1. Introduction: Hello and welcome to book formatting with me, Dez Richards. This is a learning course where I will be taking you through the know hows and all of the ins and outs of basic formatting. Self publishing could be a difficult task if you don't know where to start. And this is especially true when it comes to design, because after all, first impressions do matter and you want a while your readers with professional and stylistic design choices. This course with an ink stain tutorials will equip you with fast and easy rules, templates and guides to make your paperback stand out. While it is a beginner level class, I will also be touching on fundamental design tools, therefore creating a rubric for any other books you planted format in the future. Like a project this grand as an anthology or something more personal, like a memoir, download and openness of files access to course materials, you'll find the full text of the book will be working with a few J pegs and the fonts needed to follow along and each class. Finally, this course was created with every kind of author in mind. I'm excited to teaching you amazing things, so I hope you're excited to learn that. Cook over to the first class and let's get started.
2. Creating Templates in Word: hello and welcome to class number one in the ink stain formatting tutorials for Microsoft Word. This course is ideal for authors and designers who may be working on a budget and would prefer to utilize Microsoft Word to get their book formatting done, especially since word it's a software most people already have downloaded to their Macs or PCs. Now we're definitely has its advantages and disadvantages when compared to Adobe in design . But it's still a reliable tool and justice easy to use as in design in summary, where it is mostly used as a writing app. It's great for writing your novels, contracts, homework assignments in a bunch of other things that fit into office life, which means there are limitations to image formatting, quality and tax effects. An APP like Adobe in Design caters more to professional design elements since his program to be used by larger printers. But I'll be showing you several set up methods but are still efficient and making your books stand out. I have my Microsoft word app opened up here on my Mac. The layout of mine may look different than yours, depending on the version or year you're using I believe I'm working on. The latest version of the nifty thing about these app updates is that they don't usually remove features. They just switch up their placements. So while I have tabs along the top, you may not have any where they may be in a different order. For that reason, if I'm ever using a tool and you don't know where to find it, you can move up to help. And in the search bar there, you can type in a tool like word count, and word will help you find where it iss. We're going to begin by creating a template for this project. This is just a new blank document, but let's go to file and down to page set up the window that opens up should look a little like this. If you're in America, your word at maybe set with the standard 8.5 by 11 otherwise known as U. S. Letter. If you're in another part of the world, you may see a five or a four, but that's OK because we're actually going to change it. The closest trim size to a traditionally published novel is 5.25 by eight I found that the text just fits really well on the pages, and the book isn't too small, too big or too narrow. That trim size isn't listed here. Those So we're going to create the customization, go to manage custom sizes and then hit the plus key Toe added in title it 5.25 By eat, we're going to apply a general rule when typing in paper size. Always add 0.1 to fire to the whip endpoint to five to the height. This is true for all trim sizes, including six by 9 5.5 by 8.5 or five by eight. This creates an extra cushion of room for the printer to cut the pages along the correct margins, also known as the page bleed. Let's set the top left and bottom areas at 80.75 and then we'll set the right at 0.5. This is how you always want to set the areas in page set up for every book trim size as well. And once that's done, we can hit okay, and then okay, again, as you can see now, the size of our page has changed, and we've successfully created a template for the 5.25 by eight trim size. There are still some modifications we need to make to the margins. To do this. Let's go up to format document in the margins tab. Let's set the numbers similar to how we set the page. Areas and page set up so top and bottom should be 0.75. The inside will be 0.65 and the right should be 0.5. Then the gutter will be 0.13. The top and bottom margins will always remain 0.75 no matter the trim size, but you're inciting. Gutter margins may change depending on your overall page count. You can check Amazon KDP's paperback submission guidelines to help you set your margins accordingly. But for this example, these margins work really great. Also, keep in mind that my word app is pre programmed to use inches. Yours may be working with centimeters or something different, so you can add I n for inches right after your numbers to make sure your sizing is correct , Let's skip down to multiple pages and select mirror pages. This creates a standard book layout with our gutter in the middle, the gutters where the spine of the book would be glued to