Hand Embroidery: How to Make an Embroidery Pattern for Etsy | Floor Giebels | Skillshare

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Hand Embroidery: How to Make an Embroidery Pattern for Etsy

teacher avatar Floor Giebels, Embroidery Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Embroidery Pattern


    • 2.

      Project section


    • 3.

      Pattern inspiration and resources


    • 4.

      Creating the tracing image


    • 5.



    • 6.

      What to include in the PDF


    • 7.

      Design on fabric methods


    • 8.

      Stitching guide


    • 9.

      Selling on Etsy


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About This Class

My name Is Floor Giebels and I'm a self taught embroidery artist. In this class I will guide you step by step on how to make an embroidery pattern that you can sell on Etsy. It does not require you to have any Illustration experience or software. 

I'm going to show you where you can get inspiration for your pattern and some very handy tips that will save you a lot of work. 

The class will cover the following topics

  • Class project
  • Pattern inspiration and resources
  • Tracing the image
  • Copyright
  • What to include in the PDF
  • Stitching guide
  • Selling on Etsy

This class is for anyone who wants to create passive income through embroidery patterns. Maybe you are already an illustrator and want to sell embroidery patterns? With this guide you will learn exactly what it takes to make a good embroidery pattern that anyone can use.

Meet Your Teacher

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Floor Giebels

Embroidery Artist

Top Teacher

Hi, my name is Floor and I'm a Dutch embroidery artist living in The Netherlands.

Originally from a design background, I found my artistic freedom and expression through the more traditional art of embroidery. Entirely self-taught, I started my journey in 2016 and am continually learning new skills and applying them to my work. I also like to explore the boundaries of traditional hand embroidery by creating some pieces as mixed media, to contrast and compliment the thread itself. 

I have found that embroidery has led me to explore the textures present in the world around me - living on the coast, the beautiful beaches, scenery and animals constantly offer me inspiration for new projects. One of my favorite topics to explore in my pieces is the interplay b... See full profile

