How To Make A Movie Pitch Deck To Finance Your Film Idea | Olaf De Fleur | Skillshare

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How To Make A Movie Pitch Deck To Finance Your Film Idea

teacher avatar Olaf De Fleur, Filmmaker & Creative Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Intro


    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.



    • 4.

      Synopsis - Long


    • 5.

      Synopsis - Short


    • 6.

      Film Treatment


    • 7.

      Bonus: My Experience With Film Proposals


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Author Statement


    • 10.

      Visual Statement


    • 11.

      Audience & Marketing


    • 12.

      Lesson Recap & Assemble


    • 13.

      Thank You & Final Words


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About This Class

In this class, you'll learn how to craft a compelling and professional document to present your film project to investors. I share the tools for making a Film Proposal that has helped me finance twelve feature films.

I cover the SIX KEY STEPS to creating a compelling Film Proposal:

1. Logline: A one-sentence summary of your film's plot.

2. Synopsis: A brief overview of your film's story, characters, and themes.

3. Treatment: A more detailed description of your film, including character development, plot points, and key scenes.

4. Author statement: A statement about your vision for the film and your unique perspective as the filmmaker.

5. Visual statement: A description of the look and feel of your film, including lighting, cinematography, and production design.

6. Audience & Marketing: A description of your film's target audience and marketing strategy.

In each lesson, you will be given a short task that will help you practice and apply the concepts you have learned. By completing these tasks and working through the example project, you will gain hands-on experience in creating a Film Proposal and be well-prepared to pitch your own film ideas to investors.

These six key steps are the fundamentals. After completing this class, you can also add more elements (character report, world view, backstory, etc.) to your Film Proposal depending on your style.


When you complete this class write a review for this class and send me an email with your name that matches the review and you'll receive a full 34-page brochure on how to make a film proposal.


Click here to see an overview of my other film classes on Skillshare. I've made classes on how to make a Short Film, A Documentary, Screenwriting, and many more.



- "Olaf's experience and compassion is a unique resource for all who are open and ready" Giancarlo Esposito, actor, Breaking Bad

- "Olaf's coaching helped me realize I was ready to write my first film. What for many years seemed daunting, became possible because of his expertise and warrior spirit." Suilma Rodriguez, actress

- "Olaf's ability to see beyond the surface is like conjuring. I am forever grateful for his pragmatic, and expansive guidance." Jesse Megan Eidsness, CEO of Wild Love Apothecary

- "I mentored Olaf and I'm happy he's spreading his wisdom" Dr. Jeff Spencer, The Cornerman Coach

Meet Your Teacher

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Olaf De Fleur

Filmmaker & Creative Coach

Top Teacher

My name is Olaf de Fleur. I've made twelve feature films in my two-decades career as an indie filmmaker. I've worked with actors like Academy Nominee's Florence Pugh (Black Widow, Little Women) and Johnathan Price (Brazil), along with James Cosmo (Braveheart), Michael Imperioli (Sopranos), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Mandalorian).

I focus on teaching the building blocks, the fundamentals of visual storytelling. My passion is protecting and nurturing your competence by sharing my experience. For more FILM & WRITING resources, you can visit my website:

I hail from a tiny town on the west coast of Iceland. Where I was taught manners by sheep and f... See full profile

