Como criar ideias de vídeo de vídeo de YouTube viral | Gamica ☑️ | Skillshare

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How To Come Up With Viral Youtube Video Ideas

teacher avatar Gamica ☑️, DON'T CHECK MY PROFILE!!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome To The Class!


    • 2.

      Random Inspiration


    • 3.

      Seeking Youtube Trends


    • 4.

      Going To The Extremes


    • 5.

      Seek Inspiration From Competition


    • 6.

      Seek Inspiration From Search


    • 7.

      The Shortcut


    • 8.

      The Viral Video Idea Test #0


    • 9.

      Intrigue #1


    • 10.

      Delivery #2


    • 11.

      Broad Appeal #3


    • 12.

      A Clickable Thumbnail #4


    • 13.

      Final Thoughts & The Final Result


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About This Class

If you struggle to come up with video ideas for your youtube channel, If you struggle with filtering-out the ones that has the potential to go viral, then this course is made For YOU ...

In this course I will show you how to come up with video ideas for your channel from scratch using 6 different methods of idea generation, and I will show you how to pick out of those ideas the ones that has the potential to go viral...

We can agree that coming up with ideas for youtube, that has the potential of grabbing lots of traction, can be a bit challenging..

The videos you don't expect to go viral, end up doing so..

The ones you expect to die, end up going viral on youtube...

This course will solve all of your issues, I will help you come up with video ideas for your youtube videos that has potential of attracting tons of traction on youtube

This course covers 6 different methods for you to generate ideas for your youtube videos out of thin air, and covers four important filters that will help you eliminate the ideas that are waste of time, and separate the ideas that will actually help out your career on youtube !!

Youtube Success can be really hard to achieve, and the youtube algorithm can be stressful and hard to figure out, from how to make youtube videos, to how to grow on youtube, with all those complex youtube analytics, it can be hard to figure out how to get more views on youtube or how to get more subscribers on youtube.

Growing your youtube channel should be your main goal on youtube, understanding youtube marketing, youtube seo, as youtube for beginners can be really toxic, figuring out how to start a youtube channel, adapting and learning youtube tips and tricks, search for youtube growth tips on how to grow your youtube channel.

I will help you throughout your youtube journey, I have been on youtube for 8 years, mastered lots of youtube growth strategies, and experimenting with youtube 24/7 throughout multiple youtube generations, youtube 2018, youtube 2019, youtube 2020, youtube 2021, and youtube 2022, and I have no plans for stopping :D..

Whether that being covering how to edit your youtube videos, how to design youtube thumbnails, how to film and edit your first youtube video, how to plan and script your youtube videos, or even how to add tags to your youtube video...

Hopefully you enjoy the course, let me know because it will make my day :D

Meet Your Teacher

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Gamica ☑️





I'm Gamica, a YouTuber, and an online teacher, and I also struggled with making youtube content, figuring out what I was doing wrong and how to fix it, and I made this skillshare account to share with you my faults, and how you can avoid falling into the same traps.

