1. Intro: Hello. I'm Jennifer, administrator and print designer. For the best three years, I've been working with fashion brands, Stationary Companies magazine And also, I love writing thing. In this case, I'm going to show you how I create a pattern and put the ship. And I, Victor, raced on the straighter. I would share with you my exact forces from Stop Things project. You will busy potential damage. At the end of the crest, you will be able to create beautiful patterns for you, but for you and for your future.
2. Inspiration: e don't always make a sketch before starting a new project, but sometimes can be practical. I met the registration a while ago. It was actually a sketch made for foolish, but as I see now, I think these shapes and colors can work very where, as a better as the element separately, simple. I'm going to just use them as inspiration. But if you want, you can also scan your sketch. It's a paper and open it on photo shirt and we'd worded shames. It's also a good idea, but it's not what we going to do today to make the badges. I'm going to use my graphic tablets and my so let's move to the shop.
3. The sketch: you took him in and put a sharp says a 4 300 I used to corrupt you to make you be Urine Square. I think I'm going to have guys great. The border of my I leave some space around it because I needed during that. My team is ready so I can start. I create a new earlier that I'm going to use for during to the Skitch. I'm going to duplicate that layer and move all the elements that are outside the pink eyes to the body that I duplicated layer. So my first layer is when I said the same, only the signal yearly because they told him for you press shift while you're moving the selection to keep it on the same thing here you can see that the ships overlapping. So that's why after making the repeat at the beginning of the drab so I can avoid mistake, nature way first year, and reduce and move the shape that is over e and then arrest the shape on this e. I can merge years and move some veto when I don't like and go back to my sketch. Okay, so I think I'm done with this kitsch. So let's duplicate the uric it and t I wear. Good now. So I'm wretched the 20 years together and I make you transfer my sketches already.
4. Add the colors: Now that I have my better repeat ready, I'm going to suckering it. So I created, you know, year and start with the first color I'm using, the less so to Drew and CO. Of the ship that something using that. So it's great for 17. And also, if you like, the paper cut, look also has a little place next to me, so it means I can add to this eviction. If you want to remove from direction, you can change it on the top of Reagan's or tools E. I don't try to read your the exact same shape as the sketch from in this case. He's just here to give me some idea. So as you can see the sketches in black in work, I don't have plans for other colors. I'm just going to pull my feelings. But of course, you can also try to quickly apply color in your sketch if it helps you to create the final pattern. All the ships that I want to be so I'm going to apply the color by doing coming now create a new layer, and I'm going to do the same for the rest of the court it's important to make wonder your recorder because it's gonna be easier. They drive. You need to change the colors, and still, if your partner is going to be screened, rented. The printer will print the colors when I went so you can't have $2 on the way. - After growing a lot of elements, I make the sketching being able to see her, and I create the back uncle. So I create a new layer told him for you. If you want to have perfect pattern repeats, use snap two guides. It is going to precise the placement of the elements. So I used a selection tool to make a square, and I fear it with my background clothe white. So I arrest a wrench circle and I create in your layer and make the sickle light to make it more interest. I'm going to Carter necessary. Mention black. Don't forget to make your sketch invisible sometime to see how it looks. If you don't know how to make a layer invisible, it's very easy. You just have to click on the little I neck so that a year this brought seems to be empty. Maybe I can try toe. When you change your make sure you're on the good. Make a quick way to do it. Click on the element that has the simple as the one you want to use. In this case. I want to use the white so I keep on the white so cold and it will automatically switch to weigh.
5. Create the repeat: Now I use that to get again. To make the age is perfect because I'm going to get the different elements that are outside the guide to move them inside China to zoom in and make sure the guys are on the borders just to show you if I'm not using these tools, it's gonna be where more difficult to make it perfect snap to a second, same as we did on this case. - I think I can morning elements here and there. When I add more shapes and make sure and see hide looks. I said the better and go to edit and then you suspected on and then I opened a new document . Okay, so that's making big, so I can see how it looks when it's more than one. All right, I don't really like the wrench. Critical parts there, too dominant and return with the risk. The yellow thing also. Okay, let's go back to the Britain and see what I can do. I think it's in shape. Way have already some shapes. I think it's that's you get way urine shapes, but I'm still bothered by the you know, Let's go back to my part time and changing
6. Add the details: I need to try something new for the illusion. I think run ship should work better as the food batteries today to move. Things don't look good now. Here try another shape, way more bitter. But now, with some things on the right, it's a bit tricky because I should not repeat the same color to clothe Theo. Way to get the perfect combination. And sometimes you have to try a lot of different e think I'm gonna start changing the elements I need to see one more time how it looks once riveted, but then penetrates. - I like it. It's way more return. I just need to have something totally takes and it's gonna be perfect. E think just you little here and there. I used to protrude or did it. When I drop pattern with character or more sophisticate, I don't use the less so but the first. This time I really wanted to make a Napster patent that looks like that. As you can adjust, the better your score different as their sketch. I really used the sketch to draw the main elements or to have an idea of the search of the pattern. Creating pattern is about letting your imagination speaks, so it's absolutely finding the result of what you expected when you started your sketch.
7. Vectorize on Illustrator: now I'm going to you documented petition making big semi pattern is repeated more than once way. And then I used to get way bigger than repeat, and I could be based on you. Save it. Okay, next to illustrate I've already provided commencing it happened that your biggest I just created and I could be placed in to my new e. Make it tomorrow I'm going to trust. So I click on Image Trace and I select six colors. I don't care how many cooler used, but it's right. I can search engine later. Might take a bit of time to victory, but you just have to wait. So I click on this little icon and change in the number. Of course, 27 and then I take on trace to victory. Is it Michael year? So I click on Expand on the English version to develop the image and later be able to recourse amendments if I want. My pattern is not victory. It's good to Victor as your button on any straighter. If you need to change some colors, other sides of your better. If it needs a reprint, really be a waste, a sure way to recreate the pattern. I am blessing the guys on the way so you can see the thing. Then I'm going to create a square E to make sure that the boat of the square I navigate E transparent and Accident do square and the pattern of the symptoms I press shift to setting them together. Then I'm going to open Pathfinder and click on this icon. I just created the Rick. Let's make sure that the better news is good. So I moved my bed onto the switch and I'm going to create a big square and she live with the budget, No way.
8. Thank you : Thank you for watching this. I hope you enjoy my posts. Is to create a better show anyways by you to create your own budgets. Don't forget that you can also make your first question paper. It's getting to create your Britain. If you're not used to draw their competition more, you're going to practice more. You're going to be used to be. The most important is to try injured and being crazy. If you want to give him that, you follow me on Instagram Jane them Thanks again for watching Chris.