How To Draw Anime Anatomy For Beginners - Female Edition | Thumin | Skillshare

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How To Draw Anime Anatomy For Beginners - Female Edition

teacher avatar Thumin, Artist and Illustrator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Torso / Upper Body


    • 4.

      Legs / Lower Body


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

In this class i will be teaching you how i draw female anatomy in my art style which is anime inspired

I will be sharing tips on how i draw the torso, arms and how to draw proportionate legs!

I hope you have your pen and paper ready while taking this class so you can draw along with me for the best learning experience!

I will be focusing specifically on the front side of the female body but don't worry, i have a part 2 coming for the side profile and the back!

Let's have fun learning!

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Artist and Illustrator


Hello, I'm Thumin and I'm a self-taught artist. I share my art on Instagram and i also make animations and art related videos on my YouTube channel! I'm also a teacher here on Skillshare and i hope you can learn art and drawing with me!

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello, everyone and welcome. My name is Stillman and almost self taught artists with years of experience. In drawing in this class, I will be teaching you how to draw the female body. Anatomy way will go through how to draw the torso, the lower body, a k legs in the hands. I'll also share some tips that have held me improved Book the years and I'm sure this will benefit some of you. This class is perfect for beginners. Since I break everything down and explain the drawing process, I recommend having your pen and paper ready in hand so you can sketch along with me. And after the lessons are over, I would love to see your final sketches and drawings in the project gallery. I'm so excited to have you here with me. So let's go ahead and start. The less is 2. Tools: Hi, guys and welcome. So in this lesson, I will be showing you what type of tools I will be using during this class. So let's go ahead and start. The first thing I'm showing you here is a blue personal color called a race Pencil it specifically a color pencil that it's easy to erase. And I personally like to use thes for sketching, as if the sketch underneath is blue or some type of color is easier for me to see the lines when I start using a darker color to line my sketches. So that's a personal preference. That's why I have these two right here. So if you caused have a regular pen seal, as you guess either is just a regular pencil. You can use that as well. Also, this is a mechanical pencil in 05 So if you have a 05 or a zero, Stephan, that is fine, too. So if you guys have any pencils, honestly, you can use that. But if you seem using these now, you know why. Here we have these two items or right here. So this friend, you guys have seen him before. It's a sakura peak, Muhsin say in kingpin and I would be using these to kind of highlight the lines for you guys will not highlight but ink off course. You guys don't have to think in this class are all. But since I want you guys to really see what I'm talking about, I will be using this for that. So let me put that they're also this friend will be future here, and they're a swell. It's a meaning so fiber T pen. And here you can see it. It's pink. And honestly, I really like this been in. I'll be using this to kind of explain some points So you guys will understand that means later. And if you are using one of these, you might also need an eraser. So keep that in mind underneath. Here you can see that I have my paper ready. I will be using regular printer paper cause I feel like it's easier to learn in a sketch on that. And it's nice and big, so that's why I'm using Bring to paper specifically. But if you have any other paper, a sketchbook or a tablet, if you're drawing digitally, you'll need all this you can just draw eight on your tablet or on your computer. So yeah, that's fine, too. But for you guys who are drawing traditionally printer Babers cheap. You can get a lot for lists, so that's something you should keep in mind. But if you have a sketchbook or any type of other paper, you can use that as well. So now that we have all these tools ready, let's just go ahead and start drying. 3. Torso / Upper Body: Welcome back, guys. So here I'll be showing you how I drive the tourists over the upper body. So let's go ahead and start for us to start sketching this. Obviously, I'm going to start from the head and I will speak through it here. But I actually do have another class for that, so I will just go ahead and do that. Then I will go ahead and draw a line in the middle. And as I said before, I really, really elaborate more on this in my other class. Now that we have drawn the neck, I would go a little bit underneath the neck and draw a box. And it's important for you guys to know that the wider the box that you're going to draw is , the longer her shoulders are going to be. So keep that in mind so you don't draw the box, do I? Unless that's the I stake you're going for. Then we're just gonna continue this line, and we're going to draw it right there underneath it. We're going to be drawing a circle, so we're going to be doing that like so, and this is where her hips are going to be. So the wider you're going to make the circle, the wider her hips are going to be and the smaller you're going to make circle, the smaller her hips are going to be. And underneath the circle, we're going to be drawing another circle right there. That's where her legs are going to be starting and another circle right there. That's where her other leg is going to start. I'm going to make them a tad bit bigger. They were going to go ahead on the side off this box that we drew before. We're going to be drawing a circle. That is where her shoulder is going to be. And here we're going to be trying another circle. That is where her other shoulder's going to be. Then we're gonna go ahead and attach. You see that? I made sure that these do don't