Google Calendar 2024: Become More Organised & Productive in 60 minutes! | Kevin O'Brien | Skillshare

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Google Calendar 2024: Become More Organised & Productive in 60 minutes!

teacher avatar Kevin O'Brien, Taught over 8000+ students on Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Introduction


    • 2.

      Lecture 1 - Many ways of accessing Google Calendar


    • 3.

      Lecture 2 - The Calendar Interface


    • 4.

      Lecture 3 - Creating a Calendar event


    • 5.

      Lecture 4 - Creating a secondary calendar


    • 6.

      Lecture 5 - Calendar Sharing


    • 7.

      Lecture 6 - Calendar Settings


    • 8.

      Lecture 7 - Search Bar


    • 9.

      Lecture 8 - Support & Top Tips!


    • 10.

      Course Conclusion


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About This Class

Welcome to my Google Calendar 2024 course. My name is Kevin O'Brien and I'll be your Calendar Coach! 


Interested in learning all about Google Calendar? Then you've come to the right place! Whether you're an absolute beginner or just looking to freshen up your current Google Calendar knowledge, then this is the course for you. I'll guide you through all the steps required to get up to scratch in no time, most importantly in a fun and helpful way. 


There's no better way to organise your time then setting a schedule and deadlines! There are a lot of scheduling applications out there but Google Calendar remains as one of the most consistent and user-friendly. Whether you're organising your personal goals or scheduling work appointments, Google Calendar has you covered. 

I'll take you through the most important functions of Google Calendar to help you become a Calendar Genius! Together we'll cover Calendar's most useful functions including:

  1. Creating a Google account (in case you don't have one!)

  2. Creating events

  3. Setting reminders 

  4. Inviting others to your events 

  5. Editing event details & creating recurring events

  6. Adding additional Calendars and assigning events 

  7. Google Calendar advanced settings 

    Plus much much more...

I've divided this course up into bite-sized video lectures to help you get on track easier and quicker. Before you'll know it you'll be saving so much time using Calendar so you can spend more time on other projects. So put the kettle on, make yourself a cup of coffee and let's get started :)

Meet Your Teacher

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Kevin O'Brien

Taught over 8000+ students on Skillshare


Hi there, my name is Kevin and I'm from the small isle of Ireland. I have a background in Technical Support for Google products and I've a wide range of knowledge and experience with Gmail, Chrome and Drive.

I thrive on teaching and coaching others to reach their full potential. I hope you join me on one of my courses. I look forward to helping you save time and to get the most out of your Google products.