I started my YouTube journey in 2015, making making skit videos copying my favorite youtubers. I then went on to creating 8 different youtube channels and 600 videos all over YouTube.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome To The Class!: Video ideas... You wake up and go on youtube and you find all those talented YouTubers who are coming up with all those creative ideas that are going viral all the time. My name is Gamica. I have been a youtuber for 8 years. I made over 500 videos on youtube and I struggled a lot. I struggled a lot coming up with new video ideas. I struggled a lot making a video after video and seeing them all getting barely any views. If you're struggling like I used to, coming up with video ideas, figuring out how to choose the right idea that can go viral. then This course is made and designed specifically for you. I wish I had this course when I was younger. After this course, you'll be able to come up with tons of youtube video ideas in whichever niche you are in. And you will be able to tell which one of those ideas has the potential of going viral. 2. Random Inspiration : This is my personal favorite method and one of the methodsthat I think is really underrated, the method is called random inspiration. The secret to brain storming video ideas is keywords, which is something we are going to be talking about a lot in the next few lessons, you need as many keywords as possible, then try to figure a way to apply them in your style of, content no matter how stupid the idea may look, writing as many keywords as you can see. Let's say I was an extreme challenges type of channel like Mrbeast for example, I will take a look around and maybe mouse. nothing comes up to mind, maybe lights maybe I made the world's largest light you know, I can see a bed. Maybe I made the world's biggest bed, but it isn't intriguing enough, the video is going to be quite boring. that's gonna be a Tiktok, not a YouTube video. Maybe a closet Maybe I spent 24 hours locked in a closet But not intriguing enough. Maybe a camera, I became a professional photographer in 24 hours. This actually has a really good market. Yeah, it won't do as good as the batman one, but it still has great potential. This is the method. You look around you, you write down the objects you see. You try and come up with video ideas using those keywords. And in the next few lessons, I will help you finding more keywords using other methods. But it will all circle back to you having keywords like apple or something and implementing it into your style of content, And now it's your turn. Look around you, state the name of the object. You are looking at, state your niche, try and come up with an idea for it in your niche. For example, Try and take this test three times. And post the 3 ideas you come up with in the discussions area with the same arrangement. Here is a quick example from my previous course on how to grow a gaming channel. Look for inspiration. Oh, a hat, maybe I can make a video fortnite, but I'm wearing a hat. Not interesting enough. Some mint. Maybe I can combine it with a coke and make a video titled too long too complicated maybe I can make a video titled Yes, that seems kinda Interesting, It isn't the best idea, but it's a start 3. Seeking Youtube Trends: a trend. a trend is basically a special event that happens inside or outside your niche that people are heavily interested in, that you can implement into a new video idea that has the potential of going viral. quick examples, a trend for the technology niche is the new iPhone release, a trend for the music niche is a new eminem album, a trend for the entertainment niche. Is something like Squid games show, a trend for the movies and film niche is a new Spider-Man movie. Trends are a really great way to grow on YouTube and a really great way to come up with multiple video ideas that can easily go viral effortlessly. If you are a reaction channel you can just react to the new music video posted by a big YouTuber, it's that simple, and you can easily get tons of traction for the same effort you always do , but with that huge amount of potential views and virality for video ideas centered around the new trends. There are three issues that you are likely to run into. Those three issues are the three main points of this lesson. let's say you are a gaming channel and you saw a music video trending everywhere, every youtuber is making a video about it. So you decided to film your own video, reacting to that music video, that will be unhealthy traffic, you will get all those new viewers who are interested in music, but a huge percentage of them will not be interested in your gaming videos. What you should do instead, if you were a gaming youtuber, is make a reaction video about the game that just came out a make a gaming video about the new event that is happening in a popular game, so that you get healthy traffic to your channel and another thing you should keep in mind are the next two questions would my current subscribers actually enjoy this video, or I am just trying to squeeze some views. even if it was a viral trend make sure your current audience will enjoy it too. Not just the new viewers, I found that there is only one way to keep up with trends, with peace of mind, which