touch. That's because there is going to be a curve off the neck right there. So I'm just gonna curve that right there and attach it There, course not too short. We're going to do the same thing on the other side, and then we're going to be sketching in her chest. So this part you can either just is. Skip this part and go ahead to the next part that I'm going to be showing you Or, if you like, your women curvy, you can draw some curves. So this part is really up to you how curve you're going to do. So The way I made this box is that I want her chest to be about on the end of this box. So we're going to be curving this from here like that in this from here like that. I won't elaborate on this. More as I probably am going to be making, Ah, whole nother that's on this. So we're just gonna go ahead and do that? It looks a little bit messy here now, but it's gonna come together later. Now that we have her chest in place, we're gonna go where the box should go. The end of the box, Remember? It's a little messy. You might not, but we're just gonna go ahead and curve this line here, and they were gonna curve it like that. Good to be doing the same Here. Gonna go a little bit in and depending on how small you want her midriff to be You can go even in reaching Go Listen. So as you can see about the middle off this line that we true, that's where the biggest deep is. Really? Just use your eyes to kind of make sure that it looks fine. And now that we have that all settled, we're gonna go ahead and go here. You see that? This is a dips in like that. We're going to dip it out and curve it out. And that is where the legs are. Or the fights are going to be so like that we're going to be doing the same thing on the other side. Keep in mind that there's going to be like a little curve that goes underneath like here and then comes out. They were going to go ahead where the circle ends and about. Here is where we would be drawing her thigh and depending on. If you want her to have a thigh gap or not, you can just you make them even more close together again. That's a personal preference. And here is for her gradually scored to be at this where the line ends. Here is where her belly button is going to be. And here we're going to be trying little shadows like that. And those are were heard Reaper cages and no, as you get, see, it's coming together. Let me take my darker Paseo and line it up for you guys. So you get a better idea of how everything looks as it's a little bit messy right now. - Now that we have this done, there's a couple of details I want you guys to keep in mind. So, for example, we're going to be placing her color bones. You see this slide that's going on right here, going to be placing them around here like that? That is a nice Tito that you can add. They were going to be drawing if she's fit. You can always draw her abs for things like that, but that's a little bit advanced for this class. So I'm going to go ahead and continue this line that we drew before dude like that, and it's about halfway and then here is gonna be her belly button. I'm gonna add a bit of a curve there and a bit of a curved there for her big drift and this is going to be is like a detail that you might want to add. Of course, it's not mandatory. Also here you see where this curve ISS This area is actually the area where her a bone iss . So if you want, you can always add a bit of lying here and there, and that indicates that there is her. He Bones also thinks that you might want to keep in mind is, as you can see, I did not draw that breast together as when a woman was standing. Usually they're a bit on the side off course. Everybody's different but minor, at least like that. And then here we have her, um, shoulder area. A detail you might see is that this curve goes right here and then there's East a bump, and it's not really like, but it's more like a bump. So that is something you want to keep in mind. Also, I will just highlight this area right here you can see equals in, and then it comes out like that. It gives it a nice bit of a curve to pop everything out. And honestly, if you keep those in mind and you follow this tutorial. I think you might see that could be helpful for you. So take your time. Sketch this out as many times as you need to. Really, depending on this initial box that you make is either gonna make her mid drift bigger or smaller. So pay attention that it is not too big or not too short. So that is something very important that you guys should remember. Secondly, if you draw this line too tall, it's also going to make her upper body longer. So you want to keep things in proportion. So as you can see, if we were to measure the box that we drew underneath and the line that we drew here, they're around the same height. So don't make the box this big, and then the line this peak, because then it's not really that proportionate. You want to make sure that the line and the box are the same. And that is where the circle comes in right now that we have that out of the way on, this is some into the next class and I'm excited. So let me just erase a little bit here and see what it would look like without all these lines. So there it is. You don't have to sketch with a darker line. I just wanted to light it up for you guys, as the blue pencil was a little like it didn't pop up on the camera too much. So that's why I used a darker color. But you can just sketch and then clean up your skates, lies and share that you know, the calorie Brazil Gallery with me. I would love to see that. So, yeah, let's move on to the next class. 