How To Reach Your Full Potential With a Growth Mindset | Improvement University | Skillshare

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How To Reach Your Full Potential With a Growth Mindset

teacher avatar Improvement University, Teacher + YouTuber

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      How This Class Will Change Your Life


    • 2.

      Neuroplasticity: Your Super Power


    • 3.

      Growth Mindset: The KEY to Success


    • 4.

      The Science of Acquiring Skills


    • 5.

      The Magic of Being an Eternal Learner


    • 6.

      How To Easily Take Massive Action


    • 7.

      How To Overcome Challenges - FAST


    • 8.

      How To Overcome Fear, Self-Doubt, Criticism and Failure


    • 9.

      How To Develop Infinite Confidence and Self-Esteem


    • 10.

      Top 10 Beliefs That You Should Live By


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About This Class

In this class, you'll learn everything you need to get a solid frame of reference to achieve your goals. We'll work together to define a meaningful goal you have in your life and also take concrete steps towards its attainment.

If you have been struggling to accomplish your goals, it could be due to any of the following reasons:

  1. You DON'T know what your goals are.
  2. You believe your talents and intelligence are fixed traits.
  3. You don't understand the value of learning and persistence.

If you find yourself struggling with these, then I think this course will be perfect for you.

In this course, you will learn how a simple trait called neuroplasticity is the KEY FACTOR in achieving your goals.

You will also learn why you must write down your goals because, without clarity, there's no way you can move forward and achieve them.

Once you are clear about what you want to accomplish, then it's only a matter of reverse-engineer your goals to find out what you will need to learn and do.

It's only when you are aware that you can improve and get better over time, that you will be motivated enough to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

And this is exactly what this class will teach you how to do.

If you feel stuck in your life either because you lack motivation or don't know where to start, then this course is PERFECT for you.

You will learn a powerful and effective frame of reference to use for EVERY goal you want to achieve in your life.

Who am I?

My name is Fernando - I'm an Industrial Engineer and a math and physics teacher.

I also make YouTube videos about habits, mindset, and self-improvement.

I've been able to transform my life (according to my standards) by mastering the concept of a growth mindset which is why I want to share it with you in this class.

I often get questions on my videos asking for advice on how to get out of a rut, finding motivation, and goal achievement.

Most of these issues have the same solution and that's why I think this class can help many people.

So, if you would like to reach your full potential, then I think this class can definitely help you.

Meet Your Teacher

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Improvement University

Teacher + YouTuber


Hello, my name is Fernando and I run the YouTube channel Improvement University.

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Personal Development Mindset
Level: All Levels

