How to Make Cute Sticker Sheets in Procreate and Cricut Design Space-For Beginners | Kathy Austin | Skillshare

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How to Make Cute Sticker Sheets in Procreate and Cricut Design Space-For Beginners

teacher avatar Kathy Austin, Owner of Bits of Joy

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Canvas Settings


    • 3.

      Draw a Character


    • 4.

      Outline Brush


    • 5.

      Handlettered Sticker


    • 6.

      Sticker Template


    • 7.

      Setting up our Sheet


    • 8.

      Inserting Stickers


    • 9.

      Adding Borders


    • 10.

      Export and Import


    • 11.

      Cricut Settings


    • 12.

      Share your Stickers


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About This Class

In today's class, you'll learn how to digitize your artwork and turn it into cute themed sticker sheets. These sticker sheets are easy to create and once you've mastered the process, you can apply the same templates and skills over and over again. 

This class is best for students who have a beginner's knowledge of Procreate and Cricut Design Space. We will be illustrating a drawing and hand lettering a quote. Once you've drawn enough other creations to fill up a sticker sheet on your own time, I'll show you how to set your files up for printing and cutting in Cricut Design Space. 

Software and Equipment Requirements:

-ipad compatible with Procreate
-Apple Pencil
-Cricut Design Space (on ipad or pc)
-Color Printer
-Sticker Paper (the ones I use are linked here.)
-Scissors or paper cutter
-Optional border trimmer (snag one here.)
-Some of my favorite Procreate brushes are here!

If you want to outsource a SINGLE designs as die cuts, magnets, acrylic keychains, or other products, simply export your file to have them made into products. My favorite company is Stickermule. Here's a $10 credit to get you started! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Kathy Austin

Owner of Bits of Joy


Hi! I'm Kathy and the owner of Bits of Joy!

Bits of Joy was founded in 2011 and is a small business featuring handmade polymer clay products! My favorite things to make are miniatures, food & dessert charms, and kawaii characters! 

Connect with me on any social media platform, shop supplies, and find out more here:

I was recently featured on H&R Block's Female Founders series. Read my article here!

