How to make a Kentucky Stick Chair - Field chair - DIY Furniture Woodworking + free template | Auke & Jildou | Skillshare

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How to make a Kentucky Stick Chair - Field chair - DIY Furniture Woodworking + free template

teacher avatar Auke & Jildou, Designer & Maker Architecture & Interior

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      What you need


    • 3.

      Cutting plan


    • 4.

      Cut all the pieces


    • 5.

      Drill the holes


    • 6.



    • 7.

      Assembling the seat


    • 8.

      Assembling the back


    • 9.

      Connecting the seat and back


    • 10.

      Finishing & fastening


    • 11.

      The end result


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About This Class

In this course I teach you how to make the famous Kentucky Stick Chair, field chair our folding chair.

You can make this chair yourself with wooden sticks and it is surprisingly comfortable, very sturdy, and also very beautiful.

The design is centuries old and probably has its history in Kentucky.

You can already picture a man sitting in his comfortable chair made of sticks on a front porch.

The chair is back in style, but quite expensive to buy. It is of course much more fun to make it yourself.

This course is intended for people who want to learn how to make their own furniture and want to learn some basic woodworking skills.

And of course it's a super fun project to make some chairs for your garden, or give away to a friend.

I explain all the steps and tell you exactly how much wood you have to buy, what you have to saw, where to drill holes and how to attach the chair.

You don't need any experience with woodworking anyone can make this chair!

I'm sure this course is gonna inspire you and help you to get started right away.

So let's get started!

