1. Course Introduction: Hey there, welcome to my
course on Google Sheets. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know in Google sheets will cover all of the most
popular functions. Formulas will learn how
to format cells, columns, rows if you're used to
using Microsoft Excel, google Sheets is definitely
the answer for you. It's completely free, it's on the Cloud so you can
access your files from anywhere in this course
will cover everything from cells, columns, rows. We're going to look at
conditional formatting. We're gonna look at filtering, adding new sheets and some of the most popular
functions to get you used to using Google Sheets. My name is Kevin and
I used to work as a Google technical support
agent and I've been using Google Sheets for as
long as I can remember. And I can't wait to show you what you can get
out of the tool. If you feel like this
is the course for you, then I look forward
to seeing you inside.
2. Create G Account & Accessing Sheets: Hey there and welcome to the
first video in this course. This is going to be
a very quick video. I'm gonna show you how to create a Google account if
you don't already have one. Or I'm gonna show you where
to go into a for now. And we'll show you how to access Google Sheets
then from there. So currently I have
Google Chrome open. Okay, this is the
browser I'm using. You can use a fiery, you can use Firefox. You can use whichever one you'd like or whichever
one you're used to. But for Google services, I generally use Google Chrome. Okay. But continue working with whatever you have
on your right now. So currently I'm signed
into Google because if I go to the top right
of my Google page, I can see a k here. And if I click on
this, it shows I'm signed in with my email
address right here. Okay. Now, if I didn't have an address assigned
in here and I needed to create
a Google account. Your best bet. And I'll show this by going
to an incognito window. This is what it would look
like if you weren't signed in. You might see a big sign in
button on the top right. You click Sign in. What you do here
is you hover over this Create Account button here. You can click Create
an account for myself. Basically, fill, fill in
the details as you go. So you have your
FirstName, LastName. You need to come up with
a unique username here. So I don't know if I just
typed in anything crazy. It would tell me if
it was taken or not. And you can type in a
password and confirm us. And there's essentially one
or two steps after this. You have to agree to
some terms, conditions. And when you agree to that, it will automatically
sign you into Google. And it will just bring you
back to and you'll see a letter for your
name or the firstName, the top right of your page, you are signed into Google
when you have all that done. That means you can
use Google Sheets, Gmail Drive, all of this. To use Google Sheets, you do need to go
through this process if you don't already
have a Gmail or Google account,
accessing Google Sheets. There's a couple of ways I'll
quickly show you how to. Okay, So the most
obvious way is we go to Google Sheets in the search bar and we click on the
top result here. This would bring us to
the homepage and we click go to sheets. Another way. I'm just going to go
back to If I could spell it. Another way is to hover
over to our URL bar and type in
and hit Enter. And it'll bring us to
Google Sheets as well. It'll show us here that we can create a sheet and
use some templates. As you can see her sheets. That is, SHE That's another way to do it. Now, if I go back to the
homepage again or two, sorry, the Google search page. I can also go to the top
right of my browser window. This is the way I like to do is hover over this Google
Apps grid here. When you click on
that, it'll show you all of these Google applications
you have access to. If you scroll down, you'll
find sheets right here. So this is very
useful. It's like a quick access to
YouTube play Gmail, all of the services
you have as part of your Gmail account
or Google account. If you click on sheets here, it'll bring you directly
to Google Sheets. Also, very useful. Okay, cool. So that's really all we need
to look at in this video. In the next video we'll jump into just getting some sheets, set-up, secretin the sheet and just looking
over the interface. So I'll see you in that video.
3. Sheets Interface & Layout: Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're
going to have a look over the interface here and
just get ourselves familiar. When you go to Google Sheets, you'll be brought to a
homepage like this for sheets. Okay, so you'll see
some options here. There's a search bar on the top. Basically, you can search for an existing sheet.
You already have. If you had 500 Google sheets and you needed to search
for a specific sheet, you would type in the
name of the sheet here. You also have some options
to start a new spreadsheet. So you can start a blank
one, completely blank. You could create a new sheet based on some of
these templates here. So we have like a to-do list, Nigel annual budget,
a monthly budget. If you clicked on one of these, it would create a sheet
for you using one of these as a template.
They're very useful. Also, you can click on
this template gallery. And when we click on that, it will show us a
lot more options that we can use to start off. This is very, very useful. Now, we won't start
off a sheet like this. Okay, I just wanted
to show you that there's some great templates
altar we can start with. But this is a to Z course, just step-by-step to
get you use two sheets. So we're not going to jump into anything too deep
and crazy right now. Now, if I click back
here in the top-left, I leave the template gallery. And basically we want
to create a new sheet. So this is where
all of your sheets would be shown here
if we had some, but we don't have
any issue right now. We can hover here
and click blank. I'm going to start
a new spreadsheet and click blank spreadsheet. Here we are. This is something you might
already be familiar with if you use Microsoft
Excel for example. This is a sheet with
rows and columns and lots of fun to
come from this. Currently, we have just, lets us go through
this page just for a minute to show
where things are. So on the top left we
have an icon for sheets, the homepage. Oh, sheets. So if I clicked on this, it would bring me back to the sheets that
we have already. Now I'm going to click the
back button I want to create. Go back to my cheat. Here we have a title. Currently it says
untitled spreadsheet. Now if I click on
this and I call this test testing
sheet for learning, I give that a title. It's automatically
saved the drawing and that's updated as
the title of the sheet. I have an option here
to stare at this sheet, to move it and Google Drive and look
at some other statuses. This is useful if
you had lots of sheets and you wanted
to start with like, categorize it in a way. Now open the top here we
have our file edit view, insert format, a lot of options under each
of these windows. We will go through a
lot of that are a lot of these options
later in this course. This is just kind of showing you where you can access
some different options. We also have our edit
history right here. So the last edit
was a seconds ago. This is handy if
you haven't signed in in a long time and you wanted to find out when you last
edited the document. It could be a week
ago, it could be seconds ago, it
could be months ago. The next one is we
have the menu bar, left to right here we have
options, the undo print, and we have some
formatting options here. Very useful stuff. We'll cover all of
this as well later. For the rest of the page, we have our rows, 12. How many? I think there's 1000 by default. If I scroll all the way
down to the bottom, yes, ten hundred ten hundred rows. And we have columns a, B, C all the way over to z. Now you can add more
columns and add more rows. That's pretty much the
interface as we see it here. Over in the top right, we have some options to
present this sheet. So if you were in a
meeting and you wanted to show the sheet as a presentation,
you could do so here. You can share your sheet also. We'll cover it a little bit
on this later again, also, there are ways to share
Google documents, whether it's a Google doc or Google Sheets, Google slideshow. You can share them with
older Google accounts. You can all come in and edit this collaboratively as well. So that's very useful. You
might have seen that if you've watched my other courses
on Google Drive anyway, for now, that's the interface. In the next video,
we're going to look at some rows and columns. And I'll see you then.
4. Rows & Columns in Sheets: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're
going to look at some rows and columns and
what we can do with them. So you might notice here, I can click on cells that are aligned to
a row and a column. This one here would
be known as a nine. I am on column a, row nine. This one here would
be known as 17. I am on column E and on row 17. Now you can add more columns by scrolling over to the
right-hand side here. You can do so by even holding this draggable bar
at the bottom. If you scroll all
the way over to the right, you'll see z. Now we can add more
columns to the right. For example, we can
hover on this little drop-down next to the column. And that will show
us some options. And we can see here insert one column to the left or
one new column to the right. I want to insert a column to
the right. If I do to us. Now it begins a new
kind of naming system. We currently have a through Z. We can't do a again, what happens is it creates
a new column called AA. If I create another
column to the right, it goes a, B. I'm sure you can guess
what's going to happen if I create another column,
it's gonna go AC. That way we can create
insane amounts of columns. You're never gonna
be stuck with this. It's going to cover
everything you need. The same if we wanted
to create more rows. So if I scroll all the
way down the page, we can see here
that if we get down to 1000 and you can also use the scroll bar on
the right-hand side here to scroll down. There's an option here
to add more rows. So there's a little
button here and it says how many do
you want to add? Do you want to add another 1000? I'm just going to click Yes. And now it's at 2 thousand. If I clicked on this
row here, it would be, or this cell, I should say, because these are individual
cells that we can see here. If I clicked on this one, this cell would be known
as m 1977 or 1977. And you can see
always the name of your column on the left here. This will give the
identifier for the name of this,
this, this cell. If I go all the way
back up to the top, That's how we would
add rows and columns. Now we can enter data
into these as well. So by doing so we can hover on one and we can basically
type something into it. I could type cat and dog. Once I hit Enter, it inserts this information into the cell. It's going to insert this
name or to string of text. This isn't really
something I can calculate, not a number per se genome. I can also on the
column next to a type one to two to one and hit Enter. Now that's a value. So it's a number
value that I can use. There's different
things we can do here. Just showing you that
the value, for example, of D3 would be this number here. Just looking at rows and columns very quickly enough video. The next video we'll look at entering different types
of data entity cells. And it's going to
start getting phone. Speak with you soon
and see you then.
