How To Play The Drum Set For Beginners: Part 2 | Larry Crowe | Skillshare

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How To Play The Drum Set For Beginners: Part 2

teacher avatar Larry Crowe, Drummer, Percussionist

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Eighth Note Triplet Exercises


    • 4.

      Eighth Note Triplet Grooves and Fills


    • 5.

      More Eighth Note Triplet Fills


    • 6.

      Sixteenth Notes


    • 7.

      Sixteenth Note Exercises


    • 8.

      Sixteenth Note Grooves and Fills


    • 9.

      More Sixteenth Note Fills


    • 10.

      Alternating Sixteenth Note Exercises


    • 11.



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About This Class

How To Play The Drum Set For Beginners: Part 2 is a video course based on the drum set method book Masterful Drumming Volume One. This video course will help drummers develop their co-ordination and independence on the drum set. Part 2 is continuation of Part 1 and is designed for beginner to intermediate level players. The video will help develop sight reading skills by working through the basic note values like  sixteenth notes and eighth note triplets. The video features a section on drum fills that will really help a student get around the drum set. An ebook of Masterful Drumming Volume One is included in the course.

Meet Your Teacher

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Larry Crowe

Drummer, Percussionist


Professional Drummer, Percussionist and Instructor

Larry Crowe was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He has been playing the drums since the age of thirteen. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in music from York University, Toronto, Canada. In 1983 he received a grant from the Canada Council to study at the Banff School of Fine Arts. Larry has performed in Canada, the United States, Europe, Central America, the Caribbean, and throughout Asia. He has performed and recorded in many musical settings and with various artists like Grammy Award winner Patti Austin (R&B/Jazz), Grammy Nominated Ron Korb (World Music), Juno Award winner Robert Michaels (Latin Jazz), Jim McCarty (Yardbirds, Renaissance), Jesse Gress (Todd Rundgren, Tony Levin Band), John Hawken (Ren... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Preview: Hi and welcome to masterful drumming. Volume one. My name is Larry Crowe and I will be your instructor. This course was designed to get you started on the drum kit. So if you've never played the drums before, this is the course for you. Here's what you will learn in this course. The components of the drum set musical terms and notation, exercises and patterns to practice. Build your confidence and expression on the drum set developed coordination and independence on the drum set, so let's get started. 2. Triplets: okay. If no triplets a trip, What is a triplet? While the triple It is a three note figure. Okay, And each of those notes is equally spaced. And as far as notation is concerned, there's usually a three written over top of the group. There might even be a bracket as well. So that's and there's different kinds of triplets. We're focusing on eighth note triplets. Okay, so they're counted like this one triplet to triplet three triplet for triplet bun Triplet, triplet, Triplet for triplet. So basically, you're subdividing beats 123 and four by playing by saying triplet, triplet, triplet That's how they should be counted. And, um yeah, you know, their their common. You know, you hear triplets a lot in blues, music, rhythm and blues, gospel music. I mean, even, you know, and they're kind of used in slower songs. Even heavy metal bands will use them, you know, if they're playing a slower song. So triplets you don't have to play too fast. They're you know, they're usually played to medium to slow kind of tempo. All right, 3. Eighth Note Triplet Exercises: eighth note. Triplet exercises Exercise number one one to Oakley four. Exercise number three one to exercise number five one do four. Exercise number 12 12 Okay, four. Exercise number 13 one to the four. Exercise number 17 What to four. Exercise number 29 one to be or exercise number 38 one 234 Exercise 50 one 234 Exercise 53 one to the four Exercise 67 one 234 Exercise 78 one to the fore. 4. Eighth Note Triplet Grooves and Fills: note. Triplet grooves and fills Exercise number one 1234 Okay, exercise number two. What? 24 Okay , exercise number three one to be four. - Okay . Exercise number six. 1234 All right. Exercise number eight one to be four. - Okay . Exercise number 10. 