Meet Your Teacher

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Auke & Jildou

Designer & Maker Architecture & Interior

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, I'm okay. If dutch designer, engineer and maker with over ten years of experience in designing architecture, such as tiny houses, Kevin's furniture, and interiors. My work is mainly focused on minimalistic, sustainable, and timeless design made with natural materials. Together with my wife and kids, we're constantly looking for new adventures. We love to live a lifestyle, a lot of creative expression by sharing our ideas and designing new products. In discourse, I teach you how to make the famous Kentucky stick chair, field chair or folding chair. You can make this chair yourself with wooden sticks and it's surprisingly comfortable, very sturdy, and also very beautiful. Design is centuries old and probably has its history in Kentucky. You can already picture man sitting in his comfortable chair made of sticks on the front porch, right? The chair is beckoned style. It quite expensive to buy. And of course is much more fun to make it yourself. This course is intended for if people want to learn how to make their own furniture and want to learn some basic woodworking skills. And of course, it's a super fun project to make some chairs for your garden or give away to a friend. I explain all the steps until you exactly how much would you have to buy? What you have to saw, where to drill the holes, and how to attach the chair. You don't need it. Any experience with woodworking. Anyone can make this chair. I use a miter saw, but you can also use a simple hand saw or a jigsaw. I'm sure discourse has gone to inspire you and help you to get started right away. So let's get started. 2. What you need: What you need. Okay. Here's a summary of the things you need and things that are handy to have. Materials. Of course. Woot. I'll tell you later exactly how much. Iron wire. At least four millimetres thick or a rope of at least six millimetres thick. Paint for outdoor use like teak oil. Measuring tools. So a pencil. A ruler and a template you can download from the projects folder. Saw tools. A handsaw or a jigsaw. Or mind yourself if you have any. And of course, glasses and ear protection. Drilling tools. A drill bit of six millimetres. If you use iron wire or eight millimetres when you use a rope. And of course, a drum machine. Sending tools. So sending paper or a sender. Mounting tools. A pair of pincers. A pair of pliers. And the hammer. Paint supply. So close. Tick oil or paint. A roller or a paintbrush. And a piece of cardboard. This may sound a lot, but I'm sure you already have most of it at home. Let's get started. 3. Cutting plan: Cutting plan. Stick Chair of course, consists of sticks, as the name suggests. The dimensions of these sticks are very important as they must rest well on top of each other. When unfolded. I use a word size of 34 by 44 millimeters for my chair. 34 millimeters in width and 44 millimeters in height through absorptive force when you sit on it. I understand that these dimensions are not the same in every country. So feel free to choose a stick with similar dimensions. Try not to go much thinner than 44 millimeters as the legs of the chair will bend too much. Otherwise. The width of the sticks may be slightly thinner. So between 3238 millimeters is okay. If you can find a stick that resembles the size and your local instruction store, you can also choose a wider beam that you cut in length. There's a little more work and especially useful if you have a table saw or a circular saw. So for example, a two-by-four. So 38 by 89 millimeters would work perfectly as well. Best way to cut down to two by four through the middle with a circular saw. This will make a jig first. Go something like this. You can clamp it between four pieces of boot and make a bunch of two-by-twos. So I used a pine timber with a flat corner that doesn't have rounded corners unfortunately. So I have to touch it up later with ascender. I used pine timber because I'm going to paint it later on. If you don't want to paint it, but want to use the sticky chair outside. You can also use Douglass or large food, which works great for that. Alright, then something about the length to boot. They're also different in every country. In the Projects folder, I've added some cutting plants would come in sizes you can download. I've cutting plan ensures that you create as little ways as possible. And as you know, exactly how much would you have to buy at your local construction store? I always find it very annoying when I have bought too much or too little material. For your convenience, I've worked out a number of cutting plants with optimal use of material. So again, you can download this and the projects folder. You can choose between a bar of 78910 feet. If you choose a length of seven feet or 2100 millimeters, you will need seven beings. If you choose a length of eight feet or 2400 millimeters, you will need six beams. If you choose a length of nine feet or Twenty-seven hundred millimeters, you will need five means. If you choose a length of ten feet or 3 thousand millimeters, you will need five themes as well. So the most optimal size for this chair is a Twenty-seven hundred millimeter or nine feet beam. So you can then check online which would sizes are available at your local construction store. Then choose the right cutting plan from the Projects folder that we can start with the next step. Or we will cut to parse to size. Class Project. Choose root with the right dimensions. Download the cutting plan with the right length. 4. Cut all the pieces: Got all the pieces. Okay. When you've printed out you're cutting Plan B can start sign all the pieces. I have chosen timbre of seven feet, so 2100 millimeters that use in this example. In this example I work in millimeters. I need seven bars for this that I already have ready against a wall. I use my miter saw to cut all the parts. But of course you can also use a jigsaw or a hand saw. This just takes a little longer. I put my cutting plan next to my saw so I can easily see it. I'll start with the first bar. I have to cut out the same part from the beam twice. First, one time 240 millimeters, then two times 380 millimeters, and one time 1070 millimeters. I start with 240 millimeters and market on the wooed. Now I aimed a saw blade at the center of the line and slowly saw through the first beam. So I go on to a 380 millimeters per the next piece. And I do that twice. For the last piece, I flipped the bar over. So don't I start from the clean side of the bar. So I do it is again with the next beam with exactly the same dimensions. Arranged old parts together by size. And so you continue to the next beam. Again, two times the same beam, 380 millimeters, then 900 millimeters and 790 millimeters. Continue in his way. And you have cut all the pieces. Make sure that the bars are always perpendicular to this Saw. You see how easy it is thanks to the cutting plane, because she knows exactly what to cut. Make sure that you use glasses, ear protection, and possibly gloves when working with a miter saw. When you're done, you can send all the parts. Especially ends will be a bit rough because I was not able to buy a rounded root. I also have to send the length of the beam. You can just use regular sand paper for this. Because pine is quite soft wood, but a sand or is of course faster and easier. You can round the ends a little more so that they feel less sharp. Excellent. Arrange all parts in order from a to F. And we readied for the next step. Drilling the holes. Class project. Could all the pieces. Send the parts with the sender. 