Google Keep 2024: Become an Expert In Only 60 Minutes! | Kevin O'Brien | Skillshare

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Google Keep 2024: Become an Expert In Only 60 Minutes!

teacher avatar Kevin O'Brien, Taught over 7000+ students on Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Create a Gmail Account


    • 3.

      Accessing Google Keep


    • 4.

      Keep Homepage


    • 5.

      Create a Note


    • 6.

      Create a List


    • 7.

      Timer Reminder


    • 8.

      Location Reminder


    • 9.

      Adding Collaborators


    • 10.

      Adding Images


    • 11.

      Colors and Labels


    • 12.

      Search Bar


    • 13.

      Archiving Notes


    • 14.

      Trash Notes


    • 15.

      Advanced Settings


    • 16.

      Drawing in Keep


    • 17.

      Grabbing Text from Image


    • 18.

      Dark Theme


    • 19.



    • 20.



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About This Class

Hi there! Welcome to my Google Keep 2024 course. My name is Kevin O'Brien and I'll be your Keep-Coach!


Interested in learning all about Google Keep? Then you've come to the right place! Whether you're an absolute beginner or just looking to freshen up your current Google Keep knowledge, then this is the course for you. I'll guide you through all the steps required to get up to scratch in no time, most importantly in a fun and helpful way. 


There are a lot of note applications out there on the market, but Google Keep is shining through as the most efficient and user-friendly application of them all. If you're a Trello user, then you'll love how efficient Keep is. Ensure that you're keeping track of your daily to-do lists, must-watch movies and even your groceries! For business or personal use, Google Keep has you covered.

I'll take you through the most important functions of Google Keep to help you become a Keep Genius! Together we'll cover Keep's most useful functions including:

  1. Making notes and lists

  2. Sharing Notes

  3. Setting Reminders

  4. Categorising Notes using Labels and Color

  5. Archiving and Trashing Notes

  6. Grabbing Text from Images

  7. And much much more...

I've divided this course up into bite-sized video lectures to help you get on track easier and quicker. Before you'll know it you'll be saving so much time using Keep so you can spend more time on other projects. So put the kettle on, make yourself a cup of coffee and let's get started :)

Meet Your Teacher

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Kevin O'Brien

Taught over 7000+ students on Skillshare


Hi there, my name is Kevin and I'm from the small isle of Ireland. I have a background in Technical Support for Google products and I've a wide range of knowledge and experience with Gmail, Chrome and Drive.