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1. Class Intro: [MUSIC] Hello, my name is Olaf. I'm a filmmaker from Iceland. I've been doing films, writing, directing, producing for over 20 years. Over the course of my two-decade career, the difference that has made a difference in helping me finance and complete over 12 feature films has been the ability to make strong film proposals. My aim for this class is to make my industry secrets available for everyone because I think knowledge should be shared. In this class, I'm going to give you my six step outline. I'm going to show you directly how I make my film proposals and in each lesson you will do a small task and little by little, you will learn how to make a film proposal independently. You will learn how to write a logline, synopsis, a treatment, a visual statement and much more. This class is for anyone who is starting out in filmmaking or anyone who wants to learn how to present your project in a film proposal to investors. When you complete this class, you will receive a full on 34 pages document on how to make a compelling film proposal. The only physical thing that you need for this class is a writing application of your choice. I look forward to helping you learn or rather sharing with you my way of doing a film proposal so you can then learn it and adapt it and do it yourself beautifully, masterfully, and then roar into this guy. This is getting a little too long and let's just jump into the first lesson is going to be easy. We're doing a logline. Sorry. [MUSIC] 2. Class Project: [MUSIC] Thank you for joining this class. In this video, I'm going to provide you with an overview of the lessons ahead. In order to teach you how to make a film proposal, let me demystify a little bit. It is a method that start with a small box and each box becomes bigger and bigger and bigger. We're going to start small in this class. We start with a logline, then a synopsis, then a treatment. [LAUGHTER] You get the picture. Let's discuss the class project in the lessons ahead for you to learn how to do a film proposal for investors. Let's first look at our final outcome or small brochure that will be the result of the six fundamental steps and exercises in each lesson in this class. In order for us to learn how to do a film proposal, we're going to do an example project in this class. We will be making a short film hypothetical, proposal example, out of the classic fairy tale, The Ugly Duckling by H.C. Andersen. These are the six steps we'll take in this class. Your task is to write a minimum of one paragraph for each lesson with one notable exception in the first lesson when you write the logline. Let's look at these steps. We start with a logline which is one line. Then we move into writing a synopsis, which is in this case a paragraph. Then we move into the treatment, which is a long form scene by scene description of your project. After that, we move into the author statement, which is all about you, your take on the project, and why it is important to you. From there, we move into a visual statement. How are you going to approach the project visually in terms of cinematography style, and so on and so forth. Then we wrap things up by making a marketing and target audience prediction. After you have completed this class, completed all the six lessons, remember to write a review for the class and create a class project. After you've done that, you can send me an email with your name to receive the full brochure for this class, a PDF document with all the information in this class with more detailed instructions and examples. I look forward to helping you learn how to make a film proposal. Remember, this class is just the core fundamentals. After you finished the class, you can add anything you like into your proposal. Anyway, let's start. [MUSIC] 3. Logline: In this lesson, we're going to learn how to write a logline. A logline is that one sentence description that captivates your film idea. [MUSIC] A logline consists of that one sentence that describes your film. The point of writing a logline is to convey the concept as quickly as possible, similar to writing a short description of the film or what is sometimes called a synopsis. A logline is a great way to give a quick sense of your project. [MUSIC] A logline for The Ugly Duckling might sound something like this. Set in a timeless fairy tale land, a duckling fights to stay alive in harsh environment, not realizing that it is stronger than it thinks. This is just the first try for the logline and they're not going to work on it and polish it even more. Your task in this lesson is to write your first version for the logline, and you can use this example project about the fairy tale of The Ugly Duckling. If you don't have a project that is, and in the next lesson, we're going to expand the logline into a synopsis. 4. Synopsis - Long: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to learn how to write the synopsis for the film proposal. What is a synopsis? A synopsis is a short description of your project. Directly, the word synopsis means a brief summary or general survey of something. In this lesson, we're going to talk about synopsis in a general manner and look at two long form synopsis and in the next lesson, you are going to write a one paragraph synopsis and I'm going to show you an example on how you do that. In this lesson, let's just talk in general about the magic of a synopsis. The purpose of our synopsis is to get your idea quickly across to the reader, not as quick as a logline, but close. It is the next step after you've done the logline like you did in the last lesson. When writing a short description of your project, I always suggest spending as much time on it as possible. A well-written synopsis can pave the way not only for investors to understand your idea, but I always say the same thing, also collaborators and of course yourself. When you hand someone your synopsis, it is almost like giving them a passport into the story world you're creating. How many words or paragraphs are in a synopsis? There are two types of synopsis that you can write. It is common that