Google Ads For Beginners 2023 - Step By Step Process | Joshua George | Skillshare


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Google Ads für Anfänger 2023 – Schritt-für-Schritt-Prozess

teacher avatar Joshua George, Digital Marketing Expert

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Der ultimative Google Ads-Kurs für Anfänger


    • 2.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 3.

      Was ist Google Ads?


    • 4.

      Wo erscheinen Google-Anzeigen?


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Dein erstes Google Ads-Konto einrichten


    • 7.



    • 8.

      Budgets und Auswahl deiner Gebotsstrategie


    • 9.

      Abrechnung einrichten


    • 10.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 11.

      Was ist ein Keyword und die Absicht hinter einem verstehen


    • 12.

      So findest du Keywords zum Ansprechen – Verwandte Website-URL


    • 13.

      So findest du Keywords, die du ansprechen solltest: Keyword Planner


    • 14.

      So findest du Keywords, die du ansprechen kannst – SEMRush


    • 15.

      Wie du deine Keywords nach Themen ordnest


    • 16.

      Alles, was du über Keyword-Match-Typen wissen musst


    • 17.

      Wie du wie ein Profi Match-Typen zu deinen Keywords hinzufügst


    • 18.

      Die Bedeutung negativer Keywords Wie du sie zu deinem Konto hinzufügen kannst


    • 19.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 20.

      Die Entwicklung der Art und Weise, wie Anzeigen in Google erscheinen


    • 21.

      Best Practices zum Schreiben von Killer-Anzeigentexten


    • 22.

      So erstellt du deine erste Google-Anzeige


    • 23.

      Anzeigenrotation – Alles, was du wissen musst


    • 24.

      Anzeigenplan – So wählst du die Tage und Zeiten aus, zu denen deine Anzeigen geschaltet werden sollen


    • 25.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 26.



    • 27.



    • 28.

      Klicks maximieren


    • 29.

      Conversions maximieren


    • 30.

      Target Impression Teilen


    • 31.

      Manuelles CPC und verbessertes CPC


    • 32.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 33.

      Qualitätsfaktor verstehen


    • 34.

      Die 4 Komponenten, die den Quality Score ausmachen


    • 35.

      Anzeigenrang verstehen und wie er berechnet wird


    • 36.

      Wie Google bestimmt, wie viel du pro Klick bezahlst


    • 37.

      Wenn du schlechte Bewertungen ignorieren kannst (und wenn du es nicht kannst)


    • 38.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 39.

      Was sind Anzeigenerweiterungen und die Vorteile ihrer Verwendung


    • 40.

      Die verschiedenen Arten von Anzeigenerweiterungen, die du verwenden kannst


    • 41.

      So fügst du Sitelink-Erweiterungen zu deinen Anzeigen hinzu


    • 42.

      So fügst du Callout-Erweiterungen zu deinen Anzeigen hinzu


    • 43.

      So fügst du deinen Anzeigen Anruferweiterungen hinzu


    • 44.

      So fügst du Standorterweiterungen zu deinen Anzeigen hinzu


    • 45.

      Dinge, die du bei der Verwendung von Anzeigenerweiterungen beachten solltest


    • 46.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 47.

      Die Grundlagen des Conversion-Trackings und seine Vorteile verstehen


    • 48.

      Die zwei wichtigsten Arten von Conversions, die du verwenden kannst


    • 49.

      Conversion-Tracking für Formulareinreichungen einrichten


    • 50.

      Conversion-Tracking für Telefonanrufe einrichten


    • 51.

      Was wir in diesem Abschnitt behandeln werden


    • 52.

      Deine Anzeigen basierend auf Keyword-Daten optimieren


    • 53.

      Deine Anzeigen basierend auf Anzeigendaten optimieren


    • 54.

      Deine Anzeigen basierend auf Geräten optimieren


    • 55.

      Deine Anzeigen basierend auf bestimmten Zeiten und Tagen optimieren


    • 56.

      Schlussfolgerung, Auf Wiedersehen...