I thrive on teaching and coaching others to reach their full potential. I hope you join me on one of my courses. I look forward to helping you save time and to get the most out of your Google products.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction : Hi, I'm Kevin. And thanks for checking out my course on everything you need to know. In Google, keep 2020 will cover everything from creating notes, lists, archiving, collaborating, labelling and trashing either background in technical support in G sweet products. And I'm looking forward to helping you get everything you need out of this great tool. See you inside. 2. Create a Gmail Account : is create ourselves a Gmail account. Okay, so a Gmail account will give us access to all of Google's Google's services on and allow us to use. Could you keep now, if you already have a Gmail account created and that's absolutely fine, you can just sit back and watch through this lecture. But if you don't and you'd like to know how to create one, then just follow the steps. So currently I have a chrome browser window open. Now you can use any browser that you have, um, Firefox Safari chrome on many others. Just open a window and go to the google dot com home page. So up here is you can see on the U R L bar. I have google dot com written Now, when you're here and at this page, we'll go to the top right of the page and select Sign in. Now what? That Luke is it Alaska's to sign into Google, but we don't have an account yet, so the next step would be to create an account. So just down here on the bottom left of the square in the middle of the screen, we will collect. We will select create account. Now, here we can pick for myself or to manage my business. Just for this demonstration, we will click for myself. Okay, so if you're following this to you can click this also. Okay, so here's where you enter some details about yourself. So I'm just gonna put my name here. My first name Kevin followed by my surname. Okay, look. Now, next, we're asked to ah, enter a user name. Now Google has, ah, decided to give me, like, an example of the user name here just to say, Hey, you can use this if you'd like to. Ah, but I'm going to remove what's there and enter my own. Okay, so it has to be unique, and it can't be the same as another email address out there already. So I'm going Teoh. See if we can use this on learning with Kevin 2020. Okay, So far, so good. I'm just gonna enter password here. Let's see. And if there's no issue with this email address, I should get no errors when I click next. Now, if you click next and you get an error saying your user name is already taken, then you need to try some alternatives until you find one where it will accept it. So let's see if we are. Okay, Perfect. So that user name wasn't taken, so I'm allowed to use that. Imagine it's That's up here. Okay, We need to verify that we are going to use this account. We need to verify using a phone number. OK, so this could be your personal cell phone number or mobile number, basically something you can receive a text on. So I'm just going to enter my number here, and I may have this blurred out at a later stage, just as it's my personal number. You can also enter the recovery email address under the optional field. I know that's completely optional. It's very handy because if you forgot the password to dis account, we can Ah, Google can help you get access again by using the recovery address. But for now, we'll skip it. Now. I'm just gonna put in my date of birth here. Okey doke. Fantastic. And then once we have that information field, we will click next. Now Google's saying here is to make sure his number zero hours we're going to send you a text message with a verification code. So what we can do is we can see. Okay? Send now. So what will happen then is Google will text you a coat. So I'm just going to check my phone here, then see if I got a message. It usually just takes a few seconds, so it should come in fairly quickly. Okay, so I received a number here. I'll just type that in 55 Okey doke. And we will click. Verify Now you can verify, Would call and said but the text is the easiest way to go about us. So just click. Verify. Excellent. So what we can do here is Google can say we can use your phone and number for different things. We can just click skip here. Excellent. You must agree to determine conditions of creating accounts. You can say yes. I agree. Agree? Agree to everything. Take everything cool. So just to confirm Ah, yet that's fine. We need to click. Confirm. That's fantastic. Now feel free to read those. If before creating the account for yourself and, uh, once you could create your back Teoh google dot com screen again. You know what? You know is this time is were signed in. So if I go appear to the top, right? I am now signed in with my name Kevin O Brien, and my email address learning with Kevin 2020 at Gmail. Com. And there you go. You've created a Gmail account with that address there, So Ah, see you in the next video. And, uh, well done. You've created a Gmail account. 3. Accessing Google Keep: in this video, we're going to just go through a couple of ways on how we can access Google Keep. Okay, so first of all, to open Google keep we can go up to the U R l bar off your search engine or whichever browser you're using. My apologies. And you can type in Ah, keep dot google dot com. Okay, So by using this euro, you'll go directly to Google keep. And this is possibly one of the easiest and fastest way to do this. What you find is a lot of the Google Services have the name of the service, followed by dot google dot com. So if we select that, it would load up Google keep for us, which is fantastic. Okay, so we'll go to the Google keep home screen where were signed in with our Gmail account. Now just to jump back a second, there are a number of other ways to weaken. Also, I go to this great up here with these nine squares, we can click on that, and it will give us shortcuts to different Google maps we can use. So, on this list, you could scroll down and you can also find Guru. Keep right here. So this is even faster again. Actually, I even correct myself from earlier. You can click on Google, keep right here. And when you do to us, it would also bring you to to keep homepage. Okay. Ah, just one final final method you can do is ah, let's say you're Ngema, Okay, so I'm just gonna open Gmail for a second. So there's different ways you can create your Gmail account. Let's say you've already created your Gmail account previously. Um, this is what Jim, it looks like when you open it for the first time. Anyway, we'll just click next. Of course. That's fantastic. Just give Trudeau screens. You can also go over here to the right hand side of your Jima and you have the task bar here on the right, the side panel. And as you can see, there is keep symbol here. So when you click on keep, you can also access you keep notes here. Now, if you want to open the google, keep interface itself. What you can do is click on the open in new tab option here so it will open a new tab on your browser with Google. Keep also. And here we are, too. So there's three ways to access gonna keep? Um I'm sure there's many other ways also, but they are definitely the easiest ways to access Google. Keep s. Oh, that's fantastic. Once you have Google, keep open and you're on the home page. Um, I'll see you in the next video and we can jump right in. 4. Keep Homepage : we're just going to scan over the home page of the keep. Um, keep up here. Eso just quickly start enough. Um, right here in the middle, this big, blank, empty canvas. Is that where you're going to create all of your keep notes? Okay, so every notice you create will create what we will show here in a list form on their very accessible from this point. OK, so don't be ah, you know, worrying why you have such an empty space that's absolutely normal on the left. Here we just have some shortcuts to different areas of keep. For example, at the moment we have notes highlighted, which means it's going to show us any notes we have now currently have no notes. So that's absolutely fine. Then we have a