How To Grow a Succulent Garden From Leaves | Kelly Newbery | Skillshare

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How To Grow a Succulent Garden From Leaves

teacher avatar Kelly Newbery, Creating beautiful plant displays

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      What's Propagating Succulents?


    • 2.



    • 3.

      Class Project


    • 4.

      Preparing Your Leaves


    • 5.

      Setting Up Your Propogation Station


    • 6.

      Caring For Your Plants


    • 7.

      Happy Planting!


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About This Class

Whether you’re looking to bring a bit of nature into your home or for a fun new gardening hobby, propagating succulents from leaves is one of the most satisfying thing you can do! There’s nothing I love more than sitting out on my balcony with my morning coffee and checking my little succies’ progress.

This class is suitable for absolute beginners, no prior gardening experience is needed. As we’ll be starting small you don’t need much space, so this is perfect for apartment dwellers looking to put their balconies to good use.

By the end of this class you’ll know how to prepare leaves for propagation, how to set up your propagation station and most importantly what you need to do to make sure your succulents grow!

Meet Your Teacher

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Kelly Newbery

Creating beautiful plant displays


Having spent the last 14 years living in apartments I'm passionate about bringing the outdoors in and gardening in small spaces.

I love sharing my passion for plants and getting people excited about fun ways to creatively display them, whether it's kokedamas, upcycling vintage vessels or terrariums.

Not only do I display beautiful creations with careful detail, I also takes great pride in producing fun and educational classes.

Check out my instagram (@PetitePlant) for all of your plantspiration.

Sign up for my newsletter for helpful hints and tips about caring for your plants.

