Guitar Guide: Building Speed and Accuracy Using Alternate Picking | Dimitrios - All Things Guitar | Skillshare

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Guitar Guide: Building Speed and Accuracy Using Alternate Picking

teacher avatar Dimitrios - All Things Guitar, Guitar Tutor

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      General Introduction To The Topic


    • 2.

      Let's Warm Up The Hands


    • 3.

      Learning About Anchors and Pointers


    • 4.

      Starting Slow and Simple


    • 5.

      The Triple Feel


    • 6.

      Let's Add One More Finger


    • 7.

      Back to Triplets With Three Fingers


    • 8.

      Utilising All Four Fingers


    • 9.

      Time to Add a String


    • 10.

      Changing String in Triplet Feel


    • 11.

      Using All Four Fingers in Two Strings


    • 12.

      The Triplet Feel on Two Strings


    • 13.

      Creating a Cyclic Pattern


    • 14.

      The Cyclic Pattern in Triplets


    • 15.

      The Cyclic Pattern on Three Strings


    • 16.

      The Cyclic Pattern on Three Strings With Triplets


    • 17.

      The Cyclic Pattern on Four Strings


    • 18.

      Challenge Yourself and Conclusion


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About This Class

Welcome to my comprehensive guide for building speed and accuracy with alternate picking.

This is a guide specifically made for both novice and experienced guitar players. The exercises described are very easy to follow and quite challenging at higher speeds. Having said that, this class is not recommended for absolute beginners. 

If you really want to advance your speed and accuracy of guitar technique then this is definitely the guide for you and I can guarantee the effectiveness that will have in your playing, should you follow the instructions to the letter.

Also, I would like to add this is not a "get rich quick" scheme, meaning that you will have to put in lots of hard work and effort in order to achieve maximum speed and accuracy.

Thank you very much for watching and I hope you will reach your goals.

Meet Your Teacher

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Dimitrios - All Things Guitar

Guitar Tutor



Hello, I'm Dimitrios. A professional guitarist, guitar tutor and composer, living in Leeds, UK. I have been playing the guitar for over 30 years and teaching about 20 of them. Looking forward on sharing all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years