reminders. Ah, area here, where it would list any reminders would have label area. Now, we don't have any labels, and we'll do that very shortly. Will create all of these tables and notes in the next tutorials. I but for now that was We don't need Teoh access that over here. Then you'd have an archive area. So this is for any notes that you would have created, but you want to archive them. So you'd want to remove them from your list, but also not delete him and then your trash. So any notes that you ah, click Denita will go to this area here and we have a few days. Teoh, bring them that back. Ah, from the grave, you know, so Ah, we can restore keep notes within a few days or they will automatically be deleted. Otherwise, now up here we call this guy. This opening logo here is called the Hamburger. Google likes to call it this because it has two buns and the the meat in the middle. So it opens our main menu and hides our main menu. So, as you can see here, we can have this here or remove it. So, uh, let's just leave that here for now. That would go back to her notes. Ah, here is where we will create a note right here. So we would click on this and start writing journals On the top, we have the search bar. This is where we can search for notes or search keywords that are inside notes and also to our right. We have the refresh option to update our notes. So let's say you have, um ah. Created a note on your mobile device. Um, if is showing on your mobile device, but not on the interface here, you would click, refresh, and it would make sure all of your notes are lined here. We have two different views of our notes, and here we have the sentence icon, which we will go true later. Okay, so that's just a quick overview of her home page. Not too much to it. It's very straightforward. Um, and what we'll do is in the next video, we'll drop into creating a note, and I look forward to seeing you there. 5. Create a Note: We're going to create a note together now. Okay, so let's jump right in on the interface. We will go to the take a note bar here. Okay? So when we click that it will just Ah, pop open and note first. Now, every note comes with a title and the body of our note. Okay, So what we'll do here, I think today is we'll just create a shopping list. So I'm going to call this shopping list. Let's miss a, maybe groceries if I can spell it correctly. Okay, I did. Fantastic. Now that's our title. So that will let us know what the notice about and in the body will start making a list. So, for example, I think I need milk, and I need milk for my cereal. Now. I also like cheese, our religious and maybe, um, I don't know. Maybe I need so Pa's. Well, okay, so what I've just done there is I've made a list of items, and just by clicking the enter key, I've dropped down to the next line. Now you can write things in an order like this. It's essentially very straightforward from there. Okay, so just write whatever you're no contains, Um, now, just quickly looking at that note. Basically, that's that's at it. That's that's That's literally It is a very, very foundation of creating Google. Keep nose. What will do shortly is well, look at create different colors and collaborating and reminders except her and what you can do with your nose. But for now, I've just made a shopping list on I know what to get in the supermarket. So thanks a 1,000,000. What we'll do is in her next video. We'll look at making a list instead of a note, so that would be a bit more relevant for what we're looking at here. So I'll see you in the next video. 6. Create a List: red list now. Okay, so what we can do here is we can select on our existing note. So, for example, if you still have to note open, please click out that that's fine. If you still have the note open, you can click off the note anywhere around the screen, and it will appear in your list of notes. I'll just close this here for a second click. Got it. And what I'll do is I'll open the note by just clicking on the note. Now it is a very, ah cool thing we can do here by creating a checklist, view or list view. So if you go down to the three dots here for more options, you can do the show check boxes option. Okay, so when you select show check boxes, see what this does? Very cool, isn't it? So what we're after doing here is for every line we have on our keep note, we've created a list or a checklist option. Now, essentially, we have check boxes next to each list option, and that's very cool because, for example, let's say I'm in the supermarket. I take out my mobile phone and it's the exact. Same on the mobile phone. By the way, it will show like this. I can say, OK, milk. I don't need milk anymore. I can select the check box, and it will go down to the completed list here with a line through it. And then anything that's still unchecked appears at the top. Okay, I picked up my special K. Perfect. Done. It's down here. Okay. I've selected my cheese. I picked my cheese. Brilliant. And I got myself. So what that means is, essentially Oliver items on her list. Have bean checked. Now, for example, let's say I needed more milk. So what I could do here is, um, own check the checked item. So by hovering over the check box here, I can click it again. And guess what? They're ago. It pops back up into the active list again. So that's essentially the bones off a list. Now, what we could also do is when you're a little bit, we click close here for a second. That drops it back here. You can come to the top here on the taken note option, and you have some options here as well. So before we clicked on taking notes and just jumped right in this way. But let's say we hover over this check box here it says new list. So instead of creating a list first and then showing the check boxes, we can create a list from the get go by clicking on this and see what we have. We have our title field, which we could fill in with anything. I'm just going to say shoes, and I could say here what kind of shoes I want. So maybe some clerics. Maybe I want Nike. Maybe I don't I don't actually have that many shoes, so I'm going to say, Comfy shoes. And there we go. So we've created a list from the get go, and when I click off that list, it joins my keep notes. So very, very cool indeed. Um, what will do so is on the next video, we'll go into a bit more detail on what we can do with these notes, so I look forward to seeing you then. But for now, we've created a note together and a list together. Now, just before we wrap up this video that's open her shopping list again, we can remove the check boxes. We can click hide check boxes here, and we can go. Oh, so what we have to do here? Just make sure before you're doing this is we can undo the check box system, but we have to make sure we uncheck the items we want to keep. So we'll just make sure that these are all active again. And then click in your tree dots, go to hide check boxes, and we're back to square one. Just how we started off there. Okay? And you can click close or kick around the screen and it goes back to our list of notes. So great stuff. I'll see you next video and talk to you. 7. Timer Reminder: Okay, so welcome back. Um, now what we're gonna do is set a timer reminder. OK, so let's click on a Let's say, let's to create a new note for this scenario. Okay, So how do we create a new note? We hovered to the top. Here we click. Take a note and we will just that. Let's say, um collect car from mechanic. Let's say it's our daily to do list. OK, so we've just created a note new note, and what we want to do this time is set a reminder. So here we will select the remind me Bell icon here. Okay, So just kick on that there, and what we can do is we can select a time in a date to have a reminder go off. So I don't forget to pick up my car, for example. Um, now it gives some examples here. It says you can do it later today. You can do it tomorrow at this time, or maybe even next week at this time. But for this scenario, I'm gonna pick a date and time. So today is February 22nd. Let's say I have to pick it up on Monday but the mechanic told me Hey wasn't available until about two PM Now it gives us some examples here. So, for example, let's