1. Introduction: the face is the most important part of the most important part of face is the eyes. Today I want to show you how I dries like these. My name is psychosis. I am French on later and I am based in London. After on many eyes and three times I've come to go, then a particular personal way. That's what I will show you today. This class is suitable for beginners but also for established artists who may want to try a different way of your nights together. We'll have a look at how to create Macy shaped different styles and shapes of eyes, how to draw, expressive and finally have to color and clean drawing. Once you follow this class, I would love to see Eun door your own set of eyes. Please share it online and hashtag moving hashtag cycles. So let's get started
2. Basic Shapes: great. So let's get started on first, we're gonna have a look at the basic shapes. That means we're gonna start with local shape. Place the eyelids, place the iris three eyebrow, and then funny come details like corners of the eyes. Pupil. Let's get let's get to it. We're gonna start with the shape of the eyes. Ah, here I have a drawing face so that we have some silver. You know, face around the eyes. It's it's just will make it nicer. Teoh explain a few things, particularly the position of the eyes on the face with size the politically with relative size, the eyes in the face. Eso I'm just going to start with a very simple shea just placing the the elements of the I . So let's get started. Zoom in and I'm in place the first oval. So in this case, I'm gonna go like this. Yeah, so you'll notice that this oval shape and drawing is no horizontal. It's got slightly and mangled like this if you wants. If you draw the two main access of the the Oval concedes cleaning big, a lot of eyes off slightly saved by this, but you can also do all perfectly reasonable oval shape if you want. This'd purely a choice of aesthetic, but I like to say that's more slowly and mangle. All right, so that means the corner of the eye. Maybe some here and that the other corner of the eye might be somewhere here anyway, so let's go back. Just raise those. So that's the first hole. What? I'm gonna place another oval on the other side right here. Okay, So when we first do this part, the IRS are gonna look a bit a inish. Been like in aliens eyes. They would look a bit weird, but no mind. Doi, get on with it. Move this one a little bit to the right. So maybe place some lying just toe indicate where the eyebrows might go to introduce their this and something like that. Okay, so this arch, So it kind of follows and lying. Same. You know, it's like goes around this oval shape, so this oval shape represents the whole I if you want. So you see that line above my That's just stop there. Linus stays here, and the bottom of the line coming is this line. So the eyelids will be somewhere inside. So this is how I just place general shape off the I once I've got once I'm happy with this double drool. Um, first islet, maybe so just a line like this. It goes down. So as you can see, I go quite lower this side towards the corner of the eye, and I go Kawhi appeared towards the top, the other corner of the eye. And then you could do the same of the bottom. You control a little line for the the bottom line. It's so let's do same on this side, one like this and one like that. So we're gonna see later with different style of eyes, how we can play around with those shapes to create different designs for the eyes. But right now, this is just a generic kind of shape. I just want to show you how I go about placing the mean shapes, the I. So this is usually when I've done this. I'll always already have a good idea. You know, one eye's gonna look like then maybe next one of position. The eyelids. So the pupil So, uh, the iris, actually, me. So let's place the areas right here, for example. So, uh, tend to draw quite kicked our eyes. So the iris is gonna be quite large. And so something like this you go. Um, As you can see, I'm not drawing perfectly circular, um, shape here. It's kind of slightly over again. This time it's comer. I told her that is large. So doesn't have to be like this by a found that this is quite something That's quality. So big eyes, A big, uh, iris again suggests, um, quiet a child it childless, youthful eyes. OK, there we go. So usually the choir slightly higher up because the upper lid is goes nowhere after. So, um, you see, there's no overlap here in this part? Yeah, that's OK. That's that's how it be. Um, then if I want to have a bit more information to the eye, bro, I would probably draw a little bit thickness to it. Something that you go and that's pretty much, um, the all you need to play to place. And I write I'm gonna just do a little couple more things. One here to just define that little corner of the eye here. Now you don't Miss Lee always need to draw it. But I like to just suggest it is states thereby having some lines, don't me it. And then maybe just suggest where the island's SRE, the the eyelashes coming off the side of the eye and some would be someone like. And so if I want, just want to sketch eyes, that's allowable. Do that's older lines of it. So that can happen really, really quickly. When you used to a just draw these lines really quickly, they go. So that's it for positioning the main shape of the I in the next part, we're gonna have a look at it in style. So we're gonna be used that shape, change it, show how we create kind.
