How to crochet a Bumble Bee amigurumi! (From Knotmonsters: Pink Animals Edition) | Michael Cao | Skillshare

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How to crochet a Bumble Bee amigurumi! (From Knotmonsters: Pink Animals Edition)

teacher avatar Michael Cao, Join me! Make your own knotmonsters!

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      How to Crochet a Bumble Bee Intro - Knotmonster


    • 2.

      Introduction - Basic Crochet Techniques


    • 3.

      Part 1 - How to Crochet a Bumble Bee


    • 4.

      Part 2 - How to Crochet a Bumble Bee


    • 5.

      Part 3 - How to Crochet a Bumble Bee


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About This Class

In this video lesson, I will teach you how to crochet a cute little kawaii bumble bee!  This bumble bee pattern and many more patterns can be found in my Knotmonsters: Pink Animals Edition book, available on Amazon (paperback & kindle) and through Etsy (ebook):

Etsy (PDF ebook)

Amazon Paperback & Kindle

Never crocheted before?  No problem!  This course also includes an introductory video that will review the basic techniques needed to crochet and make our little amigurumi stuffed animals that I call our little "knotmonsters"!  

Tutorials for:

Slip knot, Slip Stitch, Chain, Single Crochet, Half Double Crochet, Double Crochet, Triple Crochet, Magic Ring, Front Loops/Back Loops, Increasing, Invisible Decrease, Changing Colors, Tying Off

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Michael Cao

Join me! Make your own knotmonsters!