say 1 p.m. I want to be reminded at 1 p.m. Just a bit beforehand. Now you could select this option here and it would appear. Or you can click on this again and you can go custom so you can decide what time you'd like by simply writing in what time suits you? So it's a 1 15 for example. No, I'm going to set this to Does Not repeat you can set it to a daily weekly monthly reminder . So that's very handy for ongoing to do lists, for example. But in this scenario, I'm going to say it will not repeat, and then I would kick safe. So there we go. This a to do list. This Google keep note has a reminder attached to it. Now. What will happen on February 24 at quarter past one is I will get a reminder if I have keep open or on my mobile phone, for example. So the great thing is, I would highly suggest having Google keep on your mobile phone as well as on the Web browser. Okay, it's very, very handed to use. And what will happen is at this time and date, your mobile phone will vibrate and have a small alert for you. They will say you have a Google keep reminder, and this is the note that you need to look at, and it's very, very handy for that. Okay, so what we can do here is I click close and we can see that it has an active reminder right here. Now let's say we had 1000 notes, for example, and we just wanted to filter which ones had a reminder attached. What we can do here is hovered to delete the sorry excuse me, the main menu on the left hand side and click reminders. And what this will do is it will filter down only denotes that Have a reminder attached so very handy, isn't it? What we can do here is go back to notes to view everything and then just filtered down. Whichever note has a reminder. Very cool. So what we'll do in our next video is we will look at setting another type of reminder, essentially location based reminder, which is really, really cool, including keep So I look forward to seeing you then 8. Location Reminder: Okay. Welcome back. Um, okay, What we're going to do this time is we're going to set a location based reminder. So for example, let's say I go to the supermarket and I forget that I created a shopping list. Let's say, for example, I completely forgot. So instead of going in and spending all of my money on God knows what, I want to remind myself that I have a shopping list. So, for example, let's open our shopping list note again so it will make it active. And let's go to the remind me option. So what we're going to do this time is it's going to be a reminder based on location, so it's very, very, very cool. So instead of a time in a date, we can have a Google keep. Remind us about a note at a specific location. So when we select place, when we can do here is just gonna keep mine. Asked for your location, you can allow it, but I'm just going to disable that for now, and we can say choose a location. So, for example, I'm going to say Tesco in my local city in Cork, and it's going to be the Tesco Express, close to where I live our close to my area anyway. So I'll click Tesco Express here and Cork City in Ireland. So when I select this, I can Basically Google has selected this address for me and it's saving it to the note, so we'll click safe. And there we go. So very, very similar to how we created the reminder in our last video. What this will do is it will give me a reminder when I enter the actual location. Now that requires their mobile location to be on on, uh, which normally in most scenarios, it would be, um, but if it doesn't, that's why it wouldn't work. So if you go to you can set this, that's a for your workplace, your home place anywhere. Let's say local city. Let's say when you go back to the local city or different place, you say a while I really want to try that restaurant that time you consent the location for the city. So when you go to the city or phone would say, Hey, last time you were here, you had a excellent steak, then this is the restaurant you should go to again, just drawing some wild examples out there. Um, but this is a very useful way to do it. So this is a location based reminder on it's different to a timed reminder which requires the time and date. So I hope that makes sense. And what we can do here, it's good clothes. And again, if we go to our reminders, it will also appear in our minders list. Our time to reminder and our location reminder. So Ah, there we go. What we'll do next is we're gonna look at adding a collaborator in the next video, so I look forward to seeing you then. 9. Adding Collaborators: Hi. Welcome back. So what we're going to do now is we're going to add a collaborator to one of her Google keep notes. So what does that mean? Basically, if you have a keep note and you would like someone else to edit the note also, you can add them as a collaborator. So this is quite useful. Let's say if you have a shopping list and your, uh, wanted shared with maybe a family member or, for example, you have a to do list at work and you need to share it with a colleague. This means when you add a collaborator and you add somebody else to your note, you can boat edit the same note and it would update for both of you. So what I'm going to do here is I'm just gonna add a collaborator to my shopping list. Keep note. So what I can do here is just hover over these icons in the bottom. And as you can see, I have the option to add a collaborator. Now, you can also do this when he noticed, active as the same icons appear, so we'll just click. Collaborator. This is the shape of the little person here with the plus symbol. So when we click there, it asks us to enter an email address. Now it will show you as the current owner of the Keep notes, Okay, so that's absolutely normal. And you're currently the only person that's listed as the owner off this note or have access to this note. So what I can do here, I'll just type in another email address that I use just to show you. So when you type out that Gmail address, you can click save, so the other user would have to be able to use Google. Keep so more than likely, they're gonna have a gmail dot com address. Okay, unless they've signed up to Gmail with a Hotmail, for example. But most of the time do we have to have a gmail dot com address. So once you have to even address entered, you can click save, and there we go. So what you can see here now is a little icon here in the bottom off the user you've added , So you have access to to keep note and sold those the person you have added to denote the collaborator so what they could do from their side is also go to school. Keep. And they will see this note on their list of notes and they can access it and make changes just like you can. And it will update for the bull of you. So very handy. Excellent. So what we're going to do for our next video is we're going to jump into adding images to do to keep. So I hope that makes sense. And ah, thanks a 1,000,000. And I'll see you in the next video. 10. Adding Images: Hi there. Welcome back. So what we're gonna do now is we're going to add an image to a Google. Keep note. So this would be a very quick one. Okay, so what we can do here is we can go to take a note and you have the option here off adding an image. So we just select that and what I have inside here is a picture I have from earlier. So complex, like any image you'd like highly the image and click open. And there we go. So what you can do is you can add an image to your note and then also take your note here so you can leave your details on the body of the note and add your titled. So it's a bike and flowers, and that's very much it. That's how you add an image to your note so you can add different types of images to your notes. For some reason, maybe you took a photo off something that you know, maybe I want to write about later so you could take an image, may be here, and then write some details about a bolo, for example. I thought this bike was very nice, and this flowers are very nice. So I wanted to bite him later. Maybe so what I could do is I could add this photo to my note and then maybe write down some other ideas for flowers and bikes, for example. That's just an example. Um, you could do whatever