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1. How This Class Will Change Your Life: Do you suffer from lack of self-confidence? Do you feel stuck in your relationships, your career, and your life in general? Well, in this class you will learn a powerful concept that will transform every aspect of your life. Hi, my name is Fernando and irony self-improvement YouTube channel called improvement University. For the past three years, I've been studying the role, our mindset, placing the involvement of our life. That's why in this class, I want to share with you the most powerful mindset I have encountered. The biggest problem people have is that they think their abilities and intelligence are fixed traits. This explains why most people give up in the pursuit of their dreams. They can't stand the thought of knowing that their skills are not good enough to achieve their goals. In addition, people think that they are not good enough, not just their skills. This way of thinking is the perfect recipe for unfulfilled potential. People who think they can't improve our destined to see failure as evidence of their lack of worth. This in turn, creates feelings of defensiveness and resentment. Also, people who believed their skills are fixed traits will fear challenges. The problem is that life is full of challenges and the path towards any meaningful goal will be crowded with problems. Any problem you see potential failure that could expose people's limited abilities and therefore they are lack of talent and intelligence. The problem with seeing talent and intelligence as fixed traits is that it will keep you stuck wherever you are today. You don't want to be a resentful person who is afraid of challenges, criticism, and failure. You don't want to be the type of person who constantly regrets not pursuing their dreams and goals. You don't want to wonder at the end of your life what could have happened if you just had the courage to pursue what you most wanted. Fortunately, you can avoid experiencing regret, resentment, and bitterness if you decide to see yourself in a different way. This class will help you reach your full potential by adopting a growth mindset and therefore changing the way you think about failure, criticism, challenges, And of course, talent and intelligence. Throughout this class, you will learn how to develop an insatiable appetite for learning new things. How to love, failure, criticism and challenges. How to stop procrastinating by acquiring the action habit. How to develop confidence in yourself. You'll then use these skills to move forward towards your most desired goal. This class is aimed at students with no prior experience in any field. A growth mindset is something anyone can learn at any point in their life. The ideal student should have a desire for change in their life. They should be looking for a solution to change their current conditions. The skills you will learn in this class can be applied to an infinite number of scenarios. So for sake of simplicity and impact, I will mention the most relevant ones. Let's say that you were rejected by someone you were dating. Instead of getting better and resentful, a growth mindset will help you to see rejection as a learning opportunity. Let's say your business failed. Instead of quitting intrepreneurship forever, learn to see failure as an opportunity to develop better skills that will serve you in the future. Whenever the path towards your goals get off, a growth mindset will help you develop perseverance and a strong work ethic. This class will help you overcome the self-doubt you feel whenever a new challenge comes up. Another way you can utilize these skills is to develop a passion for learning and improvement that will help you become better in any area of your life. You'll be able to improve your physical strength, your habits, your professional skills, and so on. By the end of this class, you will be able to see failure as positive, develop a passion for learning, develop unbreakable confidence and much more. With that being said, let's move on to lesson number 2, where you will discover your hidden superpower. 2. Neuroplasticity: Your Super Power: A couple of years ago, the scientific community believed that the brain stopped growing around 25 years of age. But new evidence found by Dr. Norman Doidge and multiple other scientists suggests that the brain is capable of remarkable transformations during all live. This means that just as a kid can learn multiple languages, sports and skills, and adult can learn the same things. The human brain is a plastic organ. It can grow and adapt according to the stimuli it is subjected to. Neuroplasticity is the brain's capacity to change and grow. These changes can be best described as new connections formed between different sets of neurons. Another way to understand the real plasticity is to look at what happens when people build muscle. People who get stronger and develop muscle tend to do the following things. One, eat healthy food to lift weights. Three, gradually increase the amount of weight they are lifting. And four, they are consistent in their practice. Your brain's ability to grow is not any different. You can develop new and stronger neural connections if you do the equivalent activities of building muscle, one, consume useful sources of information to put into practice what you learned. Three, gradually increase the challenges you engage in and be consistent in your applications. So just as you need heavyweights to develop strong muscles, there are some tools you can use to develop stronger connections between neurons. These tools are the repetitions of thoughts, consuming information, environmental influences, intentional practice and psychological stress. The way all these factors help you wire your brain is through repetition. The more you practice a skill, the easier it will be in the future, because the neurons associated with it have already created a connection. Every time you practice