3. Styles: Now it's time to look into from styles eyes again. The shape we're gonna look out, maybe normal shape up and shave be shamed around the square these sorts, shapes And then the position of the eyes in the facts the size of the eyes, style of the eyelashes on the shape of the whole. This way, the style. So now we're gonna play around a little bit. You know, sometimes you don't want t stuck in doing the same thing little time or you want to find something you might like. Bella. So you got exploring a bit. So that's what we're gonna do right now. We're just gonna move things around to see, See how things look when you play around with with the eyes. Eso first. I'm going to look into the position of the eyes so things like syquest simply they could be higher, up or lower down. There could be further to the right of the left for the part of closer together. So let's just have a quick look at the experience. May move the layer, draw the drew the the eyes on the seven layers. So I'm just gonna move it up and down. It's a safe example. Come here. Just, um, Yepes. Take it up a bit. Um, so you see that the changes to face so dramatically so quickly, right? Just go, man, do. This is weird. What can just take it down, really down like this? It's it's There's not one perfect position for the eyes on this. You know, What I had in the beginning was one I would normally go for more or less. That's it. But the way you like to position eyes might be quite different. So you might want to You want to play around? Just push things a bit, you know, is it's far from the nose is supposed to the from those you have a big forehead on the small forward. We all have to feel, you know, ideals are, you know, different tastes. So it's something play member also, um, the separation of the eyes some people have in our eyes, wide eyes and again, it's a question of taste. Would you like one on the other? But if you have now ice, for example, typically or give the feeling that the head is quite big, relatively to the position of the eyes like the eyes of fire part and get the feeling that the head is quite small. Eso maybe, if you drawing a baby or child, you might want happy guys out further apart. But if you drawing maybe an older person, you might want to have not to. Now the eyes a little bit. That might just help you with the age, but it's not always lies. This is not a rule, but let's just move the eyes quickly, just to maybe there will separate them within a part of a bit. See what it looks like. Eso This is, uh, with the eyes further apart. Um, and what again? I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you like this and let's move them close now. Oops, who maybe like this and like this, it was a bit weird, but they go, so at the same time, you could see they changed the largest living human changed. So we are very sensitive to that to the eyes. This is something where now, naturally, we pay a lot of attention to we look our eyes all the time, and that gives us a lot of information about a person's feeling angle intentions. And so if something is different, we notice it pretty quickly. That's also why it's kind of strange when people are wearing, um, sunglasses cause certainly you can't see the eyes and it's often quite, you know, destabilizing. You just don't know what the person is doing thinking where they're looking in. It gets in the way of a lot of information. So the eyes of so are so important. So that's why it's worth when you're drawing, exploring sometimes. Just try to door now the icing different positions just to see how you like it. If it's something you just know what effect it creates, we can get out of it. Okay, I just go back to your position anyway. So now want to explore different positions? You understand the position, don't prefer more, you understand? Better are is where it is, so you could go back to it more efficiently. Okay, um, now I'm like Teoh. Look at the size of the answer. I draw off to bigger eyes because I like to draw. Characters are quite youthful on cute. But to be fair, you that you could make I can't look young and in Q two with small eyes, too. It's No, it's not absolutely necessary. But just for the sake of it, we're gonna We're gonna play around with the side of the eyes. So? So some artists withdraw eyes much bigger than this. Almost morning minutes. It's entirely again, up to you. This is the size I like. This is maybe on the biggest signs. Me sometimes control eyes. That's more than that. So I'm going to for a start. I will try to make them smooth. So I'm gonna shrink them a little bit. Let's say by this much he has too much just like this when they go and then this one by this much. Thank you. Oops. So, you know, if this still work spying, I think it's it's still okay. This biggest big, big change of size and still still perfectly fine. Maybe I would if I use outside. Moved in down, maybe. Yeah. Um, so this is this is perfectly there's more room here with small eyes to move them around the face again. You can pay more with positioning of the eyes. I'm gonna go back to the other sides, So I mean, yeah, just one last thing. So character me already looks like they're older than it was before just because the guy's smaller. Um, but again, it's not. Doesn't have to be so That's made them bigger. Let's let's see how big we can go. OK, let's make a really big go here. Let's see how far can push that. I think this crazy big Hi. So okay, this this looks crazy, but quite frankly, they are actually artists. Will droid. It's not now. You may look weird like I got here, but if you draw everything, it's fits. Very cartoony. Very, very stylized. You can get away with very, very big guys. So just for the sake of it, I would say Just try it once in a while with your own kind, since just trying to see our fight and go find some references from other artists will do that. And it's fun to do. You might. You might learn a few things. So again something to a man and and once you've tried this again, you will have a better understanding of what size of eyes you all happy with you. You'll be able to go back to it more easily. So when you look at your drawings, you've been like, Oh, every two big Oh, no, the big too small. So that's that's why it's good to play around with sizes. Arriens. Okay, Next, I would like Teoh to look at different shapes, so that's interesting. Now what? We're gonna look how different designs, if you want by people that different shapes, different races, order from ages or or whatever men, whatever genes you have defying if you want the shapes of the eyes and there's there's a lot of variety but at same time, and I was always my So we're gonna have a look at how we can play around with shapes to create different styles. Okay, First, I'll just clean up a little bit this drawing, and then I will use this. I'll keep that in the background and draw over it to draw different shapes. So just let let me just clean this up a little bit just by ah, drawing, for example, line the thicker line for the an ash. Just about we can see where it is. You know, this. Um okay. And also through