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About This Class

Suchst du nach einem Google Ads-Kurs, der dir GENAU zeigt, wie du profitable Google-Anzeigen einrichtest? Großartig, du bist hier richtig. Ich

spreche nicht nur über den Talk, sondern ich gehe tatsächlich den Spaziergang und lebe ihn. In diesem Kurs kannst du mir in Echtzeit zuschauen, wenn ich dir GENAU zeige, wie ich profitable Google-Anzeigen einrichte und

schalte.Anstatt dir nur die Theorie zu geben und es dir dann zu überlassen, alles herauszufinden, kannst du auch über meine Schulter schauen und sehen, wie du alles umsetzen kannst, was ich lebe. Den Kurs und alles, was du lernst, für diejenigen interessant machen, die alles ausführen

möchten.Dieses Zeug ist SUPER leistungsstark.Der

Prozess, den ich während des Kurses befolge, ist der GLEICHE Prozess, den ich beim Einrichten und Erstellen von Anzeigen für die Websites meiner Kunden verwende, damit du sicher sein kannst, dass das, was du lernst, tatsächlich in der realen Welt verwendet wird und tatsächlich

funktioniert.Ich werde dir auch Zugang zu den genauen Tabellen geben, die ich in meiner Agentur verwende, damit du alles zur Verfügung hast.

Was du lernen wirst, wenn du an diesem Google Ads-Kurs teilnimmst:

  • Wie du deine erste Google-Anzeige von Grund auf neu einrichtest.

  • Was ein Keyword ist und die Absicht dahinter

  • Finde heraus, wie du Hunderte von Keywords findest, die du für dein Unternehmen ansprechen kannst

  • Was Match-Typen sind und wie sie dir jede Menge Geld sparen können

  • Wie du killerstarke Anzeigen schreibst, die Klicks generieren

  • Mehr über Gebotsstrategien erfahren

  • Alles, was du über Quality Score wissen musst

  • Ein Meister mit Anzeigenerweiterungen werden

  • Wie man Conversions einrichtet und verfolgt

  • So optimierst du deine Werbekampagnen

Buchstäblich alles, was du brauchst, um eine erfolgreiche Google Ads-Kampagne zu erstellen und

umzusetzen.Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Ressourcen, die du während des Kurses herunterladen kannst, und viele Bonus-Tipps und Tricks, die du verwenden

kannst.Fakt: Pro 1 Dollar, der für Google AdWords ausgegeben wird, generiert ein durchschnittliches Unternehmen 2 Dollar.Lass

uns sicherstellen, dass du eines dieser Unternehmen

bist.Wissen ist Macht. Investieren Sie heute und schauen Sie nie zurück!

Triff deine:n Kursleiter:in

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Joshua George

Digital Marketing Expert


Joshua is the founder of ClickSlice, an award-winning SEO agency in London.

Joshua originally got involved with SEO as an end result of selling on eBay. He loved selling on eBay but hated paying the eBay commission fees (also known as final value fees). Instead of paying eBay every time he wanted to list an item he decided to make his own website where he could list as many items as he wanted without paying any insertions fees.

After building the website he noticed his site was nowhere to be found in Google and no one was buying his products.

As you do, he started to Google things like "how to get my website higher in Google" and stumbled across SEO in 2016.

Josh remembers this day like it was yesterday and says whilst smiling "Sept 13th 2013, the day I stum... Vollständiges Profil ansehen

