How To Get Motivated, Stay Motivated & Finish Projects On Time | Zachary Phillips | Skillshare

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How To Get Motivated, Stay Motivated & Finish Projects On Time

teacher avatar Zachary Phillips, Poet | Author | Mindset Coach & Mentor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Do What You Love


    • 3.

      Know Your Why


    • 4.

      Live By Your Values


    • 5.

      Use Social Proof


    • 6.

      Learn How You Learn


    • 7.

      Work In 45 Minute Blocks


    • 8.

      Set Goals


    • 9.

      Establish A Morning Routine


    • 10.

      Quick Tips


    • 11.

      Quick Recap & Resources


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About This Class

We all have goals that we would love to achieve, and tasks that we must accomplish. Unfortunately we often lack the motivation to begin, let alone to finish them.

Wouldn’t it be good to know some ways to boost your motivation levels, change your life so you’re motivated more often, and to be able to act without the need for motivation in the first place?

In this course you will learn just that. All you need to do (for the moment) is click play!

Contact Me:
Website: | Social @zacpphillips

Further Resources:

1) How To Get Your Sh!t Together - Zachary Phillips
- Ch 5.2: Live By Your Values
- Ch 4.2 Learn How To Learn

2) Core Values List

3) Skill Share Courses - Zachary Phillips
- How To Set Effective Goals
- Create A Killer Morning Routine

4) General Resources
- Psychological Warfare - Jocko Willink
- Greatest Hits - Fearless Motivation
- The War Of Art - Steven Pressfield

Meet Your Teacher

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Zachary Phillips

Poet | Author | Mindset Coach & Mentor


I am a poet, author, mental health advocate, and mindset coach. In these roles I have helped thousands of people move from a place of surviving to passionately thriving.

I am the author of 17 books, I am a qualified teacher, personal trainer, life long martial artist & coach, disability support worker, Reiki master, and I am currently studying a Master of Counselling.

My approach to teaching is to focus on what works for the individual. I recognize the importance of self-awareness, agency, and self-efficacy as vital components of learning. The teaching style used in my classes here reflects this.

I encourage my students to try everything, keep what works and discard the rest.