See full profile

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1. Course Introduction: Hey there, thanks for stopping by and checking out my course on Google Calendar 20-20. In this course, you're gonna learn all about Google Calendar to make your life much easier and organize your work or personal life, or all the things you'd like to do in this course. It will cover things such as creating events, creating calendars, invite into your events, restoring deleted events, searching events, lots of tips and tricks along the way regarding color-coding your calendar, making your life a lot more, less complicated and easier to organize. So if you would like to learn lots more about Google Calendar and how it can help you. This is the course for you. I have years of experience in Google technical support. So I am used to the ins and outs of Google products and how they work. If you would like to learn more about this than I suggest, this is the course for you and I look forward to seeing you inside. 2. Lecture 1 - Many ways of accessing Google Calendar: Hey there, welcome to our first video tutorial on how to use Google Calendar. So good morning. By the way, I'm not sure if it's morning where you are, but it's morning for me right now and I'm having my coffee, so I'll be a bit spruced up in a few minutes after that kicks in, I think. So. Jump it in any way. And we're going to use Google Chrome for this, ok, or at least I am. You can use Google Chrome, you can use Firefox, you can use Safari. I would suggest using Google Chrome, because when you're using Google products, they work best on Chrome anyway. So that's just a suggestion I have from experience. Okay, on this video, what we're gonna do is just look into setting up a Gmail account and just look at the different ways to access Google Calendar. So let's jump right in. Now. If you have a Gmail account already, you already have the first step done. What I'm gonna do here is just quickly show you how to create a Gmail account if you don't have one yet. Okay. So I have created one before this video. So I'm just gonna go to sign-in appear. Now. Do you follow this also if you don't have one yet? So you will need a Gmail account to use Google Calendar. So up in the top right-hand side of the page, I'm going to click sign in. If you're creating a Gmail account for the first-time guest, where you have to go right here on Create account, ok, so click create account and then you can click for myself, you can say to manage my business as well. But you can always change that later. I would click for myself for now. Here, this is where you enter your details like your first name, your last name, what email address you want to use, and the password that you will be using with that account. Now, remember, your username has to be quite unique because if you don't know what they call herself, Jon, at Gemma law, calm. That very well might be taken by someone else. So it has to be unique, very specific to you. So I would suggest trying different words, maybe a middle name, maybe some random digits at the end, something like that. Ok. Now, for now, I'm going to click Sign In instead because I've already created an account. If you're creating one Phyllis information in Click Next, follow the steps. You'll just need to verify using a text message and you are rocking and rolling after that. Okay, so I'm going to click assign in instead right here. Okay? So I just created an account earlier and it got kind of lucky that this was available. Kevin uses Calendar, So I just created this account for this tutorial. Cool, so far so good. I'm just going to enter my password. Okay. And we're in. So once you're signed in, you will notice that your name on the top right hand side or the picture would change to the first letter of your name. I call myself Kevin calendar, pretty cool. Alias, but that's not my real name. I wish I was that cool. So where I could with luck. Let's have a look at a couple of different ways to access Google Calendar. Now, first of all, the most easiest way to do it is to hover to the top right hand side where you see these nine squares, little squares here. We call it the nine dot matrix. I click on that. And you'll have all of the Google services that are related to your Gmail account. Right here we have calendar. So you can click on calendar right here. And it would bring you straight to your Gmail Calendar. Pretty cool. Ha, I think So. Anyway, it's given us a quick introduction. It says, welcome to your new calendar. This is a fresh account. So if your views to Google Calendar before you probably won't see this. If it's your first time opening Google Calendar, you may see this. I'm gonna click, got it. Okey-dokey. Here we're now that's one of the easiest ways to access Google, Google Calendar, excuse me. The other way would be just to type this in your URL bar. I'm just gonna get rid of this for a second. And in your URL bar, type calendar dot, I'll even do it on a new tab. Nice fresh tab, calendar dot So you see that right there. If you're using Google Chrome and you type that in, it brings you straight to your calendar as well. So that's a pretty useful tool in case for some reason you don't see the sky and you prefer using the URL bar. So that's method number two. And no other way of course, would just be to search Google Calendar in your Google search, which is what a lot of people will do. But think of all those extra clicks you're adding up, you know? And the, one of the other ways you could do it is, let's say you're using your Gmail account. Now, this isn't a course on Gmail. You have a Gmail account created to use Google Calendar, Combs would email. Okay. This is the primary focus of your gmail account. It also has Calendar attached to it. But if you're using your Google, if you're using you say, excuse me, your Gmail already. A nice quick, easy way to do this would be using the side panel here on the right-hand side, you can see the calendar icon right there. You can click here too. And it gives you a little brief insight into the Google Calendar for today related to this account. And this button right here, it says open a new tab. Just like that. So soul many ways to get to Google Calendar, to organize our life and get all of our things done and dusted. Cool. So that's just everything for now. I'm going to really dive into Google Calendar in the next few videos. So I will see you then. 3. Lecture 2 - The Calendar Interface: Hey there and welcome back. So on this video we're going to just have a quick overview on the Google Calendar interface. Okay, so just to refresh, I'm going to close these Google Calendar tabs. Okay. And how do we get to Google Calendar? Let's say I'm at just as a quick refresher. How do I get to Google Calendar on a nice, quickest ways I like to do is go here and click calendar. Okey-dokey. So once that's loaded up here, we are just a quick view at this. So this large interface right here in front of us is our actual calendar. So as you can see, it's split into columns for each day of the week. Today is currently choose data sixth of October 2020. The scary 20-20 year that we're all so glad to get out of the way. I believe we've got the seventh, eighth, ninth into tent. And along the left-hand side here we have the times. Okay. So it's currently 953 in the morning and as you can see, it's just comment on 10:00 AM in wet cold all Ireland where I am right now. And so this is basically the layout for our week. So this is currently in a week view. Now, if I want to change that to a month, I can hover up to the top right inside here. Click on this. And as you can see, we have lots of different layouts. So let's say I want to change it to month. Okay? So I'm on the sixth of October and I've got the month view and it kind of fills in some days from last month as well, depending on the month. You know, I'm just changing into November as you can see, it gives us a little insight into the first few days of December at the end. Very cool. Okay, you can also view day. So you just want to have a single debut in a ListView there from 01:00 AM, midnight two all the way to the next mid night, you know. Now I'm going to click it back to week. Okay, so just to quickly actually have one quick look at this and you can actually go year as well. And you have your year view. So let's say you don't use it a lot and you just have certain circles, like on, on certain days. So if you create an event which we will do quite shortly, your days will come up slightly colored. So there'll be like, you know, 16 could be a red circle around it and 27 could have a green circle around that depending