5. Entering Data into Cells: Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're
going to enter some data into the sheet and let's look at the different
options we have. Now, before I enter any
data into the sheet, there is something that's
worth looking at in regards to settings for this project
or this this sheet setting. Just follow my lead
on this, okay, if you're not sure
what to do here, this doesn't apply to
you, then that's fine. But the most important
thing here before we kick off is to go over to file. What we need to do here
is look for settings. File Settings. And as you can see here, we have the options for
settings for this spreadsheet. Now, here it says the locale
is the United States. And this is going to
affect things such as functions, dates, and currency. Now, I am currently
in Ireland and you might be based in France, Spain, the US, maybe Canada, maybe South America,
maybe Australia. It could be anywhere. And what you want to do
is have your Google Sheet reflect values that are
related to where you're from. Things such as your currency and things such as time
and date formatting. If I was putting
numbers in this, I would want to use euros
because that's what we use, the currency we use in Ireland. So having this calculation
doing dollars doesn't make much sense to me unless
you're in the United States. If you don't have
to change anything, but do have a look at settings. Click on your locale and
find the one that fits you. When I type in Ireland. I now have a different
option here to time zone. Yes, we have the same
time zone as London. That is true. But I can change
the Dublin here as well. And that would reflect
Ireland more specifically. And over here we have
options about calculation. That's fine. You can
leave this recalculation set to onChange and this to off. That's fine. You can click save and reload when you
have those options set. And it's going to reload
the sheet for me. Just a small little example
of showing how that worked is right here
we have a Euro symbol. Now, if you want to
rewind this video by one or two minutes
and look at what that said before it was
a dollar symbol. Now what I want this in denote the values that
I'll be using anyway. Now what do we have
that taken care of? Let's enter some data
in the cells, okay, so you can make something as
simple as a little table. I could say here on the
top-left I could go date, value, name, email
address, genome. I can make these as
headers as such. You know, what I
could do then is I could enter things underneath like for
this date, for example, I could say denote
the 20th of May 2022. What it'll do is it'll actually just won't even accept
that really has anything. Now, what I could do is I
could remove those dots and put in the slashes
like this maybe right. Now if I double-click on it, Sheets has identified
this as a date format. As you can see, we have
a little calendar here. When I type in the
20th, which is the day, the month is the fifth, I know in the United States
That's the other way around. You normally do your
months and Daniel. But in Ireland and
the UK anyway, we use date, month, and year. When you click on this now, now you have some options for
dates here, which is cool. So now we have a date
option, very cool. Now, on the
right-hand side here, we have value, so
I can put in 110. Now, maybe I want
that to be Euros. Okay? So I can click on this and I
can do a couple of things. I can put the Euro symbol
on my computer here. Now it'll identify as currency. I could type in 1100. Notice how I put 110 back in and the cell is now
identifying as a euro. So there's a couple
of ways here. You can maybe just
put 110 and you can click on this Euro
symbol here and format this as currency. So now let's even
including integers, okay? Which is very cool. It's doing some decimal points. So now we have a date. Currency. Name is a
simple piece of string. I can type in Kevin, which is me, an email address. I could type in Kevin. This is fake I can type in that as well. Notice how Google Sheets
identifies this as a contact. It's actually doing
this hover option. It's saying right, that this
is a contact and you can add this contact to your Google
account if you'd like to. And this is the name
you've applied to it. This is the email
address and I could send an email if I
wanted to write here, I could even schedule
an event with this e-mail address
if I wanted to. It's very intuitive. As soon as you put in
some data here it starts, so identify the data. Now, cool thing about
this is I could let say, affect the next few rows. Let's say if I
wanted to make row 2345 on the a column, all dates. I can hover over this little
square on the bottom right. Notice how my cursor
changes to a crosshairs. I could click on
that and drag it. You'll see these broken
lines that are appearing. If I drag that down
and then let go, It's after applying
a date to each row. Now it's after change in it. It's after you're thinking
that maybe I want a date after date after date. So it's after doing the 20th
of May, 21st, 22nd, 23rd. I can change each of these
budgets, double-clicking. You know, and I can click on, I didn't know that
20 fort. This one. I can double-click and change the month by clicking
these arrows here. I can go to June 1st, maybe I can go to
July or June 28. Now we have date options
here, which is kinda cool. I can do the same here. Where do you know what the
moment if I type in 300 here, it's just a number. It's just going to say 300 as a number which is following
if that's what you need. But what I could do is
I have the option of, let's say, dragging this down. And it'll put a
110 in every cell. But it will also format each of these cells
as currencies. So I can now double-click this, replace it with
maybe five O nine, and now it's 50€9. I can hit Enter and does sell, put 11th. Now it's 11-year-old. I could hit enter into
the cell, put 110, $0.55, and hit Enter, and it's now a currency as well. Very cool. Again, the same with the name. I can drag down that cell and it will auto fill
each cell for me. Or I can manually type in
a name for each of these. Tom. Really marry. The same way an email address. I could if, if all
of these people use the same email address
instead of copying, which you click, right-click
and copy and then paste. This kind of stuff. You
can just drag down that. You could do it all the
way down if you needed to. But I'm going to click Undo.
There's different ones here. And also just different
kind of things you can do. You can highlight a couple of cells at the same
time by clicking on one and dragging
across cells like this. Notice how I can drag across. If I highlight a, B, C, and D at row one, I can now do some things
here like make them bold. Italics, change the font, change the font size. If I clicked Bold. Now there are bold. I might
be going too much into this. I know we'd be looking
over all this kind of stuff again in loads
of videos to come. But we'll finish this video for now and I'll see
you in the next one. The next one we're gonna look at manipulating even more
these rows and columns. So I'll see you then.
6. Manipulating Cells, Rows & Columns: Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're going
to look at manipulating cells and manipulating rows, columns, and doing a
few things like that. So let's jump right in. Now we have this little table that we made in our last video. I can even do it. I could do zoom in, but I can't. We have our rows and
columns, some dates, currency names, and e-mail addresses
here I'm just going to make this
email address here. We have some options. Just going to look at here
we can do things such as re-sizing cells
and columns as well. So if we wanted a bigger column, you can hover over
that little line here. And as you'll see, an
arrow will appear. If you click and drag on that, you can follow this blue
line and it'll show you how big the column will be so I
can make it a little bigger. Notice there disk column
now is wider than before. I can do, I can make it huge. I can do this if I needed to. I'm going to click the undo
button here in the top-left and make it back to a bit
smaller to the way it was. You can do the same
with your rows. Notice when you hover on
the line between each row, a little arrow appears. You can click and
drag that also. You can do the same thing. So I can make row two
quite big here, right? So you wrote twos,
it's quite deep. This might be useful. For example, if you had, let's say column, I'm
going to call it notes. I'm going to make it bold. And this was called
this client is a very special client who needs lots of attention and
blah, blah, blah. I'm just saying for
the sake of it, I'm typing a lot
of text in here. You might notice a couple of
things happen here, right? Column, E row to
this one right here, because this was a
long string of texts. It's after completely
covering f, g, and h. So watch now if I clicked on
F2 and entered a 120 tree. Now it basically
tidies it back in. But look at this. The note is being caught
off and it only shows up if I double-click on it
or it shows up here also, what you might want to
do as a formatting thing here is if you
clicked on this cell, you'll see there's an option
here for texts to rapping. When you click on this,
you have the option of leaving an
overflow happening. So if I remove this, it would show that if this value is larger than the
cell, it will overflow. There's a text wrapping here. There's one that says Clip. If it goes beyond the
size of the cell, it will be hidden by
the edge of the cell. So it's kind of going in
behind this URL here you'll see the last one is called
just a wraps around. So creates a new sentence. I like using this one. If I click on this, it stays
within itself, like that. If I made this shorter again, notice how it starts
clipping and disappearing. And that's not really a
nice thing to do sometimes. So what you might
like to do is if you have a cell that requires
a lot of information, you might want to
drag your cells and drag out your columns
and make sure that this cell with a lot
of information in US stays large and
you can see it. That's just the reason
why you might want to drag your roles and your cells. And also we learned a little
bit about texts wrapping. You might like this, you
might like it overflowing. But do you know if I hit
information on this cell? This cell, and this cell, then denote this is going to cut off and you might
want to read that on view. You don't want to be clicking
onto that every time. You might like to click
here and click wrap. So that might be
something useful for you. You can apply this setting and some of these
settings to everything. By the way, by clicking here on this little box just above
row one and to the left of a. And you can format every cell in your sheet to
do rap if you wanted to. I just basically
highlighting everything. I can click here text wrapping
and it'll wrap everything. If I had something here. It's going to wrap it for me. And it'll automatically
make the row bigger for me. So that's after
saving a lot of time, if you know, you're going to
create a cell to do that. Now, we looked at re-sizing
cells, resizing columns. Let's have a little look at
grouping cells and columns. So I'm just going
to make this row of its small again, like that. We can group these roles. So let's say row
two to row five is information and I
want to group them. You can highlight them
by clicking on row two, the number two here, holding your shift key, and then clicking
on the row five. There you will see all the rules would be highlighted together. You can right-click anywhere here on the left of
your highlighted rows. And you can select to group
rows by going down here. Go view more row actions
and go group rose to five. You click on that. Now they are grouped and you'll see this new buyer
appear on the left. That means we can do special
things with these rows. Now. We can look at
them and view them. But if I clicked the
minus line here, this minus symbol, it'll
hide those rows for me. And that might be very useful if you have a spreadsheet with hundreds of rows and lots
of crazy stuff going on. You can hide them
and expand them. Hidden, expanded. Okay? Even when they're hidden,
you'll see you have row one and the next row
would be row six. It'll skip the rows that we hit. Okay? Now you can highlight
these as well. Right-click, Do you know
go down here and you can ungroup the rows
if you want to, and it goes back to normal. You can do the
same with columns. So if we highlight the column a, hold the Shift key
and select column E. Right-click any of
these highlighted ones. Go down to view more
column actions. You can see that we have a
group option, group columns. And if we do that, we have the exact same thing
on the top as well, and we can hide
them and show them. Now, if I click the Undo
button here a couple of times, It's going to undo that for me. Now that's grouping. So we talked about
resizing grouping. Hiding freezing is another one and this is going to be useful. So let's say I have looked
at it, look at these rules. I can highlight
these three rows and do and duplicate
the information. I can highlight
the three of them. Do this kind of duplication
option that we have. And I can drag this all the way down and look how
it's duplicating. But let's say if I had loads
of information here, I mean, if I had hundreds
of rows of info, like let's say I'll
make this huge, right? I was reading some
information down here. And I was like, What is this column for
again, this column B. Why do I need this? What I can do is we
have date value, name, email address, but notice when I scroll down, disappears. What you can do here is
highlight row one like this. And we can freeze this row and that means it would follow us wherever we go down the page. If I highlight row one, right-click, go down to
view more row actions. It says freeze up to row one. Now, the other way I can do
this is highlighted row. Go up here to Format. Sorry, I shouldn't say
View, My apologies. In here. You can also go freeze and you can select freeze up to row
one, the one I've selected. And if I do that, look at this thick gray line that's
after appearing essentially, that means that I
can scroll down the page and watch row
one is following me. That's really, really
useful, isn't it? So if I was going down to row 69 and checking out
information here, I can check what these
values correspond to. So that's something very useful. Now, you can also do
this two columns. So if I go, call them a view, freeze, I can go
down here and we say up to one column
or up to the column a. Notice how this is in bold because I've selected column a. If I click there, now, we can go to the right side. I can scroll along
left and right. And column a is stuck and
glued and following us. Hey, I think my video, my camera stopped
working for a moment, so a completely cut off there. So if this transition
looks a bit strange, I do apologize, but I hope to match it up fairly smoothly. Anyway. We were just saying that the freezing over ONE column
can be quite handy. And a good thing to do That, that means we've looked at
moving, resizing, grouping, freezing, hiding, showing, and merging is
the last one I will look, look at in this video. For example, if I wanted
this E2 to merge with F, I wanted it to be
a gigantic cell. What I can do is highlight
both of these cells by just clicking on one and
dragging on the other, right? And I can merge them together by clicking on this button
here that says Merge cells. And now it's become one cell. There is no two
individual cells here. This is now one cell that
has taken over e two and F2. So even if you look
at the name of this one here, it says d2. If we look at this one, it now says E2, F2. This is a cool way. If you wanted to merge cells, you can merge a load of
cells by highlighting them. Clicking this here, or
you could right-click as well and go down
to cell options. And there should be an option
here for merged cells on this I'm looking
at maybe NOT null. I think I've got my things
mixed up to merge the cells. You are better off highlighting them and clicking
the merge option here. There's some Merge
options you can select, but generally you
just click on that. And now look at
one gigantic cell that might be useful for you. Maybe, maybe not, but
there might be an option later where you might
see not useful. Or I guess it's useful
if you do see it in a template on the main page
that you know what it means, that you can click this and merge and unmerged where needed. Anyway. That's enough
for this video. What's going on longer
than I expected? In the next video, we're going to look
at protected ranges. So I'll see you then.
