How To Make A Saddle Stitch Journal | Maribel Reyes | Skillshare

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How To Make A Saddle Stitch Journal

teacher avatar Maribel Reyes, Graphic Designer and Maker

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to Bookbinding class


    • 2.

      Materials and Creating a Template


    • 3.

      Drilling and Preping to Sew


    • 4.

      Sewing your Journal


    • 5.

      Folding and Cutting


    • 6.

      Rounded Corners


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About This Class

In this class we will be making an easy saddle stitch journal

Watch the videos and I'll show you how to make it, step by step, and if you have questions I will be there to answer them and help you along the way.

I'm excited to see what you can come up with! I hope you can love bookbinding as much as I do.

Meet Your Teacher

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Maribel Reyes

Graphic Designer and Maker


Hi I'm Maribel a Graphic Designer by trade and a lover of all handmade things.

I find inspiration everywhere and try to keep making things, some projects I finish others not so much...but I believe that getting my hands engaged it's half the battle, I love to share what I have learned thru trial and error, so you don't have to waste your precious time and can get your creative juices flowing.

Enjoy where you are, but get excited about the future!

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1. Introduction to Bookbinding class: hi American demographic designer making in this gas, I will be showing you how to make a saddle stage during this method are finally doesn't require any do, and it's easy to make. I will be guiding you and answering questions you may have along the way. At the end of this short class, you will have a unique journal. Then you can use or give to something. Look will also have a new skill you can later transformed into income or a relaxing. I will include a pdf that lists every resource mentioned in the class. So you have access to the exact also inspiration boards have created on Pinterest to encourage you to continue your journey through a book bank so hit and roll, let's get started. 2. Materials and Creating a Template: Hi. Welcome to my class. Let's talk about materials. I will be using binder clips. I will be using an Exacto knife for bucks. Carter, if you have one, I'm gonna be used in wax thread, bookbinding needles or upholstery needles. If you have some cutting max so we don't want her surface, we're gonna be using a metal roller. I cracked hand drill. It comes with the droop. It's but you can buy more separately for you. If you decide to do that later, I'm using card stock paper for my cover in just regular 8.5 11 sheets of paper for my insight pages I will also be using in all and the optional tool that I have. It's the corner rounder tool. This makes the corners of your book a little round, which I think it's nice, but it's up to you. So let's get started. That's my cover paper, and they're not a psycho, meaning take one of the inside sheets apart until you use it in six. Then I put the cover paper facing down the nice port facing down because we're gonna use the inside part to make remarks we don't want anybody to see those. So, like a clip it to keep it together. Nice. And now that our papers air clip, I can take the sheet of paper from the inside that measures the same height. That's a journal spine. Gonna put my book to decide for many that I'm gonna fall That she didn't have just like this. We're gonna cut it because I only when you need one to make her templates. Exacto Knife in my metal Runar aligned to the middle crease Cut it! Gonna move One have to aside gonna work with this piece of paper Only folded halfway like this Then just with your finger If you have a bone folder Fordham for the that measure one inch from the top in one inch from the body I like to mark down how much and measure from the top and from the bottom so I can use its template for another turn. Now that we have worked to the top in the bottom measure, we're going to hold it in the office. Been a little bottom part. This well to see the faces. Thank you for those two in in that in half. All right, he usually starts holding from the middle. I'm gonna fall, Dad and have one more time. We're gonna end up with five evenly space for spine now. Elected market, my pencil. See? Exactly. Punched. Now we have our Tempe. Let me put it aside for a minute. Um, let me make sure my sheets are nice and aligned picking up my T square so I can measure half off the wish of the people for my cover. I'm using unaided half my 11 sheet of paper. So 5.5 make a little mark. I put my t score there just straight night, love T squares, if you have one, just make your lives much straighter with less effort. So I placed my tempted on talk. I like the middle off my template with the liner just made from my spine in within All just punch the hole. Careful here. Know that we have a fight. Bulls Mark. It's getting ready to start. Make sure in your thread I started writing for Jordan 3. Drilling and Preping to Sew: welcome back. Okay, so we're going to get ready to look at us the red and choose our drilling bit. I need to look at our threat and how sick it is so we can determine which size of drill big we're gonna be using here. The ones that came with my drill. So I'm gonna go ahead and stretch out my thread Look at which one I choose a drill bit. That is twice the thickness of my threat. At least twice this size looks good. Put a site the once they have here gonna load my hand. Drew, Get the drill bit. Put it in the middle like there's well, then with your finger. A few twists. We're ready to go. Drill firmly, but gently. And once you feel your touch the mat Great drill. Back to release the drill from the paper. Now that we removed our clips, it's time for us to flip our cover showing either the pattern or the texture the night side that you want to be showing. I'm gonna use my all just a check that the holes are nine. So I consider sewing 4. Sewing your Journal: we need to measure the length of or threat. I like using four times the length size of the spine. It's better if we have a little extra, then single threat the needle like this. Let's start measuring or threat. I like using four times the length size of our spine to three and for its OK, if we have a little bit of extra threat. So we're gonna find the full that's in the mirror over spines and start sewing from the inside out. Live a little bit of threat inside, just like I should keep on. You can either go to the right or the left. Try to keep the threat tight. That's as tight as possible. Being general or back a little bit. Keep sewing, put on some good music and enjoy the process. - Our journal is starting to take shape. Very exciting. We're finished stone. Now we have to do. They're not, so we can secure it. So steak or needle going under, you know, over like this gently but firmly pull. Try to gather, get They're not towards the binding home because we're gonna stick or needle through. We know it's a little bit tight but we could let a little you know I won't go through. And we're gonna bring are no through to the inside. Not like this. Now we flipper journal over and do the same type of Not with it outside to it on the inside , firmly but gently Let tight. Then gather your sisters or my case. My Exacto knife. Trim the edges and you can tuck them under if you like. 5. Folding and Cutting: great. We're almost done. Let's start folding or pages. I I separate the cover from the inside pages. I put my hands underneath like this and fold it off words gently. That makes it easier when we fold it the opposite way. Be gentle, but try to follow the Soling, which is the nurse. Fine. If you like, you can put the book in a book for us. If you don't have one like me, you can use a really heavy object and put on top of their book. Make sure you protect it or what I do also is gather piece of paper quoted around my spine and used the same binder clips that I was using to hold my paper together, but on one and on the other and leave it overnight. Now that your journal it's a little bit more flat and your feel comfortable cutting it, gather your metal ruler and your except a knife. Make sure you have a sharp blade. You can guide yourself by the grid that the cut in the Hess or just with the metal or older , like me in the square, try to start quoting from the spine down this makes for a cleaner cut. Hold your except a knife. Firmly. Put your hand over the ruler. What? Your fingers don't rush. I have done it and it doesn't. Well, sometimes I put a music or count how many cuts it takes me to get through. Whatever works for you, just try to enjoy it and 6. Rounded Corners: you now have a unique journal you could keep for yourself or give to someone You could leave it like this if you wanted to. Or if you prefer, you can run the corners. I will be using this corner rounder that measures quarter of an inch. Try to see how much paper you give. Fade in your corner rounder at one time. Go all the way to the end, just like that clip and do this for the four corners. The ends are gonna be beautiful around the corners. If you make a mistake, you can go back and recut again. Please post a picture of your project. Let me know if you have questions. So you have suggestions or if we have idea so we can do different types of journals. Thank you so much for taking the class. And I hope you can continue learning about bookbinding and finding inspiration everywhere.