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1. Embroidery Pattern: Welcome to how to make embroidery pattern for Etsy. My name is Floor Giebels, and I'm a self-taught embroidery artist. In this class, I'm going to guide you step-by-step on how to make an embroidery pattern that you can sell on Etsy. It does not matter if you don't have any illustration skills or illustration software. I'm going to show you where you can get inspiration for your pattern and some very handy tips that will save you a lot of work. For the class projects, I made a worksheet where you can download videos and a stitch illustrations that you can use in your own embroidery patterns. This class is for anyone who wants to create a passive income through embroidery patterns. Maybe you are an illustrator and also want to soundboard new patterns. Well, with this guide, you know exactly what it takes to make a good embroidery pattern that anyone can use. 2. Project section: Before we start with the actual course, I want to show you the worksheet that I made for this class. In this file, you can find all the websites I've mentioned in the class and also some tools that you are free to use for your own embroidery pattern. I have video files for different stitches and also a written guide with illustrations. You can use them in any way you like for your own embroidery pattern and you don't need to credit me for this. For the class project, I would like you to try and make an outline for your embroidery pattern with pen and paper or illustration tool that you like to use. It would be really fun to see all your ideas in the Projects section and see what everyone comes up with. 3. Pattern inspiration and resources: In this part of the class, I'm going to talk about how to get inspiration for your patterns, and also how to get copyright-free images that you can use as a tracing image for your pattern. The stuff that I usually use if I want to make a pattern, if I use books or other reference, then I usually go for coloring books. They're a great way to look at resources, to try to find your style, to try to find images that you like. What I like to do is I like to look at them and mix and match. Not copying per se because that's not very creative, and it's also you have copyright that you deal with. What I like to do is I like to take some elements of one thing and take another element of another thing. For instance, what you can do is you can take this element, you're like, I really like this idea of having an animal head and a normal person's body. But you can take the person's body and create a different head on it. If you copy that, you can do that mix and match. This is my ultimate favorite. I really like this one. It's called Vogel Paradijs. I think if you just look on Google on bird paradise because this is a Dutch one, but I think it's translated from English. It's from Daisy Fletcher. It's originally an English book. But so many amazing illustrations. Here are some great reference points for color. I love it. Something that I also really love is this. I just found it somewhere on what we have in Holland called [inaudible]. It's like our eBay or shop for people sell sell second-hand stuff. What is also really good idea to do is go to Thrift shops and look at magazines, old magazines. This is a magazine from the 1980s and there are so many key things to look at. When I was looking at this one, I found some inspiration. First thing that I really felt was a good inspiration was this, I was really loving the leaves here. That is something that I will keep in mind. I really love the color combinations of here because I think color combinations are also big part of embroidery works, especially patterns. Now, this is where I found my inspiration for my pattern. Because I don't want to do this. I really love the leaves, the color combination of the leaves. I think that's very, very pretty and it's also a good way for me to show you guys how to create a pattern that's also a little bit with thread painting. So not only blocks of color, which I think is maybe more easier to explain on how to make a pattern than if you have things that are a little bit more complicated. I definitely want to include this in my pattern. I'm going to keep that in mind and keep it with me and leave that to decide. Something that is also really good at looking for inspiration is looking at other illustrators. What I usually do to get inspiration is also look at these kind of books and just flip around them and see what style of style you like. I think this is definitely something I want to bookmark in case I want to use it. Another great source is Freepik. Freepik is a website where you can get free images, free resources. While I'm now making this class, it is literally January the 1st, 2020. Everything, well, not everything but actually, almost everything will be related to new year or so Christmas. But we can also just put in a search term that we want, so hand-drawn. Now you can have a look, see this is really pretty. Okay. Let's for instance look at this, we're going to download it. Here you have the download option. You're downloading a resource created by Freepik. If you're using it for the web, you can put in in Etsy, they have a description where you can put in your links. You can download this link. You can put it in your accessory covered for all the copyrights. We're downloading it and we're going to open it. Here you see that it's also a jpeg. So with this picture you do have to work around a bit because it has the design by Freepik and I don't know if you want to have this in it. If you don't want to have this in it, then you can work around it with tracing the image or you can have lots of apps where you can get rid of anything. Go over to the brush. Another great way to get free images and to mix and match is a collage system. What you can do is you can create your own remixes like you see here. You will get a folder filled with different tops, pens, hairdos, and also some accessories. Now what you're going to do is you're going to get to Library. It's a Dropbox and with a