                                                                       Photo by Holly Beasley.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: Hi, my name is Kathy and I am the owner of bits of joy. I make and sell QC creative and custom polymer clay products to people around the world. And best known for my amendment sets, earrings, ornaments, and my Kali art style. I've also been an online ESL teacher since 2017. So my experience in teaching online will ensure that you'll have a fun and engaging class. In today's class, you'll learn how to make these super cute sticker sheets. I'll show you how you can digitize your art no matter what medium you use and turn it into 2D creations using Procreate and Cricket Design space. In addition, I'll also show how you can modify brushes. I'll show you a few techniques on how you can outline your stickers. I'll show you a hand lettered writing design and then also a drawing. I absolutely love creating stickers for planners, making sticker sheets for decorating packages and sharing them with my friends and loved ones. If you're ready to jump in with me, pick a theme, make sure your iPad is charged. Your procreate app is downloaded, your Apple Pencil is in hand and Cricket Design space is open. Grab your sticker paper and let's begin. 2. Canvas Settings: Before we begin dry, we are going to set up a sticker template. So go ahead and open Procreate. Hit the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner, open up a new custom Canvas, name it sticker. And instead it at 4000 by 4000 pixels and at least 300 DPI for best printing preferences, who ahead and hit Save. 3. Draw a Character: All right, In the next part of our video, we are going to draw a plant together. So go ahead and hit the little plus sign in the upper right-hand corner of Procreate. Find your sticker template. Remember it's 4000 by 4000 pixels at 300 DPI. Go ahead and open up. I like to draw with my monoline brush that's in the calligraphy brush set that's included in Procreate. So let's go ahead and pick a color. I think I will go with a nice yellow color. Going to turn my brush size down a little bit. Up, a little too thin. Alright, that looks good. And I'm going to just draw a little pot. Because I need to be perfect unless you want it to be. If that's the case, what you can do is hold down your brush stroke and then lift up. And it will create a more perfect looking pot like this. Okay, I'm going to go ahead and delete that. We don't need that. Go ahead and drop your color into your pot. And I'll make a few adjustments here on the bottom. To even it out just a little bit. I'm going to create a new layer on top of this layer. And just draw the rim of the pot. And I'll go ahead and fill it. Okay? Now what I'm going to do next is add some texture. So go ahead and go back to your original layer, and I'm going to turn on Alpha lock. That way whatever I draw stays within my image. And I'm going to pick my fabric texture brush from the Halloween pack of tidy works. She is a YouTuber artist. I can go ahead and link this texture and brush pack in the description. Now I'm going to select the color that I'm currently using and go a little bit darker to help create texture. And I'm going to turn my opacity down a bit. See what size. This is a little too thin, so I'm going to make my brush size a little bit bigger. We're going to add some shadow here. Sunlight pressure with lower opacity off to the side. And then we are going to hop on to layer to turn on Alpha Lock and add some shadow to our REM. Going to go back and add a little bit more in layer 1. And then let's go ahead and add some highlights. So to do this, we will go back to our original yellow color and we'll go and select a lighter yellow. Okay, make sure you're on the correct layer. I'm going to start with the pot. And I'm going to add some highlights on the right side of my pot. You can do up and down strokes. Such drugs doesn't matter. Out a little bit of highlight. And then we are going to go into Layer 2 and add some highlights. Okay? And if you are happy with your pot or need to make a few more adjustments. Go ahead and do so. When you're ready, go ahead and pinch these two layers together to combine them into one. And we're going to create a new layer for our plant. Okay? I want to center this a little bit more. That way I have more space to draw. So what I will do is select the first layer and move it down with my little tool here. Go ahead and hop back onto Layer 2, and let's pick a nice green color for our leaves. Let's go with this one. I'm going to continue using the monoline brush. Make sure that's selected. All right, Let's go ahead and draw some leaves. Don't worry about it being perfect. I'll show you how you can move this in just a second. Make sure you close the tips and the ends of your shapes. That way we can fill them with color. Okay, So I'm going to select a lighter green and fill all of these with color. I like to work with this layer on top of the pot. At first. That way I can see everything. And we are going to add some texture again. So again, I am going to go back into my Halloween brush set and select fabric texture. You can pick any brush that you're happy with. This is what I'm using for today. And I am going to pick a darker green. And we are going to turn Alpha lock on. And I'm going to zoom in a little bit so we can see better. And let's go ahead and add shadows to this side of the plant. Okay, since our shadows on this side, we are going to click and select a lighter green and put our highlights on the opposite sides of believes. Zoom out, take a look, see if everything looks good. All right, so what we're going to do is touch and drag this layer here, move it underneath Layer 1, your pot, and go ahead and adjust it if you need to make it