keep the pages of the book together, Which is why we want a bit of space there so our body text doesn't get lost in the fold. Selecting mirror pages automatically puts our gutters to the left, so let's apply this to the whole document. Then switch to the layout tab here will set the section at New Page and the headers and footers at 0.35 the layout at top. And just like in the previous tab, we're going to apply this to the whole document once that's done. Hit. Okay, you may not notice a dramatic change since we don't have any body text right now, but our changes will be noticeable once we actually start formatting. So let's finish creating this template now that our page size is good to go and our margins are locked in, well, finally need to add our headers and footers to the page. Let's start with the footers. Double click at the bottom of the page to open up that portion of the document. Then let's turn on our hitting characters so that we get a good look at the formatting changes we make. I always recommend writing and formatting with your hitting characters turned on. Just so catching inconsistencies is made easier. Next move to the insert tab, where you'll find the page numbers tool. I prefer to set the page numbers in the center of the page. Since it's the first place where readers look, it's just more noticeable for this template. This also select show number on first page and then hit. Okay, the page number appears in a text box for me, but it may not for you, but regardless, there should be a number one now at the bottom of the page. If it's not centered, you can hit the center alignment tool in the control panel, select the number and bring the sizing down to 10. Then change the font to teeter already provided in the course files folder. Next, move to the headers and type in title. The first pages a right page, meaning it falls on the front side of a page one, flipping through a book and not the backside. As a general rule, you want this title of the book to be on the right pages and the author's name to be on the left, some of the text 12 point size and said to the same thought. Then make sure you hit different, odd and even pages. Double click out of the headers and footers area, and you'll see that our first page is good to go. The last thing we need to do before we save and finalize this template is to make sure our following pages replicate this formatting rubric we've set up here. So let's add another page. To do that, we'll need to add a page break from the layout tab. The common misconception is that you should be choosing the actual page break tool for this section, but that actually confuses your headers and footers in the long run where have use this page break like a page jump. Technically, you're pushing the text to a new page, but you're not truly setting a new section to start a chapter or two. Add more information. The correct break you always want to use is next page. Break with our hidden characters. Turn on. You can actually see where the brake is on the next page, you may also see that while our page number transferred over our header did not. That's because we turned on the different odd and even pages, and we actually have to manually type it in, double click back into the headers and footers area and type in a name. Apply the same formatting of center, 12 point and the teeter front. Make sure your page number is formatted accordingly as well. Then double click out of the headers and footers area one more time and then add a second page break to preview the third page. If you followed all the steps carefully, your third page should be identical to your first page, which is exactly what we want. And if we were to add 1/4 page, it should look like the second page. Finally, if all your spreads look like mine, then you've successfully created your 5.25 by eight paperback template to save it. We're going to go up to file save as or command s on Mac or control s on Windows. Save it as 5.25 by eight underscored template. I'm going to save my template to my desktop, since it's easy to find, but feel free to save yours wherever you think is best. And the last important step is to choose the Word 97 2004 template format, also known as Dodd D O. T. If, for some reason you don't have this format listed dot goc work fine as well. The point of this template is the speed of the formatting process of a manuscript. Text can be copied and pasted right into these pages, and you can breeze through the rest of the steps without having to set up your margins or page size again. Think of it as a short cut had saved, and then you've completed the first class in the ink stain formatting course. When you're ready, jump over to Class Number two, where I'll be showing you how to create an apply textiles to make formatting and Microsoft Word even easier.