you'd like with that. Okay, now there's also another way. So when you add the note, you can add the image here. But also, let's just close this. You could hover over this image icon here so you could create a new note immediately with an image. By doing that, we can also add our image just like that. So there we go. And let's say if you want to get rid of that image, for example, you can hover over the remove icon here and just kick remove. And there you go. It says image to lead it. I'm pretty sure that will disappear when I click close, which it it fantastic could. Very simple, very straightforward. We'll just look at labels in colors next on to help us. Categories are notes, so I look forward to seeing you then 11. Colors and Labels: hi and welcome back. So what we're going to do now is we're going to look into adding labels and color to our Google. Keep notes. So what this will do is it will help you organize your Google. Keep a little bit better to kind of categorize your notes and make them stick out more. Okay, so first, let's start with color. So let's hover over our daily to do this here, for example. What I can do is I can hover down to this color palette here, and as you can see, I have a few different colors to pick from. So the moment the default is white, the background is white. So let's say I want to make my daily to do list red. So there we go. Now what I can do here is on my shoes list. I can hover over to change color and make this, Let's say orange. So as you can see, we're changing the background of thes notes. Very simple, straightforward but very, very effective for categorizing are notes. Now are shopping list. Let's say I want to make it green because I need to buy more vegetables. Let's say so That would remind me Teoh, think better when I'm in the Super American. Maybe when I'm buying my food. Uh, so that's a great way to categorise Are notes now, for example, what you can also do. You can hover over this select note icon on the top left of your note, and that can allow us to select many notes at the same time. As you can see, I'm selecting three notes here now, when I have many notes selected, I can hover to the top right off the page and have, and just basically a few actions I can do now. Since we're talking about color that's there, can change all of thumb to green at the same time. There we go. So essentially, that's a great way to change the color of many notes at the same time. But I don't like that. So I'm gonna add the's again just to use, you know, have a bit of variety. Okay, so that's color. And that's essentially how you would change the color of your notes. I'll change this won t yellow because yellow bike Very good. So what we can do now is we will look at labels, So I want to add a label to some of my notes. What I can do is I can go to the bike and flowers notes. We'll click on it to open it up. And if I hover to these three dots here, I can add a label to my note. So when I select add label, it says, Hey, enter a label name. But guess what? I don't think we have a label currently okay and asks us to create level at the end. But what we can do is we can just exit out of this. Okay, If we go to the left hand side of her page and go to the labels area, we can select Addis labels, and what it will ask us to do is create a new label. So I'm going to say, like or it's a bikes and I'm gonna select Done So what I can do here is hover over my bike . Note. Click the three dots. I can go to add a label and guess what. I can add the labour bikes very good. And then I can just click off that screen. And as you can see, I have a bikes label here. Now I can't type over this or right over that. I can remove it. And Addis. Now, If I wanted to remove it, I could just hover over it and select the X next to it, which would remove the label. But I'm just gonna add that label back there quickly and close this note. So what you can see here is, um, a label is hanging at the bottom off the note. So it's nice. It shows me that this do note, let's say, is in my bike's label so I can have many labels called bikes like, let's say I create a new note on I want to call it bikes, bikes, expletive really like bikes. I call it New bikes. Oh, two banks. So what I can do here is I can add the label bikes also see. And just like that, I have two notes with the label bikes. Now let's say I had 100 notes and there was maybe 20 bike labels in there, and I didn't know where they wore. I didn't want to scroll up and down to the page and look for all of them individually. What I could do over here is select the bikes label under my labels option. So this wasn't here before, but when we created the label, it appears so if I select bikes, it will filter down only the banks Labour for me. Very cool, isn't it? Eso there's one more way to create a label. Okay, so I'm just gonna go back to my notes list and go to, uh, my shopping character So you can also create a label on a note by typing hashtag and type out your labour What you want to call us? Oh, so what I'll do there is all typed it again. Groceries If I can spell g r o c e o s. Okay, there we go. And Google keep gives us the option to create groceries. So if I select create a label is created here Now, I can remove this hashtag and the label will remain. If I select clothes. I now have a new label called groceries. So if I go to the left hand side of the screen here, I have bikes and groceries. So if I select this, I have to label I just created and I can create that within the note. And I have bikes, groceries, and I want to go to all the notes by selecting notes up here. And there were so it's a very, very, very handy and effective way to categorise your notes. Teoh keep similar notes together and definite. I would definitely recommend it because the more you use Google keep, you will find you will have hundreds of notes, sometimes later. If you're not, if you're like me and you kind of don't clean them up often, you might have no to build up quite often. Now, later in this video, I'll show you ways Teoh kind of categories notes that you're not using anymore. But just for now, this is a very, very handy way to categorise your notes. Okay, so that's all that is really to do with colors and labels. So next we will be looking at the search bar and go into some archiving. So I look forward to seeing you then 12. Search Bar: Okay, Welcome back. So what we're going to do in this very short video is just look at the search bar appear on the top of Google. Keep so the search bar is very, very useful. For when we want Teoh find notes, let's say with a keyword notes with tags, colors, everything like that. So if we just select on the search bar by clicking, we will be given a few options. Now, this is a very useful way to search for that note that you think you might have lost store something that you remember. You wrote down and you just can't remember where so notes are. The search spire will give us different ways of finding different types of notes. So as it between the top, we can search for notes with a reminder on it. And by doing so, we have the notes with reminders. We can also search for notes with lists, and we can also search for notes with images. So very, very straightforward stuff there. Now we can also search for notes with labels very much like what we have on the left hand side of the screen. Here we have bikes and groceries. And here we have bikes and groceries. We can search for notes that we have shared with particular people, so you might share your Google, keep note with many, many people. You could have a lot of Nazi collaborators. And you said, Wow, I remember sharing that note with Johnny. Let's say your colleague and you can say right If I select Johnny, for example, let's just pretend this is Johnny. Then I will see all of the notes I have shared with Johnny appear, which could be quite useful. And then, like we spoke about earlier colors are very important to a lot of people. Use colors to categorize their notes so you can say right, I always keep that type of item in my read notes. So if you select red, you'll only get the red note. So it's very, very cool. The search bar