Level: All Levels

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1. The Ultimate Google Ads Class For Beginners: Hello and welcome to the ultimate Google Ads calls for beginners, where I'll be showing you how you can set up and run profitable Google ad campaigns from complete scratch. My name is Josh with George, I own and run the award winning digital marketing agency in the UK called clicks lies. And what I'll be sharing with you in this course is the most effective Google ad strategies that you can use to grow any business out there. Instead, immediate showing you the theory behind these strategies and then leave up to you to figure out, I'll be showing you how you can implement all the strategies I teach in an over the shoulder format, step-by-step, ensuring that everything you learn is going to be super actionable. In this course, you're going to learn how to sell, but Google Ads account from complete scratch. I'll show you how you can find the best keywords that target. I'll also show you how you can craft the perfect ad texts. I'll walk you through all the different types of bidding strategies you can use. You learn what quality score is and how big of an impact it can make on any fugu ad campaign. I'll also be covering ad rank, ad extensions, average cost per clicks, conversion tracking, campaign optimization. Literally everything you need to know to take you from 0 to hero. This is the cause I wish I had when I started running Google ad for the very first time. Learning Google Ads is one of the best decisions you can make in this digital age. There are 3.5 billion searches every single day in Google, and 40 to 50% of those searches and inadequate. There has never been a better time than now to learn how Google ads work. So what are you waiting for? I'll see you inside. Before we dive into the core content of the class, I just wanted to clarify one thing. And that is in the lesson titled How to find keywords that target SEMrush. I use a premium digital markets into code SEMrush, which for those who don't know, is one of the most powerful tools out there, which you can use to find the best keywords and target as part of your Google Ads Campaign. The only downside to SEMrush is that it's not free, which is purely down to the amount of data and information it provides you, which you can use the beige or Google ads on. Similar she's prices start from $120 per month, which I do appreciate is a lot of money, especially if you're just starting out. However, do not fare as I've been in touch with SEMrush, and I'm delighted to announce that I've managed to secure a free 14 day trial exclusively for members of my courses, which is you, to take advantage of this free 14 day trial, we need to do is go to the first lesson of the class, which is the one right at the top. Once you click on that lesson, you want to go to the video player and click this icon right here, which says view or notes. Once you give it a click, a drop-down menu should appear below with a link in it. And once you give that link or click, you will be redirected to the page which was just on, where you can sign up for 14 days for completely free. And just to confirm, 14 days is more than enough time to action upon everything which you're going to learn in this class, which to be fair, it was only that one lesson, which was just referring to, if you use are linked to make a purchase IE continue to the software after the free 14 days, then we will receive a commission at no additional cost to you. So that helps us out too. So now we've got that clarified and it's out of the way. Let's get straight into the class. I'll see you in the next video. 2. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Hello and welcome to the first section of this course, where we're going to cover the basics of Google ads and how you can actually set up your Google Ads account. So in this section we're going to cover what is Google ads and where do they appear? We're also going to look at the Google account hierarchy. We're going to look at setting up your first Google account from scratch. We're going to go into a bit of detail in location targeting. And we're also going to look at budgets and selecting your bidding strategy. Now, if you already have some experience with Google ads and you understand how it all works, then you can probably go ahead and skip this section, as you might find it a little bit too basic. However, if you have no experience of Google ads, then I highly recommend you do not skip any sections of this course and you'd go through the whole thing section by section. And that will give you a really good foundational understanding and won't make sure you understand every single element when it comes to Google ads. So without further ado, let's dive into this first section. 3. What is Google Ads?: What is Google ads? Google ads is Google's advertising system, in which advertisers bid on certain key words in order for the clickable ads to appear in Google search results. What's important to understand is that when you bid on a keyword, you are essentially Internet auction and competing against other advertisers who are bidding on the same keyword. You only pay Google when someone clicks your ad so you can ascend. You get add up and running for free without ever spending a penny. On top of this, you can set a maximum CPC, which stands for cost per click on, basically told Google. This is the maximum amount of money I'm willing to pay per click. This makes it extremely flexible as you only pay what you want to pay. So now we know that let me run you through some astonishing facts and confirm that you made a good decision by wanting to learn Google ads. So first up giggle have a 75% market share, meaning that they are the dominant search engine in the world. Whenever someone wants to find out information of