How To Make A Wordpress BLOG 2017 - | Darrel Wilson | Skillshare

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How To Make A Wordpress BLOG 2017 -

teacher avatar Darrel Wilson, Wordpress Designer, Digital Marketer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro To The blog


    • 2.

      Hosting and install wordpress


    • 3.

      Purchase and install theme


    • 4.

      Installing The EXTRA Theme


    • 5.

      Creating A Blog Post


    • 6.

      Creating Post Cont..


    • 7.

      Intro To Builder and Authors


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Creating Pages


    • 10.

      Contact Us / Premade Layouts


    • 11.

      Premade Layouts Cont


    • 12.

      How To Use Theme Customizer


    • 13.

      How To Use Category Builder


    • 14.

      Logo And Widgets


    • 15.

      Widgets Cont..


    • 16.

      Adsense and FINISH!


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About This Class


  • Use The #1 Selling Theme for Wordpress On The PLANET. 
  • I Have Helped Teach And Create Over 500 Wordpress Websites! 
  • Get a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!
  • Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!
  • THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Dont Settle For Outdated Content!
  • Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile Responsive

Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Dont be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all wordpress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your wordpress website from scratch as a beginner. 


What Will I Learn From This Course?

  • You will learn how to build and manage your own website from scratch
  • Add Amazing 4k Video Sliders
  • Create Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!
  • Create Pre-Made layouts for clients
  • Master The #1 Theme On Wordpress
  • Master Wordpress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.

Meet Your Teacher

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Darrel Wilson

Wordpress Designer, Digital Marketer



Howdy All. Im here to help you all create amazing wordpress websites. A little about me, I graduated with a bachelors from Cal State Northridge and also Ashford attaining a bachelors degree. I quit my job to start my own web design business and now work as a wordpress designer and digital marketer. I continue to create free tutorials in digital marketing and wordpress tutorials. 