here. It's very, very quick to find your notes now what I can do as well as I can search for keywords in this search bar so I can say right, I remember writing the word Nike somewhere. So if I search for Nike, there we go. It searches for words that are inside the notes also. So if I search for Nike, it will show me the shoes. Note because the shoes note contains Nike. Now, if I had many notes that contained the word Nike, they would all appear here also. So the same will work if I search for Clark's, because that's also inside the note. Now let's see what other notes we have. I'll just go back to our notes here in the top left and let's say cereal, I want to search for cereal. See, our shopping list appears with the word highlighted that we're looking for. So this is very, very useful. It's a if you had a to do list with a big, big, long list of things to do and you said, Well, I can't remember if I did that thing or not. You can search for it here, and it will appear so. The search bar is a very powerful tool, very, very useful on. I would definitely recommend getting used to using the search bar. It's very straightforward, so you shouldn't have too much issues there, so that's it. What we'll do is we'll look into Arc Ivy next in in her next video, and I look forward to seeing you then 13. Archiving Notes: Hi and welcome back. So on this video, we're going to look at archiving. Okay, So archiving is a very useful way for us to clean up our Google keep notes, but not quite. Delete the meter, you know? So let's say, uh, this shoes list is not very relevant to me anymore. You know, I went out and bought some shoes. Ah. Decided which ones I wanted to go for, and I don't want to, you know, buy anymore shoes. So what I can do here is I can archive this note By doing that, we move it to an area of google, Keep where it can be saved for whenever you need to look at it again, which is over here in the archive area. That's archive a note. We will go to our nose and by hovering over it. There is an icon on the bottom rice here called Archive. So this button here you just selected and your note becomes archived. And Boof, it's gone. It's gone from your home page into your archive. Now all we need to do to find that note again is to hover over the left side here on our main menu and select archive like this. And here we're now I can archive all of the notes. So that's archive this bikes one, and it's gonna go as well. So let's go to archive and here, there. So it's a very useful way to clean up your active notes space and remove notes that you don't want to see any more. But you don't want to delete either, you know? Now, why would you do that? I guess you know, like we said earlier, it could have loads and loads of notes, and it's a good way to keep it nice and tidy. Now, let's let's say OK, I've archived a note by accidents. I've made a mistake. What we can do here is go back into Let's say our new bikes note hover over the what we used to be. The archive Burton button and select on archive. So by doing so, it's gone from our archive back to our notes, and there it is so very, very, very straightforward and a very useful way to categorise your notes. So, uh, I hope that's being insightful, and I look forward to seeing you on my next video, where we will talk about trashing a note. So see you then 14. Trash Notes: hi and welcome back. So now we're going to look at trashing a note. Okay, so I have a couple of notes here and let's say for this to do list, I just want trash. I want to get rid of it completely and just get it out of my sight. So what I can do is I can click on these three dots here on the bottom right of the note and select trash note or delete note in this example. Now, if you have the note open, you could also Sector three dots and select Delete knows and it's gone. But where is the gun? It's gone to where? Trash. So over here on the main menu on the left hand side, we have trash at the bottom. Now, if you're not team this main menu for some reason, you can select these three lines appear which are called to the hamburger, and we can open and close our menu. So I go down to her trash icon here and select trash. Now what you can see is I had many, many notes in here thrown away. Now this is a drawing which we look at very shortly on. I have some empty notes here that I have also made before. Now, it says the notes in trash are deleted after seven days, so it's very important. If you want to trash a note to, you know that you're okay would have bean deleted after a few days. The only the other option I would recommend instead of trashing a note would be to archive a note in case you want to keep it for later and you're not sure. But if you're 100% sure you don't want to note anymore, it's best to trash it. But thankfully, we have a seven day window. So in case there's something that you may need, you could jump back into your trash and say, Oh, I shouldn't have trashed or deleted that note. I need to take that note back again. For example, let's say I want to take back this daily to do list. I can hover over to note, and I have two options I have delete forever, which would just remove it for my trash and skip the seven days. And what I can do is click restore. So if I select restore, it's gone from my trash back in to my notes, so very useful. Now again, there's a way we can do this with multiple notes. If you hover over the top left inside and click, select a note. So we set these two notes. We can go to the top right of her page, hover over the more option, and you can select the lead notes and God straight to trash your hair. But I want to bring them back. You know, I'm just going to resurrect them again. Selected to notes. Go to the top right of my page and select restore and they're back again into the notes. So very straightforward. Very easy. Um, cool. So I hope that's clear on trashing and leading notes and honor. Next video. We're going to look at the advanced settings, so we're going to look into things under the gear icon here and just take a deeper look into want Google keep can do for you. So I'll see you then 15. Advanced Settings: hi and welcome back. So what we're going to do now is we're going to look in the settings for our gov keep. So if you hover to the top right of the page and you would see our gear icon and what that shows his settings, So just hover over that and click the gear icon Now under that again, we have settings on the list, so we'll just select settings. And here we have thes settings Page. Now, this just helps us kind of, ah, work with our notes about easier. And it kind of helps you make your life a lot easier, essentially depending on what settings you select here. So, under notes, a list we have add new items to the bottom. So that basically means when you're making a list and a note and your idea new item, it will go in a order list from top to bottom. Now, the 2nd 1 here moved. Check move Checked items to the bottom essentially means when you have a list with the check box next to it. When you select the check box, it will move the item to the bottom off the list. OK, so you can uncheck that. So a drum. It disables that and you can check that so it works as well. So it's good to test that out with this on enough and see what you prefer. You can also select display rich link previews own enough Now, essentially, what that means Okay, is I'm just gonna pop into a new tab here and show you. So if I go to a new tab and I type in the route news TV station for argument here, what I can do is copy and paste this u R l If I go back to Google, keep I create a new note and I paste in the URL. So let me think on it. Well, what did I do there? Let's go back to our note. Essentially, what it's after doing is it's creating this nice little bubble here for us, and this is a rich linked to d'Oro, so it's very straightforward. So fight a big nose. I can skip to the very bottom, and I will be able to find the link. A word Link goes by clicking here so very, very cool and very user friendly. If I do need all of this. It stays there too, which is useful. So if you don't want big Long, you are else in your note, you can add