Handwriting: the Basics in Italic Style | Stefania Gulmini | Skillshare

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Handwriting: the Basics in Italic Style

teacher avatar Stefania Gulmini

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      01. Preview


    • 2.

      02. Before Beginning


    • 3.

      03. Tools


    • 4.

      04. Basic Shape


    • 5.

      05. Rhythm


    • 6.

      06. Smoothed Corners


    • 7.

      07. Unjoined Lowercase


    • 8.

      08. Unjoined Lowercase (part 2)


    • 9.

      09. Cursive


    • 10.

      10. Slant


    • 11.

      11. Final Project


    • 12.

      12. Greetings


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About This Class

Hi! I prepared this class to explain you the Basics of Handwriting in Italic Style!

We'll deconstruct the letters and build them up step by step, so to understand their structure.

Next we'll see how simple it is to connect those letters to obtain the cursive.

In the end we'll see what effect we'll obtain adding some slant.

For the final project you'll handwrite a song or a poem that has a meaning to you or something totally different, like a recipe!, and then send it to one of your classmates.

Meet Your Teacher

Hi! I'm Stefania!

I love letters and colors and shapes basically :)


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Level: Beginner

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1. 01. Preview: Hi, I'm Stefania. I come to my class about handwriting. Any Palestine in this class recover only lower case letters. So no capital that because I want to start from the very basics I want toe take us off the letter and then show you how to see them up, step by step. So you will have precise understanding off how they are formed, how they work, as not forbid how they were within words and then as a text. So Friday in class, through the exercises, we have a are very beautiful and conscious translating. And you have also noted that would be useful if you decide to proceed with study off traditional career a three or four more than colleagues feel so brush lettering, toe expressive calligraphy. Really the 100 thing in Palestine is kind off the skeletons for all users values applications for the project. I ask you to handwrite something that has a win to you. So So even the recipe, and then toe physically send it to one of your classmates here in future because I think that if you like, you can write He also like toe receive 100 things. So I think it would be nice toe. Do these exchange among us. So I hope you within the class I hope you do a project on Let's begin. 2. 02. Before Beginning: So before I begin with the lessons, I would like you toe begin already your class project because I asked toe document your current handwriting because it is something something that I didn't think of doing when I first started to practice my inviting. But fortunately I found some English exercises that I wrote down because I wanted to practice my writing, but I wasn't satisfied with the result. So then I tried toe brought these single letters, but still I didn't like what was producing. Now I understand that I didn't have the knowledge toe handwrite in a beautiful way. So I ask you toe handwrite on the status of the other better. This one's and maybe a small text now doesn't mean it doesn't matter what is. It can be anything. It just toe. Document the current state of your handwriting because you will see that by the end of the class you can do a comparison and you would be totally amazed with the results and the new things that you learn 3. 03. Tools: Let's talk about the tools. First of all, I suggest you toe I don't know that the pdf that I provided because there you can find all the information that you see on screen and also the guidance that you will need in orderto exercises and off course. You can print as many copies as you need and want what you used to write. I ask you to do everything in pencil because now we are the beginning. So we have to learn. And in order to learn, we have to go slow. What happens if you write with a pen is that you go too fast because the barrel rides to smoothly. Why the pencil provides a little bit of friction that allows you to have more control. Then also, there are many kind of pencil and I ask you, tow, avoid the age or the age are too hard for what we have to do because now we want a tool which is sensitive toe the difference off pressure. So a pencil like to be or even better for me, which is softer will be OK. If you were writing Benzie winning the robber and fencing shop owner and paper any kind of paper with a job. You don't really need anything fancy. You can use the people to call for a printer. If you want to try something a little bit different, you can try with with the paper that he used for artistic drawing. For students like kind, it's cheaper because it has a little bit off texture. It's, ah, slightly off in abuse are really nice sensation. Where you right? I like it very much. So this is everything you would need for the girls. 4. 04. Basic Shape: the basic shape. The distinguished metallic classical script is the triangle, and more precisely in this class, I will use these proportions. Five units hide on three units large because italic letters are toller than larger, and these proportions were very common. So I prefer toe give you a very strict rules. Let's say at the beginning, in the dimensions also, so you can have a better understanding off what you are going to accomplish in don't be to have a good so back to our two angle, you can see that these is the same shape, just with the 180 degrees rotation on around these shaper main off the lower case letter forms developer. What we find in our I've a bit our visa cure strokes or these clothes, the shapes. And let's have a quick overlook that were off a bit to show you where these shapes and strokes appear and we go in the potato. Which letter later on. So you see this cure appears in you and why, and that we call it you Curb. It's rotation appears in age M in an R, and that will go to end these closed shape appears in a the G Q and A. We call it a shape this appears in B, K and B and that we could be shape. Now we have some letters that are not related to our to our anger. Like these Brooke off letters we where the main element is a straight line. These letters are Hi G D. These letters were The main element is a, uh, a noble. Then they are See he and O these other that this don't have any particular relationship with the others with we find f S B and W X. And so keep in mind that I italic letters are basically toner, then larger, most of shaped around the triangle. And in this class we will stick with Liza three by five, try and go just for having a common base. 5. 