4. Legs / Lower Body: Welcome back, everyone. I would be showing you how I usually draw out the legs and how I make sure that they're proportionate. So let's go ahead and start. I have sketched out copy off this one here, and I would be showing you on this drawing right here. How I draw the legs. So the first thing we want to know is how long do we want to make the legs? We don't want them to short because that's going to be making it look a little bit odd. And we don't want to make them too long because that's not really what we're going for. If you want to make sure that it's proportionate, we're going to be measuring out. Her upper body is starting from her waist and we're gonna do this, and this is going to be the height off her. The legs, from the head to the waste is how long her legs are going to be. So if you're drawing a small drawing, make sure you measure out the waste till the top of the head and then bring it down. That is how we're gonna know how to make the legs proportionate. So Let's go ahead and measure. So from the top of her head and the ways where the circles are, we're going to measure these out and we're gonna come down here. If you need assistance on this measuring process, you could use a ruler. But I'm just using my hands because that's what I usually do. Um, are you drew a line right here and that is where her ankles are going to be. So let's make sure that we didn't do it incorrectly. Yeah, about right the distance from the circle right here in this line. We want to make sure that we go right in the middle, and that is where her knees are going to be again. If you need a sisters, you can definitely use a ruler on this, but I'm just gonna be using my deduction skills and about their So that is where her knees are going to be. So again, if I were to explain this, we're going Teoh measure from her waist until the top of her head, and we're and bring this down from the waist until here. That is where her angles are going to be from the distance where the ankles are going to be in the circles that we drew on the waist about halfway is where her knees are going to be. Another mistake that people do is they make the knees go right there underneath the circle and the head legs come out a little distance from each other and it might not look that natural. So if you were to start up right now, you would realize that your knees are actually closer together than your hips are so we can go ahead and go in like that. This is where her name is going to be. And again here, this is where her name is going to be. They were going to attach this circle about here, going to be attaching this like that. We're going to go ahead and go straight down. We don't want it to be be a triangles or going. Go ahead, go straight down. And this is where we're going to be drawing an actual triangle. Gonna attach a little bit of a box underneath a triangle like that. Now let's go ahead and start the sketching process. So, as I told you here in the last drying, there's going to be a little bit of a deep inside the waste, and that's where the guys are gonna come out off. Of course, this is my personal style that everybody has that it, But I just like to draw it. So let's make that happen. So we're going to go ahead and curve this out and we're going to curve it in, do the knee, okay? And from the knee, we're gonna curve it out again, and we're gonna attach it here. Let's do the same to the other side. We're gonna for of the thigh in to the knee. Then we're gonna curve it out of the knee. We're gonna bring it in again from the ankle. They were going to go ahead on the inner thigh area and again, you can choose if you want to have some type of thigh gap Personally, mine usually do because the girls started draw are on the thinner side. So let's go ahead. And at this. So as you can see, this girl and this girl are different, I didn't make it. Ask curry as this is the inner thigh area, then on the knee side, or read the knee circles. Are we going drop a bit of a bump that they were going to just curve this like that? And it's always best for you to just look at what I'm doing and try and replicated. I feel like I don't have enough words to explain what I'm doing in detail. My English won't allow that. And if you guys feel like the curve that we drew, it would be too big. You can always make it smaller. I will just change the feet a tad bit and bring them in this side as I drew them a little wonky before. So that. And here you go. So let me just go ahead and draw this in. So it pops out on the camera and you guys really understand what I'm talking about. So it goes. It occurs out again, the bump off the knee. And if you guys get see, I made a tiny bump here because that is where the ankles aren't going to be like that. Made it a tiny bump here for the ankles, a bump for the knee like that and I drew a tiny lines like that and she will be having like socks. That arm. There you go. And again, if you wanna at a detail or two, I usually add little lines like these to indicate where the needs are and from the middle off. This area is where the needs are going to be and the knees go in their closer together than the circles over here. So the circles over here are farther apart than the circles that are underneath here. The height between this area and the height between this area are going to be the same. The knees are going to be in the middle of this area, and the circles are going to be in closer together than the circles up there. So I think if you guys keep those details in mind, you guys will drop perfect. Like so good luck with your drawing process. And let's go ahead and jump into the next life. Learn how to draw hands or arms 5. Arms : welcome back. So in this lesson, I'll be showing you how to draw the arms. So let's go ahead and start. The first thing that comes to mind when drawing arms is how long should the arms be? And really, if you were to stand up right now and put your arms on your sides and look, you would realize that your arms actually come to the needle off your top thighs, so the hand stopped there. Now, if that arms are that long, were we gonna be placing the hands and where we're gonna be placing the elbow? And that's actually a very simple answer. The elbow is going to be in the middle off the torso, so if we draw like that Ah, but here is where the elbows should be. If you were to draw a line like that, here is where the elbow should be that we're going to be drawing the same height off a line that goes here. And this is where the hand should start like that. We're going to be drawing a box. Okay, so lets me explain these again. We want to make sure that the arms and hands are going to end in the middle off