How to Design Your Own Remodel: Step by Step with an Architect | Sam Hunt | Skillshare

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How to Design Your Own Remodel: Step by Step with an Architect

teacher avatar Sam Hunt

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      How to Design Your Own Remodel Intro Promo


    • 2.

      Course Overview


    • 3.

      Common Problems


    • 4.

      Your Floor Plan


    • 5.

      Walk Through


    • 6.

      Data for each space


    • 7.

      Areas With The Best ROI


    • 8.



    • 9.



    • 10.

      Public Areas


    • 11.

      Private Areas


    • 12.

      Indoor Outdoor


    • 13.

      Value in Quality


    • 14.



    • 15.



    • 16.

      Interior Design Principles


    • 17.

      Unique and Custom Pieces


    • 18.



    • 19.

      Street Appeal


    • 20.



    • 21.



    • 22.

      Skills Required


    • 23.

      Pull It Together


    • 24.

      Passive Intro


    • 25.

      Other Considerations


    • 26.

      Thank You


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About This Class

In this Arch-pilot course, you will go through 45 minutes with Architect Sam Hunt finding out how to start that home remodel you've dreamed about. Learn design thinking, techniques, and tips for the process of starting construction for a renovation. Walkthrough the design process to ensure your design plans are centered on your specific lifestyle, interests, and routines. Learn about construction contract types, materials choices, and where to spend your money to receive the greatest return on investment. Bring all your questions and get advice from a professional and others going through the same process. Learn more at