this line of thinking like this. All right, something. That's it. OK, so let's say that's the, um norm or say it's a normal shape and then from then are from this position, I will draw something a little bit different. So, for example, what if I wanted to draw and I that's even more almond shaped this way? This one is kind of almond shaped already. House has a little bit of fat, but we can go even further. Something even more thinner, for example. So I'm gonna make this a little bit transparent. A bit, yes. Faded like this and under the drum top. Another late, Um, so, uh, one of things that can change. Six quest simply the how open or closed three eyelids is so if you just you just closed the eyes. The islets live. It's very denies without nestle looking like they're closed. So I'm sure you so I'm just gonna draw these lines again. But the oval around, Okay, the little details just drawing over the first drawing. And this time I'm gonna draw a line like here, for example four. The islet, and then move this one up a little bit like that. So, um, is he you got this more thinner, maybe, maybe more, filling in solve eyes. That's just in a very easy thing to do. But the shape, its surrounding shape of the eyes still the same. But because the island is slightly more closed, you get you get this kind of look small gets I solvents of Look, that's one easy. Uh, example. I Let's try something else maybe. Um, I want to try some more droopy eyes. I call them to be Isaac being last Nestle go fair, but it's basically eyes beat me. These eyes right now are going up by this form to a society going up, but you could have eyes actually go the other way. I mean, it could be flat as well, but it could go the other way. Some people find that quite nice as well. So this is really a real difference of eyes change of the eyes that people can have. So let's just explore that. So that means that the oval shape would be going down that was going to redraw that will shape on top and be more something like this. Now the the corner of the eye, this one will always be lower. So you'll still be lower here when you won't go up. So we'll still positioned this here if you want. Uh, this thing eyelashes. What? My good. Move down a bit. So this point here will take it away down here, and I will draw some Some I lay on top of this so you might realize at this point that it makes the eyes look at this side because they look down on this and I think that maybe something that people want my he can look a bit curious to have us off slowly sad. Look, look on your face. And so that the droopy eyes look a bit side of this, but also look so maybe defenseless. Or maybe that's what makes them cute. Um, so I'm just gonna reinforce this line a little bit, so you can see that. So So you can reinforce the drew Penis by highlighting this part of maybe having more delicious at the bottom of the Islanders, maybe adding some eyelashes like here this year, for example. So this is this if you want the droopy to be eyes, So it's not the kind of I drawn towards, but people like that particularly certainly something to explore. Um, something else I'd like to try. It's very big eyes and its people have a wide overnight like this old time They look astonished or excited all the time. It SSM particularly Children Maybe, but some people just are like that. It's nice to have it connects, communicates a kind of songs quite open, excitable, happy. So it could be useful. Also used in different ways Economic looks one we scared or the frightens, but depends how you use it in combination with the eyebrows. So, uh, yes, it's trying its 21 um so I'm gonna make around the shape. So this this time the overs will be less flat and more tool. Um, like so and again. We'll put position there the corners of the eyes right here somewhere. And we'll keep that here. For example, this caller's uh so I'm gonna open the eyes wide so the it's gonna be quite thin, not not semi closed like this. And I think I want to to reveal the entire iris. Andi. So you open your eyes wide into your hole. It's so let's go with that. Come in, do this. And to achieve that, it might be a good idea to actually draw the iris slightly smaller. So I'm expecting that this face would look a bit weird. Does, um, does particularly because the mouth is now smiling with the either the either open. So the the eyebrows and the mouth will give you extra information about why these eyes are open. Other over, because they're worried they're scared or they're happy excited. In this case, the eyebrows married a very neutral, so it's kind of weird to come up with intense, strange Look, we should make a big smile. I'm just going to sketch a smile, for example, just to see what happens. Uh huh. So if I drew a big, big smile like this just on top, and I think this my it's my fix and you can see that suddenly thes open eyes our something quite you know, cheerful, be you know, the future, for example, to continue playing with this and I make the eyebrows go down that I can probably turn this space into something quite evil of someone looks very intensely smiling and frowning at the same time. It's kind of it's kind of unsettling. Let me do this in Sioux happens. Let's go bring those eyebrows down like this. And suddenly that looks a lot more evil. Right? Okay. This is how you can play law. I don't want to go too much in the expressions, and I'm gonna go back to this in the next video. Uh, yet. So it is just an example how how, you know, different parts of the face really interact with the shape of the eyes and the eyes on their own. Do not do a working unit faced to communicate. Okay, So one last thing I'd like to have a look How maybe is have square eyes wide square because maybe the most masculine and maybe they're actually more realistic. A lot of people have silver, flat eyes. They're not. They rarely perfectly round. So let's have a look at if I drew study More square rectangular eyes to sweater. Looks like. Okay, so So based more or less. Some same in ashore. Say this time, do something a bit. Flatter my soul. So my oval shape Now it is looking more like a rectangle, and I'm a level I laid stickers down here. Maybe, um, if it's A. These are masculine eyes. Maybe we don't want to accept trait three eyelashes too much. But men