on the events you make uncertainties. And there's also a nice quick handy way to change what your view is. You can see here next to D, we have D week, we have w Mont with m, and so on. That way, on your keyboard, if you select one of these or if you press one of these keys, it'll change it for us. So I'm on the year view and I want to go to the month view, so it says n. So I'm just gonna click M on my keyboard right now. And just like that, it's just a month. Let's say I want to click W. Just like that, it switches to week. So that's a nice quick handy shortcut. Rather than going up, dragged down, clicking the wrong by accident, that kind of thing. So I can just click week using w and I go back to my weak form, okay? Quickly along the, along the left-hand side, the tongue twister. We have the create button. Now we will use shortly to create an event in the next video. Okay, so I'm just going to hit click x there. Now, we've got a month view. So we can kinda quickly skip back and forth between certain dates. You know, instead of going up here, changing the whole thing we have are munch view, which is very, very useful. We have searched for people. So you can search for denoted, say a coworker or family members email address. And if they have their calendar on a public setting, than we can view their calendar and see if they're available and see if we can have a meeting and so on. Here we have calendars. So these calendars, we will look at more, a bit more shortly. But basically, you can create, let's say ten events for your whole year called, I don't know, cleaning the backyard or cutting the lawn to know or trimming the loan. And you can put them in a certain calendar so that all appear here. So if I go year and if I create an event in January, February, July, September, I can hide all of those events together at the same time and show them at the same time. I can have a work calendars, so it would be called work and every day that I work every month would be highlighted here so I can hide those work events and shoulders work events, and they all show up in the calendar together. But they're called like different calendars are come together on one. It will make more sense shortly. We also have other calendars and you can add these here. These are premade Google calendars. At the moment it's highlighted two holidays in Ireland. What you can do things like add another calendar, you know, subscribe to an existing calendar. Myths. A another person out there has a calendar that you want to subscribe to. You can do really nice stuff here, browse color calendars of interests. So as you can see, we have Christian, Jewish, Muslim, orthodox, religious or regional holidays. I can highlight certain sporting leagues. All those calendars come up, phases of the moon. Let's click on this one. So I've just added phases of the Moon. And I'm going to take this back button up here on the left and go back and click on month view. So as you can see, all of these events got added to these days telling me what type of moon is happening. We have a full Moon, a quarter moon, and new moon. Cool stuff, and I can hide it and show it here by highlighting this box. Okay, so just along the top here, if I didn't get to show this here, just means today. So let's say I'm gonna go back a few months and I'm looking for an old event. So currently I'm viewing December 2019. I wanted to find out that Christmas Day was on Wednesday and I'm like, oh, you know, I have to scroll all the way back to today. Instead, you can just click today. And it'll jump you right to the month. So this is very useful in case you have to go digging into the future or the past. And up along the right-hand side here we've got our magnifying glass, which means you can search for keywords, search for an event you've had before. Just some help in training if you want to send some feedback, let's say you have something that could help Google Calendar or something is broken, you click on this. And we have some settings that we will look into also at a different stage. Okay, cool. I think that's all we need to look out for right now. We're going to jump into create and events and calendars after this. So I look forward to seeing you in the next video. 4. Lecture 3 - Creating a Calendar event : Hey there and welcome back. So in this video, what we're going to do together is create a calendar event. So let's say you have a big party tonight. Starts at eight PM. It's gonna finish at 11:00 PM and you want to invite some friends, okay, let's create an event, an attitude, or calendar. So to create an event, you can either click on the day. So let's say we have the month view open. You can click on the day here. And it kind of prompts us to create an event. This way. It gives us some details we can fill in. Or you can go up here to the left-hand side of your screen and click Create. And I'm just gonna click Create in the left-hand side of our screen for now. Okay. And as you can see, it brings us back to where we were, this use to open a new tab. And it does so by clicking more options. So let me just jump back here a second. What did we click create here or click here? It creates a new image, just dismissed it for a moment. It creates a new event like this. Okay, so add title. Crazy party. I'm not sure if I said it was a birthday party or not, but we're just going to call this a crazy party, okay? It's going to be an event. We can create things like reminders and tasks. They're kind of different types of things for our calendar to remind us to do something or we have a to-do list sort of thing, but we're just going to focus on the event here. Okay. Now, the date for this is Tuesday, October sixth, which is today, As we can see in our little calendar here, which is tonight, we're setting this for and we can hover over the time. And now C This, we can scroll down and select our time. And let's say didn't I say eight? I think I said APM. Wanna click APM and we can scroll down and maybe do 11 PM. It's gonna be a three hour party. So there's our time, there's our days, there's our title. It's going to be a timed event. Let's say if this was an entire day event, denote I wanted to block off the whole day for this, I can click the button all day and see how the time disappears. And it just puts a big block of event here. It doesn't give us a specific time anymore. I'm going to unclick that. And now it goes back with 08:00 PM. Okay. Time zone. By default, I have it set to Irish time. Depending on where you create your Gmail account or where you use this. You can also, it'll just default to your time as well. But you can actually change the time zone here. But you 99.999% of the time, you won't even look at this. Okay, so I'm gonna click cancel just to avoid confusing things. But you have the option. Does not repeat is set. If this was a daily party, you could click daily. And that would literally create an event every single day at 08:00 PM, You know. But you can do something like, you know, create weekly on a Tuesday. So the party will happen at 08:00 PM every Tuesday. Denote, as you can see now this starts to look really useful monthly on the first Tuesday, it gives us the option to say, OK. Do you want to have this party? Every choose the first Tuesday of every month. Didn't want I'm going to say yes to this. Ok. I'm gonna say monthly, monthly crazy party, that's going to be on every Tuesday, annually, you can say or you can say every weekday, Monday to Friday. So this is something that's useful if you have, let's say a work schedule. You can say this event is Monday to Friday or custom. So customers really useful to you can do things here like, you know, repeat once every two months, maybe once every week or two weeks. You can say when it's going to end or how many times the event needs to take place before the ends. Really cool stuff here. I would really advise just playing with this and having fun, okay? Remember you can delete events to later, So in case you create too many, you can always delete them. I'm gonna click cancel, and I'm gonna say monthly on the first Tuesday. That's the one I'm going to go for here. Okay. It says here, find a time. I think we already have retired on tree. So let's go back to our weekly view. Of course, as you can see, it's after moving it up here. And I kind of not a big fan of that. So I'm going to just bring it back. As you can see, you have Dr. sidebar here. If this ever happens to you, you can continue working on it. As you see, the same options are available puts you can also click on lock, undock cyber, and it kinda brings us back to where we were. Okay. Add guests. Okay, so