when you are introducing a project to investors that they ask for either a short synopsis or a long synopsis and sometimes both. A short synopsis is usually one paragraph, 3-5 sentences. A long synopsis can be 1-2 pages. The benefit of writing a synopsis comes in many forms. One, you get to know your story better by writing it. It will help coworkers and collaborators to know quickly what your story is about, and it is an essential part of simply introducing the project to investors film fountains and so on. I would suggest that writing the one paragraph synopsis is properly one of the most important steps in making a film proposal. The upside of having a strong one paragraph synopsis is that, of course it is short and can be sent in messages and emails and so on, and also expressed verbally at any given time. Let's look at two examples of a synopsis. For these two examples, remember that you can download the full examples in a PDF document that comes with this class. Right now, let's just check out the opening paragraphs for each synopsis in these examples. These are long form synopsis, 1-2 pages. I definitely recommend that you download these two synopsis in the class resources so you can spend some time reading through them. Right now, let's listen to a full reading of one of these long synopsis. After a mother duck's eggs hatch, one of the ducklings is perceived by the other animals as an ugly little creature and suffers much verbal and physical abuse. He wanders from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. He finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly and once again, he sets off alone. The ducklings sees a flock of migrating wild swarms, is delighted and excited but cannot join them for he is too young, ugly, and unable to fly. When winter arrives, a farmer finds and carries the freezing duckling home, but he is frightened by the farmers noisy children and flees the house. The ducklings spends a miserable winter alone outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over. The duckling now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship and [inaudible] anymore. He decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness. He is shocked when the swans welcome and accept him only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that he had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air and he spreads his wings to take flight with the rest of his new family. Before you start working on the synopsis project for this class, let's first in the next lesson, look at a thorough example on how to craft a one paragraph synopsis. Let's jump into the next lesson and then it will be your task to craft a one paragraph synopsis. 5. Synopsis - Short: Now that we've looked at two examples of long form synopsis, lets look at the craft or how to make a one paragraph synopsis. Lets do a proper example. First, let me copy and paste the long synopsis for the ugly duckling. Right now for the sake of the example document that we're doing, we're going to work out a one paragraph synopsis out of these three paragraphs. This is also something that I do sometimes for my project, that is to write out first a long version of the synopsis and then I shorten it down. It really depends on the project, it's time. Here we have the synopsis. Of course, when you do write one of these, you isolate yourself away from the world, away from the phone and so on. I'm going to try to do this as quickly as possible without doing that because we have this text here ready-made. Let me just do one bad attempt, one mistake. I'm going to collect mistakes as I call it. I'm going to try this and try to fail. [MUSIC] This version is something that I'm happy with as the first attempt to create the synopsis for the ugly duckling, the one paragraph synopsis. I'm just going to tidy it up a little bit. One little nifty thing that you can keep in mind, for example, here we see ugly little creature and then I repeat it at the end of the synopsis. It sometimes helps to repeat phrases just to help people remember it. I'm saying without fixing it, edit it, fix that. That's the one paragraph synopsis example. [NOISE] Your task lesson for this lesson is to write your version of a synopsis for the ugly duckling. Remember, if you are working on a project, of course you can write a synopsis for that, but I always recommend that you first go through the simple steps in this class. Take a little break here and write the synopsis for the ugly duckling. In the next lesson, we're going to expand even further into a film treatment. 6. Film Treatment: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to learn how to make a film treatment. A film treatment is an extended outline of your story. So far we have done a log-line and a synopsis and we're now moving into the treatment. A synopsis is the short version and treatment is the long version. The goal of a film treatment is to provide a complete scene by scene account of your story. A film treatment tells the story from start to finish. Tell the full story. When writing a film treatment, it is essential to depict the entire plot of your film project. Investors need to grasp the process from start to finish, including all the details of the narratives beginning, middle, and end. If for some reason you would not rather reveal the ending of the movie, which can be understandable in some cases, just keep in mind that sometimes we need to reveal the ending depending on where we are applying for funding. If you decide not to reveal the climax, make sure that the finale of the treatment is satisfying to the reader. We want to avoid being annoying at the end and leaving too much of an open question about the story at the end of the treatment. How long is a film treatment? The page count for treatment can vary. For a feature film, for example or even a long documentary, a film treatment can vary 10-20 pages and yes [LAUGHTER]. Writing a treatment is very hard work, but it's hard work that pays off. Writing a treatment demands your full focus for a period of days, even weeks. But committing that time to writing the treatment always pays off because it