How to Color Your Digital Illustration Step by Step | Patricia Caldeira | Skillshare

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How to Color Your Digital Illustration Step by Step

teacher avatar Patricia Caldeira, Illustrator | Digital Artist | Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction, Welcome!


    • 2.

      Class Assignment


    • 3.

      Inspiration and References


    • 4.

      Base Colors


    • 5.

      Shadows and Highlights


    • 6.



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About This Class

Learn to give that Color pop to your Lineart, making your Dynamic Character shine it's way through!

This Class is suited for any level of Drawing, either if you want to up your Character Design skills or to learn some of the basics.

For the Class, you'll need a Digital Painting software (You can also just use a 30 day trial of Photoshop or Clip Studio) and I recommend a Drawing Tablet, although it's not strictly necessary! 

I'll be using Manga Studio with my drawing tablet but you're free to use whatever you feel more used to since the important thing to do here is just practice.

Master how to color your character in your digital illustrations quickly and easily.

At the end of this class, you'll be able to create more Fluid characters with Dynamic poses that Stand Out!

My previous Class on Gesture Drawing is LIVE below! - I recommend checking that one out before going into Digital Painting and Digital Coloring.

[Gesture Drawing] CLASS IS NOW LIVE! Join through this link: ---  ----

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Can't wait to see you in Class!

Patricia Caldeira

Meet Your Teacher

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Patricia Caldeira

Illustrator | Digital Artist | Designer


Patricia Caldeira is a Freelancer Artist working in Illustration, Design and similar Artwork.

She graduated in Graphic Design and Multimedia and soon after started working on her own independent company "Don Corgi", doing work for several Streamers, Game Developers, Youtubers, and even selling Cards and Social Media Icons at her Etsy Store.

You can find more about her, her work and Drawing Tutorials and Tips at Don Corgi.

In the recent past She has:

- Co-Founded the Don Corgi Art Group;
- Collaborated with Programmers, Game Designers, Musicians, Youtubers, Twitchers and more!
- Taught over 14.000 people on different platforms;

Join her Class on Character Design, Gesture Drawing!

See full profile

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1. Introduction, Welcome!: Hello, everyone. And welcome to my painting glass. My name is with a sickle diarrhea and in the scores of the teaching, you helped point line out. We'll start with the basics off. Choosing a color palettes places to get those pallets and apply them to our drawing. We'll also cover the difference between vice collars and shadows and highlights, making sure that they give mortar to your drawing. If you haven't already and are interested in the just drawing part of the character design , check out my previous scores off, creating a dynamic character, just a drawing when I got you through creating the clean lines for your own character. So thanks for watching and I hope to catching Clasen See you in the bits. 2. Class Assignment: Welcome to the glass. First, I would just like to say Thank you for enrolling, and I hope you enjoy it. Have fun and improve your skills in the process, so let's get to it. I'll start by giving you your class assignments so you'll be able to follow each video one by one and to play what you learned at the same time for your class assignment. You've been waiting these lineouts, which is from my previous glass off, just a drawing. If you have your own that you'd like to use, that's one as well. Then it's time to choose a color palette. Applied race callers, shadows and highlights. Don't try to do this all at once. Just swallow its review on the subject, and you'll do fine when you're done with the class. What's your assignment? And I'll do my best to give it a review in some direction. I would love to see what you've done, so don't be shot. So that suits for the class assignment parts. I'll see you in a bit 3. Inspiration and References: Hello again here we will talk about inspiration and references to help you choose a good color palette to apply to your Leinart. First, I'd like to start with one great website that has been around for about 14 years, which is Saletan dot com. Here you can play around the settings and find some great combinations off colors and even includes complimentary colors to given extra vibe to your image. I would recommend you to test a few different settings and even try the randomize button on the right side up and see what you get. Another website I recommend is scholar pod dot com. Gender off This number website boasts a few caller pallets every day that are amazing and can work very well with different types of image. You can just speak one as a color school to your brush or save the image and color. Pick it lighter. Here's another one landscape. Pollitz stock tumbled dot com Here, the owner create scholar follows from user submitted landscapes, and it just worked. You can also catch a few paintings done with those pallets now and then. Finally, you can just check other artists, works that you love and you similar palettes. See what we're expected for you, Or you can even take a walk and photograph something that you enjoy seeing. And it's captivating to the I take some callers from there and make your own palettes above all else experiments, but tried to have a nice balance of dark and light colors for this time around. After you're done picking the color palette you'll be using can meet me at the next video. I'll see you in a bit. 4. Base Colors: So now that we have her color, palettes will start putting the base colors in. But first, let's set off falls right so everything works. Depending on the software you're using, this will be different, but the same principle applies. You want to create a new lawyer below your lineup so your colors will be below the lines. Now we can start picking our callers from the pallets and filling in. Try to get the same tones for the same parts off the body or clothes and filled those inside the lines. Take your time and relax while doing it. If you think it's not working so well, try different color or a different Pollitz. Experimenting is part of the process. You don't need to use all the colors. A lot of times less is more so Let's try and keep it simple. All right, now that we have our base, Calder settled in well, moving to shadows and highlights. Once you're done, meet me in the next video 5. Shadows and Highlights: it's already starting to look better now that we have those beautiful colors in, let's add some left to the image by creating shadows and highlights first off stuff by making a new layer on top off all your layers and then with shadows. This will be where we'll find the shadows created by our character. Now we have to decide where the light is coming from. So, for example, if you're out in the open and the sun is coming from the top right off the image, most off the shadows will be on the opposite side. The bottom left. This is just the basic rule, but depending on its light source, everything changes. If you're sure how to create the shadows from a specific light source, try searching photos American reference it from and learn for them. Remember, references are there to help? In my case, I'll be making my light source here so most of my shadows will be around here. Don't forget the closing weights and folds and the body masses that can create different shadows according to their shapes. We're using a darker color from our basic all, but you can try you some off the darker tones from your previous caller ballots. Remember experiment. I'm also using a simple hard brush to paint this, but you can try using a soft one or even a textured one and see how it goes. Take your time around the shadows and once you're done, will be moving to highlights. Here will do the same principle as before, which would lighter tones instead. So let's create a new lawyer and them it highlights now will be, quite, er, colors based on our base colors. Or you can just speak a lighter tone from your color palettes. Don't forget what your light source is. This is what helps you understand where the highlights will be. If you're thinking of a bright sun as your light source, maybe use a yellow white ish color and print it over your base. Scholars in low opacity. Or maybe your character is in a nightclub with bright purple nails all around, So in this case, you might want to try a strong purple color in high capacity. Your headlights were very a lot according to where the image takes place and the brightness of your light sources, so take your time to think about your setting and then start painting all the details and that's about it. Stay around for my next short video on the conclusion. See one of its 6. Conclusion: Hello and sheer star sticking to the end of the class. Here's my final colored character painting. I hope you had fun watching and painting, and I hope to see your class assignment around. So don't be shy and posted below. If you enjoyed the class, I would appreciate the review so I can keep doing this and teaching more on this subject. So once again, thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.