How to design an invitation ( for any occasion) | Ilze Lucero | Skillshare

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How to design an invitation ( for any occasion)

teacher avatar Ilze Lucero, Photographer, designer, artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      How to design an Invitation Intro


    • 2.

      Tools and Programs


    • 3.

      3 Main Components


    • 4.

      Information and Fonts


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Design and Finishing Touches


    • 7.

      Student Project


    • 8.

      Recap and Final Thoughts


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About This Class

In this class I will teach you haw to design an invitation for any occasion.

We will learn what makes a great invitation, how to incorporate various elements, select fonts and put the design together. I will be working in Photoshop however same tips apply to other design programs ( like that support layers and variety of fonts.

Meet Your Teacher

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Ilze Lucero

Photographer, designer, artist


Clarkston based artist, photographer and designer

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Level: Beginner

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1. How to design an Invitation Intro: Hi, my name is 1100 and I'm a stationary artist and photographer. And in this class I will be teaching you how to design an invitation. So let's get started. 2. Tools and Programs: So let's select the right tools. I love working with programs that offer layers. Some of my favorites are Photoshop, Procreate, an illustrator. Oftentimes, I will be switching between the various programs for a single design. 3. 3 Main Components: Great invocation consists of three main things. Tech store information, artwork, sometimes including photography and design. And design is what pulls it all together. In this class for our case study, I will be working in Photoshop. However, if you have any other design software like Illustrator or Procreate that supports layers and has font options. You will be able to follow along. 4. Information and Fonts: Every invitation needs some basic info. So let's take a peek. First. We need to know what we're celebrating. Is it at wedding, baby shower, birthday, barbecue, or corporate party? We also will want to know who we are celebrating. So in cases of wedding or baby shower, there will be a specific person. And we want to make sure to highlight that bursae in. A written notation also needs to include when and where the parties going to be happening. Make sure to have a proper date and location so people know where to show up. And finally, it's the RSVP information. And that is usually an email address or a phone number. So let's take a peek on how all of that information actually looks in the invitation. So let's start by The reason for celebration. In this case, I was grading design for a birthday celebration. And we are going to be celebrating Melanie for the name. I decided to highlight celebrants name in a different font. This is how some of the invitations only play with a variety of fonts to emphasize the person's up being celebrated, or dates and times. So this will be followed by date and time 1 to make sure that you always have the date and the time, as well as the location. And if it's the event where somebody will be coming from out of town or maybe's not familiar with the area. You always want to have the addresses as well. And finally, we're adding RSVP information. In this case, I listed a name and a phone number. But as you can see, just with fonts and the information alone, the invitation can look complete just by changing, sizing, adding different fonts, as well as separating information to highlight the importance though. So let's take a peek at some other examples. So for this example, you can see that besides having different fonts, I also added another element of a different color. While it's lighter, it's kind of sinks in the background. It becomes a design element or artwork. Besides just the main information flow. In this invitation, There's also play with the layout, some of the vertical writing. And the only other design element is really the separators. In this case, we're looking at two different fonts, few different sizes. And finally here, while the background could be considered an artwork because it has the tonality and a little bit of Change and painterly feel. The main design elements are the information and a font selection. As you can see in this invitation, main focus is on fonts. So you see how the fonts become their own design element in artwork. You can consider the painterly background is in artwork as well. So let's head over to the next segment. And dots will be selecting artwork. 