a new activity, you start crafting a new road in your brain. The more you repeat the same thought, the more you will tend to believe it, because there's a stronger connection, the more you consume this same type of information, the easier you will remember it. Because there's a faster connection between the neurons that memorized that. In essence, the more you repeat something, the easier it will be to repeat it in the future. A similar form, if you stop repeating something, the neural pathway associated with it, we'll weekend until it eventually disappears. The process of rewiring your brain by forming new connections and weakening existing ones is neuroplasticity inaction. Your greatest superpower is this innate ability to rewire your brain the way you want. If you have ever learned a new skill or memorize something, you have craved a new pathway and experienced this superpower. Neuroplasticity really shows that humans are creatures that are designed to learn. But be careful just as you can learn all the skills you desire. You can also develop unhealthy habits that will be ingrained in your brain. The way to unlearn or get rid of an unhealthy behavior is to stop repeating it. Whether it's a negative thought pattern or a bad habit, the way to get rid of it is to stop repeating it. So be careful with what you repeat, because every repetition strengthens the connection between neurons. With that being said, let's start with the class project. The whole idea behind developing a growth mindset is to be able to achieve your most desired goals so you can reach your full potential. This will require you to learn new knowledge and skills. And for this, you need to completely understand that your talents and intelligence are malleable and plastic traits. The project consists of putting into practice the growth mindset steps required to learn one skill that will help you achieve one goal. That's why today's homework is to write down on paper your most important goal, be very specific and write the date you would like to achieve your goal. Once you know your goal, you can identify the skills and knowledge you will need for its accomplishment. That's what we're going to talk about in the next lesson. So I will see you there. 3. Growth Mindset: The KEY to Success: In this lesson, you will learn why a growth mindset is essential to achieve your goals and the four key characteristics of it. Let me tell you a story to illustrate the power of a growth mindset. So back in 2017, I wanted to start a YouTube channel. The problem was that I was profoundly scared of putting myself out there for three years. I came up with ton of excuses about why I wasn't ready yet. I thought that I was not good enough to provide value to other people. I assumed that there were multiple other YouTubers who were worth watching more than I was. These excuses were the result of multiple factors. See, English is not my first language at that time, my accent was not even close to being an average. In addition, I had no clue about how to grow and YouTube and make videos go viral. Even though this excuses made sense at that time, I couldn't stop thinking about starting a YouTube channel. It was not until late 2019 that I stumbled upon the concept of a growth mindset and either bowerbird, older material I could about it. The first power for realization I had was that I could learn all the skills needed to create a successful YouTube channel. I also recognize that the chances of creating a successful YouTube channel would be proportional to how hard I worked and how much I proved. This mindset helped me see criticism and failure as opportunities from which I could learn and improve. So I don't make the same mistakes again in the future. One of the first things I created was a list of folders, skills I would need to develop to create a YouTube channel, and I work hard on developing them. In addition, I invested in a course that teaches how to grow a successful YouTube channel. And I watched it at least times. I also posted two videos per week for 52 straight weeks. At the end of the first year, the YouTube channel had 18 thousand subscribers with hundreds of views per hour, and it made hundreds of dollars per month. The moral of the story is that a growth mindset will allow you to do things you didn't believe possible. A growth mindset will allow you to learn new skills, become smaller, learn from failure, become more resilient, and most importantly, moved towards your goals. Human potential is limitless thanks to the brain's capacity to change the ring old life. The problem is that we get in our own way, we make the mistake of believing that our intelligence and skills are fixed. Here's where a growth mindset is essential. To develop a growth mindset, you need to memorize this four key pillars of bed. Number one, you can improve and get better because your brain needs malleable and plastic. Number 2, you can become better if you're willing to learn. Number three, you can improve your intelligence and skills through consistent application. And number four, challenges, criticism, mistakes, and failure are opportunities to grow and to learn about how good your intelligence and skills are. The whole point of developing a growth mindset is to become aware that your intelligence and abilities can be developed and improved. The skill acquire are what then allows you to achieve your most desired goals. When you achieve your goals, you will enjoy better conditions in your life, which in turn creates joy and satisfaction. In essence, a growth mindset is the key to having a good life. That said, let's continue with the class project. By now, you should have your most important goal written down on paper. Today's homework consists of identifying the skills you will need to achieve your goal. For example, if your goal is to get fit, these are some skills you might consider developing, nutrition, weightlifting, and stretching. Let's say that you want to climb the corporate ladder. Here are some skills that could serve you a strong work ethic, responsibility, social skills. So now it's your turn. Make a list of the most important skills that you need to develop to achieve the goal you defined in the previous lesson. After that, let's move on to lesson number four, where you will learn why your level of success is proportional to how many skills you are able to master. 