1. Intro: Hey, everyone, My name is Tiffany Done, and today I'll be showing you how to make wind drawstring bags thes air great for so many occasions. And they even make great gift bags to I walk you through the basics and then show you several more ways. You can customize this bag, including how to add multiple fabrics to the outside, how to hide the lining layer when the bag is closed and lots of options for tying the drawstring itself for the class project. Make your own bag and share with us how you chose the tire drawstring to I hope you enjoy this class. Let's get started.
2. Designing Bag: we'll be getting out some paper and a pencil for this next step. I recommend using graph paper. Just the help. Accurately visualize how everything works together in size. I'll let every cube represent one inch. Also note that when determining the size, I'm talking about the finished size of the bag when it is laid flat on a table when it scrunched together, there will be a little less room on the inside, so be sure to consider that this is what are finished bag will look like. I'll be visualized that I'm explaining. You want the height of your bag to be longer than the wit you can make it. Whatever size you wind, I want to make a fairly large bag about 11 inches wide by 17 inches tall, so I will draw that out and write the measurements to. Since my bag is fairly large, I want to have a big ruffle section on top, so make that three inches. Now I want to consider how wide to make my drawstring section. If you're using chord, you want to make the drawstring section wider than its. This is because it can't scrunch like ribbon. So you want to make sure that there's enough space for it to be able to move. Ribbon, on the other hand, can twist and pulled. So if you're using Rubin, the size of your drawstring section could be a little more variable. Since my bag is fairly large, I want to use a larger ribbon as well. My ribbon will be 1.5 inches wide, so I will make my drawstring section that wide as well, to keep it simple. Finally, let's think about fabric. I'm using a single fabric for the outside and a single fabric for the inside, and I will let the inter fabric show of the talks. I don't need to write any special note for this, so my bag design is finished. If you want to change the look of your bag, either by adding more strips of fabric to be outside or hiding the lining layer so it doesn't show till the bag is open. Check out the variation videos at the end of class. Next, we need to break down this design to find out what needs to be cut and how
3. How To Cut Fabric: If you're using any of my variations, check out the Variations video to see what you need to do for this step. There are four sides of this bag. Thea outside front, the outside back thean side fronts and the inside back. I only have one fabric piece for each side, and I know that all my pieces will be the same size, so I don't need to make any special calculations. But I do need to add seam allowance. There needs to be half an inch seam allowance around every edge. Since I'm making my final bag 11 inches by 17 inches, I need to cut all four fabric pieces to be 12 inches by 18 inches.
4. Cutting Fabric: you can cut your fabric, however, you're comfortable for me. I like to use the folds and edges as my guides. I'm cutting both my outer pieces at one time likeness. Be sure that you're cutting your fabric the right direction. If there is a pattern on, if my fabric has a pattern that resemble straight lines, I can use that as my god as well. That's what I'll do now to take care of these last few edges. This fabric doesn't have a solid straight line. As you can see, some of it is a different height than the rest. But it is enough oven implied line that I can just imagine the rest of it. Since I'm cutting all my pieces to the same size, I can use the pieces I just cut as a guide to cut my other fabric pieces so I don't have to re measure again. Double check that you're cutting your fabric the right direction. I want my stripes on this fabric to be vertical
5. Creating Bags: when you have your four main pieces, the outer front outer back in her front and inter back, we can start assembling the bag. If you're making a bag with other strips of fabric, this is the stage where you want your pieces sewn together. Tourism believes four main pieces. If you're using the variation toe, hide the lining layer. Your outer pieces would be a little longer than your inner pieces, but you can still follow along just fine as the process is still the same way. We'll start with the outer pieces zigzag around all your edges. It won't be possible to do this later, with the right sides facing together into making sure your pattern is facing the right direction. If necessary, Pin or clip your bag pieces together around every side to cut the top. So with half if seem allowance around. All aside, you pen being sure to back stitch as well. Zigzag around all your edges way placed inter bag pieces together with right sides facing each other. We're going to pin them together the same way we did the outer bag, except we need to leave about 3 to 5 inch opening along the bottom edge. There are times when I'm sewing without pins and I completely forget to leave an opening. It is really frustrating, and I have to go back and seamer but open again. So I suggest mark in this section by placing pin sideways as a reminder. So the bag pieces together with half an inch seam allowance, being sure to skip over that section with sideways pens and also being sure to back stitch , Uh