5. Artwork : So let's look at artwork. Artwork can be background. As we looked at the previous section, we saw that the artwork can be just a simple painterly background, adding a little extra color. It can be a border. It can be photos that are either integrated as background in the lower opacity or be scattered throughout the invitation. It's going to have different shapes highlighting the important information. Or it can be integrated illustration. So let's see how that applies to our invitation. As we started out with the invitation being plane, I added variety of fonts to show the interest. Well we can do is we can add interests, the elements like frames or illustrated frame like this water color that I have edited and remove the background. I had created this illustration with a shape inside for the actual invitation info. War. In this example, the artwork is at the top of the invitation and the information's below. But we will be taking this artwork and moving it to our invitation. So I will select it, copy it, paste it on this invitation. Now this artwork is a way bigger than my actual invitation. So if you hit Control 0, you will be able to see the binding box that shows where the artwork sets. And we will be resizing it, constraining it. So we've gone have a distorted and we will apply it to our basic invitation. Now, it seems like it may not be the right fit. However, I will show you a couple of tricks that the even artwork that seems like it has a different color scheme may not fit, right? Couldn't be a perfect fit for even the invitation you already have designed with a text. In this case, we will be moving it towards the back layer. And I will change the mode to soft light. So as you can see now, it created a beautiful texture and then added interest. We can still resize it to make it fit better. In this case, I want my text to be highlighted and surrounded by the illustration. And we can also adjust the opacity that will let the invitation look lighter. And I think this looks pretty good fit. So let's see what the other things we can do. So let's see how this same information can have completely different feel in a different design. I have copied and pasted all this information. Originally, this artwork is created in Procreate and it has layers, so it has options for different colors, as well as ability to move some of the elements where I need them. In this case, I started with the background. So as you can see, I copied and pasted the same information. However, I changed some of the font options. In this case, I chose more playful font to match the background. And the artwork. As you can see, this artwork includes shape as well as layers of different botanical elements. So let's take it to a next level and out of photograph. So let's see how we can create an invitation with the same information for a child's birth a. In this case, we will use a photograph that will be placed and all the information that we had before, I copied and pasted in here. And in this case, I just switched up some font options. So as you can see, it has completely different feel. It's more playful. We can add some interest by going into our text box and changing color. We can adjust the color by selecting it from the photo to make it match better. Let's see, maybe a little bit brighter. If you want to add any further interest, you can try and add some artwork. I add artwork by creating File, Place Embedded. Select the folder and I will be adding the flowers. So in this case, the flowers actually have white background. And I want to make sure that I see what's behind it. Since my background is already white, I will change my mode to darken, which only give me the color. So let's go to darken. And now we will resize and place artwork. How do you feel it should? Well, you can also go in and mascot. If you don't want any specific distractions, you can remove them from the artwork. I had placed a couple of pieces before. And so this invitations much more painful, vibrate. Although the text Informations pretty much the same. 6. Design and Finishing Touches: So let's see how we get from this layout that we started out with. Two. This one is way more balanced, and this is where design comes into play. Design is the magic sauce that's really pulls the invitation to gather. So let's see how we can make this design better. Well, we already have the text element and the artwork in a photo. We want to make sure that they've looks great together. So let's see how we can refine it. To make a balanced design, I wanted to make sure that all the elements in the invitation and work together really well. In this case, there's a lot of going on. So we had started with artwork to different fonts. And the photograph, I think we should change this font to the font that we already have. And in this case, I think I like it to be all caps. I like working in Photoshop because it has a feature that shows that center guides. If I start moving my text, it starts aligning it to different elements in my design. In this case, I'd like to have it centered. So I will move it here. I think I should increase her name just a tad more. And now I will adjust the information. And the information. I think I will want to have it centered. So in this case, since I have decided on having a floral element, I will be moving a little bit to the side, as well as possibly reducing some of the opacity. Rsvp will be centered as well. I will balance it out by adding artwork on this side as well. 7. Student Project: For your student project, I would love to see that you create an invitation for occasion that's right for you. Birthday party, wedding, grad party, or a picnic. I hope that the tips from this class will help you create an invitation that you will be happy to share with your friends. And I'm looking forward to seeing your projects on the projects page. 8. Recap and Final Thoughts: So let's recap. Three main components of invitation. Our fonts and text, artwork and photos, and design. Pecks can be information on earth element and design element. Just by using variation of fonts, color and size. Artwork can be a background, border, a photo, or place the illustration. And finally, design is what makes all the elements work together and create the final invitation. So I hope you'll enjoyed this class. And I can't wait to see all your designs.