7. Protecting Range - Warnings & Permissions! : Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're
going to look at protecting ranges and
protecting cells. To protect cells. What
do you mean, Kevin? Sometimes you might have
cells or rows or columns in your sheet that
you do not want to edit or you don't want
somebody else to others. Or perhaps it's sensitive
information where if I went in and
edited this value, I could mess up an entire
sheet and I could cost my company maybe a lot of
money or do a miscalculation. There is a way to protect the cells where we can lock them completely or just give us the option of warning us we're
going to edit a protected. So for example, let's say
the value field write this entire column of that includes the
monetary value here. I don't want this to be edited. Willy-nilly genome. I would like this to
be protected for me. And maybe if I hit a team
of ten people on the sheet, what I can do is highlight the B column here and it
highlights the entire column. And you can
right-click anywhere. And go down this list here and go to view more column actions. And then here you can
select where are we? Protect range, sorry, I'm
completely losing myself. There's an option
here, protect range. There is also another
option when you go to, I'm fairly sure it's
format or data. Sometimes they move
around under data, you have the option to
protect sheets and ranges. Also. What I want to do
anyway here is I'm just going to go for
the right-click option because I find that it specifically targets what
I've highlighted in that way. If I highlight this right-click, few more actions, protect range. You'll see this option appears now on the right-hand
side of our page. We can give this range, be in this column. This is our range. I can give this
protection a name. I can say protected values. Then what it will tell me
is it will say, alright, on Sheet1, which is this
sheet we're looking at. Down here in the very bottom you'll see the name Sheet one. We can add more sheets
to this document. This document tests sheet for learning can have several sheets on it and we'll look
at that very soon. But what it's saying is the
name of this sheet is Sheet1. And it's putting an exclamation
mark all the way down b. So it's basically
saying the entire, the entire column of B. And I can select
Set permissions. Now, just before I do to us,
there is an option here. If I selected on sheet, I could basically
protect the entire sheet from B and edited or set
rules for this sheet. But I only want this range, this range of values. So I'm going to highlight range, and I'm going to select
Set permissions. Now, range editing permissions. Here it shows two options. We either have restrict
who can edit this range. So I can restrict
to only me, only. I'm allowed edit this range and anybody else who has access to the sheet can't
do so. I can sue. I can do a custom option where I can really
start editing, adding other e-mail
addresses that can edit this range journal. I don't unlock a completely, but I want it to be locked
down for certain people. Do you know? I can add other people, but the most common
one that I like to do, ASD show a warning when editing. If we select this option, it says basically if I go to edit anything in this column, it'll show me a warning first. So if I select that
and click Done, it says changes saved. Here we have our list of protections because we can add another one if we want to. And I'm going to click Cancel. So we have a rule. The rule is if you go to edit
anything on this column, you're going to get a warning. Let's try it out. I'm gonna select the x here
and close that. And I'm just going to
select randomly on BY 24. If I double-click this, and I go in and I want
to change this to 250. When I click Enter. Well, I'm getting a
warning, no heads-up. You are trying to edit a part of the sheet
that couldn't be changed accidentally or that shouldn't be changed
accidentally. Notice here it's very
good for what we need. Do you want to edit it anyway? If I was sure that I wanted to update that, I could click Okay. Or if I just went, Oh sugar, I'm working on the wrong column. Well, this morning,
what am I doing? I can click Cancel
and go, Oh tank. Thankfully I didn't edit that. Denote. Or what you could do is you can change
another one to 300. Hit Enter. I had the same warning, but maybe I want to make
changes for a while. There's an option here. Do not show this again
for five minutes. So I could click Okay. It'll update the cell for me. 300, just there. It'll allow me five minutes of editing a few cells if
I needed to without constantly getting that
warning because that can be very annoying if you're
making lots of changes. A disabled the morning
for five minutes. If I selected on another column, I'm not going to get that
warning at all because I didn't set a rule for these
values in these cells. I only set a rule for
every value in column B. That's protecting
ranges and sheets. You can protect an entire
sheet using that rule, like we said, feel free to give it a goal and
have some fun. If you're trying something
out and it's not working, always please leave a
comment under the course. Message me and I'll get back to. But that's a bit on protection. And I look forward to seeing
you in the next video.
8. Adding New Sheets to your Project: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're going to
look at adding new sheets. So it'll be a quick one. As you might have
remembered earlier, I mentioned that
this Google Sheet or this project as such, this document is called
testing sheet for learning. In this Google sheet, we can have many other sheets
like sub sheets almost. Okay. You'll notice down here on
the bottom it says sheet one. I can rename this and I
can just go testing Test1. Okay, I'll give that a name. And by doing so, you
just double-click on it and you can edit the sheet. Now, over here on
the left you can see I have the option
to add a sheet. If I click on this, it adds a new sheet and it
gives it the name sheet. To look, we have a blank
canvas completely. I can double-click this
and call that sheet or test to a couple of
other things you can do. Like let's say on this test1, when you click on it,
it opens up the sheet. There's a little drop-down arrow next to it, so we
have some options. I can delete the sheet, I can duplicate it. So if I click Duplicate, It's created a duplicated copy. So we can see test1
and copy of test1. What I can do is I can
rename this and make crazy changes and
we'll all be fine, gentle lobby rock and roll. So what I can do then is I can highlight this
again and click Delete. And it says, do you want
to delete the sheet? I'm gonna say, okay, now back
to just having test one. If I go here, I have
the option to copy this sheet to entirely
new spreadsheet. If I clicked on that,
it would create a whole new spreadsheet project. If I open that sheet, it has an untitled
spreadsheet name and it's an entirely
new spreadsheet. As you can see, I have no
order sheets down here. I have that option. I'm going to close this window.
I'm going to pick, okay, I have an option then to copy also to an existing spreadsheet. So if I had another
spreadsheet somewhere, I can copy this
specific sheet to that project to its very cool. The option to rename. Now we can click
Rename or like I did, you can just double-click on the box and it'll also
allow you to rename. We have options
to change colors. So the sheet, which
is handy if you have lots of sheets going on here, like if I just click the plus here and we had loads
of sheet's going on. I might need to kind of identify
these in different ways. So what I can do is on test1, I can click here,
change color to red. And if there's a red
underline, this one here, I can make the color
pink or purple or pink. That way that's a
good identifier for me to list these out. You know, some of
the other options I have is I can
protect the sheet. Just like we mentioned
earlier about protecting and
ranges and sheets. If you click on the arrow
and click Protect Sheet, it gives us the
options to what to do, but this time it doesn't
start with the range option, it starts with the sheet option. So it's telling us
you can protect the entire sheet one and I
can say set permissions. No problem. It's saying that you're going
to edit parts of a sheet, which I am because I did already said a warning
for something else. I'm going to click Okay. I'm going to show a
warning with this range. Now, the new rule here
is anything on test1, it's going to give me a warning. If I come here and edit this, Save, it's going to
give me a warning because anything on the
sheet now is protected. Cool. That's showing us there
how to protect the sheet. You also have the
options to hide a sheet. I'm going to click Cancel there. We also have the
options to move right? So notice there I just moved to the right and I can
move back to the left. And easier way to do
is hover over it. And you can drag,
click and drag it. You can do that too.
That's much easier. Okay, cool. So there you go. Lots of different ways
to create new sheets and enter new information,
whichever you're doing. You might find that useful
if you don't want to create new existing spreadsheets for everything and you want to
keep everything in one place. So cool, Very cool. I'll see you in the next video. We're going to look
at the beginning of some formulas and how to work with the
data that we enter. So I'll see you then.
9. Formulas - Adding & Subtracting Cell Values: Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're
going to look at formulas in Google Sheets. You can create a formula
essentially to add, subtract, multiply, and divide different
numbers in the sheet. And that's where
sheets get interesting because that's a lot of us
use sheets for, isn't it? So let's start
with the addition. In Google Sheets we could make, we can make an addition formula here by using some examples. So let's start here. I'm going to highlight
this one and just give this a name Total. Okay, We've got some
protected ranges here from the last video. Remember, now I want
to remove this. So I'm just going to say, okay, but let's see how we undo
protected ranges, okay? Because this sheet is
currently protected, we go to data, we go protect sheets and ranges. And we have this here again. We are familiar with this. I'm going to delete all of
these protected ranges again. So I can click on here and basically hit this button
so I can delete it. I'm going to click
Remove and okay. And this one, I'm
going to click delete, remove an okay now, okay, now I can do things like
an edit the sheets again. There's a little
tip for you how to remove protected ranges
after you've created them. Anyway, look, I'm going to
have this cell with the word total NSL below it with
some formulas in it. So I'm just going to maybe
give this bold text. I'm going to increase the
font maybe to 14 out. I'm going to give
it a color of red. Cool. See, we have some
color options here. Italic stripe, true. So what I'm going to
do is in this column, I'm also going to
increase the font of 14. I'm gonna make it bold. I can double-click
on this column and enter some data here I
can enter a formula. So if I start with
the equals button, immediately we are
followed by an underscore. What I can do here
is I can click on the cells that I want
to include in my formula. If I wanted to say
that this total, I want to find the
total of this one here, that this b3 all have to do is click on this
and it gets added. So it's this cell
is equal to B3. And then I could add
something else so I can put the addition symbol in. Maybe plus 18. Look, I clicked on
it and it added B12. And maybe I want to add B13. This cell is going to calculate
its gonna use a formula and calculate b3
plus b1 plus B13. If height, if I hit the
Enter key, it saved. So the total is 919
years old, $0.55. Now if I double-click on this, it'll show me the formula
again and it will actually highlight the cells that we
included in our formula, which is really cool, very interested in if
you're trying to find the issue for something. Now, if I wanted to find a formula and I didn't want to
double-click on this cell. It's always available up here. This is the formula
and functions bar. It will tell you what the calculation is
inside this cell. When you look up here, it's giving me the
value, but it's also given me the
calculation here. That in mind if I
change one of these, so be be 18 is here. If I change, this should increase
automatically, shouldn't. I'm going to add
another 100 to this, and this should
change to over 1000. If I add four hundred
and three hundred, it automatically
updates to 1000. Brilliant. So that means it's calculating as the values are changing. You don't have to go back
and rerun any calculation. It's already doing a very cool. Let's say we'll
create a new total. You can highlight these. Right-click and click Copy. And I'm just going
to paste them here. But I'm going to remove this. This calculation
changed a little bit. I'm going to remove this, right? And it's create a new one. I'm gonna say this
cell is equal to B3. I'm going to do minus be 18. This time. I'm going to hit Enter. Perfect. What it's doing now
is it's saying that we are taking the value of this one here and
minusing this one. And it's equal to this. Again, if I change that to 500, it would be 509 minus
500, which is nine. And look at this one
updated too because I changed an existing
value as well. There we go. Is that some addition
and subtraction. You can also do things like, let's go back to this first one. Let's look at the forming. Okay? You can do something where let's say we put a pair
of brackets around this. Okay? We add, I can also enter
the formula up here, plus, and I put ten, whatever this value is, it adds ten to it. That also works just fine. If I remove that ten, it's going to go down again
to the original value. Okay, cool. That's just the kind of
introduction to show you some additions and subtractions. And in the next video we'll look at multiplication
and division. So I'll see you in
the next video.