is daily productive inspecting social media productive inspecting not using , inspecting set a timer for 20 minutes, open a note on your phone and scour the Internet. Here are the things I recommend, checking in those 20 minutes. If there is a trend. It will be there. It won't be an idea that is fully written. It will be just a keyword, new product, a celebrity new hair brush. a Music video. a gaming event something of this sort, right down the keyword and you might be on your way. to a New viral video idea Sometimes you may find a new trend two days after it started. Am I late to the party, or should I go put in the hours and hopefully I can still pick up some of the leftover views. I have the solution for you. It's a website called Google Trends. You can just google Google Trends and it's the first link that shows up, let's say you wanted to make a video about the squid games show You can type the keywords that a viewer is likely to search for, whichever for this case is Squid Games . And you'll find that you missed the opportunity on that one. And if you scroll down, you might even find the more trends that you can potentially hop on and come up with video ideas for. 4. Going To The Extremes: A good way to make viral YouTube videos is to put more effort than other YouTubers more time than other YouTubers even more resources. If you can than other YouTubers, some creators, but more effort in their video itself or in the editing of the video. But they can't figure out a way to embody that in the title and the thumbnail , the keywords words we will talk about in this lesson are keywords that will help you take your idea to the next level and hopefully make it more intriguing for the potential viewers. to click, let's say you were making a video titled, You can title it something differently. Something like You see where I'm going with this. This is how you get the brain of the potential viewer thinking which will make him more likely to click. I will give you a few keywords that can spark a really great idea in your head. I stayed in the desert for 24 hours. I didn't eat for 24 hours. I tried to become an Instagram model for 24 hours. Lots that you can come up I only ate pickles for 7 days. I learned it parkour for seven days. You see where I'm going with this I'm pretty sure you get the idea, so I won't take anymore of your time. Here are the keywords that has a really good chance of sparking a viral video idea in your brain. 5. Seek Inspiration From Competition: How to study the competition to get more video ideas, I will try and keep this lesson short and snappy because there isn't alot that I can talk about. Let's say you're a fortnite gaming YouTuber. First thing is you google fortnite. You will find some YouTubers that are big in the community. Like, I know McCreamy is a big fortnite YouTuber. I click on his channel. After I go in his channel, I click on videos. You will find the latest videos he has posted but those aren't the ones we are looking for yes, you can get a lot of video ideas from his videos But the real treasure is if you sorted by most popular, that's a music video. So we can do nothing about that, that is a trend. So we can do nothing about that. But this, yeah, I think this is really intriguing. I think this thumbnail is a big reason why this video got a lot of views. It has like 18 million views. What I normally do, I save the thumbnail and try and come up with a similar thumbnail and a similar video to his one. This is a normal gameplay, but a lot of kills, so we can do nothing about that. I busted every fortnite myth . Actually that's a really good idea. Maybe if you brainstormed for one hour inside of fortnite, you might find some myths that you always wanted The answers for, the Fortnite players will also want the answers for that too. The idea, the title and the thumbnail will be so intriguing, he will just automatically click on the video to find out the answer which you will be providing. that's another idea right here. I think this been done a lot of times. this hasn't been done a lot of times. How many kills can I get in 24 hours? Yeah, I think you can include the "To The Extremes" concept inside your fortnite ideas. You see already we have like three video ideas, that has the potential of going viral. And you do that for every other YouTuber inside the Fortnite community. Another thing you can do if you have, VidIq installed, if you don't, I will leave a link in the description. It's really important extension, if you are a YouTuber and you want to grow on YouTube, I activate VidIq on my computer right now, if I go to the trending tab that appeared on his YouTube channel I will find the YouTube videos that are currently pulling a lot of views in a short amount of time, the videos that are going viral on his channel basically Here you might find more videos that are kinda trending that you can use to come up with new video ideas. And that's it. That's how to study your competition. And I will see you in the next lesson. 