Dropbox, you can just download it. I already did that. I already played around with it and I'm going to show you how you can work with it. First what you see is that we're going to get the remixes, everything that you can mix and match and we want to go up to Pages and create a new page. Here we have our new page. Then we can go to Sticker sheets. Here we have everything that you can use. But now we're going to look at the images of the illustrations here. So here we can copy it and then we go back to our own page and paste it. We can do that with everything. Now we're going to look for a top. We can make a really nice image like this. You can just go in and click on the hair and turn it into every color that you want. You can change it up the way you want. Every color you can change. Now if you're happy with your image and you want to save it, you make sure that you select everything and you group the layers. So that is one image. Then you can export it and you can use it as a png or jpeg or as Fiji. That's also something you can use. This is just a little tip and it's fun to mix and match. Now we had a look at Humaans and we're going to go over to Pinterest and see how we can create some inspiration from there. If you already have a good sense of what you want to do, then Pinterest is a great way to get inspiration. Here you see my board, and I'm going to first show you some of my inspirations and the pieces I made that were inspired by that image. For instance, this image, I wanted to make a bird of paradise flower, but I wanted to use a lot of colors. What I did is that I put in a search term, embroidery with lots of colors, needle painting colors, and after a lot of clicking I came on this picture. Of course, I went back and I saw all these pictures and I set the color combinations which inspired me having me to make this piece. So you really see that I use the colors from this piece. It usually starts with an idea that you have. Here you can see this piece and you can see this piece that I made and how I got inspired. Usually, I have an idea in my mind. I'm like, oh, well this is what I really want to do. Let's find some search terms that will help me find the right image, then you see my piece, and then you see how my piece is inspired by this piece. I think that happens to a lot of artists. You just get inspired by other things and you start looking for things. Now we're going back to our plants and see where it all started. In the search terms, I put in plants inspiration, and then I came to this. I was really interested in this picture because it was really similar to the pattern that we found in the book, in the magazine. I wanted to see if I can go further on that and if there's something that I can do with that. I was really liking these colors. But you know how it happens on Pinterest, I clicked on this and then I went to this and I was like, I really like the pink, with the dark pink and the dark green. Then this bluish, grayish so that my mind is set on that like, oh, yes, I really like that. Then I see more images that confirmed my own mind that I really like it and that I want to do that. From there on, I'm thinking to myself, I want to make a plant with leaves but eventually, I came to this one. Then from there, so it happens, I was looking at this plant illustration and then I went onto this illustration. This is the illustration that I end up using. We're going to trace it, but we are going to change it because I like the overall simplistic look of it. But I don't want to copy it, which is very important to me. But what I do want to do is when I'm going to put it in my Instagram, I'm going to put the color study in, because it's hers and I'm going to say that it's inspired by her. Let's save this picture and we're going to trace it on the computer. 4. Creating the tracing image: In this part of the class, we are going to use the inspiration that we found previously and turn it into a tracing pattern. We're going to use tracing paper and Canva for that. Here you see the image that I have that I'm going to use for tracing is the image that I found on Pinterest, but I'm not want to exactly copy it. We are going to put our own feel to it and what we're going to use for it is tracing paper. I tend to really, use it, so I like to cut it in pieces so I don't actually use the whole thing. What at first I'm going to use it with is a pencil. We're going to scale it to the size that we want, and I think this is a good size. I'm going to take my tracing paper. What I did is I went over the initial drawing and I went over it with another tracing paper and then made it a little bit more of my own. I really like how this part came out and now I'm going to use a black pen and just go over it. It's the pattern from the beginning that I really liked. I'm going to think about how I'm going to incorporate that in his drawing. Let me see. This will be another color I think it will be really cool if I leave a ridge open. Here too. That's a different color here and here. Then because this leaf is going up and these leaves are going down so in this leaf, I'm not going to do the pattern of the leaves, but in this, I'm going to do it. These are all the way going down and this too. I can always change it later if I'm actually making a pattern and I'm really embroidering it. I can always change it up. It doesn't have to be a full thing now. You have to have a different pattern of what they're going to read from and the pattern that they're going to trace from. This is going to be the pattern that they're going to trace from. Now as a last thing, what we want to do is we're going to trace over it with a white paper. What I'm going to do is I'm going to attach it to the window so I can trace over it. This is the picture that I traced on a normal piece of white paper. I traced it on my window with the tracing paper and a normal paper over it and this is the result. I just made a picture with my phone. This is now also a screen recording from my phone and we're going to go to an app. The app that we're going to use is Snapseed. I'm going to go to