really helps you get to know your story on a very intimate level. Delivering a treatment with your film proposal also shows the investor that you are really committed to the project because of the hard work that comes with making a treatment. When to write the treatment? At what stage should you write the treatment? Some prefer to write the treatment after they have written a screenplay. Some do it side-by-side with writing the screenplay and some even do the treatment before doing the script. It all depends on what works best for you. In my case, I don't have really a preferred way of making a treatment in what order that is. I just know that making one helps me understand the story and it is inevitable that I do want just to make the story extra clear. In our class we are using as an example HC and there's a story about the ugly duckling and because our focus in this class is to learn how to do a treatment, we're not going to do 10-20 pages [LAUGHTER]. That only applies when you're doing a full length film, be it a feature film or a documentary. In this class our example is making a short film proposal. It is enough just for this class that you simply do the first three paragraphs for your take on the project. Your task in this lesson is to write three paragraphs in a treatment style and what is a treatment style? Well, let's look an example before you jump into it. What is a film treatment style? A film treatment style isn't a novel style. It is something in-between. If anything, I would describe writing a film treatment, it is somewhat of a dry account of your story scene by scene. This dry method gives the reader a very neutral intro into the story. We want to be careful not to be over descriptive. Here I'm doing a little example of how for example my version of The Ugly Duckling might look like in a treatment format. Also remember that you can download this example as a part of the class resources. As you can see here, I'm even adding a little bit of a dialog, but I'm doing some camera description, some like here I have a time-lapse. This is something that gives the reader a sense of my approach and in what order I'm telling the story and how I'm telling the story and here I'm even adding a little teaser, a metaphorical image of one act contrasting with others. This was my version of the treatment. Now it is up to you to write the first three paragraphs of a film treatment for The Ugly Duckling and remember to download the class resources. There are some examples there that you can use and in the next lesson, we're going to talk about genre and help you pick a genre for your take on The Ugly Duckling, which is also going to be helpful when we continue in this class. 7. Bonus: My Experience With Film Proposals: [MUSIC] In this video, I wanted to share with you my personal experience regarding making film proposals. This takes me back to New York, back in around 2012, where I really started to develop my skills on making film proposals when I was presenting my project. As an example, early in my career, whenever I would come up with an idea for a movie, I used to jump straight into just writing the story, writing the movie, but I would always eventually hit a brick wall. However, after I designed this process and learn from others how to make a film proposal and through experience and just basically creating these steps that are in this class. I thoroughly plan out the log-line when I get an idea, the synopsis and I even write the treatment which is hard work. Then I do go over thoughts about vision style, connecting theme in there. I think about the target audience and so on. I work on the project, it goes hand in hand with writing the script and understanding the project, and it just takes time. After I do the film proposal, I'm much more comfortable in writing, developing, and executing the project that I'm working on. I would say making one simply helps me understand my story much more than if I will just directly jump into writing it. 8. Genre: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to choose our genre for the example project that we're doing for this class. In order to continue, let's think about the genre you want to make out of the example project in this class. The genre is important because you're going to be doing in author's statement, the visual statement. Think about if you want to do an animated film, a thriller, a comedy, a cartoon, or even a live-action film out of The Ugly Duckling. Just don't linger on it too much. Just quickly, what genre do you want or what type of film do you want to make in this example project? Before we move into the next lesson, which is riding the other statement, let's decide on what genre you want to make out of the fairy tale about The Ugly Duckling, which is our example project for this class. Think about the kind of genre you want to make out of this story idea. What type of film would be your take on H. C. Andersen's fairy tale? Deciding the genre is necessary to continue in this class. Being a filmmaker is all about making decisions, and in this lesson, you're going to think about your approach or take and what kind of genre you want to make out of the example project. When deciding the genre, the type of film you want to make, for the example film proposal in this class, here are some ideas to get you started. You can make an animated film or you can choose to make a live-action film with your creative twist, for example, with child actors in costumes reenacting the fairy tale. Or maybe you want to make a documentary about the fairy tale, its origin, and the effect it has had on the world since it was first published in the 18th century. [NOISE] I suggest you take a break here in this lesson and write down what kind of genre you want to make for the example film proposal in this class. Remember, deciding the genre is only for the example project in this class. We don't have to overthink it too much, but it is necessary to take a genre, take a take in order for us to move into the next lesson, which is writing the author's statement. 