How To Get Found Online - An Introduction to Digital Marketing | Laurie Wang | Skillshare

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Como ser encontrado online – Introdução ao marketing digital

teacher avatar Laurie Wang, YouTuber and Founder

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Por que marketing digital?


    • 3.

      Os principais canais de marketing digital


    • 4.

      Seu site e aplicativo


    • 5.

      Otimização para motores de busca (SEO)


    • 6.

      Estratégias de mídia social


    • 7.

      Estratégias de marketing de e-mail


    • 8.

      Estratégias de marketing de conteúdo


    • 9.

      Próximos passos - sua estratégia digital


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About This Class

A internet é o lugar mais popular para que as pessoas possam encontrar produtos e serviços. Como uma marca e como negócios, você quer estar lá, quando as pessoas procurarem por você.

Neste curso, vou mostrar as várias maneiras para ajudar você a encontrar online e atrair mais clientes e os clientes por sua presença digital:

Você aprenderá:

  • Como SEO, de marketing de pesquisa
  • Escolha as plataformas que são cruciais para seu negócio e personalize sua mensagem em plataformas
  • A importância de "blogs" e marketing de conteúdo
  • Criar conteúdo compartilhável para crescer e manter o público social engajado
  • Uma lista de verificação de fundamentos de SEO
  • Pesquisa paga (Adwords - de buds - tem o preço de de buscas - é certo para seu negócio?
  • Estudos de caso

Não é necessário software ou conhecimento anterior para este curso.

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Laurie Wang

YouTuber and Founder


Hi, my name is Laurie Wang. I'm an entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, and YouTube content creator.

Over the past 15 years, I've managed and scaled training and development programs at Google and Meta, managed multi-million dollar campaigns at global leading agencies and trained ambitious professionals and C-suites to build a personal brand that fuels their success in the digital world.

Since 2023, I have been a leading mindset, personal growth, and productivity content creator, sharing my evidence-based insights with over 120,000 global audiences, with more than 4 million views.

I look forward to have you join me on this your new journey in life and business. Here is to a more successful you!

You can find me through my YouTube channel, Instagram, LinkedIn and we... Visualizar o perfil completo

