Hand Embroidery: Easy Step By Step Guide on How to Make Your Own Embroidered Sweater | Floor Giebels | Skillshare

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Hand Embroidery: Easy Step By Step Guide on How to Make Your Own Embroidered Sweater

teacher avatar Floor Giebels, Embroidery Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Embroidery intro


    • 2.

      Placement of hoop


    • 3.

      starting with the stitching


    • 4.



    • 5.

      The middle of the flower with black thread


    • 6.

      Stitching the red part


    • 7.

      Stitching the orange part


    • 8.

      Stitching the light orange part


    • 9.

      Cutting the fabric


    • 10.

      Washing the fabric


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About This Class

Give new life to an old sweater!

In this class, you will learn how to embellish your own sweater. This project you will stitch allong with me and see the entire process on how to hand embroider on clothes. You will need some sewing experience for this class, but I encourage confident beginners to have a try.

Meet Your Teacher

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Floor Giebels

Embroidery Artist

Top Teacher

Hi, my name is Floor and I'm a Dutch embroidery artist living in The Netherlands.

Originally from a design background, I found my artistic freedom and expression through the more traditional art of embroidery. Entirely self-taught, I started my journey in 2016 and am continually learning new skills and applying them to my work. I also like to explore the boundaries of traditional hand embroidery by creating some pieces as mixed media, to contrast and compliment the thread itself. 