6. Seek Inspiration From Search: Let's say you were doing makeup tutorials. That's so far out of my league and out of my knowledge. But let's say you are doing so. The first thing I would do is basically I will type makeup, let's niche down even more. Makeup tutorials for beginners. Maybe that's a keyword that is not googled alot So maybe you consider make a video about that you see we are coming up with tons of video ideas. So we can just try it here. Try and type more keywords and come up with more video ideas that people are searching for. This basically a goldmine if you are targeting search, another thing you can do if you have TubeBuddy extension installed, TubeBuddy is just like with VidIq but with some features targeted towards search that are more effective. Make sure to go down in the description install VidIq and TubeBuddy, They are both great extensions that are totally free, but there are premium plans you can buy. I would recommend that you check them out, there is tons of features like AB testing thumbnails, but let's not get distracted. Let's say we googled make up, you will find in the right a show keyword score button. After you click on it, it will give you a score to tell you whether this is a good keyword, target or not. It says the search volume is big, which means a lot of people are searching for makeup. Obviously, and the competition is poor, which basically means there is a lot of videos competing for this keyword. This keyword probably isn't a good keyword to Target, a good keyword to target would have competition on excellent and the search volume on like the yellow or the orange or green, even if you found something like that. Now another thing to do, you can click on here, click on here for aweighted. After you do that, you will find the score in detail of the keyword you Googled But another thing you can do is click on video topics. In here, you can find more video ideas that you can make videos about. And if you have a premium membership, this list is going to be like 200 video ideas more, you can use and make videos about. You'll also find common tags here. You might even find natural makeup, maybe that's another video idea. I don't know. I don't use makeup. Unfortunately. That's how you can get more video ideas using search. Just google the video idea. You will find that YouTube automatically completes the word You are trying to search for and you might find more video ideas. And if you Googled it and with tubebuddy clicked on click here for weighted then video topics or common tags. You might also find more video ideas that you can make a video about. And I will see you in the next lesson. 7. The Shortcut: is when you can't put your mind to come up with any new video ideas. I also get lost sometimes and can't put my head to come up with any video ideas. Usually most of the methods I mentioned earlier works for me, but sometimes my head just says No, just No, that's why I have a note. When I have a 100 potential video ideas, I can just hop into and some way through this note a new ideas sparks in my head that ideas sparks another one. And suddenly that YouTube fire starts burning again. And I'm excited to work on my next video, I arranged those 100 ideas and made my 100 video ideas for YouTube. I will leave a link in the description so that you can download the guide totally for free the 100 video ideas in that guide are keys to potential video ideas. They aren't a list of 100 viral video ideas or something They are keys, something to get Your head started again and overcome the writer's block. keeping you from brainstorming new video ideas. And I will see you in the next lesson. 8. The Viral Video Idea Test #0: This might be the hardest question out of them all , there are lots of examples of videos you would expect to go viral, that don't Videos you would never expect to go viral, that end up doing so. So it can be really hard to distinguish the right idea. But seeing that you have come so far into this course, I suppose you came up with a couple of video ideas for your YouTube channel, in this lesson and the next few lessons, I will help you to filter out which ideas have the potential of going viral. And which ideas are just a waste of time. Let's say you currently have 100 video ideas, I guarantee that you might come out of the next lessons with like three video ideas and some of you will come out with no ideas at all. I will make sure that you only pick the right idea, the ideas that has the potential of going viral. And I actually wrote seven video ideas. And we are going to filter through them using this process Right now, I want you to filter through the ideas you have. Which one do you think has the potential of going viral, saves them on the side And the guarantee. After the next few lessons, I want you to come back to those ideas. You will look at them in a totally different way. And if so, you'd have to give me a high rating to help my course getting pushed out by Skillshare, I spent a lot of hours working on this course. So thank you in advance if you decided to do so. Obviously, there is a lot that goes into making a viral YouTube video, but there are four questions you need to ask yourself to determine if your idea has the potential of going viral or not. This actually might be the most important. screenshot you take in the entirety of your YouTube career, so take it and I will see you in the next lesson. 