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Sam Hunt

Level: Beginner

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1. How to Design Your Own Remodel Intro Promo: Welcome to the design. Your own remote, of course. Well, you will learn exactly what your home needs to become your dream and have a plan in hand. My name is Sam Hunt, and I will be your architect in the structure. Through this course, I've always enjoyed building and designing from when I was a little kid, building tree houses through the neighborhood with my friends, always making one bigger and better than the last. I moved on to residents construction, working in almost every aspect of home building. And then I moved on to architecture and design. I currently work as a licensed architect specializing residential design from custom homes . The multi family. Not only that, but I live in my 115 year old home remodel, and you better believe that's a continual experience. This course is designed for you. If you are interested in remodeling your home, whether you've lived in it for decades or whether you're just moving in, you have questions on where to begin. At the end of this course, you'll have identified design solutions for every room in your home, created a cohesive strategy and a plan for construction in this course, we will analyze your specific residents and discuss common questions regarding schedule budget using professional services air doing the work on your own. I will reveal some of most important features for livability in a space, including lighting, where we might open up space to improve the flow of your home design elements that stand the test of time and some of those that my cheap in your remodel you will learn some of the easiest ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home. At the end of this course, you have a solid direction for your remodel. It will not only improve your return on investment, build a home that feels like you. You are the ideal student for this course. If you have thought about remodeling your space in the past but are unsure of what to tackle first you want to explore the possibilities if you are interested in flipping a home Perseid income or as a business model, if you enjoy watching popular television series or have known someone that has done a successful remodel and you want the same for your space for all those who were confused on the process, I'm going to walk you through it. Feel free to look through the course description and let me know if you have any questions . I'm excited to get working with you to see you create a plan backed by construction experience and design expertise. 2. Course Overview: now, the only thing that I've listed as a prerequisite to this course other than an interest in design and willingness to work is that you have a space to work with. Now, this could be the home that you own. It could be a rental or investment property, or it could be a place that you rent if they give you some freedom of expression. So you have a home, you have a routine, you have lifestyles and your human and humans have needs. Now, all these important there really the focus of this course. Because at the end, you're gonna be able to change your home to align with these factors. Now, this course will require some self introspection and collaboration among those you live with. And I've seen people start a remodel without doing some of the activities outlined in this course. And when they begin, they chase all the pretty things all the things that they want and they see and they run out of money. They run out of time and they run out of interest. When things get complicated, the project never gets completed. Now we will do a series of exercises through this course it is work, but it is not difficult. I will be working with you through the whole process. You will have as an example to measure against. You also have the student community who you can talk to and you can communicate with me at any time now. There's an important thing that we must do before we start designing your space, and that is the reason we're gonna look at the problems and start prioritizing them. 3. Common Problems: Now let's talk about some of the common problems and dislikes in residential space. Some of these things might have been on your mind for a long time and sole reason you want to do a remodel, some of them you mind out of thought about yet. I want you to evaluate how you feel. Now. Let's review some of these lighting. The amount of light specifically, the daylight in your space can have a great impact on you, both physically and psychologically. The amount of light needed is dependent on the task for the space for work, you need more foot candles on your workspace, like here on my desk. Task lighting is usually an indication of those type of services saying goes for in your kitchen when you need more task lighting for your countertop so you need more white light on the spectrum verse yellow so you can see the rial color of the foods you are preparing. Simply take note of your space is how much natural light do you receive at the time of day when you are doing the activity in that space. Also, take note of other spaces that don't get used as much because of the lack of lighting. The flow of a residence is of primary importance, much like lighting. When you first enter, do you feel tightened? Was your experience? Do you have a progression from one space to another? What type of connection do you have between main living areas, private areas, work areas? When you host and have a lot of people over? What challenges does your space present? You're going to do a walk through activity in a couple of lectures, so we will touch on this a little bit more later. But think about the separation of space is level of separation between private public work areas and really the experience you have with the flow of your home. What gets in the way of your daily routine, Your daily activities storage is another common problem. People have an accumulation of goods, and stuff just ends up. Where it ends up is clutter on your mind. When you walk through your house, it's clutter on your mind. When you open the closet door, we'll look at the pantry when you're about to prepare food. Some of these elements can be solved with proper design. There are many reasons to have proper place for all of your stuff. This could be built with hidden storage or dedicated rooms for it. Take note of what you have and also where you feel the most cluttered views we think about the windows. Typically, when we think about views the Grand Vista, the panoramic view. But this is not the only view that we're gonna take into account now. It could be a view to the exterior that isn't a panoramic view, and this could be just four day lighting purposes. Light wells. They bring in the light, and they also give you something to look out outside. That's not artificial. That could help. But there are also views inside your home. When you think about a long hallway, your view is toward the end of that hallway. Have the end of that hallway is a dark, claustrophobic space that typically gives you a feeling that you don't want to walk down that hallway. So one of the things is that you put light