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1. General Introduction To The Topic: Hello everybody. This is the materials. Currently living and teaching the beautiful city of fluids. And today we're going to take some time to make a guide for our right hand. And we're gonna learn about playing with the common way, as we call it, the ultimate picking. Picking every notes, down, up, down, up, down, up. This is the gateway for you to develop speeds like literacy. And I'm going to show you ways to get that speed and accuracy without much fuss. Alright. Thank you very much for being here. And let's go on with a gap. 2. Let's Warm Up The Hands: First thing that we need to talk about and before even who does the data, you need a little bit of warm up. Don't try and do that with gold fingers called solders that I did that applied to be a little bit. Think like an athlete, like you need a little bit of strategical body and then start doing the work and always start slowly for a bit. And then gradually speeds up things. 3. Learning About Anchors and Pointers: So the first thing that we need to talk about in our technique during their ankles, as we call them. Angles of course is the placement of our hand. And when the hint that is in order to get a sense of the space that your right-hand dog occupies. Now, use a metal players, have this bottle the bottom dotting the breeds or near the breeds. And this is where the year the special spatial awareness. And some people, that's the fingers on the body. Now, I wouldn't recommend that sing with the fingers on the button. Again, this is not so good of a technique. Now, I would actually recommend this part of Europe. Hence, right here to slightly behind deliberate. In order for you to get a sense where your tenth must be. Now that we took the little bit about the ongoing of that, I can. We need to talk about what not to do. Blues do not start by doing the most glaser thing that you know, the most crazy leaked to the most complicated, the oblique, the most. I don't know. You know what I mean? Please keep things very simple. When you start, when you are trying to learn a technique, you need always to keep things very simple. And that's why this gangs or offer guide that I'm showing here is very, very simple for a person that blazes more than like five months, three or five months OR gate. It's very simple but very effective. That's the whole point here. In order for us to be effective, we need to target the specific thing that we want to improve. 4. Starting Slow and Simple: Being said, that's gonna start with our exercises. And the very simple thing that you need to do is grab a string. I'm using the fifth fret of the third string or the string in order for you to know all of these exercises, you can move them to other strings and of course play them on all strings to get a feel of what you need to do. But the first exercise is simple 16th notes, blade, whites, slowly. The beginning. We have the placement, we have threats. We have that I'd hand position. Now what we're gonna do is 16 nodes. So 1234 down, down. Simple. Instead, you go down, down. Now the whole exercise is going to be cyclic exercise and it's gonna be like that. 123412341234. This is repeated in a circle. Now, you're gonna stop that very, very, very slowly, just like I did. Then you're going to slowly progress like ten PPMs faster. Then BPMs faster, faster until you reach the sprint. You want to it. But it's very important to gradually, gradually progress. That I'd said that I can read speeds, trade disputes with that. 5. The Triple Feel: The second exercise that we're gonna take a look, It's basically just like the first exercise, but you're gonna do it in triplets. Triplets have a different field and you need this field to be on your head. You're gonna do like 123123123123. This was the whole exercise. 123123131231231. Then again, it repeats. No, I'm, I'm muting basically the string here, but you can play it muted, unmuted. You can try both ways. Of course, gradually taking this simple exercise of going higher and higher and Kyle, It's a point that all these exercises, when you would lose the coherence of the exercise, NADH starts, will start to fly off and you won't be able to control it. Now, when units to this state, you need to go like 510 PPMs back. Established again, your highest, the highest speed. And then try again. Now, the knots are gonna fly all over the place again. Now what you will do is to get ten PPMs higher. Now, of course, module we will fly off again. You won't be able to sustain that kind of speed, but you are gonna go back. You're gonna see a difference. Like it's going to be somewhat these years later. Let's say you are in 180 and you want to go 199 PBMs and 190 BPMs. You cannot do it. Everything is all over the glyphs. You need to go to 200 first-year, going to 180. You are establishing one navy that you can do it perfectly. Now, you're going to do 100. Making a mess of 200th. You go back. The 190 that you haven't done in the first place, you will see, but when you are pushing yourself to the 201 main theme is gonna be easier in ECL after a while. That's one of the thicks and the other will boost is keep things very simple, very specific. 6. Let's Add One More Finger: We are moving on to the next exercise. The next exercise is going to use two fingers now. And we're gonna do two nodes on one finger to note some of the other 16 knots of course. So one to four, I'm tending figure 1234. For the whole exercise is gonna go just like this. And faster than faster and faster, faster you can do it. 7. Back to Triplets With Three Fingers: Our next exercise. You might guess, gonna go back to triplets. But this time we're going to put three fingers. So like 123. That's the whole exercise. And this goes faster and faster again. But within metronome, always within a limit of normal. I'm not doing the metronome at this time because it's quite easy to explain the exercises without them. But when you are practicing, when I am practicing, I'm gonna put on the metronome and B steady about it and be very mindful about the exercise. Again. Let's move on. 8. Utilising All Four Fingers: I'll mix the exercise is gonna be back to our 16th notes bottom list, then we are going to use all four fingers. You might have noticed by now that gradually we are introducing fingers, fingers, email exercises. We are keeping the basic buttons, but we are introducing more fingers because the reality with speed is not about the speed. You can. You will very fastly be able to move your right hand up and down and up and down, up and down very fast. The problem is gonna be like synchronizing that down, up, down, up, down, up with it's an every finger. Those exercises, the last door. I'm sorry. Exactly. Are doing exactly that thing. Make you synchronize those things. Let's see the exercises. It's one for one. And again, see when I'm going over and over in the exercise. So when I'm looping the exercise, basically, I'm leaving one node at the end that, that's a breather. It's like an athlete. Now you, madame a sprinter, goes on the flag. She goes very, very, very, very fast and suddenly he just goes jogging. Then again, very, very, very, very fast and then drops jogging. You know, you need a breather. That why is that gang of cyclic system for the exercise unit to both? And then take a brief pause. Take a breath. Take a breath. That's the whole point. Now, let's move on. 9. Time to Add a String: One big problem when we are trying to tackle speed is sending strings. Now, this sets off a couple of folks have sizes from known as goodness stop to tackle with this problem. This starts again with 16th notes, like we did the previous exercise, but now we are going to go into one more on the next thing, like so 1234 loop. This exercise. It would be good if you will do very verse speaking, starting your beginning on the upstroke, like down, that kind of thing. This has got. Now, if you do that kind of thing, you're gonna strengthen the Appstore a lot. It's very useful. 