9. Intrigue #1: Is your idea intriguing enough? Something that actually hit me a week ago, which is to be considered the secret to understanding videos performance. and if a video actually has the potential of going viral that thing is intriguing assumptions. Basically, when you look at a thumbnail what are the assumptions you make? Here is a quick example from my latest YouTube video. I did a push-up for every dollar that was donated, I assume he will stop some time during the video, I assume the entire video you will be him just doing push-ups, Naaah. I'm not watching that. when you are scrolling on YouTube and you see a video getting recommended to you, like MrBeast Squid Games video You don't ask a question when you see the thumbnail and the title you imagine your mind rewinds back to the squid games, show you watched earlier. You remember the insanity of that show. You look at the title and imagine the amount of money that could be earned. You look at the thumbnail and you imagine the amount of people in the same location. You imagine, you make an assumption. You know, that video, which you think is a really good idea, like I stayed in a dumpster for 24 hours. It has that MrBeast vibe that viral video vibe. But then you try and script the video idea. I will stay in a dumpster. What I'm going to do. Maybe I can bring my friends with me. Maybe we can do some few challenges, if you are struggling to fill out the rest of the video and then come up with reasons why this video should be 15 minutes. well here is the thing, the viewer also when he sees the title and the thumbnail, he assumes as well as the video is going to be just you in a dumpster for 24 hours. How boring is, and the video is 15 minutes. I'm not watching that. What is the worst assumption can you make about the state of the creator at the end of the 24 hour challenge? I mean, at the end of the day, he will be just tired and will smell really bad. It is not the most intriguing assumption. Assumptions. The more intriguing, the more likely a video can go viral. I became a teacher for 24 hours. No offensive for teachers. I mean, I'm kinda teacher. Our job is in that intriguing, you know, but what about I became a fire men for 24 hours? Okay. Now we're talking, now we can actually make intriguing assumptions like your brain is just getting filled up right now with so many assumptions, too many thoughts, so many possibilities. You know, it's a good idea when it's just so overwhelming like that, I became a delivery man for 24 hours. Okay. It's an intriguing idea. How much money are you going to make by the end of the day? It's a really good video idea. But how do you know if it is a viral video idea, we can try, the to the extremes method. And make it for 30 days instead of for 24 hours. But it's still it isn't as intriguing as 24 hours as a fire men, but it's a start, it's a great start actually 10. Delivery #2: This is a really important question. Clickbait is detectable. I personally think that if you want to go viral, there is no way you can do it with any sort of even small clickbait. If the viewer looked at your thumbnail and title and came up with an assumption on what to expect from the video you need to deliver and even over deliver on that assumption. It doesn't have to be the same way as the thumbnail states like if you were wearing a yellow hoodie in the thumbnail you are not committed to wearing it through the entire video. For example, when you look at this title and thuumbnail combination from ryan tarahan's video what are the assumptions that come to mind? you assume that he went into a room that is so loud and you think of him screaming from how loud this room is. But like the "36seconds" aspect of the thumbnail, isn't what made you click you aren't going to countdown. How many exact second he's been there an hour or two you want to see him suffer basically can I say that Make sure you deliver on the assumptions your thumbnail can have aspects that are not necessarily true as long as they aren't anywhere near the assumptions the viewer makes about the video then you are good to go, personally, I would recommend that you stay 100% truthful in the title and the thumbnails I wouldn't take the risk of confusing the viewer. The reason for that is if he clicked and you don't deliver, or what I see happens with most new YouTubers is that they miss deliver Let's say you have a restaurant. 100 clients wanted to eat chicken for dinner and you give them steak Personally, I prefer to steak over chicken But at the end of the day, this is not what they ordered. Some of the 100 clients won't accept the order. They might not come to your restaurant again, giving you low ratings, you see where I'm going with this This exact thing happens with YouTube, the low ratings are unsubscribing dislikes, not clicking on your videos again, and many, many other signals youtube looks at to make sure you actually deliver and The video is just not clickbait. That's why you barely see any of . I played pubg mobile on my calculator or whatever that was in YouTube 2016, makes sure you deliver and even over-deliver. 