I have found that embroidery has led me to explore the textures present in the world around me - living on the coast, the beautiful beaches, scenery and animals constantly offer me inspiration for new projects. One of my favorite topics to explore in my pieces is the interplay b... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Embroidery intro: Hi. My name is Flora and in this class, I'm going to show you how to embroider on clothes. I'm going to show you how to make this poppy on your sweater, and I'm going to take you along with me from beginning till end on how to do it. I think this is a nice way to turn an old sweater into a whole new sweater. It's an inexpensive way to create new clothes. There are so many possibilities that you can do, and it's really nice to show off what you made. 2. Placement of hoop: Hi and welcome to this class. We're going to stitch. I'm going to show you how to make this puppy on a sweater. It's a thing with sweaters. This is a man's sweater, and we have a lot of them. We have a lot of fancy sweaters from my boyfriend and he doesn't fit anymore, and I don't have any fancy sweaters. I like to use his fancy sweaters but make it a little bit more pretty. This is what we are using, it's soluble fabric. You can see it in the link below. What it is, it's amazing stuff. I use it all the time. Also when I'm just stitching on fabric just because it's really nice to trace, it's see-through, so you can easily trace something and you just wash it away. It just fits through the hoop. You go over it. Lovely stuff. It's also not really expensive. We're going to use that. We're going to place the hoop under it, make sure that it is tight. Not too tight, not that you are stretching it, but just normal. No creases. I think it's more difficult with the t-shirt to get it straight because it can be very stretchy. Depends on what fabric it is. Not if it's cotton without a stretch. We're going to place it, it's a little bit above the armpit. Just put something on your sweater to see where you'd like the placement. Make sure that the back is nice and smooth. It's difficult to get your hands underneath it to embroider. You can use clips or just roll it a bit around in a way that you can easily access the back. My advice is to just use clips. I'm going to show you how I do it. I use a stand, so it's even difficult, but it's just a bit fumbling and doesn't really matter how it looks as long as you have the fabric out of the way. 3. starting with the stitching: This is the poppy. I fumbled it around my stand somehow. We're going to start with the green. It's a little bit different green that I showed you before. Because honestly I was like, it's really dark blue and we need to show the green. It's going to be a little bit lighter, but you'll see it here in the notes. We're going to go in, hold your back thread. You're still holding you back thread. Now we're going up, couple of centimeters, still holding that thread and we're going in at the other stitch. Now you can let go of the thread on the back. We're going in and right in the middle of the other thread. You see then it gets to be a long even line. I'm not the best tracer, to be honest. I'm also just thinking a little bit. Because you can't really erase it. I see there a line that I made that is not really there that I'm not going to use all the way down. You just go up and down in the other line. Because we now have little holes. I'm not that precise, but if you want to be really precise, you can also be like, I'm going to use three dots. You're going to do this all the way till we're at the top. Don't worry about your thread that is being loose or anything. It will sort itself out with all the other threads. When you're at the end of your thread, you're just going to cut it off at the back and that's it. Nothing more. Then you're going to start with your other thread the same as you did in the beginning. I'm now getting into the second thread and I'm holding the end, putting it in between. Now I'm going to go to one of the branches or leaves, and I'm first going to make the first branch. Sometimes you also need to mix it up a bit. Otherwise you're just doing the same thing. When I do it myself, then I will do a little bit of branch and a little bit of flower. Because if you're busy with one thing too long, then you get a bit sick of it. This way, I can never do like huge projects. I did, but not a lot, because it makes me not like it anymore. This is a fun project, you can do it really, doesn't take long and looks very fancy. Yes. With the some lines, I just choose to just go from one point to the other point and not put a stitch in-between. It's really just from one point to the other point there. I'm back again, I found if I will talk the whole time then it's the same things that I was saying. You can see that I'm just not the best in tracing, so it looks a bit fake. But for me I know exactly what I have to do. That's the most important thing. You can always look at the original image that you have. 4. Leaves : I'm just going to keep making these little branches. In here I'm like, "Hmm," so maybe a little a bit too long to use one stitch, so I'm just going to do it in two parts. When in doubt, always use two stitches. Well, you see that sometimes I put my needle in the branch, in the other green, long line, and sometimes I don't, such a preference. We're halfway done now with the branch, the green. Now we're going to go to the second part of the green. 5. The middle of the flower with black thread: We're going to use two strands again. I'm going to do it like demented I showed before, so I'm going to use two strands stranded in one needle, if that make sense, I showed you before. We're going to start on the side of the middle circle. You're going to fill it in the whole thing and with black. If you're familiar with embroidered and just find your own thing that you like. How you'd like to fill it up, maybe you like to do certain stage, but this is how I like to do it, because I'm not really good at setting stitch. You're just going to repeat it and we're going to go all the way round it, so in and in the other stitch. It's a pretty big round, but I was looking online for poppies and I saw that they do have a pretty big black middle part, and it looks nice in the end. I thought in the beginning, maybe I should do something in the middle of a different color, but I like the simplicity of just a round circle and then the other colors. It doesn't need to be really super neat or precise, especially with flowers and anything, I just think like they are not really precise in real life. It doesn't really matter if it looks exactly the same or it's a perfect circle because it is not going to be perfect circle. You're just going to repeat the process on the side, so you're basically going round and round it. As sooner if you guys really like it, but I thought I'm also going to make a list that you can see with all my Amazon things that I have, like the stand that I'm using. For me, it's really handy, I'm not getting paid by Amazon if you buy it, so it's really is my choice, what I use. This stand is just usually handy. Well, it is really handy as for filming because it makes it look really stable, and then the focus is always the same I don't know, I just really like to just have something there that I don't have to hold all the time, so it's nice to know I hold something. It does make the whole thing go away from like, you can do more to it anywhere, because I'm in the chair and like, oh, I missed my stand. That's also a thing if it is nice to stitch and bubbling, but be aware that there will always be people who are really interested in what you're doing, and when I asked questions, which is really cool, I think that's really nice. Not always because sometimes I just don't want to talk and I want to put my headphones in and then just stitch. Because I'm from the Netherlands, it's always "That's so cool." I know like people who do it a little crosses and well, it's a bit of an ego trip always. I cant like it. See that it doesn't really matter where you go with your needle. It's just black, so it just needs to be filled and how you really do it doesn't matter. Well, there are limits to what is acceptable, but overall doesn't really matter. I am going into the middle because when I'm done then I also see it's not completely filled and I can just afterwards fill all the things in. I'm just going to leave you to it with this. I'm almost done, and then we're going to do red. The color of the red is 666. I know, I thought it was funny. I'm going to see you back with 666. 