3. Essential Text Setup: Hello and welcome to class number two in the ink stain formatting tutorials for Microsoft Word in Class number one, you learn how to probably create a template from scratch to make copying and pasting in your manuscript and easier tax. But for this class, I'll be showing you how to apply the template toe a manuscript already open in Microsoft Word and then had a format the text using a few key styles. The Jane Eyre manuscript from the Course Files folder is open here, and the paper sizing is set to the standard 8.5 by 11 which is typical for unformed, matted manuscript. Since what most editors require, we're sticking with our chosen size of 5.25 by eight. But instead of typing in all the measurements again, we can select Oliver body text by hitting Command A on Mac or control A on Windows. Then go to file page set up from the paper size drop down menu. Choose the template we've already made, then hit Okay. This automatically changes the entire document to the sizing we need for this particular book. So let's go ahead and quickly change our margins again. go up to format document in the margins tab top and bottom should be 0.75 inside, set to 0.65 outside 2.5 and gutter 2.13. Mayor margins and apply to a whole document switching over to the layout tab. Our headers and footers should be 0.35 inches away from the edge of the pages. Our section should always begin on a new page in our alignment at the top applied the whole document, then hit. Okay, the change should be noticeable right away. If it isn't returned to the document formatting window to double check your measurements. Now that that's done will need to move on to formatting our text. When it comes to font. A serif font is always best for a novel to ensure the readability of your book. If your lines of tucks are too close together or too far apart, your audience may struggle to keep inflow The story you're telling or if you choose something like a script font that has to integrate character letters, your audience may not be able to read your words at all. For this reason, I always adjust Sarah Fonz like Adobe Gear Monde Adobe, Kazon, Dante, Center, Rambo, Chris Iban. You don't want to go with a Sir font like times New Roman. Since that's been standardised for newspapers, essays and articles. It's two uniformed for something like a well designed novel, which is why we're going to be using the crimson font provided in the course Files folder. Then let's change everything to the Crimson Font and set the font size to 11. As a general rule, you don't want to go any lower than 11.5 for any higher than 12 or 12.42 especially for bigger trim. Size is sometimes 11.42 works great as well. But since this trim size is on the smaller side, 11 point font works best. Something else and note is that the crimson font comes in different styles. There's a Roman, which is what we're using now, and there's italics, semi bold, semi bold, italic, bold and then bold italics. Not all funds come with this many styles, so it's important to note before you purchase or download any fonts you plan to use, because if a font doesn't have in italics or bold style and you choose to embolden and I tele sized text using the control panel, you're technically forcing the fun into a style that isn't natural to its settings. For instance, I only have the regular style of this font teacher. If I change some text to this font and try to italicize it, you can see that the font looks like it's being forced to lean back versus a natural italics like this. Of course, this portion of text will look better while italicized because I have the italics style of the crimson font downloaded to my computer, and I don't have the one for Teeter. This is important to keep in mind, because book printers like Amazon KDP need to be able to recognize all fonts embedded in the document and forcing bonds outside of what they're designed to do. Because a lot of problems when you're uploading your manuscript, we'll talk a little bit more about that in class number five. So let's continue. I'm going to press Command Z on my keyboard a few times to undo the changes I made to the font here. If you're on Windows, you can use Control Z. This is our fast track to the undo option. Of course, you can always undo an action by coming up to your control panels we're going to edit in the top menu. Now that our front has been changed, we can adjust the line spacing and body text alignment line spacing can be adjusted in the home tab under the control panel. I typically like to stick to 1.5 spacing or single spacing. But since the crimson font naturally has wide lines, single spacing, it's probably best for this document again. We don't want lines too far apart or too close together, and this will change depending on what font you use, so be sure to monitor each manuscript differently. However, you should never need to choose anything beyond 1.5 spacing. Instead of just selecting the single spacing in the drop down menu, let's actually hit, command or control A to select Oliver taxed and then return to line spacing options. Since there are a few things we need to do in this window, our alignment will be justified and outline level will be body text for the indent choose first line, and by 0.25 you can then turn off any options that may be listed below and then spacing set to single in the lining breaks tab on Lee. Check Mark widow and orphan control and don't hyphenate widows and orphans occur when one word falls at the end of a paragraph on a line by itself, we're at the top of a new page by itself. I'll explain this a little more later, but we'll definitely want minimal widows and orphans in the final format, so we'll turn the control on. We also don't want our words unreasonably hyphenated if they don't need to be. That's an old practice used to keep long words within a books margin. But modern technology within word allows us to control that sort of thing without cutting words in half. Once you hit okay, you