the u. R L. It will create this link here, and then you can remove your Yura so it makes a nice and tidy I see very cool. So this a pop back into to gear icon, go to settings and continue from where we left off. So I have that checked. So this will happen. So it's very, very nice. And we also have the dark team, which will really talk about just a little bit later. Now, if you remember, um, we were creating timer reminders in an earlier lecture. And when we created those times reminders, we got some default. Morning, afternoon, evening times. Now those defaults or just set by Google. But what you can do here is create your own defaults. So let's say a 20 Juan in the morning afternoon is a 1 16 I'm just going to create random times on 76 32. So there we go. We can create our own reminder defaults, and just here at the bottom we have sharing. So you're allowed to share your notes. You can enable sharing and have other people access Reynolds when you add them as a collaborator. Now I've just changed these reminder defaults, and I'm gonna click safe. So let's go to our daily to do list. Create a reminder. And as you can see, I've got some default. Remind us here by a 21 reminder is coming up. So as you can see here when I picked the date and time and I go to the time after the option, my afternoon, evening and night shift have all updated with times here as well. Now I believe the night hasn't done so yet, but that will change as time goes on, because I've only been able to change the morning, afternoon and evening. So these top three So Dave, change what I have, so that's very useful. Let's say if you need to set a reminder for the same time quite often, then you can do that within your settings. So I hope that's been useful. That's your settings icon and your settings menu. Not much there, but it's important to know it can make your life a lot easier by changing some things inside there. Um, cool. So I hope that was fun, exciting and educational. So what I'll do next is we're going to our next section honor. Next, A few lectures were going to some extra features that you can use with Google keep. And I hope you enjoy it. So I will see you soon. And thanks a 1,000,000. 16. Drawing in Keep: Hi and welcome back. So what we're gonna do now is just on this first part here, we're going to create a drawing. Now, what we can do here is by creating a note or taking a note up here, we can hover over this icon here with the brush, and it says new note which rind. So this is very cool and fun. When you select this, you are given the option to troll a picture. Now, it might appear on the small screen like this by hovering over this little kind of expand icon Here, we can make the full screen appear, and we could make it smaller again. Also, by just hovering over this again and making it small. Now you can go crazy here. Okay? So you can essentially start drawing lines and squiggles and create your masterpiece. You can change the size of your brush to really well, really big, really small. What you can do as well as you can change the color and just go crazy. Um, you can correct your urine to say you want to delete something to lead an item. You can clear the page. You could do some pen work as well. So it's just an absolute load of fun. The pan options really cool because it gives that kind of, ah pen look like when you kind of do the lines and makes a turn. It was kind of like a marker. If you make a quick turn, it gets bigger. I see girls as you as you hold it and squiggle up. So this is like an original art piece that I'm doing right now, So I think I'm apprentice for later and save it for myself. You know? No, what you could do as well as you can add the background so you can add the square grades like this, the dots or the rulers. So whatever you think, I and you can also set it back to the default. None. So it's just a fun and creative way off messing around with Google. Keep making your own in large piece, Let's say, making a fund of drawing to send to a friend, um, something just of it. Crazy. Cool. So if you made a mistake and you want to go back, you conflict the un do, so just I'm gonna put his eye there again. on what you can do here as well as you can select a new drawing so you can say no. I want to create a new drawn completely. You can export this as an image, if you'd like, or you can delete the current drawing. Now what I'm going to do is go back to my drawing and click the back button. And what it's after doing is creating this drawing here. So I'm going to call it my masterpiece. Um, really cool, Thank you. Close. And there we go. I have my masterpiece now. It appeared a bit small there. I think that's because I was changed. Did they mention size so you could tried it again? If you select the drawing here and just keep it to a small single size. Okay, so rock n roll, you got us. That's how you create a drawing on Google. Keep which your notes and you can, you know, at a color to remind you of the note. Share it at an image. You can even archive it. Now let's say I wanted to make lots of copies. I could go down here. Click make a copy on the three dots And now I have a copy of us currently creating the thumbnail. But that would just take a minute or two. There we go. So I have got two of the exact same notes, so very, very cool, isn't it? Um, Also just one setting that I don't think I went over before was a pinning a Google. Keep note. Now, what you can do here is I want to keep one of these masterpieces to the top off my Kool to keep. You've probably been seen this like on here quite often. The pain note icon. What we can do is select that, and it will pin the note to the top of our could you keep. So it's like the most important prioritized notes appear appear and everything else appears in the bottom. So let's say I want a pin, this bike also, I can select pin also and then you can move them around by clicking on them and dragging them around like this. So very, very cool. You can also drag around notes in the bottom if you want to reorder them and you can change colors and go crazy. Now what you can do also is if you want to on pain a note. You just hover over the pin icon again and select own pin. Now, if you have no pain notes, then everything appears to top just like this. So just like that, Very cool, very straightforward and very good way to organize your Google. Keep so excellent. What we look at next is a very cool feature. In our next lecture, we're going to look at grabbing a text from an image. So I'll see you then and I look forward to showing you how to do that season. 17. Grabbing Text from Image: Hi and welcome back. So what we're gonna look at now is grabbing text from an image. This is a really cool feature Google keep has is very useful. Um, definitely. I'm going to show you by using a very simple image. We have. Ah, but you might find this useful for taking a photo of, let's say, a book page, a sign, a poster, something that you need to take the text from without manually typing out the text from an image. So what I do here is I'll go to the top and select the take a note option here. Now. What we can do then is add an image to our for Google. Keep so by selecting add image. I have an image here called sheep on road. It's like a road sign or warning sign. So if I select open, it imports this image into Google. Keep now. What I can do is instead of typing out what this says, let's say for my own notes, caution, drive slowly, sheep on road. What I can do is go to these three dots and go to the grab image text option here and let's see what happens scroll down to our note and amazing. It snapped the image from our the text. Excuse me from the image and put it into the note for us. Caution. Drive slowly, sheep on road, which is exactly what this image says. So, for example, I could teach this image and then continue with my note. Now it just normally takes a second or two for the image to disappear. As you can see, I have to click on the note there again, which is fine. That's just normal. It sometimes it takes a second, but the image is now gone, and I can just write down sign notes. So very, very useful now. You could do