4. The Science of Acquiring Skills: In this lesson, you will learn why acquiring skills is the essential component of goal achieving. The soccer player that I admired the most is Cristiano Ronaldo. He's teammates talk about how Christiana shows up one hour before training, either to lift weights or to practice with the ball. Another of my favorite athletes is wrap and et al. He was born right candidate, but when he was a kid, He's coach suggested that he played with his left hand to get an advantage over the right-handed majority. And so Russia became left-handed through consistent practice. Basketball legend Michael Jordan started as an average high school basketball player, but he was the most competitive guy in the team. Onetime, Michael Jordan said the following words. I'm going to show you that no one will ever work as hard as psi work. Businessman, Elon Musk is most widely known for his companies SpaceX and Tesla flux. Most shocking is that he taught himself how to build rockets and launch them into space. When asked about how he did it, he responded, I read a lot of books. These are four stories of average humans who transformed themselves into freaks of nature by acquiring skills they didn't have before. These four people have the following things in common. One, they are learners. They are never satisfied with what they know. They are always seeking new knowledge that will help them get better. Too. Hard workers. Their work ethic is stronger than that of people against which they compete. Three, they are resilient. They don't know what failure is. They just note that the path towards their goals is going to be full of feedback from which they can learn for they are obsessed with improvement. Most people believe that successful people are full of talent and our quote, unquote, lucky, but this is not the case. What of my favorite quotes is by Conor McGregor, one of the best mixed martial artists are full time. They quote reads, There's no talent here. This is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist. We are all equal as human beings. Could be anyone if you put in the time, you will reach the top. And that's that I'm not talented, am obsessed, even though some people have natural advantages in some aspects, anyone can become better than anyone else if they are willing to learn. What allows people to get better is the acquisition of useful skills. Cristiano Ronaldo is better than most soccer players because he can kick the ball better than most people. He can head the ball better than most people, and he's faster than most people. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of full-time because he's shots were more precise than the rest. He jumped higher than the rest, and he was mentally tougher than the rest. These amazing people were not born with these skills, built them over time. None of the people you admire, we're born with the skills they have. They all had to learn and work hard to become who they are today. Every human is born with the capacity to acquire all the skills they want. Because the brain is a malleable and plastic organ, the brain can change and adapt to whatever you want to learn and whatever you want to do. What this means for you is that your number one goal in life should be acquiring the skills your goals demand. Wanted to attract an awesome romantic partner. You can develop attractive traits in an attractive body, wants to earn more money. You proved your professional skills, your social skills, and learn how to provide value. Once you know what you want to achieve, you can discover what skills you will need. Once you are clear about what skills you will need, then it's all about learning and application. What we refer to as quote unquote, success is only a reflection of the skills a person has. So let's talk about the class project. By now, you should have a list of the skills that your goal demands. Today's homework is to analyze those skills and pick the one that will have the most impact in achieving your goal. This will be the skill you are going to be focusing on for the rest of this course. With that said, let's move on to lesson number 5, where you will learn how to develop the skill you selected. 5. The Magic of Being an Eternal Learner: In this lesson, you will learn about the first key element to acquire any skill you want. The process of skill acquisition starts with consuming as much information as possible. Mark Cuban, the owner of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks, credits a big part of his success to his desire to learn more than his competitors. Back in the eighties, he started his first business by teaching himself how to use the newest computers and how to code by reading lots of manuals and putting the knowledge into action. He credits most of his best business ideas to his insatiable curiosity and desire to learn new things. Also, mark states that the desired port learning will give you an edge over everyone who is not doing it. Justice mark, the most successful people in the world have two key characteristics. First, they identify as learners, failure is something that they CSN event that creates insights that they can use to get better. Failure helps them become aware of their shortcomings. And once they know which they are, they know what they need to learn to improve for the future. These people are always open to learning from others. This allows them to be open-minded and to observe new information from everyone they need. The second key trait that people like Mark is that they are curious. Our city is what allows them to come up