Have Fun with Digital Scrapbooking using Procreate | Brenda Bakker | Skillshare

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Have Fun with Digital Scrapbooking using Procreate

teacher avatar Brenda Bakker, ♥️ Sharing my skills is sharing my joy ♥️

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      How to import the Brushset


    • 3.

      A quick walk through the Brushset


    • 4.

      How to easily create your own stamps


    • 5.

      Creating a Texturized Background Paper


    • 6.

      Creating a first simple Lay-Out


    • 7.

      Dress up the Adress Sticker


    • 8.

      Dress up the Birdhouse


    • 9.

      Dress up the Tag


    • 10.

      Adding some small Decorations


    • 11.

      Finishing background and fixing things


    • 12.

      And a short walk through with other examples


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About This Class

Hi and welome to my new Skillshare Class; How to Create Digital Scrapbooking using Procreate

I just love to draw in procreate, but I also love the authentic look of real paper. So why not combine those two and create a realistic paper scrapbook effect using Procreate

In this class I will teach you my way of creating a scrapbook page but then made in Procreate. You can use png files which you can purchase online, in fact... I see that a lot. But I think it is more fun and more handmade and unique when you create something from scratch. For me,  it wil be totally more me. So you can use png files of drawings you make (or already made) in Procreate. Or create a stamp of your own drawing.  But just to get you started I designed a few lovely stamps (if I may say so ;)) which I drew myself. I hope you wil like them but please feel welcome to create your own ;) But be warned because it’s highly addictive. 

I will provide a brushset which contain a few lettering and coloring brushes. Some texture stamp brushes for creating different background papers and of course some handdrawn brush stamps. But I also create 3 blanc brushes ready for you to just add your own drawing and you can stamp with them. You can find them in the class project section. Make sure you are in your browser to download them and not in the skillshare app.

You also will be needing an Ipad with procreate and a pressure sensitive stylus for this class.

So join me in this class and let's have some fun!