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Welcome to How To Get Found Online. Hi, I'm Laurie Wang. I'm a digital marketing consultant, trainer, and coach based in London. Previously,I worked with companies such as Google and Ogilvy, where I honed my skills in marketing and I am very passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise in digital marketing with others around the world. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter @iamlauriewang. You can also [inaudible] my website on, where you'll find more useful resources and free content to help you get started. Now, in this course, the learning objective is to familiarize yourself with the marketing funnel. Understanding growth marketing strategies, make data-based informed decision-making in your communications and understanding effective re-marketing and personalization techniques. So this is the agenda of the course. Number one, why do you need to be using digital marketing? Number two, what are the various digital marketing channels that you need to understand? Number three, how are you going to apply these to your business and your online brand? and number four taking action on next steps. 2. Why Digital Marketing?: So number one, why digital marketing? Let's take a look at the online market. Now, being great at marketing is harder than it was five years ago. It will definitely get harder in the years to come. There's a few reasons for this. Number one is the fragmented attention span. So this why I like to call, "Ain't nobody got time for that." The way I think about this is to think about how are people spending their time online these days. Now, we look at the most popular TV shows, let's say from the 1980s and the 1970s. The TV ratings were really high. Now ratings, as in how many percentage of the population of that country were watching these TV shows. It used to be super high because people are actually spending their time focused on watching television. That was their only digital channel that they can consume content at the time. Fast-forward to nowadays in the 2000s and beyond, we're seeing people spending time on multiple digital devices. Now, their attention span are very much fragmented across devices. For instance, you could be using your smartphone while you're watching TV, or you can you watching a YouTube video at the same time surfing through your social media channels. That means that people are not paying attention on one specific channel anymore. This is actually the breakdown by e-Marketer of the average time spent per day on different media channels with US adults in 2013 to 2018. Now we see that over time, television have actually decreased and starts to emerge on the same amount of time being spent on mobile devices. Mobile had made a huge jump from 2013 to 2018, almost by another hour spent per day. Also with radio and also prints, paper magazines and newspapers does it almost equal to the radio consuming time of average adults per day. That means mobile and TV are actually catching up to be almost equal. People are watching TV but the same time being on their smartphones and also consuming content on both channels. What we understand is that the second screen is now the first screen. People almost spending as much time watching TV as they're using their smartphones. There's a reason for this. Right? Because there's so many different apps to keep us busy, especially social media apps. Number two, there's now a massive competition for attention. Basically, with any social media channels, there's a combination of personal and business content on social media. Now, there's a reason for this, because for us, as individuals and as consumers, we're consuming content of both at the same time when we're scrolling through our social media feeds. That includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. So that business and personal surf had definitely merged over time. But that also means that content are actually competing for our attention span, especially against those from our family and friends, which we value more when we're consuming content on the social media platforms. That's something to keep in mind, as you're creating content for your business and your brand. Because you're actually competing against other people's families and friends, and how do you actually stand out. Number three, we are no longer living in a very private world. Now, before the digital channels came into play, when you actually go tell a friend about a place or when you go to a specific tourist destination, you will actually keep that to yourself and your own experiences and your memories. However, nowadays, we're seeing very much a public display of your memories and your experiences by sharing with others. A quick question to you to think about is how many you prefer customer service to actually call them on the phone versus sending them a message on social media? I don't know about you, but a last time that I had the issue. I just sent a direct message on Twitter to a specific company that I had issues with. That way they can solve it for me straight away. That's because we no longer have time to actually inquire and send these inquiries via the phone, because we don't have time to wait. We want answers right now, and that's what every consumer is feeling at the moment. Actually, when Facebook did the survey with their audiences, over 56% of people had said that they will send an angry social media rent when they have a problem or issue, instead of actually waiting for a phone call, or actually calling customer service. This is actually very important because the last thing you want to do is have angry customers sharing about your business and actually saying bad things about your business or your brand publicly on social media. Also there are review sites everywhere. These include Trustpilot, feefo, tripadvisor which is a big one for travel brands and also yelp. Where people can publicly share their opinions, their experiences, and the memories of a specific product or service that they had. Again, this makes the type of things that they share very public. Other potential customers and clients can read all about your business through these reviews. Actually, studies have shown that by 2020, customer service experience is actually more important than price. By you providing a seller customer service across your products and your services, you