05. Rhythm: Okay, so now we begin to do. It's a sizes. But before I will introduce one of the elements that we find in the script, be ready with your fancy. That's the shopping brother paper on the guidelines. So one of the elements that we find in the script is the rhythm. A rhythm is defined as a regular curing repetition, off elements and in handwriting. These elements are are down strokes and up strokes and down. Stroke is a strong that we trace, starting from the waistline and going down to the baseline, while an upstroke is a stroke that trays from the baseline and going up to reach the waistline. These two on strokes are different not only because of the direction which we traced them, but also because they have different interests. See characteristics that we will see in the lesson. So now toe have a practical example off what is a rhythm? We can focus on our breath in order to do that, he's better to close rice so you can really kind off. He raised anything. Then it is good to do this because you can have a practical example off. What is a rhythm and we will use our breath, toe exercise, worry them and always solution. Toe breath brings more a war, nous or body. And this is what we want when you are practicing and also types you toe slow down, which is nothing that we need to do in order to learn We have toe slow down. Otherwise we lose control. So I try to do it. And then I will explain you how toe the exercises. These are their written rhythms that we want to achieve And no, I will tell you how to proceed to achieve them at the beginning. In particular, it is very important that you slow down and you proceed like these. Then you can speed up the procedure. But for the moment, stick to this. So take your grades and place your chancellor here not on the baseline but on the waistline and in chain them, then begin to trace the down stroke. Why exceeding and trace until you reach the baseline when you reach it. Still, it is very important that you stop for some eastern's. Then the I want you to break the movement and then begin to trace the upstroke while inhaling and trace until you reach the waistline. As you can see, you can trace the upstroke starting perpendicular to the vertical and ending barrel er or starting Caroline and ending perpendicular to it. And these will produce these or these a rhythm. When we're more familiar with these a petition you can begin toe. Alternate them. So to sum in italic handwriting, rhythm is given by them regular work your reputation off down strokes in absolutes, and we trace our down strokes row where in our absolutes, faster and absolutes can start perpendicular and ending parallel to the vertical nine or starting parallel and ending perpendicular to it. So here trays down. So stop on the upstroke stop and so and we have the rhythm off your breasts. When you are more confident, begin toe speed up. But just be. Don't worry more about your breath. Just things about writing and begin toe bush a bit more on the down stroke and the big, less on the abstract do the same with the other rhythm, beginning by following the speed of your breath. - When you are confident enough, speed up as much as you can with your obstructs and then try alternating between the two abstracts. This is These are the exercises for rhythm on one off the way toe. Check it for a reasonable job. He's toe turn to page upside down on DSI they look the same. 6. 06. Smoothed Corners: now it's good. More familiar with this work. So that derived from our triangle and then to twist them smoothly. You see that here? I raised them very pointed. But this is me. I have a tendency to trace them quite pointed. But no, don't worry. If you are, if you make them more around, it's Ah, it's okay. You care of just these. But this is always followed by a dancer while and curable, he is always preceded by a down stroke. So since in our little forms we will find like these we exercise them this way. You used to work for by a down stroke. And this is after you down soup that precede on and cure in these an actual. And we already have our first letters here about the close shape, the day shape derived from the hue shape that you can recognize here at the bottom. The difference is that we begin to trace the a shape starting from the writer and we push left. We smooth this corner here and then we proceed with what is on you Terrible. What is that? Sizing we to a sour a shape and a down stroke because it's like these, that we find it in letter forms. Why? For be shape. You see that this shape is trays starting from the left with the men cure of it that then before, before we Children this time we smooth this corner and we go to lose it. Who? She left him coming back to the start. Important. But why? Exercising from the B shape? Who? All this twice? I don't. So we can reach this starting point for to be shaped and then we were traceable. Be shaped as it will be before. This is not something be yet but you. I think you can already see the when we're more familiar with these shapes are but the lords lords pain you can begin toe decrease. This came using the guidelines that they gave you on. Do a day's skate also exercises for the rhythm that you always have to keep doing. Here are some example off how to use your guidelines when you feel confident enough, begin to use the smaller size guidance 7. 07. Unjoined Lowercase: Okay. Now we have all the principal elements that we need in order to write arrival, but so we can begin to look at each other in detain. In the find that I gave you, I pulled this little our little arrows beside its letter to show you where to begin to write each letter. And now we provide. That was so a physical, the most ratio. Okay, So before we begin to see the letters in the mail, I will introduce a bit of terminology. Each letter we have for sure these part the part. It is between the base time and the bed in the waistline. And these parties called body off the letter Letter X is usually taken as a reference to name the distance between baseline and waistline. So these distances called X excite. What goes a bull? The wasteland is called asunder, and what goes below the baseline is called this Sunday. Notice that a sender's andi senders may vary England in the sense that you can find them both with the same length off the body or shorter. I usually make them short, but in historical documents, these vary Another thing about T I want to make you notice that this Okay, this is not the best we have ever done. Anyway. The sender off T is just a little bit above the wasteland. It's not like the other a Sanders. It's very, very short. Do you? - Thanks . Thanks. 