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Brenda Bakker

♥️ Sharing my skills is sharing my joy ♥️

Level: All Levels

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1. Intro: Hi and welcome to my Skillshare class have found with brick digital scrapbooking using Procreate. My name is Brenda Bucher and I'm from the Netherlands. So forgive me sometimes my poor English, but I try and do my best for you. Well, in this class, I will be teaching you all about how I create such scrip pages like this, but done digitally, digitally. And for this one, I create hand-drawn stamps myself. I will be providing a whole brush set for you, which will have included all my stems and also three steps at the bottom. Easy for you to create your stamps out of your own hand-drawn painting. So I will teach you in class how you can easily do that. I will be teaching you more about layering, adding depth and using and your Layer Mask and also on how to create groups and why it's so important to use groups. And well, I think it's a little bit a hard class for the true beginners, but we'll do it step-by-step. And I'll take you one step at a time. And together at the end of the glass, I think we can manage just fine and create a piece like this. So I hope you will like it and join me in class. See you there. 2. How to import the Brushset: So the third thing we want to do when we start is getting those brushes inside to your Procreate. For that you have to deal with procreate and go through your browser. In my case, it will be Safari. I go to my class, have fun with digital scrapbooking using Procreate. And now we go to the Projects and Resources section. And you see here your resources. I only have this brush set this time, so you can do it on your own key emphasis. So you click on it, tap Download. And now in the upper-right corner you see the little arrow and you see a blue bar. And once it's downloaded, it will hit hepatitis. And there you can see there is your scrapbook clause brushes, click on it and you will be find it in, in your downloads. Bb, Skillshare, scrapbooks sets. That's what it's called. Click on it. It will import right away into your brushes. It will be the one at the top of your brush library. So you are now all set to go. So let's hop in. 3. A quick walk through the Brushset: Let me start with explaining the brush set to you. It's a really large brush set this time. I've made a lot of stamps, but let's walk through. Have on the top, I've got two brushes. One is a chalky script brush and you can letter with it and draw with it. Then you have a dry ink brush, has a little bit more open texture. I've got to find loops that will provide you with lovely loops in different shapes and sizes. I've got a dotted heart, a dotted flower. I've got a leaf, random brush, and it's a brush. I have also lower, but this one is randomly, so when you tap it, it will change its shape. Anytime I've got a tech brush, I like very much. I've got a rope bot. I've got a rope to stamp so you can put the behind the bot. I made a push pin for you, a binder clamp, paperclip, an address sticker, which I love very much. I have some dotted lines for you. A Polaroid frame, which is also an open texture. I made everything with the home hand-drawn look because that's what I liked for this class, but you are welcome to create your own. I've got a little bird house, a teacup, a baby. Remember, I've got an arrow which you can play with shapes and sizes. I've got a few washi tapes designed for you and also a simple plane one. And I've got some plants which I like, and also this leaf straight up, so it's only straight up, and these are also straight up. Then I've got a few paper textures so you can play with the background of your paper. And also when you're layering paper on top of each other, you can give it different textures if you want. But if I can speak for myself, I won't do too much of it because it gets too busy and I don't like too busy. And at the bottom, you have three stamps you can use to create your stems from your own drawings. So the first one is plane, so the stem for always be playing right standing up, screen orientated. The second one is randomized. So every time you stamp your drawling, it could be in different, different directions. And the third one from the bottom is randomized and also randomized with opacity. So here you can easily, from your own drawing, create your own stamp. I will show you in a minute how you can do that. So let's get started. 4. How to easily create your own stamps: So I told you about how you can easily make your own brush from your own drawing. So this is a drawing I made for the flower brush. I've been doing this on canvas, size 2048 by 2048 pixels, but I did it with 300 DPI. And so if I want to create a stamp out of it, I will show you in the three steps and what they do. I just swipe my three fingers down. I do my copy all. Make sure you have your drawing in all grayscale so you can see very different venues of the color. So if you choose to do another color, it won't be flattened against each other. So let's create a new brush out of this one. I copied it. I'm going to create a new stem cell because that's what I like. I go to my brushes. And let's for example, take if we want to make it a plane stamp, that goes the same way every time I first have to duplicate this one. So I always have my backup prepared, ready to start. So in the duplicated brush, I go to my brush studio. I tap shape. And here you see this plane stamp. We go to Edit, Import, Paste. Now you see my flower and sometimes it's possible you see it in reverse. So you see it like this if that happens, only two fingertip to reverse it again. So then you click Done, and now I create a new stamp from this one. So every time I stamp and moved