can actually be more competitive than those who are offering lower price than you in the marketplace. This is really important to remember, especially as we're now no longer living in the private world. But rather, we're looking to have customers raving about us across the Internet so that we can actually get more word of mouth referrals which will help your business and your brand grow. As a summary, there is a huge fragmentation of attention span. That means that people are actually distracted across different devices that they're currently using. There's also huge competition of business and personal content on social media feeds, which means that you have to create even more seller contents to compete against those from family and friends who are also vying for your potential customers attention. Lastly there is a huge expectation of customer services experience. That means that customers want their problems addressed right now. All these three factors makes marketing online even harder than it was five years ago. However, by knowing these three factors, you actually have a great foundation on how to address them across the different digital marketing channels that you will be using in your business. 3. The Main Digital Marketing Channels: Lesson two. What are the various digital channels? So let's take a look at the different digital channels and how they compare to traditional marketing channels, and how they're actually more beneficial for your brands and business. So I want to start by defining marketing in general. Now, this will offer everyone the same foundations that way you understand what marketing stands for before we start going onto digital marketing. So marketing is the process of promoting a product or service. It's also develop a demand based on the need. And it also aims to trigger an emotion in your potential customer and clients mind. Now, this is actually a really good way to think about the difference between marketing and sales, and not to mix them together as the same thing. So imagine you're playing in a football game and you're actually one of the players in the team. Now the marking team is actually the players who are passing around the football to each other, to actually supporting the team members to get it closer to the opposition's goal. And sales team are the ones actually going to make that goal happen. So essentially, marketing will help to prepare the customer in their journey towards making that sell. And here's a marketing funnel. Now, I want to go through the basis of this funnel because I want you to understand the difference in terms of layers of what you need to bring your customers down in the funnel in order to persuade them eventually to make that purchase. Now, the first layer is the awareness layer. This is where your audience actually understands more about you as a brand. So there are now aware of you and in terms of what you do. Now, the next layer is the interest layer. In this layer, people are actually understanding that they are interested in your product and services and they want to find out more. And after this layer is the consideration layer, this is where the audience is now considering potentially looking at your product and services versus the other competitors. And then the layer after this is intent. Now, this is where they have the intent to buy. They're showing the intent by actually actively researching the different products and services out there that are in your industry. And after this intent is evaluation. Now, they're evaluating your offer against those other offers and to see whether or not it's a good deal for them. And after this is the purchase layer. This is where the customer will actually make that purchase decision right there and then. So here's some the good old fashioned marketing channels. On the left-hand side, we have the telemarketers who used to call you in the old days and they would try to sell you a product or service. And next to it is the print, which is adverts being put into newspapers and magazines where people are exposed to your brand. So, they're more aware of you and potentially buy from you when they're considering products and services in your area. And next to that is mass broadcasts. So this includes TV and radio adverts, where people are actually sitting next to television or the radio to actually consume television shows and radio shows. And in between those, you had adverts being shown to those potential consumers. And now they're more aware your brand, because they heard or seen you on TV and radio. And lastly is a direct mail. This is where brands and businesses will send promotional letters to their audience's mailboxes. So these are actually good old-fashioned marketing channels, some of which are still being used today. However, I want to show you guys the difference now with regards to digital marketing versus traditional marketing channels. So digital marketing is the process of promoting a product or service via electronic media. And I know this must sound really strange to you might be scratching your head and thinking what is this electronic media? Let me show you what that means now. So actually, the marketing world, especially digital marketing, is huge space. As you can see of the different type of brands are out there that are currently operating in this space for different software and different type of things that you can use. However, to think about digital marketing in a very simple way, is the best way to start because you don't want to overwhelm yourself with too many different options. What you want to do is actually understand the different channels that are out there and how to make these channels work for you before you dive into the details of each channel. Now, it can also be very inexpensive. The reason why I say this is because when it comes to traditional marketing channels, like newspaper ads, TV ads and radio ads, you used to that spend tens and thousands of $ in order to have your ads being shown to your audience. Nowadays, with digital marketing channels, you can actually start showing your ads to your audience from as little as a few $ a day. Now, that's impressive because the amount of people that you can reach with a small budget and the same time it's democratized the platforms for everyone. Another great thing about this is that you actually have more access to data. That means that you actually