How to Self Publish an Amazon KDP Journal or Notebook using Procreate & Canva | Kathy Austin | Skillshare

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How to Self Publish an Amazon KDP Journal or Notebook using Procreate & Canva

teacher avatar Kathy Austin, Owner of Bits of Joy

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.



    • 4.

      Designing our Cover


    • 5.

      Journal Pages


    • 6.

      Procreate and Canva Page


    • 7.

      Uploading and Previewing


    • 8.

      Pricing and Reports


    • 9.

      Now what?


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About This Class

In this class, you'll learn how to self publish your own journal or notebook using Procreate and Canva! 

I'll show you how to setup an Amazon KDP account, create a template to download, and we'll design a cover together (you can use the same theme or a different one)

I'll show you a variety of methods to create your interior pages and will walk you through how to setup your book for publishing step by step.

We'll also go through analytics and reports and take a look at other features and ideas on how to market your new journal! 

For this class, you will need: 
-Apple pencil
-Canva account
-Amazon KDP account 

Why Self Publish? You don't have to carry or invest in inventory! No minimum printing qualities to deal with! Products are shipped quickly and fulfilled by Amazon, so you don't have to "make" anything! Self publishing is a great way to get your ideas out into the world and to make passive income while doing it. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Kathy Austin

Owner of Bits of Joy


Hi! I'm Kathy and the owner of Bits of Joy!

Bits of Joy was founded in 2011 and is a small business featuring handmade polymer clay products! My favorite things to make are miniatures, food & dessert charms, and kawaii characters! 

Connect with me on any social media platform, shop supplies, and find out more here:

I was recently featured on H&R Block's Female Founders series. Read my article here!

                                                                       Photo by Holly Beasley.