it, so that's why it's the same size every time I stamp. So I have to make adjustments like this or like this to create lighter colors. So that one is for this brush. I'm going to delete it again. Let's try to do it with the next one. So I'm going to duplicate this. I'm going, sorry, I'm going to dive into the brush. Change my Shape, Edit, Import, Paste. Now I've done the same flower but indice, different stamp. And now what you're going to see is that it randomizes its shape. You see it's very particular leaves is not a very much the same. So every time I stamp, it's a little bit difference. So there you can change and they all won't be looking so similar. And for the next one, let's clear it up. For the next one. I'm going to lead this also. So if you go to the next one and die, I'm sorry, I had to duplicate it again. Duplicate. Dive into the brush studio, change the shape. Import, Paste, same flower. And now it's versatile so it rotates. And if I do, I'm straight up with my pencil. It will be darker and the lower I do my pencil it will be lighter. So dark, straight up, lower. And in the meanwhile the shapes are going to change. So that's lovely. So perhaps if you do a lot of flowers, make it small one, I can do it very easily. So you have random shapes and random colors. So that's what I like about these pre-made brush for you. So if you're done, you're like that brush. Just save this one. You can give it another name by About this brush. You can give it another name yourself and then click them and you have a complaint, a completely new brush. And you have your, because you duplicate it, you always have these brushes to start out with. So I hope this is helpful for you. Let's get started to do the real thing. 5. Creating a Texturized Background Paper: So let's get started with some real thing. The first thing I want to do is show you the color palette I created for this one. It's very simple color palette with little bit of different color variations and different value of the colors. So from this one, I'm going to do my background. From a background, I will be choosing this lighter blue one here. And I will be doing this on my first layer. I won't do the background color because maybe I want to remove this or change it with another color. See what different other colors make, and then always going, go back to the same color I used. So that's why I do this with a drop and fail. So this is my overall background color. For the layer on top of that, I will create with a darker version. So the darkest one of that coloring. And I will go to my texture brushes. And I'm choosing my strictly paper texture on the largest size. So I have my background, but I think this is way too hard to be a background. So I'm going to move this to colorbar. Linear Burn, Color Burn, and change the opacity. You can move it to any thing you like. So perhaps you can choose, you can also can choose to do different kinds of paper textures and different blend modes. And I think I'm going to play even more with another one on top of that. Waste. Streaky blood sheets texture. And this one has the same streaky like this, also a little bit blanched. And when I step on it again, it will have the same lines in it. But then I can do a rotation like with the arrow tool. And here I can do rotate 45 percent, so it's 90. And perhaps choose that in a lighter version also. So now you can see little bits, 90 degree angle, a little kind of linen effects on it. I put this one on multiply so it blends beautifully in. And there you have your backgrounds, texture. And I like this very much. So this is what we're going to work with as our background. So let's group these one and perhaps call it your backgrounds. So rename it your background. So it will be feasible every time that it's your backgrounds. And I close it and perhaps lock it so I can't accidentally work on it again. So if you've done my other classes, you will see a lot of canvas that I provided for you with the textures on top. And that's what I want to be. An overall looks like it's watercolor texture. And for this one, I only want a background with this texture. So that's why we're going to do the background all the way at the bottom of our drawing. So now we can go and create some lovely new things. I will create some background stamps on, on top of this and below all the other things. But I will do that in the later stadium, not right now, because now I can freely play around with everything. I want to stick on top of this. So let's get back and create some lovely things. 6. Creating a first simple Lay-Out: So now we've done the background. We got foes, focus on the layout. So on a new layer, I go to my black one. And because I wanted to have a hand-drawn look, so I go to my address sticker and that's the first one I wanted to place. Let me see. I want it a little bit more hair. Yes. Maybe a little bit smaller. I can adjust the size. So maybe on the on the right side of the middle and well, just not really on the upper right corner. So a little bit is hanging over the Dayhoff of the page. I think that would fit fine. So I create a new layer for every item I create, so a new layer for every new stamp. Then I go to my bird house, my bird house, I want approximately here, like so. I think this will be nice. The size will be okay too. And let me see. Let's go to create a DAG also on a new layer. I love these texts I created for you. Let me see. Oh, I think this is derived shape and right size. Maybe a little smaller, a little smaller. Put it a little bit low. I want I wanted to have it approximately underneath the bird house and forward new layer again and go to my cup. I would like this to be here. Maybe a little bit more in its opacity. So I would think this would fit here. And I can also use some