see which channels working better for you as a brand and business and be able to see where to put more marketing budget behind in order to make the most return on these platforms. And that is so much better than before where with traditional marketing channels, you won't be able to see which ads actually made your audience take action on the back of ads because you contract them. For instance, you cannot track, let's say someone seen billboard on a highway before eventually coming to your store or your online business in order to make that sale. Whereas with everything online, you can track starting from the moment someone have seen your ad all the way to the moment that they have made the purchase. Now, I know there are a lot of marketing channels out there and it might feel like very overwhelming, because when you first start out, it feels like there's so many different options what can I do and where can I start? Don't worry, this is what this course is all about. You'll be able to understand the foundations of these channels and the basics of how to use them from the start. Now, these are digital marketing channels that we'll be talking about in this course. So you have search engine optimization, social media, paid search, email marketing, content marketing, and also your website or your app. And these are the ones where we'll go into more detail to go through each one so that way you understand the basics of what they are and also how to start using them. But in the meantime, this to give you guys a good overview of what these channels are. 4. Your Website & App: Now in Lesson 3 and 4, we'll be looking at how are you going to be using these channels, and we'll putting our thinking hats on, and actually applying these in a real-world example. I hope that you find this helpful, especially now seeing this in a more contextual way. Now, we're going to use a brand called HelloFresh, and they're actually my favorite brands in London where I can order these pre-made ingredient boxes, where I can use to cook dinner and lunch, and whatever meal that I use it for. That way I don't want to think about buying specific ingredients and having to go city market and do that. Here they actually package all the proportion ingredients that you need to cook deliciously week recipes and deliver to your door as well, which makes it super easy, so that their business proposition. This is actually on their website where they actually have this copy that tells their customer exactly what they stand for and also what they're offering. In this case, we'll start looking at their website to start evaluating how they're using this particular channel. On this website, when you first come here, you will see that on the top, they're asking for your e-mail address in order to have their potential audience, keep up to date with delicious recipes, offers, and news that could be sent in their inbox. It's a great way to capture those audiences that are at your website before they leave. Now over 80 percent of website traffic do not actually come back to the same website, again. That means that if you can actually capture this information from your audience, it's very helpful. It was a great thing to have on the website there to get an e-mail newsletter and start collecting e-mail addresses. Also on the rest of the website, we see that it has the top layer menus, which makes it very easy for someone to come on the site to actually start looking for the content of the website, and also there's an area where on the main header, you have View Our Boxes under Dinner is Solved. This is where people can start looking at recipes and start ordering straight away. The key thing with website is that you want to think about, what's your main objective when it comes to someone coming to your website the first time. Now, with HelloFresh, because their brand is all about getting people to start using them to start buying their boxes, they wanted to view their boxes and start ordering them. That is our main objective. Now, the issue with website is that there's also so many screens and they're very different experiences on different screens. You can have a mobile screen, you can have a tablet, you could have a laptop, and when you're on different screens, that means that you want to give people a really great experience on that screen size no matter where they are. On the left-hand side on the top, that's actually on a laptop PC screen. This where you see the website being shown in a very much a horizontal manner and the website content laid out nicely as well. Underneath it is actually a tablet version. This is where the tablet will be showing the website a bit more shorter. Now you're seeing it in a more portrait format instead of landscape on the top. But also you see how some the menus have actually collapse in. That way you're showing less on the top menu, but people can actually click to see more. This way, it doesn't actually just store any content that makes it very easy to look at as well from a consumer perspective. On the right-hand side, is actually the same exact website on a mobile screen. When I'm on a mobile to look at the same website, this is what it looks like. The reason for this is because so many websites now are being viewed on a mobile screen, and you want to make sure that your websites are optimized for mobile from the start. People are actually more optimized for mobile now than ever, because a lot of times when we're on the go, we have our mobile devices rather than being near a PC or a laptop. You want to make sure that your website looks stellar on a mobile format, and that's actually optimized for a small screen, and here's the data where in December 2017, eMarketer actually did research that 78.9 percent users actually view the website on a mobile globally. That's a huge percentage and you want to make sure your website is mobile first. One thing right now to do as an action point is to check, is your website optimized for mobile devices and also other devices? You can just load them onto your mobile or on your iPad or whatever it might be, so you can test your website on different sizes or you can simply just resize your window that you're using your Internet service on. Then beam to see how it looks on different screens. Chrome, by the way, is a great way to do this, and also you want to check how long does it take to load your website. The reason why you want to make sure your website takes shorter amount of time to actually load is because the longer it takes load, especially on mobile, the less people have the attention span or the patience to wait for it to load. Let's say you have a lot of different content that might be large images and large size files, that takes a long time for the mobile device to load the website, you will lose lot of visitors coming to your website for the very first time. It's a really important one to check as well. Now, there's actually a great website that you can use to test your website speed and also other things with regards to the layout. You can just go to Now, depending on the country that you're in, you can just Google "Test my site" and this should bring up this site that's relevant to your country. But the ones I provided here is actually relevant to the UK. Feel free to just Google "Test my site" and you will see it right there. 