we were just following the same path as we did with the fabric, axes would just flip the rule around, line that up with the two inch Hexi and then cut it off at the bottom Bought What makes that not right is you can see the duck. The dashed heck sees finish 1/4 of wrench up from the edge off the Hexi ruler. So you need to take that into account with you caught him. Ultimately, you need to caught it 1/4 of an inch small. So the easiest way to do that is to lying the tip of the Hexi up. Just one of the squares on the and coating. Then, first of all, lining up with the two inch. And then all I'm going to do is move the ruler or quarter of an inch, which is to dash. She's on my Mattia and then caught it. You can see them when you are going to press that onto the back off the fabric. Taxi! You've gone even quarter French gap all the way around that you can use to fold in the edges and stitch. I'll just show you that again. So start off by lining the ruler to the two inch lines from the top line. The tip off the bit that I've just caught with one of the corners of the squares on the court in math, flip the rule around. Move it off. So the tip of the two inch, 14 line is on the second dash on the mat, which gives me that quarter of wrench on the trip one more time Again. If you wanted to make it quicker, you called. Cut several strips in one, go on and lay them off. It's actually easier to call the freezer paper than it is the fabric with the road recorder so caught the tar line the tipple to a center point on the mat. Flip the rule around. Move the ruler off to the tip. Two dashes off on a trip again. So what you'll need to do before the next lesson is then press the freeze the paper Hexi onto the wrong side off the fabric xy on what you need to do you'll feel the freezer papers work sea on one side. So what you do is lay the fabric taxi with the wrong side facing off Place the freezer paper Hexi down on top with the waxy side facing down And then you can just go over the top of that with your eye in I'm on a medium heat until it fuses together. I find that with my eye and I'm fine just going directly on top of the freezer paper because it is just paper on the back so it doesn't burn or anything like that. But please, please be careful to ensure that you haven't put it the wrong way around on got the waxy sides facing off because if you do that, you gonna run dealt with a broken I am so as a say, place the Hexi on top, making sure its central said the gaps are the same all the way around. Use the media 1,000,000 just to press over the top on. Then what you'll get is for my ability to You can see that the, um, frieze of paper is stuck in place onto the fabric. It's not stopped permanently on because, as you are so in your quilt together you will remove thes, but it sticks just enough to keep it in place. Okay, thanks for watching. And I'll see you in the next lesson. 4. How to construct a single Hexi: Hi. Welcome to this lesson. I'm just going to show you how to stitch a single quilting hexi so that you can start to make your own quilt top like the one I'm working on here. We'll just move this out of the way just so I could show you what I'm doing. So he is a load that I've got stitched up already ready to add into my quilt. But I'm going to show you how to sew a single one of those yourself. So looking at the tools that you need first of all, as this is sewn by hand, there's very few tools that you need, which is part of the beauty off directly that's made out of small quilts. So the tools that I will be using just need a small Paris's is you need some thread. Now, the threat that I'm using is standard all purpose go Ottoman threat. I do know that you can get thread that specifically forehand Quilty. I've never tried it myself, so I don't know if it makes much of a difference, but I've always got on fine. Just with the standard all purpose threat, you need a, um, fabric Hexi that you've caught out with your ruler, which I'll show you in a different lesson. But what you will need to have done is caught out a slightly smaller Hexi with free out of freezer paper on depressed that onto the back of your fabric. XY at the freezer paper is great. It's really cheap, really easy to get. Hold off. I'm Wouldn't you brought run? Roll it last you forever and ever, And it just gives you that stability to be able to make your exit hope you need a load off . Heck sees the court top ready If you can see our store mind. I've caught the Maupin back cheese and then store them in a little pot ready for when I'm ready to so with them and you need a hand. Seven needle. But this one ready, threaded. Normally I would use the thread, which is a matching Qala tumor fabric, but I'm using a dark colored thread here. Just says it makes it easier for you to see what what I'm stepped you now one key finger would say is Be careful not to use too much threat for the single Hexi Pretty, pretty much the more threads you've got on the needle that easier. The chance says that it's going to get all tangled or precious. There were so for the small size Hexi that I've got here, I got perhaps a little bit longer than an arm's length, but