1234 5. More Eighth Note Triplet Fills: Mawr. Eighth note. Triplet fills exercise number one 1234 Exercise number two one to the poor. - Exercise number five one 234 Okay , now for some mixed stick ing's, uh, exercise number eight 1234 Okay , exercise number 11. 1234 Exercise 15. One, 234 Exercise 18. One to a. - Okay , so let's take a look at some drum fills that start with left hand. And this is exercise 22. 1234 exercise 24. 1234 Okay , let's take a look at some fills that are under the grouping category. Exercise number 25. One 234 exercise 30 1234 6. Sixteenth Notes: Okay. 16th notes. 16th notes are used A lot in sort of funk, music and rock. And again, you know, these air played that can be played slower. And they would be counted like this one g end to E and a junkie and a 40 a one e end to end a 30 end of so their little groups of four per beat. Okay. And, um, what we'll be doing first is we'll be learning to play them with one hand on the high hat. Okay, so one and two and a three end 40 and and once you're comfortable, that will do. Some drone fills with with playing them like that. And then later in the book, Will will work with 16th notes in a section called Alternating 16th Notes. And that is you'll be playing the high hat in an alternating fashion. Right, Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left one. And a two and a three. End of 40. Okay, so there's sort of two ways that you can play 16th notes. You can play them with what I call the leading hand. You know, if you're right handed player. It would be a right you know, your right hand leading and you can play them by alternating your hands on the high. Okay, The advantages. You know, with alternating you can play a lot faster. It also has a bit of a different feel than when you're playing with just the right hand. The right hands, more oven, even kind of sound. And the alternating is a little looser, creates a different kind of feeling, and you can play a lot quicker by alternating. So both those ways of playing 16th notes are are things that you should work on. 7. Sixteenth Note Exercises: 16th note exercises. Exercise number one on to the exercise, too. One 23 Exercise number four to exercise number nine one 234 Exercise number 15 123 Exercise 21 234 Exercise 26 123 four Exercise 37 to the poor Exercise 41 What. 234 Exercise. 47 one 23 Exercise 55 one 24 Exercise 66 one to three four Exercise 78 234 Exercise 83 one 234 Exercise 94 one 234 Exercise 109. 1234 Exercise 119. 1234 Exercise. 142 234 Exercise. 145 Do 34 Exercise. 149. 234 Exercise. 168. 1234 Okay, exercise. 180 on 234 Exercise 181. 1234 and exercise 190 one to 34 8. Sixteenth Note Grooves and Fills: 16th. Note grooves and fills Exercise number one one three. - Exercise number three one to 34 Exercise number five What? To the board. - Okay , exercise number seven 1234 Exercise number 10. 1234 Okay. And exercise number 12. 234 9. More Sixteenth Note Fills: Okay. Uh, Mawr 16th note. Drum fills. And this is exercise number one. What? To Okay, four. - Okay , exercise number eight one, Do you four. - Okay , exercise number 11. 1234 Okay, so let's look at some 16th note. Fills with mixed stick ing's exercise number 18 one to Okay, exercise number 23. What to exercise? Number 26 to the board. - Okay . Exercise number 31. One, 234 and exercise 36 234 Okay, so now some drunk feels leading with left hand exercise. 39 234 exercise 40 1234 Okay, some 16,000 drone fills using the idea of different groupings. Exercise 44 1234 exercise 47. One, 24 10. Alternating Sixteenth Note Exercises: alternating 16th note exercises. Exercise number one What. 234 Exercise number two one 24 Exercise number four one 234 Exercise number eight What. 24 Exercise number. 10 1234 Exercise number 13 12 D four. Exercise number 20 1234 Exercise 28 John two D four. Exercise 32 1234 Exercise 40 1234 Exercise 52 on two d four Exercise 60 12 d four Exercise 69 1234 Exercise. 70 on to de board exercise 84 12 d four. Exercise 92 12 d four Exercise 108 1234 Exercise. 122 12 D four Exercise 127 12 D four Exercise 143 1234 Exercise 150 1234 Exercise. 162 12 D four Exercise 180 12 p and last but not least, exercise 181 12 d four 11. Conclusion: Okay, well, welcome to the end of masterful drumming. 41. And I hope you enjoyed the course, and I hope you learned a lot. There's a lot of information there, a lot of things to practice, so just be really patient with yourself. Take your time, work on things very slowly. And, you know, uh, don't be too hard on yourself, You know, it takes sometimes it takes a long time to learn certain things, and everyone learns at a different rate. Okay, so have fun.