have eyelashes, too. And it's perfectly fine to do eyelashes on men. That's by some Sturm Still gonna do a little bit here and there, like so maybe draw the iris by here and the corners of the eyes. So if I were to draw a man's eyes, this is probably the shape I would go for. And, uh, but it essentially the big difference. Main differences in the shape of the oval set up having an oval. I've got slightly more school rectangular and usually does the trick. So, uh, now I want to explore the shape of the eyelashes on. And then it was the end of this video. We're gonna look at the shape of the eyebrows. So first, let's play around with the Irish is I'm gonna go back. Teoh drawing still make a copy of this one again, bringing back Teoh absent. So, um, for a moment, there lashes just drawn away a simple line on that. That's fine in this house. If that's how you like them at school, I, like, personally draw the eyelashes. No, you gotta smell preference, but you can go wild with eyelashes. You can try so many, so many different things. So that's what I'm gonna do. Now I'm just gonna explore a few things just just just for the hell of it. So I'm gonna do Is this first I want to show you maybe wanna default solve? I last I troll. I usually lying Teoh Very thick line. So I'm gonna go go for it. And then this is really, really, really going for it. Something really think. Okay, something like that. And I end on the side here with something is quite rounded, right? So often by default. Uh, eyelashes are like that. Um, so and the one thing I maybe abducts and details, and I just do something like this at the end here, just like this. And maybe you have a couple two or three. Just stick out my mat, um, again, Maybe one or two by. And that's usually score minimalist. And that's a map. You with this? That's usually all I need. Occasionally, I would add some eyelashes or lying thin line at the bottom. Young to help define safe. No, always. But I could do something of this quite simply, or sometimes that I play around and I draw little dots like this, as if you could see a little bit of the draw I eyelashes. That's that's one way to do it is trusting the else. I'm gonna draw something thinner, but it goes out wider. So very long eyelashes. But the thinner so I could look like this Could Jason a vase and they go crazy on this sign . ***. That's another. Another shape. Okay, Why not? Maybe something of this was Well, there you go. Um, let's explore something else now something Mawr graphic you might see sometimes things like this where people go quiet, just bold. The bulls is bold eyelashes, strong shapes as pretty cool to this is to show you that it's quite a lot you can play around with. Honest. There's There's not just one way to do eso people lying to draw a lot of hours. So just for the sake of it, let's let's try this out. So you you're just gonna just draw the AL issues like this, maybe give it the thickness. I think something like this. There you go. Um what else Could you try? Um hmm. There's also the makeup that comes into play. So if you want, sometimes people will have some eye shadow on the upper island so you can actually go if you really want to go Gothic or something. And you really think you can actually turn all that black and then have very, very thick, soft makeup style? That's okay. You could just go ultra black. You know something? That is why Notes, anyway. So this is to show you again that you can play around trying some things. Yeah. Don't always do the same thing. Just play around. It's it's worth it. All right. Um, next thing I'd like to have a look at is the shape of the eyebrows again. The A bus can have many, many, so they say that you see, here's probably again what I usually draw by default, but I like to try a different change. So this one is quite rounded beacon. Go with some quiet rectangular shapes, triangular shapes or very short, thin, thick stuff you can do so I will just duplicate this, remove the eyebrows and, um, draws a new eyebrows. Let's try something. Uh, sick. One of think and quite masculine many. But it works on mood as well. So how about something on this with a maybe a fever? Severe Look to a But there you go. That's why. Nice, right? Works. You can go for that. All right, on. And we could have something. Reason So you could do something very late in Spain. Light? Yeah, I fixed it so simple. What else? You have something very long. The good, Quite high up safe example. So a bit triangular. Try something like this. It's quite pathetic. This go. Why don't again Nothing that works, that there's a lot off things you can play around with so well, So I quite like sometimes when people are short around it. Iran. So something of this quickly, huh? Two year old dots that works, too. Sometimes you can also add a little think of the side like this, but no extra. Uh huh. That's what we do. You, uh um difficult. Maybe a typical shape of a common ships to have something this that goes down the back, right. This is, like, really classic form of eyebrows. Looks as well. You could do this triangular like this angular. If you want, you can make it'll soft. Um, so round landed, You know something like this. There you go. So, uh, so this is it. I want to emphasize the fact that I Bos can have so many so many different shapes and could get away with quite law. Actually, one more thing, maybe to play I'll do you. It's my browser. The bit liking street fighter where some characters of some very striking I grounds and I think they look a bit like this. Um, but there you go. Well, I know. So play around with them. I think that's pretty much it for for the shades of the styles of the eyes. Like stop here. Next. I would like to try Teoh bringing more expressions in the eyes just as we've seen that a little bit now, but looking more into next year