should see the change to all the body text. Next, let's quickly add in our headers and footers again. Double click the bottom or top of the first page to open up that section, then go to the insert tab. Page numbers center show number on first page, your page number may end up having the 0.25 in Dent. We applied to the body text to remove it. Make sure you have your document ruler in view. If you don't see it at the top, go up to view and make sure Ruler is checked. The ruler currently indicates the 0.25 in Dent on the page numbers. The top slider represents your first line in Dent, and the bottom ones represent your love margin and left indent to completely center. The page number lets just slide our first line in Dent back to meet the other sliders, and this change will affect all the other page numbers as well. The most format it to the teeter front at Size 10. Then in the headers, we can type title, since the title header always goes on, the right page is 12 point front and teeter as well. Unlike with our page numbers, let's make sure our in depth is removed and then add name to the header on the second page , making sure that different odd and even pages is selected. And that's it. We have turned a 8.5 by 11 manuscript into a 5.25 by eight layout and applied a textile to keep our text design the same throughout the whole process. In class number three, I'll be introducing the three step formatting strategy to begin finalizing this Jane Eyre manuscript.
4. The 3-Step Formatting Strategy: Hello and welcome to Class number three in the ink stain formatting tutorials for Microsoft Word. We're going to jump right into what I call the three step formatting strategy, which consists of front matter, body text and back matter. All three sections will be formatted a little different, since they all contain different information. Let's start with front matter. Page one will always be our title page instead of actually formatting text on that page. A pre designed title page images already provided in the course Files folder so we can skip that page for now and move to the second page, which will be our copyright page. Let's create a next page break right at the beginning so we can move the information over to where we need it to be. Then bring the texting closer by deleting the spaces and moving them toward the bottom of the page. Don't forget to center the text and removed the Left Index for copyright pages. I typically scale the font size down to nine just because it's credit information. That usually doesn't mean much to the reader. It's not the most important info in the book, but of course it still needs to be present. The third page is a right page, also known as a front side of a page. These air the pages you want important front matter information on which is why our title page is also a right page. The dedication and epigraph should be on the right pages as well. Do that now by adding in a few more section breaks until Chapter one begins on the right page. Then let's return to the dedication to make sure the text is centered properly as well as epigraph for the latter will want the text to be aligned like a V as it is now. It's just not visibly pleasing with such a jagged alignment. Each line should be about the same length, which is why you should always look for the V shape when you're working with center text. So hit enter after this comma. Then we can put a little space between the quote and his offer, and then former added a little different so that it stands out. So let's highlight it. Change it to the Bay Boss New font from the course files folder and up the size to about 16 . You may have noticed the page numbers and headers on these pages and will actually want to get rid of them, since headers and footers aren't supposed to be in the front matter. But we'll, of course, have to do this without removing the numbers and headers from all the other pages. So double click the bottom of the second page to open up the footer section and in the headers and footers, Tab de Select Link to previous and check different first page. This tells word that this page within the document that we've set apart with a section break is supposed to be designed differently from the following pages, which is why the number was removed here without taking away the other's. But this would only work by way of using next page section breaks like we've done not the regular page bricks do this same thing with all the pages leading up to Chapter one. This is basically it for the front matter. The main thing to remember again is that all the important information should fall on right pages, and things like copyright info or a list of the author's work can be put on the left pages , also known as the backside of a page. Let's move on to the body text, which is where you'll be spending a majority of your time when formatting, since it's the bulk of the manuscript, starting with Chapter one, push the tax about 1/4 way down the page. Not too far down, but not too high up either. Remember that we added 0.1 to 5 and 50.25 toward trim size to give the book printer some room to cut the pages. But that also means if we place text too high up on the page, they will look even higher up once it's been printed. So Aim Toe have at least 11 to 13 lines of body text on the chapter pages, backspace the chapter header and rewrite it at the very top change the font of Babe