Social: @zacpphillips

See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: if you want to know how to stay motivated, encourage you to check out my latest skill share course. With the link down below, you'll get two months free access through that course and all of my other courses and every still shake cause it's up in available, so there's no reason not to. If you've got something you want to achieve a goal that you want to accomplish some hobbies , some desires, something that you want to get done. And you just can't find that motivation that this will be the course for you. It'll go over the best ways to stay motivated and also how to know if you're even heading down the right path in the first place, they might be the reason that you're unmotivated. This course will help you to stay motivated as well as to question if you're in the right path and then set you on the right path so that your life is one. That work becomes play because if you're playing you don't need motivation just doing it to check it out. Get the two months free access, enjoy 2. Do What You Love: So really, you shouldn't need this course. I suggest and I encourage and I coach that people only do things that they love. Right now, that's obviously a big, airy fairy, and we only to sort of bite through and get through and just sort of do the work for certain things. No matter if you've got the worst job or the perfect job, there's gonna be crap things that you need to do it right. We sometimes have to do stuff that we don't want to do that. We don't find fun. However, I think the general idea still holds. If you can move your life in general towards things that you want to be doing towards things that are fun towards things that inherently motivating, there's gonna be less need to just push through and drive. If you're having fun in life, then you just having fun. It's play If you can make your work and social life playful, you've won, however, and obviously this course will go deep into talking about what to do when you need that little bit of an extra kick. So let's get into 3. Know Your Why: The first thing is to know your why Why are you doing this thing? Whatever it is, whatever you're trying to do, what is the reason why? No, this applies to everything. But like you'll find it in work. How? How many times I've being told to do some random task and you don't know why. Specifically, you need to do it. And you just going through the motions, going through the motions and then someone like, Hey, the reason you need to do this is because And what you know why you like, Oh, now I get it. And you're so much more motivated just because of the fact you know why I find that's the case with much last training. The coaches that have had will be like do this drill practice like this. And they don't always say the reason why they know the reasons why they might think it's implied or they don't think you need to know or, you know, just follow the coaches or whatever. But if I don't know why I'm to do an exercise, I find it inherently unmotivated because what's the point? Why am I? Why am I putting my body under this stress. Why am I sweating so much when I close myself physical pain? But when they like, if you move like this, that unlocks of this move, all that that's good for this reason, it inherently increases. My motivation inherently makes me go. Okay, I'm doing this for a reason. If I just told you to put Timpson of your income aside, just put it over there. You're gonna be motivated. But if I'm like, we'll put 10% side and we put that 10% into a combination of property and stocks and, you know, high interest bearing accounts. And over time that will give you money back. You'll eventually be able to retire off it. You could be so much more motivated to give me that 10% because you know the reason why. And it's not just our You're gonna save money or you gonna you gonna get rich. It's specifically how Why and how. Why is this gonna work? Why you doing it? And how is it gonna work once you know that information your your your in a better place. So let's say you want motivation with your diet and the persons like okay, You need a cut out old bread. Now you can trust that person. You trust them based on their physicality on their degrees on the evidence from other people telling you they're good and if they like, cut bread out. But they don't tell you why when you see some breaking my like Oh, but I don't know why I'm to cut this out. Maybe a little bit of the okay, But I want to explain to you that wait and bread bakes down into the valley in turns into glucose. That's basically like you're eating sugar. Not as bad, but close enough. You like? OK, so if I eat bright, I'm effectively eating. Sure. And I know that sugar is bad. Do you see the connection that so Whatever it is, if you can deep down and dig down and find out why you're in a good place If you not sure ask your boss, Are should Kurdish ask you Take, ask your parents asked who? Well, tell me why I'm doing this. If you don't have to ask if it's more internal, step back and thinking create a why Why do you have to do this? Why are you doing this? Work out the why and head towards it and you'll be so much more motivated 4. Live By Your Values: make sure what you're doing aligns with your values. This is back to the first video. If you know what you value and what you're doing aligns with those values, you're gonna be more motivated to achieve it. So I talked about this in the gold sitting video. But there's an activity that I want you to try and put a link down below to my chapter of my book, How to Get Your Shit Together. Who, living by your values. But the exercises this click a link and you'll come up with maybe 2 to 400 just value statements like leadership and power or humility and family. What? Ah, whole bunch of statements and you go through and you circle the ones that you align with. Then you eliminate arrest and you do it again and again and again until you've got five left. Then you rank those five statements in order off what you value, and the idea is that you don't need to work out what you value, and then you start making better choices. So if you know that you value something, you can head towards those values and you'll find that staying motivated when you're doing something that sort of connects to you on a deep personal level is far easier than going down a different path. So if you find yourself going, okay, well, I value leadership. You're gonna be much more motivating doing the things that get you that higher authority. If you value time with your family, gonna be much more motivated doing the things that give you time. Both of those might result in you working hard, right? One for the promotion, one for the extra money so you can retire early and spend Tell me the family. What, however, you working out? But the idea is that if you know your why and if you know what you value in your core, you can set up your life to be going down those paths, right? And you'll find that when you're trying to be motivated. And you realized I came all this thing that I need to do what I'm trying to be motivated for his completely opposite to my values. That's the little Lambeau to go. Okay. And why is this actually from me? Is this job is this partner? Is this Jim is whatever is this hobby actually for me, so I actually want to do this. If it's a no, then you need to stop thinking about doing need to make a change, and that's okay. If you find that you're struggling to stay motivated, it might be that it could be multiple reasons. But one of those reasons could be that it doesn't align with your values. There are other reasons, for example, just energy levels, mental health, all that sort of stuff going to cover those. But a lot of the time what you're going forward doesn't quite align with your values. So I strongly encourage you to check it out of the gold setting video course that I did, because there's a lot of crossover between these two courses. 