this is where you can invite other Gmail users to your calendar. Okay. So let's say you have I don't know, my friend at this is just a fake account, by the way, at That's the same as my friend, but little a little. I don't know. I just don't want to send an email to a real person. So let's just remove that here and put it in here instead. Something crazy. And we tried it again. Blow that Lola at Okay. I hope this email address doesn't exist. So this is a friend I'm inviting to the party. And, you know, I'm just gonna say got it here. And this is a someone that basically they will see it on their end. Okay. So there'll be a can't see their calendar, but they'll get an email invitation and it should show up on their Google Calendar as well. Once they're a Gmail user, you won't be able to add other Gmail users to calendar events also, by the way. Okay. So guest permissions, I can allow this guests to invite other people. Maybe I don't want him to do that. And I can show this guest the guest list. So if I had 20 emails here, they would all be able to see each other and that's fine. I don't might not OK. And I don't want the guests to modify the event either. Okay. So that's that. And I can just leave that the way it is. Up next we have Google meet here, he says joined with Google meat. Now, if you're not sure what Google meters, I have another course on this platform covering how to use it. It's basically a video conferencing software. So this is something that Google has introduced on their events. Because of Cove ID and the coronavirus and people have to work from home and teach from home and have meetings from home. Thereafter, adding the video conferencing option to a calendar, which is really cool. Which means I can add a meeting with Google meat at all of the guests. That's a can have party over Google meat. Okay. And if I click join with me, it'll just create, well, let me just close that's up. It'll basically create a Google meeting which we can all join together. So we know we're going to the same meeting, but I'm just going to ignore that for now. Okay. I'm going to pretend that we can meet up as normal and maybe not in the current climate or the way things are going, but in this imaginary world, okay, add location. I'm just going to say, let's say a bar that's close to me. We're gonna meet at a bar. I don't know. Let's say it's gone so blank to show us the last moving toolbar with everything that's happening. Reardon runs core core regions bear, I spell it to run different type of Reardon. So I'm gonna click on this, okay, and it puts the addressing for the event ADD description. Hey, let's have fun. I can add an attachment. So let's say if I want to upload a file or a PDF, let's say the rules of the parity. I can add an attachment here today everyone can see. And then I just have some options from myself. Ok. So I have this showing up on Kevin's calendar and as you can see here on the left, I have different calendars, Kevin's calendars here. I also have birthdays, reminders, and tasks. So it's coming up as Kevin's calendar and I can set the color of the event. So this is a really cool thing as well to color scheme. I'm going to set it to green. Because why not? I'm gonna say busy. So if someone else can view my calendar, this this time period will show as busy. Default visibility. It's fine. Don't worry about that. And I have a reminder that says Turkey minutes beforehand. It's gonna remind me. I'll tell you what, I'm just gonna click Cancel reminder, okay. And you can add notifications as well. You can add different types of notifications one day before, one hour before. You can even add a notification, email, all that sorts of stuff. Notifications are really cool, they're ok. You also have the option here for more options. So if I click on that, as you can see, it's kind of what we have here, but just portrayed in a slightly different way. Okay. So we have our time or date, everything there. So take a moment to have a look at your event and once you are ready to go, you can click safe. It says, would you like to send an invitation to the Google Calendar guests? So I have another gmail account here that I would like to send an invitation to. I can send the email invitation or I can not send those. I'm going to send them. What you find is if you're editing an event, you might not send another email because you're kind of annoying people would email to that stage. Now this is showing on my monthly calendar and it should be showing for the first to choose day of every month. So let's click on November. The first Tuesday is choose a third of November, and there it is, it APM. And as you can see, the first Tuesday of December is December first and it's showing the party too. And if I click on one of these, you have the detailed data to fun. I think I added a reminder at the end. I forgot to remove it again. I had to get edited after removing it. I've got two guests. Location is here and I can join a Google meat if I'd like to. So just click that there, and that's how you would join with Google meat. And I could also click on the location. So let's say from not shorter location is Google Maps will open with the location here. Okay, see that in Cork City. So that's kinda cool, isn't it? So if we're not sure where we're meeting, I can see the map here as well. Okay. So let me just click X on this. I click on this, and that's how we create an event. Okay? So I know a kinda went a bit slowly through that. But the best thing you could do is just have formulas, mess with it and see how you can create your events. And if you'd ever like to, you can delete these as well by just hovering over them, right-clicking on them. And you can click, delete. You can also change the color and click yes or no maybe. But if I click Delete, it will say, I want to click this specific event or this and the following events or all of the events on my calendar. I'm just going to say let's say let's say just this event. So if I delete that one, I'm not going to let my guests snow. I did eat it us. The one on December first remains, and the one on tonight, October sixth remains also. Cool. And if I kept going forward, you probably see that event all the time. December, January, February, next year. Okay, cool. So that's everything really we need to know both create an event. In the next video, we're going to look at calendar sharing. So I look forward to seeing you then. 5. Lecture 4 - Creating a secondary calendar : Hey there and welcome back. So in this video, what we're gonna do together is create a new calendar on our Google Calendar. So I'll go to cut under, shows all of our events and our Individually organized groups of events. So if that makes any sense, look, it's going to be much Kia anyway in a couple of minutes. So let's jump right in. To create a new calendar. What would need to do is hover to the left-hand side of our screen and click the plus icon right here. Okay? When you click that, click, create a new calendar. Now, we're going to create a kind of they're called work. Okay. Work days. Des are the days that work. Okay. Time zone. I'm going to keep it as default and I'm gonna click Create Calendar. So Calendar creation in progress, it's working its magic in the background, okay? And it's created. Excellent. So I'm just going to click on the back button up here on the top left. And as we can see on the left-hand side of our screen, we have work days here, okay, now, there's cool things we can do. What I'll do is I'll hover on the tree dots here the options for workdays. And I'm going to change this calendar to undergo a cocoa brown. Ok. A chocolate brown. Because Dino work is like chocolate. I don't know. Let's just go with that. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to create some events and add them to discover there and you'll see what I mean. So let's say tomorrow at the seventh, I am working all day. So I'm just gonna say working today. And I'm going to add a full day event. So if I could add a time, but I'm going to say all day, all day by default anyway. And I'm gonna add no guests. And I'm just going to hover down here. And I don't want to add this to the Kevin calendar. I want to add this to the workdays calendar. So if I click on this, it changes to Brown automatically because my calendar is brown. And we will click save. So let's click Save right here. And I have an event cold working today under the workdays cotton there. So if I hover over dies or if I click on it, you can see it's on the workdays. Now let me create another one for next Tuesday, the 13th. So I'm just gonna say working tonight. I'm one at a time. I'm going to say seven PM to have ten. And I'm going to hover over to Calvin there again and add workdays. Okay, and I'm gonna click Save. So this is what a full day event looks like. It's a solid block of color with a name. And when you have a specific time, this is what it looks like. Now, that's the month view as well. Let me just click W on my keyboard that we'll look at the weak view. Okay? And as you can see, this is the week view and this is what it looks like on the week VW two. So from eight PM to 11, I have the crazy party like we talked about. And then when I have the full day event, it doesn't take up all of the calendar. It's sort of an event that goes on all day in the background. So they actually just sit on the top here. They rest on the top. So if we have an all day to take working today is here, but I want to put little reminders or events within that I could add to manually. Do know. There's cool things. Let's say just going on the event creation again, if I click on one of these grades, I had the option to drag like this, which is kinda cool. So 81145, and I can kind of drag it to roughly where I want to go. And I can move it like this, which is cool too. So that's something you can see on the week calendar rather than the moon calendar. I should ventured out in my last video. I do apologize down. But I'm showing you, you know, you know, and but all I'm gonna do is just click X. We're not going to create an event like that. And if I wanted to move to crazy party, I could actually move it around. But I'm just gonna leave it where it is. Now jumping back to our month view. Kevin, Why would you put these events in its own workdays calendar and not kevin calendar, but let's say I want to use kevin calendar for my own personal things. You know, like let's say I have a dentist appointment or I want to have a meeting with a friend or just a reminder, I would put those things in here. But I want to group my work events together. Why? Because I can hide him by clicking the height icon here. You see that? So all of the events I put on there just kind of in there. I can hide him and have a cleaner looking calendar when I want to look at my own events. So if you start creating loads and loads of events, this will get cluttered quite quickly, okay? But if I hover on this, I can remove them and add them. And I can even change the color of the, let's say I want to change this to a banana, yellow. See how its all, its updated. And I want to change the respect to Brown. There we go. So that's the positive thing about grouping our Google calendars together. So we've looked at creating an event. We looked at creating a calendar and adding events to their calendar. In our next video, we're going to look at sharing a calendar. So I look forward to seeing you then. 6. Lecture 5 - Calendar Sharing: Hey there and welcome back. So in this video we're going to quickly have a look over sharing a calendar. Okay, so in our last video, I created a calendar called workdays. You can share this calendar, okay, so it was really cool things you can do here. I'm going to click on the three dots when I hover over workdays right here. And we have some options. Again, we solved the colors that we were looking at. We can click displayed this only so I can hide everything else. Ok. I can click, hide this from the list oil. Well today I do. Let's try and figure out where I went wrong. So I'm going to highlight all of these against my events come back. But notice how my calendar disappeared. Let's go on an investigation together. I'm going to hover over to the top right inside of my screen. And I'm gonna click the gear icon to go to settings. Then I'm going to click on settings. Okay? Now along the left-hand side of our screen, we can go down to settings for my calendars and see where this is workdays. And you see this little icon here. It says it's currently hidden. I can click this to show it and it is back. Okay. So just that you know, in case you hide your calendar by accident, you can come to your Settings, go down here on the left-hand side and you can show it and make it visible again. Okay. I'm just going to click on the back icon here. And I'm back to my main screen. Now again, let's go over here and hover on these three dots. And this time we're going to click on settings and sharing. Now, on the left-hand side of our screen, we see settings for my calendars and we've got our calendar or birthdays and workdays. Okay? So we've got some lots of settings that we can go over here with our calendar. Here we have the name and description. We can export to calendar. There's a lot of information here on exporting your calendar. So I'm just gonna open this article, just linked here. And if you click on that, Google gives you lots of information here. So for some reason, let's say you want to export your calendar. What happens is you download it as a file, it's a zip file. And you can upload that file to another calendar interface I think denoted like Outlook. You may be able to import your Google calendar events into your outlook because they use a similar kind of back-ends organization system like an ICS is called. But there's things you can do. So if you're interested in doing that, I have a quick read. I would except I would advise that, you know, auto accept invitations. You have some things here that are basically when you create an event on this calendar, like we did earlier, you would automatically at all invitations that are calendar. You can make this available to the public. We're gonna skip unless we're just going to jump here to share with specific people. Now currently my e-mail addresses here and it says make changes and manage sharing. Now if I wanted my colleague to have a look at my calendar, like a click here at people. I'm just going to throw in a crazy email address that I hope it doesn't exist. Otherwise, someone is getting an email notification and I'm going to give them the permission to see all event details. Ok, you can you can let them make changes to your calendar and events and such. There's lots of different things you can do here, but I'm just going to let them see all event details. And I'm going to click send. And the following people do not have Google Calendar accounts because they don't exist. But I'm just gonna say invite anyway. Okay? So if you add it, someone who does have Google Calendar, you wouldn't even see the last one. But this is what would happen. Ok. I've now sharing workdays with this user. So what does that mean? Basically, if I go back to their set, my settings, if the other user accepts my invitation, my workdays calendar will appear under their other calendars. So it will appear here on the left-hand side of their screen also. So we're boat sharing a calendar looking at the same event. So what's really cool about that is, let's say you're organizing. Let's see, you live at home and you and your partner have different work schedules and you wanna make sure you build fine time where your free. What you could do is you could create a calendar and shared a calendar which your partner and any event that you're doing together or free time you want to book together may say you're both have very busy lives. You could create a calendar called free time, and you can boat, add events to it and edit events to it and invite each other and and, you know, moving around and just make sure that your boat free. So that's something that could work there. You could also be someone who works in a small office and you have to colleagues and you guys need to create a calendar that's shared amongst shoe, the tree. We can look at the same events from a specific calendar. But let's say you go home and you want to hide that calendar. You can just unclick it and view your personal events that nobody else will see. Remember, the other person will only see the calendar they've been invited to. And in this scenario, that one is workdays. Okay, so that's everything that really we need to know in this video. In our next video, I'm going to look at Calendar settings. So I look forward to seeing you then. 7. Lecture 6 - Calendar Settings: Hey there and welcome back. So in this video, we're going to look at Calendar settings. So we're after doing a big deep dive into how we create events, how we create calendars at events. Those calendars invite people, share calendars, different views refer to really learn a lot about calendar, okay, as you can tell so far, it's not the most difficult thing in the world to organize them. It's definitely a little bit of practice. You'll get faster and faster using Google Calendar. So when you get more confident with us, you