then doubled the top. So I do like to use a double threaded needle. Okay, so I'll show you how to so much. So what you're going to do to start off with is getting Hexi. But the freezer paper side facing up towards you on folding theologies of the fabric on one of the corners. Twofold and that unfolded in there and then just pinched the tip closed with your thumbnail . What I'm going to do to start off where there's just so a little stitch quite close to the tip, making sure that you do catch both pieces of fabric. Is that stitches? Gonna close that keep that corner closed. So put through, go back through again to make the stitch. Now one this various corner. I'm just doing one small stitch to start off with. You'll see on the other corners. I do, too, and that's because I'm going to end up back in in in this various quarter, so we'll see us again. So move onto the next corner. Just fold over little stitch close to the tip, Captain. Both pieces of the fabric. I'll just give through again to make the stitch. This time. I'm going to do a second stitch just underneath that. Help hold it more secure. We'll move on to the next corner. First stitch close to tears. Don't pull the thread too tight. What you don't want to happen? Is that the Hexi curls or plaid that which you can see. That's what happens if you pull it too tight. You need it to lay flat, so when you do start piecing them together, you've got flat edges that conjoined. So I'm just making the stitch from the 2nd 1 just underneath, so you can see what's happening by doing that is but little stick choose, which you hold in the corners in place on. Then there's the piece of thread, which goes from one corner to the next that just make sure that that flap of fabric that you've got folded over just stays in place for when you join them together to move on to the next corner. If you do find that your your thread looks like it's gonna tangle if you just let you needle drop, the weight of the needle will just pull the little crinkles out to the threat. So let's just do the next corner from the second stitch. What you can see doing a Hexi quilt, really, as a labor of love? Is it a certainly a slow project. It takes ages and ages, and what's great about it is it's really portable, so you can feel a little tour before heck sees. All you need is a hand sewing needle, a bit of thread and some scissors, and you can take the project with you. And I try to set myself a goal of doing at least three axes, adding three hexes onto my quilt per day. And wouldn't you start seeing it coming together? It's it's really rewarding. So that's the next corner on the second step. Okay, I'm on to the final corner. That first stitch near to the test little stitch underneath. Okay, so that's all four corners are now stretched on, and the folded fabric is held in place around the perimeter apart from this final one here , and that's because we are ending back where we started. So we need to do that final stitch, pull it through through again to make the stitch and then to finish it off. I just put the needle through until I got a loop off threat Passman Needle through the loop and pull it just to not it off. And then I'll just do that again. Asthma Luke past the needle through Pope. There's the back off the stitch taxi, so we'll just snip the threat off. So that's what it looks like on the back. You don't have to worry about them being really neat and tidy. This is going to be on the inside of the quilt, so you're not going to see it. It is just to give that folded appearance on the outside so that you can put all your exes together. So I'll add to that one to my pile of hex ease, ready to add on to my quilt, and I'll just show you a little bit of how minds looking so far. So I'm using a range off Tilda fabrics and what I love around about Tilda is you get a quite a few fabrics that a work really well together. So what that means is I haven't had to plan too much about what, Hexi. I'm gonna place where I just randomly so them together. Just making sure that don't have I'm too off the same pattern taxis right next to each other. All other than that I do. Just at the men really randomly. If you look at the back so you can see that, that's what it looks like at the back. One thing I will point out, as you do keep the free is a paper inside the Hexi because that gives you that stability when you're looking to join them together, which I'll show you in a different lesson. But then, as you are progressing, you do remove the machine, go, and that just makes your quilt top a little bit flexible. So if I needed two fold over that edge, for example on I can scrunch this area rock because there's no freezer paper making it, Steph. But you do need to make sure where you've still got taxis to join on taxis. Keep the freezer paper there to give you that stability. Okay, so that's how to sew a single Hexi. Thanks for watching on. I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson. 5. Pressing Hexi's 2: Okay, now that you've got the hexes caught out in the fabric Andi in the freezer paper. What you know need to do is press the freezer paper Hexi onto the back of the fabric