10. Changing String in Triplet Feel: The next exercise is gonna be triplets. This exercise is gonna be just like this one. Again with the metronome, said that I'd set that up. You can also try these variation on the 16th notes on the preview of the previous exercise like so. You've got two exercises in the bundle of one. Let's move on to the next one. 11. Using All Four Fingers in Two Strings: Now, let's change things and let's go to the district now. We're going to play out and mixed exercise. Next exercise basically is gonna be doing two strings, but all four March onto strings. Let, let me show you It's where it's easier if I show you. It's gonna be 1234123412344 nodes on the district, four nodes on the D string. This was the whole exercise. Of course, you build on mute spirit. And let's move on. 12. The Triplet Feel on Two Strings: Next one, yeah, you guessed it. It's triplets again, but now two strings. And 1231231231231231231231231231231231231. Of course, way faster than work. 13. Creating a Cyclic Pattern: Moving on to the next part, we're gonna make those two strings go circle fashion by going with our fingers up and back down. Let me show you. Let me show you. It's gonna be 341234. I'm gonna stretch and gonna go half-step higher and go back. Now, I'm going to go back to the previous position and do the circle all over again. So I'm the fifth fret of the D string. Slides the circle continuous and the whole exercise is going to be like that. 12341234123412341234. Now, you can do that to infinity. Okay? Don't forget when you're doing that. To stop periodically. And do it again. Do it again. This is very important. Very important. Also. One of the most important things, these for you to breathe. I see people that they are clean, that kind of exercising like this. They are almost ready to suffocate or something. No. Please breathe. Try to be relaxed. The more relaxed you are gonna be. In all your system or older body, the blood that is going to be for you. 14. The Cyclic Pattern in Triplets: As you might have guessed, the next one is going to be the triplets. Okay, what we did before, we're gonna do it with triplets. So it's gonna be 123. The next thing, the next Fred and buck jump to the previous spreads and do the thing all over again. So altogether there's gonna be said that I said that the stems all the time. Okay. Let's move on. 15. The Cyclic Pattern on Three Strings: Just like the previous exercises, we're going to do the same thing exactly, but we're going to add a string. So this is our new theme, theme for the last couple of exercises, we're doing the same thing and we are adding strings. That is very important. We are trying to incorporate it has ministering as possible and his gaze doing the same thing. So let's go back to our 16 melt. But let's do the next exercise, which is going to be in three strings. This thing repeats, 123412341, being the sliding back. And you're doing this as a circle, right? And faster and faster, of course. Now, if you've noticed, I'm trying to accent the notes on one. Every time I'm doing 1341241, I'm giving them maximum on one. That's for me to ground me on Buddhism. And when you are putting their mother along, when you have them at all, No, don't do that. To always have your mind on 11, every time it forms, you need to be width. This gang of garlic. Let's move on to the next exercise. 16. The Cyclic Pattern on Three Strings With Triplets: And of course, the next exercise is going to be, well, the same thing in triplets. Alright? Again, I'm gonna go 12311. Alright? I'm gonna circle the other. One more thing to notice here with the triplets on every exercise but changes strings with triplets. We are going with our right hand down. When we change the string, we need to go. It's very important to always keep down, up, down, up. Make sure that you are having down, up, down, up constantly. When you change things. I see many people they are doing this exercise and then they are doing it fairly fast and they're going down, down, down, down in triplets, or which is totally wrong, and we hinder your technique on later stages. Alright? So please be mindful of that. 17. The Cyclic Pattern on Four Strings: And again, Yeah, The next one. I think we are on the final stretch, Boeing, is, you guessed it. We're going to take another string and we're going to do the same. Let's say, we'll think now. This is going to go like of course in triplets, we're gonna do the exact same thing on all four strings. Again, two more exercises. Now, do not do those exercises like two or three times. And stop. I'm showing you the exercising monitored just for them. If I was doing the extracellular would like keep doing one makes us us for like 510 minutes, 15 minutes. As much as possible as I get those anodic successfully one or two times and Eve them site, you need repetition. The one of the most important things that you need to drink that is repetition. If you don't have repetition, you're not going to go flat with you that you need addition all the time. All right. 18. Challenge Yourself and Conclusion: Finally, as a final note, I would like to stop this guy here because I have more things to say about this technique that I'm more things to say. This is like a basic guide of mine that I'm giving to my students. I've seen great results over the years. Of course there are more exercises with different fingerings and different kinds of stuff that I can show you. But for now, I would like you to mess with all that kind of stuff. Make them put them under your fingers as they see. You're going to see very quickly, Great, great results, results. I got into that. If you're gonna do it. But SIC also, you can try as a last exercise before I am going to leave you to do what we've done so far in the last four exercises and do them in all six strings, just like, let's say in 16 volts. This thing in a circle, going faster and faster and faster and faster. Of course, in triplets. Alright. Have fun with all those stuff. I hope that you're gonna again. Nice thickening. Thank you. We're gonna months. I'm gonna see you in the next.