How to Make Authentic Parisienne Traditional and Chocolate Croissants | Leslie Osborne | Skillshare

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How to Make Authentic Parisienne Traditional and Chocolate Croissants

teacher avatar Leslie Osborne, Mommy by day, food blogger by nap time.

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to Making Croissants!


    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      Ingredients & Tools for Croissants


    • 4.

      The challenges of making croissants at home


    • 5.

      Mixing the dough


    • 6.

      Rolling out the "butter book" for croissants


    • 7.

      Folding the Butter into the Dough


    • 8.

      Three folds for flaky layers


    • 9.

      Shaping, proofing and baking croissants


    • 10.

      Preserving and Reheating croissants!


    • 11.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Leslie Osborne is a professionally-trained artisan baker who was taught by master French bakers the art of the croissant.  She teach you how to make the REAL DEAL Parisienne croissants from scratch and feel like a baking rockstar in the process!  After just ONE bite, you will realize that you've probably never enjoyed an authentic croissant or chocolate croissant before (unless you've been to Paris).  Making them from scratch takes a little time, but the result is an other-worldly pastry that France is so famous for!  Leslie will take you step-by-step through the entire process and show you exactly what to look for each step of the way.  Included is an authentic French croissant recipe combined with traditional techniques to create the flakiest, most buttery and delicious treat you've ever tried!

Notes about the recipe:  

  • Buying the right kind of yeast from the store can be confusing.  New types of dry yeast are being marketed for different applications.  In my recipe I use Instant Dry Yeast, which means you don't have to 'proof' it in warm liquid to activate it.  You can add it directly to the flour instead which helps you skip a step.  In the grocery store, look for Rapid Rise Yeast, which is the equivalent to Instant Yeast.  If you are unsure, just read the label, and it should say that "instant" and doesn't require the extra step.

Check out my blog Bessie Bakes, where I share whole foods recipes and highly detailed baking posts for artisan breads, pastries, and gluten free recipes too!

Here's the post on How to Make Authentic Croissants and Chocolate Croissants with over 40 step-by-step photos.

Check out my first cookbook Smoothies & Smoothie Popsicles For Toddlers and Kids on Amazon now!

Here is my post that gives you all the delicious and healthy details about my cookbook: Introducing Smoothies & Smoothie Popsicles For Toddlers and Kids

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Bon Appétit Ya'll,

Leslie Osborne

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Leslie Osborne

Mommy by day, food blogger by nap time.


Howdy, my name is Leslie Osborne and I have a fabulous food blog called Bessie Bakes where I share whole foods recipes and artisan bread and pastries made with organic ingredients whenever possible. I published a cookbook called "Smoothies & Smoothie Popsicles For Toddlers and Kids" where I share protein and nutrient-rich smoothie recipes that will make kids (and adults!) crave healthy whole foods smoothies filled with healthy greens and nutritional add-ons, but with kid-friendly flavors!

In 2012 I attended The French Pastry School in Chicago, IL where I learned the dying art of old-world artisan bread and pastries from master bakers from France. I hope to inspire home cooks and bakers to create artisan baked goods at home with recipes that stand the test of time, and can be pa... See full profile