5. Search Engine Optimization: Now we'll be looking at digital marketing channels within search engine optimization and also paid search. The reason why I group these two together is that search engine optimization is actually a free form on marketing, where you can use it in a very strategic way to do it for free, and then paid search is actually the paid version of this, where you can be paid to be found online when people are searching for something. We'll go through the details now. Now in this example for HelloFresh, if we were to google the word food delivery, now we see two different type of search results on Google. On the top level is actually the paid search ads. You see how there's actually a little green box where it says ad and next to it is the actual link that HelloFresh has paid for the ad itself. In this case, we see that fresh food box delivery was their ad copy and next to it is, hello fresh 50 percent of two boxes. This is the way to that the potential consumer know that when you search for food delivery, there's an option for a fresh food box delivery from HelloFresh. They actually bid pretty high in terms of the search results, so they're actually ranked number 1. Underneath that ad section, you see how there is this another search result called London Food delivery, Restaurants near me, Uber Eats. In this case, Uber Eats, which is HelloFresh' competitor, actually ranked number 1 for this food delivery result. Now, that means that clearly, HelloFresh has to do some more work in order to compete with Uber Eats. But I want use this as an example to show you what it looks like when it comes to paid search and also search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a free version on marketing where if you use it in the right way, you can show up top in terms of the search results without having to pay for it. And then paid search ads are those that you pay for in order to show top of the search results. The way to think about search engine optimization and also paid search ads is what keywords are your potential customers typing into Google or other search engines? This is a great place to start because if you know what keywords they're typing, then these are the keywords that you want to target as a start. Now a great tool to use this with is called the Google Keyword Planner. When you go onto this tool, you can actually search for the useful keywords that people are currently using to find the search results that you want to be listed for. And therefore, you can start targeting those keywords on your website that way you can get found organically by people who are typing these words. The other way is to actually buy ads based on these keywords so that when you show up for the search results. Another great tool that you want to incorporate is the Google Webmaster Tools. Now, this Webmaster Tool will tell you what people are searching for when they're coming to your website. Let's say a specific keyword got you a really great results and you're getting lots of search traffic on the back of that, then you can actually find out through Google Webmaster Tools on which potential keywords you actually have done to create that traffic source. Now here are my tips on SEO, search engine optimization, and how to use it better. You want to make sure you're creating user friendly content. That means that it's not stuff full of keywords and also didn't have a lot of hidden texts and links. But also you want to have a simple URL structure, meaning that you want to have something like, rather than and things like that. Because that's not friendly for search engine to find your content. Lastly, you will also avoid duplicate pages and content because that's a red flag. 6. Social Media Strategies: Next, we will look at social media and how to use this within your digital marketing channel combination. So here on the left-hand side is HelloFresh's Instagram accounts. In this case, HelloFresh have clearly laid out their approval image, which is their logo. They have a range of different Instagram stories highlights that you can tap into to find out more. I like the way they've organized content on their website. So you have HelloFresh moments, menu, community, and blog. Also, they have a whole entire collection of images and videos on the back of their brand. Now, on the right-hand side is their Twitter account. Here they use it as a way to highlight some of the different competitions they have, the updates. So, in this case, the company is doing a really fun competition where one food-loving applicant will be paid 600 pounds to test out their brand new family recipes. So another great way to get people involved in the process, and because their entire business is based on recipes, this makes a lot of sense. Now, Deliveroo is a food delivery service. They are not a direct competitor to HelloFresh, but I want to show you another version of what social media accounts can be used for. So Deliveroo is actually very strong on social media, especially Instagram, because they have a clear brand definition and also very clear brand, look and feel. So in this case, we go straight to their Instagram account, you see that they do majority videos, which are very enticing when it comes to different things of showcasing like a really nice looking burger, or really nice-looking egg on toast. But what they also have is a very clear imagery and also very, very bright colors. That's exactly what they are as a brand. So when it comes