How to Caricature and maintain "LIKELINESS" Easily | Fady Rizkallah | Skillshare

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How to Caricature and maintain "LIKELINESS" Easily

teacher avatar Fady Rizkallah, Cartoonist and Caricaturist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Name Of The Game


    • 2.

      Before You Break The Rules


    • 3.

      1. Water Balloon Theory


    • 4.

      2. Shapes Theory


    • 5.

      3. Triangle Theory


    • 6.

      Case study to apply the theories


    • 7.

      Final Thoughts and Homework


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About This Class

Caricature drawing is fun and challenging in the same time.

The fun part comes from extracting a certain feature in your subject face and pushing it to an exaggerated level to look special, the challenging part is that to maintain likeliness and not losing it through exaggerating. 

In this Class Fady, will reveal the secrets of caricature drawing and capturing likeliness,

there are 3 main theories; 1.Balloon    2.Shapes   3. Triangle

to construct a solid caricature figure having the same likelihood of the main subject. 

In addition Fady will revisit the standard face measurements in order to stamp a visual memory in your head to be able to detect any deviation in the character you want to caricature, this will facilitate the decision of choosing a feature you want to exaggerate. 

Also, you will apply those rules combined in a case study where you will be able to practice caricature practically.

This class is recommended for students who have basic drawing backgrounds, the instructor also has done several classes that suits entry level artists and cartoonists like How to draw Cartoon Character and How to Draw Facial Expressions.

Meet Your Teacher

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Fady Rizkallah

Cartoonist and Caricaturist


Hello, I'm Fady a freelancer Cartoonist, Illustrator and Caricaturist based in Cairo, Egypt.

I have started illustration since a very early age and ten years ago I worked as a full time  Art Teacher in an American School in Egypt, after that I became a Freelancer artist.

I do several art styles and I use several mediums yet my passion always goes to Cartoons and Caricatures. 