5. Use Social Proof: a great and simple way to stay motivated is through social proof. Tell people what you want to do. Tell people what you're going to do. Tell them to check up on you. Hey, guys, I'm gonna quit smoking. I'm gonna start an exercise program. I'm gonna join a gym. I'm going to start a business. I'm going to write a book. I'm gonna learn guitar, Whatever it is, tell people and tell them to check up on you. Right. We are creatures off habit, and we're creatures off consistency. We want to be consistent internally to externally. If I say you have, I'm going to do this and I don't do it. I feel bad internally. And that feeling of like in congruence is something we want to avoid. So if you say to the world Hey, I'm doing this and then you change it. You're gonna be more motivated. T just keep on that path. For example. I have quick sugar completely. I've told the world is I keep saying it. I don't eat sugar. I don't eat that dessert based stuff. Sleep fruit? No. Lots of stuff, but not like added sugars, refined sugars. If I tell a whole bunch of people that I tell you that. Tell the world that I put on social media. I say people in person and that amount to do that and someone offers me dessert and I'm like, OK of being tempted. But then my hang on, it'll be going against my goals and they'll know that I'm being contradictory in my wood isn't quite as solar as I would like it to be. A So is that in mind? Tell people and stick to it. 6. Learn How You Learn: if you're at school or at work, and you need do professional development. If you need to learn something, it's vital that you learned how you learn. We grow up thinking that the way we went to school, in the way the teachers presented the information to us. That's the only way to learn information. But that sort of one person here, you learning over their approach isn't necessarily the best approach. I'm gonna put a link to. My book, had a gay shit together, and it's called the chapter be called Learn How You Alone on the idea will be to give you a base understanding off the different approaches that you might loan. If you needing to find motivation, to study something, this is something for you to check out. Basic overview is this. Some people learn from talking. Some people learn from actually doing the thing. Some people might get information into the head by reading or watching documentaries or podcasts or talking right. The idea is that everyone's unique everyone's difference or how you learn will be doing to help island. So check out that chapter, have a look through, and if you're in that study, mode or you needing to go through a lot of sort of just rote learning stuff or any sort of learning figure out the way that you learn is that applying those lessons to you I know I was a teacher in a past life right high school teacher. I knew a kid who would recorders and he would right out and say in a voice recording all of the different things that he needed to learn for a test. And then he would go for a run and listened to it underpaid. That's how he got it into his mind. No, no, what he was doing, he took notes. That's one in duration of the learning. He wrote it down. That's a second like Let's have summarized it. That's the second duration. And then he listened to it, recorded it and listen to it. So that's like four iterations, at least if he only listens to it once, right? He's approached that knowledge 4 to 5 times, listening to me writing all that sort of stuff, right? Quite amazing. So no wonder it got in. But he found that that approach was the best approach for him to learn what approach works best for you. So, for example, for me with learning a language, I wanna learn how to speak Russian. I've tried multiple different approaches, tried textbook tried classes. I tried all these things and just wasn't getting in there. Approach Western me one. I listen to Russian music, getting those sounds in my ears. And two, I do an app five minutes every day in the morning as part of a morning ritual. That's what works with me. So I would encourage check out that chapter and work out the way that you learn best and some applying those lessons. 7. Work In 45 Minute Blocks: down a similar path in which schools sort of moral quite well. And what I apply to my life is if you've got multiple things that you need to get done, do you mean 45 minute blocks? Studies suggest that it around the 45 minutes to 60 minute mark we start losing the ability to focus and our ability to work Go down. Now, this is foot sort of tasks that you know, 100% happy doing the ones that you need that motivation to do. So pick maybe four tasks that you've got to do and do one for 45 minutes, then go to the next one, then go to the next one and they go to the next one every 45 minutes. Rotate around. So over a day you might get 2 to 3 rotations off that, and by the end of the day, you've spent an hour and 1/2 or more on each specific task. But not in a big chunk on what that does is it chips away at all of the different tasks, but it gives you interested because you're not doing the same task over and over and over again, just driving down and getting bored so I can see that putting things into 45 minute books and focusing on 2 to 4 tasks in a particular work session. 8. Set Goals: the previous course that I made was a goal setting course. Now I encourage you to connect and listen and watch that course because he is highly related to staying motivated. If you set yourself a goal, you are more likely to achieve it. So hit over to that course and take a listen. Now the basic summary is this. Work out how to set of goals, which I'll teach you. Write it up, put on your wall and look at it daily. And if you do that, if you set the goal, put it on your wall, look at it daily. You're far more likely to achieve it and to stay motivated. So I strongly encourage you to check out the gold sitting video to work at the best ways to set those goals. 