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1. What's Propagating Succulents?: Hi, everyone. My name's Kelly Newbury and I'm from Potato Plant. I've been living in apartments to the last 14 years, so I am really passionate about finding ways to garden in small spaces. Now, today I'm going to show you something I absolutely love. And that's growing succulents from late. This class is perfect for people who have no experience of gardening and want to get started with the new sort of hobby or find a new way to bring the outdoors. So today the class will cover how to prepare the leaves that you're going to propagate to grow succulents from. We'll cover off how to create your own little propagation station. And finally, how can your succulent so that they flourish and word. There's nothing I love more than sitting on my balcony with my morning cup of coffee and checking on my little succulents progress. So I'm really excited to share this with you. Enroll in this class today and happy planting 2. Materials: Hi, everyone, thanks so much for joining us on this class to very succulents from leaves to get started, we're going to need three key things. We're going to need the leaves from the succulents. We're going to need soil, and we're going to need something to set them down on. So let's break those three things down a little. First up, you'll need succulent leaves here, some that I prepared earlier. The alternative is to take them from a plant, and we'll cover off how to do that In one of the next lessons you can ask family. You can ask friends your grandparent's for cuttings and lays from their own gardens if you've seen someone with a nice garden, and most people are really happy to share their lives and shared a passion for succulent, so you can always just asked to take a couple it. So I've listed in the class notes a few to get you started. Echeverria's see Dems. They're generally the sort that you want to be using. Today I'll use Echeverria's stadiums and grab Togias, so check out the notes to find out the best ones to use. You'll need something to stay succulent out on. I call this your propagation station, so this a couple of different things you can use. People love to use egg cottons because this will keep each succulent that grows from H. Leave separate with separate routes. You can use trays to set your succulents at on, and you can do some really nice pretty displays or just try them down. A lot of people use pots, so this is just a cheap pot from a local nursery store that another plant came in. Don't throw them away. Use, um, Teoh propagate your succulence and finally, you can do something sort of pretty to display your succulent propagation on. So something like a T car or a teapot. Or, you know, other nice bowls if you want to do sort of a nice sort of creation, and finally you'll need soil, so I use a premium cactus and succulent mix, and I just tend to mix in a tiny bit of pill like the pell light is optional. But what it does is just fluff the soil up a little bit. But like I said, if you don't have any lying around, just use a nice sort of succulent and cactus mix, and that will get you by fine for this so that the things you'll name to get started next up, we'll talk about the class project. 3. Class Project: Now that you know what you'll need for this class, let's quickly talk about the project. The project is really easy to complete, and it will leave you with your own little propagation station. So you'll need to take three photos of your progress along the way. The first thing you'll need to do is share a photo off the leaves that you've prepared. So just like this, showing us how you've got, um, set out, ready to dry out next up, we'd like you to share a floater off how you set out your succulent leads to propagate, so this could be fancy. Or it could be just whatever you choose. And finally, after you had them up for a little while and you start seeing some progress with the growth in the roots, I'd love it if you could share an updated photos. So something like this to show the progress that you've made and how your little babies air going along. So three photos feed upload into the project gallery, looking forward to seeing you projects 4. Preparing Your Leaves: Okay, so the first step to get your propagation station ready is to prepare your leaves so like it'd there's a couple ways to go about doing this. Firstly, you can take them from one of your implants, or you can borrow a couple. Keep a couple from a friend, family or neighbour. Now, if you're taking from a friend, family on neighbor say they have a plant like this. What you want to be doing is just taking a couple of leaves from around the base of the plant, because what that will do is make sure that the plant weren't actually look too bad for losing its leaves. To take the leave, you simply twisted off the plant from the base like that and then just place it to the side . So we'll just take a couple of this little guy, just gently twist them off. And as you can see, he still looks fine without those little if you leave. So it's fine to take leaves from existing plants. Now, if you have a plant like this, basically what's happened is it's not gotten enough sun, so the last thing we want is for this plan to go to waste. So what we're going to do is take the leaves from the plant and then use those legs to create new plants. So again, what we're doing is we're starting from the bottom and we're twisting the leaves off. Never cut a leaf off because actually, when you twist the leaf, it takes everything it can from the stork in there. And if you cut them off, it's just you're not going to get the same results. So just work your way around, gently twisting the leaves and pulling them off. As you can see along the stork. A few of the leaves haven't come off him full, and you can just sort of see a little bit left on the stock Now, when that happens, there's a chance that they may not take for the propagation. So just a word of warning. Not every leaf is going to turn into a brand new succulent, so just nor that when you're doing this, you're going to have some some luck with it, and a few won't make it so. Always try and do more rather than less. Okay, so now that we've got our leaves off the plant. The next thing is to let them tell us over. So basically what we want to happen is for the ends that were attached to the plant to totally harden up. And the reason we do this is because if we don't let them callus over, what will happen is the leaf will probably just brought over when you place on the soil. So we want to find a nice, sunny spot in our house. I love using window sills, and all you need to do is pop you little babies up there and leave them there for between 3 to 5 to seven days. I can even be a bit impatient and do it after two days. Just check the edges of the leaf and make sure that they have hot and over. Here's a few different leaves that I prepared about four or five days ago. So as you can see, no, all of the leaves have done well. We've had a few that have rotted over. All this means is that when you took it from, or when I took it from the plant, it didn't take away the leaf, and sadly, it's rotted. So just get rid of any of the ones that have brought a Dari, but you probably won't be able to propagate them even around here. A couple some are just too small to use, and they start to rot. If you're Leaf is damaged like this, it's probably not going to take, so there's not much point using it. Now I'll show you an example of one that's Calisto over. So you know what to look for. This is what it tends to turn out like it sort of starts to harden and turn slightly brown . What that means is it's ready. Stop propagating it. So now that we've put out leaves ready, let's create our propagation station. 