xy just to give it that extra bit of stability for when you saw him. So what you end up with is a hexi that looks like that. So that's the fabric side. But then you can see the freezer. Paper is I end onto the back. It isn't permanently attached because you will see in their future lessons and how you do remove the freezer paper. I just said we so it's not permanently attached, but it does stay. That nice is cure for you while she going through the seven stages of the project. So you can see, for example, on the bar off one of the hexes here the freezer paper is still inside, so that's still quite stable. So when I come to start stitching them together, it just makes it that much easier to work with. Okay, so what you need to do to press them, you need to get your fabric. Hexi. First of all, on what you need is your iron Andi? Some form of ironing board. I normally do their set mind many nine inboard in my kitchen, but I'm just using a small sleeve ironing board. You so can show you on the camera, so you'll need to play. Sure. Fabric ACSI. With the fabric side facing down the wrong side of the fabric facing up towards you, you don't need to get your freezer paper taxi, and you'll feel that one side just feels like paper. The other side. It feels waxy on what was really important as you place that with the waxy side facing down on top of the fabric, you want to place it a central as you can, so trying to ensure that the fabric that's peeking around the edge is pretty even all the way around. I've got my iron set onto a normal cotton setting. But what is really important is to not use any steam while she doing this with my eye, and I after actually pressed the button to get steamed to come out. What if you've got one that automatically steams? Make sure you switch that off before you start to put it anywhere near your Hexi. Now I do also I in directly on top off the paper to fuse it together. You can if you want to avoid any damage to your eye in in case you forgot to put it the right way around, You can just lay a tea towel or something cotton on top and then press on top of that. It just makes it a little bit more difficult when you're doing it that way because you can't see if the paper slipped a little bit or something like that. So that's why I just aren't I indirectly on but doubly making sure that I got it. The paper side facing up, waxy, fat side facing down. Okay, so I will just get my I m put. It is central. As calm under start two units in place move your eye and slowly for a few moments about 30 seconds or so just to make sure that it's fused. No, no, it's took in place. So what I'm gonna do in the next lesson is show you how to create your single taxis like these. I'm going to show you how to sew the corners, how to sew the edges to ensure the fabric that's folded over. It stays in place ready for you to start building your quilt on DSO in the hexes together. So thanks for watching on. Do I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson? 6. Building the Quilt - Tools: hi and welcome to the next lesson and this class. I'm going to show you how to start to eso your single access together to start forming a quilt. So first of all, we'll just have a look. At what tools? Amusing at what I've got. First of all is the priests own single axis that we did in the previous lesson. And I like to sort them into fabric pattern. So you can see for some reason here I've seen toe have loads mawr stitched up in this print than I do in that, for example. So I know when I'm serving my next batch off single heck sees a need to start. So b'more in the fabrics that I'm running low on eso I keep the piles keep them sorted into the definite fabric styles. I've thing got my gotta men all purpose threat that I talked about in the previous lesson to I've got my little says is just to sniff the threads is also with them. I've got my hund sewing needle that have pre threaded with doubled up threat again, as we did in the previous lesson, when we were so in the hexes together And as before, don't be tempted to put too much thread onto your needle because it will just get tangled is much easier toe have less thread on change it more regular than to have long length of threat because it just just end up being in a tangled mess on one of the most important tools that you need for this section is a copper, copper, coffee or property or depending on what time you. So when you quilt a glass of wine if you do it in the evening As I said earlier, it's a great project because you can do it on the go. You can do it whenever you confessed. Five minutes here and five minutes there. Um uh and you don't need money tools. You just need to be able to take this little bit of kit with you. Wherever you go on. Do you consider it as longest as quickly or slowly is your life okay, so I'm going to move on to showing you how to piece them together 7. Building the Quilt - Row 1: Okay, so now we've had a look at the tools that we're gonna use. I'm going to show you how to start building your quilt. What you need to do to start off with is to create your first rope. I'm so bro of heck sees this is running along that. And