4. Expressions: Okay. Next, we're gonna have a look at how we make our eyes expressive With some basic quick class expressions lives buys, anger. Smile. You know how Also have a look at what eyes have the island changes when it looks around corners and sides or when the eyes are closed, for example. So let's have a look, Holders. We're gonna go through some basic expressions and see how that affects the shape of the eyes. Um, you know, such things as hungers prize will smile. And, um oh, so how the shape of the I can change when bending way you looking out, my last go up Now that changes positions of the eyelids, that kind of thing. Eso Let's have a look at that. I start with, uh, surprise. We've slipped out before. Just how, um, control big guy that open. So it's the same idea. We're gonna open those eyes again. And this time I'm gonna also play with the eyebrows and mouth Teoh match this thesis expression. So I probably going Teoh remove start by removing lath Just that we can play around a bit with now. So is it You got no mess? I'm gonna keep the current eyes as a reference, just making it very slightly slightly visible. And I would start with surprise. So, um, again, I was just gonna sketch this loosely on quickly just to get get the idea. We're gonna have a look out to clean up, and I in the last video. So let's go ahead. I'm gonna make this cattle expressed. So the same oval shape over there, we use the same mobile. This time. The island ist really open. And the pupil s o the iris. Good to make a smaller just to increase the contrast between the the islets, the size of the islets and some inner Just draw this miss small amendments. Well, let's look really surprised. All right? Have been this eyelid this well, smaller iris. So what's important for this kind of expressions? Really make a distance between top of the island had I mean, yeah, only the top and the top of the the iris stuff, is it? It's a gap there that really that effectively communicates that the eyes of very open she if you see that gap there, you know your brain knows OK, these eyes are open. So you can see these eyes are open. Starlin script suggests, um basic. I know she's go. And so we're by the eyebrow as well when you surprise. No, you're I'm rice. Rice like, hey, so, uh, be surprised I the I Brian's going up. So you go. You could go really high up. I mean, that's a cartoon characters sometimes to get the I rose out of the head. So high is they just threw them appear. Yeah, sure, I know. Okay. Braised in a little bit here, rise them. Go. And we got the mouth often. People with a surprise ago they like they did your drops on gmathis slightly ajar like this . So we're gonna do that without a slavery trolling the drawer, just gonna draw the mouth a little bit lower and just slightly ajar. So, like this, and let it he's Ah, this character is really surprised. So I That's also that so for this one. So what's important here to notice is that the you need to see a love the high around the iris. If the irises small, you can see the white of the eye that that gives you the impression of the eyes of video. So that's the key, Teoh. Open eyes. So next stop. Like to look into, um, anger? Maybe. Let's try with anger. So someone who's going to be friendly, Um, and we'd mass. That's just no happy. Okay, so let's see from scratch. So again, same shape. So, um, when Sometimes there's different ways for the ice to look, When when you're angry. You might Some people, some cactus might squint like lettuce. Why squinting thing? That's one thing. That's one way to do it. Some other people could look angry by opening. Their eyes were still having they no eyebrows. So it looks like this. This. Okay, So you have lawyer brand. Were you trying to open your eyes and same time instead of squinting most. Right. So both Okay, I want toe. I'm just gonna explore both really quickly. So first, with the open eyes slow, the first thing I'm gonna do Police lower these eyebrows as much as I can to go like Well oh, and a touched Thirsty. I nice. Uh, no. Like this About the same time, I'm gonna keep my eyes open. And that gives you serious Look like you're bound to know to do something, you know, happy and for the mouth. Well, it could be just closed like this and looking down a bit, but my something on. So the one thing I dio I have I have a mirror suspended right there. Next, it's over there on die if I need to make an expert. Look, look, find out what makes it Looks like I could just do in my face and look at myself in the mirror. Having a mirror is a good thing to have if you just get there like a hand mirror pocket something that you're putting on me in your purse or, you know, you take traveling if you need to have a mirror. He needs to be big enough today. Can see your whole face inside it. So you know something about this size? Yeah. Um and, um Yep. Also you after your mind quickly. Uh oh. There it is. I've got this little pocket mirror there, and so I can take around with me, but to be found, just keep it there. It's at the right height so I can see myself. I could just take it out if I want to make a friend Expression I don't usually do. Then I could see right away what I would look like. It's very, very, very. Okay, So, um, next thing, I'm just gonna change the ice slightly on this one for his Quinton look. So looking at angry, but when it squinting. Okay, so that's why same board, in fact, were the main thing here. Sexually rise. Raise the the bottom eyelid. Teoh, bring it up more than you take more than taking the up the top one down. You take bottom up. So here will be. I believe ei rates quickly. You bring up the bottom eyelid like this and take the other one. Damn is sold in the bet. Draw the the iris. Just raise this little bit and I think you can see right away that exists. I think that's kind of cool. I find this solve squinting, less less menacing. Maybe them on the open eyes, less aggressive. It's more like, Why are you doing why you're doing this to me? Like he trying to think what's going on here? More happy with the situation, but not ready yet to take action Just observing. Whereas the other look with the eyes, April. Looks like you about Thio. Thio Do something to take action. Okay, so that's for the angry face, Wells. Yeah, it's having to get a smile. Smiling face. And how fixed the eyes as well. So, uh, one, um so put a smile. Get this. There's 1000 ways to smile to be found You can You can never little smile with your mouth close You have, ah, semi smile You could have a side smile like this You can have Ah, big smile with your teeth together or even a big smile with your mother. Um, all of these different smiles again, we're not gonna explore everything. I just couldn't make it generates