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1. Intro To The blog: Hey, welcome, everybody. My name is Darrell. And today we'll show you how to build this beautiful and elegant block from scratch using WordPress. And you don't have to have any sort of experience or any knowledge of coding. I'm gonna show you today how to put this blawg step by step with no experience required. And, I mean, just look at this block, right? It's a beautiful blawg. It's modern, it's professional. It's a 2017 style block. So in this tutorial, I'm gonna show you today how you can incorporate these big, beautiful images onto your block post. You can give your block post a name, and people can rate. It also will be showing today how you can incorporate social media icons. So if you are on YouTube or Pinterest or tumblr or whatever, you're using the Halabi's Joey today how you can incorporate these onto your websites, I'll be showing you today how you can have a really cool logo onto your website. You don't have one. Don't worry. I'll show you today how we can create one really simple. Over here we have this menu right here and right off the back. You guys are going to see that this is just a really modern style menu. Where has the pictures? That has the ratings and it gives a brief description about it. Now, companies like Mashable actually used this same exact style. Now, mashable receives around 60 million visitors a month. So we're taking direct inspiration from these huge big giant companies Right now. Another thing I want to know. What about this theme is that this is a very popular theme. Dream Travel magazine uses this same exact theme. This is the same style, guys. This is it. So we're gonna be using the same theme that even the big guys use now companies like Aspen grew. Studios use this same exactly. And because it's just a very modern style look, it's very popular now. This other magazine company from Spain, they're using the same exact style, right? APS 400. These guys are using the same exact thing that we're gonna be using and also always in business. So a lot of companies actually used this same style because it's just a really professional style Blawg. So we're gonna be using the same exact theme that Dream Travel magazine uses and also a lot of other big and notable companies. Now, let me give you guys a quick tour of this website to show you how easy it is to make this and how beautiful it is. So what? After back, guest and see, we have this little image right here. This is an ad. So something clicks on it. You make money. Congrats. Also right here we have our subscribe to our newsletter so people can subscribe to our websites. And here we have categories. So we have dogs, we have a sky and we have mountains. And this is actually a video so people can actually play videos right on your block. So today, I'll show you today how you can have videos onto your blog's now. Maybe you're those bloggers thing. That's what they call in today's vloggers where they have like, uh I don't know. It's like a blogger. They talk about the cells. I'll show you today how you can add it onto your website along with this follow US section and also our authors. So, in this kind of theme right here, we can actually have different authors make post on our website. So if you're a team, I'll be showing you today how you can have a team of bloggers make block post on your website, and I mean just the style of this theme. It's just a beautiful looking Blawg. It's just really professional. And also today I'll be show you today how you can incorporate your Facebook like box. So if you have a Facebook, don't worry, I'll be showing you today how you can add in this really cool Facebook like pox. In fact, people can actually still play videos from it. So it's really cool that that this feature is added on to the steam. Oops, sorry about that. So right here we have our recent comments. We have more block posts, and we also have an instagram feed. So I know there are some heavy instagram users out there. So in this tutorial, I'll be showing you today how you can have your instagram feed on your website. So if somebody makes a post on your instagram, it will show up right here on your Web sites. Now, this also is an additional style blog's. So I guess and say we have dogs, sky and mountains just like that and you know this right here is our ad. So if you want to incorporate ads on your web sites, I'll be showing you today how you can incorporate ads. And, of course, our footer where we have our recent reviews are author and our subscribe. And of course, we have our social media icons at the bottom. Now, really quickly. Let me show you what the block post actually looks like because this team is different than other themes. This plug is absolutely gorgeous, so I will click on this right here. It says the night sky is amazing. And here we have our recent posts. We ever ads on the side, and we have a little bit of description and we have a review right here, you know, 85% and then we have about the author. So right here you guys can talk about the author, they can incorporate their social media icons. So if you have more than one author on the websites, you can have multiple people talking about themselves or saying, Hey, check me on Twitter or Facebook or whatever you like. Now also, we can have pre made Lance So this theme is very different. This will actually give us the ability to have these beautiful block posts. Now, this right here is a layout that I will give you for free. It's simple. All you do is this uploaded and insert your text on here. Everything's already done. So you're going to be making super professional Blog's as a beginner, right? You're gonna be ahead of the game. So if I scroll down right here, you can see that, Have these pictures right here. All you need to do is a plug in years and go. It's so simple and it's absolutely gorgeous. So this is our block posts and these, actually right here are more advertisements right here. People can go ahead and share it on to their twitter there, Google, etcetera, and give it a rating. And then they can click on next, and they can check out the other ones right here. So this is another block post I have. You know, it's just a really professional looking style, blah guys. I mean, this is probably my best work yet, so I am going to pass this on to you so you guys can understand how to make beautiful blog's that look just like this right here. Now, this right here is just a slider. People can go ahead and just slide through the block post and scroll down now. Like I said, this theme is actually mobile Responsive. So I want to go ahead and show you now that the fact that this theme is more responsive. So this is the same website right here, and this is how it looks on a tablet. That's good. This is how it looks on a phone. So this is what it looks like on a phone. It looks professional. It looks good. So, you know, it's totally mobile, responsive, So you don't have to worry about that. It's all taking care of now. Another thing I want to talk about is just the pages right here. So these actually have pre made templates? Guys, you don't have to have a pays builder. This theme does everything for you. It creates the page for you. Crazy style. All you gotta do is just go ahead and plug in your contents and you're good to go. That's it. Everything is already done. Now, over here we have our block section right here. So, like there's more block post that we have, It's just a different style. You know, the theme gives a lot of style and diversity to make sure that you can really get what you want and achieve the look that she wants out of your theme. So this is our block section and also our contact section right here. So this right here is our contact page, where people can go ahead and, you know, send you an email about it and talk about it and the theme guys, I'm telling you, it is the most beautiful theme I have ever come across For a blawg, it is the best for beginners. It's so easy to use. So in this tutorial I'll be showing you how to do that. And also, you know, you don't have to be creating things about dogs. You can create anything like this. Demo right here is about fashion. So you know, they were creating a a website about fashion. This is the demo for it. So it's just a really beautiful, elegant style blawg. So today I'll be showing you how you can incorporate advertisements, how you can incorporate pictures, videos and have those really amazing pre made layouts on your website. So let's go ahead now and get started 2. Hosting and install wordpress: Alright, guys. So the first thing I'm going to do is get out my no pad right here. And we're going to follow these simple steps in order. The first thing we're going to do is get a domain and hosting for your websites. And not to worry. I will provide you all with massive coupon codes that will save you a bundle of money. After that, we're going to install WordPress. Then we're going to purchase the extra theme and not to worry about it. You will receive a 30 day money back guarantee for the theme, and then we are going to make the most amazing blawg ever on YouTube. All right, so the first thing I want you to do is go ahead and click on the link. In the description it will take you to host gator dot com. You'll be brought to a page. It looks just like this right here. So go and click on get started now and right here we have three plans. We have the hashing plan, the baby plan and the business plan. Now I always recommend the baby plan because with the baby plan, you get unlimited domains rather than just a single domain. So click on, Sign up now. Now go and enter your domain name. So that's basically your address. So I'm gonna put I love kylo ren I love kylo ren dot com and it is available. So go ahead and do some research about what you want for your web address. Now we're going to scroll down right here. So this right here is the domain privacy protection. So this will basically hide your personal information from the public view. So if you want to have that, you can leave that checked. It only cost you around $13. If not, you can go ahead and check it if you would like next we have our hosting plan. So we are on the baby of hand right now. Now, actually recommend doing at least six months and the reason why Exxon provide you a code and I will save you more money. You purchase more months. So right here under a user name, we're gonna go ahead and enter in ah, user name. Go ahead and put whatever you would like. I'm gonna put Han Solo 88 and go ahead and put it in a security pin, you know, running to your vice six. Yes, I'm like that. And guys, make sure you remember the security pin because you will need this information to verify your accounts with Host Gator. Okay, Now you enter in your billing info and make sure your email is correct. Both times I had a client that put it in wrong twice. It was a total disaster. So make sure you put the email in and confirm it. And then go ahead and put in your first name, your last name your company, etcetera, and fill out all this information. If you like to pay with credit card, go ahead and pay with credit card. If not, you can pay with PayPal. Next, we're gonna scroll down to the additional services. Now, I don't recommend any of these because with WordPress, you can do a lot of this stuff for free. So I'm gonna go ahead and unchecked these right here. Next. We have our coupon codes to the end of the coupon code. Darryl WP 25 you validate it. You're going to see the price drop dramatically. We're going to save a bundle. So one from $84 to around 69 bucks. But also remember to and check this right here. That does auto check. Sometimes I don't really know why it does that. So for six months of hosting and to build your own website, it's gonna be pretty cheap. So after you're done with all of this, we're gonna go ahead and scroll down. Click on I have read and go ahead and click on check out Now and then we brought to a page that looks something like this right here. It'll say, get ready. We're setting up your accounts and you'll have the cool alligator giving you a thumbs up. Now, this section might take around 2 to 3 minutes to load. At least it did for me. So just go ahead and give it some time. And once you're done with, that will be brought to your customer portal and then brought to a page that looks just like this right here. Okay, so I'll go ahead and wait. Maybe around 10 seconds for your you to catch up. Hopefully, you're here by now. All right? Okay. I'm the waiting. Okay. So the thing I want you to do now is I want you to check your email because your email was going to give you something that we need to log into our control panel. And from there we're going to install WordPress. So go ahead now and check your email and you should get an email address that looks like this from billing. No reply. And then also from launchpad. You'll get that a little bit later, but the one I want you to click on right here is the no reply. And right here you have your control panel, so you can see right here we have our control panel. We have our user name at domain, etcetera. So all need to do is click on your control panel link and we'll take you to this right here . And all you need to do is take your user name and put it right here. And then take your password they generated for you and go ahead and put it right here. And once you're done with that, you can go ahead and log in. But one more thing. I want to note that in your in box you might receive this launch pad thing or wants you to verify your address. All they need to do is click on this thing right here to verify that you are a human being , etcetera, And that will verify your domain name, and it will verify that you're a human being. Okay, so going back over here, we're gonna go to click on log in. Alrighty. So this is actually a new control panel that host Peter has introduced. That's why I have kind of decided to use, you know, host Gator as this company because they're just like a There are very, very good company. My websites are all hosted on it. And I love this new platform they've introduced. It's very user friendly. It's really easy. So the first thing I want you to do is just go down right here to software and click on quick install and right here under WordPress just gonna click on it where it's is free. Now, go ahead and select your domain e. So I have a lot. But you're gonna go ahead and select the domain in that you purchased, and then go and click on next. Now go to give your blog's title. So I'm gonna put Patty which is my dog and Adam and user. I'm gonna put Patty wack and then my first name and my last name. And then I'm gonna go ahead and put in my putting my email address just like that. Now, all we need to do is make sure these are both checked just like that, and go and click on install now. So WordPress is installing and they also offer You guys use other things, but these are all a complete waste of money. Don't ever do that. Okay, So first I want you to do is take this password and use name and write it down. Don't forget it. Okay? So you don't make sure you have this in a safe place. Now you're gonna have to click this right here. This your your new domain. Now, if you're brought to a portal that doesn't have, like, a log in information, you're gonna have to wait, maybe, like, you know, 10 minutes to an hour to two hours for WordPress to propagate now on ST Patty's Day. Had to wait like five hours. You know, if they take longer than an hour, go ahead and get host. Gave her a call and just let them know that it's taking a while to propagate. But I'm gonna go and click on mine and take the gamble and see if it's done propagating. Let's let's go check it out. All right, so mine worked. So right here under adamant log in. I'm gonna go ahead and enter in my log in information, and then I'm gonna entering my password. Click on log in. All right, guys, congratulations. We have successfully got domain hosting, and now we have installed wordpress. Congrats. This is the bread and butter of where we wants to make our website. Now, if you want to look at your web site right now, all we need to do over here is go to visit sites on this top left right here. And this is our website. It's very, very ugly. But not to worry, cause we're going to make it look amazing. Okay, so we basically let's go back to our little no pad right here. We've got our domain and hosting we've installed WordPress now told me to do is go ahead and purchase the extra thing 3. Purchase and install theme: now, guys. The extra theme is made by elegant themes, which is the number one rated theme company on the market. So you're buying it from a very reputable company now. In order to go there, you guys can click on the link a description. It'll take you to the website. We need to purchase the extra theme, so it's a good themes on calm. It will take you to a page. It looks like this now. Once you purchased their plant, your given access to 87 themes and all their plug ins, and you get a year of unlimited support. So it's pretty incredible, guys. So if you guys have a problem with your theme, don't worry. You will have a team of developers to help you out with your theme at all time. It's pretty amazing. So all you have to do is go over here to join, to download and go ahead and school right here. Now, if you guys use my link, you guys will receive a small discount and it actually gives me a small commission. So it helps me to continue to make these videos. So the one I recommend is the, um the developer. Now, the reason why is because you're given the access to the bloom plug in. Which was that little opt in form right here on our other website. Right here. This right here is the bloom Plug in and I will show you how we can have pop ups, how we can easily capture email addresses from all sorts of people. So over here I recommend the developer section, or you can do lifetime. I have a lifetime because I'm a Devi life for my website is made with these guys themes. So, you know, I would never recommend a product I didn't use. Right. So over here, going to click on sign up today and go ahead and fill all your information and submit your payments and fill out all this information. And after that, you'll be brought to your customer portal, which will look something like this. So I'm gonna go ahead and log in and just like that now, I guess I used the DVT my used extra theme. So you know, there's other people out there like, Yeah, I go by this, go by this and they don't even use it, right. Like I've seen a lot of those guys. Now I person uses on my website. So Darren wilson dot com This website is made with elegant themes. They're themes that they that they make in. Whenever I have a problem, I email them. They you know they are. I'm sorry, Used their forms and they respond to me right away. The guys are truly amazing. They're based in San Francisco. They're making company, and they're just incredible. So once you're here, you're going to see you have, like, an account of support, etcetera. Now, if you guys ever have a question you guys can go to support and scroll down to extra, which is right here. Ah, where is right here It is right here extra. And you guys can basically submit a ticket right here. And all these people ask questions and these guys will answer them. And they're very good at their time. The answer them almost right away. So go and click on themes right here, and we're going to scroll down to extra, which is right here, and click on download and download theme package right here. Just like that. All right, so now we go back to our website, and we're going to upload it. So, um, going back to a website right here I'll need to do is go over here to dashboard. Okay? And then over here, under appearance, go to themes. So basically a little run down guys of what would press is and how it really works is that wordpress basically is like, um, it's like the foundation of allowing people to create sort of structures. Like all these people create different types of themes. And there's thousands of themes. There's millions of themes out there, you know? And you guys can, like, you know, uh, check them out on your free time. But, um, I recommend elegant themes because they're rated the number one for creating just the most amazing themes out there. So all thing to do is go to upload it here and right here you're gonna see upload theme. So going to click on upload theme now right here is his choose file, and we're going to select that father we downloaded. So, under my downloads, it should be there somewhere extra. Where are you? It's there somewhere. Okay, let me do this. I think I might be my desktop. I don't know it. Always download them in the word spots. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and just do this right here. Extra. All right, so extra dot Zip. Now I'm going to click on open and then install now and make sure it's the zip file. Guys don't extract it. Just insult the way you downloaded it. You don't need to do an extracting or any hard work. Everything is already done. Okay. So installing theme, your theme has installed successfully. Okay, go ahead. Right here. Click on activity. All right, So it's activating. It does take time. Also, if you're using, like, a different hosting companies, some are much slower and might take longer. Some are faster. Really? Just depends on, you know, luck of the draw. Right? So congrats. We've installed the extra theme. You guys can tell. It's a premium. Beautiful theme. Now it's good. Look at our website right here. So I will click on visit sites and wallah. You guys can see that it is changed dramatically. We have our sidebar right here. We have these gadgets right here. We have our logo and our social icon. So congratulations. Let's go back and look at our our progress so far. We have got our domain done. Done. Purchase the theme. Done. And now we're going to make the most amazing blawg. 4. Installing The EXTRA Theme: So right here on her dashboard, going to click there now we're gonna go and scroll down to settings, and we're gonna go to Perma links. Now, over here, you're going to see all these options right here. You want to select post name and the reason why you want us like post name is because usually when you go to a website, it's your website dot com dash about us or dash contact, right? Not this 20161 11 11. You know this stuff, so make sure it's in her post Name and posting is also very good for s. Your purpose is to get your website index is better. Next After you've done that, we want to go ahead and create a profile. So maybe you want to talk about yourself whenever you make a post, Right? So over here, under users just simply kick on users right here. And this is ah, my profile. So going to click on your profile and you can change your scheme. You know, if you want to, you know, change the color of it. You can go ahead and do that. I'm gonna go ahead, leave mine as midnight right here. You can give yourself a nickname also right here. You can put in your email address now. Password. I'm sorry, website. So you can go ahead and put in your websites. Remember, this is basically, like about the author section. So you want to go ahead and put something about, you know, your website or your Facebook Twitter, etcetera. So I'm gonna put in my website right here and go ahead and just put it needs right now. You know, I don't really use all of these. I probably use maybe Facebook and Twitter. But some people out there, you know, they use everything. So, you know, that's that's for everything. So also, YouTube obviously have a YouTube channel. Okay, so, um, we can actually go ahead and put in some information right here. So, you know, go ahead and put in, like, you know, about the author. I work here for so and so for about 10 years. You know, the other author of a certain book, etcetera. Whatever you want to do now, right here. It says new password. You can click on generate password and go ahead and give yourself a new password. So I'm on entering Patty wack 77 just like that. Now I'm gonna confirm that you sweet, give password and click on update profile. All right, so all that information is set. Now, feel free to take the time to write. You know, Ah, by ago, the fo info about yourself or whoever you're trying to talk about next. We want to go ahead and create a profile picture. So you need to go ahead and click on this right here. It says gravity are And this watch me take us to another website where we will actually create another profile. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and click on the log out right here, and I'm gonna go ahead, and, um, I'm gonna go refresh the page. Hopefully doesn't automatically. LogMeIn is not the kind of store cookie, so they know it's you. I want to show you from the beginners point. So go right here to create your own gravity. Are so go ahead entering your email address right here. So I was Darrell Wilson WP at gmail dot com. And I'll just give myself a quick user name automatic, and I just go ahead and put in a password right here, and I'll go ahead and click on Sign up. And this is where we're gonna basically put in a picture for our for our up a profile. So we sent you a confirmation email, So go ahead. Now, and just check your profile or your email. I'm gonna go to inbox right here, and it should come up. There it goes. So go ahead and activate this. I'm gonna click on activate accounts. All right? So sign in. All right, so right here. It says, you know, pick email to modify, and I'm gonna go ahead and say, Okay, go ahead and add one by clicking here because they're talking about you don't have any images. So go ahead and click this right here. Now, go ahead and just, you know, upload a picture. Whatever picture. You know, click on, upload new, choose the file and go ahead and just, you know, find one on your computer wherever you're trying. Teoh, you know, puts. Let's see if I can find one of me. I don't know if I have any. You know, I'm kind of unprepared ideas, tutorials. It's like it's got a bad, you know, that see if I can find one right here. I think I have one of my computer somewhere. If not, I'm gonna go ahead and grab it. We're gonna grab this dog, okay? I'm gonna be a picture. This dog right here and click on next. Whoop. Just like that. Now, crop and finish. All right, so this is obviously rated G, right? Anybody here can see this. So I'm just gonna look on rated G. And there you go. So my picture is uploaded. Go ahead and maybe give us some time, though. You know, if you're working on your website and it doesn't show up right away, don't panic. Might take an hour. It might take two hours, etcetera. So over here, looks like they don't even have my image up. Let me try that one more time. Let's see here. That blood new. I'll do this one. This time I'll do this one. Maybe I didn't click, Save crop and finish ready, G. Oh, it's there. It's just, um it just takes time. I guess that the click on it and click on confirm. So, you know, just go ahead and give it time. It does that sometimes. so over here under my profile. Yeah. It looks like we've added in everything correctly. Hope There it goes. Right here. So the picture is there now? It does take time. Caiso. It might be a little confusing saying, Oh, my pictures, not there. It just takes a little bit of time. So let's go ahead and go back to our website now. Which was my was patty, like three. So you have to go back to Patty. Whack three, go back to your website. Okay, so now that we're here, we have actually set the profile. We've set the general settings. It looks like we are ready to create some posts. 5. Creating A Blog Post: All right, So now let's go ahead and do that. Let's go ahead and create our first block post. So to create a block post, there's two ways to do this. We can go up here to plus new and go to post. And this is where all the magic happens. This is where we're going to make our first post. So I'm gonna go ahead and put something in like, um, the best dogs to own the best dogs, too, to own. Now, right here we have what? We have a lot of sections right here. But the first thing I want to show everybody is how to add categories. Categories are going to be your best friend. So over here into new categories to click on that. Now, we're talking about dogs here, so I'm gonna put in dogs and click on add new category just like that. Okay, Now, here's where you gonna enter some content, so I'm gonna go ahead and pay some content in there. You go ahead and talk about dogs for little bits. Whatever you would like. Something like this. We can also you know, click on this weaken bold. It's Attallah size you can do bullet list. All sorts of really cool stuff. We can align, center. But, um, you know, I don't wanna go too much into a lot of these settings because I will talk a little bit more about these and also a pre made layouts as we go. So, you know, you can just basically read these. Like this is insert insert a link. So, for example, if you want to make this the whole hyperlink, you can do that something like right here shop now. And if I highlight this, I can insert a link on to ever I want to go just like that. All right, so when they click on this, they will be brought to this website here. So going down over here, we have the extra settings. So this is primarily what I want to talk about more. So this right here is the sidebar location. So we do have a sidebar. So do you want it on the right side? Do you want on the left side or do you want no sidebar? So that's what the sidebar location means and the sidebar widget area generally leave as default. But we will talk more about the footer later on in the tutorial, but you can have, like, a main sidebar, a project sidebar. But for now, we're gonna leave as default, and we will talk more about the footer section a little bit later. Now featured posts. So on all of your post right here, you generally wants a featured post. It's what captures people's attention. It's what they see when they click on the block post. So I actually have a link in the description. They'll take you to my Dropbox and you guys can actually download some of those images that I have. But if you guys need images, you guys can actually go to unspool ash dot com. Now this is the best website to get free stock footage. So, for example, I'm talking about dogs, right? So I'll go ahead and type in dogs right here, and you're going to see that these are all free images. They're extremely high rez. They look really good and you can just go ahead and browse to them. You know, just go ahead and look at some of these images, see if there's some that you like. This is a really cute one. Right? So right, let's say, for example, you want to night sky, something like that. I mean, guys, they have some beautiful pictures right here. And these are just really elegance, professional looking pictures. A lot of these were done by photographers. They're very high rez. And when and when they're high res, they are a little large, you know? So keep that into consideration so you can go ahead and browse through some of these and upload them. But I already have the images that I currently want. So over here, going back. I want to go ahead and add a featured posted this. So going down right here, we're gonna scroll down. Now, you see what says set featured image? Go ahead and click on that, and we are actually going to upload some pictures. So click on select files now under my desktop right here. I'm gonna go to my, uh, my little folder right here, and I'm gonna go ahead and upload a picture of the dog to just like this one right here. Click on upload, and it is uploading. Now, remember, this is the picture that people will see when they see the block post. That is what a featured images. And I will show you an example of this when it's sun up loading. Okay, so it is almost done. Remember, these images from on Splash are quite large, you know, two megabytes. This is a four K image, so it's a pretty good image. Now I'm gonna click. Set, featured image. All right, now, right here. We have review. So maybe you want to talk about something, you know, let's go ahead and to say, for its toll purposes, all puts This is one of the best log posts ever. Now you can also give it a title and a rating. So breakdown, so title R rating and go ahead and give it a review. Are reading percent. Maybe, you know, 85% 95% just like that. All right, now we want to go ahead and say, um, I want to go ahead and said, This is featured post. Now, if you already have an image, you can actually hide the featured image on the post. Okay, so I'll talk more about the hiding future image on post a little bit later, but for now, let's just go ahead and post this right here. So we have our categories. We have our block post right here. It's under our correct for my I will go through each and every single one format to make sure that you fully understand. But for now, we're just going to use a standard one. And these basically are almost the same thing. They just add a little bit more features. But I'm gonna go ahead and publish this post. Now for tags, we can enter dogs, dogs and something like that. So tags are basically when people want to learn more about a specific section in your website, they will be tags. So, for example, you might want to just do tags, dogs and, um, pets. All right, so it looks like everything's done right here. I'm gonna go ahead and now and publish this post, so I will click on Publish. All right, so it's publishing. There we go. So in order to see the post that you made, you can actually click right here, click on preview changes. It's going to open up a second page and there you go. Wa la Now I'm gonna close all these windows right here because I do have quite a bit, and these are basically irrelevant at this point. So a little bit of overview of this block post. So here is the title the best dogs to own right here and up here. We have the featured imagery here with our score. Now, this right here is the text right here. Now he's here. Says shop now, now, Right here. I put in the text right there, and I added in the link. So shop now, shop now. Right there. Now here. You see the review. So summary. This is one of the best block post ever. So the content I put right here for review is going to end up right here. Now, this is actually really good for, like, affiliate marketing, you know, like we talk about an Amazon product and say This is really good bye bye bye, and people buy it. That is a very good reason to add in a review. So right here we have our rating. We have our share icons right here so people can share it. They can tweet it. The theme is everything automatically for us. That's why it's so amazing. and easy to learn. Now, right here we can click on rating being go ahead and read it and about the author. So we have patty wack, which was the picture inputs. And we have all this cool dummy text along with all of the amazing social icons right there . Now, on the bottom, people can go ahead and leave a comment about it so they can say, Hey, this was a really cool block post its all time that and cool blawg posts, just like that's an click on post comments. So there you go, Patty. Wack cool block post. Now, guys, really quickly. I know that was very easy, but I want you to stay till the end of the sartorial to watch everything because there's gonna be a lot of stuff that you don't know about and what I've seen as a youtuber. People watch this. They learn how to make a post, and then they leave the tutorial, and then they're like, How do you do this there? Honey, do this in the comments later, and I said in the video, You just gotta watch it. You just gotta watch it, right? So please stay till the end of this tutorial to learn everything about this because we have to talk about widgets. We have to talk about the menu, the theme customizer the logo. There's, ah, little bit more to cover. So the block post was very easy to create. Now let's go ahead and make a 2nd 1 6. Creating Post Cont..: so back over here, I'm a click on plus new and click on Post. All right? And I'm gonna do dogs again. So I'm gonna put the worst dogs to have or the Which one Should I do that? I don't know. The nicest. The nicest apartments, pets, the nicest dogs. Four apartments. All right. And then we're gonna go ahead and select dogs again, just like that. And over here, we can go ahead and put dogs. Pets. Now, over here, we can go ahead and scroll down and maybe you want to do a video. So a video of guys is very, very simple. Now all you need to do is just go ahead and grab a video of whatever you want and put it right there. You can even put the You are all right there. And right here you can go ahead and put a summary. You can do the same thing right here as a breakdown. So it's basically the same thing, guys, All he really did was just add in a specific section. You know, we just added in, like, one small section, So let's go out and set a featured image again. I'm upload select files, and I'm gonna do this One doesn't work, you know, it's it's too large, you know, I don't know why it didn't work, so we'll do this one right here. Okay? We're gonna go ahead and upload this, and now we're going to use a video. So I'm actually just gonna go ahead and use a video that I have from YouTube. All right, so it is uploading. Almost done. The best dogs to own that is a pretty good block title. Yeah. Making titles. Really catchy is like, That's what really captures people. You know, those relievers like those headlines were just like, Oh, I got to see this, you know? So there you go. I've added in the video formats, and right here, you know, we can go ahead and add in some dummy contents just like this, and I'll go ahead and put in something else right here. No, guys, this is like the basics of the basics. A little bit late into its tutorial, I will introduce pre made layout to get those really beautiful looking block styles. But I just want to teach you the basic fundamentals of just how to make a blawg post. Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead now and click on Publish. All right, so I made my second block post. Now I'm gonna click on preview changes right here, and it's gonna bump another window. And there you go. We have another block post. Now, if I click on this, it's actually going to display video right here. So this is a YouTube video that I was currently watching. So, um, like I said, all you need to do is go ahead and just grabbing a random YouTube video. It could be any YouTube video that you currently want. So I go to my channel right here. And like I said, just go ahead and just grab any sort of video. You can grab the URL, so go ahead and copy this. And like I said, just go back over here and put it in the specific section for the video just like that, and that's it. That's all you need to do. So I'm gonna click on update. And now Iraq's gonna create one more post just so that we have, um, just so that we have three. Where we're gonna do is we're gonna make three post of each. Because remember, on our front page, we're gonna have a lot of posts in categories. All right, So you don't have to make the 3rd 1 with me, But I'm going to go ahead and make 1/3 1 just for two toll purposes. So I will click on Add New, and this one's gonna be Cubist dogs Que nous dogs ever. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and enter in some dummy text. Oh, I have to go ahead and enter that in. Silly me. So I'm gonna go over here and enter some Demi texts. All right, so here we go. I'm gonna grab this and just paste it in there and maybe add one more and same thing. Guys, I'm just gonna go ahead and do, you know, set featured image, and I'm gonna go ahead and upload the picture of the dog. Now, I'm also going to use the other formats. So after this, I will show you that what I'm talking about. So I'm gonna go ahead and upload this other picture of the dog. Alrighty. So it is uploading. These are some very big images, guys. That's why it takes a little bit longer, but, you know, the resolution is just amazing. So that's all I really care about, you know? So set featured image. Now, let's go ahead and do quote right here. So right here we have quote, text, and then quote contribute crow attribution. So, right here, we'll put something like the best and then just like that. All right, so this is the quote section format. All right, so up here, I'm gonna go ahead and now this into dogs, and they're gonna click on publish. Want to talk a little bit more about what you can do with posts and some other features that you can do Now I'm gonna have this post a name. So we put our favorite hike, and I'm gonna go ahead and put in some dummy text right here. Pay some dummy text. Now, this is say you want to go ahead and added an image right here. All you need to do is click on add media. Go ahead and just select one of your images. So I'm going to select this one right here. Actually, this one looks better, right? Put that one in there. Now. Right here. Where it says size. I'm actually going to edit this in the post, so over here could on insert into post. Now, if you want to actually change the image, you can click on this little pencil right here. Click on edit and we hear undersized. We could have full signs, custom size, etcetera. Now, that's to say you want to a custom size. You can put whatever you would like right here, or we can just do the full size and also say you want. If somebody clicks on this image, you want it to link somewhere going just type in custom mural and just go and put in the website that you currently wanted to go to. So what about Darrell issa dot com and just click on update. So now somebody clicks on this image, they'll be brought to my website. Now, let's just say you want to center this. So right here you click on it. You see, this is a line rights. Ah, line center and a line left right there. Now there are some additional features that you can also do. So I'm gonna go ahead and just make some space right here under the two Ah, Google toggle bar. You'll actually see that actually introduces a lot more features, like text color. Um, you know, clear formatting special characters where you click on it and it gives you all sorts of really cool characters you can put onto your block posts such as, like, this weird a symbol. So this is, you know, a little bit more what you can add to your block post right here. Um, it's pretty self explanatory. Guys. Another thing. If I hover over this, I can actually, you know, align center. Align writes, I can insert the text. I can do whatever I want. Now, let's just say you want to add in a button over here. It's right here. I'm gonna make a space right here, and I'm gonna go ahead and do the, um we don't need to do the buyer off, though. I'm sorry, the author bio, because a lot of these are actually standard with wordpress. But since our theme comes with a lot of, um, extras, we don't really need to use thes. But I do believe they have, like, an e t button right here. So let's just say you want to add a button into your post. So go ahead and give it a post link. So, darrell wilson dot com the type is gonna go ahead and put an icon and the content someone puts Click here. Now what kind? You wanted to have a good download. A surge refresh, etcetera. You can just go ahead and go through each of these. Each one has a different like the icon style. An open link in a new window. So that means if they click on its do you want to automatically open up a new window? I'm gonna say yes because we don't want them to leave our website. So I'm just click on. OK, now you're gonna see all this word. Short code. Come up right here. So let's go right now and just preview this post. Just give you a little example of what This is. So remember, guys, I actually center the image I added in a button. So right here you can see I have click here, and I have this right here. The image. It's a little bit more centered now. It is a very large image, so kind of basically just fools that fills the entire space. So if I make it a little bit smaller, perhaps it will actually look a little bit more centered right here. And you guys can tell it is a perfect looking blawg. Now, actually updated this because I didn't want to miss anything and everything in my tutorials . Kind of like, you know, I didn't really go over these options too much, so I'm kind of like going back in time. So I will be talking more about Instagram feeds and the blue Mopped inform you cannot all this stuff on your block post. So that's basically all I want to talk about. Um, let's go back to the tutorial now. So this was basically towards the end. Now we're gonna go a little bit back in time now, these settings right here, we will talk more about these when we talk about pre made layouts because there are a lot of reasons why you would want to hide the featured image. So now let's go ahead and preview the changes. Let's go ahead now and see what our post looks like. So right here we have the best dogs, and then we have our quotation mark and the header image is gone for this style. Now there are reasons why you'd want to do this. You can add in ah, lot more text and then add in unauthorized aim like a quote from something inspirational. But remember, if you go to the front of the website, you're going to see that featured image anyways. Okay, so that is basically how we created 33 pages are three Ah, post Right there. It was very simple. Now let's go ahead and just go to our home page. Let's go and see what it looks like now. So I'm going over here to visit site. And now we have the picture of the dog right here. And we have the other picture of the, um you know, the best dogs to own nice apartments, hogs and cuties dogs ever. Then right here we have that one post that we did of the quotations. All right, so that is basically how we do block post. Now, let's go ahead and talk about the layout 7. Intro To Builder and Authors: So how do we control where everything is and the way it's designed? Right. So over here, under edit layout, just click on edit layout. So this is our home page, and this is also known as the extra category builder. This is how we design pages. So right here, you can see that we have a featured post lighter. We have post post and post. So later. What we're gonna do is we're actually going to make this a category. So this is gonna talk about dogs. This is gonna talk about mountains and this control about sky. But let me show you all how to quickly create your own category builder, just in case you don't want to use the standard one. All right, so right here under standard section, go ahead and click on that. Now, what style do you want this under? So I just want to go ahead and just copy the regular one just to show you all how this works. So I'm gonna grab this big one right here, and I'm gonna do this. Featured post slider. So the future post slider is basically like a big fire of the one we currently saw. And these are modules, so these are made specifically for extra. So this right here is like an image. This is a post slider. This is a tab post. Remember earlier in the tutorial, I showed you the tap posts. That is basically the top post. This is a blawg standard feed, so just like it shows you in the picture. It's just basically a feed of your blog's posts. This right here is your post. And this right here is just a random text where you can enter anything in. Okay, But for now, I'm gonna go ahead and click on featured posts. Lighter. Now, here. You see how it says categories. So you can basically choose the categories that you want this to Go on now. Right here. Talks about post limit. So how many posts do you want this module to talk about? Well, maybe six, maybe three, maybe one, maybe two, etcetera. Do you want to Onley display featured posts? You can put Yes. Or you could put no. So right here ignore displayed posts, so do not display any of the post that have been displayed on previous models. You clean that? Yes. Or No. Now, do you want to show the author? Yes. You want to show categories? Yes. Do you want to show the comments? Yes. You want to show the ratings and you want to show the dates. Now you can also enable auto play. So basically it would go ahead and continually auto play the posts. And, um, you know, you have your sort method right here. If you want to do like, most popular, most recent highest rated on that on that module right there as everything here is pretty self explanatory, it's just basically reading it and understanding it now. Also, you can go ahead and do like a sore method. So it's descending. Or you could do ascending. Now the advanced design things will talk a little bit later. Thes air, basically changing the fonts and the color. But I recommend actually doing it from the theme customizer, which we will talk about in just a little bit now. I know I'm saying that quite a bit, but there is a reason for that. I just want to make sure that you understand the basics before I jumped the gun. So right here under, um, insert module we can go ahead. And actually, we'll go ahead and insert another row. So we have these three plus right here. Now, let's just say we want to create that again. So over here, click on add a row. Now I'm gonna click on these three right here and our Secret's Post Post Post. We can click on insert Module. Same thing. Guys. Just click on posts. And this is, say, on this side, you only want dogs. There you go. So we have post right here now, just so you want to duplicate this, you know, it's very similar to the Davy theme. If anybody here has been using the divvy theme, it is thesis aim, exact thing. So there it is. I made the post right there. Now let's just say you want to do the blog's feed Missionary. Just like this, This little right here, all you need to do is click on add a row. We want one full with style, click on insert module and just go ahead and select it that simple guys and then click on save and Exit just like that, because I actually recommend to use this standard settings for extra because they are pretty good. But for now, that was just a small tutorial on how you can create your own post and everything else. We will come back to this a little bit later to show you the tab post cause we will actually answer another module here. And I'm actually going to show you how you can actually use the tap post. But for now, I'm gonna go ahead and just lead this and I'm gonna click on update just like that, All right? So I'm not going back to our website right here, going to visit sites. Now, that was basically the small tutorial of D category pillar. So now I want to go ahead and create some pages. So these air block post right here. But maybe we actually want to create some pages. Okay, So over here, under new, just click on page and this is actually going to create page. Now, extra guys actually has pre made templates for everybody. So over here, under template, you can select that, and maybe you have authors. So over here, I'm gonna talk about authors, and we're gonna go ahead and just select some text right here. and some more text and some more text. Now, right here. We talked about authors, so I'm going to go ahead and select Patty wack because as of right now, that is the only author that we currently have. OK, but don't worry. A little bit later, we will talk more about how to add more authors as well as allowing people to make their own block post. So going back, we can go ahead and scroll down right here. We don't need to say it featured image for this and for the cyber location. You wanted to the rights choose the side of our widget area. We want to leave it as default. Right here. We have extra. So extra is basically like the summary of your content. But we don't I don't really recommend it because right here is a summary of our content anyways, and they're going to see this regardless. So going back right here, that's about it. Now the page is gonna already create for us. So it's very simple to use guys. So all I'm gonna do is click on publish. All right. And also, one more thing, The Perma link. You notice how it is Patty wrecked three dot com dash authors. That is the reason why we want to set it as Post Post Me because it's much cleaner. It's really you know, it looks really good, right? So I'm gonna click on preview changes now, and this is the authors page. So right here you can talk about your authors and then right here it gives a brief description about the author as well as how many post he has made and also the social icons . Now, if there is another one, if there is another author right here, we can actually go ahead. This page will actually create it automatically. So now let's go ahead and create another author. Let's go ahead now. And let's just say you have a team of authors or multiple authors that wants to post on your website. So going back over here, I'm gonna click on um Well, first, let's go ahead and visit site, and I'm gonna close all these right here. I have these All these tabs open. All right, so let's go ahead now and create some more authors on. I also want to do one more setting, and this will have actually enable people to register on your website and also make comments, etcetera. So going to our dashboard right here, we're gonna go to settings, and we're gonna go to general now, right here under membership. Just go ahead and select. Anyone can register. So this will basically say people can go ahead and red shirt to your websites and log in and make whatever comments they would like to make. So we've done that now really quickly. Going back to our dashboard right here. I want to go ahead and just, you know, take out all this stuff right here. So right here. Just click on. I don't need help. This is basically like like their standard stuff that they put on to our website and also says your site is currently displaying a coming soon page. So go ahead and just take this off and go out and click on Click here and there you go. So our website is now live now. We can actually, um, people can actually see our website. All right, so the next you want to do is go ahead and add in some users. So over here in their users, click on, add new. So go ahead and give your new admin a user name. So I'm gonna put Patty wack 900 and go ahead and give it an email address. The first and last name and also website. Now you can, you know, put in a password right here so we can show the password. We'll go ahead and put in. Um, I don't know. Put in. Ah, Well, do the same one Patty Patty. Wack 900. Now send a new user and email about their accounts. Sure, why not? And also, we want to confirm the you speak of password, so I'll go ahead and check both of these now under roll right here. I want to go ahead and put author. Okay, so we have the user name right here, and we have the password, so I'm gonna click on add a new user. All right, so we have Paddy whack 900 right here and now this person can actually go ahead and make some posts. So let's go ahead and do that. I'm actually gonna log onto another browser, and I'm going to log in on this on our website to show you that this person can now make post. Now, the reason why I already have an image over there. Because this is actually aria registered. Gravitate are So your new author will have to actually do the same process that you did was create, You know, a little about yourself and go ahead and create image. So let's go ahead now and log in on another browser. So right here, I'm gonna go ahead and I refresh this page because we reduced the website. Coming soon page. Now, I'm not gonna go ahead and log in, so dash WP admin and I'm gonna go ahead and put in that paddy whack 900 then same thing, Paddy Whack 900. I'm going to click on save Password. And there you go. So I don't need help. 8. Authors: that's like that. Now, if you guys have noticed right here, this user right here can't really make any changes to the website. All he can do is, you know, post comments post, you know, you know, post and comments and also change his profiles. If I go to profile here, the user can do the same exact thing that we did by putting in his Facebook Twitter, Google, all this good stuff right here. Talk about himself right here and then put in it in. So I'm gonna go ahead and put him some text right here. I will go ahead and put in some information. It's like that. These are just dummy things. No, just give the icon there is to make sure it's there. But, you know, if you click on it, it doesn't go anywhere. So I'm gonna click on update profile. Now, let's go ahead. Make a post from this user, so under posts, I'm gonna click on add New. All right. So just like we did before now this specific user has the authority to create his own posts . So we're here gonna put the best the best night sky, and right here I'm just gonna go ahead and enter in some dummy text, and I'm actually gonna, um, probably go ahead. And now what this user can't do is they cannot create categories. So the reason why that is is because if the user, if you basically give the user too much power, they can, you know, create categories that aren't really that you don't really approve. So we're here. I'm gonna go ahead and leave it as uncap Gorey's and scroll down same thing like before they can go ahead and put it in a review, a summary, a breakdown. So I'm just going to put in some dummy text, and then our title will put our our rating. We're going put 80%. And, um, I'll go ahead and set a featured image, select files, and we're gonna go ahead now and put in the pictures that I currently have under my desktop . So right here, I'm gonna go ahead and do like the night sky picture. Let's do a good one. Uh, let's see. That's a good one. That's a good one. So choose this one. That is an 88 K pictures. So it is a pretty big picture So now I'm going to upload these pictures. Now, remember, your author can only make certain changes like posts and comments. That's it. They can't alter your website in any way. Not unless you make them an admin. But we made this user and author. So going back over here, I'm just gonna go ahead and put Publish. All right, so there you go. It is posted. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and click on a view post right here. And there you go. So now this author has made this post, you can see the rating. We have little bit of dummy text. We have a review. And there is the author now. So this is the new author. So going back over here to our dashboard as the other user, we can click on all post right here. Now, if you want to have the user, I'm sorry. You want to see the postage currently made? All you need to do is just click on, you know, all posts right here. We have all of his right here. Undermine. And these our all of them right here. So if you've noticed right here, these are all great out The reason why this is is because this user cannot make any changes to your posts. Remember, he just an author, so we don't want to give him too much power. Right? So that's basically the reason why um, it is like that because we don't want to give that user too much authority to make crazy changes. So don't worry. If you make them an author, there's nothing they can really do except modify their own posts. They can comment and tweak their own profile. That is it. Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead, make one more under categorized So over here and do add new. Now, this is just for two tall purposes. I'm just filling in space, so I'm gonna put in another one. So the best summer nights and I'm just gonna go ahead and put in some dummy text. We will talk about using the divvy builder a little bit later when we use pre made layouts . Don't worry. I know you're wondering what this is. What? We will cover that in just a little bit. Now I'm gonna do an categorized now. Same things that featured image. And I'm gonna go ahead and get a picture of the night sky. Something looks like that right there. That looks good. But you know what people were asking me. Like they were worried about, like, other people making changes to their website. And I said, Don't worry about it. He's just an author. He can't make crazy changes to your website. But this is if you have, like, a team of people all collaborating together and you want people to have access to your Web site from other point. This would be ideal because, you know, making block post can be Really It could be a lot of time. It could be a lot of work. So I'm gonna go ahead and just published this post, and we'll be done with that. All right, so I published the Post. Now, if I want a view it against if you click on View Post And there you go. The best summer nights, we have our featured image. We have the same thing right here and about the author. So that is how you guys would make the author page. All right, So, going back, I'm gonna go ahead and open the other tab. Now, we're actually gonna go back to this Web sites on our riel account, and we're actually going to add in more pages because there are a lot of pages that we need to add in. So over here under plus new running, click on Page and also really quickly, you guys can see that you know this right here, the best dogs own Patty wack. The Best Summer Nights by Darrell Wilson. So we have two different authors, and if you click on the author's page, we're going to see that the other author is there and that they can talk about themselves. And you also see all the post related to that author. Maybe people tend to play favorites. Maybe people are saying, you know, I like his work better than Patty Wax and you know, that's a good way to see you know who is a good blogger or not If the right interesting content right 9. Creating Pages: so going back over here running, go to plus new and go to page. All right, so we have our templates right here. So we have a blawg feed. So oblong feed is basically just an introduction of all your blog's. So right here, I'm gonna put blocks, and then right here, you can go ahead and talk about it like this is our content for our blawg. This is what we want to talk about. Now we have different styles. We have the display and we have a missionary spoke. I'll go ahead and talk about both my personal like the standard better. But I will show you both just to let you know what they both do. So post per page. How many posts do you want per page? So, do you want three block posts per page? Do you want seven to want 10? You can have as many as block post as you would like. Just go ahead and entrant right there. You can have the most recent now. I would probably do the most recent. That's basically saying the most recent block posts you have made will show up at the top. And these were here are pretty standard. You can show the author or not. Show the author you can show the categories are not. Show the categories, etcetera show the dates are not. Show the dates, show the ratings or do not show the ratings. Okay, So other than that, we don't need to set a featured image for this. And our sidebar is on the right side. Generally, that's how Block Post is. But if you want to put your blown your I'm sorry, your sidebar on the left side you can do that to you know, I have seen people put it on the left side, but for this tutorial, I'm going to go ahead and leave it on the right side. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and just published this post to show you what it looks like. And then I will actually change the display style to show you the different options between two. So this is basically just the standard blawg feed right here, and I like this. It's clean, it looks good and it's really easy. And this was the other one that we made the quotations. I think it kind looks ugly. I don't like this one, but it's it's in there. And this right here is the video, so people can actually just go ahead and click on it from here. Watch the video and go ahead. And, you know, I mess around with that, and here they can read mawr so they will actually be able to view the entire block post. So going back over here. Now, let's go ahead and change this to messenger right here. And I'm gonna go and click on update. I like the other one better now, I actually use this style on my website. Something like this right here. You can have it like this. We should probably change this block post. You know, I just think it looks really ugly, you know? So going back, you know, this is the other style, so it depends on what you like. You know, if you like it like this, you can have it like this. But I'm gonna go ahead and say, You know what I wanted as standard and I'm a click on update. Okay, Now I'm actually gonna go ahead and change. I'm gonna sort of a perfectionist. Guys, I kind like everything looking perfect. So I'm not gonna go that one block post and change it to the other one. So what was it that the night nicest dogs was at the wound is that wasn't the nicest dogs It was, missy. It was the cutest dogs ever or the best boxer own. You see, That's standard. It was the last one off. This one right here. So this was the quotation one? I think it was. I don't know. I don't know where it is. Let's let's go find out really quick. So going back to our blawg feed right here. This post right here was the best dogs. Okay, so it was the best dogs. So I'm gonna click on Edit Post now. So you want to change your block post, Guys, all of you need to do is simply just edit it, whatever you like to do. And I'm changes back to standard, and that's it. It looked really ugly, is the quote. You know, I just just really stood out and I didn't like it. So that's why I took the time. Teoh change that. So, going back, you know, we've created the blog's feed. We've created the authors and, like I said, if you want to go ahead and check him out, just going to click on them. But let's go ahead now and keep going through the pages, and then I'll show you how we can style the menu after that along with adding some cool social icons. All right, so over here, under, plus new one, go to page. All right, here we have the other one. We have the contact form, and we have the full with the member log in portfolio and the site map and time. Right now, the timeline is a really, really cool feature that, um I thought was just amazing story here would put timeline, and we're gonna entrance, um, dummy text about this. Whatever you want to talk about your timeline and we're just gonna click on publish, and I'm gonna show you what this is. It's a really cool feature that they've added on extra. So you click on previous changes right here. You're going to see that all the block post that you've made Seattle Sept and then November . So every block post that you make, it's gonna keep track of it for you. It's gonna let you know these were all the block posts made in November. Thes were all the made in October and September, etcetera. So I made this website. You know, I started around September, so you guys can see I have a timeline around here. So the longer the website goes, the more timeline you're going to have Now, you can probably, like, make a fake timeline if you contact elegant deems to make it look like your blog's older But, um, the literal I mean, sorry, this team does not really offer that, but I'm sure you confined like a code from you can contact them. You have a year of, um, what is it called? You have a your support. So whatever you want to do, so that is the timeline. It's pretty cool. I like it. It's a really modern look. So let's go right now over here, under plus new and we go to page. So we're gonna go ahead and create something else. So we have the authors. We have the blawg feed. The contact us page will do in a little bit. Now we can actually have a site map. So maybe, you know you want to have a site map, but I'm going to go ahead and show you what it is. So I was quick on published right here, and it's basically just a site map of your websites. It's just basically saying like, this is what we got. So this is what we got. This is our site map. So if you want to have this on your website, you can probably put this somewhere. Um, you know, wherever you want, if you want it. That is what the site map is. So I'm just letting you know what the site map is now going to adding new again. I'm actually going to go talk about the We have a portfolio section now the before section you actually need to create projects first. Okay, so this page on Lee corresponds to projects. So let's go ahead now and create a project. So over here in the projects, we're gonna go to add new and just go ahead and give your project the name like cool stuff , and I'm gonna go ahead and pay something in there. Now, you know, you can add a new category like, now this is on Lee for projects, So this is a project for category. So I'm gonna put mountains and right here you can enter project skills. So something like hiking we can put outdoors fun. Now, if you're doing like a business portfolio, you might want to do like, s CEO, Web design, something like that that corresponds to what we're talking about. So this is basically, you know, the project itself. So over here we have project details. We can give a euro of the project, open your Olsen dot com now for the product will text, you can view the project and you can give a short description of the project. So go ahead and pace that right there. And now we need to set a featured image for this. So I will click on set of featured image, and it's gonna go ahead and grab one that we've already done. You know, there's no reason for me to upload another picture, right? So this is basically a brief description of the project details. So now that we've actually created our first project, we'll click on publish. Now this is like it's like a portfolio within your page, so it's not an actual page. It's just a project, OK, so you can actually click on view project. You can actually see what this looks like. So this right here is our project, and we have project details. We have categories, we have skills and they can view the project and they can comment about it. So that is a pretty cool thing to add on your website. If you have projects, you can go ahead and add projects. So over here on her, plus new gonna go to page and right here we're gonna go ahead and select the portfolio, and right here we're gonna put our recent work now right here. We're gonna go ahead and entrance. Um, dummy text. Now, you see, what says project categories. Do you see how this mountains popped up? That's because we created the projects for mountains, remember? So, um, that's basically, you know, the portfolio page in a nutshell. So over here, I'm gonna click on publish, and I'm gonna show you now what this looks like. All right, So we have created our portfolio page, and like I said, it's really cool. Guys, if you have all sorts of stuff, you know, like for example, you can have like a recent work. You could have projects and you can People can search it by, Ah, by project category. So right here, maybe you want to talk about Web design. I wanna talk about Seo. Or, if you're in a fashion, maybe don't talk about shoes, pants, belts, and people can go ahead and check it out by project. So it's It's like a little page that's like made within itself. It's really cool. It looks really good. So that is example of the projects page. 10. Contact Us / Premade Layouts: Now, the next thing I want to talk about is the contact us page. So going back to plus new now also want to show you how to add in a page besides going to plus new, we can go to our dashboard right here and over here on the pages we click on all pages. Now we have authors block feed. These are all of the pages we made Now, sample page don't really need that. We can go ahead and just trash that. All right, now, over here, we can click on add New. Now, this is just another way to create a baby. It's It's not, like, different. It's the same exact style. So going back over here under templates, we can click on contact. So here open, contact us, and we'll go ahead and enter him some dummy text right here. You know you want to talk about yourself like this is Ah, you know, this is the thank you for visiting our website. So contact form title, contact me and send the email toe wear. So I'm gonna put it to this email address now, as we will actually need to have a google a p I Key. You need to have a Google A P I key in order for this to work and it's very easy to get a Google A p I key. So let's go ahead now and do that until if you want the map on your website, you will need to get a Google a P I key now. This wasn't required a few months ago, actually, maybe four months ago they introduced it. And it's kind of funny because it happened during where my tutorials and I was kind of like , What's going on here? Something's wrong. It was really weird. So all need to do is enter in Google a p I key, and you'll need to have a Gmail account. So right here developers dot google dot com Just go ahead and click on that right there on the front one and right here I have a Gmail account, so I'm already logged in. So all you need to do is click on, get a key and go ahead and create a select or create a project. So I already have tons of them. But for you guys, go ahead and create a brand new project so create and enable a p i key already. So it is generating R A p I key for us. Yeah, I have a lot of them. See, I have probably like 78 websites, and I use a p i keys for all of them. So that's it, Guys, this is all we need right here. So all they need to do is go ahead and take this and I'm gonna go ahead and copy this. No, I'm not going to close this now. We actually need to go ahead and go into our settings right here, and we need to actually out of the code into our theme customizer. So going back over here, we can go down to extra. I'm gonna go down to theme options. Alrighty. So these air some, you know, some extra features and extra options. I'll talk more about this a little bit later when we talk more about the logo on etcetera. So right here on her Google a p I key, all of you to do is just go ahead and pace that in just like that and scroll down, scroll down and click on save changes. I'll talk more about these features, everybody. Ah, little bit later in this tutorial, they're pretty standard. But I will talk more in depth about everything here. So we entered the Google A p I he in. So I'm gonna go over here to visit site, and I'm going to close all these. I have all these things open right here. Oh, so, um, I'll go ahead and stay on this page. So this was the page that we're actually creating on now. I might need to refresh the page so it might end up deleting everything. See if this works right here. Yes. So I have to basically refresh the page. So I'm gonna go ahead and after repair, remake the page from scratch again. So over here under plus new were two go to page. We're gonna create a contact us page now, So contact us, and right here. I'm gonna go ahead, Anderson, dummy text all rights, and we're gonna go and paste this stuff in. All right? And for the templates were going to do contact now for the contact form title. I'm gonna put contact me, send the email to there and then right here, I'm gonna enter this random address groups. Sorry. This good entering this address right here. See if I can, uh, see the A P I key works right there. There it goes. Okay, so you see how the map starts to appear. So that's only because we entered in the Google A p I key. Okay, so when you map appears, you're good to go. All right? It doesn't appear double check the a P I key to make sure that it is working properly. Okay, So other than that, uh, let's just go ahead and publish the page. That's it. All right, So now let's go ahead and preview the changes. And there you go. So we have contact us. We have a little bit of a description. We have the map and we have this contact form. Now it's going to send anything that you put in there to the email address that we actually put in right here, where it says send the email to. So it's going to send any email to that address. Okay, so that was pretty simple guys and that it looks like it's most of the pages that are done . So going back to view the websites. So our website starting to come into play, you know, our our menus coming up. We got our Ah, we got our logo there. We got our, you know, our posts, everything. Looks like it's sort of, you know, looking a little bit better than when it first started. Right? So the next thing I want to talk to you guys about is the, um, pre made layouts. Now, the pre made layouts are pretty amazing. And you guys can actually Dunham for free on my website. So we go to darrell wilson dot com. I'm gonna show you how you can upload the layouts and guys, It's super easy to use these. It's so easy. So over here, under divvy layouts, so actually sell some layouts. So, you know, if you guys want to go But this is for the Davy theme, but I'm actually going to upload some extra layouts for you guys. So be sure to check these out now are here under Davey Blawg louts. Just click on that and click on Add to cart, and he just wholly free guys, you know, like I said, it's a pre built blawg post for you and these air really elegant, and they're actually made by elegant deems. So the company that we actually purchase the theme from, um, that's the company that made these. So they're super cool, you know, really cool and go out and just feeling your information here and go ahead and click on place. Order. All right, So I am purchasing this thing for free, and I need to do is go ahead and click on the D V 105 packs is just going to click on that . All right, so it is downloading. So this is around 34 megs, so they are a little bit big, but the reason why they're pretty big is because there are pictures already inside of that . So go ahead and just click on your download, and we will actually need to go ahead and open this up. So right here, Davey five pack. I'm gonna go ahead and drag this down here. Um, no, I don't need to do that. So I already have the five pack right here. So this is it right here. And if I open this right here, you're gonna see Article one article to an Article three Okay, so we need to go ahead and upload these to our library. So