then once you've got your first row built, what you then do is add individual hacks, ease built, coming on, building on your quilt. As I said before, I like to set myself goals off doing at least three hexes a day. I'm just so's It can fit him with a lot of things that I've got plunging to my life because it can become quite time consuming. Eso just moved out of the way. So what I've got here are my 1st 3 hexes that going to start the first robe on the quilt and I've got my needle on threat, which is a doubled up threat. So the 1st 2 hexes that I'm going to join together are these two. I'm So what you need to do is place them on top of one another right side of the fabric to right side of the fabric So just flip it over like that, right side to right side. And then I'm just going to join one off the edges together. So is gonna work on this edge here. So, um, hold the edges of the hexi together. Just pension it with your thumb and your finger. You also want to ensure that the flaps of fabric are staying flat and you'll also notice that the free is a paper remains inside. Your Hexi well should place in them together because it just gives you that extra stability that makes them what easier to work with. Try to ensure that the corners are lined up. A smudge is possible. They roam to always line up Exactly, and that doesn't matter. But just get them lined up as much as you can, and then we're going to start serving this together. So start at the corner. All you're doing is passing your needle through, making sure that you catching both PC's off the fabric and put obviously make sure you've got not in the end of the threat, I'm then going to go back through there because on the corner, because you've got extra bulk where the ACSI has been stretched in a corner. You just need a couple steps just to help that lay down. So pull the threat and then I'm going to continue stitching in that way all the way along. Keep the stick. She's quite close together. Andi, um, smaller. You can make the stitch, the less visible it's going to be from the front. So rather than kind of putting, you need land. Don't want that. You need to just be catching the edge of the fabric from Pope and then just continue along . Just make sure the allergies are staying body dot close together as you are sowing, because sometimes it can start slipping. I'm glad that so just keep moving your fingers along. Keeping it bought it together as you so. And I'm pretty sure you'll step yourself several times with needle jewelry, this process, but your fingers quickly. Hard not to to feeling the pain. You do get much quicker at doing this, the more that you practiced to. I'm doing it slowly, obviously, because I'm sharing you on the camera, but you do get much quickly and quick as before. If you think that your threat is starting to get twisted was lifted off. Let the weight of the needle drops. Slide your three fingers through to pull out any crinkles keep so going to the next corner termed a threat. Just gets caught around the corner. Just pull it gently. Okay? I'm just going to not the thread off that corner. It was a dip before I pull it until I've got a loop, Put my needle through pope and then I'll just do that again. Put the needle through the loop. I'm Pope, and then you just says this too. Snip the threat and then you can see that's the first to hack sees for my first row dream together. So that was That's what it looks like. A the front can't see the statues and that's what it looks like a back. So you then need to re not to your threat and you go into a touch the food taxi. So this is how I wanted to lay so again you flip over so it's right side to right side. Not that this is the edge that I need to stitch together, but look closely, and then I'm just gonna follow that same process again. stitching all the way along. Small step cheese, making sure you captain both edges of the fabric but keeping it close to the edge. The lower down. When you go with the needle, I'm the morts stitches you're going to see on the right side of the quilt. So I will carry on with that, and then we will move on to the next stage. 8. Building the Quilt - Row 2: Okay, So office own the three hexes together. I'm so that's what it looks like from the front. And that's what it looks like on the back. Now, as I say, what you need to do is carry on with this first grow. Get that completed before you move onto the next stage. I'm just stopping at three here, just those that can show you how to start building downwards as well. I'm how many taxis you use. Depends on how big you want you quilt to bay. I'm just making a small lap sized quilt. Eso I've got 12345678 9 10 11 12 Um, heck sees wide. And so I would have sewn that first row of all 12 axes before I move on to the next stage, which I'm going to show you now. So you need Teoh. Find which axes you want to use to correspond, making sure that you don't have any to hack sees that are the same next to one another. So I, um, going to use this pattern next now where I want this Hexi to be placed is there So what you need to do is. Start with this line here. So put the hex is right side to right side. This is