smile, maybe with just my teeth showing with this and and usually because we spiral, we tend to pull these muscles and those muscles make the bottom eyelid again. Go aps life. So So we should see a little bit squinting if you want, But at the same time, someone's happy up to open that Maybe I should be too. And maybe we can My raised the eyebrows as well. It's that time. So the same old I'm just gonna draw that, um oval. Same. So I'm gonna bring up the bottom. I'll it a little bit like, so keep the top one normal through the Alice quickly and raise this little bit. And so a big smile. Big smile. It may have. They go. So I'm gonna go into the details out of your mouth. Maybe I'll do another detail specifically for this in the future. Right now, I'm gonna keep it simple. They go. All right. Okay. So you can feel if you if you write, if you raise those those bottom eyelids, you could feel they might like a little bit weird. But you see that you get the idea. All right. Uh, maybe I'll write says that basis by libraries as well. You go like this, you go. Vega is a cactus mining. Happily So? So you see how the movements of the eyebrows and mouth can change the shape of the eyes for the expressions is something to keep in mind on. And next thing we're gonna look as how the islands could change that. Been where you're looking so just very quickly. Basically, the the iris has a certain thickness. It's not perfectly round the I smell perfectly while becoming a pointy where the iris is so that tends. Teoh distorts the shape of the of the eyelids. So you can use that to emphasize where Captain is looking. You'll see. It's quite simple. Stop based again eso Let's say the character's gonna look this way. Um, I was thought again, same idea, always starting with my oval shape. But before I'm gonna put them draw the islands and to sideway and my characters looking and here is gonna be towards the right, So right in the corner, like so in a corner, like so Remember pressure. You can push it quite a bit to be foul, trying to look sideways here I was or I got, um that can leave a lot of white space. And so don't I stay to really move those eyes quietly. Eso So the thing is that I would if I draw on island here, I would like close the early have been more than usual this side and go up where the three I actually, the iris actually is. This is a subtle thing, but it's it's bath reality. And if you do animation in, if you actually animate eyes moving around like this. This is the details. Quite important to give a sense of reality of the FBI's actually actually working working eyes. All right. First example, looking to write, um, ever gets this. That's the idea. Um, also may be the most striking moment part of the basically. What I'm saying is that the islands and moving with the eyes particularly if you look up and down, that's where you see the difference. So if you look right up the islands go might have been spears. If you look down, the eyelids stand to follow and city close with your eyes as you're looking. So that's why you gotta keep in mind wherever the iris going, the islands be only that kind of going with it They were following. So you get a night, so I'm gonna I'm gonna do this now. We'll just have the eyes looking down. So I'm placing the I was first. No, If you keep the island right up, agreed to be Oh, you have a lot that white space about the virus. That would look kind of strange. That's why you gotta really pushed out. I got it down to meet the top of the iris, and that reveals a lot of love. Them. This part of that, um, the islet. Okay, they go. So that's some eyes looking down. Okay, so it looks a bit strange to the family to, but this time as well. Okay. See, I'm not going far enough here being being too cautious. Um, I need to push that further town like this and maybe some my eyelashes, Eyelashes. Okay, your characters looking down. Okay, there you go. Um, and finally we can have a look out. What ni looks like it's closed. Eso again. When it's close, it's not. Doesn't close right in the middle. It's not like the populated lower lid. Just meet in the middle. They don't essentially the upper lip that goes all the way down pretty much in the low will . It just goes up time bit. So if I wanted to modify this closed, I I would push there, Kylie, the top eyelid island, even lower to the point where it's pretty much as far the bottom as it could be And just just have a little bit of the bottom island, and that's it. That's your eyes closed. Eso they go. I think that's there. If we've looked at based expressions and how those expression effect the shape of the I um , finally, next, we're gonna have a look at how I clean up. The Eisenhower had some simple colors to it s so that we get two more my final look. But again, I you'll noticed. I like to keep my eyes quite simple. I don't going to know for a lot of details. I just more interested in the expressiveness of the the I to go into the details. Let's have a good day sitting next year.
5. Clean Up and Colours: great. Finally, we're gonna have to look how to clean up your eyes and out. Collins said I looks all nice and shiny. Gonna keep it simple. I as you will see, I will do all the lines just one way. Dark lines and the shading. It's gonna be a very basic shading. Then I'm gonna put one layer flat colors behind the lines And finally, maybe a touch up with some highlights White highlights into on in the eyes and sold things . That's it. Really? So I guess we could just get on with it. I'm gonna stop. So with just a layer to clean up those eyes your C I one use any sophisticated brushes. Only thing like that, it's gonna be a very basic brush photo shop. To be fair, what I do you can also probably do on baby with pencil and paper. Um, so, yeah, it's up to you. It's No, I'm not gonna use anything that God blacks have Sophisticated s. Oh, yeah, I wanna work from this picture there. So that's sort of default eyes. And the first thing I do is just clean up a little bit. Those lights keep them thin want some. Happy with them. I'm going, Teoh, increase the size sizes of those lines where I think it's necessary. I'm gonna make the eyebrows. Probably simply black, but they could be a solid colors if you wanted. And, uh, yeah, uh, here we go. Let's get started. So I want to