9. Author Statement: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to learn how to write an author statement. Now that you have decided your genre, you're take, and you've decided what type of hypothetical film we're doing in order to do this film proposal for the class, we can move towards writing a short author statement. [MUSIC] Writing an author statement is all about expressing your vision, your style, and your take on the story. This is the area where you share your personality, and make it as personal as possible. In my experience, the more personal you make it, the more intimate, the more chance you have of getting support. Let me help you a little bit with your author statement. These are the two main questions to ask yourself when you write the author statement. These questions are:how do you connect to the story? And why is the story important to you? You are basically expressing your connection to the story for the reader. [MUSIC] Because this class is all about demystifying the steps, let's break down the author statement into two parts. First, we have vision, that is your take on the material as an author, and then we want to connect the theme into that text. You want to have two things playing together; your personal take and the theme. In case this sounds a little bit confusing do not worry, I will be showing you an example on how you combine your vision, and the theme together. Let's look at an example of how to write the author statement. I am doing the author statement. I have written a part of my vision. Then I have written my theme, and then I'm going to combine the two. I combine the theme and the vision together by copy and pasting it and putting it next to each other. Because the theme and your vision are inherently connected, they will work well together. I'll do it like that. As you can see, I have (THEME), and then above I have (VISION) and I copy paste it and put it together, and make sure that the text makes sense. A reminder, please download the class resources. There you will find these examples listed out in a PDF document. I want to remind you that we're going to keep the author statement short, like all the sections in this class, because we are doing an example document. We're not doing a full document, we're only practicing because we want to be able to do this for our personal project. Focus on getting through the class and finishing a short version of each section. Your task is, I wouldn't say simple, but I would say it's very doable. Write your vision, your personal take on the project, write what you consider to be the theme, and combine the two. In the next lesson, we're going to move into a visual statement. 10. Visual Statement: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to learn how to do a visual statement for your project. [MUSIC] What is a visual statement? A visual statement is your account on how your film is going to feel and look like, how it's going to come across to the audience. Let's check out the following questions, the following prompts to help us get started on our visual statement. We can start a visual statement by describing the cinematography approach to the story in general, the philosophy behind it. After we've done that, we can list out in more detail how we're going to use cinematic technology to execute our film, be it in terms of editing or lights and so on and so forth. To help us get going, I'm going to do a brief example on how I would start my visual statement for the example project in this class. How do we begin a visual statement? It depends, of course, on the genre that you picked for the class example. In my take of the Ugly Duckling, I have decided to pick a thriller, a horror genre, and right now I'm going to work on my example. [MUSIC] This document that I was just showing you now remember that you can download it in the class resources. Let's look at some further visual statement prompts. Let's run through them quickly. They shall statement prompts and let's go start with cinematography. You can answer the question if you will use a specific camera angles to tell your story, then you can talk about the camera movement. Will your camera be still or moving or handheld or tripod? After you have talked about the above, explain the reason behind your choices. This is very important. The choice is here, how do they support your telling of the story? Let's move to some more technical prompts. You can talk about how would the colors be in your film. Then you can describe how you will use light to tell your story. What part of the story will be dark, what can be bright? Will you use silhouettes and so on and so forth? Here you can put in any film references that might be similar to your film and that might support your case. After we have done the second part, the same goes for both parts; always when we make a choice in the visual statement, we always have to list out the reason for it, the why of our choices. Let's look at some examples on how to answer these questions. Here's an example on how I might work through these prompts. To these questions here that we've posed, I give my reason how it supports the story. I say my style and the rationale behind it. For example, here. Here I'm saying that the camera angle will be on eye level for every character in the beginning of the story. Then if we move along with it, I'll add a 'bird-eye' shots to emphasize the isolation of the main character or Ugly Duckling. But I'm careful to say that this bird-eye will not be a drone because I want the film to be filmed in a classical style with no unnatural technology. That also means that the camera will be still on tripod all the way through and no movement. For the second batch of questions, let me see how I worked through that. I'm always reminding you, you can download these examples in the class resources. For example, how will the colors be in your film and how would I use light? Start with the colors and the colors will be faded, but not black and white and the reason for that is that I want the film to look timeless like a fairy tale and describe how you will use light to tell the story, what parts of the story can be dark. I answered that with the light in my take on the Ugly Duckling will grow as the film progresses. At the beginning, we'll have a dark world. Boom. Then little by little, the use of light will become stronger to oppose the downward spiral of the duckling's dilemma. Then for the film references, I am just naming a couple of film references here that are similar to the style. Boom, I think you're ready now to do your visual statement or your take on the Ugly Duckling. Work through it. You can learn it through action. Remember to download, of course, the class resources. Have fun. [NOISE] Take a break here and really dive into your visual statement. Enjoy it. In the next lesson, we're going to dive into marketing and target audience. 