Snapseed. Here we have the image. I'm going to go to Tools and I'm first going to crop it and I'm going to go to the 3, 2 and I'm going to make it like this. I'm going to hit "Okay" then I'm going to go again to Tools and I'm going to go to Looks. If you scroll all the way to the side you see here a filter or a look called Silhouette. I'm going to click on that and then you see that the background goes completely white and that's what we really want. I'm going to hit, "Okay". What I'm going to do is I'm going to export it, I'm going to share it, and I'm going to send it to my Gmail. Here I have the picture that I opened up for my Gmail that I sent to myself. Now, you have two options. You have the option to leave it like this if you're a way better drawing than me. But if you're really good at steady hands and you're good with a fine liner to go over your pencil drawing, I suggest you just keep it this way. If you're not confident with how it looks, what you can do, you can go to a website called Fiverr. You can see Fiverr with two rrs.com. So you can go to Graphics and Design, and they do have a section called Vector Tracing. How it works is you just, you join, you pay with PayPal and you can see here how much it cost. This is perfect. I will convert the drawing to vector within 12 hours. This is really good. I think this is something that is really easy to do. You can also see the images that he did. So yeah, this is something I would advise to do if you're not really confident with your drawing. So you have your image now and you want to have it in an A4 document. An A4 document is really handy because that means that people can have the chance to print it out and use it in that way if they want to. The other thing which is really handy about a Canva PDF is that you can put in links that are clickable. It's an interactive document, which means that if maybe you want to have a link to your own [inaudible] store, Maybe you sell treads or maybe you sell other stuff, you can put those links in there so people can click on it. We're going to go to an A4 document. We're just going to make it blank. What you're going to do is you're going to go to Elements and we're going to put in here circle, and we're going to use the one with a very thin line. Well, so here this one, and we're going to make it. Now, you can resize it. This is going to be the format of your hoop. My hoop size is 17 1/2 centimeter. Well, four is also good enough and I want this to be black just because I think it's prettier and then I'm going to go to my Uploads and I'm going to go to my image. I'm going to position that backwards so it's in the circle. Now, you can make it as big and as small as you want. You can work around a little bit. I think this is really good. Then it's really in the middle and you can go to Text and put in tracing image. We're going to put plus and you can always play around with where you want to have your first image because that's for later. We're now going to focus on only the tracing image and next section is going to be about further how we're going to fill in this PDF. Now you know how you made your tracing image. If you don't have that much experience with computers and technology, this Canva does require some technology, but it is technology you don't have to pay for and it's something you have on your computer and you can try to figure out how to use it. 5. Copyright: First of all, I want to say that I'm not a legal expert and I notice this is a difficult subject. Please note that rules are different in every state in the US and also different laws for Europe. If you really want an expert advice on the issue, then I suggest asking someone in your city who's experienced in copyright law and can help you out with that. When it comes to embroidery patterns, you are the owner of the embroidery pattern. If someone copies your pattern, and also sells it on Etsy, then you can file a complaint in Etsy. Something that I do see often in embroidery patterns and it's something that I also use to do is that you state that you can't sell any embroidery pieces you made from this pattern. This is not true because when you sell your patterns to people, they all have the right to sell the finished piece they made with the pattern guides you gave them. Now when it comes to tracing an image, like I'm doing in my class, it is different. If I really was going to put it in my shop and sell this pattern, then I should have asked permission from the owner of this image. Because I'm not selling this pattern, but I am using it in an educational way, it is not copyright infringement. I'm not directly profiting off her illustration, I'm just merely using it as an example. But this is also where it gets complicated because if you who is watching this right now, is watching this class, then if you want to trace an image only for the shape and change it afterwards, then it's a different thing because nobody actually saw you tracing the image, and maybe the image doesn't look anymore like the original image. However, the fact that I'm going to trace the image on camera makes it a different story because there's actual proof of me tracing the image. Nevertheless, what the situation is, I think it's really important to support each other and credit. 