bigger, smaller, and move it down. I think this looks good right here. De-select. And let's go ahead and add a cute face. So we're going to add a new layer and put it on top of the plant because we want the face on top of the plant. The plants are bucks double-tap here near black. And we are going to select monoline. I'm going to zoom in so you can see a little better. And I am going to draw two circles. Go ahead and press down on the screen to create a perfect circle. Okay, that looks good. Dragging your color. And let's go to white. I like to create little accents here. Let's make this a little bit bigger. All right, so we're going to copy and paste this. I, what you can do is swipe down with three fingers, copy. Swipe down again, hit paste, and move your eye over. If you want to make sure that these are even go ahead and make sure you're snapping is on. Okay? If not, you can just eyeball it. Okay? So we are also going to merge these together and then add a cute little smile. So go back to black. And then draw a little smile in between. There you go. Next, we are going to outline our plant. 4. Outline Brush: Now I'm going to show you how to modify your brush, duplicate your monoline brush. Open the Settings, go to Properties and on the maximum size, slide it all the way to the right. Go ahead and turn off your background layer. Add a new layer underneath your sticker layer. Change your color to white. And the maximum brush size and start outlining as closely as you'd like. Color drop with white. Right now I'm fixing my heart just a little bit. And there you go. Okay, once you're happy with your plant drawing, we are going to go into our layers and turn off the background color. We are going to add a new layer and move it on top of the background layer. Go ahead and select white. And your modified monoline brush for outlining. Make sure it's on the maximum setting, maximum opacity. And begin outlining. If you hold your brush down and then let go, it'll straighten it out a bit. And go ahead and color dropped the white. Okay. And you'll see here there's a little black spot that didn't get filled. So what I can do is covered in well, all right, There you go. Okay. I am noticing a little tiny white dot here. So let's go ahead and find what layer that dot is on, erase it and get my EBIT on this one. Nope. There we go. Okay. And there is our completed sticker file. 5. Handlettered Sticker: Once you have your new canvas open, go ahead and make sure you're on a new layer. That's not the background and select your color. I'm going with black today. I'm also going to select the monoline brush under the calligraphy brush set. And go ahead and start lettering. I think this is a little too thin for me, so I'm going to thicken my brushstrokes there. That looks a lot better. Next, I'm going to open a new layer. I like to keep my words on different layers. That way I can make adjustments if needed. And I will write my next word. If you mess up, just tap with two fingers. All right, so this is actually my favorite part. I find it really therapeutic to outline things. So go ahead and make sure that you're on the correct layer, right above the background layer and underneath all of your letters, increase your brush size to the maximum for your monoline brush and begin outlining. I like to lift my pencil up in case I make a couple mistakes. I can always redo it rather than redo the whole thing. Once you outline everything, go ahead and use the color drop tool and drop white into your background. If you make any mistakes or need to go back and make adjustments, go ahead and go back and forth. Modify your brush settings. If you need to go thinner or slightly thicker, feel free to use the eraser tool. And if you need to zoom in, pinch your fingers to vom wide apart. I'm also going to make a few adjustments to my lettering. As you can see here, the OH has a little line at the top. I want to clean that up a little so I'm going to make sure that I'm on the correct layer and erase my mistake. There's also a little blemish on the G that I want to fix. 6. Sticker Template: This next video, we're going to create a sticker template. So go ahead and hit the upper right-hand corner plus sign, create a new canvas called sticker template. And we are going to change the pixels into inches. This time. We're going to use 6.75 inches for the width and 9.25 inches for the height with a DPI of at least 300. Go ahead and say this templates that you can reuse it over and over again. 7. Setting up our Sheet: Okay, The first thing I'm going to do is insert my logo. So I have it saved on my iPad. Go ahead and click the wrench icon. Hit Add, Insert a Photo. Tap on my logo, size it to how I want it. And I'm going to put this in the upper right-hand corner. Well, turn off snapping so I have more control over where I want it. Okay, that looks good. Next, I am going to create a new layer and add my borders here. Let's go with green. Since we're working with plants today. I like to use my modified monoline brush for outlining and create a nice thick line on the bottom. That looks good. And I also like to create a nice thick line on top. Okay, we are going to move the logo above this. I also like to add text with my website at the very bottom of the page. So you're welcome to put whatever you like. If you don't have a website, you could put something like designed by Cathy. So what we'll do here is go in to our wrench icon, hit Add Text, and go ahead and type what you'd like to include. So I'm going to type www dot shop bits. I'm Okay. And I am going to make this just a little bit smaller so that it can fit in the bottom here. All right, what we'll do next is modify our text. Okay, in order to modify your texts, to go ahead and double tap it, click on the little capital, a lowercase, a