get stopped with cleaning of those lines a little bit. So I've got a basic brush, like I said, so I don't need to go into the details. Take whatever favorite Bush. If it's grainy or no to you. I'm just got really have the basic brushing for the shop. It's not soft brush, it's the heart it spurs. So I go, I'm gonna go a little small, you know? So clean up those lines a little bit here, just keeping thin. I'd honestly create a new layer for this idle mind, working on the same layer and just making a clean and clean as I go along. But, uh, you can use which of us steps you used to. That's okay. Um, this is not about how high approach drawing my lines of the things is about just how to joys in general. So All right, go so Yeah, I like Teoh, for example. You have a tip of but the eyebrow. Like Teoh just had some details here, but not misty everywhere. So I have these so details here to feel the the lines, the hair. So the way I imagine it usually means counts coming. How years But depends from person person. But I like to imagine that the hair as a direction like this that goes like this then as it goes back, he goes like this. So if I draw any lines on the details, try to follow this over this pattern. Um, so he has same Akama had some details here. Like so, um, I I don't like to put too many details personally, I'd like to suggest there's something else details, pictures and some parts here and there. And that usually use enough to give a sense this Mr of the nature of things. But if you love details, I know some people dio they take up some people take a lot of pleasure details that that's fine. Go ahead at more details, huh? So you go home so I like Teoh had a little line here. Sometimes it is a crease fan here in the eyes. Little crease. Here and here. I like to accentuate a little bit. It's like this. So it goes down a little bit. Use those two nines. It's Ah, you don't have to do all this this step. Typically, this the top of the line here is different from person to person. People have it very, though design, I mean clearly marked. Some people have don't have it for produced like invisible. So again you could You could draw it just in position behind once. If you want to get rid of a just and give you the lines of construction, might I like to keep it? But sometimes for some characters, I will decide just removing. It's no obviously fitting the design. Okay, um, for the the iris here, I like to usually you have the bottom line here, but to me, the iris so faith in bathing, Where's the the edges? I'll have been very thick, like so, so I'll give him a bed thickness. Then I will draw the pupil right in the middle. So because the iris slightly oval, so will the pupil. So the people, I just do it completely black, at least for now. Ah, so here we go. Next. So So you comprise about 1/3 of the space. And as you know, as you may know, people can change its size depending on how much light you get through your eyes. I don't bother by this. To be fair, I usually keep it the same size that matter what. But technically, if you have your character displayed by a lot of life, the pupil time will tend to become really small. If it's dark in person, is trying, Teoh, what's going around? And you really close to the ice may want to dine in the people. Also, he might give you some information on, um, psychology of the character or the emotion that they're in. It's all things. It's up to you if you feel, but I don't have any preferences for this. So now I'm darkening the top there. The FBI here. I like to do this because it gives some depth Teoh to the I. The virus is often absorbs quiet Love light. Also, this black will be in contrast with the color and that will appear the bottom here at the bottom of the Iris, and this contrast makes the car pop. So I'll just pop your sim pure black here. Eso That's usually that's it Wouldn't pretty much for the black in three. Iris. So now I'm gonna give some thickness Teoh the delicious. So it's thinking this line. Okay, so you can see I'm thinking it all the way down to the corner of the I am because that the they your eyelashes will tend to go all the way down. And people make upon the thing to troll that line have been more so they go, um, uh, make the ending like this Ponti again. I mean, if you guys want toe, you know, go with different details, feel free. Absolutely. Using some examples of how you go about playing around with those just going to suggest the presence of some individual strands of hair, You're a man of eyelashes. There you go. Maybe here as well that, um maybe just a little bit underneath. I'm gonna give it live with the line just beneath the I popular, But maybe with some little dots to suggest individual uh, it's a hair. They go. Um, okay, so it's taking shape as you can tell, and we're getting pretty much there. Uh, just go talking this. Be more like this If you want to have some details in the in the iris, you could you could have at some lines here, like this example. You know, just to suggest the the structure of the details in the arts. But it's not something after do. Um, I'm gonna make the eyebrows black as well, so I'm actually, But I could do this in in a particular color if you wanted to. Hair color, something I was making black. Okay. And again, I would like to bring back some of them, the lines in them in the eyebrows. So this time I'm gonna draw them in. That's white line. Some. So, like this. Just, um Just to suggest that you can see it's transit of ham. It's a detail that quite like so I have to do this. Um, go now. From this point on, weaken start shading. So you could do the saving on a separate layer if you want, or you could do it directly on there. Um ah, my Just do it on a separate layer for the sake of it, But often keep you on the same layer just because for girls question of speed and bent if I How much time I'm prepared to spend on the drawing? But in this case, I'm gonna create Justin, you and you lay up. Have it separate. So I'm gonna Yeah, that's it. So I usually shade, um, there's some basic shading that do on every eye, no matter what. So this is one with a shoe. This is no about shading the face. For example, I'm only concentrating on the eyes, somebody a bear. Dark, dark, dark, dark and doom did top eyelid. And I'm gonna get put