washi tape. And I do with my black one, my plane one so I can write something on it's way too big to small. Yeah, I like it there. And I don't mind if it's a bit over the cup, so we'll create a little bit more fun. Otherwise, you could own little pieces and I don't want it, so just let let it go over there. We can always make adjustments later. And I think we can cheer up. I think my basic is already gone. I know I want my plants one already here into background. So I can do that later. Let's jump in and create some more fun out of this. 7. Dress up the Adress Sticker: Let's jump in and create some more fun out of this, I go back to my first one. That's my sticker. Now my sticker is blank and I want to have it some whitish color underneath it. So I'm going to create a new layer just underneath this one. And I can easily do a drug failed within these lines on a new layer, but I don't want it. I want to have a texturize, so I'm coloring by hands with my lighter color here. It's not totally white. It's a little bit warm and I like that. And I'm going to use my ink dry ink brush for dates. So you see I'm on the layer underneath my address sticker and I will color with my whites dry ink underneath it. I don't mind if I go a bit outside of the lines, but I don't want it too much. I like it to be a hand-drawn look. So don't be so precise about it. So here I went outside of the lines too much. So I'm going to erase that with the same tool. Easily erase and I think the rest will be fine like this. And let's have some fun and create some washi tape on top of that. I go to my black one again. And you see because it's stump, all the white parts are see-through. So I go and do my step on a new layer. On top of the address sticker. Like that. I'm going to rearrange the shape. And you see, I can zoom in for you. It's a see-through one because this was white into stamp. It doesn't have any color, so I have to color underneath that also. So I go back to my same color. I'm going to layer beneath my washi tape. And I'm going to my drink dry ink brush again. And I'm going to color underneath might be a little bit smaller, so I don't go outside of the lines too much. And now suddenly it isn't a see-through washi tape anymore. Clean up those lines of bits where I went outside. I think this will look okay by now. So now it's really on top of it. And let's play with a bow. I want to create a bot of it on the same color. So I'm going to use this one, the bot rope on a new layer, also on top of the washi tape. And I'm going to place it. Here and maybe make it a little bit smaller on top of it here. So and now this is also a little bit see-through. So I will duplicate this one more time and see if it works out like this. This would work better for me. Now I merge these two together so I have one layer but doubled color. And I'm going to create a shadow underneath it because I wanted to pop up. So this one, it's easy for me. I can duplicate this layer. And the layer below. I select my black, select, select the layer, and then I fill my layer. So now I have a black ribbon bow underneath this one. But I'm going to put it little bit offsets. Little bit to the downside to the left, create a little shadow, go to my Gaussian blur. And I will zoom in. So it's now is, has the perfect shape of the bot, but I don't want it because the shadow is always a little bit more shaded. So with my Gaussian blur, you see what I can do here. And you can see what happens here if I do it, but I do it a little bit just to make it a hinge of shadow underneath the bot. And I think WE lovely. I'm going to focus more on this area. So on top of that, I will go and do my Push-pin because I think that one is too funny. So on top, I can move these two together now because if I want to move it, I want to move it with the shadow also. Also, I can already merge these one and this one together because when I want to move it, now I can move it again with the shadow and all underneath lining colors. So on top of this one, I want to create my Push-pin. Therefore, is this one I create a new layer. Yes, I'm going to make a stamp. This is way too big. Make it smaller. I think that Luke, luke fine. It's also see-through because it's a little less opaque here in the lighter areas, but we'll see what it does. Let's move these over to my bot. Just tilted a little bit and perhaps some little smaller in the right place. And now you can see when I zoom in, it's too much opaque. I want like that, so I have to color underneath that. So I'm going to create a new layer underneath my Push-pin. Go to my whites again, upset whites. Go to my dry ink brush. And I'm going to color it to make it smaller, make it opaque. And now it didn't see through anymore. And when I'm done, I can merge these layers together because if I want to move it again, I already made the color underneath it. So now it's one. And now it's very misplaced because you can see the whole tip. Of the pin and I don't want it. But when I make some changes and maybe can put it another way so I don't want to erase it for indefinitely. So I'm going to make a mask for it. And a mosque, you see, it will get a layer on top of this one. It automatically changed the color to black. And black makes it invisible. So when I go to my dry ink brush and I'm automatically in this white layer drawing right now. So there I'm going to draw. You see it's drawn, it's not erasing, but I'm drawing the black over it just so it's a little bit like it's pulled in of the bot now. You see, and now it looks fine, but it's still a whole one. So if I want to undo this because I didn't like it, all I have to do is go to the opposite color. The opposite color of black is white. So I'm going to draw again with whites and they're suddenly, the pin is all the way black. So if