Level: Beginner

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1. How to Crochet a Bumble Bee Intro - Knotmonster: Oh, hi, we didn't see you there. In today's video. We're going to be making my bumblebee. This is part of my pink collection. This is one of the first and bigger Rumi that I made and one of the most simple ones to start. So for beginners, this is a perfect one to start with. For this be, if for all of my rear Rumi, I use a worsted weight yarn, you can use any color you want to. But for the purpose of our pink book, we're going to be using pink, black, white. And then for the cheeks, I used a hot pink. And that's just for accents. For the eyes, I use a 12 millimeter Safety I, and for the mouth, I use black embroidery thread. Are you ready? Let's make a bumblebee. 2. Introduction - Basic Crochet Techniques: A slipknot allows you to tighten the knot using this loose yarn N to create a slip that you're gonna make a loop like such. And when you make that loop, you'll see that one of the ends is loose, called loose with ongoing anything while the other end right down here is going to in the rest of your yarn back there. So in order to make a slipknot, and you're going to take this loose end, take this loop, and you put it through the loop like such. You're going to pull it through time. And that will create your slipknot. Now in order to tighten this loop and you just pull on the loose yarn and like such. And the key point, it's going to actually release it. Still one more time. Make a loop. Pull it through Title. And you've got your slipknot. Sometimes a pattern will call for a chain, such as chain 3, chain for Jane one. In order to do a chain, you start actually just with a slip knot. So let's make a slip knot here. And let's time that slipknot around our hook. There we go. Alright. So we can either yarn over or yarn under. This is a yarn over. Do you see how the yarn is going over the hook? That's called yarn over. And under is going under the hook. So this is going under the hook, yarn over the hook to make a chain. And then we're going to pull it through that loop that we just made with a slip knot. That's one chain. So let's make it another chain. Yarn over, pull through, yarn over, pull through, yarn over, pull through. Perfect. So you see we got a little chain there. Let's try that again or into release it, we're just pull them apart. Perfect. Let's do like a chain five-year as an example. So we're into a slip knot or a slipknot. Let's chain 5 over 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. So you can do this as long as you need to or as short as you need to. So if the pattern calls for like a chain 5, that right there would be a chain five. There are two ways to do an actual slip stitch. I'm going to show you both ways here. For a slip stitch, what you'll do is you'll enter into the next stitch here. I've got actually just like a small chain, a chain of six actually. So we're going to enter into one of these chains. Right here. We're going to yarn over, pull through the first loop, pull through the second loop. And that right there is a slip stitch. Let's do another one. Enter into the next stitch. Yarn over, pull through. Thorough. Enter, yarn over, pull through, whole. Enter over or through. Author. Last one, enter over. Perfect. And that right there, It's a slip stitch. Now, let's go on and try a slip stitch in cross stitch. So I personally like using cross stitch for all of my Omega Rumi because it makes it a little bit tighter. Let's just do a chain rule quick here in the mall. Doing the cross stitch. Okay, so for cross stitch, we're going to enter into our next stitch. We're going to yarn under, pull through both her. So instead of yarn over here, we're going to be our under. So we're going to enter the yarn is going under or yarn under, pulled through the first loop, pull through Enter o, I'm sorry, here on under, under. We're doing cross stitch and under under her. So if you're gonna do cross the GI, stick with cross stitch the whole way. If you wanna do just the regular stitch, then that's completely fine with us. Stick with that. The entire project 2 as well. For uniform. Single crochets are bread and butter. This is the most common stitch than you're ever going to see. I'm going to show you how to do it in traditional crochet. And I'm also going to show you how to do it in cross stitch. As well as you know, I prefer doing the cross stitch for Omega Rumi. It does make kind of a little tighter, more uniform stitch in my opinion, bots on traditional crocheting is obviously just as good. So let's go and let's do the single crochet. So in order to single crochet, we're going to enter into our next stitch here. So our first stitch, we're going to yarn over, pull through, go up, reached that yarn under both loops. Let's do that again. Enter into the next stitch. Yarn over, pull through the first loop. Don't pull for the second one because they would both be doing a slip stitch, go up under both involve. Stood again, run through all the time. So that's a traditional single crochet. Now let's do it in cross stitch. So cross stitch is pretty much the same thing. It's just more yarn and under and say yarn over in the beginning. So for cross stitch, for the enter into our next stitch, yarn under, pull through, yarn under, pull her ball. So it's basically two yarn honors instead of a yarn over and a yarn under, which would mean that traditional, right? Let's go back over and finish this up here. And you can notice I'm entering into the stitch. Yarn is under pull through. Yarn is under Holter. So that's cross stitch there. Either one works fine. Just wanted you guys to see both wise. To do a half double crochet. You're going to start by yarn over. And then you'll enter into the next stitch here. Yarn under, pull that through, yarn over. And this time we're going to pull through all three stitches. So if you remember when we do a single crochet, we actually only have two loops. And this point here with a half double crochet, you'll see we have three loops that we're going to pull through. So go through all three of those. Let's do that again. So it's yarn over, entered into the next stitch here. Under yarn over, pull through all three. Yarn over, pull through all three. And that's a half double crochet. The double crochet is pretty similar to the half double crochet. So first you're going to start the exact same way. You start to have to look osha it by yearning over. You're going to enter into the next stitch right here. Yarn under, yarn over. And this time we're actually not pulling through all three stitches. So if you remember before, in the half double crochet, we're pulling through all three of these stitches. This time we're only going to pull through two of them. I'm going to leave that last one right there. So we just pulled through the first two loops. Now go ahead, go through and yarn over again, and then pull through the last two. Let's do that again. So yarn over can enter into the next stitch. Yarn under, yarn over, pull through the first two, yarn over, pull through the second two yarn. Over, enter into the new stitch you're under over both of the first two milliseconds. And that double crochet. A triple crochet is basically a double crochet except we're doing one extra step. So first, to start off with triple crochet. What we're gonna do is we're going to yarn over twice, over, over. So there's two loops are ready, they added two extra loops on to that. Then we're going to enter into the next stitch under over pull through the first two loops. Because if you look right here, we've got four loops now there, if you remember on the double crochet, we only had three there. We're going to go through the first two. That leaves three left. Then we're basically just doing a double crochet here within the next two. Right over and then pull through the last two. That's a triple crochet. Again. Do that twice. We're going to yarn over twice, then enter into the next stitch here. Under GAAP for loops on our hook. Up through, hole through, pull through three times, again, over twice. Enter into the next stage. Under and over both of the first to hear over both of the second two. Yarn over pull through the last. Let's do one more. That's a triple quote. I read their patterns often call for increases and decreases. In order to increase, all you have to do is just do a single crochet in the same stitch twice. So let's do an example here. Enter into this next stitch. And we're going to do a single crochet. We're gonna go back into the same stage with another single crochet. And that's her increase. Let's do it again Here. Single crochet. And then single crochet again into the same stitch. That's an increase in same thing. And so crushing the same steady increase. And then we're going to go into the next stitch and lingers again. Same crochet into the same stitch. And that's another increase there. There are two ways of doing a decrease. I'm gonna show you both ways. One is a traditional decrease and one is what we call an invisible decrease. While the invisible decrease isn't completely invisible, it does make it look a little bit better and kinda makes the actual decrease a little bit more difficult to see. But let me show you how to do a traditional decrease first. So if you look right here, we've got 1234567 stitches right there. Usually we are crocheting and the Stray here. So our first stitch is usually in a second, usually starts in this one. On that first one's going to be the second loop from the actual loan from the hook here. So to start with a decrease, and this is their traditional decrease, we're going to enter into our first loop here. We're going to yarn under for one through. And to enter into the next stitch. Yarn under, pull that through as well. And now you see we have three loops on our hook. Yarn over, pull through all those. So let's do that again with the next two here. And I'm going to pull through all three again. So let me go slow here. So for these last two, enter into the first edge. 3. Part 1 - How to Crochet a Bumble Bee: In this case, hi students. Let's see. Okay. Okay. Hello. Hello. Okay. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hi. And so forth. Hello. Hello. This is a system. Hi scores. Okay. Okay. Hi. Okay. Hello. Okay. Hello. 4. Part 2 - How to Crochet a Bumble Bee: Class. Hello. Hi. Yes. Yes. Okay. And in this case, awesome. Okay. Hi guys. See. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hi. And storage. Hi. Hi. Hello. So in this case, so. Hi. What's up? Sorry. Hi. 5. Part 3 - How to Crochet a Bumble Bee: Yes. Hi. Okay. Hello. In this scene. Let's see. Welcome back. Yes. Hi. Hi. Okay. Hi. Hi. Okay. Yes. In this case. Okay. Hello. Let's wrap up. Hi. Stores. Hello. Hello. Hi. Okay. Hello. Yeah. Yes. In this lesson, hi.