symbol. And I am going to select my brand font. You're welcome to pick whatever you'd like. And we can also lower the size of this. I just realized that I put kami at the very end. So what we'll do is we will edit that. Delete the I. There we go. So www dot shop, it's a Once you're happy with your font, we are going to go ahead and make sure that the correct layer is selected. Okay? Simply tap on the color you want. I'm going to go with white. And I'm also going to move this down. Alright, that looks good. Just a little smaller. Right? And there we have it. Now, I will show you how you can copy and paste this so that you can reuse it as a template for future designs. All right, next up, I'm going to show you how we can copy and paste this so that you don't have to do this step every single time. You can simply just change the color to match your sticker sheet theme. Okay, So what we'll do is copy this first layer. We are going to swipe down with three fingers. Hit Copy. Go to gallery, open a new canvas. We created one called sticker template. And go ahead and paste. Zoom out just a bit. And the reason why we are copying or layer separately is so that you can change colors easily. Okay, So for instance, if I wanted to make another sticker sheet and have it be a light pink color. I can simply drag the colors to the bars. Okay. We are going to hit Gallery and go back. And this time we are going to just go ahead and merge our logo and our websites together because this is something that will stay in the same place most likely. Okay. So pinch them together and go ahead and swipe down. Hit Copy. Go back to gallery. Go back to your template. Swipe down with three fingers and hit paste. And this will put them in the exact same locations as they were before so that you can keep your work consistent. We're going to go back to the gallery and name this template. Okay, So once you have a sticker template main, you simply can just copy and paste this file over and over again and save a couple minutes each time. So let's go back to the canvas that we are working on today and get it ready to use as a sticker sheet. 8. Inserting Stickers: When you're ready, go ahead and think of a background color you'd like to use. I'm going to go with a light yellow color today. And I am also going to make my borders just a little bit darker. Let's go. Okay, we are going to swipe down with three fingers and hit Paste. Who had insides this to where you want it. And let's repeat the process with a couple other phrases. So copy all. Paste the sides. Let's grab this little guy here. Swipe down. Copy all. Okay, continue copying and pasting as many stickers as you'd like to incorporate in your sticker sheet. I don't recommend putting too many designs on here simply because I have done this and your stickers or pronounced super tiny. So go with less at first to make sure that your stickers or the size that you would like them to be. I typically like to keep about six to ten stickers on the size sheet. So go ahead and continue the process, copy and paste until you're happy with how everything looks. Remember not to put your stickers too close to one another because you do need to add the white backgrounds and you also need to make sure that you have room for your cricket to print in-between each sticker. Here's our last design, Pretty Fly for a cacti. I love all the buttons. And I think we have room for one more character illustration. So let's select this little guy here and add him into our cute little sticker sheet. All right, next up I'm going to zoom in and go ahead and make a title for my sticker sheet. So go ahead and open up a new layer. Put this one on top. Select your color, and I'm going to just go with white and select a brush that you'd like to use. I'm going to pick the monoline, bring this down just a little bit. Let's just call this succulent sticker sheet. I'm going to put sticker sheet on another layer. And let's go ahead and use the same brush. I'm gonna make this one a little bit smaller. Okay, that's good. I'm going to size this justice bit smaller. I can fit it into the green border. And let's make something like just a tiny bit smaller though. So in the next part we are going to add some declarations into the background. You are welcome to leave the back plane if you'd like. However, I like to add either stripes or polka dots and little accents. So let's go onto our background layer. Right above it, we want to add a new layer. There we go. Select a color that you'd like. I'm going to go like a peachy color. And I want to use my thicker monoline brush. I also want to lower the opacity. Let's go ahead and just start adding some little dots. And this will just add a little bit more character to our sticker sheet. I'm going to raise the opacity just a bit and also raise the size. So I can incorporate some bigger dots. I think that looks good. 9. Adding Borders: Okay, once you're happy with your design, go ahead and go back into the gallery. We are going to duplicate our design. And then we will actually work off this file. On the new version. We are going to merge all of our stickers together. Okay, so for this top blue guide to the yellow potted plant, I am going to pinch and combine them all into one layer. I'm also going to go ahead and combine all of the background layers together. So let's combine the words with the logo and merge everything else. Okay? So we are going to turn off the backgrounds and have just stickers. Okay? So with this, we are going to create beautiful white backgrounds that will become our background cut file. Okay? Once you're happy with everything and how it looks and you've merged all of your little designs into one layer. We are going to go ahead and select that layer and duplicate it. Once you duplicate it, go into your magic wand