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1. Introduction to Making Croissants! : passionate about authentic Parisian plus off, and the first time I ever tried a real one was. I attended the Arcelor inpatient program in 2012 at the French pastry school. Master French bakers for the first time served me amazing percent to one bite, and I was completely transported to Paris and I realized I've never had a real bus off before. So I went home and after a lot of kitchen meltdowns, I nailed down the process. But what's really exciting about this is I can share this now. You don't worry about being perfect because these videos show you step by step process. I have spurred up Hassan every way you can imagine, and every time they were still work every single minute. So what role in this class, let's take a trip to Paris. 2. Class Project : so for our class project. But I would love for you to do is actually roll out your butter book or your barrage, which is what it's called in France. So this is just when you roll up the butter and you folded in parchment paper and arrested in the fridge overnight with the dough so that you can fold them into the dough and bring it together. So if you make it in advance, I think that it will actually really encourage you to take the lead and make cross Sants. The great thing is, you can actually pop it in the freezer and then just bring it out whenever you're ready to go, you just have to make sure that it's protected. It's on a really flat surface and that you're not gonna pile over things on top of it. That could crack the butter because it's gonna get really nice and cold. So just put it on a flat surface. Maybe put it on a plate and take pictures of it and share it with me. Also, if you meant Cristante, Please, please, please let me know. Let me know how they went. Let me know what you experienced during the baking process and also take pictures if you can, I would love to see pictures of your home creations. 3. Ingredients & Tools for Croissants: Okay, guys. So we're here to talk ingredients, and resource is so we've got a few things to cover. Some, I think are really essential, and others are just nice to have. So let's start with grass fed butter now grass fed butter. When you press in it, it actually is gonna leave in attention, and that's right out of bridge. And that's because it has a higher fat content and lower moisture content, which basically means it's gonna make your persons awesome. And because butter is such a essential ingredient, if you can splurge, a little bit of grass said better, I encourage you to do so. So look for European style butter, European culture, butter or grass fed butter and make sure it's unsalted as well. Traditional butters have a little bit more moisture, and they're a little harder to roll out. Certainly you can use them, but just use whatever you can afford, and also next we've got our red our and I use a combo of two things all purpose flour and bread flour. And that's because all purpose flour has less protein in it than right flowers, so that just means it's gonna have a softer gluten structure. But we want that stability of the gluten structure that bread flour has. But we also wanted to be a little bit softer and lighter so that responsible rise beautiful . It'll be easier to roll out as well. Next, we have chocolate batons or panel Chocolat sticks. It's what they're called, and these little guys are the perfect wet and perfect thickness. So when you cut your percents, you can measure it with this little stick because it's the perfect with and the reason poke out a little bit on, and so they're really commute used. I used two sticks Purpose Aunt, their dark chocolate, Very high quality. You can find them on King Murphy flowers dot com. Next, we have our kitchen sale. This is a digital kitchens, and it's really convenient for measuring the weight of your ingredients versus measuring everything in cups and teaspoons. Now I will give you both measurements. Traditional measurements with cups and teaspoons and measurements by weight, by way, is far more accurate. And if you were away, three different cups of flour and weight them individually. You're gonna get different. Wait for each one of them, no matter how precise you are about measuring. Next Go talk commercial geese. Now I'm used commercial yeast for the convenience of it you can use and like a sourdough culture that do you feed with water and flour every day. But for this recipe and for the simplicity of it, I'm gonna use commercial drive. These I used instant please. An instant yeast is basically just a commercial east, and what that means is you don't have to put it in warm liquid in order to activate the fermentation process. Generally, the grocery store. You could only find active druggies, and that's in those little packets, but you have to warm the liquid first. In order, activate the fermentation process. You can certainly use it. Measurements of the same. So use whichever you have on hand. But the instant use just helps you skip a step. Plus it keeps the dough nice and cold from the gecko, so you're not having Teoh cool the liquid down before you