How to knit a dishcloth. | Samantha Locking | Skillshare

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How to knit a dishcloth.

teacher avatar Samantha Locking, Horticulturist

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Materials Required


    • 3.

      Slip Knot & Casting On


    • 4.

      Knit Stitch & Yarn Over


    • 5.

      Decreasing & Casting Off


    • 6.

      Class Project


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About This Class

I’m this class you’ll learn how to knit a dishcloth. This is a great first project if you're just starting out with knitting! If you're already an experienced knitter then you'll find knitting dishcloths a nice relaxing project to work on in your spare time.

Knitted dishcloths are a nice environmentally friendly alternative to sponges and they make great gifts! If you know someone who has a particular colour scheme for their kitchen you could always choose yarn to match it. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Samantha Locking



My name is Sam, I'm a horticulturist from Ontario, Canada.

I love working with plants especially when it comes to propagation! Which is why the majority of my classes focus on that. 

However, I also have many interests outside of plants (business, knitting, building things) so, you never know what class might come up with next!


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If there are any plants you'd like to learn how to propagate or care for please let me know :) 

The easiest way to contact would be through class discussions or by commenting on past discussions I've created (at the bottom of this page) 

I look forward to hearing from you! 

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1. Introduction : In this class, I'm gonna be showing you how to make a knitted dish cloth. Now this is a great first project. If you're just starting out with knitting, it's really easy. Knitted dish cloths are also a great alternative to sponges because they last a lot longer and you can keep them clean and smelling fresh by washing them regularly. They also make great gifts. And if you know someone has a specific color scheme for their kitchen, you can choose the appropriate wool to match. Now let's take a look at the materials that we'll be needing in order to create learned a dish cloth. 2. Materials Required : In order to create your own knitted dishcloth, you're only going to be needing three things. So the first thing that you'll be needing is some yarn. For this class, I find that cotton number four medium weighted yarn is what works best. The second thing you'll be needing for this project are some knitting needles. I'm using five millimeter needles, but you can check the packaging on your yarn to see what size will work best for you. And the third thing that you'll need is a darning needle. And you'll use this to weave in the excess yarn into your cloth to prevent it from unraveling during use. Once you have all your materials, we can get started by taking a look at how to do a slipknot and casting on. 3. Slip Knot & Casting On: All right, so the first thing that we're going to start with is a slip knot. In order to do this, we're going to pull our yarn, so we have a bit of a tail. Then we're going to take the one side of our yarn and we're going to cross it over to the other side. So you end up with a little loop like this. Once you have your loop, take the tail and pinch it together to make another loop and pass that through the first loop and then pull, making sure not to pull the tail through the loop. Then you can pull the tail to make the loop smaller. So we can then take our needle and place it through the loop and then just give it a little tug. So it's not going to slip off the needle. You don't want to pull too tight or you'll have some trouble when it comes time to putting the needle underneath. So now that we have our slipknot on, we can start casting on. So to add our next three stitches, what we're going to do is take the yarn, wrap it under your thumb, and behind your index finger, and then have your pinky and ring finger holding it tight. Slip the needle under where your thumb is. And then just let go. And there we go. There's our second stitch. To do it again. Behind the index are two fingers holding it tight. Just go underneath and slide off. And we'll do that one more time. So we have four stitches. And there we go. All right, so now that we have our first four stitches on, we can start looking at how to do a knit stitch and yarn over. 4. Knit Stitch & Yarn Over : So to start with, you'll want to have your yarn on your right side just to make things easier and keep it from getting tangled. To make our first stitch, we're going to take our needle and slip it under that first loop on our left needle. Now our urine is at the back of the needle. We're going to wrap it around in between those two needles, pull it down through that loop. And then we're going to slide it off of our left needle onto our right needle. And then once again we're going to go under the loop. Having my right needle at the back. And then taking our yarn, wrap it around in between going down through the loop and pulling that off the left needle. And we're going to repeat this process for the