to their social media accounts, you get a very consistent look and feel and experience as a consumer. This is how you build that like, know and trust factor over time with your audience. In this course, unfortunately, we won't go into the details of using social media specifically. However, if you want to find out more about that on my website, Laurie, there's actually a free seven-day social media email course that you can sign up for to find out more how to use these different channels in a very effective way. So in this combination, digital marketing, social media is one of the key channels for sure. I want you to think about this in a very creative way, and how to integrate social media in terms of what you do on your online marketing channels. Now, here are my overview of tips on social media. However, like I mentioned earlier, if you want more tips on this, there's actually a free email course on my website. When you go to Laurie, or you can go to Laurie, and you'll be able to sign up for the email course there. So first of all, you want to understand your demographic. Who are you actually speaking to? By knowing this clearly, then you know why you should be using social media and not on every single platform. Because by using every single platform, I guarantee that that's where you've actually burn out. Because there's no enough time of the day to create content for every single platform out there and actually, your target audience is probably not on every single platform anyway. Second, you want to choose two, three maximum. So that you can manage those social media channels effectively and start creating content that makes sense for those audiences, you will also create high-quality content, and think about when is the best time to post, because you want to make sure that's when your audiences are online and actually going to be seeing them as well. Another great thing to try is on social, you can now do a live content and behind the scenes content, and people love having little [inaudible] in terms of what you do in your brand or your business. So don't be afraid to showcase some of those as well. Lastly, when you collaborate influencers, that is where you get the lasting results by leveraging influences that people have really built with their own audience. So if you actually aligned with the right ones and creating a win-win situation on both sides and making sure they're also getting compensated for their efforts. This could be also very effective format on marketing too. 7. Email Marketing Strategies: Now we're going to be looking at email marketing and how this will be integrated into your digital marketing channels as well. This is self as another marketing channel, that you can leverage to reach your audiences in a very effective way. Remember earlier I said on the Hello Fresh website, a really great way to start is to make sure you capture those emails of audiences coming to your website for the very first time. Here is actually an example of what Deliveroo, have sent out to their email subscribers, in terms of useful content in the email format, but their subscribers would enjoy. This week, in their email they said, you could win the trip of a lifetime for two to Mexico, order from restaurants marked with the win a 'Taste tour' tag and if you find a delivery passport in your order, you've won. Which is basically going to Tulum for free, and he says here we come. Underneath that there is a call to action button called order now for a chance to win. Another email that was great coming from a brand called Tortilla, is that they created a recipe guide on how to make the best guacamole. Clearly for a subscriber to Tortilla, which is a Mexican joint in London; they're interested in cooking Mexican, at one-point at home as well. The guacamole is not the easiest thing to get right, I have to be honest. In this case, by giving someone a really nice mental recipe, that they can print out; it makes a really useful piece of content that their audience would enjoy and most likely will stay a email subscriber at that way too. I hope that these two examples, give you some inspiration on what you can send out to your audience, on your email newsletter. Once you start building that email subscriber list, then you can think about the content that they would enjoy, that they will find useful when you send it to them, and they want to stay email subscriber overtime too. Email lists are also very effective, in the sense that you actually own this list of people, that you currently create content for. That means that every time you send an email out, every single person will receive an email from you. Whether or not they opened that email, is a different question and that's really a factor of how you create really engaging headlines in your email. But that's for a different course, however, in this lesson, I want you to think about how to start capturing emails on your website or your app, etc. Also, how you start sending out useful content that's entertaining and enlightening to your audience. Few great apps here that you can use for your emails. I like MailChimp because it's a great way to get started for free and I believe you can, you can still have a list of thousands subscribers on here without having to pay for monthly plan. So it's great. I always say in the beginning, start with easy, start with free, because then you can work your way up to more complicated apps, as you get yourself familiar with these different channels. Zapier is a great one because you can use this to integrate so many different platforms that you have, and if you currently have email subscriber box on your website, for example, you can use Zapier to make sure those are connected to your MailChimp service and Constant Contact is another one to look into, but highly recommend Mail Chimp to get started. Here's some of my top-level tips on email marketing that you can start auctioning straight away. First of all, I want you to create useful content on a regular basis, and then using your email to send out these to your audiences. Make sure that, actually cultivate that relationship with your audience before asking for a sell on your product or services. The reason why I say this, because you want to build that Like, Know and Trust factor with your audience over time, and they're creating a useful content that you can engage with them on a regular basis. That is how you build that over time. Also you want to encourage them to sign up to your email newsletter, on different channels that you are currently on. That way you can collect all these audiences, as audience that you own, rather than audience that you borrow. For instance, on social media where you have to pay, to actually be shown on different platforms. You want to make it as easy as possible for yourself, to make sure you remember to automate as many things as possible. I want you to reflect in your own business or brand. Do you currently capture emails of your audience? If so, how are you doing that right now? If not where can you incorporate this, onto your online websites or apps that you can start to collect email addresses from your audience from today? 