start. Also, we have salt, and I like sea salt myself. Whatever salt you use, just like sure to find ground, use kosher salt as well. But see soldiers has a nice, clean flavor next we have our bench scraper. Now the bench scraper is a really handy tool because especially a metal one, because it could really get up underneath the dome while you're needing it, and it from sticking to the surface. That makes it a really clean process when in my hand and I'll show you what that looks like now. Speaking of me, the dough I have a stand mixer. You do not have to have a stand mixer in order to make the dough. In fact, stand mixers do not do a good job of creating a gentler gluten structure. They tend to overwork the dough, so any time I make arts and bread or pastries usually started in my mixer. But then I finished it by hand, so started It's just convenient. It's just comes together a little bit faster. It's a little less messy for Chris Hans. We don't really want a tight gluten structure. We want it to be softer because the long fermentation is going to do the work for us as far strengthen the dough, but obviously you can do the entire thing. My hand as well. Next to him, rolling pins. No, I like a heavy duty marble rolling pin. They are a little bit more extensive, But if you're serious, Baker piece are awesome because the surface stays nice and cold when you're rolling out pastry dough and it's really, really weighs a lot. So when press down on your dough, it's gonna roll it out much faster, which is gonna speed up the process, which is gonna really help rolling out your job because we want to keep it asshole as possible and make that transition really quick. You can use any kind of rolling pin that you have that will work, but the marble rolling pin obviously is the best. Well, I think that about covers it for today, guys. So let's head on over to the next left. 4. The challenges of making croissants at home: Alright, guys, let's quickly go over a few challenges and making Chris Sants before we dive right in. The most important component of making christens is working with the dough. When it's nice and cold because you have a separate butter square or rectangle in a ball of dough, we have to bring them together. So we both want them to be cold. Cold. Oh, and cold butter is essential for making those flaky pastry layers. If we work with really warm dough while we're rolling it out, we're gonna do a couple things. We're gonna tear the dough, and the butter is gonna use out of the dough, which we don't want. We want them to stay nice and even so, your butter is gonna roll out evenly with your dough. When we're gonna fold it in, I'll show you how to do that. So always remember toe let your dough rest after each time that you worked with it, and it has to rest in the fridge to get nice and cold. So went and out. If you're having some issues with rolling it out, let it rest. Now if you find that your dough is tough and you're getting some resistance when rolling it out. That means the gluten needs to relax. So again, just pop it back in the fridge will let the gluten relax for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then it will easily roll out. The recipe is actually pretty great because of the combination of all purpose flour and bread flour. I don't really have any problems with the dough being tough, but you just need to work pretty quickly when you do your folds so we don't overwork the dough, so we get moving. So I start my dough and my butter book the evening before, and I let them ferment in the fridge overnight. Then the next day I want Teoh. Want to have a least four hours set aside for me to work on Micro Santo, so trying to have many distractions when you're doing this because once you get started, because I have to keep going because the dough was fermenting this entire time, so we don't want to stretch it out over an eight hour period because our dough might be over proofed by that point. So give yourself time, have a little bit of patients and then actually just work nice and smoothly. So follow the steps and let's get baking 5. Mixing the dough : All right, let's start making our dough. We've got our all purpose flour and we've got bread flour, and the combination of the two will lend a lighter dough with a good enough structure. We've got sea salt in dry instant yeast, so instant yeast means you can use it instantly. It does not have to be activated with warm liquid. If you're using active dry yeast, the yeast that comes in the package to the grocery store, you'll need to warm up your water anywhere between 100 and 10 115 F. You want to pour in the yeast, let it get bubbly. Then you can add in your cold milk. Mix it together and we can add it to the rest of our dough. But in this step, I could just add it right into our dough and we skip a step and save a few extra minutes, so I'm actually gonna start it in the mixer, and we're gonna mix basically just until it forms a soft dough. But we're gonna finish it by hand. A stand mixer does not do an excellent job of creating a soft gluten structure. It often times will overwork the dough because it's mixing all of the dough