it's basically, like a pre made layout kind of thing. So going back over here, we're gonna go down to dashboard, and now we're going to upload these onto our theme so we can apply them anywhere we want. So going down to extra were to go down to Davy Library. Okay, so right here it is important, export. We want to go and click on. That's right there. Now there's exports and there's import. So click on imports. Click on. Choose the file. Now we need to actually find the file. So, under desktop, my was the date he packed 500 or 100 Pack five. Now there's three. Now, guys, you need to make sure that is a doctor. Jason file. Okay, if it is the zip file, it will not work. Okay. You must use the doc Jason file. So right here. Go ahead. I'm sure you know grab article too. Why not? And click on Import Devi, brother layouts. No, guys, if this gets stuck sometimes you know, sometimes it'll just sit at 1% for a while. If that happens, to you guys. Just refresh the page and try it again. Sometimes when you're doing these kind of things, weird things happen in the world of WordPress. So just make sure to just refresh the page of its It's taking longer than, like, three minutes. Just try it again. Refresh the page. All right, All right. There you go. So I article two right there. Now I'm gonna go ahead and upload the other one toe import export imports. Choose the file. This is probably the best thing about elegant themes and the Devi theme are their pre made layouts. There just It's like a pre made website. You just say whatever you got and you can upload it to any other website. You know, it's your Web designer. It's like the shortcut to making a website. It's like a lazy way to make a website. But a lot of people create their own and they sell them for, like, 50 bucks or 100 bucks or whatever the price it is. Uh, it's good water. Dasani. It's my favorite. I don't like Arrowhead, man. Arrowhead just taste terrible. I mean, I don't know. People love that stuff. I can't stand her. I tasted it. Feels like it's like a dirt water or something like that. And we're gonna go ahead and do one more so important export import. Choose the file and we're gonna select one. And I'm gonna show you each and everyone to make sure that you fully understand how to use each layouts and the benefits of it. And on these ones were actually gonna hide the post. So I'll talk a little bit more about that once this is done. Uploading. Yes, sir. My dog. I don't know. She's snoring. Just tease next to me. She store. She does that sometimes, you know. So these falls are a little bit big, guys. So this is around a 14 14 meg file. So it takes time to sit back and relax. Go get a drink with a beer and come back when it's ready. All right. All right. Cool. So it looks like they're all done there, ready to go. Let's go ahead now and use these because these are much better than what we're using before . So over here on her, Plus new. We're gonna go to post now. I think what we're going to do now is was it the nice guy will do mountains or will do? Ah, yeah, Mountains for beginners. Now, here we're actually gonna click on Use the Davy Builder, and we're gonna click on load from library. 11. Premade Layouts Cont: click on add from library and here articles. So go and described one. I'm gonna go and grab three, and then I'm gonna go under new category and put mountains just like that. Now, over here, I'm gonna say it featured image. Um, so let's see, right here. I'm gonna go ahead and, um, select this upload files, and I'm gonna go ahead and download the one that I used. So which one said I use right here? I think it was and see here. Oh, this one's a good one. That's a good one. We'll go and upload this one right here. Now, guys, there are a lot of modules in the extra theme, and I have another tutorial for that, which is ah to tora on the divvy theme. And those are all included. I'll show you a little bit more once this picture is done uploading because there are, ah lot of modules that you can use with extra. But I've already created, like a few of the details on those, so I'm not gonna do it all over again. So there it is. We have our featured image, and right here you want to go ahead and set hide featured image on post. Now I'm gonna actually unclipped this, and I'm gonna show you the reason why I do that. So you're gonna see all of this stuff right here, just like we had before these air texts, you know? And, um, I'll go ahead and just talk a bit more once we published this post. So other than that, I'm just gonna go ahead and publish this. Now, if you're new and you're panicking cause a lot of cool things right here, don't worry about it. It's super easy to edit. All right, so I'm gonna click on preview changes now. Okay, so we have mountain trails for beginners. Now, this is our featured image right here. But if you've noticed, we have another one right here, and it kind of looks weird, right? But don't worry. I'll go back and change that. I'm just showing you that this is the reason why I would want to hide our featured image. So now let's go and look at our block posts. Now, this is absolutely gorgeous. This is something that we can be really proud of. Just like before we have our pictures right here. and scrolling down. We have, Ah, sign it form. And we have these little you know, advertising's right here. People can share it. And it's just have basic block Coast guys. It's a really professional looking blawg. Now, let's go ahead and edit this. So over here, I'm gonna click on hide this high. This related post. I'm sorry. Hide the featured image. Now, over here on this blue icon, this controls this little section. I'm gonna click on this icon right here. Nice. Here. It says background image. This was the image we had right here. I want this image right here. So going back over here, I'm gonna click on upload an image, and we're going to use this one instead. Said his background safe and Republican update. Okay, Now I'm actually going to introduce you all to the visual builder. So the visual builder is a new feature that elegant Eames has released, probably around a month ago. And it allows you to make changes visually, guys. So it's a much better way to edit your website. So, for example, you guys can see, you know, photo power. What else do you want to put it to you know, photo stuff just like that. And right here, let's say you want to change the name. I want to be just a Darrell Wilson Darrell Wilson. And right here, you know, go. You can go ahead and guys and just change whatever you would like. So let's say you want to change this image. All need to do is click on this gear icon and where says image you are l just click on upload and add in whatever image that you would like Teoh to your bog post right here. So that is a way where you can basically make changes visually. Now, if you guys are wondering about how to use this page builder and get more advanced and learn more about it, I do have another tutorial on this. It's under, um, right here under my channel. So this is my channel right here and videos. You're going to see that I have one right here called How to make a Wordpress website and as around 40,000 views and I talk all about the visual builder and every single module in here. Now, the reason why I'm not talking about it in this lecture because it's basically a relevant to, you know, teach the same thing twice. So this is just a short cut on how to make post. But if you want to make, like, different modules and start moving stuff around, you can do that. But in this tutorial, I'm not gonna go over too much in depth on the visual builder because I already have a Dettori for it. So it right here now, this contact section will not work for the block post. So this is what you want to leave this whole section. All you to do is click on this little trash can trash it just like that. Now, if you want to save this, all you need to do is click on this hill thing right here and click on safe. So it is saving. Now let's go ahead and exit the visual builder. Now let's go and see what it looks like. So all the changes were you know, all the changes were made. It looks pretty good. Everything is the same way you want it to be. Which leader? That one section it is gone. It is gone. So this is basically how you would use the visual builder on your block post. Now this only works for block, post and custom pages. So if you want to use the visual builder more, I recommend going to my other tutorial where I spend around three hours and I have another one right here, where I spent around two hours talking about the visual builder and how to use those modules. But Extra is basically known for blogging because the extra theme has modules that the Devi theme does not. So basically each one has a specific job. This one's for blogging. They're the ones for creating, like websites like business style websites, where you can use like video sliders, etcetera. But for this theme, this team is used for blogging. Now you can actually use the Davy theme because you've actually purchased the subscription . So you can down the David theme as well. So you basically have both themes. Remember how I said you get 78 or 86? Yeah, Davy was included in that. So you get it for free. Okay, so we acted this. We created a post about mountains. Let's go ahead now and create another pre made layout. So over here in our posts. I'm gonna do something like we're gonna add mounts to this. And right here, we're gonna go ahead and put something like, um, the most amazing son. Test sunsets. All right, And we're gonna click on used a divvy builder. I'm gonna click on load from my berry, add from library, and I think we have article two. Let's go. Now use article one. All right, now, over here, under set featured image. I'm gonna go to click on that, and I'm gonna go ahead and click on. Um, you know one of these right here? Actually, no. I'll just go and upload one of my own. So I think I did something like this right here. We'll go and do this one right here. We haven't done this one yet, right? Yeah, we haven't done that one. The visual builder is like a breakthrough of technology. So like I said, it's it's a really, really cool piece of technology that you can now use to make websites with. And I recommend this one and the divvy thing. They're both like the top two teams from elegant themes. So when I click on site featured image right here. And, um, I'm gonna put I'm actually not gonna leave it. I'm just gonna leave all these settings blank. And if I want to make changes, I will use the visual builder. So I will click on Publish. Okay. And I'm a click on preview changes now. So there we go. We have the most amazing sunsets. We have this right here, and we have this right here. So let's just say I want to actually delete this right here, because I already have a featured image. So going back over here, I'm actually just gonna hide the featured image on the post. And then same thing right here. I'm gonna take this, and I'm just gonna put in that image, and it will. It will replace that image to make it look like it's our new featured image. Okay, so we have this one, it's gonna disappear, and it's gonna be this new sunset just like that Saving exit and click on update. Alrighty. So I'm click on PD changes. And now you guys going to see that this image appears over this text and it looks really good and professional. If you want to make changes to this. Just go ahead and enable the visual builder and you are all set. You can go ahead and make changes to this post. Now, I'm gonna do one more discord to Tober. Vis is so under Plus post, I'm gonna enter in one more, So I'm gonna set the featured image. Now I'm gonna see which one we missed out on. So we have I think there was one with, like, the grass that we missed. See you here. We have this one here. Okay? So I'm gonna put, like, the beautiful lakes for this post right here. All right, so it is updating or uploading. These are some really cool images, and it actually comes with the layouts, so I'm gonna click this set featured image. I'm going to hide this on the post. Now I'm going to use the Davy Builder, but I'm going to put the best lakes ever. The best lakes ever. I'm click on. Use the divvy builder load from library, add from library, and I'm the article three. Now. Now I'm gonna click on mountains, cause that's the category one under and over here. I'm gonna make sure that this one right here is actually set to this right here. All right, so saving exits and that's it, Guys, I'm just gonna go ahead and publish this now. That's it. Just like before we, uh we hit the post, We had the featured post, and now we've actually replaced that. So I'm gonna click on PV changes now, and there you go. So now we have this picture instead. We have the same layouts. Feel free to go ahead and use the visual builder to make these changes. Guys, it's super easy, super simple. And like I said, people can go ahead and, you know, talk about the author we have are related posts down here because we categories them by mountains, Remember? So now that I've shown you guys the post, that's going to go back to our home page and just have a quick tour of our website 12. How To Use Theme Customizer: So right now we have our you know, our dog we have all. Now I want to actually change this right here. So I want these to be under specific categories, remember? So let's go ahead now and change this right here to show specific categories. And we have our you know, our block post right here. It looks really good, but I want thes three sections toe only show certain categories. So let's click on edit layout right here. Now under posts. So you click on posts. Now, I'm gonna say I want this one to only talk about dogs saving exit now Really quickly. We need to make sure that these are all checked and click on update. So this will actually give us the ability to put all the categories on this page. So right here, under posts. I'm gonna go ahead and put on categorized just like that's and click on Update. Okay, Now I nothing I want to talk about is if you go to this front page and we check these out right here, I want to show you how to change the color of this specific section right here. So this is our our own category section. This is our dog section. But maybe you want to actually change the specific color of these bars. So in order to do that, we're gonna go over here to our dashboard and we're gonna go down to two appearance, I think is we need to find our categories. So it's under our post and go two categories. So go and click on. You know, dogs. I'll click on dogs right here. Now, you see what says color? So all you to do is just go ahead and submit whatever color that you want and this will be the new color for your dogs. So we'll go ahead over here and put maybe this teal color and click on update. All right, now, clicking on categories again for mountains. I'm gonna go and click on edit and maybe leave. That's too purple. Maybe a darker purple. Okay. And then for our on categories one which is just like a wreck. Random one. I'm gonna go ahead and we probably change this time. You know, I don't like categories. It's just with legal puts. Lakes are sky, and we'll change this to something like red, just like that and click on update. Okay, so that is basically how you would change the colors for those specific categories. So the next thing I want to talk more about is the theme customizers. We're going back to visit sites. We can actually change. Ah, lot of these things on our website. So for example, let's say we want to change this text up here and we want to go ahead and add some social icons. Um, I'll show you all the team customers right now. So over here, click on Theme Customizer. Now, the theme customizer gives us a lot of control about our website and it gives us a lot of features for a website. So right here we have our general settings. You know, our layout, you can have like a box layout. You know, it's kind of box now we can have ah bigger website content so we could make it bigger or we could make it smaller. We'll leave it as blink. You can change the senate color right here, but you know, going back you can change. The sidebar with you can get is customizable as you would like. So going back, we have our our font. So are heading fonts, maybe want to change it as you know, able or some like that. So you can see right here. All the font has changed on our website. And the reason why I recommend to do it from the theme customizer is because it applies it to the entire websites. So, you know, there really is no reason for you to go through each and every module and change the layout . Change the size for every single layout, right? Cause you're gonna have to do that for every single one. But if you do it from the theme customizer, it's going to apply it to the entire website. It's gonna make your life a lot easier, right? So over here, underbody fonts may be the same type is our Emma right here. And you guys can see the font. All changes and they have a lot of fonts, guys. So you guys can actually go through this, check out all their fonts, you know? Kind of like that one. See you here. I think that's you can change the body text, color, the header, text color, all sorts of really cool stuff. So you can change the heading text size as well. You can make it bigger or you can make it smaller, but feel free to go through these settings. They're pretty self explanatory, such as your body text. You wanna make it bigger. Maybe you think it's a little bit too small. You can go ahead and make it super big or you can make it super small. So I'm a click on refresh, and I'm a save these changes. All right, so going back here, we knew background settings. Now you can actually set like a box color right here. So if it's box, we can go ahead and set the color right there. And you can also set a background color as well right here, just like that. But you know, I kind of don't like the box layout, so I'm going to go back and change that. I never liked box. It's like kind of old, you know, it's a really old setting that people use, so I don't know. Probably take that box layout out and click on Save and Publish now going back over here, Background settings said you can change the background color to whatever you like, so that that is basically a rundown of some of these settings going back over here. Header navigation. The header. So, do you want your Do you want your your format center? Do you want to left it to the right. So, for example, right now is to the left. But if you want to centered, you can make it look like that. Maybe I'll leave it like that for now and click on save and publish. Going back over here are Primary Menu Bar. We can make this full with or we can actually hide the logo image just like that. Whatever you would like, we can have the menu haIf bigger, or we can have it smaller. The logo height. You could make it bigger, or you can make it smaller. The text size. You could make a bigger or smaller. I'm sure you guys understand a little bit about these settings now. So the font same thing. You can change the fonts of this section up here and the text color the hover over links so and have somebody hovers over it. What color do you want it to be? Also the background color you can go ahead and change the background color and also the drop down menu line color. We will talk about the dropped on the color when we talk about the menu settings. So basically, guys, these are pretty self explanatory. You guys can kind of have fun going and customizing some of these some of these settings. But for now, I believe it as default and click on save and publish. All right, so going back and we have our secondary menu bar. So if you have a secondary menu bar, you can go ahead and change the color right here. So up there, you're going to see that this changes colors. So this whole section is the same exact section before, except it's on Lee applying to this top section up here. Okay, so going back over here, we have our fixed navigation. So when somebody scrolls down what you want it to look like So the menu haIf let's say, for example, you wanted to stay the same. So I think it's wrong, like 100 30 to see if someone schools down. You see how the menu kind of stays the same. So this right here is Onley referring to when you scroll down and the men, you can do whatever you would want to do it. So, for example, let's change the background color. So up here, it's great. If I scroll down, it turns blue. You see that? So the fix navigation is when you scroll down through the page. Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and leave the all these defaults and go back and the header elements . So we want to show the social icons appear we want to show the search bar, and we kind of want to show the training bar. You know, I kind of like it looks good, right? So let's go out and leave that up there, and I'm gonna go back and go back again. I think that was all the options right here for the header navigation. Next, we have our footer setting, but we'll talk more about widgets and the sidebar the wood, just like the Facebook, all that stuff during the end of the tutorial. Okay, so I'm gonna go back over here. You've added buttons. You can change buttons, but most of us do not have buttons on this. So going back over here, social media networks. So this is where you're gonna enter those in. So all need to do is entering your URL. So right here, you're gonna see that the Google Plus comes up Pinterest going into your URL. So, for example, like, it's www dots, whatever dot com This is where you're gonna enter all that information. And so for now, I'm gonna go ahead and enter some of these right here. Just give our website, like a little bit more to core and little bit more social like everybody loves social icons . They just look, they just looks like you're interacting with the audience, right? Some click on save and publish. Go and go back site identity. So go ahead and give your site title. So, Patty wack the best blawg for dogs. Okay. And right here on our site icon, this site icon means you see on the top, right? Right here how there's that little symbol that is what the site icon is. So go ahead and click on select image and just go ahead and, you know, get an image that represents your websites and you guys can see right here. How is his Patty and There's a picture of this icon right here. So this is referring to that specific section of the website. Okay, so I'm going to crop image, skip cropping or it was cropping. It was. So Anyways, you see how it appears right up there. So now it is up there. So instead of having that ugly host gator symbol, you're gonna have your own special icon. So going back over here, we can actually have a background image. So let's just say you don't want a background color. Let's just say you want a full background image instead. So click on select image and just go ahead and select an image. And there you go. We're going to see this background. All will be taken over by this image right here. So if you want to have that effect, you are more than welcome to. I'm sure there's a lot of other websites where you can get some really cool backward images . But for now, I'm just gonna go ahead and remove this background image, and I don't want it on this website. So going back and menus, we'll talk about next. We will talk more about widgets. Prosthetic front page. I'm just gonna go ahead and leave it as the extra category layouts 13. How To Use Category Builder: and, um, you know, that's basically it. I'm probably gonna leave it standard. I don't really see a reason to change the home page, so I'm just gonna click on Save Unpublished now. And that is it for that section, guys. So that is a quick run down of the ah, the theme customizer. It's really simple. Now, let's go ahead and create that really cool looking menu that we saw earlier. Before you create the menu, we actually need to create the category layout for each category. So it's really simple. Now, this is a very important part of the tutorial, So please make sure you pay attention during this parts. So over here under my dashboard, we're gonna go down to extra and go down to category builder. Okay, so now we have our home page, but we need to create a layout for each Pacific category. So over here, under add new, I'm gonna go type in dogs, and I'm gonna select dogs right here because we are on the dog's category. Now, I'm gonna actually just gonna go and click on insert column, put in this one right here, insert module, and maybe, just, you know, add in the, um, the post cider right here and select dogs. Okay, so we're basically building a page for each category. Okay, so I'm gonna answer another module, and I'm gonna do the block feed standard, and I'm gonna put in dogs. Okay? So I'm gonna go ahead and to saving exits and I'm click on publish. So just to make sure that you fully understand when somebody clicks on the category of dogs , this is going to show up. Okay, That is why categories are super important. Now it's create one from mountains and sky. So add new. We're gonna do mountains. And here, most like mountains. Insert column. I was going to the same thing. I kind of want him all to look a little bit, you know, the same. So the post slider of Onley Mountains saving exit. And I might add another module below that where I'm gonna add the blog's feed, and I'm at a different style to mountains right there. Remember, this is only four mountains. Okay, click on publish, and we're gonna make the last one for sky. Okay, so add new sky. You guys will understand a bit more once we Once we create the menu, you'll probably understand a little bit more. So insert column. Put this one right here. Insert module, the post slider, sky saving exit and then insert module. Blawg feed sky saving exit Done. Make sure that is highlighted under the categories for sky and click on Publish. Okay, so now let's go ahead and create the menu. Okay, so now if they click on Sky or Mountain or whatever, they're going to see these specific categories come up and you can design the page however you want it. But I'm designing it just like this for just a toll purposes, you know, just to make it easy. So now let's go ahead and go to appearance and go to menus, all right, and go to discredit menu. So I like to call it men. You one and I'm a create the menu. Now I'm gonna do go to view all and this is adding the home, the authors, the blog's feed, the contact us and add that to the menu now under categories. I'm gonna entering sky dogs and mountains and add those to the menu as well. Now I'm gonna drag these two. However, I want them to look so something looks like this and like this. And let's say you want to create a drop down menu. All you need to do is go ahead and take this and just simply drag it under it. Now, this right here is a sub item for authors. So maybe you want to do like, a blawg fee, and then you can add all your categories below that that's another you. No way. You can design your Web site, but I McLachlan's primary menu and click on Save Men, you know, and our menu is going to drastically change. I'm gonna go to visit site. So now we have our menu right here. So we have home sky Dogs, mountains and authors with the drop down menu. Now, I bet you're wondering, you know, why didn't the, um why didn't this other part? You know, those really cool features show up, So let me show. You have to do that over here under menus. I'm a click on this right here, and I'm going to go to the mega menu three featured and right here the same thing about the menu three. And you can also do this category right here as the mega menu to menu featured and recent list and click on save menu. Now that only works for the categories. OK, so let's go ahead and go back over here. All right? So if I scroll over it, you guys are going to see that we have that really cool looking effect. Now, this little blank stuff right here. This happens when you have a block post that is not set with a featured image. All right, so I'm kind of good that happened. So in order to get rid of that, go to my dashboard and I'm gonna go to view all posts. Now, when you first start WordPress, it gives you this dummy thing right here. Hello. World scored and trash it, and I'm going to visit the sites. And now we have this beautiful looking drop them And you right here. That looks really professional and elegant. And if you click on this guy right here, we're going to see that we have the sky slider and then we have the block post below that because that is how we designed it in the category. Builder, remember? So dogs, Same thing. I have the slider, and I just have the regular self below that and mountains. Same exact thing. We have the slider and we added images below that. Now we need to actually fix our home page. We need to make sure that we have the correct layout for the homepage. So all you need to do is going over to edit layout. And now this is for our specific home page. So use this layout as the home layout. Yes. Now, this other feature is used this layout as the default layout. So that basically says whenever there's not something categorized, it's just gonna automatically put this wherever it is. All right? So I'm gonna go ahead and change this right here. I'm going to drag this right here. Delete this and I want to add in those three bars that we had earlier. So these three right here, I'm gonna click on this posts. Now I want this one to be dogs and then this one right here I want to add a post and want us to be mountains. This one right here, we're going to add posts. Were gonna enter s guy just like that Now I want to go ahead and maybe duplicate this row and dragged this one in the middle right here. And then we'll go ahead and delete this room. I don't need it no more. That's it. All right. So I'm a click on update right now. Now, when you do the home page, guys, make sure that actually, none of these categories are selected. I made the mistake ups like that earlier. So my left side due to get a little scrambled. So basically, when you do the home page, make sure not to select the specific categories. OK, so going back over here, let's go ahead and have a cool test run of our website to make sure all of our categories are set and ready to go. So this looks really good. Our categories air right here, Sky mountains and we have dogs below that. We have our posts right here. Looks pretty good now going back to sky. Same thing we have our sky builder. Right Here are sky category. Layouts are dogs, our mountains and we have our authors. It's like That's and we have our authors and we have to remember we made two authors and our blawg feed, which will distribute all the block post right here. And people can go to like, a page to etcetera and check out all of these block pages and also our contact us section right here. So that is how you guys used the category builder. It's a little confusing in the beginning, even for me. When I first started extra, I was kind of like, I don't get it, you know? But it just takes time to learn it. And once you're there, it is simple and very easy to use the category builder. Now, the next thing I want to talk about is the widgets and the logos and also show you how you can add AdSense onto your website as well so we can start generating some ad revenue. All right, so the first thing I want to do is show you guys how to get a logo. Now there is a website where people will design a beautiful logo for you for just $5. Now it's in the description. It's called fiber dot com. Now, if we just go over here, I'm gonna close some of these tabs right here. I have quite a bit of tabs open. I tend to do that all the time, and I'm doing these tutorials and go to Fiverr dot com. 14. Logo And Widgets: link is also in the description. You guys do purchase the logo. I think I received a very small commission for this, But, for example, I was looking for business cards. These guys will make some really nice business cards for just $5 But we're gonna have been logo. And these guys really do make some nice logos for just $5. So right here, I'm gonna click on this one right here, and you can see some of the people. The logo is that they have made for just $5. I recommend using this website to get your logo cause your logo is very, very important. So I actually got my local from fiber dot com. So I have personally used them. They're pretty good just going through some of these right here and, you know, pick a logo. Whatever one you know you want, you can contact the seller. You know, the basic is $5. They do have, like, you know, the extra high rez for a little bit more. But I would just, you know, pay $5 you get your feet wet, see what happens. So once you get your logo, we're gonna actually go to our dashboard right here, and we're going to upload it in the theme customizer. So extra theme options. Now we're here. It says logo. This is where you're going to enter your logo in. So right here under upload and click on upload and then simply just take your logo. I believe the correct dimensions are around, like 300 by 80 something like that. But I'm just gonna go ahead and just use one of these Ah, standard ones just for patrol purposes. Click on Select. Okay, now, also, let's talk about some of these other features I have right here. So the global color is basically like the global color that your website gives. So if you want to change this, this is where you would do it right here for woo commerce. Now, if you want to create any commerce website with the extra theme you can do that. However, I have another tutorial on the e commerce website so you guys can go ahead to my channel and check that out. I use the same. I used TV theme so it's relatively the same is extra, so you should have no problem learning about the shop module also right here. You know you can have the social network Are the count refresh, etcetera? The mail Chimp A p I key. You guys will need that. When we do the bloom plug in the Google A p I key. If you guys use a weber for your you know, your your mail campaigns. This is where you'd entering your information. We can have our social media icons show. So right here, I've enabled most of them. You can go ahead and you know, disabled them if you would like. If you don't want all of them, you can disable like the dribble icon, etcetera. This is also where you would entering all of your you are else. So the number of post displayed on the category page. You know, I'm sort of against some of these options because I rather do these on the theme customizer , like on the page to set of within the back editor because some of them can contradict each other. Okay, now, smooth scrolling. We can go ahead and enable that Now I'm still gon save changes right here. All right? And they also have other things like for navigation. These air a little bit more advanced, you know, exclude pages from the navigation bar. We have layouts. You know, you can basically show comments on the post Show the author box you can disable. That's under ads. You know, I wouldn't recommend using this section because we can actually implement it on ourselves with the widgets, which we will talk about in the next section. So I really don't recommend even using this section for SDO purposes. Um, I would go ahead and just leave all these, uh, enabled. This is basically making sure Europe's that gets optimized. Everything goes good, but accordingly, You know, you're posting everything. Everything is basically already optimized. So I wouldn't worry too much about the Seo section. And this is a bit more for advanced section. You guys want to learn more about Seo? I do have a separate tutorial on that for integration. This is where if you had custom CSS codes from elegant themes. This is where you would enter some of it in. But for most of you, you probably won't be. You see, cousins es eso Ah, skipping this section updates. This is where you enter your user name and your A p I key in order to get your theme updated. So I'm gonna go to save changes. Now, let's go ahead and go back to our websites and take a look at our logo. So there it is. Have our logo. Of course. That's just for two. Told purposes, You know, it's not really what it looks like. So now let's go ahead and talk more about the widgets. The witches on the side right here, how we can have, like, all those really cool widgets and everything else on our right side bar. And then we will also talk more about creating a footer. So over here, we're gonna go down to widgets right here. All right, So what is a widget now? I'm gonna go back to patty wack dot com and show you all what? The wood it's actually are. And how you can better understand it. All right, so my side is loading the reason why my site floating little bit slowly because I'm actually using super high res images. So right here we have our recent posts right here. So over here, let's first delete all of these right here. I'm gonna go ahead and just delete all these. Even the delete, the recent post. I know I'm gonna post it again, but I'm just doing this for total purposes. So I want you all to understand. You know how to really use the widgets. I'm gonna delete all of these right here. Okay. So extra recent comments. I'm gonna go ahead and drag that over there. Now, if you want to give this a name, you can say, like our recent comments and click on safe. Now, I'm gonna actually open up a second website of ours. So, Patty wack three dot com and I was gonna drag it over here to show you guys the changes alive. So here are recent comments. So if somebody has recently commented, it's going to show up right here. We can have authors. So here, I'm gonna put authors click on Save. Now over here, we can put our ads, but actually like to do it a different way. But I'll show you the extra as anyways so really quickly about the extra adds, Let's say you're an affiliate for somebody like, for example, I am an affiliate for elegant themes. Okay, I basically bring them customers. They give me a commission. Now, you can do this with thousands of different companies like best buy Sephora, whoever you want. So right here. Gonna put our partners the image? Your L So what image do you want to show their? Well, I'm gonna go ahead, go to Google right now and just typing elegant teams and go to images. And I'm just gonna go ahead and download one of these. So this one right here, I'm gonna go ahead and download it, and I'm gonna put this to my desktop right here and save it. Okay? So going back over here, I want actually add in this image. You are. You know, in fact, I didn't even need to do that. This theme actually allows just a copy and paste the link. So I just need to paste the link right here and then the link Your l is gonna be my affiliate link. Just like that. So now if somebody clicks on this image right here, it's gonna take them to elegant themes. And then from there, if they purchase it, I will receive a commission. So now let's go ahead and go back really quick. Let's go ahead. Refresh this page. So we added in our authors, and we actually added in our picture