6. What to include in the PDF: In this part of the class, we're going to continue filling in the PDF file for the pattern and we're also going to discuss what should be in it and why the information is relevant. Here we have now the tracing image. I did mine in Illustrator, but as I said previously, it's also totally fine if you did it in a way with just a fine liner and make it really smooth just so the people know what to trace? Here we have the DMC color chart. I looked at many reviews of a lot of patterns. I really wanted to have a clear view of what people liked and disliked. A lot of things that I saw is that there are patterns out there that people have without the color chart, which I think is very important to have a color chart. People want to know the exact color that you're using. Most people when it comes to embroidery use DMC, so that is a good way to just use your color numbers forum. Very important because I think what a lot of parents people are very interested the colors that you use and the combination. I think always include a really clear view of the colors that you're using by starting off with an overview of the colors. This is really simple. What I did is I went to the DMC website and I went to the Thread page, and then the six-strand embroidery floss. Here you have all the colors. You have the different tins of different colors. What I did is I just did a screenshot of little piece with embroidery on it. Then what I did is I went to Elements and I use this circle. I will show you. I just place this circle on here and copied it three more times and I uploaded the pink or all the screenshots. If you just drag it over there, you can see that it's placed inside but not perfectly. You can click on it twice and stretch it out, and you can just make sure that the entire circle is filled with the thread. I did that with all the other threads too, and what I did then is I just placed an image of the embroidery that I made and everywhere put in the colors. For instance, I wanted to show that the color 319 is used here in this line, but also here for this and also for this stem so that it's clear that it's one color for each of those things. I did it also with all the other colors. Now that we have our color chart done, we're going to go over to the next page and a file. Because I'm going to sell my embroidery pattern as a beginner's pattern, I want to have an absolute beginner know what to do from start to end. Every extra information that you can put in there adds value. What I like to do next in the file is about placing the fabric in embroidery hoop. Which sounds really simple, but if you sell it as a beginner embroidery pattern, I think it's really smart to do that so that people know how to do it. Even if they already know how to do it, is just a nice touch to put in there. It's also something you just have to photograph ones and they can just always added into your PDF file. What I did, I made a picture of a little bit of fabric that is crumbled up, that has a lot of creases in it so that people can see that in the end, it's all tight and it looks nice. I have a little bit of overview about how to do it. The next step that I have in my PDF file is about tracing the pattern. I'm going to go over that in the next section of the class because that is a big part of class. How are you going to do that? We're going to skip this one for now. Here I have the supplies, will speak for itself. When it comes to fabric, it's good to give the option linen or muslin fabric. Because what I notice a lot is, for instance, in the Netherlands where I'm from, muslin fabric is not really a thing. It doesn't translate well to other languages as that for linen is very universal. Now we're going go over to finishing the back of the hoop, which is also good to include, especially for a beginner. In my experience, I do get a lot of questions about that and I see it a lot online that people like, how do you do that? How do you back to hoop? These are images I once made and I can use them again and again for the patterns. 7. Design on fabric methods: We're now going to discuss the different methods for placing your embroidery design on the fabric. Tracing the pattern, which is a big one, because a lot of people want to know how to do that. This one depends all on what embroidery pattern you want to make. If you want to make a PDF pattern, then I would suggest to just make it like this, the tracing image. If you want to create kits, then I have a better suggestion, that you do. I am really a big fan of this website, not affiliated with them, I just really loved their website. Spoonflower is a website where you can print out your own fabrics. You send it to them, they print it out. They have gorgeous fabrics also designed by all these designers. All these designers get a percentage of the fabric that they design. So it's like a marketplace. But I really use it just to upload my own fabrics and to embroider on them. Here you have your, you go here and you upload your design, you choose a file. I'm going to choose my let me see, you can do TIF, JPG, PNG, and GIF. Here I have ticked the box that it's my own image and then I can upload it. Now we uploaded the image. What we have to do now, the design that I made now is really for a swatch. If I want to make it for, so here you have my design. The first thing, what you do is that you order a test swatch just so you can see how it looks. It's a test swatch, you want it in the center and I want smaller. You have so many different options. If you look at their fabrics, you can see all the fabrics. What I would do is just a cotton test swatch. Then you will have this. This is the exact size that it will be done. I think for a kit, this is really good because it adds that value to that kit. 8. Stitching guide: For the stitching guide, I'm first going to take you to the method that I use for my patterns. But I also want to show you how to do when you want to make a kit and you don't want to use any video materials. You only want to have something that you can print out and put with your kit. I'm going to use my phone camera because that way you can see how you can do it at home without having a DSR that I'm now holding in my hand. This is a pretty expensive machine and it's really easy. You can just use a mount. It's just something that I attached to the table. This is an old table that I use and it's for plants and that's why you see the plant mark. I will put a link in the description where I have this thing from. It's really easy. I just screw it on a table, then I have a camera mount and therefore a mobile phone. This way, I can just sit here and I'm going to embroider while I record with my mount. That way you can also edit your videos on your phone if you would like to if that's how you prefer to do it. Now I'm going to show you how these videos look when I record it with my phone. This is the video that I made with my phone for