at once, so it's just overworking. So now we're going Teoh, slowly add in our butter with the mixer on on the lowest speed. And if I were doing this by hand, this part might get a little bit messy. Butter might kind of use out onto your surface, but just keep working the dough and use your bench scraper to scrape up any butter off your surface. And if just a little too patients, it will work out just fine. So this point I've got a nice soft dough and we're going to finish creating a soft gluten structure by hand, and I really don't need a lot of flour. In fact, I'm actually just gonna wipe some of the flower away. And I don't wanna be folding a lot of excess flour into the dough, so just have a little extra on the side. But that's really, honestly, just a very light. Dusting is all you're gonna need, and you see here that the butter is sticking to the surface. But don't worry. Just keep working the dough, and it will eventually come together, and it will soften and the butter will absorb inside the dough, and this should only take about 3 to 5 minutes doing it by hand like this. If I were completely doing it by hand, it might take 4 to 5 extra minutes from the get go. But that's about it. So I just scraped the butter off of the surface and fold it back inside the dough. As you can see, after a couple minutes, the butter has absorbed into the dough. It's getting nice and soft, and the gluten structure is starting. Teoh get a little bit stronger, but it's still gonna be nice and soft, and we're actually going to check the gluten structure here. I'm gonna pull on it and you can see here that it tears apart really quickly. So I want just a little bit firmer gluten structure. So I'm just gonna work it by hand for about 1 to 2 more minutes, and then we're going to check it again, and you can see I'm not adding any extra flour. I'm just working the dough, and it's nice and soft, so let's try it again, and you can see it takes about 2 to 3 seconds before it starts to tear. So that's right about where we want it. Now we're going to put it in a mixing bowl, cover it with plastic wrap, and we're gonna let it ferment at room temperature for 30 minutes to activate fermentation . And then we're going to pop it in the fridge overnight. So about 8 to 12 hours, and then the next morning it will be ready to go. 6. Rolling out the "butter book" for croissants: right. We are going to be making our butter book or a barrage, as it's called in France. This is a process where we're going to roll out our butter into a thin rectangular shape, and we do this so that we can actually fold the butter inside the dough so that the butter and the dough form this perfect union, where the butter and the dough are evenly distributed. And this is gonna allow the flaky pastry layers to be created. So we're just starting with our cold butter, and we're using parchment paper and I'm sealing the back of the parchment paper and the edges, and I'm going Teoh, measure it out to about 10.5 inches long by about 7.5 inches wide. It doesn't have to be exact, so don't worry. Sometimes the edges might pop out a little bit, but just try toe Reform Department paper together, compounded out just to start flattening it out. And as you're rolling now, the top of the paper is going to crinkle a little bit. But just try to smooth it out as best as you can, but no big deal. So our goal here is to roll the butter out into every little corner of our parchment paper . So I'm getting all the way to the edges. And once we have it shaped, we are going to pop it in the fridge overnight and so that it's nice and cold with our dough when we fold it into our dough the next day. There you have it. 7. Folding the Butter into the Dough: our guys were on day two of the Cristante making process, and I have my go and my butter book or my collage in the fridge resting, saying nice and cold Now I didn't put them together yet. It's a really easy process, and it's just a process, essentially to kind of make a perfect distribution of butter todo ratio. So that will be rolling out into your three single fold. You're gonna have a perfect distribution of dough butter dough. And so, as you are told, we're creating more and more of those layers. So it has to start with. This first process is actually bringing the dough in the butter together toe, you know, make the perfect marriage. So let's get started on that process is really simple, but it's really a key component in making Cristante perfectly all right. We're gonna actually flip the dough over, seems side up and press it out with our fingers in our hands, and we're going to get rolling. Now We're gonna world lengthwise and a little bit with wise as well. So occasionally you're gonna have toe lift it up with a bench scraper with your hands and just make sure it's flowered enough, but don't add too much flour, just enough to give a nice surface on the dough to keep it from sticking. So we're rolling it with wise now a little bit more, and we're going to try to get the right width s so that it can match the width of the butter book that we have measured off to the side here. We're going to stretch it out with our hands and