5. Drill the holes: Drilled a hole. In this step, we're going to drill the holes. Will then be able to pull the iron wire through these holes to keep the sticks together. You should now have solved all the parts. You need. Nine times part a, six times Part B. Then two times Part C. These parts are for the seat. Then you have for the bag four times Part D, two times Part E, and two times Part F. Okay. There are several ways to attach the sticks to each other. I prefer to use a piece of iron wire at least four millimeters thick. But you can also use an iron cable like this. Or you can just use a rope which works great as well, at least six millimeters thick. The whole suite we'll drill will of course, depend on the thickness of your wire, cable or a rope. Take the thickness of your wire and add two millimeters to this. You want the wire to go through the wooed a little stiffly so that it can hold the sticks well together. So for example, here I used a six millimeter rope. So I drilled a hole of eight millimeters. You can end this fairly easily with and not like this. But in this example, I use four millimeter thick iron wire, which I cut and bend at the end. So I need a drill of four millimeters plus two millimeters is six millimeters. In the project folder, you will find an overview with the exact position of the holes. These are very important and ensure the parts fit together just right and distribute the forces well, when you sit on the chair. And this overview, you can see the position of the holes. We always count from this side of the stick, from left to right. On one side, all holes are in the same place everywhere. I will call this one for now. One is 37 millimeters from the side and into the center of the stick. Then hold to hold two is different at a seat and back. At part a, the whole is 203 millimeters or 37 millimeters from the side. The second hole is located at part B and C At a distance of 300, be made us from the side. And it's part D, E, and F. The hole is 630 millimeters from the side. Okay, Let's start with hold one. Because whole one is 37 millimeters from the side. For oldest sticks, it is useful to make a pattern. So you only have to measure once and you're sure that older halls are aligned and in the same place. It is very important that the holes are all on the same place, then you get the best result when a chair is unfolded. You can also measure out the first part and then use this as a pattern for the next one. Like this. The only drawback is that you have to drill very straight. Otherwise, all the other holes will be placed wrong as well. A more precise way is to take a piece of paper or cardboard and cut a pattern. So in my case, a pattern of 44 by 100 millimeters, for example, depending on the thickness of your woot. Then I measure exactly 37 million made it from the side and in the center of the paper and make a hole with a screw or nil. So I go along all the sticks and I press a small point with the nail. Then I drill a hole in this with a drill. Do this for all the parts. Make sure to keep the drill as straight as possible. So the hole is centered on the other side of the road as well. Now we're going to hold to your duties in the same way. Only now you use your tape measure to determine the second hole. If you've measured one part and drilled a hole, you can also place it over the other and use it as a pattern. Okay? So drew all the holes and organize all parts neatly from a to F. Okay, so in the next step, we're going to paint and prepare the parts so we can string them together. Let's go class project. Drill the holes of all parts. I make a pattern if necessary. 6. Painting: Painting. As I mentioned before, it is wise to paint you world if you want to use it outside. It's best to do it now before you start attaching two parts together. As an experiment, I tried whether you can paint a chair afterwards and a chair has done with my son. I can tell you it is very difficult to paint all parts neatly because you can no longer reach them very well. It's therefore wise to paint all paths first. And then it's best to have at least two layers. I use a natural oil myself. This is a teak oil wood, a pigment that gives the pine an old walnut like color, which I really like. Make sure you spread it well and not too thick. Outside, it dries very quickly, so I could easily do several layers for the best protection. Each layer makes the colour a bit darker, so don't apply the first layer too thick if you don't want it too dark. You can use a roller. Or a brush. Ends of the wood are the most important because that is the place where wood absorbs water. Oil absorbs into the wound, preventing moisture from entering the wound. That is different than with paint. Paint creates a small layer over it as per text. Place all parts on a piece of cardboard or paper and paint one side first let it dry. And then the other side. Paint all the parts at least two times in a color you like. 7. Assembling the seat: Assembling deceit. Okay, when all the parts have dried, we can start with the fun part, connecting the parts together. I haven't painted depart in his example yet, as you can see. I did that later on. Okay. The chair consists of two parts, deceived and the back that we will join together. You'll start with the seat. And the projects folder. I've added the link pattern that you can print out collected parts for the seed. So part a, B, and C. You can clearly see the order of the parts on the laying pattern. We will start with part a, lay it down with a narrow side up. Then take part B. The holes of hold two must be lined up. Then another part a and part B. And then again a part a. Then comes along stick for the leg. Part c. You also put the holes of whole two in line with the other holes. And older halls of whole one need to be aligned as well. So you repeat this pattern again. So Part