10. Formulas - Multiplying & Dividing: Hey there, welcome back. In this video we're just
going to look very briefly at something very similar
to the last video, but we're just gonna do
a bit of multiplication and division and such like that. We're going to
just see what else we can do with formulas. So looking back at
this formula here, we had b3 minus 18. We could do simple things
like just replacing the minus and click
multiply instead. If we did that, we have some
crazy number altogether. What we're doing is we're
multiplying B3 by B8. And we can also divide by doing the forward slash
button that divides b3, it divides by B19. Notice with the multiplication
and the division, it, the value doesn't
result in a currency because you don't
really multiply 10-year-old by 50 orals. You multiply ten-year rule
by 50 or that kind of thing like it reverts to removing the currency
as a safety net really. So if you want to add the
currency back on and you hover over this and simply come over here and click on the euro. When you click on this
currency symbol for you, it might be a dollar or, or anything but our
pounds sterling or you just click on the
currency and it changes it back. What it does is it, it rounds it back to the currency
to two decimal places. If I clicked on do,
as you can see, we have 1.018, but you
wouldn't have that in euros. What you can do is click
on the currency here. Now you can add
another decimal place by hovering over these format
sessions here on the menu. What I did was I increase
the decimal place so I can keep increasing
decimal places here. If I wanted to. I could remove decimal
places if I wanted to. And what it does is it rounds it up to the nearest number, 0.18, rounds up to 0.2. If I remove the decimal
place, it will go here. If I round it up again, it'll just simply
round down to 0. And I can do it where I don't
want any decimal places, but I always keep it at two, at least for €2
for any currency. That's very cool. So that's division and you
can do multiplication. So like for example, we had this first
formula where we have b3 plus B 18 plus B13. You could do
something very simple as put them in brackets, hit divide, and you could
divide this by ten. It would get the total
number and divide it by ten. And then you have your
currency there as well. Now it didn't accept the
currency because I had it in brackets and I
was dividing us. And that's ten generally
keeps the currency. That's another
handy way to do it. Now what you could do, right, is another clever way. Let's say if we had tax rates, if I had tax rate 10%, this could be completely
different for whatever country
or in this was 20, this tax rate was 25. Now just showing you look, all I did there was when
I wanted to copy one, you can right-click and
click Copy or on Mac, you have command C is the shortcuts to
keyboard shortcuts. On a Windows, I'm pretty
sure it's controlled. C is the shortcut to copy. The shortcut to paste is
Command V or Control V. So that's all I did there
was I just copied this on my keyboard and go to
another cell and paste that. But let's say that this
is a tax rate of 10%, and I'm just going to put ten. This is 20, this is 25. They were all related
to each other. You could do something
cool up here. Just go to this
borders area here. And I can include these in
a square board or I can put an outer border around everything I've
highlighted like this. Notice that I can do it here
also. I can do it here. I would advise just play
with these and make a sheet like this and just
play with these crazy, you can center this. Would I say if I
highlight all of these, there's a text align
option here so I can horizontal line
aligned to the left, the right or the center. I'm going to click the center. Like this. I'm going to give a background
color to each of these. So there's a fill
color option here. I'm just going to give a
gentle background color so I can still read the
text for each of these. Notice what I'm doing there. I'm just highlighting my area, clicking on the color and
just filling them in. Why I'm doing this is this
is something that a lot of people do where they might
click on their formula. They might, instead of
putting in ten every time, let's say tax rates
change all the time. You know, maybe it's 10% today, it might be 20% tomorrow I'm
going to increase the 12%. What I can do is I can say, right, b3 plus B12, B13 divided by the cell
I ate, which is ten. And if I hit Enter, we
get the same value. I don't have to come along. If I had hundreds of these cells working
off of a 10% rate, they're all dividing the
number to total number, whatever it is, this is all
hypothetical by the way. By the number I've said here. The handy thing about that is
if I needed to change this, I would only change it
in one place rather than going to every single
formula and changing it will find if the tax rate for some reason increased
to 11% next year. Watch this value change. See, what I'm after doing there is updating this value and all I have to do is
change it in this box here, not changed the label as well. Actually, I'll highlight
these labels with a bold. You see what I mean? This makes life much easier when you're
doing it this way. Now you probably would
never divide by a tax rate. You probably multiply it
or something like that. I can remove the division
symbol here or here. I'm just gonna do that here
in the formula section, I'm going to do the multiply. You put the star into
multiply it by the way, it's the star icon, not the x icon, the star icon. And if I hit Enter, I messed something up
a little bit here. What we would do is you
would go multiply by, Let's see if this works percent. There we go. See, now I put in 8%, which basically means 11%. Or I could remove the presented
to sign from the formula, put percentage in after my 11, and that
should do the same. There we go. That
makes more sense. Kevin, I'm obviously you don't have enough
coffee in me yet today. If I put percentages in here, it will multiply it by the percentage that
you've included. I don't have to put the
presented in a formula. You can change that. And let's say it
increases to 11.5%. That's going to increase
it there as well. This, I guess I just
wanted to include this as a little way that for you, this might be postal rates,
this could be anything, this could be anything
that you're using to help calculate other
things in the sheet. And you might find
that very useful. That's all we really
needed to look at in this video,
multiplying, dividing. And in the next
video we're gonna look at just nesting
some formulas, just do a couple
of more minutes. It won't be a big one
in the next video. And then we'll move
on to some functions. So I look forward
to seeing you then.
11. Nested Formulas: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're going to just briefly touch
on nested formulas. We did some nested
formulas already, I think. By nested formulas. What I guess I'm saying
is we're not just doing an addition and subtracting
between one or two values, we're going to add multiple
variables to a formula. So looking at this one here, we sort of already
did an acid formula. We added B-tree
plus B 18 plus b3. What we could do here
is we could say, Do you know what
that's multiplied by? We can add in other ones here. We could add, let's say this, this, this, this value, just any old value,
minus this value, minus this value. Close that bracket. So now we've got two
different additions and subtractions going on and the values are going to
be multiplied together. And we could do something
even crazier by, let's say, putting all of
this in inverted brackets. So all of this calculation
is going to happen. And then you could multiply
that by, I don't know, 20%. This is a bit crazy looking out, to be
quite honest with you, I don't know why this isn't even applicable to this situation, but maybe you need just to show you an example
of an acid formula. We've got these three values. They add together to make 1119. These three values day minus from each other and the
total comes to minus 110. When you multiply
those two together, we get something like, I don't even know if it shows me the highlighted, does it? Dollars wow. We get something minus
twelve thousand, one hundred and twenty
three thousand, my mistake. And then when we nest all of that together and
multiply it by 20%, which is our rate. We get minus 24 thousand. And if I hit Enter, That's
going to update here. I have to make myself a
little bit bigger to viewers. And if I wanted additional
decimal places, I could add more here
like we did before. If I wanted to remove some, I could bring it down and bring it back down
there as well. Okay. We're gonna be looking at a lot more formatting later, okay? There's gonna be a
lot more in regards to looking at formatting
for a whole sheet universally denoted
way we've been formatting decimal place points and all of that here
and there as we go, we're going to do some
universal settings later. That kind of makes
life a bit easier. Anyway, that was a quick
video just to show you how the nest formulas. You might find something
useful and applicable to you depending on what
you're looking for really, I guess I just wanted to
show you how to do it. If you ever need something
crazy like that. Well, yeah, have fun. The next few lessons
are going to be, our lectures are going to
be based on functions. So we can tell, we can tell sheets do amazing
things using functions. So we can say the sum of ABCD and the denote without writing these out
in different ways, we can do functions as well
which are very, very useful. So it's very useful for, let's say, larger,
larger sets of data. We'll jump into that. And I'll see you
in the next video.
12. Quick Functions: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're
going to quickly touch on some quick functions. I said I jump into,
into functions. We're going to kick it off with some very simple functions. Now, functions, what do
I mean by functions? These are the things that
Google Sheets gives us to do some amazing
things with data. Functions can have us denote, you can select a
large range of items, whether it's like
all of these and carry out an addition
of all of these. Rather than going, let's
say this cell is equal to this plus this, plus this. I could be here all
day doing this. There's functions
that allow us to do very big calculations with lots and lots of data
at the same time. That's gonna be very,
very useful. Believe me. Let's just remove that. Now. There are some quick
functions involved, which we'll jump into first that you'll probably
find very useful. And you can basically do some quick functions based on just highlighting some data. If I highlight every value
here on the column B, and I just highlight them
and let go of the mouse. Let's have a look
on the bottom right of our Google Sheets window. You'll see down here we
have some functions. And the top one is
the sum function. And what this has done
is it's taken the value, the numerator, numerator Erica, the number value of every cell that you've highlighted and it's
added them all together, and the total is 8,979. So that can be very useful. For example, if I wanted to
find the values of just July. So this is the first of
July and I wanted to just highlight any
value related to July. The 31st. There we go. I would know that July
the total was treat 1816. This is a very,
very useful little quick function list here. The average of the highlighted
functions is a 12311. The minimum value of all the
values I've highlighted. The most minimum value is 11055. Now, nearly all of
them are a 11055. But if I change this one to 15, and I highlighted
all of July again, the minimum would now be 15. What it's saying is, out of all the values
you've highlighted, the one that is the
least is 15-year-old. The maximum is 500. So all of these values, the highest one is 500,
which is this one here. The count basically means how many cells have
I highlighted? 31, I've highlighted
Turkey one cells. And completely now if 31 days in July, that worked
out pretty well, tart D1 cells and
the account numbers, how many numbers, how
many individual numbers are there in this? So this is like one number or
instances counted as this, 11055. That's a number. That's a number, that's
a number and account at the moment and it's
all sort of dirty. What you'll see here is
if I highlighted July, all the values and
all the names. So if I highlighted
Ds names and values, we looked at the Psalms, the sums will be the same. The numbers would
add up the same because they would ignore marry, they would ignore the name value because it's not a number. But what would change
is it would say I have a total of 62
cells highlighted. That's what it's
saying here. I have turkey one here and
Turkey one here. It's telling me how many values are in your highlighted cell
in this chart you want. Because it's editing
on there it is. There's 31 different
number values highlighted. For most of the sheets I'll use sometimes I make
personal budgets, I do my business expenses
on Google Sheets. I find a lot of the stuff I do is just fantastic using
these quick functions here. They're very useful. It's very handy just to find
a quick value when you add everything together and it'll give you some
interesting numbers. Now, we're gonna look at some other functions
in the next video, some very useful ones such
as F and average and round. And let's say if we
want to be specific. So I look forward to
seeing you in that video.