our fingers as well, and that's gonna help make it nice and precise. Now we have our butter book and we can see that the width is really right where we want it , but it still needs to be a little bit longer. So we're going to keep the existing with, and we're just going to roll it out just a little bit longer. And with it still in the parchment, we're gonna measure what it looks like with the butter, and we can see that it's a nice fit, and I can take my fingers and just stretch it a little bit. Just so so I know that it's the perfect size now and we're gonna actually take it out of the parchment paper and put it directly into the into the dough. This way and this is gonna help by doing it this way. Make it a lot easier. If I took that out of the parchment beforehand, it would be really hard to take it in and out of the dough to measure it. So I'm gonna line up right in the center so that the butter's right on the edges and I'm gonna press it down into the parchment paper so it's gonna gonna easily conform to the dough, removed the portrait paper, and now we've got just the right width here. We're gonna fold it into the center, just like a book you can actually see. It's works out even, even better. So we're gonna push it with our fingers together. We're gonna squeeze down the center to seal it, and you can see here. It's just the perfect match, and we got the edges here that aren't putting out, and that's what we want. And so we're gonna turn it and we're gonna seal. The other edge is now. Now I turn my dough around and you can see the lines of the book, so to speak. or running up and down, and I'm gonna seal the edges with my fingers to seal in the dough completely. I don't want the butter to kind of lose out of the ends of the dose, or we're going to seal it in nicely, and we're gonna turn it around and do the other side so that all the edges of the dough are wrapped around the butter. But it's a perfect uniform, uh, distribution and also like to roll out the dough just a little bit. A couple more passes, just kind of across the top, and this will kind of lengthen the dough out so it's a little bit larger size, and then that makes it a little bit faster to roll out when we do our first fold. So because our dough isn't too warm, I could just run a couple passes over it. No problem. And I can kind of lift it up with my fingers and stretch it out just to make sure the sides air nice and straight, and we're gonna wrap it in plastic all the way around the dough and put it on a sheet pan and pop it in the fridge. 8. Three folds for flaky layers: Okay, We're starting our three folds here. I'm going to remove the pastry dough from the plastic wrap, but I'm going to reserve the plastic wrap because we're gonna need to use it again. After the first fold, I'm gonna lightly flour my surface. I don't want to dump a whole bunch of flour onto my work surface because I don't want to fold too much flour inside the dough. And as I'm rolling it out, you can see that there's really not a lot of resistance. It's rolling it out pretty easily, So I'm gonna start lengthwise with the lines of the book. You saw the lines in the center of the dough when we first started, So you wanna roll it out with the lines of the book, and we're gonna incrementally lift up the dough from the surface with our hands so that we can keep it from sticking and just again flower a tiny bed at a time? Not too much, um, so that it is gonna be a nice and clean surface and we'll do just a little bit lengthwise, but you can see in the center of the dough. There's still those lines are still parents. So we're going to be rolling with those lines and stretching it out occasionally with our hands to make sure that the shape is nice and even, and now we're gonna fold it. So I'm gonna test it out and see if the lines lineup as I fold it like a book. So it's off just a touch, and we want it to be very precise. So we're going to stretch it with their fingers to make sure the lines are nice and straight. And now it looks about right. So I'm gonna stretch it just very gently to the very edges, and I'm gonna press it in to the edge of the dough there, and all the lines are gonna be lined up perfectly. I'm gonna turn it 1/2 turn, and on this angle you can see how the lines are lining up perfectly. They're all stacked like a perfect book. Now I actually want to put an indention into it, and that is going to symbolize that we've done one fold, and that will help you keep track of how many folds you've done. Now we're gonna wrap it in plastic wrap and pop it in the fridge for 30 minutes. All right, so we're unfold, too. Think of the the top of the dough as the cover of your book so you can see the lines. So we're rolling out with in the direction of the lines of the cover of the book and think of the edges like your pages. So that will help you to remember each fold which direction you need to be rolling it out in so we'll occasionally just lifted up from the surface. But here we're just rolling it out a couple passes at a time and then lifting it up occasionally to keep it from sticking and reef lowering. But on Lee, a touch of the time. We don't want