the first I think around seven minutes. It is a bit yellow-ish, but that's because it was getting dark. As long as the lighting is still good and you can see everything, that's fine. I'm going to show you that the quality is actually fine on your phone. There's nothing wrong with it and it's a good way to film. I'm going to hit play. As you can see, there is no, as you can hear it, there is no audio. For my patterns, I don't use audio because it's nice when people scroll through the video that they can see when they are stuck, so when they actually need some info and that is more clear for them. If you want to add text to your video, then it's really easy. There are a lot of options where you can do that. The free options if you have a Mac are iMovie, but you can also use Google Drive. If you upload your videos in Google Drive, you can add captions to them. You can also do this in the YouTube editor, and you can also do this with PowerPoint. PowerPoint is also a great tool to edit your videos, to put slides to it, to put extra texts with it. I used iMovie because I'm working with a Mac and I do everything with iMovie, so that's where I did this. I just created a little white block and added text to it. The video is about 15 minutes long, so every time I'm doing a new thing, I will make a video of it. This is a little trick that I like to use. It's something that I always do and I added it in the video, in the text that I use one long strand and use it as a two-strand option, so it's equal. This is some feedback that I got recently to show also the back of the hoop. Because people want to know what you do with the back of the hoop and with a thread. Here I'm showing how you can let go of the thread and now I'm saying, okay, you can just go ahead and repeat the whole process to the end of the stem. When it's a large area and it takes a lot of time, I speed it up. People also like it when it's not sped up when it's just in the same pace that they're doing it. I suggest to always do a little bit without speeding it up and it's important to explain everything. At that point, I put my video camera off. Off-camera, I did all the other ones because there is no need for them to see that. I also tried to do some close-ups so that people can really see how it is more up-close. I'm going to scroll a bit further. Here you see that the lighting is a bit dark. It's closer to the end of the day. When it really gets too dark, I just pick it up the next day and do it again and continue. I want to show you how the quality is when there's actually really good lights. That's here. You see here that I'm speeding it up. It's always good to have someone else look at your texts. What I like to do is I ask my boyfriend also, I'm a Dutch person. English is not my first language. The spoken word of my English is fine. I mean, everybody can understand me, but when it comes to writing, I'm not confident enough. But even if you're really good at writing, if your grammar is absolutely perfect, then it's always good to show someone who knows nothing about embroidery and show them the texts and the video to ask if it makes sense for them. That is always a good way to look if it's good. If it's good for a beginner if they understand what you're saying. I always like to do that with my boyfriend. First of all, because he is British, so he's obviously better in English than me. He has no experience in embroidery so what I mean, and if it makes sense. Now, we've done all that and we have our video file, but then we have to place it in the PDF. Well, how are we going to do that is like this. We're going to put a nice graphic here with a text that says ''Click here for the video guide''. What we're going to do is I'm going to go to my YouTube channel and I'm going to upload a video. I'm going to select the video and I'm going to put it in here. In the description of the video, I'm going to put in Plants pattern video guide. I'm not going to put in a description. I don't need to do any marketing for it. I want to have it unlisted, so everyone who has the video link can see the video. You're going to click unlisted and here you have the link to your video. I'm going to copy that link. Copy link and we're going to go back to the embroidery pattern on the box that says "Click here". I'm going to click on that and here we have a little link that we can insert and we're going to put the link of the YouTube video. Then it's all set. Now that I have shown you how to do the video guide, I'm going to show you how to do it in print. If you don't want to make videos, if you don't want to do all that technical stuff, if you just want to make something that you can print out, can put it in with a kit, we're going to go over that now. Well, there are several ways to do it. My recommended way would be, first of all, also film it, which sounds a bit weird, but if you film it, you're going to film all the stitches and what you can do, for instance, here in QuickTime, I can do show clips. Here I can show clips. When you make a video, every video is made out of a frame. I can go with my arrow to the right and you see that every frame here is selected. This will take forever if I do it like this. But here you see the scene and I can just go on and go to the important one that I need. Unfortunately, I have this big white block here. I can't make a good screenshot. But for instance, this would be a really good picture. What I would do is I would make a screenshot of this. I would make it a little bit bigger, then I square, and then you can afterwards make it into a square and then put it in your embroidery pattern, in your PDF. You can take all the steps with it so you can put explanation with it, what you're doing. I would use this one. Here I would show that I would put my finger on the back of the stitch. Basically all the steps. I think that's the best thing to do if you want to have it in print. 