See full profile

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1. Introduction: My name is Kathy and I'm the owner of bits of joy. I make and sell cute custom and creative polymer clay products to people all over the world. In 2021, I began digitizing my artwork and turning my 3D products into 2D forms of art using Procreate, a really amazing design app. Let me show you today how you can make your own self-published journals using Procreate and Canva. 2. Class Project: In today's class, let me show you how to self-publish and L1 and to self-publish a book. This is the class for you. I'll show you simple steps on how you can make your Amazon kVp account which is free. And I'll also show you how you can design your cover in Procreate or Canva, as well as create your journal pages. This class is for any level, although it does help to have a working knowledge of Procreate and Canva. Recommended software and materials include procreate and Apple Pencil, Canva, a computer and the Amazon kVp account. 3. Template: Alright, so the first thing we're going to do today is head over decay Once you get here, you'll hit the Kindle Direct Publishing main page and it'll look like this. If you have an Amazon account, go ahead and sign in right here. And if you don't go ahead and make one, and this will be free, you don't need to have a Prime account. Now, I like to keep my business account and my personal account separate, so I always sign in using my business account. Let's go ahead and get signed in. Once you get signed in, you'll notice that the page changes a little bit. This will be your home portal in the bookshelf section is where you'll see all of your books. Reports is where you can check in on how many sales you've made and what your most popular titles are. Community is ready. You can go to ask questions in a forum based setting. And then marketing is how kVp will help you with some marketing efforts and give you suggestions on things you can do to better market your book. Now, today I want you to go into your account and get everything set up. I'm not gonna walk you through this part of the process because it does involve some personal information within your account section. It'll be adding any tax information, payment information, billing address, and your BankAccount that way you can get paid appropriately. All right, the next thing I'm going to show you is how to create a template. Go into the Help tab here. On the left hand side of your screen you'll see a book formatting section. We are going to click on format you are in paperback. This will actually give you all the dimensions for the book sizing that you need. If you are more advanced of an artist, you can make your own dimensions here, but I think it's easier to download a cover template that way you can stay consistent in your work. We will scroll down to format your cover file. And in the middle here you'll see a download a covered template section, click on cover calculator and templates. We are going to make a paperback journal today. Interior, you can just select black and white. Now if you select one of the other ones, the pricing may go up or down. Paper type. I usually select white paper, but you can select what you prefer. Page turn direction. I always select left to right measurement units, inches. And since we're making a six by nine journal, we are going to select six by nine. I usually put about 100 pages inside my journal. So I'm going to type 100 here. We're going to click on Calculate dimensions. Once you get to this screen, this will show you how you can design your book and how much spacing you have for all of the safe areas. What I like to do here is click on Download Template. We can open this up. Once it's downloaded. Then you have a PDF format as well as a PNG file. With Procreate, it's easier to insert a PNG file. So go ahead and save this one, but let's go ahead and open it up so we can see what it looks like. Alright, so this is what you will upload into Procreate as a separate layer and then we are going to work on this layer. Let me show you how in the next part. Okay, so when you go ahead and pull up your KT P template, make sure you download it to your iPad because we're going to insert it as an image. So one thing that you want to make sure that you do is look at the overall dimensions. So because we are designing a six by nine inch journal, the actual size will be 12.475 by 9.250 because we are going to design the front and the back. So what we want to do first is create a template. Go ahead and open a new canvas. Can rename it. I'm just going to name it k and d p to keep it easy for the width. Let's go ahead and switch this to inches. The width is going to be 12.475. The height is going to be 9.250. We are going to keep this at 300 DPI. Then we're going to switch the color profile to CMYK because this is the format that Amazon will prefer for printing. Hit Create. This is what our template is going to look like. The next thing we want to do is import photo. All right, So this is what your template is going to look like. It shouldn't be on its own layer. So what we're going to do is reduce the opacity of this. That way we can work on top of it but still see where we need to stay within the lines. Now one thing to note is that all of the Amazon kVp books will have a barcode location. It's about two inches by 1.2 inches, and they will auto-generate barcode here. What I like to do is insert one of my logos to keep my brand inconsistent. So I'm going to go ahead and do that real quick. I'll size it to where I want it to go. I usually like to keep it in the back corner. This is our template that we're going to work off of. So when you go back to gallery, you'll see it right here. I'm going to rename it GDP. Gdp. So here is our template, ADP. We are going to reuse this file over and over again to keep our artwork consistent. What I'll do first is go ahead and duplicate it, swipe right, and hit Duplicate. And then I'm going to rename this one. We'll just go with florals today. This will be the file that we work off of. We want to keep the kVp one untouched. When you get to this screen, there are a couple of things to note. The side on the right is going to be your front cover and the side on the left is going to be your back cover. The section in the middle with the dotted lines is going to be the binding here. Depending on, if you want to design here. It's optional. But you can design in this space if you do want it printed. Alright, so let's go ahead and get started. What we want to do is create a new layer to work on. And we're going to put this layer underneath. That way we can see where our template is. Now at the template is too bright. You can lower the opacity if you need to. You can hide it while you're drawing and then turn it back on later to make sure that everything fits within the lines. Let's go ahead and draw something. 