tool and select Gaussian Blur layer. And we are going to employer to about 10 percent. So select somewhere that is not on a sticker, somewhere within the grid lines. Okay? And once you do that, we are going to hit our selection tool and click somewhere that is not under stickers. We are going to swipe back and forth until you're happy with where these cut lines will be. I think that looks good. Make sure nothing is touching. Once you're happy with where you want your stickers and their border to be click Invert. Then we are going to open a new layer on the very top. Make sure that white is selected and fill that layer with white. Okay, So what we just did here was create the back part of our stickers that will remain on the sticker sheet. We are going to take this white filled layer, move it underneath our stickers. Okay, it still looks a little bit funny here. So what we'll do is delete are blurry layer. Okay? And there you have it. 10. Export and Import: Okay, so once you've finished your white backgrounds, go ahead and turn on your background again. We're are going to merge the backgrounds together. And this will create our sticker print file. Okay, So what we'll do next is export our two files. So go ahead, let's do the sticker 1 first. Turn off all the other layers. Go to your Settings icon PNG, and export it to your platform of choice. And I'm going to go and, and add mine to my Google Drive and upload. All right, For the next part, I am going to turn this layer off and turn the other layers on. And this will be our background sheet that we are going to print. Go ahead and go to the Settings icon, hit P and G, and find her Google Drive upload. All right, we're all set here. I will see you over in the cricket design space. It is. And continue and print them. Cut image. Upload. Now we are going to insert this into our project. Okay? And you'll see that this is actually above our stickers. So what we'll do is hover over to the right side of the screen and move the layer down. Okay, I'm going to zoom out a little bit so I can see better. And what you'll do next is try to position your sticker sheet as best as you can on to the white background layer. Once you're happy with that, select both of these and hit attach. 11. Cricut Settings: Once you attach your files, you will want to rotate about 90 degrees on your Canvas. You can zoom out if you need to. Once you do that, go ahead and duplicate the file. And then attach, go ahead and set the x and y axis at 0, so that you can maximize the amount of print space for your paper. Once you've done that, go ahead and click on your sticker sheet and set the correct size. When you're ready, go ahead and hit Make it. When you're ready, go ahead and make sure that you are a cricket machine is connected. Go ahead and select the correct paper settings that you'd like to use today, as well as your default pressure, you can use less or default. I don't recommend using a more unless you're making dicots stickers because it tends to cut through all of your paper. So what we'll do next is go ahead and print using system dialogue. Go ahead and turn off the bleed. And I like to print with the highest quality setting possible. You also want to select the correct type of paper. If you're using glossy paper, make sure you select glossy photo paper. There's also usually a standard option for matte paper. I normally cut with the fine to blame that is included with standard cricket machines. You may need to test your own cricket settings. I like to use the less or default washi tape or sticky note settings for my standard mat and my weatherproof mat to papers. However, I do need to use more of a default cut with my glossy stickers, otherwise they don't peel off the page correctly. So again, you might want to invest in standard matte paper. It's about 15 to $17 for a 100 sheets. That way you can test your parenths and make sure that they work before you use the more expensive paper. Once you print, load your sticker to the correct orientation on your sticker that I like to use the blue map that's included with the most cricket machines. When you're ready, go ahead and make sure that you are a cricket machine is connected. Go ahead and select the correct paper settings that you'd like to use today, as well as your default pressure. You can use less or default. I don't recommend using more unless you're making dicots stickers because it tends to cut through all of your paper. When you're cricket is done printing, make sure before you exit to save your sticker file. If this is something that you would like to reproduce again, go ahead and grab your stickers off your mat and go ahead and trim using scissors or a paper cutter around the border of your sticker sheet. I also like to purchase an additional tool. This is completely optional, but I feel like it gives my stickers a more professional look. It's that paper photo quarter pattern. I haven't linked to my Amazon shop in the class description. So go ahead and click on that if you'd like one. 12. Share your Stickers: Thank you so much for joining my Skillshare class today. I really hope you enjoyed the process and I hope you walk away with some new skills. So today, you learned how to create a sticker tablet that you can use over and over again for stickers, you also created a template from scratch featuring your branding, your favorite colors, your favorite fonts and text. We also learned how to draw a character and Hamlet are some quotes. And we also learned how to import those into our procreate files in order for us to export into cricket design space. I hope you enjoyed today's class. Thank you so much. Don't forget to tag me on Instagram at bits of joy and crass or upload your pre-class project into the class gallery for other students to see and be inspired.