11. Broad Appeal #3: What is broad appeal? There is no better way for me to explain the concept of broad appeal than examples, so the answers to this question will just be examples like there is no sentence I can use to summarize broad appeal If I told you my PC runs on an RTX 3090 you are either extremely impressed or confused. This wasn't broadly appealing from me. If you were a gamer, you'd understand what an RTX 3090 is If you weren't, you will be confused. And confusion is really bad. If I kept talking about the the RTX is 3090 and my PC and you were not a gamer you probably have about 30 seconds before you click off. Because you want to feel that this video delivers on the assumptions you made you will feel like you don't belong watching this video. Here is an explanation from my previous course on how to go viral on YouTube. It's like when you're watching a movie, while watching it, you just can't go and finish your work. I don't blame you, the movie is extremely hooking, but a few seconds after you build up the courage to pau that movie, it just becomes so much easier for you to click away. Here is an example. I always use What does not WCA mean? I don't, you might know, but I don't, that will severely limit the people who might be interested in clicking on this video. A better title is something like this title has more potential of getting more views. Let's go back to the video ideas list I had. Probably the only people who are going to have deeply intriguing assumptions about this video youth Who had the thought before of becoming delivery men themselves and making a living this way unlike becoming a firefighter, for example, whether you had the thought or not of becoming a fire man. You are intrigued to know what a day in his shoes feel like, kid or old You will click on this video. I made the Batman signal in real life, Is batman broadly appealing? yes, every kid and their mom know who Batman is, this thought is extremely intriguing. The video has already a good change of going viral I mean, I just knew what grandmaster meant like a few months ago, you might have experience in chess and know what it means. But a lot of people don't. But still, it's really good. It's a really intriguing concept. Can you deliver on its tho? It's up to you. Here is a summary of this lesson. 12. A Clickable Thumbnail #4: There is one single rule that comes when planning your video One single rule that is the most important and is going to save you tons of time. It is plan the thumbnail before planning the video Why is that, think of the thumbnail as the front of your store If it looks nice, the potential buyer is likely to checkout the inside of your shop and buy something from you. But if it looks messy, doesn't properly describe what the store sells. He will not check out the inside of your store even though the products you are selling. might be the best products in the world you are selling like an iPhone 13 for like $10 or something. But how will they know without entering the shop? That's why thumbnails are really important. Think of your video idea, can you capture it in a thumbnail? Do You have a really good thumbnail concept for your idea. If you don't, just scrap that video idea and try to come up with another video idea If you are struggling with thumbnails I would suggest watching my previous thumbnails course that goes in depth on how to come up with a thumbnail concept and design it from scratch. Plan the thumbnail before planning the video I have been following this rule for a while now that I didn't prepare examples for this lesson actually The only examples I have is this I went to an Omega telling the worst jokes. It's a video I did a year ago. It's really entertaining video actually. I would say one of the top five most entertaining videos I made, but I couldn't figure out a way to come up with a thumbnail for it. That's why you need to make sure to plan the thumbnail before actually starting working on the video. Being good at something is 10% of the job. The leftover 90% is marketing. lesson. 13. Final Thoughts & The Final Result: Hopefully you enjoyed this course. Hopefully, you can now go and take a look at your note, fill it with tons of new video ideas and filter the viral viral video ideas out of it. If this course was helpful to you, consider leaving a volume and you will find more Skillshare courses on YouTube growth in my profile. I highly recommend starting with the growing on YouTube one It is only 17 minutes. And it goes in-depth about broad appeal and the four main aspects of going viral on YouTube. And here are the final test results, amazing thumbnail and really intriguing. That is not the best idea, not that intriguing. And too much effort for two little potential, I became a teacher for 24 hours. That's a good idea to start. Actually, it isn't that intriguing, but it can get your foot in the door that's a viral video right there, I don't know if you can deliver on the assumptions made tho but if you do that's a banger right there that is not the most broadly appealing idea. You probably won't be able to deliver on it But it's a good start of an idea. Get Lost That's the best idea to start with. Intriguing enough, can be captured in a thumbnail, broadly appealing enough. And we can deliver on the assumptions made. It is not going trending viral, but it can go places Now, before the courses recap, we are YouTubers. We knew seo matters and all of that stuff. If you leave a high rating on this course, this will help my course getting recommended to more people. Thank you in advance.