product or a service 75% of the time, they will turn to Google, which is great for us, as it means going to get more eyeballs on to our ads on more clicks over to our Web site. There are 3.5 billion searches every single day, which just confirms that people go to Google. First and foremost, Amazon is growing indeed for search for products and so on. But Google is still the king. By far, 71% of Google's revenue comes from Google ads. It used to be 97% in the past, but that's dropped down to 71% only because Google was dived into other revenue streams. But 71% is still a whooping number on Because Google make so much money from the Google ads , they try their best on the hardest to make sure everyone who's running Google ads actually succeeds. As that will mean. They'll make more money as the people who are succeeding are going to spend more money on drum or ads. So it's a win win for both of us in 2000 and 17 do who made a massive 109 billion? That's 1,000,000,000 yes, be for baseball $650 million in revenue, which is absolutely crazy, and 71% of that revenue came from Google ads. So if you do the mask 71% off, 109 billion, 650 million is actually 77 billion $851,500,000 which is crazy. So in this course I'm going to teach you how you can get a little slice of that pie, because this stuff is super super powerful. But here's another astonishing fact. 40 to 50% off all Google searches. And in an ad click on This is really interesting to know, as a lot of people say, no one clicks The Google ads. I never clicked the Google ads. My brother, my mommy never click the giving lads. Ignore that because 40 to 50% of all searches and add click. And if there's 3.5 billion daily searches, then that's roughly just under two billion clicks a day on ads. So ads are working extremely well, and the main reason why the working so well is because Google keep changing away at the show is on the search results page so back in the day you have a big yellow block behind the ad, which actually stood out quite a bit and made it obvious it was ad. So did you actually change over to what we call a green add icon? And even now they've changed again. Just the black text literally saying at It's actually becoming very hard to tell the difference between a pay dad on the organic listing. And this is Google's main goal. As the harder is to distinguish between the two, the more clicks ads are going to get this actually leads onto my last astonishing fact. 45.5% of users do not know the difference between an ad on the organic result. So just under half of the people carrying out research I don't know the difference between organic Anna ad, which is crazy. We just showed you how powerful Google ads are. So now we know what Google ads are In the next video. I'm going to show you where your Google ads can appear. I'll see you in the next video 4. Where Do Google Ads Appear?: Where do Google ads appear? So Google ads appear in two main places. The first is the search network, and the second is a display network. So knowing which one to choose for your campaign is extremely important. So 99 percent of the time when students come to me and asked me what is the best network to display my ads on? I always say the search network. So allow me to explain the difference between both of them and explain exactly why I recommend you go for the search network. So first off, what is the search network? So to search network is simply Google search. So this is the most common one and you've probably seen it yourself before in the past, multiple times. You've gone onto Google and you've typed in a phrase or a keyword like women's boots and an Azure. You've done that. You see loads of ads at the top of Google. You see some ads on the right-hand side of the page here, but the top two to three results are always going to be ads. So this is the Google search network. So one of the benefits of advertising and showing your ads on the Google search network is that you can target people who type for services or products that you offer. For example, if you offer women's boots or maybe men's hats, for example, you can make sure that your products are visible for when someone types in those searches related to your products. So the Google search network is extremely powerful and kinda allow you to target the people looking for your products and your services. The display network, on the other hand, is where you show ads on external websites. So websites are on Google. So maybe the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and so on. So you would show your ads on these websites in a display form. Display form, meaning either a banner or image. So with display ads, you don't have the opportunity to target a specific group of people. Your ad is literally shown to everyone who's on that website. So if you do sell, let's say men's gloves for example, and someone lands on that website and then we're interested in gloves, then I'm not going to click your ad. So as a result, typically speaking, the conversions for ads run on the Display Network, usually a lot lower in comparison to add run on Google search network. So now we've gone through the theory of both Research Network and I display network. Let's go over to my browser and I'll give you a live example of both of these in the real-world. So I'm now over on my browser. And if I type in a keyword such as women's boots, and then see what we have. And you can see straight away, we have two ads at the top of the page. We know there are ad because they have a little ad symbol right here. It is very hard to distinguish between an ad and organic. You do have to look very closely, which is actually why I was saying Google ads are becoming more and more powerful as Google is trying to blend their ads more in with the organic section below. So at the top of the page we have two ads right here. So