at the end of the hallway. Other views inside your homes from 11 room to the next. What do they see right? What is the view is the view to the kitchen sink the view to the dirty dishes? Is it a view this captivating views from your bedroom when you're relaxing these from the kitchen? When you're working views from the laundry room when you're working, think about your daily routine and think about the views. Where do you focus on and where would you like views really? Next one is pretty easy. Comfort like the temperature of your home, the temperature of your home can change fluctuates throughout the day. Now are the rooms that are cold to coal to be in for long periods of time, too hot to be in for long periods of time. My old home, for example, What I was remodeling found out that I had no insulation and a lot of the walls. Now you could definitely tell in those rooms when the heat outside was penetrating through or when the heat inside was leaving to the cold of the winter. It was a very quick change, So think about the temperature thing about your comfort in all of the rooms that you have in your space that will come into play later 4. Your Floor Plan: Okay, I think that's enough talking for now. Let's do something fun. Or if you don't like sketching list to something terrifying, we're going to sketch the outlines a floor plan of your home. More specifically, you are gonna sketched the outline of your home. Now, if you have floor plans, if you have blueprints, don't use them. I want you to experiment because subconsciously, you may think about your home a little bit differently than the actual scale of your plan dictates. Just take any type of paper, printer, paper, trace paper. Whatever you have, they give you enough space to work with. Now I'm going to sketch the outline of a home that I recently modeled. It's fresh on the brain. A lot of the ideas will come forth similar to your own. Hopefully, now all of our spaces are gonna look different. I think that's going to give us a lot of insight and assist us one to another to really think outside of our own realm of thinking, right. So start with the overall shape of the home again. This doesn't have to be very accurate at this stage, were more concerned about just getting them all in there now, This could even be ah, bubble diagram at at the beginning. So the main space here as you make quick adjustments, it does not matter how messy this first plan is. You can come back. He can make adjustments. You can even come back with a measuring tape later and scale the whole plan with the scale on graph paper, however you want to do it. But this first sketch should just be quick and dirty. Okay, so you have your injured way. Have your dining kitchen laundry. Go ahead and start labeling your spaces. I didn't want you to race. I just made a mistake. There's a lot of B. Just go with the flow. Finish your quick sketch and label the rooms. It's is easy is that you can include some exterior spaces. How is this for memory? Right. The memory of a project every of your home and this is how the beginning of the evaluation works. We're going to start taking notes on these plans, so make sure that if you're reiteration is a little too dirty that you won't be able to annotate with some notes later, Gwen and make another copy of it 5. Walk Through: Now, The next exercise we're going to do in quick succession to this one is a walk through record for an entire day. Your routine. When you wake up in the morning, what do you do? Do you reach with a side table? You go to the bathroom. If you do go to the bathroom, which rooms do you cross through? I want you to take note of all of the details of your day. Now, what time of day do you spend in the living room? What time of the day do you spend in the kitchen? How long is that? Just pay attention to your daily routines. And this might change from day today a little bit, but I want you to mentally walk through your entire day and write all that out. And then the next day, take note in a journal and right that routine. Now, instead of submitting this project online, you're just gonna tuck it away on the side and you're gonna indicate if you have completed the assignment, we're gonna use it. Keep it handy. It's gonna influence a lot of the choices and priorities of your design. In the following exercises and lectures 6. Data for each space: well, we're now moving. You may think it is time to design, but you have actually been designing. Initial research is one of the most important phases of design. It is your baseline due to check back on throughout the process. The data analysis helps you make relevant decisions. Make a list of each basin home, identify the common problems for each as we have gone through, determine which types of design solutions they present. The best change It could be interior design construction changes such as removing walls, expanding, adding windows, etcetera or minor construction changes such as built ins. Changing out materials, adding new cabinets plays a percentage of each room in your home. Based on your walk through journal exercise, you'll be able to see that how much time you spend in the share of your home that might influence priorities of the remodel. Do not put too much weight on this number because it is based on one or two days of observation of your current routine. May live in your home for a long time. The routines are likely to change, yet it will help you frame the right attitude to make informed decisions about design and allocation of resource is later 7. Areas With The Best ROI: in this video, we're gonna talk about your return on investment. When you invest a lot of time and money into your renovation remodel, you want to recuperate some of that cost when it comes to selling the home. If that's over the goal, if the goal is to sell your home in short term, you're gonna focus this a little bit. Maurin your innovation. Highlight some of the areas that will give you your best return. And if you intend to stay in your home for a long term, the goals might be a little bit different, focusing on different values where you can put your money. Now there's a lot of resource is and statistics out there to help you form. Inform you on these decisions, and I will provide those on the list notes. And when it comes to the numbers, the exterior is a great option. The exterior will give you a great return on your investment and comes down the curve. Ill Street appeal and another areas. Paint paint is inexpensive, and it could go a long way when it comes to changing the atmosphere of a home and adding some value. Now, other things that are gonna be majorly important. But not as fun are the repairs. When you're walking through a home and you're imagine you're trying to buy it right? He wanted to see what it's like. Do your due diligence and you find that the roof is leaking. That's probably a major indication that you shouldn't buy the home or this foundation sinking. If the sink is linking, that's a tongue twister. He walked through the home. You see major problems they think might be structural. You might cause more problems down the road. Even if the kitchen is out updated and looking fresh, you're probably not gonna buy the residence. Another