can start looking into the settings of Google calendar. Now to access Google Calendar settings, you need to hover over to the top right hand side of your screen and go to the gear icon here. And that says Settings menu. So when we click on that, we have some options. So let's just quickly have a look at what we see here first, before we jump into the deep settings. There's things here you can say Get add-ons. And these are little plugins that you can attach to your calendar. Okay? I'm not usually someone who uses this kind of stuff, but there are cool things here that might work with you. For example, if you don't use google meat and instead your company or work-based uses zoom. This might be a useful tool for you, ok, it connects to your calendar. You may be able to connect to zoom meetings, to your calendar events. Probably really cool stuff you can do. Webex is a screen-sharing as far as I know, I think as you can see, there's different meetings and SMS reminder, plug-in, lots of cool stuff here that you can attach to your Google Calendar, okay, and you might find something here used for, for you. But just, I'm just gonna give you basically a heads up that there are things here that you can mess with it and have fun with it. Okay? So maybe that's something you'd be interested with. Okay. So I'm just gonna close that for now. Now I'm going to click on the gear icon again. And we have the option to print. Now if I click printed actually is giving me the print view for the month that I'm viewing. Let's say I click cancel and I change it to weak here. And then I click print. Now it's showing me, it's going to print my full week. So this is something that you might find very useful. Let's say you organize your week before and you want to print it out, share it with people, or you want to put it on your desk. This is something that's really cool, okay? And you can actually change your print range. You're view. This is something that is really kinda cool. Now I'm gonna change this back to month because I like the month view. I'm going to click on the gear icon again. And now I'm going to work up so at density in color now. So as you can see here, we have an option color set. You can go classic with black text. Modern point texts. You know, the way that watched the event colours changes. This is only very, very slight changes have been made to our event texts. But I'm going to leave it on modern. And we have information density responsive to my screen or compact look, everything got a bit tighter. I'm going to leave unresponsive to my screen because I'm using this on a monitor right now. But if I'm using my laptop somewhere on my need calendar to kind of respond to the size of my screen. Generally, this won't make much of a difference, but the options are there anyway. I'm just gonna show you. Ok, let's click on the gear icon again. And we can go to trash. So in trash, you can look at a deleted events that you've deleted. Ok? So this is very useful if you've deleted an event by accident. And let's actually just do definite. Let's just show it. Okay, I'm going to click on this event here that says working or the 13th. And I'm going to hover over to bin icon, and I'm going to click Delete. Oops, it's gone. Oh no, that was important to information on that. What do I do? So I can go to my gear icon, click on trash, go to workdays. And look right here. There's the event that I deleted. So there is a denote a safety net. If you delete an event by accident or you need to get some old information, you can jump in here. And remember, events in trash are deleted after 30 days. So this event will only stay here for 30 days since I deleted it today. But let's say I want to undo. I can go restore working, so I can restore this event that's called working. Or I can delete forever. I'm gonna say restore. I'm going to click back and it's back there. Okay, really, really, really cool IS NOT okay. So hovering over the gear icon again, I'm going to click settings. Now, in the settings we have lots of different options. I'm going to have a quick skim, not to, not gonna go too deep because a lot of these you'll never change language and region. Here I have English US. I probably should be using English UK because I'm in Ireland. Ireland is not in the UK by the way, the Republic of art is not just in case you're wondering, but we do speak English in Ireland and we would speak more aligned with the UK English rather than us. So I'm gonna change it to that date format. Month, as you can see here, is that the month, day year in art and we tend to do dei Monti year. And I know in the US you go Monte first day second. So I'm just gonna change the this for myself now, you can leave it the way it is for yourself as well, you know. And the time format I'm gonna do to pm, Am, or the kind of 24-hour clock. I like to 24-hour talk. So I'm gonna take on the 24-hour clock, okay? Now scrolling down, I have the option to display secondary time zone. That's let's say if you have different, if you want to know what time you're meeting is in different time zones, that's kinda cool. You can add them here. Denoted let's just say alaska time. Why not? Okay, so when you create an event, it'll have what time it is in different time zones. And also you can learn more by clicking on this link here. Okay? Now I can scroll down and click on world clock. I can show world clock. That's fine. You would never really use that as such events settings. So the default duration is 60 minutes. So when I click on an event, it automatically creates it in a 60 minute. If you want your default time to be something else, you can say 30 minutes. It makes more sense. Speedy Meetings and turn them into meetings five minutes early and no longer meetings ten minutes early. So desk kinda stuff there that you can do which are meetings as well. Very kinda cool. As you can see there. It's after changing our things down little bit ETS has gone from 30 to 35. Again, you might never really need to use this default, guessed it permissions. So by default, this is what your guests to events can do. Invite odors or see to guess this, maybe you just say, look, I want the default to be just c to guess lists. So every time I create an event, anyone I invite would not be able to invite other people. By default, you can change that in the event anyway, okay? Automatically add invitations. And you can have notifications set to alerts by default. I could say, right by default when I create any calendar event, there would be no notifications. So I'm gonna say off automatically add Google meat. So if you find that Google meet heads up kinda thing is annoying. You can disable it here. And we have different view options. For example, things here you can really play around with reduced brightness of past events. That's kinda cool. View calendar side-by-side. And Dave, you that's cool. You can start to week here on a Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. Okay. So sometimes I like to start it on a Monday, but by default that's on Sunday. That's something that you might use. Your custom view. You can have a custom view if you'd like. I'm going to set that to two weeks. I'll show you that in a moment. So just remember I said a custom view, two weeks, alternative calendars. You don't have to worry about that really unless you want to look into us and events from Gmail, Dino and keyboard shortcuts. That's okay. So then all is really kinda cool. As you can see, we looked at everything on the left-hand side already. We just worked away down. We've added a calendar before. Okay. We just create a new calendar. You can subscribe to a calendar, which by, by entering someone's email address or a calendar email address, we've already browsed calendars of interests, which was the adding the sports. Remember in the phases of the Moon we did that. So I'm just gonna click back to settings. Go to our settings icon, click settings. Different kinda stuff you can import and export as well. So let's say this would be relevant if you are currently using Microsoft Outlook and you wanna move all of the events from Outlook to your Google Calendar. In Outlook, you should have the option to export your calendar, and that will give you a zip file. And once you can do with that zip file is open it and you'll get a kind of file called this ical or CSV. And you import it here and you can add the events to whatever calendar you'd like. And that way, you can move all of your events from one platform to the other. And you can also export to calendar here. So let's say you wanted to do the opposite. You want it to move your Google events to another