I want to move it, It's no harm done. I can get the whole pin back. So I go to my black again and going to hide it. So the black one is for hiding it and the white one is for revealing it again. So I think this corner is already very lovely. I'm going to push out a thing over it. And I think I'm going to create a sticker. So a new layer on top of that. I'm going to my heart-shaped sticker, create a lovely heart in black. Make it smaller. I'm going to remove it. And this is also see-through because it's just a stamp you can choose. If you are disturbed by sealing the lines through, you can color underneath it. But for this one, I don't mind so much because it has to be hand-drawn. So now I'm going to create some lovely flowers. And for that one, I'm going to my dark blue one. And let's go to my flower brush and create a darker one. What size? Let me see. A little bit lighter. Yes, I think this would look lovely. Maybe a little bit smaller, just a dash. Like so. And you see it's also see-through. But now it's not just a plain shape. So maybe we can recolor this in an other matter. So what we're going to do, this is a little bit harder, so you have to follow along. But once you've done it before, you would get the hang of it. So we're going to do a lot of this in this next few steps. So for this one, I go to the area where the two layer where my flower is. I'm doing selection tool create automatically and I tap outside of the flower. And here sometimes we can make some changes with the threshold. So I'm not lifting my pencil and then I can make some adjustments. I want not to have its inside, but I want to have it as close to the outside as possible. So just searching where it fits the most. And then I also in the first shape because I don't want to have a color now in that. But now I've selected everything except the flower. But I want to color underneath the flowers alive to invert it. So now only the flowers selected. Don't mind the color change here. Sometimes when you're doing this, you will get the weird at scholars just ignored and go on. So now I've selected this flower. I'm going to create a new layer underneath it. And I go to my white color again. And then I choose within that empty color, within that empty layer, I'm sorry, within that empty layer, while selected and choose Fill layer. And now, which in one time it creates a lovely color underneath the flower. Also underneath the dots, because I didn't select the little dots. So that's very awesome and very quickly Done. And now I can also duplicate this again, because now it isn't a see-through flower anymore. I duplicate this one and create black out of it. So go to a black color selected and fill layer. So now I have a black shadow, but you see, because the white is opaque, it comes see-through, through the back, so through the black. So that's awesome. And now I'm going to move this shadow again a little bit like so and go into my Gaussian blur. Typically dash, just have great shadow underneath so it pops off of the screen. And now suddenly it's a 3D flower. If you think this is too hard, but you don't want to go any further with your Gaussian blur, you can always adapt the opacity of the layer, but I think this would look lovely, but I can show you where we can do this. So here you can see the opacity of the shadows. So I think this will be lovely. Let's create another flower again. And I can also now merge these two together if I think it looks lovely. So you can always decrease your layers because some iPads won't have a lot of layers. So let's do another flower on top of that. And I go to my dark gray again. And I want to have the flower, yes. And now I want to have it more opaque, but a smaller one. And let me see what it does here. I think I can place it up here. That will be nice. Maybe a little bit overlapping on the tape. Now, this will be nice here. I would leave it here and we can do the same. So just for practice, I will guide you along. So we're want to select. Only the flower, but it's easier to create the selection of everything but the flower. So that's why we do the selection automatically. In same layer. It remembers the same threshold as I did before. So this one, you don't have to search so much. Sap in with the right circle. Invert. And now click to your whites. Create a new layer underneath it. And select Fill Layer and look, suddenly. It's why the good. And you see the layers, the shape of the flower. We can easily duplicate this one. Make it's black. Select, and fill layer again. Now I can remove the shadow approximately the same like we did before. And we can do to Gaussian Blur thing again. And now you can see it's already on top of each other. And if you like, so we can do a little dish on top of the flower and go to the layer. We can merge these two, D3 so I can easily make a white dot with the dry ink brush on top of those. And if I wanted to have them a little bit more shadow, I did it do it wrong. I go back. You see what I did wrong? Now I've done the left dot on the same layer as I've done the black dot. So if I want to move it giveaway, did the dots. So that's not what I want to do, but you can learn also from my mistakes. So I go one step back and I'm going to create this dot on this layer. Luckily I noticed an otherwise it's no problem at all. You can easily select it and create a loose end or just cut it away and do it over again. And I want to have a little bit of shadow. I'll go to my blue gray again. And I wasn't this layer, so I'm just Smartsheet a bit. So just looks like it's more of a pumped up thing. And I wanted to do with this, with this one also creating the same corner. And now I think I've made two lovely flowers. You see there's a little bit of white selected because I made automatic selection. But this is