6. Connecting Bags: no turn. What will be the inner bag right side out and place inside the outer bag. Find out side seems first and pin in place. Now pin around the rest of the top edge, so around the top with half inch same Lohan's. Pull the inner bag out and then use the Holy Left to turn both right side out. Try to get the corners as well. Pull that whole closed. Rogers should talk themselves under pretty easily. If you're making the bag reversible, you might consider getting a thread that matches really well or hand stitching this shut. But for now, I'm simply going to so as close to the edge as I can to close off that section. Now touch the inner bag back into the outer bag and try to flatten out that top in iron around the very top. The main part of our bag is completed. Next, we'll work on the drawstring section
7. Sewing Drawstring Section: I want my ruffle top edge to be three inches, so I'm marking that measurement with a piece of colorful tape. Since my machine doesn't have a guide, that four out line up the top edge of your bag with the tape and so all the way around. Now add your measurement for the drawstring section itself. Since I'm making the drawstring section 1.5 inches, I'll add that to the three inches I just measured. I'll move my tape to now be 4.5 inches away from my sewing needle and then also all the way around again.
8. Finishing Bag & Adding Drawstring: on the outer fabric seem ripped. The side's inside the drawstring section between the two. Seems we just made lane. Few cut your ribbon or string is up to you. Just remember, you want the string long enough to knock it pulled into the bag when it is open, but not so long that it becomes excess bulk when it's closed. My finished bag is 11 inches wide, and I wanted my ribbon to extend 10 inches past but on either side, So I cut to pieces to be 31 inches each. Take a safety pin and pin it close to the edge of your ribbons. I will read one ribbon through a hole and have it go across the front of the bag and out the other hole. Theun. I'll take the other ribbon and thread it through along the way. Now I haven't end of each string sticking out of either side. The safety pin might mess up the edge of your ribbon, so simply cut off that little section. Thin takes in clear nail polish and paints Ian's. This'll keep it from friends. Now I can pull the edges and close my bag. You saw high tide this bag earlier. Here's another way I can tie it by creating a bow with the front ribbon and then tying and not underneath the back ribbons. Now my bag finished. If you want to know how I made all the variations, check out the next few videos. There are so many ways to customize this bag.
9. Variation: Multiple Fabrics: starting in the designing phase. If you want to add multiple strips of fabric to the outside, draw them in their measurements into your design. This bag I'm working on is going to be seven inches wide by 13 inches. Top and, as you can see, have already added 1.5 in truffle top section and a one inch drawstring section. I'm using a pattern fabric for the main section of this bag, and it hasn green elements to it. So I want to add a solid green strip along the lower section to make the bag a little more interesting. I don't want much, though. I wanted to feel pretty balanced and taking into consideration the ruffle and drawstring measurements in the kind of fabrics I'm using. I'm going to make this new section about three inches hot, all right that into my design that will make the top section of my fabrics 10 inches tall instead of 13 inches. But both will still have the same with of seven inches. Next, we need to break this design down into fabric beans to cut and then we can add seam allowances, basic bag uses to outer pieces and to inner peace is. But for this design you will have four outer pieces to enter pieces. The inner lining layers. I'm simply making to be the total size of my bag, which for this is seven inches by 13 inches for the pieces that make up the outside. The lower section is three inches by seven inches, making the top section 10 inches by seven inches. Now we need to add seem Lohans. We will be working with half an inch seam allowance, so add 1/2 inch toe every raw edge of every fabric piece we're cutting. That means I'm cutting to lining pieces to eight inches by 14 inches each to lower outer pieces to be eight inches by four inches and two top outer pieces to be eight inches by 11 inches. Now cut out your fabrics. If you want to see how I cut mine, go back to the cutting fabric video from earlier in class. Using are drawn designed as a guide. Determine which fabrics go with which to make our four main pieces line up the edges and pin or clip your fabrics together with right sides facing together. So with half an inch seam allowance, then six back stitch. It seems to faze down. Repeat this process until all the sections are connected to create our four main pieces. Theo. Rest of the process is the same as the basic bag, with the only exception of lining of the outer layers at their side. Seems first when pinning around this will help them matchup. You can jump back into the creating bags video in the main part of class and finish making your back, uh
