How to Introduce Yourself in Korean | Jenny Hu | Skillshare

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How to Introduce Yourself in Korean

teacher avatar Jenny Hu, Korean Tutor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction & Class Project


    • 2.

      Basic Background


    • 3.

      What is Hangul?


    • 4.

      The Korean Alphabet


    • 5.

      Grammar 1: 은/는


    • 6.

      Grammar 1: 은/는 - Practice


    • 7.

      Grammar 1: 은/는 - Answer


    • 8.

      Grammar 2: 입니다


    • 9.

      Grammar 2: 입니다 - Practice


    • 10.

      Grammar 2: 입니다 - Answer


    • 11.

      Sentence Structure 저는 ...입니다


    • 12.

      My Self-Introduction


    • 13.

      Listening Practice


    • 14.

      Class Project


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About This Class

Do you love Korean dramas, TV shows, or K-pop music?

Do you want to learn something new besides just oppa?

Do you want to be able to introduce yourself in Korean when you see your oppas?

If you answer yes to any of the questions, then this is the perfect class for you!!

In this class, you will learn what Hangul is, and why Hangul was made. You will also learn two grammar concepts for self-introduction.

After this course, you can do an easy self-introduction in Korean!

Music Credit 
Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod from 

Meet Your Teacher

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Jenny Hu

Korean Tutor


Hello, I'm Jenny.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction & Class Project : Hello, this is Jenny. I have been a Korean tutored, thinks 2010. Besides Children Korean, I also worked as a Korean and Chinese interpreter in the Korean company. I love teaching, and I enjoyed meeting new friends very much wild teaching. The reason why I decided to make this course is that a lot of people have their own Opus Korean dramas, K, pop music and so on. However, they cannot see anything when they need their bus. Or maybe you have a lot of career brands, but you can just communicate with them English. If you can speak Korean even just a very simple self introduction, I believe you will get closer to your Korean pen or your opus. 2. Basic Background : Now he will talk about the basic background off Korean. Korean was created by Kinsey Jump in 14 43. Since I don't want it, he's subjects to recognize characters and write them well. However, at that time, people were using Chinese characters and they were very difficult to write. That was whitened. Schedule decided to create a new language, which is Korean language. I think many people already saw two words about it. Korean and hunger. 3. What is Hangul?: what's the difference between them? Hunger is the else a bit off Korean language, so sometimes we will see how to read. Hunger means how to read Korean alphabet, so you may wonder how hunger was warmed as I mentioned before. Hunger is the elf of it off Korean language, like other languages in it, includes bobbles and cousins. However, the special thing off hunger is that besides bubbles and continents, it has a special part called Final Cousin It. So how do they form a character? There are four categories. Let's see these four pictures. Let's look at the first picture we can see the continent is on the left side, off the character, and then the bubble is on the right side off the character. So this is the most simple Korean character. And then let's see the second picture. We can see the same parts, but the cousin is on the upper site, and the bubble is on the lower side. So these two Korean characters are just combined with constant and bubbles. Where is the final cousin? Let's see another two pictures. We can see the bubble, and the cousin place is the same. However, post the below these characters there are final constant. So it means that these four kinds awful characters are the Korean character. We can never see any other Korean characters besides this four forms. 4. The Korean Alphabet: if you have never learned Korean before. Police visit language sky dot com slash intro for resources on how to read and pronounce hunger or the Korean alphabet. 5. Grammar 1: 은/는 : From now we will talk about the Bremer's. The first grammar we will go over is called topic particles or Talk Markert, which is an end. So when we see and this happened, it means that before and then it is the subject off the sentences. For example, when we say I m Jenny So we will say I missed tall And then we will say Tall Men's in the sentence to show that talk, which is I is a subject. However, some people will wondering when we use and and when we use Nen. So for this we can see if the last character we will put before an engine it has the final continent. We will. Plus, it doesn't have the final constant. We will just last men. So, for example, I mentioned aware ago Tommy's I, but because he taught is just two parts in this Korean character, it means that it doesn't have the final continents. So we will say tourney. Let's see another example. For example, the words from time Nick tongue can emit these teachers, and then you can see the last character off This words name have three parts right consent bubble and final constant. So it means that afternoon we should plus because it has the new. The character name has the final cousin, so we should say