9. Establish A Morning Routine: morning rituals. One of the cornerstones of my mental health. Working out what I time to wake up. And what I'm gonna do in the morning has really helped me to get my life in order. Because I know that when I wake up, I will meditate. Exercise. I'll do a Russian lesson. And I'll post something on social media for, you know, my online work that guarantees that if the rest of the day goes to shit, I'm able to get I know that I've gotten the base level of one away Want to get done in a day. Done. I'm happy, right? I've achieved something. Now, I've made a whole course on establishing a morning routine, so check that one out. But the point is, what on highlight to you if you're struggling to stay motivated or if you want to be motivated to do something, said the morning routine and put the thing in there that you are struggling with So a lot of people struggle with exercise. Put it in. You gotta wake up, get yourself a coffee, have a little snack and hit the gym he get for go for a walk, right? Do it every day, just a little bit. Stop small and then slowly grow big. So once again, I encourage you to check out the morning routine video that I've got up because it will help you stay motivated. And I can't stress it enough that morning routines vital like a very useful stools. Because in the morning, it's easy just to just sort of get up and go. OK, what am I going to do today? What am I going to get through? And rather than thinking about all these different things going broke down by anxiety or worry rumination all these sort of things What you gonna go? You go. OK, well, every morning I from waking for an hour or two hours. This is what I do and you just do that. And it's taking off those boxes. So I get my exercise, my meditation downtown. It's just ticked off. I'm done. I encourage you to consider that. Check out the course and get a morning retained in place 10. Quick Tips: a couple of quick tips to stay motivated. Start tracking yourself. Write down what you're doing each day. Okay? Track your progress. Track what you're reading. Track your spending, track your exercise, track your work habits. Track your your writing output to track how often you practice it right. If you track yourself, you can see where you're going and you'll know where you're at. When I was trying to establish a dialogue track and I'll write down what I'm doing and that kept me motivated to stay on my diet because I knew that if I ate something, pull right on my book and I have to look at that right. But the same approach can work for any goal, anything you're trying to stay motivated for, track how often you're doing it and stay true to yourself. Second thing is, is use external tools like in music, right? If you find something boring and having some music in the background helps do it, find music that gets you to a place that works. And I suppose the final thing here is is to be aware that sometimes your motivation will simply wine right. Sometimes you'll just have to go through the motions. In that sense, if you know your why, remember, we talked about finding your wife. I don't values if you know what you value. If you know your why of the Tusk. You might not have the motivation, but that, like you don't have the motivation in the moment. But that long term, distant overall motivation that deep level goal will help you to push through some mornings . I don't feel like exercise, but I've got a long term goal and I moved towards that, OK, To be aware that sometimes you will just have to push through and get it done. But if you know your why, you're far more motivated in that long term deep sense to do it. Also, consider delegating tasks. If you find yourself just not motivated by stuff, find someone who could do it for you, right? If you find that you don't like cleaning, but your apartment does get them to do the cleaning, right, rather than trying to push motivation down path that you just don't suit you, there are other ways. Now, if you're financially able to support it, the cleaning example you might hire a cleaner If you're in a business setting, you might hire someone to do specific tasks while you do other specific tasks tasks that you're inherently motivated to do. I try and do things that ah, fun that are enjoyable and delegate the rest. Why? Because people that I'm delegating it to like those tasks. So they were both working towards things. Now, obviously, on this course has covered how to be motivated to do task that you just can't delegate. You just don't want to do all that stuff. But where possible, give it to someone else. That's okay. Focus on what you can and what you want to do, and you'll find that overall, you'll be a lot, lot, lot more successful and family happy. 11. Quick Recap & Resources: I've got a couple of further resources if you want to dive deep into staying motivated. The first one is the war about by Steven Pressfield. This book is basically the best book if you've got a creative project that you want to stay motivated for, it talks about this concept of resistance and this is sort of overarching force that put all these different reasons in place to get you to not move towards your creative goals. It has helped me to get so much content out and just keep coming back to it whenever I've had data, I strongly recommend that you check out that book will put the links down below to these ones. The second one is Jacobian link psychological warfare. This is a spoken word. Audio files, basically a bunch of short files that get you motivated towards doing specific tasks. Highly, highly, highly recommend that. The next one is feelings, motivations, greatest hits. This is a motivational course that's like literally just got guys and girls basically saying to you, Hey, you're this, you're great, You're amazing, push it. You're, you're gonna be successful, all that sort of positivity stuff and listen to it at least once per week and just gives me that boost. Mostly gonna be able to give you a couple of chapters of my book category **** together. The first one, he's like I mentioned, Learning How to Learn so you can learn the best way that you can learn. And the second one is the live by your values chapter. The idea being that if you live by your values, you'll be able to move down that path and be inherently, intrinsically motivated. Links down below for all of those, check them out. Thanks for watching this course guys. You'll see up there it'll say give a review to this class. Please, please, please do so. It helps me to stay on point, stay going, stay motivated, helps me be motivated and keeps me knowing where I can improve in the course as you want. So let me know what you thought of this course. Let me know the sort of courses that you would like me to put it in the future and click the follow button so you get notifications of when I released my next courses. Remember if you want to stay motivated, the best way is to know your wife, figure out why you're doing it, and that will just give you this instant boost. There are all the little things that we talked about, tracking yourself and the social proof, goals, setting morning rituals, all that sort of stuff. But really if you know your why, your motivation levels will jump. Thanks for watching guys and stay tuned for more. It's been a pleasure.