right here. So we have our authors right here. It shows them the post they've made and our partners. Now, if I click on this, that's an affiliate link. So now if somebody purchases this right here, I will receive a commission. So if you're an affiliate for somebody, that is how you would basically generate commissions with the extra adds. Okay, so next we have recent videos. So if you do upload videos onto your websites, this is where, um, you would show. So I think I only have one video. So if I put this over here, I think I only have one. Let's see if I If I say did or not, let's go ahead and save it. I think I uploaded one video on here so refreshing the page again. Now we're going to see that my videos right here do appear right here. So we see what's his videos? And right here we have the picture of the video I posted about you. Tube. Okay, so going back and guys is really simple. You know, you just get creative, all you need to do we just go ahead and just drag in the ones that you would want. It's really simple, you know, recent posts, a recent reviews, etcetera. Now there is one that is a little bit more complicated. That is thes social networks following. So I'm gonna do this one, and then I'm gonna do the Facebook like box, and that will do the instagram feed. Okay, Yeah, I'll do the I'll do these both. Just just to teach you how to do it. I personally think the social network followers is a little too complicated because you have to go get your Facebook URL your APP idea your secret I d But you can basically just, you know, had in different would just that make it easier. But for two total purposes, I am going to show you everything just to not leave anything out because I hate when a business tutorials and they're just like, yeah, it's simple. Yeah, go ahead and do it. And they leave your like, How do you do that? You know. So let's go ahead and get a Facebook app. I d So the first thing want to do is go on over to Google, and Facebook's probably the hardest one. Twitter is really easy to get your face pretty Obaidi. So right here we're gonna do Facebook ap I d and you're going to click on developers dot facebook dot com Dash APS. 15. Widgets Cont..: now. I already have some APS right here. Now I'm just gonna click on, add a new app and then display the name you want with this. I'm just gonna put, um, you know Ah, the Patty black and click on Create the app I d. I'm sorry. Choose a category. So I'm going to say it's for education. Create the app i d Now they give you these really bizarre boxes and these are super annoying, But we have to enter them anyways. So I'm I went effect on submits, and now it's all great out and it's because it's actually generating the the app I d for us . Okay, so this is our dashboard for our app. I d and you know I know is a little confusing, but this is the apathy that we need right here. So we're gonna go ahead and take this right here, going over back to, um this right here. Go and pace that in now for our app secrets. Click on show. You will need to entering your password again for your Facebook because they take this really seriously. Then this right here is our app secret. Now I'm gonna go over here. Put in the APP secret. Just like that. Now you will need to entering. You are well. So I have a a fan page for my website. But you can entering whatever you are open. Just make sure it's not private. Because if it is privates, then they click on. It's probably not gonna show right now. The last thing we need to do is make this live. So I believe we had do that by going to the theater Vance settings right here. And, you know, I've totally forgot how to do this. I've done it so many times, but it just like I freeze up in the storm like, Oh, I forgot to do it. So going back over here and see if I can do this really quick. Go ahead and go to seal APS. So this one right here, we have our dashboard. We need to make this one live really quick. Okay, So we're gonna go to settings. I think it's rolls or basic advanced. I thought it was under advanced. Probably not there. Under rules alerts, The APP review. Okay, so there is Thea Prevue. So we need actually click on that to make it. Yes. And click on confirmed. So sorry, guys. You know, I don't use the app salat for Facebook. Yeah, I try. Really? Don't because all of the times I just use the Facebook like box. Now we've made Patty wack public, so let's go ahead now and drag our I'm gonna go to my Facebook fan page and just go ahead and insert that information in. All right, So this is my girl right here. I'm going to copy this, and I'm gonna go ahead and paste this in and this right here, I'm gonna paste. It's but I'm actually just gonna go ahead and take this specific section and backspace it's and we're going to just use it like that, all right? And I look on authorize now, sometimes you might get a lot of errors. I got a lot of air Sometimes when I was doing it just like that, Just go ahead and just close it, and we're gonna go back to our main website right here, okay? And if we scroll down there it is. So our facebook right there. And if you click on, it's gonna hold shift really quick, just going to open up our Facebook fan page. Now, I kind of don't like doing that. It is a little bit confusing even for me, cause like I said, I don't really use the app to much. I rather just use another plug in. But I'm just showing you how to do that for two purposes. Now, let's go ahead and add in the Twitter one. Now, the Twitter one is a lot easier to do. So going over here to our dashboard, I'm sorry to our widgets. So we added in the Facebook one. Now we're gonna scroll down here two, and also you guys can read these these little guys and they tell you how to get Thea the i d from each and everyone. But we're going to do Twitter because Twitter I know a little bit more popular. So we need to go ahead and get the girl. Consumer key Consumer secrets access token and the access token. Secret Something over here, you know, better log off Facebook before my friends messaged me. That happens quite a bit. Okay. So, Twitter, a p I key now you need to have a Twitter account. Obviously before we do this. So I'm gonna go ahead and sign in. I think that's it. Me see here. Okay. I totally forgot. Pastor, I am gonna possibly really quick to get my bastard guys. Alright, guys. So remember my password. Now I'm gonna click on, create a new app, and I'm gonna go ahead and give it some name. So the patty wack and then we hear to go ahead and put, um, the Patty Weblog right here. Go and put http Paddy, whack three dot com and then go on. Leave that blank. Now I'm going to put yes and then create your twitter application. All right, Cool. So this is basically where we get all that information. Now, all they need to do is go over here to keys and tokens. Okay, so this is our consumer. A p I key. Just go and copy this. And here we have our consumer, our consumer token. Just go and put that paste it. I'm Dr This Over here. So this is our consumer key. I think I put that in the wrong one. Yeah, consumer key. Sorry, guys. No one goes up here. Just got a kind of match him. You know, it's kind of put him where they belong. And then up here we have our consumer secrets. So this is the consumer secret one. And then put that right there. Now, the access token. So we will need to actually create an access token. So just click on, create an access token, and then right here we have our access token. Yeah, I rather just use, like the Facebook like box and Twitter, cause this is kind of like a lot, you know, But, you know, this is what it takes, you know? So right here we have the access token, and then I'm gonna copy this, and then I'm gonna go ahead and pace that in there, just like that's and I'm gonna go ahead and give my girl right here. So he needs to just go ahead and get your twitter. You are well, and mine is going to be eating. It's this right here. Copy dance and just paste it in there. Just like that. Okay, anima click on, um authorized Emma Quick. Unsafe, actually, just safe, because that's for the other one right here. So click on save. And now that I've done that, we can go back over here to our website, and I'm going to refresh this page. All right. And there you go. So now we have the little Twitter box there. It's often created. Everything is good to go. Now, let's go ahead and introduce you to some plug ins, like the Facebook like box, the instagram box and also the Google ad sense. So over here, we're gonna go back over here and under which it's just going click on widgets. Now, we're actually gonna use the arbitrary text right here. We're going to use this right here, but we actually to get the plug in first. So over here nor plug ins, we're gonna go to add new now, guys, a quick synopsis of plug ins. They're like APS for the iPhone. That's it. That's all they are. It's just added features for your WordPress website. So I'm gonna do Facebook like box, and I recommend using this one right here. This one right here works pretty well for me, so I'm gonna click on install now and activated, All right. And also, I'm going to go to plug ins at new appear, and I'm going to install the instagram one. So Instagram. All right, so, Instagram, I'm gonna click on install now and activated. Alrighty. So the first thing I want to do is going over to our plug ins. I'm sorry. We need to go to our widgets, so appearance and go to widgets. Now we're gonna scroll down if you notice. Right here. We have our instagram widgets, and we also have the widget Facebook like box. So simply just drag this way up here and go to give it a title. So follow us. Are, um What is it like? Like us now, Page I. D. So all you need to do is going over to your fan page of Facebook and simply just take the URL for your fan page. Now, I recommend using the fan page because of its private guys. It's probably just going to give them a private message error. So this is my fan page right here. Now, I'm gonna go ahead quickly and close all these because we are done using all these. Alrighty. And I'm going to put this page I d right here and paste it in there now for the with. I recommend doing around 300. I think 300 is the correct size for that specific section. So when I click on safe No, I'm gonna open up Patty back three again. And now the widget should be there. So scrolling down here and there we go. So we have our like us. You can see we can talk about it. We can do whatever we like. So now let's go ahead and do the instagram one. 16. Adsense and FINISH!: so taking instagram gonna go ahead and drag it down now, we actually need to use this settings first. So let's go and save this. Now. This right here is a new feature. So we need to click on this and we need to First off the decades, our instagram. So here we can do sign it with instagram. And it already worked because I was already logged in. All we need to do is get your access token and your user name and this click on save changes. All right, so now let's go back to our appearance and go to widgets and on instagram feed, you guys can see I can actually use the feet. I'm sorry. We need to actually use the settings we need to actually create one. So go back to your instagram and go to add new and just do like you have a thumbnails. Now, these ones right here are only available in the pro version. But I like the thumbnails anyways, so I will click on apply. I think we also need to click on safe. Just seems always good. Right. So we have our sample feed right here so we can actually just go ahead and go back to our widgets and simply just add that in appearance and widgets. No guys, there are millions of plug ins. So even for me, it's really hard to sort of keep up with all these witches that come out like there are so many of them. So it's kind of hard to keep up with all of them. So now let's go ahead and go back to this right here and refresh the page. And now let's see if our instagram feed shows up. There it goes. So we have our instagram feed right here looks pretty good, and we can change the style. I know we can have like a different layout, whatever you'd like, But that's basically rundown of how you can add in your instagram feed. Next, let's go ahead and adding, are actually before our our AdSense. Let's go ahead and we don't have a foot, or yet, you know we have. You have this whole tutorial with no foot or yet, so let's go ahead and add it in our footer. So, guys, it's really, really simple. So right here under like the foot bar Sidebar, footer sidebar left side. Just added whatever you'd like, you know, adding categories just like that in the categories. Okay. And then maybe over here, you want to add in, you know, of of Facebook lightbox again. Or, um, we can add in, like, a custom menu put in our menu, our menu, and then over here, you might want to add in something like a face or the extra log in so people can actually log in and comment, etcetera. Okay, so going back over here. Now, let's go ahead and take a look. Now, guys, the log in will not show up because we are already logged in the log out From a different point of view, it will show up. So there is our instagram feed. Our website is looking smoking hot. So we have our categories right here we have our menu, and then right here, the logging will show. Except since we already logged in, it disappears. Okay, so that's basically how you guys can customize your footer. You know, you just go in the widgets wherever you would like. It's really simple yet, you know, practical. So Ah, one more thing. Maybe you want to add in, like an arbitrary text. Maybe you want to add in something about about us, right? So, going back over here to our widgets, let me show you guys how to add in the arbitrary text. So right here, go ahead and put this right here. Actually get to the left and then just feel like about us. Maybe just doing some, you know, some dummy text in there, you know? So we go ahead, got some dummy text. And also remember that you can customize this specific section in the theme customizer. Okay, so go ahead and click on safe. Now, let's go ahead and refresh the page and see how that looks. So right here, obviously the Texas dark. But remember, you can decorate that within the theme customizer. Okay, so that's basically how you guys can get customizable with your butter. You guys can do all sorts of stuff, like just go ahead and just drag whatever you would like to the specific parts because the foot footer sidebar Middle is the middle parts footer sidebar. Rights is the right parts. And of course, the left side is the left side. So it's pretty self explanatory to use and create the footer menu. Okay, so, Nexus, go ahead and talk about Google. AdSense. Let's talk about how you can start generating money with AdSense. So the first thing you need to do is going over to Google and just go ahead and create a Google AdSense account. So just type in like a Google AdSense and then click on this 1st 1 that comes up because I already have an account. So you'll actually need to go to sign up right here. And you will need to actually sign up with an account. It's very simple, but once you're done doing all that information, I will meet you at the dashboard. All right, so this is my current my assets account. Now all of you guys need to do is go on over to my ads right here. And like I said, if you don't have, like, one like right here, my my thing is already good. So by statuses active, So also need to do is goats to out of new units and then go ahead and give it a name. So, no, I always recommend doing automatic size responsive because this right here will automatically respond to whatever size the menu bar that you have or widgets section that you have. So it is automatic. It will look good. So I don't think on save and get code. Now we're giving this big descript right here. So all I need to do is take all this right here, right? Click it copy and go to close. Now let's go back to our are less all right here Now, in the arbitrary text right here, Always we need to do is go ahead and just take this arbitrary text, put it anywhere we like. And then just paste that in there just like that, and then just click on safe and the ads will start appearing probably within. I don't know. It's an hour. Two hours. Sometimes it's instant, but right here you can see that the status is new, so the ads probably will not show up. And right here it's a big blank box. But just give it time, guys, I promise it will show up. It just takes time for Google to sort of authenticate. And, you know, they do their weird thing where they take it like an hour for no reason. you know. So that is basically how you would enter in Google AdSense, And you can go ahead and check your home. You know, about the impressions you know about if if you've earned any money or all that good stuff. Okay, so that's a quick rundown of Google AdSense. Now, the website is actually coming along really well. The only thing I really did not talk about is the bloom plug in, which is basically what you get when you get the extra theme. So going to elegant themes right here we can actually download the bloom plug in. Now, the bloom plug in is a super cool plug in that enables you to create often forms, pop ups, all sorts of stuff. So, uh, go ahead and scroll down right here to bloom. Click on download and plug in package. All right, now, I'm gonna go back over here. We're gonna go down to our dashboard and plug ins and going to go to add new. Now I'll need to do is go to upload, plug in, choose the file, and we need to find the bloom. Plug in. There it is. Bloom, There we go. Install. Now All right. So I'm gonna click on, Activate the plug in. All right? Now, if you want to use bloom as a widget, all they need to do is going over to your appearance and go to widgets, and you're gonna notice that Bloom comes up. So you just simply need to go ahead and just drag it over there and then, um, you know, select your opt in form, and then that's it. So I'm gonna click on save. Let's see, this shows up without the opt in form. I don't think it will see. So, yeah, it did not show up because we need to create an opt in form now. Lucky for you guys. So right here is to subscribe. Lucky for you guys, I actually have. You're gonna love me, but you're gonna hate me under my channel right here. You got my videos? I actually have a tutorial on it. Right here for the bloom plug in, guys. So it is about 15 minutes long. It shows you how to use the bloom plug in how to make pop ups, how to add all sorts of cool stuff. He has conceded my like ratio is pretty good on it. So it's very good content. I'm just too lazy to show you guys. So I made this tutorial, so I'm just gonna go ahead and direct everybody over there. I will put this link in the description for you. But other than that, guys, congratulations on your new blawg. I hope this tutorial was very clear and very good. There's something I miss. Please feel free to let me know. This theme is a amazing and beautiful looking theme. You can do all sorts of really cool stuff with it. If there was something I missed, put it in the comments below. If there was something that was amazing, go ahead and give me a like if you really liked it, go ahead and give me a comment on alike and also subscribe. So that's it, guys, for my tutorial, I really hope that I've helped you create your Blawg website from scratch. I really hope by now that you can sort of start generating money. You guys have any questions or you want to submit your website to mind? Feel free to contact me and let me know. Guys, I will see you all