with new ideas and new insights. Curiosity also allows them to learn more than other people. People that are willing to learn are always thinking about how they can improve, how they can avoid setbacks, and how they could reach their goals. Curiosity gets their mind open to new information that could help them achieve their goals. What this means for you is that you should identify as an eternal learner, your goal is to always be seeking new information that will help you achieve your goals. Be open and willing to learn. This will create new perspectives that could transform your life. Make learning part of who you are. Benefit of identifying as a learner is that it will make your bulletproof to criticism. Since you're always willing to learn, criticism ends up being positive instead of a threat to your self-image. With that said, the best sources of learning are the ones that provide the most concentrated amount of knowledge. The goal is to find the sources of information that tells you exactly how to acquire the skills you want. That's why I find the following to be the best sources of learning. The first resource, our books. Books allow you to learn exactly what you're looking for in a direct way. The second resource, our mentors. A mentor is someone who can teach you exactly what you want to learn, independent of the means. This means reading someone's books, watching someone's YouTube videos and interviews, investing in someone's scores. To put it in a nutshell, a mentor is a person who is exactly where you want to go. The third resource is Skillshare. What I love about this platform is that classes are pull-up, robust content that teaches you a concrete skill in a forthright way. Now, let's talk about how to learn anything fast. The pillar of learning is repetition. Studying something for 30 minutes a day over several days will allow you to learn anything you want fast. You can speed up the process by taking notes by hand. Writing forces you to think deeply. It's also important to take breaks between your learning sessions. You can study for periods of 30 minutes and take a five-minute break in between them. You can also study from Monday to Friday, taking the weekend off if you want to learn something, be consistent over several days. So let's move on to the class project. By now, you should have selected the most important skill your goal demands. Your exercise for this lesson is to make a list of at least five of the most important resources you will have to learn prompt to develop your chosen skill. This resources could be books, podcasts, mentors, Skillshare courses, etc. Once you have that list, is time to learn and consume the information. It's critical to write the action steps you finding the information you consume. This steps are going to be essential part the next lesson. With that being said, let's move on into the next lesson where you will learn the other component of skill acquisition. 6. How To Easily Take Massive Action: In this lesson, you will learn about the second key element to acquire any skill you want. As we discussed in the previous lesson, knowledge is crucial to developing skills, but without putting it into practice, this skill cannot be developed. The essence of building skills is putting into practice what you're learning without acting knowledge will not solidify into a tangible skill. On the other hand, the more action you take, the faster you will be able to build the skills you want. Action is necessary to develop a skill. Unfortunately, most people get paralyzed by the thought of taking action because they are afraid to realize that their skills are poor. But if you believe you can improve over time, there's nothing to fear about taking action. So let's talk about some important points about taking action to build skills. It's totally normal to feel uncomfortable at the beginning. In fact, your first application will always be the most unpleasant. This is part of the learning process. Just as a child must scroll and fall multiple times before learning how to walk, you will stumble and fail before you completely dominate the skill you want to build. When taking action, always praise the process, not the results. Let me explain. Let's say that you want to learn how to edit videos for your new YouTube channel. Praising the process means are proving yourself based on learning how to edit videos and actually practicing it. Praising the results means are proving yourself based on the video you created. The problem with bracing the result is that at the beginning your skills will not be sufficiently developed. Therefore, your results will not be good enough, and that's normal. What you should be praising is how hard you're working phrase being consistent with your learning and your applications, focus involving yourself for how much are learning and putting into practice. Why? Because the reality is that you only control your effort and your perseverance. The only thing you have total control over is yourself, for that reason, makes sure to use your energy and capacities to their fullest focus and learning as much as you can. Focus on applying what you learn a soft Dennis, you can focus on being honest with how much we're learning and how well you are applying it. Focus on analyzing your results and learning from them. Praise being persistent and working hard until you have mastered the skill you want. Changed your metric of value from external results to internal values like effort and persistence. The truth about skills is that they are a complete reflection of how committed you are to learning and application. You must realize that your skills, intelligence, and abilities are 100% your responsibility. Maybe you were not born with astonishing skills, but it's 100% your responsibility to improve them. Maybe your work ethic is not that great, but it's in your hands to improve it. Acquiring skills is 100% responsibility. And the great news is that you can control yourself. So use your will