next two stitches. And there we go. There's our first four knit stitches. And now that fist needle has no stitches. And this one does. We're just going to swap hands so that our ETL with our stitches is always n our left-hand when we're working. Now for this row, what we're going to do is we're going to again knit the first stitch. We're going to net the second stitch. Then we're going to do something different before the third. So before we do our next step two, what we're gonna do is a yarn over. So we're gonna take our yarn and wrap it around our needle. Then we're going to go underneath and then do a knit stitch like we normally would. And then with the last one, we're just going to do a regular Next. And now you'll see we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stitches. And we started off with four. So doing the yarn over is how we're going to increase our stitches each row. And so now we're going to repeat this pattern until we have 30 stitches. So again, net 12. And we want to yarn over, do a normal knit stitch. And then for the last ones, we're just going to do regular next pitch. And now we have six stitches. So I'm going to just and continue on now until I have 30 stitches and then we can work on decreasing. So now that I have my 30 stitches done, I'm going to start working on decreasing. If you get to this point where you have 30 stitches and you feel like the clause is going to be too small for your liking. You can always go ahead and add a few more stitches and see how you like it. Once you get to a number of stitches you're happy with, then we're going to start decreasing. 5. Decreasing & Casting Off: So now that I have 30 stitches, I'm going to work on decreasing. And the first step that we're going to do with decreasing is making a knit stitch for our first stitch. Now, in our next step, we're going to be knitting two together. So instead of putting our needle under just the one loop, we're now going to be putting it under two loops. And we're going to wrap the yarn over and continue as you would with just a regular knit stitch. And You can see instead of having three stitches, we just have the two. So we've decreased by one stitch. And then for this next step, we're going to do a yarn over. And then one more time, we're going to knit two together. So again, going under those first two loops and do a regular knit stitch. And by doing this yarn over, this is what is going to keep our pattern going along the border as we decrease. And so now for the rest of the row, we're just going to do a regular knit stitch. I'm just finishing up these last two stitches here. And now that's our first row of decreasing, all done. And then I'll show you again. So for the first one, we're just going to do our regular knit stitch. And then for the second line we're going to go and two together. And this can be a little bit trickier than just going under one, especially if you're tension is a little too tight. Still had that off. And then now we have decreased by two stitches altogether. So again, we're going to yarn over. And now we're going to go under two stitches and do our regular knit stitch. And now for the rest of the row, we're just going to do a simple knit stitch. And we're going to continue this pattern now until we only have four stitches left. Just like we had when we started out. All right. So now that we just have four stitches left on our needle, we're going to start casting off. So to do this, we're gonna start off by knitting our first two stitches. And then now we're going to take the needle and our left hand. And we're gonna go under that first loop hour on the right needle. And then bring it up and over the top blue and just slide it off that second knew of the needle. So now there's just one stitch and we're going to knit another one. And then again we're gonna go under that bottom loop, bring it up and over top of the top loop, and off the needle. And then we're gonna do that one more time. Again, going under the bottom loop, coming up and carefully placed over top of that needle end off. So now we just have the one loop. So just pull up a little bit with your needle to make a bit of a bigger loop. Because now we're going to cut the end of the yarn and then place it through the loop to secure our project. So again, once you cut in place the end of the yarn through the loop and then pull it tight. So now your cloth is secure and it's not going to unravel. And there you go. And then you can take your dirty needle and use them for these last two pieces. And just kind of leave them through your cloth to help hold it together. 6. Class Project: So for your class project, you're going to be creating your own admitted dish cloth using the pattern that I've shown you in this class. Once you have your dish cloth complete, you can go ahead and upload it in the project section, which you'll find below this video. If you have any questions or issues along the way, feel free to message me using the discussion section, which you'll also find located just below this video. If you would like to stay up-to-date on my latest classes, you can hit the Follow button and you'll get a notification anytime I post a new class. I hope you found this class helpful and I look forward to seeing your projects.