6. Stitching the red part: We're going to continue with the 666, two strands, and we're starting at the middle with our needle and then a couple of centimeters away from the black, and we're going to do long and short stitches, so you going to make a short one, a long one, and it doesn't have to be next to each other because we'll do that at the end a little bit. You can go pretty far to the end, and make sure you are pretty close to the black because I made the mistake a little bit of not going close enough. Go in it or most of it, so you're going to go next to each other. Long and short. This is basically how you go around, long and short next to each other, except for this one. This one is going to be a little bit longer because it's the end of the petal. So you going to make a full line, and there was this long and short stitches. Here I'm doing the same, I'm going to make a long stitch. I'm going in. Then I'm going to complete this section because it's not long enough, I didn't like long short, but we're going to do that again. This also could have been a long one. See how close I go to the black, a long run in between so just so that you don't see any fabric in between the stitches to really fill it up. If you are like, "Oh I'm going too far, I'm covering up too much of a flower It doesn't matter because with the other color, you can just go over it. It's better to have too much of one color than too little, because you can always cover up. You can always add, I mean, what have I been saying? It's embroidery, you can mess up as much as you want. That's what I did. If any of you see my Instagram page, the first one, what did I do with like needle painting? I think I did a fox. I went all the way deep in it. I was not I'm going to set your flowers like straightaway in animal. It took me 30 hours, 10 of those were on picking. A long sharp. Always amazes me because I'm also filming it and writing stuff down that I want to say, but just the embroidery part is not that much time to make just a shredder look nice or new. If you can spend a long time on a sweater or a dress, you can make something really pretty. Also, it is a good tip coloring books. Coloring books for adults. Great to trace and to look at inspiration for flowers, and if you don't want to sell it, but it's just for you, then you can also just literally trace it. The other two petals are going to be the same thing, so I'm going to leave you to it and stitched up. If you have any questions ever, please contact me, please, or also when you're like, this is just ridiculous class, so I have no idea what I'm doing or anything. Let me know, give me feedback or if you have questions, anything. I'm just going to leave you to [inaudible] remaining this red, and then I will see you in the next video. 7. Stitching the orange part: Now, we're going to start with the orange, and we are going to do the same thing. We're just going to squeeze it in between the other stitches. You're basically going in the other stitch. You're still going to make it long, short, like this, go in. See, you see that you can also go like pretty far back. If you feel like I've put a little bit too much red, you see that it doesn't really matter because you can go as far as you want back and show as much red as you want. This is why I'm also going pretty far with the orange because the other color we're going to use is really, light orange. I don't want to use too much of that. This will enable me to use too much, to not go too far with it. I don't know what happened here, but I'm going to fix it really soon. Here we are. I hope you guys are okay, that I'm not talking to the whole video because it's so long, and we're basically doing the same thing. Here, the stitches are really tiny. So long as it's orange. Sienna blends so nice, doesn't it? Because poppies are not really bold. You do have them also in orange, like really light orange, but I like this. Like it's a red, orange. The last part is a light orange. 8. Stitching the light orange part: The last color and that is orange-ish and we're just going to go from the pencil line, to the orange bit, the dark orange. This is like filling it up and make sure that everything is covered. You don't want to go too far into the dark orange bit because otherwise you don't see the lighter orange anymore, so make sure you make the stitches short. But you do want to have a little bit of fairity. Some English words are still a bit of a challenge. But you know what I mean, so after long and short stitches that it blends in nicely. At this point you don't have to worry that oh, I'm not exactly on the line or you can still see this pencil bit. Don't worry because it doesn't matter. It's going to be washed away anyway. I'm just going to skip the bottom part because my camera got a bit wiggly and you're almost about to not see this stitches anymore. I'm just going to drop that part and see the top of the orange stitches, going to show you that. So now, I've done already a bit because my camera is at a focus and I now have it more up. I find this also a nice way, so that they can see it from a different angle a bit more up. This is probably more how you see it. Yeah. You do have to pull a bit much at some point. We are done almost, so make sure that you don't see any fabric in-between. It's filled up nicely and then we're going to go and do the most fun part of all and washing off the fabric. 9. Cutting the fabric: Now we're going to do the most fun part, in my opinion. We're going to get it out of the hoop and we're going to go to the back. But I always do, I embryoid it on clothes a lot and I even put it in the dryer, the washing machine. Well, not this because it's wool. But, you know, and it always stay seated. But if you want to be sure you have these interface, these fabric things that you can put on it and you can iron it and then it stays that you have a patch behind it. I will put the link in the notes here. But what I'm going to do first is I'm going to take a scissor. I cannot find my embroidery scissor, so I'm going to use a fabric scissor and I'm just going to cut away all the long parts. Yeah. Don't cut too much way. Get rid of all the fluff. Turn it around, and look there it is. Now, I am going to find my embroidery scissors because I need the tiny scissors and we're going to cut as much as we can away from the flower, the fabric. Because when you're going to wash it you're going to put water in it, it is going to be a little bit mushy. It is like sticky stuff, so you want to have as little as possible. Also, it's nice to just keep whatever you have over so you can use it for a different project. I'm going to cut a little bit more away with the tiny scissors. Now I'm going to cut a little bit more off as much as we can, do a little bit more. I'm always a bit paranoid because I'm afraid to cut in the fabric and the sweater. I'm going to leave it here. Yeah, you want to cut as much away as possible, but not as much that you're going to ruin it. Now we're going to go to the washing part. 10. Washing the fabric: This is the last part where we're going to soak it, we're going to take our fabric. What I do is I put a little a drop of it, like a really tiny drop because it is sticky stuff. We're just going to do this in a sink. I mean, I'm doing this because it looks pretty for the camera to be honest. But do it in the sink or just put it under the tap, that's actually better idea. I'm just going to let it soak. Wow. Not really, I'm also after turning the video off. I'm going to rinse it under the tap and we pull the sweater out, so you should do that with a tiny bit of dishwasher soap and then you let it dry. Look at that. That looks pretty. That looks really pretty. I love it. I hope you liked this class and I'm really excited to see what you all made. If you run in any problems or whatever tell me and I'll be glad to help you out. I hope you enjoyed it.