what a life, because when I do it on paper, I don't have a straight cut out also. And it's also happening because it's with a texture that is a little bit open. It's not like it's done with how do you call it the mono line brush? Because I used an open texture for it. It will have that open texture also. But that's what I like because I want to have it a hand-drawn look. So let's go to the bird house. I think these already, this is Etiquette. This is ready to sticker, is address sticker. So maybe I will grouped it so I can clear out of my layers so it will be much feasible. So everything that's on this piece I will select. So I start with the flower, another flower, the heart, the mosque and a pin. And the bot, the washi tape and my sticker. I group this one and I flatten it. So I have a background and HIV, the address sticker. So let's renamed it. And we see tourists sticker. So when I look into to it later, I can easily find it and make so much typos sticker. So let's return it. So then we cleared out only a year. So it's not a huge pile anymore. And what it's lovely when I want to remove this, I only have to remove the whole group so I can move it all at once. So we want to replace it. I go to my group and replace it. So that's what I like about this one. 8. Dress up the Birdhouse: So for the bird, we're going to do also a few things. I'm going to select this again. Automatic selection. Outside of the box, it's remembered the threshold, so the inside also choosing my white, oh, I'm sorry, I have to invert it first. Then choosing my whites, create a new layer underneath that and fill layer. And suddenly it's white or underneath it very fast, very quickly. So I'm going to create a lovely little flower on top of it. So I can merge these two together, create a new layer on top of it. And this time I wanted to have my whitish flower. So I grew back to my flower. Full opacity. Here, maybe a little bit smaller. I like that. For the sign, I will not be doing white opaque layer underneath because I want to get I want to use my holes where to where the dots are. So I'm only going to create a dark version underneath it. So let's select Automatically the outside and the insight and inverted. And you see now with pop black, don't mind these colors. I choose my color to go black. And I create a new layer underneath this one and do fill layer. And now you see the dots are very dark, but I want this in this case. So I want to remove this a bit. So I'm going to do my Gaussian blur again. Magic wand, gaussian blur, choose Layer. Just not too much, just little bits. So now I've got a flower that's on top of my, my bird house. And I want to also do a ribbon on top of that. We did do that before. So why not do it the easy way? And let's get the bow out of this one so we duplicate it. I want to do it very fast. And I'm going to move this on top of my bird house. Closest group again. And now it's not visible in my painting. Why not? Because I didn't move it. So I have two bows up here. So what I'm going to do is remove it using the arrow tool and bring it up till there. So we see. The fun part about this is now I've already copied it with my shadow. So that's very easy. And I want to leave the threat, the stake of this bow on top of this flower. So I also have to move it on top of this flower. So there you can see the difference a layer makes for you. So now I want to create a bot behind it of a rope. So it would look like it's hanging from the top. So I'm going behind my ribbon, my bot. How do you call it bow? Or even? I'm choosing the same white for my rope. Choose an approximately the same size. It could be a little bit smaller. Even a little more. Yes. Put it in place. I don't need the whole rope so I can select what's hanging from here and get rid of deaths. So I choose my selection tool, my free hand. And then I'm going to select the whole rope. Free thing is wiped down and cuts. So the length of the rope is gone. Now, I only have the short version, and let's create a shadow underneath that. So I duplicate this layer, choosing my black, choosing Select, and then choose Fill layer. And removing this a little bit, offset. A little bit more. Because I need to work with my Gaussian blur again layer. And now suddenly we have a whole piece and outs hanging from the wall. So this is what I like about this piece. I think this one is finished two. So let's group this one. So we can move it in one piece if you want to. So we select the bird house, we select the flower, we select a row, we select the bot. Group this one, and merge them down together. But we still have a different layer so we can do anything with the ACA, replace him. I can move in bigger or smaller just to my liking. Once I have it in the place where it was maybe perhaps a little bit cleaner. This will be lovely, I think. Yep. So let's go over to the next piece. 9. Dress up the Tag: So let's create something fun about texts we will using the same steps we did before. I think I'm going to like some leaves on top of the text, so we'll go to my text layer. I'm going to create new layer on top. And with my black one, my black color, I'm going to my leaves, but I'm taking the straight up leaves because it does what I want. And I'm creating a stamp out of it. And I'm going to rotate it a bit and creates like it's coming out of here. And I think it could be a little darker. I'm I'm a black. Yes, I'm on my black. So if I want to have a darker, I'm going to duplicate it one more time. Let me see. Yeah, I like it, this one. So now I'm choosing to merge this. So I've been three times, but I still have a little bit see-through, but that's what I like. So that's what I want for this look to be. And I'm also going to create a white one on top of it. So go to my leaf stamp. Create a new stamp