platform. What you could do here is export events from Dino. These calendars. It'll download it and you can select a which one you'd like to move to the other platform later on. Okay, so really cool, really straightforward. If you're still unsure about this, that we won't be covering this specifically. But if you're very, if you're, if you're unsure, there is a very helpful support article here called export, your Google calendar. This is just kind of a quick run through Google Calendar, how to use it. This is a bit more, a little bit more advanced, but it's not difficult. So have a look at this. Reach your desire to go exports or Google Calendar on the support form. So if you just searched, export your Google Calendar. In Google search, you will find this article, okay, it's very, very useful. So that's everything really we need to know about the settings icon here and the different types of settings we can make. In our next video, we're just going to have a little look at a couple of other things. And I look forward to seeing you then. 8. Lecture 7 - Search Bar: Hey there and welcome back. So in this video, what we're going to do is have a little look at the search bar in Google Calendar. So the search bar is located on the top right hand side of our screen. This little magnifying glass right here. When we click on that, we can search. Now, you can search for keywords here, times, dates, and, you know, let's say you don't know when the event was and you're just not sure where when maybe it happened five years ago, maybe it happened two years ago. Maybe it's something in two years time. And you have hundreds and hundreds of events, ok. Because sometimes you're going to go get kinda crazy. What you can do is type some keywords in here. So if I write down working today, it'll probably give me something for this event right here. If I click Enter, See, I have working today. That's my results that came up. If I had 50 events called working today than they would all show up and I'd have the option to click into each of them and look at the details of each of them. You know, if there was a description and such, there's also some other attendant and me just kicked back here and go search again. There's also some things here with this drop-down arrow. If we click on that, we can specify our search. We could say search in active calendars. We can actually be very specific about the calendar we want to search for, let's say an event or something, a keyword that's contained in that event. Let's say I'm looking for an event dot colleague of mine attended and I know that he attended it and he was a participant or inviting, you know. So I'm going to put, let's say some keywords and that colleagues email address in here, you know, or maybe their name and try and search for it. Or I want to search for every event that happened at a certain location. Demo. So if I search here and go reared add-ins, I should be able to know Results, sugar, maybe I spilt burdens wrong, but I don't know what it we said the crazy party to regions, which we did here, I think I spent the Reardon is wrong. So that's you need to know how you spell things as well. Just That's a good lesson to learn right there. If I search for crazy parity, you know, I'm getting some events here. Getting the ones see, three of them are coming up. I'm getting the ones that are coming up for today, November third and December first, because remember we said it for the first choose Dave, every month. So that's why it's showing three of them is showing the three most the closest ones. If I click on this one, it's going to show the details for tonight's event here. Now, what I really did was I actually, before recording this video, I put an event in the past and I call it a secret event or secret day. So I set it for one. They tend to February. And if I click on this, it's something that it highlights it. It doesn't bring us back in time, but it gives us the date. It gives us the day. We can jump in and edit it if we'd like to. It was set for February. So if I click on our little icon here and go back to February. I think it was February 13th, maybe over here. So February tent. So as you can see here, I had an event called Secret day, and I just wanted to do that to show our search icon that it'll actually returns events from the past as well. Very, very powerful tool, this search bar. You know, you can search for events that don't have certain keywords, or you can just search for events that have, you know from a certain date to a certain date. So I want to search for all events from October first to October 30th. And then that might also contain certain keywords. So you can get very specific about what you're searching for. Now, I'm going to just click on today and bring us back. The search bar is very, very useful. Ok, very cool. I would suggest using us if things get crazy and you start really, really haven't lots of events because sometimes you could have an attachment that you're looking for on an event and the search bar, it will be sometimes the best way to find your event. So cool, that's really everything you need to know what to search bar. It's best put into practice when you have lots and lots of events. So unfortunately, I don't have a lot of events here to kind of play with as we're just doing this from scratch. But it's definitely something to keep in mind. Very, very powerful to. Okay, cool. So in our next video, we're just going to talk about support in Google Calendar. So I look forward to seeing you then. 9. Lecture 8 - Support & Top Tips!: Hey there and welcome back. So in this video we're going to have a quick look at the help icon here, or should I say support? You can find held within us. This is a very useful place to go if you are looking for some training or further help or updates or feedback in such. Now, you can use the help link here to search for support articles. Okay, so if I click Help on their support, you'll get some things here. So it'll give you some default ones. You know, sharing your calendar with someone, which is something we just did. Fixing sink problems with the calendar app. So we're not quite using the Calendar app here on desktop. I may be making some courses soon on, using the Calendar app for your mobile phone. So do stay tuned for that. So you can use Google calendar on your phone, which is very, very, very cool. He probably just as useful is using it on the computer. But this is just covering the Computer Interface. There's an article here. It gets started with Calendar, which we would have rent through a lot of stuff. We would've changed or turned off kinda their notifications. Now we looked at that briefly in the settings, didn't tweet. And we also looked at it when creating an event. You can disable and enable different types of event notifications, etc. And you can change your event privacy settings. Now we've done that to where you can show, hide, or busy, or free when you have an event created. Now there's lots of other cool stuff in here, okay? You could actually go to the browse all articles. So if I click on this link, it'll give you the homepage for the Google Calendar help. And there's lots of stuff here. So if, if you want to do some more further reading and get a very, very in-depth after this course. Feel free to have a look at a lot of this. As you can see, we've covered a few things here. Editing, sharing, subscribing view your day, week, month. We've done that with the shortcuts, printing the calendar. We've done a lot of this. We've briefly looked at importing and exporting and just explain how it works. You know, and events we talked about creating, advising, deleting. We've looked at a lot of this already. But again, if you are, if you want to have a big denote deep look into all of the official articles, feel free to jump in here. It's always worked at, you know, if you want to learn more. So to do that you click on support. I'll just close this. You click on support and help. And you can actually search the article here. So let's say delete an event to see this. It's coming as a dropdown menu on this thing. If I click this, it will actually show me the article in the interface. So how cool is that? You don't even need to open a new tab. Now it might be a bit small and tight. So if that's the case, you can open us in a new window. Looking at this option here, you can open all of this in a new window like this. Or if that's okay with you, you can continue and work on it here as well. Okay, so that's kinda cool and it gives different help center articles for computer, Android and iPhone and iPad. So really cool. So that's what you can do