13. Functions - IF: Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're
going to look at a new function that we've
seen in this course anyway. But it's a function
called the IF function. So it's essentially
an if statement. So if this or this or that make this happen or
else make that happen. That's called an
ifStatement encoding. But it's very useful in sheets. You might find it very handy. So what I'll do is I'll just run a very simple example
just to show you how it works and then you can have lots of
fun with it yourself. So, for example, to make the
if happen in Google Sheets, we need to write a function,
a formula I should say. Let's double-click on the
cell and start. As usual. This cell is going to be equals. And then what we need to do
here is just write the word. If look at all these functions
that appear with the word, if we're just looking
at the first one, there's basically the
description it says here, it returns a value depending
on the logical expression. If we click on this, it's going to tell us
what we need to work out. Okay, so first R
value, then comma, then what's gonna happen if it's true and what's going to
happen if it's false. So first we need to write
our logical expression. Now, that sounds a bit big if you're not used
to this kind of stuff. But it's just basically
means we need to find a rule to work by. In the logical expression
I'm going to say, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do, I'm gonna say if be 18 and it's entered
it there is greater. So I did it the
greater icon with the arrow facing to be 18. If b is greater than B24. Now we know B19 is greater than B24 because 500 is
more than 15, right? If that is greater than that, put a comma in and
look at highlighting. Now it's telling us what to do. If it's true. I want this
cell to return a value of 0. If it's not true, I want to sell to return a value of the 18, the higher value. Let's just say that, okay? And then you add your
closing brackets. Just before I hit Enter. Just look at this one more time. I'm saying if b is
greater than B24, I want this cell to have the
value of 0, the number 0. So just appear in this up. If it's not true, I want to return whatever the
value of this earlier is. I want that to
come back instead. When I hit Enter, we
should get the value of 0. Should be, yes, I'm going to hit Enter and we get the value of 0. Fantastic. Now let's swap. This is 15 and this is 500. Let's make this less. So let's trigger the
alternative one. Okay? I'm going to make this five. According to this if statement, it should return the value
of this cell, which is five. So when I click enter, a dish should become five. So let's try it out. Five. Cool. It's after returning phi
for us, which is brilliant. Now notice how these
are completely going crazy because
these are changing, because we have B15 as
part of the formula. The euro is actually disappearing
because it's a minus. But this if statement
has worked correctly. If this is greater than that, return this otherwise
return that. That's just a very
simple example of how an if
statement will work. You can have lots of fun with if statements and
there's lots of great, great articles in the
Google Help Center that can show you how to use these and even
more craziness. But we're going to
move on and I'm going to go to the next video. We're gonna look at the SUM IF function and use
it in a formula. So I look forward
to seeing you then.
14. Functions - SUM: Hey there and welcome back. In this video, we're going
to look at the sum function. We're gonna look at the sum if maybe as well, we'll get there. But we're going to look at
the sum function for now. This is something I kind of pre-prepared and
I'm going to just remove this to redo
it again for you. So what I wanted
to do essentially is denote it's easy
for me to come along here and highlight all of July and then have
a look down here. But that means that the
manually do it every time. We can write that sum
function into our sheet. I created July and August here, and I want the total
values to be here. Next to July, I want to add all of the
GI values together. What I can do is
double-click on it, hit R equals, and then
I write down some. I hit enter and it
tells us to add values. Now, you can add a value
and do you know you can add this and then hold your control or command
key and do this, and do this, and do
this and do this. And you can add lots of
different values together, and it'll do that for you too. But what I want to do is
I want to add a range. What I can do with hold on
the 1st of July is value and drag it down to the 31st
of July and hit Enter. Basically it's going to
add up all of July for me. Now if I change one
of July is values, it should also change
this value here. Exactly. It's automatically adding
up the July for me. And that's very useful
if we ever need to just look at a
total for the month. You can do that as
well based on August. So you can say, Okay, August, I need the sum of
all of August value. Okay, so let's look
at August here. Highlight all down
August, and hit enter. That's July and August. And then you can do a
total, total of total. I know this is very
messy right now, but this is just to show
you how these work. So maybe we can make
it a bit tidyr later. In this I could do
this is equal to the sum of this plus this. That's a July and August
edit here using the sum. You could do. We could do that too. But the SOM is useful if you were doing a lot of
different ranges, a lot at the same time,
it just says basically whatever you put in here. If I put different cell names in here with a comma and a comma
and a comma and a comma, it's just going to add
them all together. So when you sum them together, that's very, very useful.
15. Functions - AVERAGE: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're
going to look at the average function. So
this would be a quick one. So what we can do
here is we again, similar to what we did below, you can select a few values
here and find the average. Here. Avg is a 145. But what if we wanted to
write a function for that? For example, we can find the average of
these two numbers. So to do that, we can go click on the cell. I can click the equals. And then what we
do is we type a, V, E are AGE, or you can just type AB. And then basically it will come up with the
average function. So when we select on this,
it'll basically right, give us some range or give me a set of numbers to
find the average of. So I can click on these to close the bracket and hit Enter. The average of these
two numbers is this. That's pretty much how you
can use the functions. The function thing to
function, average function. Kevin. What you can also do
that as well is I mean, you could always just
multiply that by. You can do nested functions. Here are nested formulas. And you can multiply that
by two or multiply that by the 20% tax rate and then
you get something else. You know, I mean, I guess I'm just touching on each
of these individually. But to remember, these functions can
all be added together. You can do an if some average putting together in your
own formula if needed. But just kind of showing you, I guess, how to use
some very briefly. The next video I'm gonna
look at the round function. I'll see you then.
16. Functions - ROUND & All Functions List: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're going to
look at the round function. So it's a very simple function, just like the other
ones we've looked at. Essentially, you get a number and you add this function to
round it up around the down, and be glad of whatever numbers you are looking for really
and round them up. If this cell right here, we hit the equals key. And if I type in round, it's going to round
a number for me. There's also Roundup
and round down, but it's going to round the
number to a certain value. What you could write
down here is you could write down what? 100.55. Then if you put a comma and
put rounded to a place, they should come back 100.6 c. If I put in 100.555, it should still come
back to round it back to one decimal place. So it would round it back 200.6. It'll round it up to
the nearest number. While if it was 15, sorry, on a 100.54, it will
round as 100.5. Yeah, Exactly. Now, I put in
one decimal place if this was some crazy long digits and I wanted to round it
to three decimal places. It would round to
three decimal places. So it'll turn 1.5423. It'll stay at 1, sorry, 0.542. If that was the
seven, it would be 543, just like it is there. Now, if we wanted to round up
euros to the nearest euro, what we could do is we could say right round the sum of
everything in July. We're doing a function
and a function now. Firstly, I want the
sum of everything in July be rounded to
no decimal places. It's still going to give
us a sense of value. But I want no sense to be there. I just wanted to
the nearest Ural. If I hit Enter, it's going to round it up to
true towels and 855. Now, we already know the value for July is treated
as an 854.85. But if you round that off
to the nearest number, notice the nearest the oral, it turns into 855, which is exactly
what we got here. This is a good example as
well of having a function inside of another function around function
rounding up the sum. You can do these
several things at the same time, which
is very useful. Anyway, cool. That is really what we're going to look at it
and functions for now. In the next video, we're going to look at referencing data
from other sheets. And we're going to move
on a bit from functions. I suppose it just to show you where you can
get more information. Just lots of functions
when you go into Insert. And I think it's under
data, is it here? And insert our function, sorry. So when you go Insert Function, look at the most useful
ones here we covered sum, average, count, Min and max. There other ones we can use. But then there is so many
functions here, It's crazy. Look at all of these functions. Like it would be insane to
even touch on a lot of these. Like you might never
need most cities. But if you do need to look at some of
these and what they do, there's a fantastic help
center article when you click, Learn more at the bottom, let me just do that
one more time for you. Insert function at the
bottom it says Learn more. And that will give you a full article explaining
every function, what it does, what data
you need to put into it, and what's the usage first? And it's a huge article if
you scroll all the way down. This is a very, very
useful article. Okay? So that's how to
find that article. If you want to look into more functions and want to
have a good time with that. But this course is more
focused on just beginner, user-friendly, keep
it nice and simple. You can dive more into that. There might be able to
courses that are really advanced and might
help you with this. But generally you're going
to use the sum that if the average minus plus addition, multiplication, those are the two formulas
really you'll use. Anyway. Cool. I'll see you in the next video
and I'll talk to you soon.
17. Referencing Data From Other Sheets: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're
going to quickly look at referencing data
from other sheets. This is gonna be a
really cool one. If you had a huge sheet like this with lots
of information on us. And let us say you had another sheet like this
one over here test to, or let's look at
cheat sheet three. Just stick to the
first two here. Let's say there was a value and there's some
random numbers here. Let's say there was a
value on this sheet that I needed to use for
calculation on this sheet. There's a way we can reference
values and other sheets. So I guess what I'm
gonna do here is look, I'm going to copy these tax
rates I created earlier. I'm going to
right-click and cut. I'm cutting these and I'm
going to go to my sheet three. I'm just going to paste them right here, right-click paste. My tax rates are listed on sheet three and I need them for
a calculation on test1. So let's say I'm going to
create a new tax for July. And it's going to be
I'm going to make a little box grid here,
like we said earlier. And this is going
to be my value. What I can do here is I can say, right, this cell
is going to equal. July is total multiplied. And we need that 10%, don't we? So first of all, what we need to do is
look at sheath tree. We can actually, by clicking on sheet three or formulas
still available. So I can click on a cell here and it'll complete the
formula in the other sheet. If I click on this cell, it automatically fills
in sheet tree ten. If I hit Enter, it's completed. The formula on my first sheet. What it's doing here
is essentially, it's essentially saying G9, which is this multiplied
by the value d ten, okay? Which exists on sheet three. Sheet Three is the name here. If I changed this to blur, that would update
my formula as well. Look, my formula got
automatically updated. It knows to update the formulas. So if you do ever
change your sheet, It's very handy like this. That way. I could remove a lot of these awkward boxes and
just have one sheet for all of my tax rates and different percentages
for everything that I do in my business. The way to get to another
sheet or to import the value is you write down the sheet
name which would be blur, followed by an exclamation
mark and a cell. The cell D11 watch, it's telling me it's 20%. Should be the 20% and F should
be to twenty-five percent. As stages here, 102025. I can import values
from another sheet, this sheet for calculations. So you might find that useful. Instead of having everything clustered in one sheet and then you're changing the sizes of cells and all that
kind of stuff. Just to keep all your
calculations on one sheet and your values you're
referencing on another sheet. If I came in here and I
updated that to 12.5%, it's rounding Opus 13. I want to add another
decimal place. So I did my decimal
place like I did before. You can round it up. You can add your decimal places. This is now 12.5. If I go back to test one, it's after updating this. Let me remove that one there. It's updated our tax because this flat rotation
is now 12% or 12.5%. And this is multiplying
in a different value. Very useful at a very
cool thing to do, you can get kind of crazy by adding loads of values
from different places. Cool. In the next
video we're going to look a bit more at formatting. Now, we're going to jump into this formatting drop-down here and just have a lot
of fun with this. So I'll see you in that video.