area is adding space. If you add space, add square footage to your home. It improves the value of your own quite a bit. If you have a three bedroom home with one bath and change it into a three bedroom home with the two bath that calms for real estate, bump that sale price up quite a bit. I've even seen to statistics that 1000 square foot addition onto your home can up the sale price of your home by 30%. Those numbers are likely to change. I wouldn't write those down. Um, those things are always fluctuating when it comes to kitchens and bathrooms, those two areas that have great return on investment. But it's kind of a sliding scale. If you spend too much money in your kitchen and bathroom, you're not gonna recover that. Remember that the overall price of your home and the real estate compass in your area will limit how much you can recuperate on those investments. Don't spend a disproportionate amount to the overall value of your home when you start talking about the budget and the schedule. He laughed away. The pros and cons. And remember the investment you put into your home and the outcome. The return on your investment may not just be financial. 8. Kitchens: when it comes to your kitchens. We've talked about how this could be one of the rooms that takes up a lot of your budget and a lot of your time. And that's true because kitchens can become outdated pretty quickly with appliances and kitchens tend to follow trends a little bit more than other rooms do. And with style of your kitchen needing updated, there are some things that you could do to update your kitchen that necessarily don't need to take up all your budget. You want to save some of the some room in your budget to tackle some of the other rooms and problems within your home. When it comes to kitchens. First thing about the function. The function of your kitchen is essential. Think of work triangle. If you're not familiar with that term, all include a resource in this lecture, Siri's or this lecture. The resource is an explanation, really, of just what the work triangle is. That's the triangle between your sink. You're Stover oven and your refrigerator, and making that a smallest possible or toe work with how you move through the kitchen as you're preparing food. When it comes to updating the kitchen think timeless qualities, timeless things like natural woods, neutral colors, things that can move with the times and trends. You replaced the appliances. Get those up to date. You can police the sinks and the faucets, and then you can replace flooring, countertops. Backsplash. Relatively inexpensive cabinets are very expensive, so if you don't have it in your budget to replace the cabinetry, then you could do some things like the countertops and backsplash. Maybe paint the cabinets and replace all the hardware, and you could keep some of your cabinets. And some of the things that are trendy right now or they're made you may be interested in is that the upper cabinets don't necessarily all go throughout the whole wall of your kitchen, where your lower cabinets are, and they don't go from all the way up above the countertop to the top of the ceilings. A lot of trendy kitchens right now have smaller cabinets, open shelves, and if this is something you're interested in, you can remove some of your cabinets without happen to replace a lot of your cabinets and in their place, put in some shelving. Go back to your floor plan look at what problems you may have listed in that area. Think about your work triangle, list some ideas and then go back to a precedent study. Start collecting some inspirational examples, and let's talk about those in the comments. 9. Bathrooms: moving on to another area of your home renovation that might take a lot of your time and budget. The bathrooms, the bathroom or bathrooms are spaces that you should pay a lot of attention and our 115 year old remodel. We had two bathrooms and we took him down to studs. We removed some of the toilet to toilets while one of the toilets to another location replaced all the showers. The tubs sinks the vanities. We did the whole bit because they needed it. Your house may or may not be the same, but there are a lot of ways that you can increase the cleanliness of the bathroom, and that will make a big difference. Make it a light space because there's not daylight into your bed bathroom. Make sure you have the right type of lighting, and my advice is to start with the materials. The flooring may or may not need. Be replaced pens on the tile for our bathrooms. We have led tile and well tile made with lead paint, and that is unhealthy. You should remove it. There are those things that you can do to increase the comfort in the bathrooms. That might just be a fan ceiling fan to get rid of some of the moisture and to expel that into the outside, It could be daylight. Um, and if your bathroom is not on exterior walls, maybe that's worth a soul. The tube that goes through the roof and gives you some daylight or skylights for this assignment is gonna be the same as the last one. Find some examples. Make a precedent board, whether that's a collection of images on Pinterest, where ideas written down magazine pages, books, videos, whatever it is that inspires you and gives you a good example to learn from. Let's make sure we open up the comments to provide feedback for our fellow students and to get good feedback about our own ideas. 10. Public Areas: The next area of focus for this video is going to be the main living spaces is gonna be the public spaces. So that might be your entryway, your dining room, your family room, maybe extend the kitchen and any other space, like a study in office that's semi open to the public. When it comes to living areas, people tend to gravitate toward the open concept. They may not know why it's. There's a lot of design concepts that go into it that just make the space feel nice. But there are also some problems, and this might not be your thing. You might be into segmented rooms, a lot of 19 early 1900 homes that had mostly walls and doors separating each individual living space that might be worthwhile toe look into. But talking about the most common open concept. Let's discuss some of these common elements about this design of the first things is connection. In an open concept, you have a relatively open connection to the rooms of Jason Spaces, so the living room might be relatively open to the kitchen, where the kitchen is open to the dining room. The dining room in between you get the picture. It's also about the places in between mixture of small private areas within those communal spaces, places of refuge, places to look out. This is a pause. Places to work. Think about the connection of these places, sound and function. One of the concerns or is the sound transmission between these rooms and areas. They really gives a lot for communal living and communal socializing. Getting together with friends. What is it is a concern. Sometimes when people are sitting in the kitchen talking and TV is close by, people are over in the room where the TV is listening. Teoh Loud sports games. It becomes whats somewhat of a conflict, and the way the sound bounces in open areas often isn't ideal, and they compete, said sound