Us New and then up the size of 56 Less. Also, write a line. The Bay Boss font was designed with some pretty close character spacing, so let's remedy that by adding some room between each letter. That's also put some space between the text and the top of the page, with the text highlighted head up to formats. Fun, then change the spacing to expand it by one hit. Okay, then returned to format paragraph. Go down to the spacing area and type in 37 then hit. Okay, this has created the ideal space for the specific Jane Eyre book design. In other cases, you may want your chapter header centered and toward the middle of the page. Regardless, it's always best to add major spacing. This way. This way is just more precise because it can be measured and controlled. Now we can add our drop caps. Before we do that, though I want to mention that the first line of every chapter should not be indented. That also goes for the first line of a scene, break or character. P O V switch. No, in dent indicates the beginning of a new subject matter in the body text. So the only in dense should be found in all the following paragraphs except the 1st 1 toe. Add the job caps, click right in front of the first paragraph and then switch to the insert tap. The job caps looks a little too close to the rest of the words, so let's also adjust the spacing here, return to format drop cap and then type in 0.1 in the distance from text box and hit. OK, this makes it a lot more easy to Reno before we move on. Remember to take a break and pause this video if you need time to catch up or replicate my actions on your screen. So now that the first page of her body text is done, you may have noticed that this specific page doesn't begin on Page one like it's supposed to weaken. Tell Word which page we'd like to designate as Page one by double clicking into the footer section and returning to the page numbers menu. Select format page numbers and come down to page numbering. We'll also select Start at, and this should automatically put a one in for you. If it doesn't, you can type it in, then hit. Okay. We also need to adjust the header. As a general rule, headers don't belong on new chapter pages. Page numbers are optional, depending on the design of the chapter page. The headers air always removed, so we're going to remove this one by de selecting link to previous and do that with a footer as well. Then we can choose different first page like we did in the front matter. This may remove the page number as well as the header, but that's OK, because we can just add the page number back now. Doing this may also bring back the header. So we're going to hit different first page one more time and then reformat our page number is a tedious back and forth, but it's the only time you'll have to do it, because for the chapters lower down like Chapter two here, all we need to do to remove the header is open it up and then select different first page. Nothing else disappears, and we've retained all of our page numbers and headers everywhere else. With that done, we can move on to the bulk of the formatting. The actual body text doesn't need much alterations, but there are a few instances like here with this paragraph, if you recall from class number two, I mentioned that an orphan is a word that dangles at the end of a paragraph on a line by itself. It stems from the idea of the family tree in that an orphan is alone at the bottom. A widow's almost the same thing, except it's alone at the top of the page. This is also a reference to the family tree. Having widows and orphans in your novel isn't a crime, and sometimes they can't always be avoided. But visually, their removal makes for a more professional book design. Even though we have our widow and orphan control turned on, word isn't always able to track and find them and make small adjustments to our spacing. So we'll have to do it manually. I'm going to highlight the paragraph here with an orphan to remove it. I'll have to tighten the spacing between each character letter, go up to format funt, then change the spacing to condensed by 0.1, then hit. Okay, you'll see that the text has been tightened just the slightest bit to bring that orphan up on a line with other text. It's Niedere, and there isn't a strip of white space like there was before. I can repeat these steps here with this page. It could be a big time consuming, so definitely take your time. But line by line formatting like this ensures your book design will print exactly like you wanted to. If for some reason your orphan isn't removed by condensing the spacing, that means you'll actually have to expand it instead. So when you return to format font, choose expanded instead, also by 0.1, and you'll see the change there. 