18. Formatting Currencies, Time, Date & Text: Hey there and welcome back. In this video,
we're just going to look at the formatting option here under this menu
option format and number. So we're just going to have
a quick look at these. Now this is kind of an
awkward way to go here, format number and these options, you can quickly access these options by just
hovering over this 123. And it gives you the
same options here. Some of these things here we
can see we have automatic, they had format or numbers automatically according
to what they are. I select this cell
here with this number. We can format this as a number which it is located
puts a comma in for us. We can format it as a
euro for accounting. So it's after putting
this accounting format in with these brackets, we can also just
change it to play in currency where we don't
have those brackets in, and that's still has the minus, but we're applying
the euro to it. Lots of different ones here. Then we have the option. I wonder if we could tell him. It's probably going to
break. I don't know. It didn't break. I thought that was really
going to cause huge issues. It's sort of tried
making a time out of the the number we have. I don't know how
it manages 1862. I don't think we need to
worry about that time. But for example, I guess if
I had the tent of the 12th, 2022, if I had this and I wanted to
format that as a date, I am able to use
the calendar now. I know we were able
to do that anyway, but it's definitely
going to work as a calendar desk time
when we do it this way, we can also do date and time. So notice how it's added a
time afterwards and we can update that to whatever
we want as the time. You can say I didn't
only like 12, certain period,
that kind of thing. There's also different
formations here. You can add in the duration, the time, the date and time. You can see it just
adds to removing the date for me and
kept the time I wanted and the currency
and number and percentage, like we've, we've looked at
this already a little bit. You can also do custom currency. So let's say for
this specific cell, I didn't want to use your oral. I wanted to use, let's say the Chilean peso. I can basically
apply and it'll be a dollar symbol there
as the Chilean peso. Now I'm gonna click on do. Now it's after a completely
converted in something there. So we wouldn't really
convert a time into a currency that
wouldn't make sense. I mean, if we go back for
example and look at this, we'd want this not to follow the format of a date anymore. We can go to Format and click
on the Clear Formatting. And it'll basically
remove the formatting. It'll keep that number there. But when we remove it, it'll just work as
something else. They won't try and fit it
into a time and a date. Do you know what I mean? That's some of the
currencies and dates and basically very simple formatting
going on there. As you see, we didn't
really have to specifically do any of those. We just did them
as we went along. There's also cool things like we are looking
at the text now. So as always, like I mean, this is a cell. I think we've done a
bit of texts already. Where when we go Format text, we can make something bold italic underline
and strike through. We actually have that here
already, bold italic. We don't have the underline, but you can make it
underlined as well. And strike through here. You can strike a line to that. And again, you can
go back and clear to formatting and remove
that underline first. If we go formatting
alignment again, we had our alignment left, center, right like before. If we go Center,
it will be center. And if this cell was quite deep, now it's aligning to the bottom. But we can go format
alignment top. You can go format
alignment middle. It's going to stay in
the center of the cell. So that's also a handy. Again, these options are here. They're shortcuts
are right here. So this is the
horizontal alignment and this is the vertical
alignment here. You can change that
to go back to Format. We look at wrapping, we've
done wrapping earlier. Remember we did this
with this cell here. You have the options
here as shortcuts, but you also can do it within the formatting window
and also rotation. I don't think you would
ever need to use rotation, but we can rotate these cells. So this is a cell we can go Format rotation and
we can do tilt up. As I was doing the
tilt up, think. What do I don't let
me extend this, make that bigger in case
you ever needed to do this, maybe make it stick out. I'm not sure why you would
maybe some places do you use that font size? Of course, we've looked
at this already. You can do it here as well. So you will notice
as you do this, there's a lot of options in
several different places. And there's also some things here on conditional formatting, which we'll actually look
at in the next video. This is where it gets really fun when the court and
conditional formatting. So just, I guess that
was a quick video. Just look at these kind
of formatting here, how you can show things and
how you can make them appear. In the next video, Let's
do conditional formatting. It's gonna be really, really
interesting is going to make your Google Sheets huge, and it's going to
make them so useful. So I look forward
to seeing you then.
19. Conditional Formatting: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're going to look at conditional formatting, and this is a really
cool part of sheets. You might have seen this
in Microsoft Excel also, but let's cover it here today. So let's just use
this as an example. We have this total here that was created based on a lot
of different values. But I want this cell to turn red depending on the
value that's in it. You know, when certain rules, or I want it to be green
when it's a positive value, but red when it's
a negative value, currently it's negative,
it's negative 13 thousand. So let's apply
conditional formatting. Now there's a couple
of ways to do this. You can click on your cell, you can go to Format and then click on
conditional formatting. Or you can right-click the cell, go to More Actions and then click on conditional
formatting here. It's after applying
some rules to us here. Let's have a look at this rule. It's telling us what
range or what cells are, what, what do we want
to apply this rule to? I want to apply it to this cell. I want to make this
a green if it's a positive value and red
if it's a negative value, what it's telling me, it's okay. We're going to apply
the rule to this cell. We're going to apply
some format rules. If the format is and
look at these rules, we can do lots of
different things depending on what the value or what we wanted to do
or water is equal to. So for example, if
this cell was empty, we can make a goal green. It's not empty, so it's
not going to go green. If it's not empty,
it'll go green. So if cell is not empty, make a green like this color
here to default green, we can make it bold as
well, which had already is. We can make our italics on their score or put
a line through it. Let's even make this
even more green. Sticks out. If this cell
contains texts of t, make it green, It's
not going to go green. If this cell is left, the text in the
cell starts with a contains exactly if the
date is before, after. You can see that
this is very useful. This is what I'm looking for. If this cell is greater than, you can put in your value 0, I want it to be green. Done. Now, it's obviously not
greater than 0 because it's not shown as green and it's minus ion can add
another rule here. I can say right, apply
it to this range. If this cell is less than 0. I want to make it a raid done. Okay, cool. That's very handy and
I can apply that here. If we made this calculation add up to positive number,
it should go green. Fantastic. It's when it's a
positive number, it's green when it's a
negative number, It's a rate. That's very, very useful. That's some cool conditional
formatting there. As you can see, there was lots of different rules you
could apply to things here. I mean, you could say this days here, right-click
conditional formatting. According to this cell, which is the first
of July. This cell. If this date is
today, make it green. If this date is yesterday, make a green if this stages tomorrow,
we'll make it green. If this state is in the past, whatever, make it a color. If this date is exactly
the 1st of July, 2020 to make a green, and now it's become green sea. That's kinda cool too. You can do it with
dates, numbers, text, let's say this icon. When I clicked on, Let's
look at this cell here. Dog, I'm going to put the cat, dog and capital letters here. And I'm going to apply
conditional formatting to this cell. If this cell is not empty,
it's going to be green. Obviously, actually didn't want. If this cell is not empty, then we make the text bold. But we don't do any
background color. I'm not sure if there's none. We don't change the
background color, we just make the text
bold if it's not empty. Now we can apply to rules. So this, Let's add another
rule that if the cell, if the text is, the text starts with a d, Then we make it orange. Maybe I have to do DOJ. That's not applying
is that I have a feeling that we can't apply
to different color rules, perhaps that could
be causing it. Let's say if the
text is exactly dog, if the texts contains a D, or maybe I have to
put it in a string. Maybe not. That's
an interesting one. What is happening there? Let me remove that other rule. And let's make this
rule different. I feel like two rules
might be conflicting here. If we hold this
one and if we say this text contains an
O, make it orange. If it contains a t,
It does nothing. Okay, there we go. We couldn't have two rules applying colors. That's what was happening there. We had two rules in each
of them had color rules. One of them said, if it contained text, make no color and
the other side, if it starts with
D, make a color. But the texts say no color
took precedence there. So just be careful
about that. Okay. If this texts contains a d,
it's going to go orange. If it contains a P, which it doesn't, it's not
gonna be covered for little. You can do things with text,
dates, numbers, values, calculations, conditional
formatting is very, very cool. Totally have loads
of fun with it. Play around with us and you'll be surprised
you have a great time. What does it really will completely change how
your Google Sheets work? That's just a basic
introduction for now. I'll see you in the next video. We'll be looking
at some basically coming and putting some drawings and images into our sheets. So I'll see you then.
20. Inserting Image, Cells, Links, Checkboxes & More: Hey there and welcome back. I just took a little break, made myself a cup of tea. Hope you get a chance
to make a cup of tea. We're almost near
the end of this now. We've been doing quite well. We're just going to
come off the functions for a little while
and come away from the formatting and all that
kind of stuff for a minute. Just a very quick video to
show you how to import images. You might need an image
in your sheets sometimes. I suppose an example of this, Let's say if I open the
new tab and I just went, if I needed a post rates in the post office
is called unphased. So if I wanted to look at
their rates, Here we go. Here we have a table of rates that might be
very useful for me. I'm going to right-click this. I'm going to copy the image. I'm going to go to my sheet. I can click on a cell,
right-click and paste. I just put my image
in the Google Sheet. Now look, it's kind of
hovering over things. It's actually not sticking
to a sheet exactly, which is very useful. I can put this anywhere. I can put that up
to the top right, and I can always use
that as a reference. So it's very cool. I can make it huge, can make it small. Genome. I can copy, I can. I just find this very useful? I mean, if you needed to make it a little small one there, keep that next you
frown, they're cool. I can do my calculations and go. Okay, what's the what's the one? Kg 071. Another step up again
would be like to recreate this table in sheets and then use that in
your calculations. But that's just a good
way to insert an image. For example, you can copy
an image off the web, right-click copy and paste it. It definitely works with Chrome. If you're using
Safari or Firefox, give it a go, see if that
works. Not sure if it does. But if I downloaded this image, if I download save
image as and I add it to my downloads, right? And there is a way for me
to sorry, no, my lighting. There is a way for us to insert an image
through this bar here. So what we can do is we
can click on a cell again, go to Insert, and then
you can click on image. You can claim, you can put this image in the cell
or over the cell. So what happened here was
this image is over to cell. We can put an image in the cell. I can click Upload, click on the image. I clicked on, upload
it there. And look. It's absolutely tiny because it's squeezing the
image into that cell. I might have to stretch the
cells I was to make it huge. So that doesn't really
make much sense. So it might be a better idea to upload it as
this over to sell. If I click Insert Image
and over the cell, that would probably make a lot more sense
to do it that way. So handy little thing about
images, as you can see here, there's other ways we
can insert things to just have a quick look
actually at this list here. We talked about inserting
cell rows and columns before, but you can insert a new cell. I can insert a cell by
saying Insert Cell. And I could say right inserted and shift the current
cell to the right, or insert this and shift
occur in cells down. If I did this, all the
other cells would go down and it will just
pop a cell in here. There is also on, you can do with rows, insert a new row above and
below to one I've selected, insert a new column to the left or right of what I've
currently selected. Insert a new sheet like
we did on the bottom. We will look at charts and
pivot tables quite shortly. We looked at the
image, the drawing. We talked about
functions already. You can insert a link,
which is very cool. So you can insert, I don't know, like the
Thought quarter. Yeah, So look right
here,, you can actually insert a URL, which is very cool.