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1. Name Of The Game : Exaggeration is the name of the game. So you want to start calculator. I want you to be prepared that many of your friends will start to hedge, behead. Everyone of us has nonstandard parts of his face that he doesn't like to expose. And you choose this point specifically and you exaggerate them the size of it, either by making it much more bigger or much more smaller. It's very simple and easy to pick a specific part of your subject and exaggerate and shout in this by drawing it much more bigger or smaller as we have mentioned before. But the real challenge is to maintain the likeliness. This is the big challenge because anyone can pick a specific feature of subject who wanted to withdraw it and make it bigger and shout in drawing it. But it's very hard to change in the size of a subject feature and keep the Blackman's. Well, in this class, I'm going to show you several methods or theories through which you are going to combine those theories in order to exaggerate features and make a good calculator with maintaining the likeliness, I want you to bring your pencil or your digital Tablet and start doing Whitney step-by-step studying those theories until you master them to. And then whenever you come to be in a party, would pick a pan-Slav and talking with friends in this party in a funny character to the way this is the target. And we start doing something really interesting in this class. Stay with me. 2. Before You Break The Rules: Well, hello my friends, and this was the very first lesson we need to know about caricature. I know that what you see now is pretty boring. Justice tendered face that we in our law. I think that many of you have studied this in any classroom and it looks boring. I know, and this is not will be the style of the rest of the course I promised us because I'm one of the people who got poor standards. That's why this course is all about caricature. So, but we need first to master and study by heart the standards and the rules in order to be able to break it as it is to be set. So first of all, we have the placement and I have to consider the pace of my speech because why would my precious students have told me in the reviews that I have a fast-paced speaking. So I will reconsider the way I talk. So I will make it as slowly as I can. So the first thing, as we have learned all that, there is an oval, As you can see here. It's an average. Alright, I'm talking about the outer line of the head. It's an oval. And then there is a middle line, S0, S1, that separates the features right and left in a symmetrical way. I moved that few people. Very rare that we find people who has a symmetrical features in their face. But let's assume that this is the standard. Alright, so this is the middle line. And halfway of the head. This line exactly is the placement of the eye line. Alright? And this is halfway between this end. Ok. This is the eyeliner. And again, from the eye line till the end of the chin. Here. We are going to divide this by two. Where this is the bottom of the, Alright. We are going to divide this as well into two halves, equal half's, where bottom of low would lit. Alright. Then right above the eye line, we have eyebrows. So 2 third above the eyebrows, we find the headline. From the middle of the i inside die. Here, downwards. If we make a straight line like this, we notice that the mouth line ends here. And from the inside of the eye line. If we draw a straight line, we will find that this is the nose wet. Like one final thing, that this is the i. Alright? And this is the I. If we place here and I, it will be just the size as the other two ones. So the distance between the two eyes equals 100 and I think this is p. But I want you to do now is to practice, practice, practice, practice, learning, and having a visual memory and a visual picture of the standards of each phase. I mean this one of the standard measures. Because we are going to play with this later on in the next lessons to find out if there is any one from the people we see around that he has something that doesn't mean that doesn't match the standards of the features. And of course they are the majority, right? So what I ask you now is to practice doing this and studied by, because this will help you out to exaggerate and use it later on to character. 3. 1. Water Balloon Theory : Balloon theory. Well, in this lesson, we are going to learn how to exaggerate without losing the size and the math of the head. Of course, how can I understand that? I'm imagining the head as a balloon which is filled with water. And the theory helps you a lot to learn when to exaggerate. And these kind of exaggeration should affect the rest of the hat. I will explain now. So this is a water balloon, alright? Which is filled with water. It's a balloon filled with water. And imagine that you pinch the middle of this balloon. So the water will come upwards and downwards like this. And it will result in a smaller size in this port and bigger the other upper and lower parts. This is very important. In category a cannot just pinch to minimize a feature in the face and let the rest of the head, as it is in the regular size of the subject. What you have to do is learning that pinching somewhere will effect in other because the mass remains the same. This is very important. You cannot pinch the whole face without reflecting the mass in other feature. Another example. And if you are going to pinch from here, let's say, let's make it more visible. This is v i, right? So you are going to pinch the forehead. Alright? This will result by default in a bigger size because water flows here in the changed. So a smaller, smaller forehead, which results in a bigger region. And this is a rule in order to make the subject you are drawing looks interesting. Alright. As you can see, now, we are imagining that we are going to pinch here in the balloon, right? To make the nose looks bigger. This will result. So bigger. Nose will result in smaller and smaller and as well as a relatively leak forehead. Okay. So you have to consider this very well because when you pinch here, water will flow like this. And the air. Air will go upwards like this. And water will flow here if you pinching here because your hands will be finishing like this. I'm not sure if you follow with me what I mean, you can try it yourself at all. All right. And so on. It's like pinching here from, let's say the chen part where the mouse lives. This here. So two will be small and it will result in a big forehead. That handwriting. I know what you have to bear with it. So to recap, what we mean is that whenever you pinch somewhere in the head of the subject you are drawing, this will have a result. This result will reflect in a bigger feature size of u subject to up drawing. This is physics. This is like the reflection of the action you are doing. The reaction of the action you're doing. So you are pinching somewhere, a heel, blue the other way. Alright. So you have to practice this and it will be very helpful if you bring a balloon at home and fill it up with water and try to exercise this. In order to imagine what I mean. I see in the next class. 