too much flour inside the dough, so we're not seeing a lot of resistance here. It's doing pretty well, and sometimes you'll have toe flip it over to the other side because one side will roll out nice. And even while the other side will be a little bit uneven, cause it might be sticking just a tiny bit so you can occasionally flip the dough over and roll 1 to 2 passes on that side as well, and also just like to roll it out a little bit with wise just to make it a little bit larger so that the folds air a little bit larger and we're gonna line everything up perfectly, kind of stretch it just really gently on the edges and kind of ceiling in with our fingers , and we're gonna turn it 1/2 turn. And when we turn it 1/2 turn so that the lines of the cover of the book or perpendicular to us, we're gonna seal those edges by just running it over again with a rolling pin once or twice with wise and a little bit lengthwise. And because I was slow down a little bit from filming, I noticed a couple of tears in the dough here. So when you see those, you need to stop if you haven't finished your fold rapid and plastic wrap and pop it back in the fridge and let it rest for 15 minutes. But here we have finished. So we're gonna do our two finger intentions for two folds. We're gonna re wrap it in plastic wrap. Really, really well, pop it back in the fridge for another 30 minutes. All right, this is our third and final fold. This is the fold where you can often find tears in the dough. If you haven't had any problems with them as of yet, this is because we've been working with the dough a lot more. It's warmed up quite a bit, being in and out of the fridge and being rolled out, and the tears can often happen as well, just from lifting the dough up off of the surface. So you want to be mindful of that and be really careful when you're lifting up the dough off of the surface to re flower, because terrorist can often happen, and that's when you're going to start looking for them. And if you find that there's a lot of tears in the dough, we want to stop wrap it in plastic wrap and pop it back in the fridge for 10 to 15 more minutes to reach ill. And this is going to help the shaping process so that we don't have a ton of tears in the dough and lots of cracks in it. So it's going to shape a lot more smoothly, and the dough is gonna be a lot flake here. This way. So we're just going to be careful when we do this final fold to stop and pop it back in the fridge if we ever need to. But at this point, we're nice and ready to go. So we folded it our last time, and I'm just gonna seal it again by just folding out or rolling it out just a little bit more and stretching it with our hands. I flip it over as well, because on the edges there, you can kind of see the edges are poking out a little bit. They're not completely aligned like I would like them to be. But this is okay. At this point, we can just kind of trim those edges off right before we shape it, we're going to do three intentions for three folds. We're gonna wrap in plastic wrap and pop it in the fridge for 35 to 40 minutes for a little extra chilling time. 9. Shaping, proofing and baking croissants: Alright, guys, let's get to shaping now. I want you to have your sheet pans ready to go with parchment paper. I want you to get your egg wash prepared as well at this point, so just keep her egg wash in the fridge and we're going to start rolling out our dough. So again it's the same principles. If you start seeing tears forming in the dough, let the dough rest covered in the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes and then get back to shaping . So when we're rolling it out part of the way through, we might need to stop this. Well, let's say we get all the way out and we're rolling it out to the size that we need, and we're about to shape them. But the dough is starting to warm up. Stop and put it back in the fridge. I say this again and again, but it's because for a specific reason, it will just help the shaping process, and especially if you're first getting started with Chris, since you might not be super quick at the process, so it's gonna be out for a few minutes longer than you really want. But we're going to roll it out to about 24 to 26 inches in width and about 8.5 inches high . Now for our traditional Chris Sants, I am gonna measure about three inches in to start and make my first diagonal cut. Then I'm going to make the outside cut and sew that first initial inside Cut will kind of help me make the right cut for that first initial Cristante that it's gonna be the opposite . So we're going to have one Cristante kind of pointing one way and the next Cristante pointing the opposite direction. So it's going to be every other Chris on so again about three inches wide at the base of the Chris Alliance and then do that perfect diagonal strip at the top and your knife will easily guide you with that and they will look like so. So I have two little in pieces. Don't throw them away. You can still shape them. They'll be ugly, but they will be delicious, and we're gonna wipe excess flour off of the surface before we start rolling our Chris aunts out