That can be handy. You can insert, you
can edit the link. Then when you insert it,
you can insert a checkbox, which you might
find very useful. For example, if I needed
some checkboxes here, I can insert a checkbox and I can just take
these and I'm done. It's kind of useful,
isn't it? You might find that useful for
whatever you need it for. And you can insert a people chipped, never really need that. I commented a note,
we'll talk about them later in another video
with the collaboration. All in all, a lot of
different options to insert. In the field. We've talked about formatting and we'll cover all of these anyway just before he and the discourse to make sure
we haven't missed anything. So cool. In the next video, we're going to look
at pivot tables and a couple of charts. So I look forward
to seeing you then.
21. Pivot Tables & Pie Charts: Hey there and welcome back. So on this video, I'm going to just lightly touch on pivot
tables and charts. Pivot tables can get crazy. And I kind of, I guess the goal of
this course is to keep it light for beginners. Get you into it. Not gonna go too deep
on pivot tables, but I'm just gonna show
you how to make one in case you need
to ever make one. So let's jump right in. So we can make a pivot table on Google Sheets basically to
help us summarize data, finds, patterns, and
reorganize information. So we might have all sorts
of information here, but maybe we want to
create a pivot table for some specific
organizing of data. Basically, how many times
does a certain thing appear? What's the average for a certain person in their name and all
this kind of stuff. So for example, if
I took the first, let's say ten days of
July and I needed to make some specific
data sheets on that. I can highlight the
first ten days of July, highlight the value
and the name and the email address
related to those states. Now if I go to Insert and
I go to a pivot table, basically we can
create a new sheet. And it basically creates a pivot table on the
data from Test1, which is the sheet and
the range we've created. If I click Create,
now we have a table, a pivot table, and we get to
decide what's going on here, you know, and what
we can put in. There are some very useful
suggests, suggestions here. You might find useful. For example, there's a
suggestion here that says the average
value for each name. So if I click on this, it'll create a pivot table
on the information I had. So it will say right here is the average value for the names
I entered into the sheet. Going from A1 to E 76. It's after taking all of the values that
work out in this one. Okay, So Tom, in general, the average value was
509, Mary's is 100. And thing we had to marry
what a TTT on it as well. And we have some average value here and the average in total, the grind total average
is 120 of the averages. There are some mad ones here. You can kind of change these two ascending and descending. You can add different
columns, two dates, even though that goes there now is it's given us
the different dates that have been
selected and all of the average values per date. It can get a bit crazy. But let me just remove the date. Let's look at the let's look
at making a chart odorless. So you can make a
chart out of this by saying, insert chart. Based on this here. Look at this. This is very cool. What it's doing is
it's after taking the values from this pivot
table and created a chart. So all I did was insert chart
and we got this created. So we actually have to
grind total included. We need to remove that
value from the calculation. There's no point having
the grand total in there. So what we can do is we
can remove the range. It's currently range A1 to B7. But let's just remove the seven and it's
just go to six B6. Okay, cool. That's just after
removing this row here, we have the average. So Tom, for example, has the average spent
of 59% of everything. Then Billy one-point tree, Kevin, 12, Mary and Mary. So as you can see, Tom spent the average
of the highest. And using this charge, there's different
things we can do. We can double-click on
the chart and we'll come up with the Chart
Editor on the right. We have options for to
style the background color. We can go a bit crazy here. The chart board or can be color. We can make a treaty
which is very nice. Maximize, which just basically removes all of the
legends for us. If we kinda close that, there's also options
for the pie chart. We can put a doughnut
hole in the middle. If you find that useful. It looks kind of cool. The slice can either be, we could put a label
on each of the slices. We can put the value of that percent. So that
might be useful. It's great Knowing the percentage
of the value per name, but maybe the value
is worked at two. We can do the pie slice. You can actually change the
color for each of the names. So what I just did there now
was I took Mary for example, or Mary TTT and she's green, but I took her as a
distance from the center. So if we wanted to look at
Mary very specifically, you can actually differentiate
that from the rest. Now, I'm just going
to go back to 0. And let's say Tom was
the biggest spender, so we'll click on him. He's color is fine and we
take him out of the trunk. We just go look at how much
space heat has on our chart. We have some different
options here again, the title, the header
we can remove. This is a pie chart. It's actually just updating
our thing, which is great. And that's really kind of how we go about editing
this pie chart. Now, we can edited
using the right though the right-click as well do
some edits and changes here. It's very useful. This is something you might
need to export. Maybe you would like
to bring it somewhere else into your, into
your spreadsheets. It's just a handy way of creating a pie chart
from this now, we should have looked at, you can kind of create a pie
chart automatically anyway. So let's just move these. Let's move them here. So we can technically make a pie chart of just highlighting
something like this. You can highlight those. Go Insert Chart and looked at Creighton a pie
chart, July, August. And again, I can do all
the customizations here. I can make a treaty. I can put a doughnut
hole in the middle. I think don't hold
a kind of cool. We can put a label
on each of them. And we could say, you could basically give
this a title and you could say sales so far. I mean, that's
another way to do it. And you could add
that to your sheet, just leave that there. And basically we created that
by just highlighting these and it splits the values
into what we're looking for. Now if I click on this again
and I go back to the slice, I want the label
to be the value. We can put the URL honest, which is great. That's cool. Basically, nice
little introduction there to pie charts
and pivot tables. You might find the
chart is very useful. I really like making
the charts because it visualizes the data for you. Just an introduction again
to see how they work. And I hope you
found that useful. And in the next video we're just going to look at some filters. So I'll see you then.
22. Google Sheet Filters: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're
going to look at Google Sheet filters. This is a very useful tool. So essentially, it's a way we can filter all of this
data to find what we need. It applies filter is the
different roles in columns. And let's just jump right in. Okay, so up here we have
the filter option here. Okay, So what we can do is
again like before click on, let's say a range. So let's click on B, C, and D. What we can do from
there is click on the filter, create a filter. Now, what it's after doing
is we're in filter mode. These three columns are kind of highlighted green and it's all of the roles that
are affected by it. And you'll also see these
little filter icons or after appearing next to each
of these column names. This is a very handy way. For example, in the name
column we have Kevin Thom, Betty Mary, Mary TTT, genome, but not marries. But let's say I ten thousands of information here and
hundreds of names. I, for example, just want to
find what roles Billy is on. So I can say I only want to see whatever information
is related to Billy here. So I can click on this
filter next to the name. There's different options.
I can sort these a to Z. I can do the opposite. Now, if I was searching
for Billy was Justin. Look at this here, I
can filter by values. So this basically says all of the values that exist
in this column. These are all the names. There's some blanks in there. There's belly Mary. So I can basically unselect
them or like this. Or if there was lots of names, you can click clear here.
I was looking for Billy. So I'm gonna click belly. And I'm going to click Okay. What it's after
doing is it's after removing every
Actually this chart is having a hard time no, because I'm after
removing the blanks, let's go back and
put the blanks in. I'll put that down
here for a moment. It's after removing every row or everything that didn't have
Billy associated with us. So belly appears
here and it's after showing the other information
on this row also. Now I could come in and go, I want to add Kevin. Now it's showing me row 7576 and it's hiding
everything else. It's showing the blanks
because I clicked blanks on the filler as all
the know on the filter. If I wanted Mary
TTT to be included, it's now going to
line them all up with married DDT and
then information. But Mary, Kevin and Billy, like if you had hundreds
of clients here, each of them paying different
money on different dates. And someone said, Hey, can
you check if that name is on that sheet for paying their
bill at whatever year. This is a very handy way you
can come in and you can say, right, I'm going
to filter out for the client's name and
see if they appear here. I'm going to add marry. A lot of values are
going to show up now because main reason
almost every row. You might find that very useful. What we can do then
essentially is just click cancel and we can
come up here to this filter and just
click Remove Filter. Now for example, we
can do that too. The date, we can create a filter by highlighting the date column. Here, we have the option of look at all these
different dates. We can clear. Then you can use something
like filter by condition. We can say rice. We are looking if the date is in the past year now in all of these are
in the future, aren't. So let's look for
the exact state. I'm looking for a the row that
matches the 20th of July, which is right here, by the way, we can
see married to that. But let's say we can see that the 20th of the seventh, 2022. I'm going to click Okay. It is having an issue
showing that to me. So something's not working
exactly like it should. The 20th of the 720. Did I type that correctly? I'm pretty sure I did. It's this one right
here, isn't it? Maybe the condition is
based on a different role. That seems to be crazy
to filter by condition. Let's say if let's just
remove this one for now, select all and showed
them all again. Maybe it's a better option
when using with dates. I learned these
things as we go to sometimes when you're looking
for today's just run down, should have dates here
and grab your days. You can scroll down, up
and down quite quickly. And you can see
right, whichever one it matches this and there it is. If you had several clients
pay on the 11th of July, you could filter them
all that way too. It would show up all the
rules that have that date. Filters are really,
really useful. That's just a quick kind of
show on how filters work. You can come here, you can save filters, create new filters. If you wanted to learn a
lot more about filters, click on this little
arrow, click, Learn more. And it's gonna tell
you a little bit about what you can
do in filters. It's gonna be a little
help center article appear here and how you
can sort your data even more detailed if you wanted to go a bit even crazier. But that is just a quick, quick guide to filter is it's a very handy thing
if you're looking for a specific piece of information in a huge huge
file, in a huge sheet. Do you know what I mean? So cool. I hope you found that useful and I'll see
you in the next video.
23. Sorting A - Z on Google Sheets : Hey there, welcome back. This is going to be
a very short video. Just to add on to
the previous one, we're just going to
look at sorting. So this is a very
useful tool to, for example, let's look
at the date column here. We have recent dates from May to July to
August or September. Okay. Now, if we went to the a icon up here
and right-click this, we have some options, but down here we
have the option to sort the sheet a to Z. For example. We could sort this a to Z based on the date which
it already is the case. If we right-click this
and do Z to a or z to a, it's going to do to reverse. It's going to sort
this sheet based on, it's going to sort
all of the rows based on the a to
Z of this column. This might be useful if you
wanted to flip everything upside down or you want
to work in a certain way. So let's go back a
to Z there again. Now, this might be
useful if you want to sort the sheet based on the alphabetical
order of the name. So for example,
let's say on row 50, I'm going to call
this person Albert. Now if I sort this column, if I sort the sheet according to the information
on this column by eta z Alberta should appear
at number one, shouldn't he? He absolutely does. So Albert is the first row. Then the second rule
is B for Billy. B, C, D, E, F, G, H I, J, K For Kevin, LM for Mary. And then its merry old way down. If we put if someone
was called zebra, they would be at
the end as well. Now if I dead did Z to a here, zebra golden number
one, exactly. Notice no information
on the role of him. But it's just another way
to sort disinformation. Now, I'm going to come back here and sort statistics sheet from date because that's how I would like to sort
a sheet like this. But it's just good to
know that you can sort your roles according to the information in
specific columns and you might find that helpful. Very cool. I'll see you in the next video
where we'll just have a quick run
over in the menu bar and the options we have up here, just to wrap up the course. And I look forward
to seeing you then.