4. 2. Shapes Theory: Well, it's now time to know that ten golden shapes of any at all. What you need now is to bring a tracing paper and the photic copy of the subject who want to practice this exercise on? Well, the first shape is the outer line of the handshape. Keep It Simple. Do not tracing as it is. Exactly. I just want you to imagine how this head looks like. What I mean is it is circular, head is a triangle like shape. Is it an over like the one we are practicing now? Or what is it? So this is only to imagine the outline of the entire head shape from the top of the hair down to the lower of the chain. Second line or shape is what we call is the forehead shape. This is starts from the hairline and rests on the top of the eye rolls, taking exactly the shape of the forehead before it curves or it goes round with the head because you know that our heads are not flat. So the forehead, the port of the forehead, is the flat or semi fled. For. When we see a person face to face, there is a flat part of the forehead. This is exactly what I want to trace. Not the intercourse that goes the round of the help. I mean this one. Right? So avoid this port because this part goes deeper than this one. This is the second shape and the golden shape. The third one is the nose. The nose plan has exactly two parts. The first one, which starts right after the forehead shape, okay? And it ends with the last line of the most. The second part, we call it the nose wings. This, this means starts from the top of the circle of the news, right? And ends right before. The holes of the looms. And this is called the nosebleeds. Alright. This is the third shaped. The fourth shape. We call it the mouth mound, which stored from right before the end of the nose, plan down with a curve. Alright. The lower lip, it takes the shape of the lower lip. This is where in males, especially mostly the mustache. So if you imagine in a stash here, this is where the mustache ends. And you know, when a person has a wrinkle here, this is actually the outer line of the mouse mound. So it ends again right below the lower lip. And it starts above the holes like this. And it grows down curve with the wrinkles that goes around the north. And then we have the lips. As you can see here. I took the lips as a shape, as a whole shape include the button and the lower, the upper and the lower lip altogether like this. All right. After that, we got an interesting shape, which is the eye mask. Much like a glasses, you know, or a superhero masked. Imagine your subject is wearing a mask, superhero mask. This is where you put your honest right, right inside your eye mask you will find the eyeball shape, which in blue here, include the button. I ellipse as well. Eyelids, I'm sorry. The top and the bottom. Do not exclude any of the islands. Right. Then. Hair the hair mic it as well. Simple. But I mean, simple, that you do not have to include the smallest trends of her. Find the large shapes in the mass of the hurt and then market with U shape. After that we got ears, of course. It's like you are taking a whole figure of the ear as you can see. I'm not tracing it as it is exactly. I'm just having an idea of how it is, how big or how it is exposing outside the head. This is the key. And last, but not least, we have the side plans of your fix, the swaption. This one. What I mean by the site plans is the the part of the face. Do you remember what I've told you about the forehead and this is exactly but about the cheek. This is where the cheeks goes. Inside order. Date. It curve, its curve. Well, it starts from the mouse mound here. It starts to go a little bit inside. Alright? And it goes with the bones. It applies under the eyes. Well, it's, it's a bit challenging to extract the site plans of the phase if your character or your subject is a bit chubby or has a full face, but if he is a skinny guy or, you know, that kind of loans in in his face that is visible. This will make it much more easier for you to detect the site plans. Well. By analyzing these shapes, you can see the proportions of the shapes in relationship to the surrounding face. Well, we have practiced this on the ideal face, right? So if we remove this, subject will look like this. This is exactly what you have to squeeze your eyes when you look at someone and to detect these ten shapes. Because what you are going to do later on, I'm going to teach you is the attempt to play with this shapes. So you'll have to study them and you have to detect them. If you are looking at someone, if you are going to practice clerical maturity in the subject a in front of you, you have first to detect in your mind those thin shapes. Because we are going to play on together to know how to combine the techniques we have mentioned before, like the balloon technique. And to come bind these shapes to combine these old together, to exaggerate in the future and make it look like a caricatured, as well as maintaining the likeliness of the subject. Stay with me and keep practicing what we have mentioned now. To move on. 5. 3. Triangle Theory : So triangle theory, one of the most notable and recognizing features that you notice in any one without even recognizing this, that there is an invisible triangle lies right here. Like this. In each one we see. And these triangles actually makes a lot in detecting each person likeliness. No. As you can see, there is a big difference between this triangle in a Babyface and in an old man. You see that the triangle is much more longer than the one in the baby. But this rule does not apply only on babies and elderly people. As you can see in this picture of Leo, the triangle is as well small, like a baby in comparison to Richard gear. So what is this triangle and what it has to do with the Catechism. Actually, this triangle is a key factor in exaggerating the nose and eyes feature and keeping the likeliness of the subject. As you can see. There is an amazing artist called NP Pascal, who has character leonardo DiCaprio maintaining if very small triangle. He exaggerated in the size of this triangle. Although it kept as well the features of the Leonardo DiCaprio. Another example of exaggerating this triangle is in Richard Gere, another amazing artist called Tres Gu 64. And this is his Behance account. He exaggerated the triangle of Richard. So this triangle, you have to pay attention to this triangle in any subject or character phase you see in order to, to take the right decision regarding to make it smaller or huge or whatever it is. So let us recap in this example. Can you see that based on the loom theory that he has, Anthony has finished here and it results in a baby. And for him, he pinched the term, which results in a vigor forehead. And here in Moscow, he pinched here, which result in a tornado forehead. And