How to create stickers with your Illustrations using Procreate | Christina Williams | Skillshare

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How to create stickers with your Illustrations using Procreate

teacher avatar Christina Williams, Illustrator/ Watercolorist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to class


    • 2.



    • 3.

      From sketchbook to Procreate


    • 4.

      Finding inspiration


    • 5.

      Designing sheet in Silhouette Studio


    • 6.

      Cutting the print


    • 7.

      Finished sticker sheet


    • 8.

      Class project


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About This Class

All skill levels can benefit from this course. 

Class Description:

This class is all about learning how to take the art that you design in Procreate to make sticker sheets.

You will learn:

Finding inspiration for sticker themes

Correct spacing for the sticker sheet

How to outline the illustration properly

File to use for the sticker sheet

The class is for all skill levels. We have all started at the beginning and progressed upward. I would like to keep that same energy in this class.

The skills in this class are adaptable. Most digital illustration apps have the same basic principle and function. The things that I discuss in this class are the foundation needed to build upon.

If you are not quite there digitally and you are still sketching traditionally, you can still scan and upload your illustration to Adobe illustrator or a similar app to add your colors. This class can still benefit you.



Procreate App

Apple pencil or stylus

Reference photos (optional)

Inkjet printer

Silhouette Cameo

Meet Your Teacher

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Christina Williams

Illustrator/ Watercolorist

Level: All Levels

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1. Intro to class: Hi, my name is Christina, and this is my very first Skillshare class. I'm going to be teaching you how to turn your illustrations instead, beautiful stickers. I make stickers and sell them on Etsy shop. So I used a program procreate to do this, and I use a silhouette cameo to print out my stickers. So in the next videos, I'll be going over the materials needed for the class, how to find inspiration, the class project, and other resources to use for the class. So whether you're a beginner or an expert in all things about stickers, anybody can benefit from taking this class. I encourage you to follow along with me in to actively do it. That's the best way to learn, in my opinion, but feel free to just watch if that's what you choose to do as well. And I'll see you in the next video. 2. Materials: Let's talk materials. So for this class you are going to need the following materials. You're going to need your iPad. If you are not yet digital and you still use a sketch, but that's okay. You can use the sketchbook with your pencil and you'll just have to scan it in and to your computer system. And it should give you the same result. You're also going to need sticker paper. This can be any kind of sticker paper. This one particular is labeled paper. You can also use that. But any sticker paper rule, do you need your laptop or desktop that you use for your program? And this case, we will use your printer ecosystem. And that's going to be my silhouette cameo machine that I will be using for this class. To see you in the next video. 3. From sketchbook to Procreate: Alright, so I have my sketch book open. I previously drew out the animals. I decided to use those for the stickers to create for this particular class. I've already finished her sheet and I'll show you that in just a moment. But I want to quickly go over how to pull your illustrations from the sketchbook onto procreate. You would basically, you can do it two ways. Pull up my procreate app here. You would press the monkey wrench sign and you would select Add. And you have two options. You can take a photo or you can insert a photo. Let's go and take a photo. And basically you would aim shoot. Take the picture. And then it'll ask you if you want to use this photo or retake it. You select Use Photo. And it brings it in and you can crop in or minimize it whatever size you want it to be. And then another way you can do this too is you can go back into the same thing again and you can insert a photo. And if you have it there already, you can bring it in. I'm just going to throw something in here because I don't have that. You can bring that in the same way and you can crop it and move it around like so if you need to. All right. I'm going to hide both of these will actually delete them because I don't need them. Once you have it finished and completed, it'll look something like this. And I have it looking like this because once you bring it in, It's going to be two full opacity. And it'll look like that. You just gonna go back to that layer active. You remember when you do these individually, it's going to bring up different layers. You just have to merge them all together. And you do that by tapping it. And then it'll ask merge down and then they'll tell you, but there's nothing there to emerge down. So it's not gonna do that for me right now, but essentially this is what it will look like. And then you have to lighten it so you can trace over it. So I usually bring it down to about 30%. And that slide enough for me to do it. And then I'll just work. I'll work my way around one at a time. I will blow this up big like that. I will select studio pen. This is the pin I most commonly used. I will select studio pen and then I will begin to need to add a new layer. If I don't, it's going to do it in 30%. So I needed to be nice and bold, so I will trace it in. At this point. This is a time where I decided what I want to keep and what I don't want to keep. If I want to make the legs extend out more, I can do minor corrections. In this setting. It's much easier to do. So I'm gonna go ahead and erase it because I've already done this already and I came up with something like that. Let me hide it. That's the finished product. And I have this actually in the resources tab for those of you who are not quite yet ready to draw yet. Or if you just want some cute stickers that you want my cute little animal stickers. There. It is. In the same format like this. It's going to be in a PNG format where it doesn't have the white background in itself. You upload it to something, it'll just be the images there. I'll talk a little bit more about that class project a little bit later. I just want to pop in my colors so you guys can see the finished look. That's to finish look. And I usually send this to myself. I will hit the Share button and I send it as a JPEG and it'll pull up where it wants me to go. I hate mail, but I'm not going to send it because I've already sent it to myself previously. So that's pretty much it from how you go from sketchbook or paper, regular paper, to the iPad or to your program, whichever program it is there to be using. In the next video, I will see you guys there. 