5. Setting Up Your Propogation Station: all right, So once you're leaves of cellist over, it's time to set them out. There's some three different approaches you can take. The first approach is simply to grab some succulents, chuck them on a pot and let them do that thing. So I'll just show you what I name. It really is simple just grabbing them, throwing them on your pot, spreading the man a little bit and just letting them do that thing. So basically, I'll just read right here. How important is that? This soil that you're using is really well draining because succulents don't like to have wet feet and their roots will not do well. If it's a sort of compact soil that's going to really hold that moisture. So a nice, good draining, soil like succulent premium, succulent mix that I suggested earlier. So here we have it. That's your option. One next option is to use an egg cotton. Like I said, people like to do this because Kate sold the root systems a bit different and separate. Basically, if you're doing something like this, all you're doing is setting one leaf, her export. Now you'll probably notice that I'm sitting the leaves this way up rather than this way up . Now the reason that we sit them like this is so that air can circulate between the soil and the bottom of the lake. This just sort of helps prevent them from rotting. The final way to display your succulent is using a bit more creativity and really sort of tapping into God. And basically, what you can do is create a living man dollar. Now, if you're not sure what a mandala is, it's from the ancient Tibetan and Indian practices it's closely associated with your ago. People traditionally draw man dollars as a form of meditation and getting into a sort of meditative state. I actually like to do this with succulent leaves. I find it really therapeutic and a nice stress for laid off, so I'll show you what I mean, and I really encourage you to give it a go, because as your succulents will grow, they'll actually start to grow into this pattern so there's no science or perfect way to do a mandala. The best thing about them is that it's just about what feels right and what looks good and what you think looks good may be completely different to someone else, so I just have a play around. All right, now that we've got outlays will set out. We need to find a nice place to let them stop growing. I recommend either. If you're outside, make sure it's a nice sheltered spot. The last thing you want is fuel leads to get swept away with the wind, which I have had happened. And it's so sad, so a nice sheltered spot. Keep them in the shade. The two little We can't let them be getting too much sun or we'll get sunburn and probably die. Alternatively, you can keep them inside in a nice sort of bright room that's not getting too much sort of afternoon sun. Just make sure there's an air circulation that get through to give them those optimum conditions. 6. Caring For Your Plants: when it comes to watering your succulents, I find the best way to do it is just with a nice spray bottle. Basically, when the soil is dry, just give them a bit of a spray. Then they'd be a bit gentle. If you're using lotta lays that you don't spray them away. Basically, what this does is it dampens soil, which encourages the routes to reach out towards the soil. Some people like to wait until the roots have actually started to show before watering them . That's an option. It really depends on your condition, so you can try watering some from the start and waiting for others to have their roots start to grow before you start watering them. And then basically it's the waiting game. So this is not a quick process, and I will warn you that probably up to 50% of your leaves will unfortunately not make it. But that's OK because with 3% of them will and I'll turn into beautiful little succulent. So this one here has been going for about two months Now. You can say that the growth is still really quite small. These ones are about a month old, and I'll point out a few things you'll start to see the leaves brought. Basically, the way that these succulent babies grow is that they take the nutrients from the mother leaf. And as you can see, that means that eventually the lake ful shrivel up and die with this one, for example. What's happened is that the route has started to dry out because it's not been covered by soil. So if you see this happen, dig a little hole and cover their his roots. Now, if the leaf comes off, that's not a problem. Some people actually choose to take the leaf off, but I actually prefer to just let it come off on its own. A Ford. So there we go. We profit off that route, which will give him a much better stop. So around here, this one, sadly, probably isn't going to make it. You can see he's already started to shrivel up and die, and that's okay. Honestly, Way have so many succulent lease that if they all took and we ended up growing them all, we'd end up with hundreds of thousands of succulent, so I'll show you another couple of examples of what to look out for. So this one here, you can see it's leaf is almost ready to come off. You can see this. Give it a little, see when I'm trying to pull it. It's not coming easy, so never force it. Just wait till it falls off. He has another one. Where the root, uh, they've come out from the soil. So again, just try and find ways to cover those roots back. This example here was actually a very basic man dollar to begin with, you can see it's gotten quite overgrown, but that's the fun of it. It just turns into this beautiful living piece of art. So here's some examples of them as they've been growing and a couple of things for you to look out for when you're growing your own succulent. So as I mentioned, you'll start to see some roots form and then a little baby succulent, and eventually that leaf that was the mother leaf will dry out and and fall off. So this is all part of the natural process of propagating succulents from leaves 7. Happy Planting!: thanks so much for joining me on this clause and learning how to grow succulents from ladies and to then take care of them. I'm really looking forward to seeing your own mandalas, your own egg cartons, whatever you decide to display a succulent in some place upload some photos and foot project gallery. I'm looking forward to singing those Thanks again for joining me and Filbert enrolling like other classes that I've got about gardening. If you'd like to learn more about how to garden in small spaces Thanks, guys and happy planting.