0.1 is the general limit for expanding in condensing your paragraphs. If for some reason neither option works to remove a Norfolk nor widow, it's best to leave it as it ISS. You don't want to condense or expand your text to the point. It's no longer readable Before we move on to formatting the rest of the manuscript, I think it's important to show the correct use of the search and find tool and the right for mining methods to use. Even as you're writing your novel. The end of Chapter two has some weird spacing and some blue arrows that indicate a soft return. A soft return is when you forced text to another line without creating a true gap. This happens when writers hit enter shift keys instead of just hitting enter. We can remove thes by holding command F on Mac or control on windows to bring up our search tool, then select. Replace in the sidebar menu. Type in wedge symbol lower case. Oh, this is the word coding for soft return. Pressing find will direct us to every place. A soft return shows up in the document. We actually need to replace these with regular returns. So let's type in which symbol lower case P in the second slot, then hit Replace all. Once word makes the replacement all the odds. Spacing issues have been resolved and R Texas looking great again. So keep in mind, always hit the enter key when you're starting a new paragraph. When you scroll down to the beginning of Chapter three, you'll see more blue arrows like the one we just had. But these occur at the beginning of paragraphs, and they pushed the first line a little further than what we want. This happens when you indent using the tab key instead of in denting the proper way, as we've done before. Removing all these little arrows one by one can be time consuming, especially if the document is full of them. So to remove them, type in wedge symbol, lower case T in the first lot and then leave the second slot empty because we don't actually want to replace it with anything. Our 0.25 in den is already there. We just need these additional tabs gone so hit. Replace all and word will do just that. The finding one place tool comes in handy when you may have misspelled a word or name throughout the manuscript, and you need a quick way of fighting just where it ISS. So not only is it great for removing formatting errors made during the writing process is great for final proof reading and editing as well. With that said, I'm going to go back up to Chapter ones chapter page and copy everything from the top of the page all the way to right before the drop caps. Then I'm going to scroll down to Chapter two, select everything before the first paragraph and hit command be or control V to paste it in . Then change the chapter number 22 This keeps the line spacing consistent, and I won't have to eyeball the distance or type in the measurements again. I'm going to do this with every chapter now and then. Also add in the job caps and remove the headers and widows and orphans. This part will be sped up as I go, but you can pause a video if you need more time to replicate my actions. The last step in the three step formatting strategy is the back matter. This usually consists of the author's acknowledgements knows or bio Brie. Jane Eyre. We just have Charlotte Brontes bio. Make sure it's on the right page, and then we select different first page and headers and footers with the text formatting complete head over to Class number four and will begin inserting images to really make this book design pop.
5. Chapter Page Design & Placing Images: Hello and welcome back. This is the fourth class in the ink stained formatting tutorials for Microsoft Word. In this class, I'll be showing you how to insert images into the Jane Eyre manuscript in a way that works best for most book printers. It's a fast and simple process. If done right, let's start with our title page. We didn't format any text on this page because we have a pre designed titled JPEG ready to go in our course Pounds folder. Title pages don't always have to be designed this way, but if you're looking for something a lot more intricate than black text on a white background, a title page image will have to be designed externally in photo shop and then inserted into the document. Since you're limited on text effects and design elements in Microsoft Word, let's insert the title page JPEG by clicking right in front of our section break and then go up to insert pictures, picture from file and then in the Course Files folder you've already downloaded to your Mac or Windows computer, select the right file and click insert. As you can see, the title page doesn't fit properly on the page, and if we try to move it around, it jumps from line to line instead of freely moving around. That's because it's automatically set to keep in line with our text formatting to remove that, make sure you're under the picture format tab and then wrap text. Choose in front of text. Now the title page is able to be moved, placed and dropped anywhere we want. The next step is fitting into the actual page. Remember to have any full page images for a manuscript designed to fit the chimp size. So because we chose a 5.25 by a trim size for this book, the title page was designed at that size to, However, before you resize any image, remember to have your height and with linked in the picture format tap. It will keep your image dimensions the same so that nothing gets stretched out of proportion like this. Now we can drag from a corner of the image until the title is big enough to fit the page, keep adjusting it and make sure the edges run slightly off the page. Not too much, but just enough so that it covers any page bleed areas for the printer. For this reason, I'll note that important text designed on title page images or any full page image should adhere to your margins as well. That means your title shouldn't run too close to the edges of the page. Tech should be centered and sized accordingly. The next image we want a place is the one for the chapter pages. This image will only be covering the first page of a chapter, and