transmission. Some of things you can do to help reduce the bleed of sound from one room to another is to increase the amount of rooms and closing each space. Maybe your kitchen is in a U shape, with three walls enclosing it, and it opens to a smaller dining area. And then the living room is a little bit further way sound. Has the transfer bouncing and reverberating off many more services. And if these air soft surfaces, it will absorb a lot of the sound. If you don't align the rooms directly, one with another, it can also help. So if there's a corner that you have to turn when the spaces air still connected, you don't have as much direct line of sight through the hole. Open concept. This will help and again softer materials, couches, window coverings, this canal produce that sound transmission and echo. Do you might feel in an open or that you might hear in an open concept? Another thing to consider is the injury way. When you enter into the home, are you immediately in those publics semi private spaces, taking into account what guests can see from the front door, whether from the exterior or the interior might make an impact on your decision. Also, there should be a sense of transition from the exterior to the interior as well as public to semi public to private. So what is the experience of someone walking through the injury way from the outside into this open concept? Is there a place where they can place of respite, maybe a place to take their coat off, put their shoes without interfering with the actions of other people already in the home. A moment to transition emotionally and mentally as well as physically can be nice when you explore how open you want your main living areas. Whether that's something you want or not, you may consider opening up some existing walls. And oftentimes the question is, well, can I get rid of this wall so we can make it open? The wall may or may not be structural. How you might be able to tell is, Does the wall continue all the way from the foundation to the roof? Is there a wall directly above it on the second story? That's a good indication that it is a structural wall. Another way to tell is that if you open up the wall and it's not just chipboard, but there's cheating or USB on the studs behind the chipboard, that means that it's a sheer wall and it is structural. No, the question is, can you remove a wall? Yes, you can. It just depends on how costly is gonna be if you have to install a large beam in place of the wall. That's just something to consider. It is possible. There's a lot to consider on this one. Hopefully will jump in and attend to reorganize your space a little bit, provided you have their sketch. Pay attention to the ideas that you get attached to fill out the assignment again with the precedent board. Let's get the conversation going about open space about living spaces, whether enclosed or open, and we'll see you in the next video. 11. Private Areas: Now let's talk about some of the private areas, private areas, your bedrooms, private offices. There are other areas you might not typically invited guests. We're also gonna lump in the utility room into this discussion. Even though it really is its own separate area. It's more of a work area. I want you to go back to you. The exercise you did about the walk through, about how much time you spent in each space. I want you to to detail out how much time you ended up spending in your bedroom. I think about it when you're designing out this space, you're gathering ideas, doing the assignment at the end, which is another precedent assignment. Same as the other ones. Think about the bedrooms in the sense that you sleep in there. Yes, but maybe you include other activities. Have you have an area for conversation? The chair sitting for reading? Maybe this is where you like to do exercises at home. Take these things into account. How much lighting do you need is a daylight or is it task lighting and talk about any other people that might live in these spaces and spend a lot of time or a little time in little spaces when it comes to material changes. A lot of private areas, like bedrooms, have a lot of furniture and not much else. They don't have as much built in cam entry. Unless you're talking about your master closet, your master closet. You may or may not have a walk in closet. Sometimes closets can be designed to a specific taste, and you can spend time at this. If you would like in your bedroom, start writing down the things you would like to have. Find examples. Make a list, a precedent board and we'll discuss it further. 12. Indoor Outdoor: last main type of space that I would like to discuss in this Siri's is the indoor outdoor spaces that we create. Now this could be decks. It could be porches, but it could be much more than that. A good example is a breezeway breezeway connecting on exterior function of the garage into another interior function, or maybe exterior room. These are great because they let you experience the elements, as I discussed earlier about transitions on experience as you walk from one area to another . Abreu's way is excellent because you feel even though you might be sheltered, you feel the exterior. It's a sensory experience. You're connected to the outdoors, but you're inside. And that's how a lot of these outdoor indoor spaces work. It's that you have a blend between into your exterior and that extends your living spaces into the exterior. The outside environment and this could be very beneficial, depending on your climate. But these rooms, outdoor rooms, they don't have to be big. It could be a room for one share and the plant, but the connection between the interior exterior, even if it's just an extended balcony with a large open wall that extends the inside to the outside your environment, then expands greatly and you feel connected to a larger substance. You have light, you have fresh air. You have smells, which could be a good or bad. But it's this connection that is very important for indoor outdoor blind. 13. Value in Quality: quality and craftsmanship and in detail for me is crucial. It is one of the most important elements of times. Architecture really is a requirement, some of the details that can make a big difference in a remodel for those at the edges. Trim work well done around tile around floor around the shower at the backsplash would dream of the base in case or crown molding wanes, coating arches these can. All. This can also be attention to smaller elements, such as new outlets and switches. It takes on a more modern feel, gives you impression that you were thinking through the design and remodel, and it feels more complete. Get a good contractor that will take a little extra time on the finish. It goes a long way. Last night about the details is to match up the character of the fixtures, furniture and the details just covered. Your taste could be eclectic or unique. That is okay. What you shouldn't do is just follow the trends for each element. Even when they don't match. It portrays the lack of experience, and even if they are popular at the time when they don't match the go out of style a lot faster. It begins to look cheap. It is the easy way out, taking away value over the overall. We'll talk about more