4. Designing our Cover: Let's get started. I'm going to base my InDesign offers something similar to this design that I've created. I want to use more pastel colors. I have green selected here as well as my monoline brush. Feel free to use whatever your heart desires. Get creative. I'm going to start by drawing some little leaf shapes using color drop here. And I'll fine tune this just a little bit. Now you can get as detailed as you'd like. I'm going to just copy and paste this shape several times. You can either duplicate it and move it around or swipe down with three fingers, hit copy, down again, and hit paste. That will do the same thing. Now, let's work on another layer and select a color for a flower. Let's go with a light purple. I'll stay with monoline for now. Start with a circle and draw some petals, color and drop them in. I'm going to copy and paste this flower a couple of times. Duplicate, duplicate. Selection. Rotate this one. Smaller layer. Select a pink color. Now if you ever want to preview your work, you can turn this layer off to see what it looks like. If it gets too distracting, just go ahead and draw without it because you can always move things around as long as you're working on different layers. I want to make a background color, which I forgot to do earlier. So I am going to click on background here. Maybe what did a pretty blue color. That looks good. Now you'll see here that I went over the dotted lines here. That means that your design will go along the binding here. So if you're creating a pattern, it's okay to go over these lines, especially if you want to create some contrast along the edges. However, if you're working on something else, like with characters, you'll want to ensure that you stay within the lines and not get too close to the edges. That way your design doesn't get cut off. Now you will be able to preview this in Amazon later. Let's go ahead and finish drawing and adding a couple more elements. Do. Okay, So let's preview our cover. This is what it's going to look like so far. You can see that I left this area blank because this is where the barcode is fine to go. I think that I want to add a little bit more along the edges that way it's not so playing right here. Let's select another color. Alright, so I think I'm happy with how that looks. What we're going to do is export it. Hit share. 5. Journal Pages: Next part of our video, I'm going to send you a link in the resources section that you can click on and access these free interior templates. You can either design your own or you can purchase them or download some for free depending on your preference. What we'll do here is click on Download. Once you have your files downloaded, it will be in a big folder with plain paper, ruled paper, graph paper and dark grid paper mixture before you use anybody's templates that you look over the license terms here. For today's purposes. It is okay to use the files that I'm providing you according to the license terms here. So you are allowed to use or modify our templates for both personal and commercial distribution on the book, an e-book publishing platform, amazon kVp, without any attribution. There may be times where you might need to purchase a commercial license, but if you're designing something that's completely your own, you don't need to do that. Let's go and look at the different types of paper. So we can use plain paper, ruled paper, graph paper or a dot grid paper. Now the dot grid is what you'll use for bullet journals, ruled paper, you'll have a wide and a college wool type setting. Now one thing to note about the plain paper, if you are trying to create a journal that is completely plain, Amazon will actually flag it and it won't get approved. And that's because it thinks that you're a PDF file is empty. If you do want to create a doodle journal where people can draw, you will need to either insert your logo or add some little lines at the bottom or do something on the page that way it doesn't look completely blank. Otherwise your journal will not get approved for publication. For today. We are going to use ruled paper. You can select Medium ruled or wide ruled. So I usually go with medium ruled. On the next section, you'll select the correct book size. So today we're doing six by nine. Alright, then pick how many pages you want. So I usually do a 100 pages. This will open up into a handy-dandy PDF file for you. And it will show a 100 pages of lined paper. Now if you wanted to add your logo or something to this, you can do this in Canvas, otherwise you're good to go if you want to just use this template. 6. Procreate and Canva Page: Now let's say that you want your journal to be a little bit more complex and you don't want just lines. You want to draw your own pages so that you can put things where you want them and give it a little bit more flair. So one thing that I did was I created a type one diabetes journal. And I drew this template here for one of my log journals so that parents and providers and children can log what they eat for breakfast. Check on their carbs and write down how many units of insulin we're given. So this is a little bit more personal. So one thing that I like to do when I draw these out, it's used a six by nine page. I like to add reds. So if you go into your tools section, Canvas, you can add a drawing guide just to keep all of your lines and everything consistent and straight. If you want to draw your own sections or add a little bit of flair, go ahead and design your own paint. Once it's ready, we are going to export it. Hit share. Alright, so the next thing we're going to do is head over to and click on Create a design. We're going to select a custom size, six by nine inches. And now we're going to create the interior pages. Alright, so I have already uploaded my diabetes journal page as an image. So I'm going to insert that and size it to the page. What we're gonna do next is duplicate the page. Now we have two pages. However, we need a 100. So go ahead and click on GridView at the bottom here. We are going to hit Control and select these and then duplicate the pages. So pretty much you could duplicate until you get to a 100 pages. Keep hitting the button. You can scroll down and check your progress. We're at 66. Now, if you wanted to add different types of pages, you're welcome to do that. But since I'm making a logbook here, I'm just using the same page over and over again. You can also insert a cover page if you wanted. All right, so we're almost at 100. Let's just duplicate one page at a time. There's 979899100. Okay. Once you have 100 pages, we are going to download this as a PDF file and hit Download. 