dollar. Chen. As I told you before, that we are going to mix and combine the theories in order to get an interesting character to, with maintaining the like and as because this is the key. And most of people, a lot of people ask me, how can you maintain the likeness while exaggerating and the feature? This is the secret guys. It is no more to secret is no longer a secret. This is the key that you keep. The triangle in your mind, as well as using the water balloon theory. Alright? And you are going to implement in the next class and this fear altogether to practice caricaturing Andre life. I seen that. 6. Case study to apply the theories: Well, in drawing, theories are theories and remain theories until it, it can be applied and we get the results out of them. So in this demo, we are going to represent what we have learned in the previous lessons on real life. Here we are going to apply our first theory of extracting the very simple outer line shape of the hat. You can see here, I'm just taking a very simple lines or shape. It's more like a rectangle for the head check. Then it's time for applying the second theory of water balloon, where I choose to pinch the eyes area in order to present the chimp port bigger than the forehead part. As we have learned in the water balloon theory, it reflects in somewhere else. Like making the forehead part a little bit smaller. And then I defined the forehead plan as well as the middle line of the I line that separates or make them symmetrical line of the features. And here, as you can see, the little triangle. So we are now applying our theory of the triangle. That as you can see here in the subject, it's really small triangle. After finding my triangle, I start to draw the nose. The nose plan as you remember and know swings. I choose to make. As you can see, the triangle really smooth, even smaller than the subject, because this is Charaka two exaggeration. This is my area of exaggeration. And then back to the first theory. Choosing or applying for defining the job plan that starts from the wrinkles around the nose and rests right below the lower limb. This is the job plan. After defining the dual plan and drawing it. On my drawing, I defined the lips or the mouth webs or wristband that starts from cried before the Duke land from each size, sides and end at the other side of the job plan. Where did the mouth or the lips rests on the face. And now it's time to draw the superhero mask, as you'd remember, to extract the area of the whole eyes. As it is without defining any details. And then I detect the ears area and the shape of the ears, which is a little bit exposed for outside in the subject. But as you remember, the name of the game is exaggeration. So I choose also to exaggerate in exposing either placement outside the face. Right after that, I'm drawing the hair shape without drawing and avoiding any details or as trends in here shape just around figured or the simple, very basic simple shape of how he's heard, look like and do not trash that details. It will come later on. Do not worry, just be with me step-by-step. Now it's time to pay attention to some details. Gone to draw now, the eye prompts. So here we are. We are drawing. The eye goes. We are maintaining the third of the angle of the eyebrows as it is within the mask shape. Here I want you to pay attention to the eyes of the subject and the angles and how it goes, it goes down or goes upwards, goes downwards or upwards. As you can see from the outer side of the eyes, it goes downwards. And from the inner side of the eyes close to the Nozick goes upwards. This is the line of BOX. I want you to pay attention and George, as it is. Now, what I'm going to do is just pressing on the social lines to confirm the lines that I need and to neglect the lines that I don't mean. Without paying any attention to details. I'm just confirming my lines to detect if there is anything that needs to be modified like that chen part. I feel like I over-exaggerated in the chimp part. I feel like maybe afterwards I'm going to subtract a little bit from the chimp port because it, it looks like, a little bit like a bird, not a big chin. But I will decide this by the end of the drawing. Another tip, it's good every now and then to zoom out wide route drawing to get round figure, shape or a whole figure of what you are drawing because maybe you are lost into details while you are zooming in. So it's, it's important every known then while drawing uterine subject in order to, to zoom out and look at from the eye to detect if this subject you want to be or you lost yourself into details and you lost the likeness of the subject. Yeah. Well, at this point I feel like I'm done with the searching lines and I feel like I want to see what's going on without the layer of searching lines. So what I'm going to do now is to hide the assertion line layer to check what's going on. Well, it's OK and still have an opinion to make that term a little bit smaller. It's over-exaggerated. But I'm going to delay the decision until I finish. I'm shading in order to get a sense of the whole figure while thinking. But I will go for the removing that part of the chain. Decision-making. It's little bit prolonged too much. Yeah, here we go. It looks much more button still exaggerated, but in a reasonable way, you know. Well, this is the end result of drawing Brad Pitt in his trolling or glorious bastards. And this is how it looks like at the end. My point by demonstrating this is that we have applied the outer, outer line theory and the triangle and the balloon theory. And we can combine them all together in order to keep likeliness and in the same time, exaggerating as much as we can. And this is pedagogy. 7. Final Thoughts and Homework: Well now, after we have done learning the theories and applying them by drawing subject and converting it into a calculator. We have something. One more thing that left is that to study by heart the standard that we have in the first lesson. And then study to detect or train, practice, training, detecting people around you to extract the basic shapes that we have learned in the first theory, as well as try at home. And it's pretty safe to try at home to fill a balloon with water and start pinching and squeezing this balloon to get much more tangible results to known what I exactly mean with the balloon theory. One last thing to detect is that triangle between the nose and eyes. You have to look around you and detect this triangle in the people around you. That Last but not least, is the project. Choose one of your favorite characters may be a football player or a movie star or rock star, whoever he is and start by applying those theories on him and draw him and do not forget to share it with us. I really encourage you to do this and please I encourage you more to share it with us, to have our 300Nian. And there has told the fellow students, I wish you a very good day and enjoy drawing. Keep drawing, train yourself and enjoy the journey. See you.