out of it. Changes size and shape. It's also a bit see-through, but a bit too much. So let's duplicate this one again. Just as far as I like it to be. Do I like it like this? Yes. It's bit see-through but not too much. So I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times. Let's merge these together. So I'm not going to color underneath that one. So now I'm going to make it more easy for myself. I want to have a ribbon on top of it with the same shadow. So I'm going back to my first, my first sticker and creates a duplicate of this bow again. Pull it right on top. Make this and not feasible to March. And now we can also see the bow, but it's still there so we have to remove it. It's so easy to just copy and paste. So I think it would fit nicely in here. And then let's create another lovely sticker on top of it. Well, perhaps we do something differently. Let me see what are we going to use in the example for this one, this one, I think. So create a smaller leaf stamp. It's more to the size of the no. You see, I did wrong. I did it on the same layer as my bow. I have to create a new layer. And I want to be it straight on the texts or underneath the leaves and underneath the bowl. So let's make a new layer on there and create a stamp and adjust the size a bit. I think this looks nice, but perhaps it's more nice to make it white. So I duplicate this one and we can use a shadow for that also. So that's why I duplicate it. I could use a stamp, just a plain white stamp, but I can also choose to create something with more depth. So I'm selecting this one, choosing my whites and do fill layer. No, I didn't select it properly. Select it. And now it's selected and choose Fill layer. You see this one the Stanford look like. But now if I move this one, the shadowed one, and little bits, it's just like suddenly it's 3D again. So if you lay a threat of flour on it. So I think this will look lovely. And perhaps I can make some shadow underneath the tech. I would love to do that. So I go to my text layer. I do my automatic selection outside, but also inside because I want to have shadow inside of this whole again. Choose Invert. Strange color, don't mind. I'm on my whites. So I create a new layer underneath it and I do fill layer. So now my tech isn't see-through. And now I can do also a little bit shadow copying this one. Go to my black. And the bottom one I'm going to select and do my fill layer. And now I can remove that again just like we did before. And choose a little Gaussian blur. Move it a little bit more. Yes, this is what I like. And perhaps we're going to create a little flower also on this cup here. I do like it up. And before I do that, I'm going to do my layering. Create this to a group so I choose my shadow, my opacity layer, my tech, my plans, and my white plant. It's here, the leaves and the bot created as a group. So now I can easily change the whole group for once. Or if I wanted to do it differently, I can do it's all the same. So that's what I do it for groups, for. 10. Adding some small Decorations: We are almost finished with this one. We can create a flower on top of the cup just to make it more fun. So I go to my flower. Again. On top. Yes, I'm on top. How big is it? Yes, but I want to not be as dark. Maybe I can change the opacity a bit. It'll be lovely. Center it a bit more. And we want to have it rotate it. And yes. And I think it looks lovely. Maybe a little bit more opacity, little less, just to your own liking. So these are just some ideas. So I can merge these together. I can write something on top of this with my chalk lettering scripts. I can write suite on it. And my own new layer, yes. So I'm going to write the S, w. I wanted to be like that. Smaller slider pressure. Then I'm going to center this. Well, I think I did already. Great job on this. So it's just very simple, very lovely. We can play with the arrows. I can merge these two together now, so we have a clean palette here to work on. I want to create an arrow. And this arrow is a little bit big, but don't worry. It's too big. So like so and we can make some adjustment for it because I want to have it on top. Now. I think it's too hard on the whole piece. So what I can do is to make some distortion to it. And now I can change very weird shapes and sizes, but I can also make it smaller. Like so. So we don't disturb too much of the overall shape and overall texture. But now I've made it smaller and it's more refined like this. And we can also do this with the height of the of the arrow. So perhaps a little bit so like this, even smaller than again? Yes. It's approximately in the middle of them. And your sticker? Yes, I like it like this. 11. Finishing background and fixing things: And now I promised we'll doing some things on the background for this because it's little empty here, but I already knew what I was going to do there. And now I can see where I can fill him some forms. So that's why I wait for that to lay this point. So now I'm going to create a new layer, but I'm moving it all the way to the background, but not all the way down. Just well, perhaps yes, perhaps I will do it not because the background color isn't it? I'll do it on top of this one and then set it to multiply so it blends in already. So for this one, I'm choosing my darkest, grayish look. And I selected this lovely form. Can I say that myself? Yeah, I think I can. So a little bit bigger. That is too big. It's fallen off. And yes, there it I want it to be no, it's still distortion. I don't want it to be uniform. So I think that would look lovely. Behind that, I'm going to play with my loops. So I'll go to my own wide again. Go back to my loops. And I think I want them very big. Big. These are way too much on the side. You know, they get where you don't want them