8. 08. Unjoined Lowercase (part 2): I'm here with our with our kinds of it. Ex success with that, the best way my opinion is to practice the letters divided in the category based on the cure. They have like the letters that have an incurable and the letters have the UK er and so on . And when you are more confident with your letters, you can go with these are sentence, which is Ah, the most common er hung grammar in English, a condom Use a centers that have all the letters off the alphabet. So you're sure that you practice all of them? You can find I have problems many problems on the Internet about from my experience. I know that just writing programs can be a little frustrating because often they are just quite stupid. Sundin stays with almost no meaning. So Keilar is going toe. Use the text that you chose them that has a meaning to you, and you can enjoy more to write that and you can exercise with that. And when you're done, you can bossed it on your class project to show us a your progress and ask if you have any questions or down 9. 09. Cursive: Finally, we can talk about cursive. We have cursing when our letters are joined, one to the other. The world corset comes from the Italian course, evil, which means running. This is because when we joined the letters within a world, we almost never leave the pen and were able to write faster. What you see here are all the letters off dealing a bit spaced out with the name. This is a common method to practice them in order to keep a good a rhythm. So now that we know our letters very well, we can distinguish what is part off the actual letter and water what we call connection strokes. These is a connection stroke and they started from here is another connection Stalk and this kind of stroke are what we used to form the Kirsi. They appear to connect the letters within a world when we're I think, O. C. C. It's the upstroke. He's raised faster. We might lose a bit of procedure so that you see that we cannot follow perfectly the vertical line and with and we come end up forming this loop, you can see in the letters apartment upstroke like may the age, okay? And and also another. Does that have up strokes? Like P? Because going up we may make a bit of a curve here or que these may happen. Was so we s we made toe this small loop here, these flu here. What? I said this loop here. But for the moment, please stick to the let's say, original form tried toe go very slow and to remain on the vertical. This is what will happen in the future when it will be more confident with the letters on your handwriting. So I want you to carve you your letters very clear in your head and hand. So please stick with the or regional. The only thing I would say the only exception for me is our because of I find that these are can be mistaking with the V if you don't write it there very precisely. And in some wards, more than another. So for some words in particular, I prefer to use these are you will see in your practice that this will happen sometimes you may confuse would be so in those cases. Use this one this also you learn with experience and by trying which one fits better. - Do you 10. 10. Slant: let's know, introduce another element to slammed slam. Is the rotation off the vertical axis? Um, the's inclination appeared naturally in traditional photography because it allows toe right faster in italic calligraphy, this land is usually between five and 10 degrees, and for this class I used a tender Graceland. What you have to do now is to repeat all the exercises that we did so far, but with a slammed just following the good guys that I provided. These is how your letters will appear and you can see in this text that slam doesn't only allows you toe right faster, but also gives a different feeling your outcome because it are more vitality and movement and flew. So this is this is a thing that you want toe keep in mind and use them or not when you ride , depending on the result that you want to obtain. - Thanks . Thanks 11. 11. Final Project: Okay, so now we're ready for a project. As I said, I would like you to write something that has a meaning to use. It can be song or oil, or I would prefer a recipe, then for the other part, which is sending toe another classmate. I made a drawing because I couldn't explain because it's not difficult, but I'd be the monitor to explain stoking. So look at the drawings. And look, please, if anyone, another idea how we could do these? Tell me. Because I have kind of the sensation that what I thought was not the best idea ever. But I really would like to do this. So if you have any suggestions, please write them. Anyway, this is what is my idea on how we could do this. Okay, so let's pretend that these are my three students, but D J. Security and Majola. And they uploaded their projects on the platform. Now Matija will write a comment below competitiveness project telling him that she would die toe some him fair physical project so she would write their own email address. I guess you don't look raise about leaving your email address in the comments so create a new one just for these projects. Our Pejeta did so for this product and cooperate etc. Wrote Made here with He's a Home Address. So finally our budget that can send him the 100 thing about my recipe off her grandmother. This same will do, etc. With Abdullah he will give to hair. He's made address and Fadela will send him here or so now. Heretical sent here they hungry then at most a car recipe. 12. 12. Greetings: Oh, we're doing the class. So I would like to thank all of you everyone that telling the class all of the people that decided to do the project and toe send them toe a classmate and created these connections that you can create on Lee with home made things and with really life, the things. And now I would begin to work on second class, which will be about capital letters and squashes. So we begin toe something more toe something a bit more fancy. But before practice what you find in the class, it's very, very, very Okay, my guys. Thank you, toe.