to acquire new skills. Why am I making such a great emphasis on hard work? Because success, however you define it, is 99 percent hard work. This is according to the most successful people in the world. They always persevere and never backed down in the face of the toughest challenges. People who are not as successful as Dan are the ones who quit in the face of the smallest challenges. If you think about it, nothing great in life comes easy, whatever it is, there's a price to pay. And the bigger the reward, the higher the price. Let's talk about the class project. Today's exercise consists of putting into practice the action steps you listed in the previous lesson, I suggest you follow this process. The first step is to set a very small goal. Let's say you want to improve your social skills. So a small goal could be talking to 10 strangers at the mall. There second step is to put into practice and action step you listed in the previous lesson in our example, it could be asking random people how their day's going with a smile on your face. The third step is to apply it. This means going to the mall and talking to ten random people. With that said, let's move on to the next lesson where you will learn how to deal with the Nevertheless setbacks you will face when you apply your action steps. 7. How To Overcome Challenges - FAST: In the previous lesson, you learned why it's essential to take action, to develop skills. Now, the thing is that whenever you take action, you will face challenges and setbacks along the road. That's why in this lesson, you will learn how to easily overcome them. The problem most people have is that when they face challenges, they find it hard to persevere past them. They confuse hitting a roadblock with hearing the ceiling of their capacities. As a result, most people give up on their goals because they think they are not good enough. In addition, they feel bad because they had to give up a goal that really mattered to them. What if I told you that you can avoid this destructive interpretation of the challenges you will face. The solution to this problem is very simple. It lies in changing how you think about challenges and setbacks when you're learning new things, There's going to be a period of adaptation, and it's usually referred to as the learning curve. The human brain learns through an iterative process of trial and error. The process requires repeated attempts which are continued until success. Some iterations will be successful and some will be failures. And this is what people confused with not being good enough failures, however, you define them, are simply part of the iterative learning process that you must follow until you succeed. Instead of thinking you are not good enough, you can think in terms of not being good enough yet, adding the word yet to your learning process, especially when you face a challenge or a setback, will completely change your perspective. Instead of thinking, my YouTube videos are not great, you can think my YouTube videos are not great yet. Instead of thinking, I'm not smart enough, you can think I'm not smart enough yet. The word yet opens the door for improvement, makes you a word that you're conditions are not fixed, they are malleable. The easiest and fastest way to change your outlook and challenges and setbacks is to learn something from every single one of them. Most people struggle with challenges and setbacks because they think they reveal information about themselves. Note about their approach, challenges and setbacks are the richest form of feedback you will ever find. Let me explain. Let's say that you want to find loving her life. One day you meet a woman you really like. You ask for her number, but unfortunately, she rejects you. The way you decide to interpret this event will impact your romantic life forever. People would interpret this event as evidence that they don't deserve the type of woman they want. Someone with a growth mindset will see the setback as a rich source of feedback from which they can learn. For someone with a growth mindset, this rejection only means that they are not ready yet. Every time you face a challenge in your life, consider putting yourself in a growth mindset. This will allow you to learn from challenges and to think in terms of yet. Now, let's talk about the exact process you should follow to overcome challenges and setbacks. The first step is to list every single lesson you can learn from the challenges you face. The second step is to think of ways in which you can avoid those challenges again, the next time. Usually, this will require you to develop new skills. The third step is to make a list with all the skills you will need to develop. The fourth step is to do the necessary work to develop those skills. Let me give you a personal example to illustrate this point. So back when I started my YouTube channel, I made a list of everything I was struggling with, like my accent and the quality of my videos, the way I overcame these challenges was by improving my accent and investing in a better software for my videos. I improved my accent by talking with native English-speaking people and listening to tons of material in English. I also invested in a new software and learn how to use it. So now let's move on into the class project. Today's homework is to make a list of the challenges and setbacks you have faced while you were building new skills, you also need to apply the methodology. You just learn to at least one challenge you have faced. Let's move on to the next lesson where you will learn how to overcome the most terrifying negative emotions. 