4. Finding inspiration: When you're looking for inspiration, inspiration can come from anything. I usually use the Internet as a basis to find what I am going to do. As far as their stickers. I basically Google things that I like. I will use that to put together a complete sticker sheet. So I'll go on Google and this is coffee. I will select images. Basically bring up coffee cups, coffee mugs. And I will look at these and whichever one appeals to me, I will go on and look. Sometimes I will look at the real portraits and sometimes I will look at clip art images to gain an idea of how I want it to look or to get other inspiration ideas. But whenever it is that you like, do you like coffee? Do you like food? Do you like animals? Do you like people? Whatever you are into is basically the grounds for your inspiration. Let's say for example, you are not a person that is drawling. That is not drawing. You're just starting out and you're a beginner. You can basically go on Google and that can help you out. And you can look for things in step-by-step. And it will pull it up whenever you're drawing style is if you select all and you don't do just images, it will pull up videos, it will pull up articles. Also have the images there, but you can also go to images and click on that. Then. I meant step-by-step, step-by-step, step-by-step. And then you can look at the different pictures that they offer. And they will give you step-by-step instructions like this one. You an idea of how to create that flower. Same thing if you wanted to animals, you can type in here how to try animals step-by-step. And it will do the same thing pretty much for animals. Whatever animal that is that you like, it has every type of animal on here, if you like, and so on people and your people, person. You can go on different websites to get that information so you can go to barriers, Unsplash, there's picks So you have different websites that cater to that. And at the top they usually have different tabs where you can select. Then you can put on there whatever it is you want. So I pick food and it'll show me all the food categories. Those are a few options for you to do that you can try. This has everything, textures, patterns, people, all everything that you can basically see or know or want to do. And that is pretty much it. I mean, the choice is yours. You have unlimited options to do. 5. Designing sheet in Silhouette Studio: This is silhouette Studio designer edition. You can download the free edition and you can use that a worksheets the same. We're going to start in design our sticker sheets. So I'm going to pull in my saved images onto it. And it's going to come in pretty big because it's a pretty big file that I had in Procreate. I usually like to type in how big I want the sheets to be. I don't have to keep minimizing and pulling up my screen up and down. So I'm going to do seven binds hand just to make sure everything fits in the border. You can see it resized down here. That'll pull that in there. In the first step to this, we have to make a print and cut sheet. We are going to print the images on a sheet of paper, but we need the registration marks. Print onto the paper. And those registration marks tell the silhouette cameo what to cut and had a credit based on what you put in there. I see my border. My images are going a little bit over the border. So I'm going to pull that and fix that. I'm going to minimize it some more just so I can fix that. We're going to pull that here in the center. That's on the black square and the black lines, we'll print that transparent background. That's fair. Will not print on the sheet is just the dots, just the black lines. Now the thing is on. We can start going hit to the process of creating our stickers. Right now as I have it now it's one sheet and I cannot move the images individually. I will go to the butterfly icon, and that's the trace panel. And we're going to open that up so we can cut it. I select that and it's gonna make a box. If you don't get everything in the first time, no problem. You can go ahead and adjust that. In fact, there's a yellow pigmentation that is around the images. And you need that basically to see how the silhouette machine is going to cut it. I'm going to increase the threshold. As I do that, you're going to see that yellow pigment spread into the image. And that's going to help to create a neat cut. And that is what the registration marks pick up. I haven't on solid fill, I'm gonna go to outline and to be able to move the images separately, I need to trace them and detach them from that back border. Usually takes a few moments to do that. I don't experience any anything Let's test to see. Okay. So it did it. Now I'm going to take that back sheet That's their off and you see the images are detached. I'm going to delete that. I don't need that any longer. I can move the images around freely and rearrange and resize and add anything. Basically, I want to now attach. We have the images and then if you like the space, that's where you're going to make sure nothing is touching each other. You don't want to have them spaced out a little bit API to make some things smaller. That's the best thing to do to make everything fit and go. If you have to turn some things