7. Uploading and Previewing: To start a book, we are going to click on create a new title right here. Now you do have a couple of options. If you are publishing more of a traditional book, you can publish either a Kindle e-book or a paperback or hardcover book. But for today's purposes, we're just making journals. So we are going to select paperback. Now this screen will become very familiar to you because you'll have to do this every time you create a book. So make sure you select the correct language that you want for your book title. Once you decide on a book title, you cannot change it. So make sure that you're absolutely certain. Do your research, make sure this is what you want before you type it in here. For today's purposes, we're just going to call our spring past still floral journal because that's the design I'm going to go with today. Subtitles are optional. If your book is part of a series, you can add details here as well as an addition number. So if you create new additions of your book. Now the Author section, you can put in your information. Contributors is if someone else's working on the book with you. The next part is the description section. Now what I like to do is copy and paste the information from my other books. That way everything is similar. I'm going to go into my journals here, click on one and copy and paste my information and edit it here. This colorful journal futures hand-drawn, funky colored rainbows. I'm going to take this out and update it. We can leave makes a wonderful gift for the stationary lower. All of my journals are six inches by nine inches and a 100 pages. I usually make them medium ruled line pages and you can choose from a glossy or matte cover. Today, we are actually going to go the glossy cover. Once you type in your body. Go on to the next part and you can select this top piece if it's something that you're designing. Now, keywords, things to consider. Journals, think of things that people will type in when they are searching for your book and type those keywords here. For categories. You can select different topics here. Find something that's relevant to what you are making. I like to go under literary collections and select diaries and journals. Save. You can also add additional categories. Now, does this book contain language, situations, or images am inappropriate for children under 18? Know, our book. Spraying passed off Laurel journal. When you are on this page, you have to get an ISBN barcode number on the back of your journal. I usually just let them assign new one so that way it's different and I don't have to worry about creating my own publication date. If you have a specific date that you'd like to use, selected it here, otherwise, it'll just get approved. When it gets approved, I always select Black and White Paper, six by nine inch. Now when we get to bleed, if you select no bleed, what will happen is your pages will have a border around them. If you want your journal lines to go all the way across, make sure that you select bleed. This allows bleed, allows all of your content to go directly to the edge of the page. If you're doing something like a typed book, you might want to go with no bleed. But if you're going to go with a journal or a dot grid pattern, then we'll select bleed and make sure it's in a PDF file. Then the paperback cover finish you can choose from Matt, which is really smooth and not shiny, or you can select glossy. Alright, so next we're going to upload our manuscript, which is the inside of the pages. Okay, So once you've extracted your files from your template, we are going to go in and select the correct pages that we want. So again, wallpaper, medium ruled six by 900 pages. If you are creating your own template from Canada or elsewhere, you can also upload it here as well. Okay, and make sure that it is in the correct format. Pdf doc file, doc XHTML or RTF. Now for the book cover, you can use Amazon's cover creator or you can upload a cover that you already have. So remember earlier in the class we uploaded a PDF file of our cover. I'm going to go find that on my computer. Then we also have an opportunity to preview it. Alright, so the next section, book preview, launch PR reviewer. Usually this takes a few minutes. After you wait about five or ten minutes, you will get your print preview or what this does is it imports all the pages that you uploaded as well as your cover and you can kind of look it over before it goes into production. So as long as you're happy with the cover, you can go ahead and approve it, but make sure that you go and look in the interior pages too. So when you hover over here, you'll see a little right-hand arrow. Click on that. And this will allow you to preview all of your pages. You have specific pages in mind. You can select them down here. Again with the bleed. If you select no bleed, then this section here will be white and your lines will only go within the dotted area. The reason that we select bleed with our pdf is so that we can get the lines that go all the way across. I also do the same with my grid journals. However, if you're trying to make a book, then select no bleed that way it stays within this rectangle here. If you're happy with the way everything looks, go ahead and hit Approve. And this will take you to the next step, which is where we'll select pricing and other details. You'll see that we've been assigned a free kVp ISBN number. Double-check that everything is correct here. Manuscript is uploaded, covers uploaded. 