a shadow beneath the eyelashes and inside the sins promoted and I will give ah, you know, the definition about the shape saves of the I. So let's stop right them by shading that the eyelash. I'm just gonna do this. That's all clips. You think this one like this one like that. So if you wanted this to be makeup, you could give a color like blue tones. Then, um then I'm gonna put shadow in the east, the eyelashes. I find this to be very useful to again to give some depth to the eyes. The eyes need to be kind of alive. They're so important again for communicating emotions and the soul things in character. And that's why it's worth spending a bit of time meditating the eyes compared to the nose or the mouth that often you can really pull back on the details and keep it simple when it comes to the eyes. It that's just this something to gain from adding details. It's It's worth it. I was thinking this a national a bit. All right, then. Then I'm gonna and appreciating inside the iris. Same idea. I'm gonna go quiet deep like this. Okay? And here, there you go. So you can see how the eyes are coming to life. Um, one last thing, maybe a little bit shading just beneath here. Have to be m. They settle lips. So So you want to be careful with this? Means you can quickly turn into character looking like they have. Devon slept well, so that's fine. Love is fine. So I go something like the house, and you can add a little bit shadings wearing that the corner of the eye here it's often is a bit darker on, and that's pretty much it's for the shading. I'm gonna Assam sparks of lights later on after added the colors for the guys. To be fair, I was gonna be extremely simple. I'm just gonna had a skin color and just one color for the iris on, um, basically a very light, very light white college for for the for young. So let's do this. Just creating a new layer on we choose skin color. So, uh, usually the way picket. I go and pick knowledge, uh, slightly closer to do bread. And I go up here in that area where it's quite like covered. And that's usually the skin is skin tone a lover. So if you have someone who has more than on its skin, you would go towards more towards the orange here and maybe a little darker, and you get more sunny skin. If you want something, somebody went pale skin white. Can you go more towards the red? And then But then you go to is the the white. Then you get something very pink. Okay, so here I'm going to stay somewhere in the orange, slowly, dark. Now you go. Something like that uh, shoes. Oops. So I wonder this quickly. No. Oops. I'm gonna put this one underneath the blue line. We will make the blue line of black. Thank you. Keep going. - I'm gonna keep the head white because it's No, it's not the purpose of this video, all right, in the future will make more videos about how actually column, you know, to to make some nice cars. So I'm just keeping this really, really simple Cain. It's now I'm just going to raise actually, no, I'm gonna so far for the eye for the white of the eye. I don't usually bake a pure white. Usually pick something a slightly off point, Pretty much the same car as the skin. But I just go much closer to eso about halfway. Only be more and you get something just off flying like this because, let's, let's be honest, the white of the eyes, no pure white nose, and it will never be pure. And if it's if you make a pure white may just look to point Anyways, you go and let's choose kind of four. Uh, the iris. So we're gonna go for Blue Green somewhere in between. Hager something like this example not to such rated Mr that in, uh, doing go they go came to go and final thing will be just at Bay of Sparks in the eyes. And so for this, I'm gonna create an extra layer this time. So he her white layer that you can just create a ventilator and use white car with this, um, stream mode. So I just put like a couple of sparks in yards just to make it shine. So something here, for example, hopes that strong changing the brush tango. And to be fair, at this point, you can put all sorts of reflections in the eyes. The eyes are mirror what's happening around. So if you have several lights, if they are college, you could bring in different lives in different colors if you want. So that's why you can you play around with this If you like reflections in the eyes, just you can you can mess around. Do you love things? What's quite important, though, is to understand that both eyes are pretty much I entered in exactly the same way wherever you look. So if my eyes are, for example right now, reflecting the light in this room you can see different patterns of light in my eyes. Well, they they are the same. Both irons, both eyes are rented in the same way they reflect the same lives. So if you if you do some if you draw some reflections and what I should draw the same infections on the other that that's what makes sense. You don't have to to be fag wondrously look weird. But if you want to be read a little bit realistic about this yes, they should be similar in both eyes. So here, for example, have drawn this reflection right here on the mill. Should do something similar here like this, but it's partly hidden by the eyelashes. So I will do this. Then I had a little dot next to get it here if I wanted to do yet another one. Something here. If it's out ball, I could do that here, too. On this, that kind of thing. Something. He may be something here, and that's it. I think this is it. Guys, this is how I draw eyes. OK, so, uh, help. I've shown you that there are many different shapes of eyes ikan. You could go for your eyebrows or eyelashes and how the eyes change depending on the expressions and what you do with your face and whether you're smiling or you're angry at what Wherever you look around, so think about these things to make your eyes look more realistic. But think about the father Isa communicate emotions so they worth studying and working on and you go. I hope you have fun drawing eyes. I look forward to seeing your work. Do some. Just share them on.
6. Conclusion: Congratulations on completing this course. Now you can draw eyes like I do. So again, I invite you to create your old satellites, share it online and hashtag me hashtag cycle sand so I can see your beautiful. I'll see you at the next lesson.