8. How To Overcome Fear, Self-Doubt, Criticism and Failure: In this lesson, you will learn how to easily overcome the most negative emotions you will face along the road to your goals. The problem with fear is there, it paralyzes people and prevents them from taking action. Even worse, since the goal is always present in people's minds, inaction just reinforces the fact that they are afraid to act. These leads to more negative emotions and the cycle just goes on and on. The way to overcome fear is by taking action despite that. To be able to do this, you need to understand that people get paralyzed because they associate their self-worth with being able to accomplish their goals. Hopefully, by now, it's clear that you should brace yourself for your effort and learning, not for your achievements. That said, it's impossible to completely get rid of fear. It's just another emotion among dozens. However, fear can be managed appropriately, so we'd get smaller as time goes on. There wait to take action despite being fearful, is by adopting a growth mindset, it will allow you to deal with whatever results you get because they are only V8 back you can use to get better. Let's move on and talk about how to overcome self-doubt. Life is uncertain enough for us to get in our own way. Many variables will sabotage our journey to our goals and our self-perception should not be one of them. It's tough enough to deal with others opinions and lives uncertainties. So then, why are people making it tougher by doubting themselves? Because they think their abilities and intelligence are fixed traits. Self-doubt is the essential trait of a fixed mindset. You only doubt yourself when you think your capacities are not good enough, and you also believe you can't improve them. The antidote to this is to realize that your capacities are not good enough yet. And that's all right. If you know and believe you can improve, There's no point in doubting yourself because you already know that you might have to improve, and that's okay. The most efficient remedy to self-doubt is to put yourself in a growth mindset. Try it. It always works if there's something almost everyone is afraid of is negative criticism. The reason why criticism hurts is because one would think it's true. And to think we can change. Racism is like air, it's everywhere. What this means for you is to always take negative criticism with a small degree of skepticism. Not every critique reflects the truth about yourself. That said, sometimes criticism is useful and even desirable. One of the best pieces of criticism I received was from my father. He wants told me if what you're doing is not delivering the results you want, it's because it doesn't work. And you need to change our approach. Not only was it great advice with having a growth mindset allows me to reframe it as constructive feedback that I could use to get better. Don't be offended by criticism because one, not always real, and two, sometimes it's malleable. Finally, let's talk about how to easily overcome failure. Most people think of failure as any outcome which reinforces that they are not good enough to achieve what they want. The problem with this is that almost no one is good enough at the beginning. All of us need to improve at something to wait to overcome failure is to see there's evidence that your skills are not good enough, yet. Failure is just a signal that reflects the quality of your skills. In addition, when you put yourself in a growth mindset, the meaning of failure completely changes. Failure is when you're not growing, not going after the things you value and when you're staying stagnant. In a growth mindset, failure is not about the outcome. Failure is about the process, is about staying idle and not doing anything. Now, let's go back to the class project. I highly suggest to write three occasions in which you have experienced any of these negative emotions. Then write a couple of lines about how you can change the meaning you gave it to this events, reframe them with a growth mindset. Let's move on into the next lesson where you will learn how to have infinite confidence and self-esteem. 9. How To Develop Infinite Confidence and Self-Esteem: In this lesson, you will learn how to develop confidence and self-esteem. Let's start by defining confidence as the filling of assurance that comes from being capable of doing certain things. Confidence is a feeling of trust in one's own abilities and qualities. And this is the key part. Confidence has everything to do with abilities and skills. However, most of us are average in most aspects which leads to not fill in competent. These leads to a conundrum. In order to feel competent, we need mastery over certain skills. But on the other hand, people struggled to build skills because they don't feel competent in their capacities to develop them. Let's say you want to become a speaker, but since you have never done it before, you don't feel confident. However, to eventually feel confident, you need to practice. The problem is that most people have the misconception that they need to feel confident to start practicing. This is not true. It's totally normal to not feel confident that the beginning confidence is the result of developing skills is not the thing that's needed for developing them. You don't need confidence at the beginning. What you need is to remember that your brain has the power to change and adapt to whatever skills you want to develop. The solution to the confidence conundrum is to realize that although you may not be capable of doing something at the beginning, you can always improve and eventually be great at that thing. You might not feel confident of speaking in public at the beginning, and that's normal. But you can definitely be assured that it's only a matter of learning and application for your brain to master this skill and then feel confident being competent starts by trusting in your brain's capacity to learn any skill you need. If you believe you can improve and get better over time, then confidence will be a natural byproduct of your efforts to develop skills. Confidence is the result of mastering skills. And as a human, you are designed to develop them. So don't worry about not feeling good enough yet. Focus on becoming great. Let's move on and talk about self-esteem. Did you know that your self-esteem is