the line that I'm going to stitch. So book them close together. So I got my needle. I'm just gonna follow that same process again. So start at the corner on stitch down. Same as before. Just watched that the edges aren't slip in. Keep them bottled up. Close together. - Really ? Asli building a jig Sel! I can't go until you reach the corner. A couple of extra stitches in the corner because of that bulk. Okay, If I open that up, you can see now. That was my original rope found. The Hexi is joined. There I now need to do is to move on to this edge. So I'm gonna so this Hexi to this Hexi. So just twisted around folding it over. I'll just show you that again because I need to say these two edges together. I need those to be right side to right side. Put them What clothes carry on with that stepped in line for the threat getting court over the hexes Mark has just happened that close to the edge. Now a couple extra stitches. Okay, so you can see quilt is starting to build Now, that would be the original Thean initial row. I'm but I'm starting to come downwards now as well. So and that's what it looks like on the front. That's what it looks like on the back. So what you would then do is plan what your next Hexi is going to pay Andi. So I'm going to use this fabric and you just carry on with that same process. So I'm just gonna snip my thread at that point. This is where I want the Hexi to bay. So I'm going to start off by joining this. Seem to gather here so I would flip over. So it's right side to right side stitch along that line there, so that will be stitched together. And then I want to join that side to that side. So flip over, stick to that line along there, and then I will want to join that seem to that scene, flip it over and said, and you just keep building and building and building until the quilt starts to come together. And pretty quickly it will start to resemble a quilt. What that I've still got loads of way Teoh to go on mine. Andi, I will show you how to do the actual quilty where you put some wadding in the center of backing on. And actually, Quilty time the machine. I will show you that in a separate lesson. And once I have got my quilt top completed just to remind him what it looks like at the back have started to remove the papers as this is growing. But wherever you've still got a Hexi to join to a Hexi, keep the paper there. But like these here, I know that all allergies are joined to another hack. See, so I can remove the paper so that I can squint you. OK, any questions at all? Do feel free to ask them in the discussions below and I'll be sure to help you out on also do share your pictures so I can see how you are getting on with your quilt top. Can't wait to see them. Thanks 9. Hexi Quilt - Thank you and Future Classes Insight: thanks again for taking my quilting Hexi quilt Top lesson. Hope you've really enjoyed it. And of hope you've loaned lots off new things. Please do share your projects. Oh, how you getting on so far with them in the project section on. Don't forget any questions that you've got it all. Just leave them in the discussion section and I'll be sure to help you as quickly as I can . I'm just tell you a bit more about some future lessons that I'm going to be adding soon to my class library A. Say I really passionate about helping people to learn how to. So whatever stage you're at in your sewing journey, whether you're an absolute beginner or whether you're more advanced on looking to progress onto things more like making items of clothing, I'm going to be adding some lessons that will be perfect for you. So some of the lessons that I've got coming very soon um, begin a class on how to make a beautiful bunten like this. You never can have too much bunting in your home. In my opinion, this is made from the most beautiful cath kid Stand on Laura Ashley fabric and I do make my bottom team fully lined. So then it's gonna last forever and ever. And you can quit swapping it around to different rooms, changing colors to work with the different seasons and the different deck or that you've got in your home. So I'll show you how to make that quickly and easily. I'm gonna show you how to make some fabric storage pops so you can see here. I've turned mine into a really lovely, plump potholder on, but you couldn't turn them into whatever you like. You can make them in different sizes. You can use them for storing fabric buttons. Cotton's I'm anything. It'll really I'm all you can do like I have here and make it is a really nice home few plants on. I'm going to show you how to make the most adorable, reversible little girls dress. How cute is that? S so you can see it is totally reversible. So it's two dresses in one. Just flip over Andi, that is the reverse. This is a great project for beginners. If you're looking to move into the dressmaking side of things, there's nothing very complicated in making this dress So I'm going to be adding a lesson very soon to show you how to do that. So thanks again for joining me. I hope you've enjoyed the class. I've really loved having you joining the class with me. Andi can't wait to see how your Hexi quilt top progress. Thank you.