8. Content Marketing Strategies: Great. Now, we're onto the last digital marketing channel. Which is all about content marketing. Now, before I go into details of content marketing, don't worry, it's actually a lot simpler than you think. But the execution is where it's most important. You want to make sure you execute this as often as possible that you have time for so that way your audience will know more about you over time. Content marketing starts with creating engaging content. Now, in this case, I used Deliveroo as an example for they actually have a really useful food blog. It's called food scene and here, they have listed an article called top foods trends for 2018 as predicted by our global teammates on Deliveroo. Now, as a foodie and also being a potential customer of theirs, this is something that's actually very useful to me and also very interesting. Of course, I want to know what the food trends are for 2018 and also, I'm really into the latest and the hottest food trends, right. I want to try different kind of food items that are out there in the restaurants of London. Now, this is the data for you that I think is really interesting. 72% of marketers said relevant content creation is the best SEO tactic as well. So SEO again stands for search engine optimization. In this case, by using relevant content creation that your audience find useful, that is how you actually create that search engine optimization strategy that works well for your website and your brand. Because that's when they're searching for information that's relating to what they're looking for to your product and services, and that's how they become aware of who you are, and ultimately, as they find out, eventually my turn to a potential customer or client. 9. Next Steps - Your Digital Strategy: Now, in this lesson we're going to go through the next steps and action points that you can start to leverage from the knowledge that you gained from this entire course. Obviously, this course is a very much a foundational level course. However, I hope that it gave you a really good overview of what's currently out there in terms of digital marketing channels, and how to start thinking about using a combination of them in your business and brand. This is a common digital marketing strategy journey. What you do is you want to set objectives in the beginning so for example, your objective could be, "I want to grow my email subscribers and also my website traffic." That could be your objective. Now, at the end of the year, you can then check into the objective by using your KPIs. This is where we define KPIs and KPIs are basic Key Performance Indicators. These are things that are quantifiable type of objectives that you can check in with. In this case it could be I want to grow my email subscribers to a thousand people let's say. Or the other thing on the website traffic could be, I want to have at least a thousand visitors a month to my website. So this way you can then check in on whether or not you fulfill this KPI by the end of the year. Now after that, you want to design the tactics into your marketing plan. In this case, it could be you want to employ using Search Engine Optimization. You want to use some Paid Search. These will actually helps you increase your website traffic for example and at the same time for those website visitors when they're on your web site, they might sign up for your email newsletter as well. In this case, you potentially could increase your email subscribers too and these are your tactics. Then you're going to be executing your campaign so this is when you start to execute it by start creating the different type of campaigns for your marketing. It could be you start a Paid Search campaign where you start targeting different keywords that people can use to come to your website when they're searching for. Or you can then target different keywords in your content where you're writing blog posts about it and people are actually coming to your website that way as well. Then after that, you want to measure your outcomes as in how successful was your campaign by seeing how many people came to your website on a monthly basis and how many people signed up for your newsletter on a monthly basis. Lastly, you want to optimize for good results so in this case, let's say your Paid Search campaigns did really well, then in that case, you can then start to increase more marketing dollars on those campaigns to make sure you get more return of that channel. Here's an overview of what I said earlier about different kinds of objectives that you can have on your website, on your email subscribers, and also increasing your leads coming in as customers or clients. You can say things like increase leads by 10 percent by summer 2018 for example, increase traffic by 25 percent to your website by August 2019, increase email subscribers by 30 percent by February 2019. So these are actually very quantifiable successes that you can check in with. Here's an overview of what that looks like again in case you need a review, and that's in this lesson. Any questions, please let me know. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @iamlauriewang. You can also email me at, and lastly, remember you can come to my website to find out the different free resources that you can sign up for. There's a free 7-day social media email training course. There's also a free Instagram Tweetsheet that you can download. The free email course for Social media is and the Instagram TweetSheet is Fantastic. I hope you found that useful. Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful day and a wonderful week. I'll see you next time.