sounds and name one. 6. Grammar 1: 은/는 - Practice : Let's practice. There are fork words and then please try to combine them with an end in when you should plus in. And when you should question in this try. Let's see the forwards. They are coming Time. Castle Keys, huh? And meagles home Now, please try to add an ordinance. Down, down and down. Did you finish it? Let's see the answer. Okay, the 1st 1 7. Grammar 1: 은/는 - Answer: count. I think it's has the final constant. So we should say, come time killing tight And the 2nd 1 castle No final continent. So castle men pass soon in Same and assert one. He's has keys, hot Lindsay keys, hand. And then the last one me *** had, um me. We had, um Meagles. Did you do it well? 8. Grammar 2: 입니다 : Okay, let's go over the second grammar. It is indeed a Sydney docks in Islam means ISS. We will always put it at the end of the sentence. And then let's see before in me that well, person down. So now Plus indeed, Amis is this now? So for example, I say Jenny in Nida Jenny is my name and it is a now so genuine. That means East Jenny. So before Indiana, where never it has the final continent or not, we will just plus in media, it doesn't matter. For example, I will say talk. Do you remember what is talk? Tommy's I so I can say talk in media. It means that is I put example where you are talking with a friend and then you friend ask you who did this and you can say told me that it means I did. This is me is me. We can also plus Ah there any announce for example someone in need Us what you need us? How bombings apple. So for example, you are asking friend what's this? And then you're frank. We're answer your Sabah even need us if efforts This is Evel and them same as before. Let's practice 9. Grammar 2: 입니다 - Practice : I will give you some words. These four words are so far something you, Joan, Time and needle town. Um so let's see, how can you combine these words within me that 10. Grammar 2: 입니다 - Answer: some of the now very easy, right? Just for us. These words with in media and then the sentence is finished. Lets see the answer open. You can say Oh, India, Miss he is or the person is open. Okay. And this something you in media. It means that this person, that person or some somebody is a teacher or you can say killing type comb time. Indeed, at the same that person is is a police rice. And then the last one is Castle. Consulate is singers, so we can say castle in need. I means that person is a singer. Don't you think Koreans is very, very easy. Let's go on. 11. Sentence Structure 저는 ...입니다: Okay. Finally we come to this part. This is sentence structure. Tautness then Ben Ben's in media. So it is very easy. When you are doing South introduction, you can use this center structures from the first to the end. We can plus anything between Tonin and even need. That's to show I am blah, blah, blah. Do you remember? Talk Is ICN in is top marching particles would show talk is the subject off this interest. And in that Miss East, the global Oculus so told them a level a kidney That means I am blah, blah, blah. So, for example, my name is Jenny, right? I can't say told and tinny media. It means I m j and then not only for the name you can also plus occupation. You can't glass your nationalities or any other things that you want to introduce yourselves to others. For example, I am a Korean teacher, right? Current teacher is hung who got Chinese So I can say Tonin hung yoga in media. Or you can see I'm not a teacher. I'm just a student. So you can say tall nous accent in the accident means student or you can say Oh, I'm working in the company's I am an office worker, so you can't say Tonin is how one in media, Chris, I want means office worker. You want to introduce a gender to others, right? Sometimes, and you can see sometimes it's male and your tax. It's email. So how do you say it's very easy? Right corner number. You need that or tona yada yada. So the very, very simple self introduction is already done. 12. My Self-Introduction : please listen to myself. Introduction, Tonin Tinian Me that on a hunger gods in media tone in your media, don't you think it is very easy to do our self introduction in Korea lineage? 13. Listening Practice: killing time. Killing time. Killing time. Castle Castle! Castle Keys! Huh? Keys! Huh? Keys, huh? Meagles home Meagles home Meagles home killing tights and killing tights and killing tights and Hassoun n Hassoun n Hassoun n keys Hardened keys, keys hardened Meagles Hard and meagles! Hot and meagles! Hot and old, Old fat something You something You Something you killing time killing time Killing time Smeagol town Um Smeagol Town. Um Smeagol Town. Um oh, in media. Oh, India. Oh, indeed. Then you India. Something in you, India, then You India. Stone time. You need a stone time. You need us, Cohn. Time indeed. Castle in need on castle in need on castle in need on stunning Tinian Me that Tonin Tinian Me that stunning Tinian Me that turn in your media Turn in your media, Turn in your media 14. Class Project : Let's practice. So for your class project, you can choose one off the following project options. The 1st 1 is make sentences using the giving words the worst art and then the 2nd 1 is created. A self introduction. You can choose one off the two options and post your project in the project gallery. Hope to see a project. Thank you.