9. Selling on Etsy: For the last part, we are going to put a pattern in Etsy. I'm going to show you how to make the cover image and what to include in your description. When everything is done, we're going to make our Etsy listing. What we're going to do first is we're going to make our picture. Now the dimensions, I'm going to show you how we make them. We're going to make it in Canva. We're going to create a design and we're going to do custom dimensions. It's 3,000 by 2,400. Those are the dimensions that you are going to put in. When we look at Etsy and you scroll through it, then it should have the same margins, the same size as the listing preview so that nothing is getting off the picture. With this size, everything that will be on this picture, you will see it in a preview. Next up, we're going to upload a picture that you want on here. I already have a picture, this picture, so I'm going to put that image in here. What I did it with this image when I made it in Photoshop, I cropped it to a certain ratio and I played around a little bit with brightness and all those kind of things. When I crop it, I like to have the image just a little bit to the left so that I can put here the text in that it's a PDF pattern. Because I want you to see the real process of what it's like for me to create something like this in Canva, it's not something that goes really fast and I can just do it just at once. Because I'm very undecisive when it comes to my designing skills, I thought it's best to speed this part up. But what you basically see is that I'm just putting in a white box and then putting him some text that says "PDF pattern." I'm playing around with the text and see what looks good. In the end, I'm going to save it as a PNG file. Now we're going to go to Etsy and create a listing for the PDF pattern. When you're at your Etsy, you're going to create a new listing and we're going to select our picture. When we look now at the picture, we can see that if we look at the thumbnail, that it's perfect. It's not cropped, we don't have to zoom in or zoom out, it's fine as it is. I'm just going to have one picture shown. The size in which we made the picture in Canva is very large. When people see this listing, they can click over it and it will become very large on their screen. They will see everything that they need to know from this picture. The first thing that we're going to see is the title. I like to use as many words that I can. You start off with the most obvious ones. We're going to say, Plant Embroidery Pattern, I like to use a comma and in the beginning of every word I use a capital letter because I think that's aesthetically pleasing, PDF Pattern. Everything you can think of that has to do with your listing, you should put in there. PDF pattern, embroidery, beginner, embroidery pattern, house plant embroidery, DIY embroidery. All the words that you think of when you think of this listing, you're going to put in. PDF embroidery, DIY embroidery, wall art, plant embroidery. I think that's better because that's how people type, I think, Plant embroidery pattern. About this listing, I did. Then what is it? It is a supply or tool make things. It is not a finished product. When did you make it? Well, you were there, recently. Category, you're going to put embroidery pattern. You can see here it's not a kit, it's not a tutorial. If you go here then it's art and collectibles. Template and transfer, it's also not that. We're going to go with patterns and blueprints. Here we go with everything that has to do with embroidery. We're going to select cross stitch, embroidery. What I do if I'm just going go from top to bottom and if I see something that's a little bit related to embroidery, I will select it and if I come across something that is better than cross stitch, I'm going to deselect it. Needlepoint, sewing, crewel, selected five. I don't think this is really relevant so we're not going to use this. Also this one, I don't think is really relevant. Listing is optimized as you can. If you choose a holiday, then it will be optimized for that holiday, but after that it's gone. Renewal options, I always leave it as automatic. This one is really important because it's not physical. They're not going to get something shipped, its digital. I'm going to leave this open for now and the tag words. Usually how I look at my tag words. But when you look at someone who's successful in patterns, then it's good to look at what they use to see if we get any ideas from it. You have to also think about how people Google. DIY embroidery. But I'm just going to put in floral embroidery because apparently that's what people are searching for and you never know. They may be my pattern and are like, "Maybe I want to make that." Botanical embroidery, also a good one. We used every one of them. I'm not going to use this one. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to put it in Etsy embroidery pattern PDF. I'm going to look at the prices because we are now going to put it in our price, which is always a very difficult one, I think. I don't want to go too high. If you look at all the popular ones, the ones that are bestsellers, I see that 680 is a bit the in-between, so we're going to do that. Here we're going to put or upload our file. Marketing, advertise this listing. I would definitely after, I don't know, maybe a week when you have marketed yourself and you've done it yourself, then it's really a good idea to try on advertising. For me it did help. You have to try it out, what works, what not works. I would advise to use Pinterest because you can now upload videos and it works really good. No, not right now. Now we're going back to the description. I'm going to go to one of mine, listings. This is a listing from my Christmas tree and what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this. Feel very free to go to my Etsy page and copy my text for your embroidery pattern. The first lines are very important because those are the lines that people will see the first. We're going to put in botanical embroidery PDF pattern for beginners. Here it's shown mounted in hoop. Pattern includes full size templates and stitching instructions in video tutorial. The copyrighting, we already went over that. Wait, I wanted to put 6.80 in here and that's it really.