8. Pricing and Reports: The summary, this will tell you how much your book costs for Amazon to print and ship your book. It's $2.15. We are going to hit Save and Continue. Now we have the opportunity to decide where we want to sell our book. If you want to keep yours within the US only you're welcome to do that. You can also select different countries. So the pricing, royalty and distribution section here is where you can type in. The amount that you want to sell your book for. The minimum amount is $3.58 sets. So if you were to type $3.58 in, it would calculate your royalties. So the printing cost is $2.15 here. And you actually wouldn't be making that much. Let's raise the price to $5. The royalty on each journal that you sell would be $0.85. And if you were to sell them for a $100, the royalty that you would make per copy is 5785. Now, Amazon will go ahead and convert all your prices to all the different countries listed below. So you can see how your royalties adjust. I'm going to set this journal 799, which will give me a royalty of $2.64 for each journal sold. Terms and conditions. It can take up to 72 hours for your book to be available for purchase on Amazon. Until then, the book status will be in review on your bookshelf. You are actually able to go in and check. However, Amazon Wilson do an email if there's any issues or once your book gets approved. Go ahead and hit Publish your paperback book once you're ready to go into print. Again, these are print on-demand. Amazon will print them as people order them. You don't have to worry about stocking inventory or ordering like a 100 of them. Just have them sitting around. Okay, So this is what it looks like once you're paperback has been submitted. So again, it'll take up to 72 hours for them to review. And you can also go in anytime to check on the progress. If you decide that you don't want to sell it for 799 and want to go up or down in price, you're also welcome to do that. But if you fluctuate too much, it will take a little bit longer to get approved. Once you're all set, hit Close. And you can scroll down here to see that your paperback is in review. If your book is already live, you can go down and check on it, but then you can also edit it if you need to. Just keep in mind that if you do edit your book, sometimes you will have to create a new edition. Once it's live, you can click on View on Amazon. I'm in the US, I'm going to select us. And this is what your listing will look like. It has all your details here. Now the look inside feature will appear within a few days. This allows people to look inside your book. You aren't able to select the exact pages though. Now when you're trying to your kVp homepage, you are familiar with the bookshelf section, which is where you can check the status of your books as well as any other ones that you've published. You can go into reports here to see this view. This will show your sales dashboard. You can categorize it by month or the last 90 days just to see the progress on how much you've sold, you'll see little bars here. And that indicates when you've made a sale. You can also scroll down and look at your royalties. This is how much I've earned in royalty fees. You'll also see that I made a sale in Canada, so I will have another $4 here. If you want a little bit more details, you can click the tribe, the new kVp reports beta tab, and it will look like this. Once you hit the dashboard page, you'll click on orders. Then this can show you a little bit more details about the books that you've sold with a chart, as well as how many of each books you've sold within March 1st, the 27th, I've sold 14 of this, 0 of this, and so on. 9. Now what?: Now that you've published a book, now what, how do you market it? So what you want to do is go to and create an author page. So upload your logo, some biographical facts about yourself. Now, you can share this page with your friends and family or your customers. However, just know that these do not pre-populate. Once you've already updated your profile, you can go into books here and click View All books. You need to add a book. So click on the bottom here to grab your ISBN number. Just copy and paste it. From whichever book you're looking for. And click Search. It will find your book. And you can just click on it to add it to your bookshelf. So since I've already done this one, this will also give you reports of marketing. So if you want to look and see how well your books are doing compared to other people's books. You can click on that. You can also view customer reviews from here. Another thing you can do is share your author page with this custom URL. If you have a customer that wants to purchase your books and they don't know how to find you. You can just give them this URL here and it will list everything that you've sold, order in your book. You can order copies for your friends and family or market it to your customers directly on Amazon. By clicking View on Amazon and selecting us. Or if you wanted to order author copies, you can go under each book and select Order author copies. Now, author copies allow you to order your journal at print cost. You'll see here that's $2.15. Now keep in mind that even though your journals are sold on Amazon Prime, When you order author copies, you do not get them in two days. It typically takes ten to 14 days. So the shipping speeds are a little bit more extreme and you also have to pay for them. So keep that in mind when ordering. Go ahead and click Submit Order if you're ready to go and then you'll get an email once your order is confirmed and once your journals go into production. All right, So now that you've self-published your first Amazon Katie IEP book, what else can you do if you take one of my other Skillshare classes, I have a class on how to create your own digital coloring sheets. You can essentially create your own coloring book using the same process that I've shown you. And upload all your sheets as a PDF file and upload this as your manuscript option. Then you can turn it into your own personalized coloring book, whatever size you desire. If you enjoyed this class, please take the time to leave a review, share your finished at journal photos with me and tag me on Instagram at bits of joy crafts for a chance to be reshared in my stories. Thank you.