sometimes. So just play with it. You can easily select freehand. So if you want this a little bit more to the right, you can play with that. And I will also want to have one in there. Try want bigger. Yes. Select freehand. I wanted you can do it is randomly, but you have to make sure it fits in well, but now it's way too hard. So let's play with the opacity of this one again. So I think look nice. Let me see what it does on screen or on edX mode. It's too hard for it, but I think the screen one is fine for this one to blend mode. And I want to have a large one beneath this one. So create another one in the same grayish black. And I want it to be the closest one on one layer. My yes. I have to get one piece in here. I'm going to flip this one horizontally. And we want to play with his size because I want to have to be seen anywhere. And then I'm going to play with the opacity to make it just just feasible and multiply so it blends into the background. So I think we're done with this one might be a bit darker. I think we're done. It was a lot of work, but now I think because we did repeat something. Oh, wow. So we can easily learn from that. I have some things I want to make adjustments do now I see it and I just finished because I don't want the cup to CBC through. And I want a shadow behind my bird house. So let's do that again. So I go to my cup layer easily one selected automatically, changed the outside and this one invert it and go to My avoid again and create a new layer underneath it and Dutch fill layer, so that one is fine now, it also fits more to the tech, so that's what I like. And for the bird house, so it would've been better if I if I created a name for it. I thought this one was the bird house. Yep, this one. So I'm going also to this layer. I choose selection automatically, also the inside. And because I already did white layer underneath, It's not see-through. So invert. And I only have two color, fill it with black in the layer underneath it. Fill layer. So I have my blackboard house and now I can remove this dish like so. You see also the insight is moving. So that's fun. And to my Gaussian blur and create a little shadow. So I think now it's finally done. So I hope you like this one. And now I also see my arrow is see-through and I don't want that though. I go to my layer of my arrow type selection, choose automatically. Like so invert. I'm on my white, create a new layer underneath it and choose Fill layer. So now this isn't see-through anymore. So I hope you liked it like this. And I know it's was a lot of work, but I hope you have fun and learn some more. And remember, we learned by repeating. So that was awesome for this clause. So I would love to see what you made out of it yourself and make sure you post your projects in the projects and resources section so I can see it. And if you're on Instagram, you can tag me at Duke febrile, and I would love for you to see it. I would encourage you to create your own drawings and your own stamps out of that. And play around and create some lovely scrapbook pages. So I will show you some examples after this one. So I hope to see you in my next Skillshare class and I hope you have fun so far. So have fun, Bye bye. 12. And a short walk through with other examples: So now that we finished this piece, I want to talk you through some other ones I made. So I go back to my gallery and I created this one. And here I also use the paperclip. And if I go to talk this through, I had a lightly colored background. I used almost these colors. And these two, for this one, lightly colored background, use the stamp, this one. On top of the texture. I use the streaky texture for this one. I created some white flowers and effect. If you can see, these are the same text. So this one I made earlier and then I copied it and did it here. Then I'll put a heart on the aids on also the paperclip. And the paperclip you can see it has a layer mask before because not all of the paperclip is feasible, but it's still behind it. So if I want to change it or move it, it can still be easily recovered. And this is an easy part for this one. And also I did the texture. The one at the bottom, almost like the blotchy paper texture. I used also for this background paper. So you can do different kinds of layers on top of each other. So that's what this one is all about. And I also like the simple ones d or not. These are not so time-consuming as the first one you did in class was, in fact the pink one I just showed you. It took me about 20 minutes to create this. And this one is even way less time to create, but you can still create fun pieces out of it. And also without doing the shadow, where is it? And for this one, I created just simple stamps and adjust drew it, did no such thing as shadows in the background. I didn't leave left it off the paper, so you can actually use it as very usual stamps. And here I've just drawn on it with the dry ink brush and also make the stitches. And I wrote also with the chalky script brush. So you can do fun things which are not so hard and you can easily create a lovely collage out of it. I did this one before. So for someone, happy new home, just a few things. You don't have to be as busy as we did in the class because I want to show you as much as possible. Here also you can see the paperclip using the mosque behind it. Let me see here. So here it is. So that was very nice for a paperclip. I did the paperclip first, then did the drop shadow behind it, and then merged it and then did the masking. So it was masked him Olin ones. And I think your imagination can take it as far as you want. So I hope you've learned a lot. I hope you liked this class. Please leave a review for me, and I hope you had fun. Maybe see you in the next class. Thanks for watching. Bye bye.