of this when we talk about the unique pieces and custom pieces you can add to your design later on. 14. Materials: materials is a very big topic. The different types of materials for different levels of skill and cost is something you will spend a lot of time on. Even if you are using your contractor, I'm going to cover just to feel the most common material changes in remodel and the different types to consider. We'll have to wait for your further research and a future discussion. Flooring is one of the main material changes you might consider because it makes a big impact if the carpet is worn out. If the tile is cracked, it might be worth it to just replace these materials with those that might be more up to date or fire quality. If you want to replace the carpet with wood flooring, there's a lot of different options for wood. Flooring doesn't have to be natural wood, even though that is a great choice. Depending on your climate, make sure that you pay attention to how much moisture the type of wood can handle. But even if you want the would look for wood flooring, there's natural composite wood flooring. These could be tiles are gonna be installed on a floating type floor surface. They're not nailed down. They just clip in a place and you trim out the edges. They could be an L V T tile, which is really a vinyl luxury vinyl tile, and these look like would they could do a really good job of updating the floor surface. It could be on concrete or something softer. They could be on wood thinning on how you detail it. There's also tiles that look like wood. More tiles of all types. If you want hard services, paint wallcoverings. So if you're doing a remodel, paint can add a fresh color fresh atmosphere. But it's also important to think about again lighting. If the room does not receive a lot of daylight. The color and pigment of the paint reflector absorbed the amount of light in that room and increase the comfort. So if your room is really dark, I recommend installing lighter color paints. It's common sense, but you don't want to just choose one color for every room. Depending on how much light you have, you want to have a consistent look and feel to your home. I'm not saying the color can't transition from 1 to 1 room to another but it should be done thoughtfully. There should be a reason for that. Change in shift. You can use walls as art as well. They don't have to be solid colors. They could be multiple colors that could be painted elements. You can have wall art or textured walls. You can have walls that have covering of tile when you look at your precedence. Look at how they approached their wall covering and get some good ideas, and then think about why they chose those. Is it function such as the color pigment of the paint hard surface for wet or moisture resistance? One of the reasons they chose those and those will help you make better decisions for your own home exterior signing when it comes to exterior, citing, I tend to be a little over opinion ended. I really enjoy natural materials, whether that stone or wood or adobe rammed earth walls, something that is contextually and culturally consistent to your context. That's what I advised most of the time. However, it's not always the most cost effective, but it is timeless when it comes to options for your exterior siding. Your exterior, citing, might just need ah fresh cleaning and a fresh coat of paint siding Materials that are really inexpensive are often not the best when it comes to ST Appeal. Curb appeal in general understanding of the quality of your home from the outside, there are amazing. Would materials that do not require as much maintenance and upkeep as some of old natural wood materials. These can be so sure you bond, which is a burned burned. Would that chars the material black, and this keeps it rot resistant, moisture resistant. It's an excellent choice for exterior of a home. There's also thermally modified, would and chemically modified would, which are natural materials that require very little upkeep and last a very long time. 15. Fixtures: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unfortunately, when it comes to light fixtures, this is not the best advice. If you really want to increase the value of your home life, pictures can be an easy way to do it. My fishes can be outdated quickly. Sometimes you don't need to replace them. There can be a great lighting elements that actually increase the value of your home, depending on their style and quality. But matching the light fixtures with the interior design of your home really make those areas come together. It could be constantly to replace the life fixtures faucets. Spend some time and you can find fixtures for a great price. Even if it is here, they're using different manufacturers. Finding the right like Fisher can be worth it. Your contractor is not going to like this approach, but if you want to save a lot of money and you have some skill to do it yourself safely, it could be worth it. Or if you're contractors willing to negotiate, it's worth the discussion. If you are replacing lining, move newer technology such as led will save you a lot of money. Quality will not generate as much heat and will last much longer. It's a good change to make 16. Interior Design Principles: in this video, I'm gonna give you some tips and principles for interior design and decorating. Enjoying your space is a lot easier when you love the stuff that's in it. When it brings inspiration that makes for a great conversation. They don't have to start big. You don't have to do the entire interior designs came at once. You can use these principles to practice small and then grow it. You can use a tabletop for an example of coffee table. You can choose a nick cranny and designed small elements and get practice with some of these design principles and will become easier with time and will become more fun. Rhythm is in the visual sense of design. How the eyes move across the room. You take a painting, for example, an artist will create an essence for your eyes to focus on and then create movement toward another piece of the painting. It is the same for a room where rhythm is in progression gradation opposition, in contrast, ing elements and you want the flow to be, in a sense, calm. If it is too abrupt or punctuated. There is a a lack of rhythm, and it is impeding to the eye of movement. When you're experiencing that space balance comes in the form of asymmetric symmetric or radio. Symmetric is very formal. You have elements of a similar character or identical, with a center line or a focal point, and the same elements are expressed on each side of that. When we talk about asymmetrical balance, we talk about a balance of weighted objects or distance from this Centrepoint. There is a balance in the imagery based on similarly a dividing line, but this balance is accounted for with visual weight of objects surrounding it. Radio balance is a state of equilibrium based on circular elements. So is radio balance. There is weighted elements in a comfortable fashion around the center. Proportion and scale go hand in hand. One of the first things I think of when I think of proportionate scale is the golden section and the golden mean I'll provide