10. Variation: Hidden Lining: to hide the lining fabric under the drawstring section. We need to start in the designing phase for the bag I am making. The finished bag would be about 10 inches wide by 14 inches tall. The ruffle top section will be two inches, and the drawstring section will be Wantage. To hide the lining layer, we need to make the outer fabric longer than the inner fabric. But we also have to make sure to do it in a way that will make the finish bag the right size and still have the lining. Start at the right place, which is right under the drawstring section. Add the amount of your ruffle, plus the amount of your drawstring section. For me, that is two inches plus one inch, which equals three inches. Will take that number and added to your outside fabric length and subtract it from your inside fabric clean. Right now, my outside and inside fabrics all come to the same height of 14 inches to the outside. I need to add the three inches to the height, making it 17 and just haul by 10 inches wide to the inside. I need to subtract three inches making it 11 inches tall and 10 inches wide. Once you have done that at 1/2 inch seam allowance, toe every edge of fabric you're cutting. So for my to inner peace is I need to cut them 11 inches wide by 12 inches tall. For my two outer pieces, I need to cut them 11 inches wide by 18 inches tall. Cut your fabric, say exactly edges and attach your bag pieces like I show in the main part of class when you turn your bag right side out. This time, stuff the outer layer into the enter layer until it is easily inside and may be helpful to find the lower corners and match them up to get the bag evenly inside. Also, you may have noticed I completely forgot to close the hole, but that actually worked out to my advantage because it held me match up the corners. Once you're finished with this part, if the hole is still open, you can close it. Three inch difference between fabrics should be showing right now. Double check that the bag is evenly inside by measuring that three inch section of the outer fabric in several places. make sure that the top section is completely flat on the inside as well, So there aren't any weird Bunches when it's finished. I'd also recommend putting it in place to help keep everything folded just right. I'm going to start by So right where the two fabrics meet, this'll be the lower seem in my drawstring sections. Then I will find the length I wanted my ruffled Section two B, which is two inches and make that my new seem Weiland's. I was so around once more here. Then you can follow along with finishing bag video to add your drawstrings. If you want to try something different, you can reverse this by making the lining longer. I also change the height of the drawstring section not to line up with this one.
11. Adding Decorative Ribbon: Here's an example where I attach some sequin ribbon to this tropical themed bag. I started with my two outer pieces already cut. Then I cut two strips of the sequin ribbon. Each is wide as my fabric pieces. Then I measured about half an inch above the lower edge and pinned the ribbon in place. This is because that half inches my seam allowance and I don't want to waste 1/2 inch of this friggin on the inside of the bag. I took the pieces to my sewing machine and soda cross as close to the edges as possible. - Also , when I saw the bag pieces together, I just followed along the seam I previously made when I attached the ribbon. This'll health. Make sure there was no fabric visible on the bottom of the bag, and instead, all you could see was the sequin ribbon
12. Drawstring Tie Options & Tips: there are so many ways to tie this bag. If you want to only use one side, just seem ripped. The side that you want, you can either tie a bow with the string for double, not the ends together. If you want to use both sides, you can pull a cord, all the fairgrounds and out the same sides. Then take another court cut to the same size and pull through the other side the same way. I think you can either tie bows or double not the ends. You could also have two different ribbons for any defect. I'm using two different sized ribbons here. There's also another option to tie it in the front by pulling the string around 1.5 times. So in end of sticking out of each side of the bad way, it may be helpful to attach some painter's tape around the end of your string. Then connect your safety. Think this'll help keep the court from coming loose while trying to pull it through the back way. If you can't get your string passed, the scenes keep working at it. Sometimes it could be a tight fit there. - Also , if your concerns about what lengths to cut your string. You can keep it on its school while you thread it through and then cut it after you've seen how long you want it to be. A fun way to tie this one is by adding pom poms to the string ends. I do this with a hot glue gun and then tying a bow on the front of the bag.
13. Outro: and that's it. Thank you so much for watching this class. I hope you learned a lot. And don't forget to share your projects. See you next time.