that with an image with a lot of a lot more words, something it far more difficult because that's that. That image I used was quite straightforward, to be honest, But let's say if you want to take a photo off, um, like a food box or, you know, a brochure or a sign on a store, you can take a photo off anything with image with text on the image and Google keep will snap the text. Now it really depends on the ledge ability off the sign as Google keep My might make a mistake if the font is a bit crazy or, you know the taxes a bit difficult to see. Ah, but it's definitely very, very useful to snap as much text as possible, so you can kind of fix it up afterwards. So it's a very, very cool, very, very cool function that Google keep has. I find it very useful, so and I hope you will too. So what we'll do next is we're just gonna jump onto the dark theme on our next video, and I look forward to seeing you then. 18. Dark Theme: Hey there. So welcome back. What we're going to do is look at the the dark team on this video here. So it's a very, very quick video. Um, well, to show you how to enable the dark team and disable it. I personally love the doctor. I find it very easy on the eyes, and it just makes the interface look a lot nicer. So what we could do is hover over the gear. I can't on the top, right and select enable dark theme. Okay, so if we select on this there we go. Basically, our background goes from white to black. It's very, very useful. I find I think it's just it's easier to look at. I technically say's Mawr energy because your screen uses more electricity to show white and black, which is a very interesting and cool So technically Maury co friendly um, so what we can do is essentially enable it like that. And if you don't like it, we can go to the settings and select disabled dark team also, so you can turn it on enough. It's no hassle. If you like it or don't like it, you can go up here and just changes, you know? So I like the dark theme, so I'm gonna leave it on there for me now. I also just like to jump in quickly. If you ever have any ideas on you want to send feedback to Google about Google? Keep You can go to the settings icon here on a select send feedback, and this is a very cool thing here. So let's say Google keep for some reason was, I don't know, doing something kind of strange. It wasn't supposed to do something that you asked her to do. Let's say, Ah, for example, you were grabbing image from text from an image and it didn't really come out anything, anything like you told it would. What you can do is, ah, take a screenshot or highlight the area that you are ah, having issue with. And you can describe your issue here and click sent so very, very cool. What we do know so is I'll just pop this. Essentially, just wrap this video up and we will then move on to our final section off this course, which is the Google Shortcuts section for Google. Keep. So it's a very, very useful lecture, and I look forward to seeing you there 19. Shortcuts: Hi. And welcome back to our last lecture on short cuts in Google. Keep. Okay. Eso shortcuts are going to make your life a lot easier. When using keep, you can find the full list of shortcuts by hovering over this gear icon appear and going to keyboard shortcuts. As you can see, we have a list here. Ah, that covers navigation application actions and the editor. Very, very cool stuff, but I'm just going to go over some of the very basic ones. Okay, What I would essentially advice is to just try out each of these in your own time. So go to this list and just, you know, you'll end up using the same three or four all the time. But this list is very, very handy to research with as well. So I'm just gonna cook close, and I'm going to go over some very basic ones. So, for example, when we're on the home page off our Google keep, we can select see so C for cat on our keyboard. And when we hit C, it opens a new note first. Now I know all we had to do is click here as well, but see will select a new note so you can type your new note okay, and then click close and it saves. Now, if you want to create a new list, we can select l. So I select the letter l for Lam Ra Lima or limousine. It will create a new list for us. So as you can see, it has the list item list one. And if I click the enter key, I get list, too. So just very quick ways to do it. Okay. And as you can see, it's even hinting things to us here, it says to in Dent, dragged the items on your list or used to shortcut command. L, which would be controlled or bracket is, um so to indented things on list. We can also do that to buy hovering over these little grid here on the left hand side and pushing it in. Essentially, we can in dent the item so list to is now under list one. Do you know what's held slightly in and we can create mawr in dense by just continuing on here? And then let's say with this new item I can on do Thean dense by just pulling it back. So very cool. So we've got a list, some indented lists items under this, and then we have our new item, which is back in line with our item one or list one. So very cool. What we can also do is, let's say we just got it and we click close. We can select F to pin a note. So in order to do that, we can select our notes like this and hit F f for frank F for, um, I've got absolutely thank f four fridge on. It's a fridge, so select to the F key on your keyboard and it would pin a note. Not when you're typing into it. Sorry, but when you select the note like this, let's say we want to select a few notes. You can select f the pain, all of them So very cool. Now there's also one last ah, shortcut that I would like to show you that I find very useful. It is the deleting a note one. So what we can do here is, let's say, highlight this note. I like this note and we can do shift and three So the shift key and three number three, and that deletes the notes for us. We have an icon down here that says they've bean on pained and trash and we can undo it, which would bring them back. But let's just re select them again and select shift and three and they go to our trash, which would be right here. And I think that was one note and this was deal journals. Now let's say we want to empty trash forever. I'll just select empty trash. All notes will be permanently deleted. Sadly, that's okay with me. So let's do the US and my trash is empty. Very cool. And I just go back to our notes. We have our pain, the notes and the rest of our notes also, so I find those short cuts could be very useful. Do I do recommend? Go to the settings, go to keyboard shortcuts and you will see the full list. Here you'll find some various for ones that may help you, but just for now, that's just an overview on some of the most basic ones. So I hope that was helpful. And thanks a 1,000,000 happy happy Google keeping That's what I like to say. So have fun. The best thing I can recommend a Google keep is after taking on everything in this course, Onda. Looking through all these lectures, it's just a jump in. Have fun with us and just learn by doing that's the most important way. It's the best way to learn is just learned by doing so Best of luck, and I hope you get the most out of Google keep. 20. Conclusion: so I'd like to thank you very much for taking this course. I just wanted to give you a shout out to say thank you so much for checking out my course, uh, enrolling and going through my lectures. Um, I'm always happy to take any feedback. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions with anything, throat this course on. And I do hope that you got the most out of it. I just like to say a big thank you. Uh, well, by creating, let's just say one last keep knows where is my no sugar. I had a nice image. Where's the gun? Here we go. Excellent. Thank you very much. This is the very end of the course, and I wish you the very best of luck with Google. Keep in all of your future endeavors, whether it's personal or personal usage or, you know, work usage. That's a great handy tool. And I really do hope to get the most out of it. I would hope to have other courses up quite soon. I wish you all the best. Thank you very, very much. And good night.