an explanation of these in the resource is for this lecture. But when it comes to proportion and scale, nature is the prime example. Also, human scale is important. You think of ergonomics. My chair has to be of the scale of a human to be able to be useful. Think of the scale of furniture. Table heights comes down to the scale that is appropriate. Ceiling heights. Also being too tall, too short can create disharmony, proportion being the balance and relationship of the elements of design. Focal point focal point could be an object like a fireplace. Elements that direct attention to themselves, the way that flow and rhythm have accentuated moments with focal points. You don't want your eyes to be constantly wandering for things to look at. You are able to center yourself when there is a focal point in the room. Negative space, negative spaces, the white space of an image. Make sure there's enough negative space. Help create balance and proportion. Too much creates. Have a feel which is uncomfortable. Negative space helps you digest the positive space, the positive elements of design. The practice for this lecture is going to be similar to some of the ones we've done in the past over again. We're using sources of inspiration and examples of professionals and things that have done previously to inspire us and to teach us. But this time I want you to choose one designer, one interior designer that has done something that you admire and find their process find a little bit about their background. See how they do the work, that they do, the work that you like and see what you can pull from that to experiment on your own. 17. Unique and Custom Pieces: going back to something we talked about briefly in the interior design and decorating video , we talked about unique and custom pieces. Now these a really fun, and they add character and personality to your home that could be used as your focal point in your designs. In your design scheme or theme. These things you can go to a state scales yard sales, antique shops, secondhand stores. We're fine. We'll find things that you just want to create as a custom piece from one function made into another function. This could be on old vanity. Dresser turned into a vanity for sink. It could be wall art that have signature sayings or something that means something special to you. These unique pieces help you create an identity for your space. That's just a quick tip that you should explore. 18. Built-Ins: this will be a quick video. We're just gonna look at a few examples of interesting built ins and why I think they're useful and something you can should consider for your remodel. For this lecture, I have chosen an example of one residence, an architect in particular that has done an exceptional job with built ins, both multi function and the design process. Now this is especially useful because not only is the finished product available, but also some of the design sketches from the architect, and you can see the manner in which he designed these for what purpose. And I hope that you find them is inspiring, as I do in the notes or in the comments note that you have completed this study and his reference and make comment of anything you found interesting. 19. Street Appeal: when it comes to leaving a lasting impression of your home. There are few things as powerful as curb appeal or street appeal. Some of the elements that we're going to discuss our elements of landscape design, about pathway, about exterior materials, lighting, sense of safety, sense of way, finding and views. Let's talk about some of these things when it comes to landscapes. You want a foreground, a middle ground on the background. If you have a blank slate of, say, grass all the way up to the base of your home with no separation between the home and the front of the yard, the view or the impression of the home lacks depth. If you have foreground in your landscaping, you can have smaller elements. Medium. Ella's two large elements, which could be your home. Think of depth when you create a vision of your home from the street. What also enhances the street appeal is a sense of safety and way finding if you know where the front door is or how to approach it if it's expressed in a creative or exploratory manner or whimsical path finding stepping off a single hard surface such as concrete or sidewalk into papers separated and enhanced with planting will also enhance the experience of coming into a home. Don't create anything fake when it comes to us through ST Appeal. Don't create anything fake When it comes to ST Appeal, I've often seen fake dormers put on houses or fake windows or fig beams. Fake columns. Stay away from these elements. If you can. They might look cute and quaint, but it devalues the design of your home. If you put in a gable or dormer window, make it really make it functional. Bring that light into the home. 20. Budget: budget is one of the most restricting parts of many architectural and her model projects, however, that however, now that we have a lot of data, it will give us a more solid foundation to run the numbers on. With new build new construction, a contractor might be able to give you a ballpark price for square footage estimates. With remodels. However, it is often square footage that exists and requires varying degrees of change. The contractor, specialising remodels, will tell you that most of their money will be spent in areas like bathrooms and kitchens. As we have discussed in previous lectures, that is rightfully so. But if we take a look back at our data, you might identify some areas that will make a large impact on your enjoyment and livability. And they may be just as important as kitchen and bathrooms, and if they cost less, all the better for the best estimate. Now is the time to start talking with a contractor in your area prices air bound to very greatly with where you are located and the resource is and labour available at any given time. Also, remember that the costs will rise with time so expect that when you first talk to your contractor and when you finally ready to be in construction, estimate may likely increase. Start with how much you have to spend or would like to spend on your project. You have a list to give to your contractor to help break down the estimate cost, and this will help you prioritize. Also discussing the type of contract with your contractors Important from the start, I'll provide more detail on the types of contracts you can discuss with your contractor and link this and the resource is for this lecture. 