so sometimes you can stretch it just a tiny bit with your fingers, Teoh, lengthen in a little bit. We're just gonna cut about a 3/4 of an inch to one inch tops slit at the bottom. We're gonna fan out the edges and we're going to roll it directly down the center, and I'm going to show you this a few times so that you can see you can see a perfect little angle. So again, a nice little slit not too long, about 3/4 of an inch. Fan out the edges and roll it down the center and it might be a little bit wobbly because the Cristante, sir, kind of long. But that's OK. Tuck in the little corners and press it down. So again it might be a good idea to cover your additional christens and just a slightly moist paper towel while you're shaping them just to keep them, keep the surface nice and kind of just gently moist. We don't want it to dry out, so because you have your sheet pan in your egg wash ready to go, this process should go really smoothly so you can see again how we're shaping them and they look tiny right now, but they're gonna expand beautifully. And now we're going to egg Wash. So we've got one whole egg, two egg yolks, a pinch of salt and about a teaspoon of heavy cream. Now egg wash on Lee, the tops of the Chris aunts. Don't egg wash the little flaky edges in between just the very top of the Chris aunts from back to front. Now we're gonna cover with plastic wrap, and we're going to proof it on top of the stove with the oven turned on to 350 degrees. And that warmth is gonna help to proof our Chris Sants. So about 30 minutes to 45 minutes later, it's gonna look like this. So I put an intention in the top of the dough, and you can see it gently springs back. So I remove the plastic wrap in the direction of the surface of the dough so we don't tear it, and you can see here the size that it is right now, and you could see the size that it was before. So you have before and you have after, so it's gonna increase about 30%. We do not want it to double in size because it will over proof. So we're going to do a second egg wash before we put it in the oven to bake. And this is going to give it a beautiful golden color, and it's also going to protect the surface of the Chris Sants. So I start baking it the first rack on the bottom third of the oven at 350 degrees. About 10 to 15 minutes later, I put it on the top rack. Then I egg wash my second rack, and I put it on the bottom. And this is so that we can get some nice color on the bottom of our Krystle. It's and we can also, by doing it this way, bake two sheet pans at once, but you have to start him on the bottom and then finish them on the top. And when you take him out of the oven, they are so beautiful in the Hubble deep golden color, and they're going to be even a deeper golden color on the bottom of the response. And that is a traditional, authentic look to your Chris aunts. And now the reveal. Let's cut into this and you can see those beautiful layer upon layers, and now we eat them. All right, let's start shaping our chocolate croissants now, for ease of shaping, I recommend making a batch and only shaping them one way. So either do all traditional or all chocolate. If you're first starting out now, you certainly can roll out the dough, trim it down the center and use half for traditional and half for chocolate. You're just not gonna get quite as many chocolate. Chris wants out of the batch. So this way, by doing a whole batch and chocolate, we get more of the chocolatey goodness in there. So I'm gonna roll it out to also about 24 to 26 inches long and about 8 to 8.5 inches wide . And I've got my ruler here just to kind of help guide me but our little pen a stroke elastics or are chocolate sticks if you will, um, they're going to guide us on exactly how wide we want to cut our Chris aunts, so it's very easy. You can also use a chocolate bar and just cut With wise. It's not gonna be quite as wide, and the pieces air gonna break apart, So just do the best you can to cut little strips of chocolate. But these little sticks air certainly handy. And we lined them up next to each other, just leaving enough space so that we can trim them with a knife we can kind of cut in between. And actually, the dough is a little bit wider than I actually even need. And so I can actually trim those on the edges if need be. If they're a little bit too, too wide, so we're just gonna easily go down the line and just cut them into a straight line. So the shape really quickly once you get moving and I'm trimming off the edge here on the other side just to make it nice and even now I'm gonna place my second chocolate stick on each Cristante, and as we roll them, we're going to start rolling cover one chocolate stick and then took the other one close by and then just roll it all the way over and press it down because we want the base to be nice and flat. If it kind of pokes out quite a bit, it might unravel the Cristante in the oven. So we really want the shape to be nice and flat on the surface and on the base. So it's a jelly roll, but it's not gonna be super tight and narrow. So again I just move my second my second chocolate stick where I need it to be. Press it down