her thigh. We don't want to make it too short, and we don't want to make it too long. That's the most realistic. In my opinion, her elbows are going to be placed in the middle off the torso. That is where her elbows are going to be placed. And so we're gonna use the circles we made before us a guideline. And this is where the hands are going to be. And also, let's say your circles are little are proportionate, and you wonder where should I start the hands. You just go ahead and see this line we made created before. We're gonna measure that out, we're gonna bring it in here, and we're going to see how long that ISS and that is where we're going to stop. And then the rest is where the hands will go. Okay, you're going to sketch this in, gonna bring in where the elbow are there. You're gonna bring it out like that and bring it in where the risk begin. Sam goes here like that, and then you go along with the box like that. I'm not gonna go too much into detail. how to draw hand specifically because I'm actually planning on making another class for that. So, yeah, let me just go ahead and sketch this And so you guys get to see what it actually looks like . So we're gonna go in, we're gonna go in like that and then we're gonna go in, and I'm just going to be drying like that, and we will died very simply, like so I think this curve, it's a little too much. So I'm just gonna bring it in a tad bit. And there we go is the white help, and I usually use this to fix me stakes. So again, if we were to do you draw her hand in a different position, let's say you want to draw her hand going out, word like that, you can just measure out the distance. It's this line is going to be here. This is going to be where her elbows are going to be. We're going to measure this out. Let's say like that about there. And that is where the hands begin. And there you go. The only thing you really need to keep in mind is when you fold your hands. There's going to be different type of Look there. So just for this I think you need some type of reference or somebody in the start of post. So you know how the body is in different positions, But this is going to go in like that. I'm going to connect that dot right there going to curb this right there. I want to bring this in like that, and that is like that. And let's just draws in us well, And there you the things that you should need to keep in mind when you're drawing arms is how long the arms are going to be about here, including the hand part. Then you're going to measure from the circle we drew before about in the middle off. Yaar Torso is where the elbow is going to be. We're going to make this distant this much. We're going to take this. We're going to bring it here in here, and you're just gonna follow that same method anywhere. And just if you're drawing the hands upwards or in any other positions, if you remember the proportions, you can play with them and see how they work. But also used references because those in different positions the body looks a little bit different. So it's always good to have some type of reference for that. And really, that is all I need to show you when it comes to arms and hands. And I really do hope that this was helpful for you. I hope you have your pen, paper, pencil, whatever you have ready there and you sketch along with me because that is really the best way for you to learn. And I hope that what I'm saying and what you guys are seeing matches in a sense that you guys know what you're doing. I hope I'm giving enough explanations and really just look at what I'm doing and try and follow that as well. So let me just go ahead into the final pots and guys, I'm so excited for you guys to be here. Let's just go over there and yeah, thank you for Thank you. This class Go wash the last listen 6. Final Thoughts: Hello, everyone. And welcome back. So unfortunately, this is the final lesson, and I'm really happy that you guys were here with me through this whole journey. So thank you for that. I really do hope you guys had your pens and papers ready in hand while you were doing everything. Because it's always better to kind of look at what I'm drink and trying to replicate it yourself. In that way, you guys will learn even more. I wish to see all of you guys this project in the project gallery. I'm very active. So I will always get back to you if you post a project and give you some tips or hints or anything else that you guys might need, Um, I would love if you guys left a review on this and let me know what you thought about this class and what kind of classes you would like to see next for me if you're interested. I do have an INSTAGRAM account and YouTube and my instagram handle is at Torino and my YouTube is booming. If you guys are interested, please go ahead and go take those out. Also, I have made another class where I teach you how to draw the animal portrait in my style off course. So if you like my start and you like my art, consider taking that class and learning a little bit from that. Really pay attention to detail on a so you can see here I have added these details right here and even in the knees you have these details on the knees and check this out. So the knees, the details here on the body, the fact that the hand goes in and then curves out the fact that the hand usually stops at the middle of your thigh and the fact that their elbows are usually in the middle off your torso they're so old things that you should pay attention to also the fact that you have the color bones right where the box is at, and the fact that when you're driving the press, they should be very curvy. Or did you really talk about that much here? Because I want to focus on that maybe in future class, as But I just wanted to give you guys on the idea of how to do anatomy as a beginner. So I really do hope that this was helpful for you guys. And I really do hope that you guys would like discuss. Thank you so much for watching. And I am looking forward to see you guys this project. So please share your sketches. Share everything you guys have made. Sure. Your final product. Anything I've loved to see. Thank you so much, but I