when it comes to getting more help and reading more on the support side, when you click on the support art icon. And there's also a training link here. Now, this is something if you are looking to sign up for the Google workspace Learning Center. So Google really offer a lot of very official trainings of resources here and they do want and cotton there as well. I mean, if you take this course, you're pretty much looking at a lot of the stuff that they'll be looking at. What they do go a lot more in depth regarding outlook and migration denotes a very heavy stuff there. If you're looking at this for like a corporate sort of thing where you're, you're in-charge of 50 people moving all of their calendar data over. This is something that's a bit more streamlined. It just requires a little bit more learning and research, but still very helpful. I'm just wanted to bring that up in case you're interested in learning more about that. Okay, Let's go to support again. So that's the training and you can click here on updates as well. So updates is basically what's new in calendar. So they're always updating Google Calendar, okay. Sometimes every couple of months, sometimes once a year. As you can see, the last update, September 2019. So it's going pretty strong. It's a calendar is doing a good job so far. So no updates and 20-20 or at least not listed here anyway. But if you want to see what's new, you can click in here and read more details about every update a mic in case the Add a new setting. If they add all this kinda stuff, you know, really, really useful. Okay, very, very cool. So just going to close that. If you click on Support one more time, then there's also a send feedback option. So this is something where let's say something's just acting strange. You think that something looks like it's broken. You're trying to create an event, do different settings and stuff is going crazy. Take a screenshot, you can, or you can take a screenshot here has actually taken a screenshot of the screen as we speak. See, it's actually doing this where I can, you know, say, oh, this is strange. This particular thing, click done. And it's putting that screenshot, honest. So that's the positive thing about using Google Chrome. It might work in the other browsers, but Chrome is great for Google products specifically. And I can say, you know, this event is going crazy. So sometimes denote these products, go a bit mad. It's happened to me is sometimes where I create an event and the event name is just flashing on enough to do on, off, on, off like an indicator. And it kinda drives me nuts. So sometimes you might send feedback, okay? And this goes directly to the engineers. And what they might do is they'll have a look at us. And if they notice other people are having the same issue, they might jump in and have a look and see what the issue is. I'm not sure what happens when it comes to replying to you. I don't think they do that at specifically. This is kind of just helping us make the product better for everyone. I guess, you know, given feedback saying that something is wrong. So it's very cool. I would advise doing it if you know it was anything out of the ordinary. Chances are you should be pretty okay. I don't think you ever really use this. Very, very, very, very, very rarely. And it's up to yourself. You don't even have to use it if you don't want to read. Okay. So that's everything regarding the support tab. I'm just having a quick look here. I think we've had a look at almost everything. There's some terms and privacy links down here if you'd like. The hamburger icon here, it says the main menu. To see these three lines, we call that the hamburger. If you click on that, you can hide your left buyer their task where on the left. So you can stretch your screen out like that. Just to give one final look there. And on the right-hand side here we have a couple of links and you can actually hide it here by hovering. Hide side panel down here in the bottom right into the screen. And we can get rid of that completely as well. So that makes it a bit cleaner. Full-screen calendar, no sidebars anywhere. Now, if you want your sidebars back, click your hamburger icon and go to the bottom right hand side of the screen to show the side panel. This is where we do know. Remember we looked at some add-ons earlier. We weren't sure if maybe you could use them or not use them. You can get lots of cool add-ons here. And if you do add them to your calendar, they show up here in the right hand side. So at the moment we've got keep some tasks and maps. You know, now if I click on Keep, now I have a course on keep. So feel free to check out my profile and you can see what keep is. It's a note-taking kind of program that Google make and it's very, very cool, I have an entire course in it. So if you're interested in learning about that, feel free to check that out. You can make and create a note here, and it will attach it to your Google account. And you can have a quick look at your keep from your calendar, which is cool. Tasks are here to kind of like keep except tasks or like a to-do lists. Very cool. You can get started with tasks. That's cool too. And you've got maps. So as we saw earlier when we created an event twitter location, it will put it here. It's just kind of helping us organize everything a bit better when we're on our calendar. I guess what can make our life easier? And they kind of add some cool things here. And I'm just gonna click close. And you have your tablet or your icon here. And also, yeah, I think that's pretty much it. There may be one or two very small things that we skimmed over a bit too quickly, perhaps. If you believe that's the case, feel free to leave Review. And I'd happily get love your feedback if you do message me and or even discussion like topic on that, happily get back to you. I think for now, that's pretty much everything we need to look over. I just, I'm gonna make one more video after this, just as a quick recap and conclusion to our course. But I do hope you found this course helpful. And I wish you the happiest of event Creating and life organizing skills using Google Calendar. Okay? I really like Google Calendar. I use it all the time. I'm always create an events on it in my personal account. And honestly, my mind would be everywhere if I didn't have it organized here. So it's quite addictive, I must say for myself anyway. So I do wish you the best of luck. Witness, practice, practice, practice. That's all I can say. Okay, get in here. Create events for the smallest things you know, if you're going to go to work today, create an event for not y-naught, and then try making it a recurring event. Maybe try deleting someone who's events and recovering those events. You know, invite others, create different calendars, really do as much as you can. And you will learn. I promise you, you will do much better and every time you practice. So I leave you with that. I'll see you in the next video and goodbye for now. 10. Course Conclusion: Hey there, I just wanted to pop in one more time to say, thanks so much for taking this course. I hope you had a lot of fun along the way. Maybe learning his phone. I'm not sure Anyway, I think it's kinda fun sometimes. But if you've learnt a lot about Google Calendar after taking this course, I'm delighted. That's the aim and I hope that you will end up using it in your day-to-day life. I'll use it all the time. I organized my breakfast on that thing nearly, which might be a bit too much, but it, it helps, it helps. I've got my brain can be in a million different places sometimes at once anyway, I'm blubbering. Thanks a million for taking the course. If you've enjoyed AS I would really appreciate, appreciate it. If you leave some feedback. And if there's something that you think that could be improved on the course, then please feel free to include that in your feedback. Also, I'd love to improve the courses for future students and just make it better and better so people can get the most out of it. Anyway. Thanks so much for checking out my course. If you would like to take another one of my courses, feel free to check my, my profile. I've got lots of courses up there at the moment. Some covering classroom, Google meet Google, Keep, Google Chrome, Google Drive, which is very popular at the moment. So please feel free to check those out as well. I've also making one on Gmail at the moment, which might be up when you view this. So feel free to check that one or two as well. Okay. So thanks a million. I'll see you next time and have a great day, a great week and great mountain, a great year. Ok, so all the best.