21. Schedule: schedule. The amount of time Bureau model will take is as important as the budget they go hand in hand plan on completing your project. There will not be as many weather delays. Find a contractor that has a good reputation and completes a lot of the work in your area. General contractors will have more sway in power over subcontractors to show up on site and to do good quality work costs for general using general contractors may be greater, but the last frustration and delay you encounter in the process may be worth it. Talk to as many people as you can and get as many estimates as you can for some of the project. If you are living in the home during construction, you may have to arrange to stay somewhere else during phases of the project. Types of activities that may require you to leave maybe when painting with toxic chemicals . Hopefully, they use no vio si paint content, but you get the idea. They also may have to open up the building envelope so you would not be able to control the condition space, and you want this work done as quickly as possible and giving them the time and space they need to turn around the project and complete it. Because many decisions as you can up front, every change to the project down the road will increase the construction time as well as the budget as we discussed, especially if it requires long lead times to acquire materials such as cabinet work or special items that require some middles and approvals by the owner to then be manufactured . No, your goals. Be willing to be flexible in some things and confident to stand your ground and others. You want the outcome to be of genuine value for years to come. Completing the work all at once will reduce the overall cost of the project. However, if you do not have all the money up front and do not want to obtain a construction loan, it may be a better strategy to target certain rooms or projects. One of the time, you can also provide added value with sweat equity. Taking on some of the work yourself. We will discuss this a little bit more on the Lexx next lecture 22. Skills Required: If you decide to take on the work by yourself or in part by yourself, as I did with my own home remodel or whether you contract with a professional, you may want to consider what parts of your model R D I y. Or do it yourself friendly and what others require license certified professional paint flooring fixtures. These air these things. You can do yourself landscaping. There are other elements, such as electrical framing Structural Foundation's plumbing H back. These are some of the things that might require permits from the city and require a professional and to be passed off by a building inspector. Some municipalities require a license contractor on the permit application for any size remodel. Check with your city code, call them and ask specific questions. If you did not follow proper protocol, he risked breaking the law, having the project shut down and acquiring fees to be paid off before work can resume. You don't want those frustrations 23. Pull It Together: have you ever spent all day cleaning? And you get to a point where everything on your list is checked off. Everything is in its place and there's nothing left nagging on your mind and you sit down, you feel relaxed, and the place the atmosphere around you helps enhance that. Relax, ation. What about when you think about memories or stories? A sense of place is essential. It helps cement those memories. I am getting to a point. Is that where you live directly influences your life? For better or for worse, you could do so much to change your surroundings and change how you interpret those surroundings both consciously and subconsciously. You have already done so much in this regard with all of the exercises that we've been through all of the lectures and points that we've talked about or not talked about. Up to this point, these things will already influence your life for the better because you will know how you live mawr intimately. You will know how you can improve each of these spaces a little bit, and it is about a remodel, but it is about so much more. It is about improving your livability. Remember that what matters is your happiness in this process. It's not an easy process to go about remodeling, and you have to remember why you are here in the first place. The solutions for this end goal becomes so much easier when the problem is so apparent. Take furniture designed, for example, or how you arrange furniture around your space. You first have to know what the furniture's is for. Why you need that type of furniture like a dining room, for example, when you need 15 inches behind your chair to go in and out so people can walk behind you. And did you have enough space to get in and out easily? What you're doing is crafting your new life with your new remodel. Now we have gone over some design elements that are difficult to grasp all at once, and their small things that you can do to just experiment and help them become part of your problem solving process. Design is a practice that becomes a skill, and you have some of the tools to make this a reality. 24. Passive Intro: with the attitude of improving your life. Let's talk about some of the things that can impact the health of your environment and help you with reducing your utility bills on these air. Some passive strategies that in the past were obvious techniques. But in the days of a C and fuel delivered right to your appliances in your home through underground pipes, it's easy to forget some of these. I'm really passionate about passive strategies and passive design and how to create a sustainable living with your home and improve health by architecture. 25. Other Considerations: There are many elements of design that we didn't even begin to explain during this course. There are typical clearances for walkways that need to be adhered for code furniture, layouts, mechanical equipment, in storage areas, etcetera. There are all the elements of designs such as form, shape, color, mass light, shadow elements of construction, such as the things you will discover when you open up walls or floors that need to be repaired. You will likely run into problems that need to be solved for your health, such as mould or for the longevity of your home. Expect this is not an easy process, but push through it. Another consideration is that during construction there will be a lot of dust in the air. I recommend getting an air filter to help remove this dust in your home, Sign a contractor that you feel comfortable having in your home that you can establish a good relationship of trust with. If you are doing the work yourself, you will have to research waste, storage on side and where to take all of the waste. The construction waste also remember that making changes in the process of construction costs a lot more than making the changes in the design process make is many of the decisions as you can up front. 26. Thank You: throughout this course, we've been talking about some design principles. Where to allocate your budget, your schedule, your hard work your resource is. But remember it's about you. You're the best person to make it specific and relevant, and the best designs are personal and functional. If there's anything that you felt that has been lacking through this course, or if you're hung up on one principle, please reach out to me. I'm very happy to discuss these things continually. I want you to get to a point where you're satisfied with your plan of attack and they feel comfortable with it. So reach out to me. I'm happy to discuss things beyond this course. Um, I just love helping out people, make things a little more relevant because these these things are just really fun for me. I want to thank you for spending time with me on this course and discussing your home remodel. I hope it has been a fun process, and I look forward to talking to you more