your choice? Yes. You are responsible for how you interpret your quote-unquote value. Most people measured their self-esteem by metrics such as being beautiful or smart. But this are terrible metrics. If you value yourself or being beautiful, what happens when you age, your self-perception will fall to the floor. If you value yourself for being smart, what happens when you make a mistake? Your self-perception will be damaged. If you think about it, most self-esteem and metrics that are based on external factors will eventually fail. Therefore, you should choose more robust metrics for your self-esteem. Ideally, metrics that depend on you. I suggest the following. Bali yourself for being a learner, appreciate yourself every time you're learning new things. Not only will this have a great impact in your goals, but it also is 100% your responsibility. Bother yourself for being an action taker. Appreciate yourself for taking action towards your goals. Recognize yourself or acting in accordance with what you want in life yourself or improving when necessary. You will face countless obstacles in your life. And to overcome them, you will certainly need to improve. So appreciate yourself or growing because it's only your hands. In essence, don't value yourself for being something, value yourself for becoming something fake bride and your capacity to learn and act. These doesn't mean that you can't feel good about what you have accomplished or who you are. This means that you should not value yourself exclusively for these things because life is complex and it's always changing and you will have to adapt. Change your source of validation from external metrics like Luke's and money, to internal metrics like effort and persistence. Self-esteem is all about the self, so it should not depend on anybody or anything external. Let's move on to the class project, right there things you currently use to judge yourself worth. It could be your intelligence, money, loops and so on, right, a couple of lines about how this things could sabotage your progress towards the goal you selected for this project. Also, right there things that you can control that you would like to use to measure yourself worth, right? A couple of lines about how this new metrics could help you achieve your goal. With that said, let's move on to the final lesson. 10. Top 10 Beliefs That You Should Live By: There's a reason why companies want their ads to be seen as much as possible by their customers. Repetition creates trust, which then makes the customer more likely to purchase from them. What this means is that repetition is a factor that drives behavior. See, your brain doesn't know how to differentiate what's real and what's not. It will tend to perceive as reality, whatever is repeated more frequently. Here is where beliefs come into play. We all have beliefs that shape our lives from empowering to the fitting beliefs. They all play an integral part in our life. One of the most common beliefs is thinking that you can't improve and get better. This is the reason why people feel bad when they make a mistake. Instead of seeing it as an opportunity for learning, they see it as evidence that they are not good enough. That's why it's important to surround yourself with empowering beliefs that work for you instead of against you. And more importantly, you should repeat your empowering beliefs at least once a day. Why? Because the more you repeat a statement, the faster you'll brain will tend to believe it. So let me suggest ten beliefs that I think will give you the best chances of developing a growth mindset fast. I am a hard worker, I am a learner. Above all else, my ability to improve is limitless. My superpower, lysine, my brain's ability to change by developing new neural connections. I can get better at anything through consistent learning and practice. Real change starts outside of my comfort zone. The word yet reminds me that there's always room for improvement. Hard work and learning are essential ingredients to reach my goals. My efforts and learning will be rewarded with skills and increased intelligence. I can do anything I set my mind to, if I'm willing to learn what's needed and take action until I'm done. Let's move on to the class project. My first suggestion is to memorize this 10 beliefs and repeat them every single day. The repetition will engrain them in your brain so you don't have to consciously think about them. Also, apply these beliefs when you're taking action towards your goal. If you stumbled into an obstacle, think about what you will need to learn and do to overcome it. When you doubt your capacities, think in terms of not being good enough. Yet. Whenever you need to work hard, remember that you can accomplish anything you want. If you're willing to learn what's needed and act until finished. In addition, if you feel you need more or different beliefs, feel free to write them down and repeat them as well. So let's make a brief recap of the key points of the class. Every human has goals that they would really like to accomplish. The problem is that most of the times they get discouraged from pursuing them because they think they lack the intelligence and skills needed. Fortunately, your brain has the capacity to change and grow thanks to a trait called neuroplasticity. Once you are aware of this, you can reverse engineer your goals by defining the skills you will need to accomplish them. The way you acquire skills is by learning an application. Along the road, you will face challenges and setbacks and this is normal. The way to overcome them is by seeing them as feedback about the quality of your skills. Finally, reaching your goals is a process of trial and error whose main pillar is the acquisition of skills. I really hope this class provided you with value and it serves us a frame of reference for every goal you're pursuing your life. This has been your friend, Fernando, from the YouTube channel improvement university. I wish you the best.