1. Introduction: I am damn family walking you through how to propagate to different succulents. And that is whore Theia and ECA Barria. And we're going to be using two different methods to propagate those. Even though I'm using these two as an example right here. You can apply this knowledge to any circulant you may want to propagate. Over the next few classes. I'm going to be talking about fewer class project. And then we'll be looking at the materials that you'll be needing for the class. I'll follow that up with a demonstration on the two propagation methods. And then finally, we'll do a little recap and talk about aftercare. I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
2. Class Project: So once you completed this class, there is a class product for you to work on. They'll give you a chance to show off your new propagating skills. It's really simple. Just take three pictures. One of your mother plant, which I'll explain more to take pitches are leaves are pumps that you used, and then show you final results. In case you're unfamiliar with the term Mother plan, it's simply referring to the established plant that you are taking leaves, pups are cuttings from in order to make more plants. When using these propagation methods, you are essentially creating clones of the mother plant because the new plants will be genetically identical to the mother plant. The second picture that you will be taking for your project is of the leaves and or pups that you've decided to use. As I mentioned earlier, if you are using different plants and that's perfectly fine. Within the next two videos, we will be going over exactly how to clip thes. So the final picture you will be taking for your project will be of your leaves are pups in their new homes. If you do not have a pot to put them in, you could always use an old coffee cup. Or if you're really in a pinch, you can even try using egg carton as a temporary home, as you can see here. So once you're ready to share your project, the class simply click on the nice versus tab. Below this video, you will see a green create product button on the right-hand side of the screen. Just give that a click and you'll be able to upload your photos after that, hit publish and you're all set. You don't have to upload your three pictures all at once. If you'd like. You could upload them one at a time as you're working along. If you're feeling ambitious, you can also add weekly progress photos as your succulent start to grow. If you have any questions, please let me know and I look forward to seeing your projects.
3. Materials Required: The materials you'll need for the class are the same as the class project. Just a mother plant upon some soil. If you don't already have an established, a succulent to take leave their pups from. You could byline or try asking friends and family members if they have an established plant you can borrow from. As mentioned in the project overview. If you do not have a pot to use for your new succulents, you could try using an old mug or if you're really in a pinch, use an egg carton temporarily. Something to keep in mind when choosing a pot for your plant is that should have drainage holes. Succulents like having well draining soil. So don't want water to collect in the bottom. To either just mentioned, succulents prefer well draining soil, so it's best to go with a succulent OR cactus MIX. However, you can also use regular potting mix, but you'll need to keep in mind to waterless often because with potting links, the water won't drain as quickly. Once you have everything altogether, we can start propagating.
4. Leaf Propagation: For lack of area, we're going to propagate it from leaves. This is my preferred method of propagation because we can take each one of these leaves and we can turn them into a new plant. Whereas if we were to take the stem and just propagate the Rosetta by making a cut here, we would only end up with one plant. And another reason I prefer leaf propagation, that fist plant doesn't produce many offsets for me. As you can see, it's been neglected. So for me, the propagation is my best option. Propagating from leaves is really simple. You want to choose leaves that have good colour and no nixed or slices in them like this one here. So the leaf next to that one looks healthy. So to remove the leaf, we're just going to wiggle it gently back and forth until finally the leaf will just pop off like that. And there you go. And that's our first leaf. So this is a slide of the leaf that was connected to the plant. Before we can put this on some soil, we need to let this wound callous over. And to do that, we're going to leave it in a dry place with indirect sunlight for about three to five days. I just wanted to quickly show you the difference here between the ones we just pluck. And then these ones down here that I plucked about five days ago, you'll see this one right here. It has turned completely yellow and it's also shriveled up quite a bit. So this leaf is clearly not viable. So we're just going to set this one aside and we're not going to use that one. The leaf next to that one has already started growing some roots. If I remember correctly, the route through are actually forming Well, it was still on the mother plant. Narratives. And these two here haven't started to produce routes yet. But they have fully catalyst over and they still have a nice healthy color to them. So now we'll take these three healthy leaves that have calloused over. And we're going to lay them on top of the soil here. So we're not going to push them into the soil at all. We're just going to gently lay them on top and we're going to space them out a little bit so they have some room to grow. And just wanted to mention that something that I always do when placing leaves is to heat them right-side-up. So on the mother planet it was in this position, not this position. So when planting, I always keep it the way it was situated on the mother planet. Once they're in the soil, we're going to keep them in indirect light until the roots form and we're going to gently miss them with some water. You just want to moisten the soil and repeat this every few days to make sure the soil stays moist. Within a few weeks, small leaves will start to form where the leaf calloused over and leave, we used to propagate, will start to shrivel and turn yellow, just like this one here. Eventually the leaf will become dry and brittle and you can just pluck it off of your new plant. And that's it. Now you just have to sit back and wait for your new succulents to start growing.
5. Pup Propagation: Or Horthy. Oh, we are going to propagate it with pups. And this guy right here is what we call a pub. There are three pumps on this planet, and there is the third one. So I will only be propagating this pump right here because it is the biggest and it's got the best chance of success. Some people will propagate using leaves, but I find pups have a much higher success rate. So I prefer to use that method. When removing the pups from the mother planet, you wanna make sure that you move it right down from the base of the plant. You want to get it as close to the base as you possibly can. And to take it off, we're just going to give a little twist and it's going to just pop right off. If you want, you can use a knife or scissors in order to remove the pumps. But really all you need is just your fingers. So that's what I'm going to be using. So just get down as close to the base of the plant as you can, a little twist and it should pop right off. Easy peasy. And theirs are that we're going to use. So this is the end that was attached to the plant. And if you look over here, there's a little, a little nodes sticking out. It looks like a route is starting to form. So that's a good sign. So sometimes the pups might be a little farther down on the stem. So you just need to push away some soil so we can get closer to the base. And if it's really far down, you might want to even just pull up the plant and remove some soil. So before we move on to planting, we're going to let the end callous over. So we just wanted to make sure it's in indirect light. And we're going to leave this for about one to three days. So once the pup has had some time to call us over, we're just going to take it and we're going to place it directly into the pot here. So we're just going to make a little hole in the center. You just push away or gently and then just place it in. I'm gonna try to bury that little note that was sticking up. And then just gently packet in. Also going to be careful not to plant this bottom leaf. We want that still above the soil so we don't have any 3-OPT. So once you place it in, just gently packet down. So it's security, it'll stay standing up on its own. Once we have our planted in place, we can go ahead and just missed it so that the soil is nice and moist. And then there we go, we're all done. That's it. And so here's just a little size comparison for you. The one on the right is the one that we just propagated. The one on the left is 1I, propagated about a year ago. And it started out at around the same size as the one we just did. So it takes a while to see results, but it's definitely worth it.
6. Aftercare & Recap: As for aftercare, with both of these plants, you're going to want to make sure that the soil is kept moist and that the plants are kept out of direct sunlight as the new root start to develop over the next three weeks. Remember when propagating echo varia from leaves to make sure you choose healthy leaves that have no Nix are scratches on them. Give them three to five days to callous over, discard any leaves that turn yellow during that period. Laid leaves on top of the soil and keep the soil moist and keep them out of direct sunlight for three weeks as the root start to develop. When propagating Haworth via a few things that you want to keep in mind are choosing larger pups is going to give you a better chance of success. So we'll choosing pumps that already have some routes established. You wanna give them about one to three days to tell us over. After that, you can plant them directly into the soil. And you wanna make sure the soil is cut moist and of the plants are out of direct sunlight for three weeks while the roots start to develop. I hope you found this helpful and I look forward to seeing your class projects.