24. Menu & Tool Bar Walkthrough: Hey there, welcome back. In this video, we're going
to just quickly look at the options up here and the options in the
menu bar as well, just to make sure we've covered everything
and there's nothing hidden along the top and
the menu as you can see, we have file here. You can create a new sheet, open an existing
sheet, make a copy. Some things there
now we'll look at soon like share with others. You can also email
this file to others. We're also going to look
at downloading this later. So for example, if you wanted to download the sheet as a PDF, you can click Download
PDF and it will show you a preview in
this window here. And then you can
decide to export this as a PDF if you needed to
share it with somebody. That's very useful. File again, we can rename, move this move to trash. A lot of these we've
already looked like if you wanted
to print it as well. There are kind of
straightforward enough. Again, in the Edit
window we have undo, redo, copy and paste. Nothing really crazy in
here that we haven't seen. Also here we have, we can show specific things
here now on the menu bar, like we have the formula,
borrowed grid lines, formulas. You can show formulas
if you wanted to, but we don't want to
look at them because that makes everything
a little ugly. So let's hide the
formulas and just have the number of showing freeze. We've looked at freezing
the row and the column, and we've also grouped
icons as well. We've looked at inserting
all the things here, which are very, very useful. Okay? We have looked at some
formatting options also. With conditional formatting
rotation wrapping. We've looked at
sorting the sheet so you can sort the
sheet here also, we've created filters
and we have looked at protected ranges and ranges on the sheet and other sheets. One thing we will look at in the next video is
data validation. And that is an amazing, Very cool thing that we can
do in Google Sheets as well. It's gonna be a lot
of fun tools here. We've got some spelling tools, stuff that really you
won't see too much and the Help icon
and the extensions, that's really, there's not too much here do we haven't
looked at already. Now, this toolbar here
is very useful as well. You can hide it over here on the right by clicking on this. Or you can hide
this menu borrowing just showed a toolbar. This is very handy if you
needed to show a lot more. This is undo, redo. This here is the print icon
followed by the paint format. If you wanted to zoom
into your sheet, you could or zoom-out. For example, we've looked at the formatting is a currency depending on what
you're clicking on. Do you know format a
number as a percent? We've formatted with
decimal places. We've looked at these as well. We've also changed, you can
change the font, for example, let's say on this,
we could change it to this font if you wanted to. We've done font sizes. We've done bold,
italics, strike true. We can change the color
of texts as before, we can change the
background as well. These, this is very cool. This is the borders. What if I wanted to board or everything in here to
make it look separate? I can click on this. I could do like a
full board or would all everything
bordered in and out? Let me click on du and I can
do a outer border instead. That's kind of cool. Here we have her
horizontal alignment, vertical alignment,
and text wrap, like we've already looked at. We could also do some tilting, like we said we could before, but I think that's
kind of crazy. I'm not sure why did
you want to do that? But it's cool. You can insert links. So we can insert a link here. You can also insert, let's
say if you had a document, so if you had a PDF or a Google Sheet or document
on your Google Drive, you could link it here
also, which is very cool. You can insert a comment. So this comes to the collaboration, which
we'll look at soon. You can insert a chart, which is just going to pull every bit of detail
at the moment. I'm just going to hit X. I'm going to highlight
this and get rid of that. We've looked at charts,
we looked at filters, and here's all the functions
we can work with as well. So a lot of stuff is
duplicated, as you can see. For example, when we
right-click things, we have a lot of the options we've already looked
at there too. Like we can insert rows
above and below and cells. We can delete these
columns and rows. We can insert links and
comments and notes like before. We can also do
conditional formatting. We're gonna do some data
validation there known a moment. And all of this stuff to protecting range
and defining them. As you can see, things start to
repeat themselves. Now, it's all about
just learning how to do each of those and really
intense for the way. And the best thing
to do with that is just open a sheet
and play with us. Maybe if you want to
just make a budget, I find that's great. Just like I want to make a monthly budget, I'm
going to have fun. That's a good way to learn
as well on Google Sheets. So cool, That's a
big walk-through. I'm just going to
quickly look at data validation
in the next video and I look forward
to seeing you then.
25. Data Validation: Hey there and welcome back. In this video we're
going to look at data validation in cells.
This is very cool. For example, let's just pick one of these email
addresses here. If right-click on it, go down to cell actions and click
on Data Validation. Now we have some options here. First of all, the cell range, I'm just going to
affect cell D8. What we can do here is
we can set a criteria. For example, we could
say list from arrange, list of items or
numbers or texts. Let me have a look. I'll tell you what we'll do list of items. For example, I could
put in at with a comma be at
and see at, what it will do is it would show these items in a drop-down list. That way basically, we can
pick from these options. So let me click Save, and let's just make
this a bit bigger. Look at this. Now this is saying
invalid because this email address didn't exist in the list
I just created. There's a little drop-down
menu and I can select one. How cool is that right? So if we wanted to drag this down like before to
affect all the cells, that means I don't
have to manually input every time
I can just click, click on a option and it
will fill in the one I need. And this can be so useful. Let's say if you have the same, let's say each of these
entries have maybe five or six potential
things that affect them and they're
always gonna be the same. You could right-click
on one of these, create a data validation
and do this also. For example, if I did
that on the name field, the top one went data
validation list from items. And I put in tom,
Mary, Kevin, Jon. I click Save. Now I have the options here to kick on one of the names
that's affected this area. That's really cool.
Another one would be, let's say if I put in different values on this
data validation here, Let's do one of these
where it's a list, It's a list of numbers. Let's do numbers. List the vitamin, 102030. Let's do 10%, 20, 30% percent. Let's drag this down a bit. Let's say 10%, isolate 10%. What I can do is on this cell, I can go this L is
equal to this value. Multiply it by this
drop-down, 10%. This is 10% of that value. And if I change this to
20, it'll change to 20. And if I change that to
Turkey at the changes to Turkey to data
validation is very cool. As you can see, there's lots
of options to play with. I would totally jump
in and play with this. And there's lots of
cool things you can do. You can add a checkbox as well, just like we did earlier. Do you know? And you could even though the checkboxes work cited
a number in it already. But the whole drop-down idea, I find that extremely useful and I hope you
find that useful too. That's a bit of data
validation and Google Sheets. And we're just going to look at collaborating and
sharing your sheet. And I think we're pretty
much good to go after that. So I hope you're having fun and I'll see you
in the next video.
26. Sharing & Collaborating on Sheets: Hey there and welcome back. In this final video, we're just going to look at sharing and
collaborating on Sheets. If you've watched some of my other courses
on this platform, do you know about Google
Docs or Google Drive? You might have noticed the
whole idea of sharing items. So for example, this sheet, I don't have to be
the only person that can work on the sheet. I can share it with
another Google user. To do so, hover over
to the top right of your page and click
that share button. Currently it's only
private to me. But if I click Share here, what I can do is I can
add other Google users. So there's other
people here that I can add to this and they can also edit the sheet so
I could put a at if there is an AAA, if someone has this
email address, I can invite them
to edit my sheet. Also. That's very useful,
like if I hit Enter, only have the option of
making them an editor, which means they can edit
things on the sheet. I can only give them
the option to comment on my sheet or just to view it. That's all. Just view it. Now, I'm not going
to send that in case that really exists. I'm not sure if that's a
reading email address or not. Another one here is a GET link. So I can use this URL to
show people this sheet. And I can have it set to
anyone with the link. If I have someone who's
not a Google user and they just need to view this. I can copy this link, set, this option to anyone
with the link, and give it to them. So let's open an
incognito window. Put that link in salt currently I'm not signed in
on an income meter window. I'm not signed in on
this browser right now. And if I click enter with
the link I just sent, it's going to open for me and it's going to allow
me to view this. And I'm not signed in. I can't edit things, I can't change things, I can't do anything. I can highlight them, but try to click on things and move things and it's
not doing anything. I can't even suggest
edits on this. That's very cool. If you need to do that,
I'm just going to change that back to restricted. If, for example, you shared this with somebody and
you said this total, you wanted to leave a
comment on this total. You could do this,
and you could, someone else could do this too. You can right-click on it or go here and click the
Insert Comment link. And notice here, wow, this is a great turnover. Can't look at this. I just commented on the sheet. And someone can come
along and comment to my comments and we can have a conversation
based on this cell. I can leave a comment here and
go. I think just one here. It says comment. Is this correct? Notice several comments
and you'll notice there that are highlighted
by these little yellow ones. And if you can find
them and you get lost, you can always click up here
and open the common history. Here it'll show you
where to comments are. That's very cool. The sharing and collaborating
is just amazing. It transforms Google Sheets and all of the Goodman dr tools. That really is the bones of it. I hope that was useful. I'm going to make one quick
video just to say thank you and all the best. I'll
see you in the next one.
27. Conclusion: Hey there, thank you so much
for taking this course. I hope you found that useful. The purpose of this
course really was an introduction
to Google Sheets, mainly focused at beginners. You might have touched
on Google Sheets before, maybe you've used
Microsoft Excel. But the purpose
of this course is really to get you into
sheets and show you where things are and kind
of give you the first step towards your excellency
in a Sheets. So I hope you found this useful. I hope I touched on everything
that you will at least use and maybe
investigate further. As you saw throughout
the course, this Google Sheets is massive. There's so much to it
between all the validations, the conditioning, the formatting functions, it's quite huge. So I would always advise just
play and have fun with it. I hope I got you up to a level
where you can kind of take those first steps and get interested in and hat
phone and make mistakes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate
to reach out to me by leaving a comment on the
chorus or send me a message. And hopefully I can send
you in the right direction. But all in all, just thank you so much for seeing the whole course through and being on this
journey with me. If you did enjoy the course, I would highly
appreciate a review. If you feel that I
could improve things, please also let me know and I'll happily looked back and update any content that's needed
for future students. If you are interested
in this course and you like the idea of learning
more about Google. I have lots of other
courses on this platform to for Gmail Drive docs, lots of different
Google services that our calendar that's
quite popular as well. I've noticed, hopefully you
might find them useful also. Anyway, here I am
just looking at my screen and I'm so glad
to get to the end of this now and give all this
information over to you and hopefully you can take
on the world with this. So best of luck, all the best. Thank you so much again. And I hope this you in
another course very soon. Goodbye for now.