really firmly and I'll show you up close Kind of what that looks like a swell . So again roll over the first stick and the 2nd 1 and you can see boom, boom, boom how it just easily shapes with those little sticks. And you can find them on king arthur flour dot com or on Amazon and oh, my goodness, they're going to be absolutely delicious. So again here, if you need it to trim off the ends a bit so that is a nice flat base. Then you can do that right before you roll them up so you can kind of measure one and then trim the edges if need be. So we put him on our parchment lined sheet pan and just press them down again. And this is again just going to seal the edges. We're gonna head wash the tops on Lee, not the sides, because we want to keep those flaky layers in this little again. Just protect the surface and given a nice, beautiful color, we're gonna wrap it in plastic wrap and proof it on top of the stove with the burners turned off, obviously at 350 degrees. So that warm from the oven again is gonna prove them beautifully. And I like to 22 long pieces of plastic wrap side by side. It just covers them a little bit easier and again, 30 to 45 minutes later. An hour tops. But generally no more than 45 minutes. They're gonna proof, and you see how it just bounces back. And there's not quite as much of a difference in the size of chocolate. Chris Sants versus traditional Chris aunts. They won't get quite as big within the oven there in a spring, so this is before what they look like. The size before to see can get an idea, and this is after so they they're a little bit puffy er, but the surface of the dough. The intention is going to tell us if they're proofed properly, so the same deal. We start them on the bottom third rack for about 10 to 15 minutes. Take that. Place that on the top rack egg, wash your second sheet pan. Place them on the bottom rack and then once they're all done, they're just going to be beautiful and golden and flaky. And when we cut into it, boy, it is just magic. So let's just see what that looks like up close on the inside. Enjoy guys, enjoy. 10. Preserving and Reheating croissants!: Okay, So here is a really, really important part of the Cristante making process, and that is actually the preservation and reheating of cua since. So when we finish making our quest, Sants, we can leave them out at room temperature uncovered for about 3 to 4 hours, at which point we want to wrap them individually in plastic wrap. Now, any press sants that are gonna be eaten within a 24 hour period, go ahead and leave them on the countertop. But if they are going to extend beyond 24 hours, you're gonna want to pop them in the freezer. Do not refrigerate your crust, Sants. It's gonna drive them out, and it's not gonna preserve them properly. Now when we reheat them, the golden rule is do not. I repeat, do not microwave your Chris aunts. You are wasting all of that excess time that you spent rolling out the dough into the three folds to create those flaky layers. The microwave will disintegrate the layers, and it will be buttery and soft, but they won't be flaky and crispy. So the only way that you were heat them is in the oven. Whether they're at room temperature or whether they're frozen, and you're wanting to reheat them. So what you we need to remember is, if they're at room temperature already, you want to reheat them at 350 degrees. Take them out of the plastic wrap, put him on a little sheet pan, heat them up for about 5 to 7 minutes, until the surface is nice and crisp. If you are reheating them from being frozen, let's say you have family and friends over, and you want to serve them for a breakfast or brunch or the holidays. Or you just want to enjoy for breakfast or for a snack for yourself. Let it thaw for about 20 to 30 minutes at room temperature, then pop it in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes and the center will be nice and frozen. So you have to let it thaw a little bit more because otherwise the outside might be crispy . The inside might still be a little bit cold, so just be patient. If you catch any of your family members or friends that want to heat up a course on and they're getting impatient and they want to throw it in the microwave, snatch it out of their hands and show them how to properly reading them. If you have to put notes on them on the countertop or in the freezer. Do that because you will be amazed how easy it is to just pop it in the microwave. Oh, I I don't wanna wait, you know, another 30 minutes before I eat this person, so just be patient, and it will be like you just bake them that day. 11. Final Thoughts : All right, guys, that about wraps up our skill share class for making authentic Parisian crescent's. Don't be afraid to die right in and make them from scratch. I have screwed up percent every which way you can imagine. And they were still worth every single minute. So you just get better with time and with practice. But if you have any comments or questions or troubleshooting advice than comment below and I also want to see pictures of your creations, so please share those with me as well. So enjoy and bona petite Uh huh, uh huh.