since we already have document text on these pages, it's definitely important that we don't cover anything instead will want the image to complement the text. So click right in front of Chapter one and then return to insert pictures, pictures from file, then select the J Peg titled All Chapters and Click Insert this time choose behind text in the picture format tab and then resize a photo to fit the entire page with the chapter page image set behind the tax, we can still see our drop caps and all the information, and the design now ties into our text formatting perfectly. The last thing will need to do here is change the chapter header text toe white so that I can show on a black background. Select the text than in the home tab. Simply choose the white font color and that's it. Now you'll have to do this with every chapter in the manuscript, insert the image, said it behind the text, resize and then change the top text toe white. I'm going to go ahead and do this and speed up the video, but definitely pause to do this on your own time so that you don't miss any of the steps. But if you do get confused with any of the steps you can, we play my action starting from the beginning. The last image we need to insert into this document is Charlotte Brontes, author, photo. But since it's not going to cover the entire page, it needs to be fit differently than the others. So let's go back to insert picture picture from file and select the right image in your folder. Resize it to a reasonable height. Have been under position, select position in top left with square texts wrapping our justice needed. This will form the text around the photo and not just beside it. It's visually appealing and compliments both the page and the text we already had here since that's all the images will be inserting into this document. All we need to do now is export. Click on over to the last class and we'll get started.
6. Embedding Fonts & Exporting: Hello and welcome to the final class and the ink stain formatting tutorials for Microsoft Word. You've learned how to create a template from scratch, how to apply a template toe, a manuscript and how to set your trim size and margins with the correct measurements. You've also learned how to remove widows and orphans and get rid of formatting inconsistencies, using the find and replace tool with our images in place, all we need to do now is export, but right before we do, it's important that we make sure all of the fonts used in this document are embedded. Embedding fonts makes it easier for book printers toe. Identify your words without doing this step. You risk printing complications like missing words from the manuscript or your file not being accepted at all. To embed your fonts, you're going to go upto word in the top menu and then down to preferences, Click, save and then under the menu. Make sure embed fonts in the file is checked and then exit out of the window. If you're working on Windows, you're going to do the same thing, but instead go so file in the top menu options safe then check Mark and bed fonts there. Another thing we need to do before exporting has finally changed our headers to the correct data. So let's click into that section on the second page of Chapter one and change name to Charlotte Bronte. There is a dire icis above the E in her last name to insert that highlight the E we already have and then come up to insert and all the way down to advance symbol. This is how you add most cliff characters in Microsoft Word the E with a diarist. This is here, So let's click it and hit insert, then close. And there it ISS. Let's also change the header on the right page is. And now when you click out of the header section, all of your following pages should have copied over. Our manuscript is done, and it's looking great. So let's export go to file save to save this word document or hit Command s on Mac or control s on Windows. Then go back to file and down to save as I'm going to title this Jane Eyre underscore print no spaces. Then save it to my desktop so I can find it easily, then the format should always be. Pdf since pdf is a file. Most book printers, except also the PdF format, locks your images and text in place. No matter who you send it to or what kind of computer their viewing it from your file will always look the same. Hit save and then you're finally done. You've completed all five classes and ink stained formatting tutorials for Microsoft Word. If you'd like to check your pdf before you upload it to your chosen printer, you can preview it with software like Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. I'm going to open my PF in Adobe Acrobat, since it's a Pdf editing software. And as you can see, everything looks just as great as it did in word. Also, when I turned on the editing tool in Adobe Acrobat, I can access the tax and actually add to it or remove something. This is how you know your funds have been properly embedded. If they weren't Adobe Acrobat wouldn't have allowed me to access the text. Instead, the text would have been converted into a moving image that can't be edited now that you know had to form a paperback using Microsoft Word. I hope you're able to move through your next manuscript quickly and efficiently. And of course, I hope you enjoy this course and found it very helpful. Have you ever need more assistance? Feel free to contact me via ink stains Website for me.