a, Part B, Part a, Part B, Part a, and Part C. One last time. When you've put all the parts in order, we will connect them together. I use a four millimeter thick iron wire. You can roll this out completely and try to bend the wire as straight as possible. You need about 80 centimeters of wire. We going to bring this wire through hold two. So we start at the front. So through the whole of part a and then through the whole of Part B, etc. Then you slide the parts to the end of the wire, bent the n sub ID so that they can slide off. Because the hole is slightly larger than the wire. Assembling the parts goes quite easy. Connect all parts together, and bend the wire again at the end. Okay, well done. Then we move on to the back of the chair. Class project. Arrange all parts of the seed in order. Assemble all parts of the seat together with a wire. 8. Assembling the back: Assembling the back. The back goes the same way as the seat. Only now we start at the top of the chair and the wire goes through hole one. Put all the sticks the back in order. We start with part F first. That is the lack of the chair. Then Part D and E. And two times party. Again a part e. Then Part D. And finally part. Make sure that the holes or hole in one and hole two are aligned well. Spreads to bars a little bit before assembling. Now we do the same again for the back. Cut a piece of wire. 60 centimetres is sufficient because these parts will be pulled towards each other. Connect all sticks together. And bend the wire again at the beginning and the end. Leave enough space between the bars. We're not going to pull these together yet. We will do that later. Otherwise it will be very difficult to connect the next wire and the next step. We're going to connect the seat and the back. Class project. Arrange all parts of the back in order. Assemble all parts of the back together with a wire. 9. Connecting the seat and back: Connecting deceit and back. Okay, now we're going to attach the seed and the back together. We're going to do that by alternately connecting a part of the seed and then a part of the back with a wire. So first we have the seed, and on top of that, we put the back. The idea is that we connect it to part with one wire by connecting a stick. Alternately. Cut another piece of wire, and make sure it is straight. We then start with the other part of the seed with the smallest bar. Placed a wire through the first hole and then through the whole of the first egg from the back. Then there's always a small bar in-between. So you have to pick it up between the bars of the back. So you go on and on. You will notice that it gets a bit heavier each time because there's a lot of friction on the wire. Carefully push the wire through a little at a time. Halfway through, you will notice that the trend no longer wants to go through properly. And tip is to make space between the first sticks and pull the wire back. You then slowly move this space forward. Try not to bend wired too much when you pull, as it will weaken the wire. You can pull on it, but do it in a straight line. You can also use pliers for a better grip. So do it is alternately until all bars are connected. When you have reached the end, you can bend wire again through the bars, stay in place. Now place a chair on a side and press the bars a little so that there is no more space between them. Then we go on to the last wire. The end part of the seed. This one is a lot easier. You also need about 60 centimeters of wire for this. Start at the front again and bring the wire through all the holes. This one can stay a little loose, just like to back. We're now going to cut and fast and iron wires in the next lesson and finish the chair class project. Place the back on the seat. Connect the two parts together with one wire. Placed the last wire from the back. 10. Finishing & fastening: Finishing and fast. Okay. We've come to the last step of this course. All parts are in the right place and connected with the wire. Now we have to finish these wires and put some parts under tension. When you've used rope, you can simply put a knot on both sides. With Iron Wire. This is a little different. I'll show you the principal. We start with the wires from hold to. So the wires in the middle of the chair. And we start on one side and got the threat to about three centimeters or a little more than an inch. Grab your pliers with a small nose and bend the wire around. Make sure you bend it inwards and not outwards. Then press the end of the wire into the wood, about one and a half centimeters or half an inch away from the hole. And hammer the end of the wire as far as possible into the hood with the hammer. So make sure you don't press the wire back into the hole again. You can do this by hitting a little diagonally. Then gently flatten the wire out of the presses, a little into the wood. And you're done. Then we go to the other side of the wire and do the same thing. Tension the chair again and bend it a bit inwards. The main thing is that there is not too much space between the sticks. Do not pull everything too tight. Otherwise it will be very difficult to unfold a chair later on. About one millimeter between the sticks is okay. Then cut the thread again and do the same thing. So make sure you bent a wire nicely with the pliers so that you can hit it well with the hammer. Sometimes it is useful to drill a little hole with a very thin drill so that you can get to wired deep into the boot. I hold the wire firmly with the pliers together. Wire does not slip back. And here again, flattened the wire. So we will do this for older wires to the middle wires first and then the two ends. Again, you have two detention ends. Slide two bars well towards each other. This should be tied. And you see that the wires in the middle get more tied as well. Do one side first. Then pull on the wire and the other side. Okay. Do duties for all the wires in your Kentucky stick chair is ready to go. All right. Test it out unfolded and see how comfy this cherries. When you unfold a chair, the chair makes a curve in the seat which makes its very comfortable. All right. Well done. In the last video, I show you the end result. Class project. Finish all the ends of the wires. Test it out and enjoy. 11. The end result: The end result, grave. You've made it so far. I hope you learned a lot from this course. It would be really great if you can share it, the end result with us. If you've managed to make your own Kentucky stick chair. Take a picture of your chair, go to Projects and Resources and click on Create Project. I really enjoyed teaching this class and I hoped you liked it. You can also follow us to be the first to see our new courses. Thank you so much and good luck with making this beautiful Kentucky stick chair. Take care.