11. Audience & Marketing: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to talk about the marketing and the target audience part of the film proposal. In order to make a marketing plan for your film, it is important to understand the target audience. Let's take a close look at these concepts to gain a better understanding. A marketing plan for your film should list out a plan of actions and specify the time-frame of these actions. For example, when should the poster be ready? When should the teaser be ready? The trailer and so on. Then you can identify where specifically these elements will be placed, for example, on social media, on a specific TV station, in theaters, and in what locations. Before we execute the marketing plan, it is necessary to identify the target audience in order for you to know where to aim your marketing material. To identify your target audience, it is necessary to do some research, for example, you can find similar film projects and study what groups they were aimed at. The advantage or the gain from identifying your target audience early, even as early as if you're writing the project, it can help you edit scenes, for example, certain scenes do not work for a specific target audience and others do. To help you with the vocabulary that is sometimes used in a marketing plan and when identifying target audience, let's examine a couple of examples [MUSIC] Keep in mind when we're doing this exercise project for The Ugly Duckling, it is good to do simply a version of this because making a marketing plan and target audience is something that a lot of people avoid because it's hard. Therefore, I really encourage you to just try it. Write one paragraph for each section, one paragraph on a marketing plan, any one paragraph on your target audience, just to try it out, just to practice. In the next lesson, we're going to gather everything the way it's done and put it together. 12. Lesson Recap & Assemble: [MUSIC] In this lesson, we're going to take everything that we've written and done so far for this class and assemble it together in one document. Keep in mind that this class is about teaching the fundamental steps of making a film proposal. After you've completed this class or the six steps, then I encourage you to add as much personal touch to the film proposal, like at any kind of images you think will fit the proposal you can put information on the character's backstory, world information, or even any film references or even newspaper articles. Just anything that comes to mind. Just thicken it up and make it rich and beautiful. [MUSIC] Let's put it all together. The logline, synopsis, treatment, the author statement, the visual statement, and the target audience and marketing report. Let me show you how this document looks like on my end. Here you're seeing my example document for this class about The Ugly Duckling. Remember that you can download this document in the class resources to use as a reference. These are the basic steps. I want you to keep in mind that this class is about learning how to do the fundamental chapters of a film proposal. When you do a film proposal for your project, I always encourage just adding as much as you want into the document, for example, images, references, and any kind of information that you want to put in there about the world and the characters in your story and so on. Make it as rich, detailed, and as strong as possible. Make sure to get feedback from trusted friends on your film proposal. Make sure that the grammar and spelling are tip-top, and that you have an overall good feeling about it. [NOISE] I always suggest completing your film proposal and then at least wait a week before you do the final pass to make sure everything is in order. [NOISE] 13. Thank You & Final Words: [MUSIC] Congratulations for completing this class and thank you for participating in it. It is really important to me that when I'm doing these classes, to put in a lot of sweat equity, a lot of extra work to share the knowledge that I have. The teaching also just helps me make my projects. It just feels wholesome. It feels, how do you pronounce it, ecological to share my experience. I really hope that this class was helpful for you. [MUSIC] After you have completed this class, remember to review it and remember to share your class project. After you have reviewed the class, share your class project, then you can send me an e-mail with your name and you will receive a full on 34 pages dense document from this class on how to make a film proposal. In case you want to learn more about what I'm teaching in film making, you can jump into my website world where I have tons of free resources. I also have free film seminars on Zoom. I also want to point out that I've made several other film classes. If you liked this class, then you can also check out my other classes on film making. For example, if you want to write a screenplay, if you want to learn how to do a short film, learn how to edit a film trailer, or even learn how to do a documentary. I'm here to share my tools as a filmmaker, everything so you can create your vision, use your voice until your spirit. Again, thank you for taking this class and best of luck for your future film endeavors. Thank you. [MUSIC] What inspired you to become a director? When I was 20, I broke up with a girl. You discover all things about yourself. You ask yourself serious questions and I found this answer to try to express myself through film. [MUSIC]