around, you can do that as well to make everything fit onset of page properly. So now I want to create this thicker. When we did that trace feature, it actually created a line around the images, but that line is Matt knee. And let me show you what that looks like presently. Okay. Here it is presently. Inside. I could see some things that there anything that has a red is going to cut. You want this to look as nice as possible, especially if you plan on selling it. If it's your personal sticker sheet, then that's fine. But if you want to sell it, you don't want to have anything look undone and when they peel off the sticky, you don't want it to look on cat. I can choose what I want to cut in that cut, but the easier route to do would be to create an offset. And I can control how the stickers are cut. With an offset. So I would select the picture that I'm going to do. I will create an offset and it creates that border around it. So it gives a little bit of a white background on it for the sticker to give it that extra sticker effect. Now, if you wanted it close like it was before, you can do that, you can go ahead to print it, to send and let it go. But in this case, I like more of a sticker effects, so I use the offset quite frequently with it. Now that it's selected, I am going to change that offset color because I already have a red cut line in the back. And so I don't want this the same thing. I want to change that. I'm going to do that for each picture. Select the picture, create the asset and change the color. Now you can do this, changing of the asset color while it's selected because the offset is what is selected. If you try to do this without, if you try to do this before, I'm like if I was to do this now and change the cut line, it will change the line that's already around the picture. And that's not what I want because then the machine will read to cut twice and you'll have a double cut image. We're going to change all of them. This only five, so I shouldn't take that long. Then I'm going to put that black there. Were wanted to take a peek at it. I'm gonna hit Since see in this view I can see that I have to cut lines already. In the picture. I have everything set to red at this point. Now, in this simple view, it hasn't shown like that, but you can select different things in different ways you want to click. I can actually select line and it will only register that black. I have created. Now in this view, I noticed that two of my images are touching each other. So I want to go back and fix that. And also I noticed something here that I don't want as well. And I will go back and fix that. I'll go back to Design. I'm going to kind of draw a box on just enough to get both of these images. I'm going to move down. That takes that away. And then I'm gonna do the same thing with the coy fish. I'm going to do just as images. I'm going to move it around so it's not touching anything. I don't want it to be outside that border and I don't want it to be touching cell. I think that's pretty good like that. Maybe, maybe not. Let's see what I can do with the turtles. Let's see this sound. Centered. Bring my coy fish down just as savvy. That looks good. Now that it looks good, I'm going to go back and now fix that part that I don't want. It. Does everything black is going to basically create a cut. So I will double-tap that, Double-click. It comes up, delete points, I can press on a point. And that brings that they're basically delete until it's completely done. And that corrects that. To check in, I go to sense and make sure everything's perfect. I don't have anything affecting my images. Everything's good, crisp and clean. Then my registration marks are there and there's nothing affecting those as well. So it's good to go and print. Though you go back to the design page. You just hit File and you select currents, It's going to bring up your printers. And then you will take your sticker sheet and you will go ahead and print that out onto the sticker sheet. I'll be back with the next video on that particular topic. 6. Cutting the print: I like to use an old mat that's not sticky anymore. I will put washi tape around the corners to hold the sticker sheet in place while the machine is cutting it and it won't move around. And then when I peel it off, it comes off easily. Once your machine is loaded, then you come back to this screen on your computer. This basically shows the settings. Mine is a preset setting that I use for my stickers because I want that kiss cut Look, I don't want it to penetrate the full sheet. So I have my blade set at the lowest, which is one. I have the fourth set at one, and I have a speed of eight. I learned the sentence by trial and error. There is a test feature here you can practice with, but if you're ready, you just go ahead and hit Send, and it'll send it to the silhouette cameo to begin cutting. I won't show me cutting it. It's pretty clear on that part. So I'll just return back in the next video with the finished result. 7. Finished sticker sheet: Once it's done, I get very excited about that last initial sticker appeal. I usually put my personalized speakers in my planner or things that I write on. We're going to stick it in a blank section of my planner. Jessica, you can see what the sticker sheet looks. What the stickers, sorry, Liz. I'm going to take the turtle, the brown turtle. Appeals. Place. Beautiful. Nice. 8. Class project: Class projects. So you made it to the end. Hopefully you've been following along closely. Hopefully you've been creating why you have been watching the dead silence. I would like for you to post to the class project section. Sorry, what you have come up with. Show me your illustrations. Show me your rough draft. You can download the free resource that I spent. Show me that in your colors. Rather your project is finished or unfinished or revenue. Have a beautiful sticker sheet. Just show me what you've come up with. I love to see what you guys have created. Um, I've had a lot of fun just explaining this and doing this video to show you. So I hope that you guys enjoyed watching as well. Thanks again, just thanks again for watching. Take care.