these are two different companies bidding on this keyword, women's boots. To the right-hand side of the page, we have another big section here, all for ads as well. So the ads you're seeing on this page is ads on the Google search network. So ads on Google search engine. So if you want your ads to appear on a page like this at the top of Google or maybe on the side, then you need to make sure you go for the Google search network. Sometimes you can have up to four different ads at the top of the page. And typically you have another two to three at the bottom of the page as well. So as you can see, we have another free ad at the bottom of the page. So let me show you a live example of an ad on the Display Network. So over on this website now called Wall Street Journal. So Wall Street Journal is simply a news website. If we scroll down that bound to have a display ad somewhere here on the right, and within three seconds we've already found one. So this is the display added coming from a company called webcast. So we actually click the X and NGO why this ad, you can actually see that this ad is getting served to us from Google. We know that because we are getting this information in front of us, which is about how Google show you ads. So in this instance, this company is displaying their ad on this website through using the display network. So as you can imagine, I'm on this website right now. I'm not that interested in equity trading, which is what this ad is about. Conversion on this ad isn't going to be that high. This company is shown that add on Display Network. And like I said earlier, there's no way to really target the people we want to see your ad when you choose a display network. This is the main reason why I recommend that everyone should always go for the Google search network. It's way more targeted, It's way more specific. And you're more likely to have more conversions and make more money and have a more profitable campaign. The one thing where display ads come in handy is when you really want to increase your brand awareness. You can almost see run display ads unless you get your brand out there on so many different websites. That's it for this one. And you now know the difference between the Google search network and the Google Display Network. I'll see you in the next video. 5. Google Account Hierarchy: Google's account hierarchy. So in this video, I'm going to go through the main things you need to know about the structure and the hierarchy of your Google Ads account. So let's start off with this image. From the top down, you're gonna have your Google Ads account. Within your Google Ads account are going to have campaigns. And then within your campaigns you're going to have multiple ad groups. You can have one out-group, you kinda have five. You can even have a 100 different adverbs is completely up to you. And then within each ad group, you're going to have keywords and your actual ad. So the ads we saw on Google, they are created within your ad group, which is within a campaign. So just to give you a better idea, the account level, so the top level, you have all the options like sit in your email, your time zone, you are Berlin added more users where at the campaign level. So their level below you have all the options like location targeting. So that's where you determine what location you want to target with your ads. You have your ad schedule device targets in and then below that at the ad group level, you have the Add rotation as well. But we'll go through each level in more detail as you progress throughout the course. The main elements on the stand is the hierarchy and that ad groups are within campaigns. And at the campaign level is where you set your location targeting. So let's imagine you have a Furniture website. It can be a little bit confusing at first to get your head around it. And you might already be sitting there or standing and have a few questions such as, should my product B and an out-group? Should it be a campaign, should it be a keyword, and so on and so on. So I'm going to show you the method that I utilize. I'm a useful clients as well to determine whether we should have a campaign or ad group for our service. So let's go over to our browser and look at this website, hygiene supplies,, HSD online. And just to confirm, this is not my website. I have no affiliation with this website whatsoever. I'm just going to use it as an example for the course. Just to give you some live examples can really help ensure you're getting the most out of this course. So as you can see from the website that have multiple categories. A category for all the washroom products. They have a category for hand dryers. He says pest control home and God in cleaning and found that and so on and so on. So you can actually look at the navigation on your actual website to figure out what campaigns you should have and what you should have. For example, they said that the fan subcategory. So under fans they have three different options. They have domestic fans, commercial and industrial, and air cooling. So within the fan subcategory, they have three main subcategories. And then within those subcategories, I have more products. Because of products have different keywords. We have ceiling fans, desk fans, extracted fans, pedestal fans and so on and so on. In this instance is going to be best to have a campaign for each subcategory. So you'd have one campaign for domestic fans and then move in that campaign, You'd have ad groups for each particular product. So it have an ad group for ceiling fans. And then within that ad group, you'd have all of your keyword is that you want to bid on such as Best ceiling fans, cheap ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are reliable and so on and so on. So these are all keywords related to ceiling fans. So as a result, seen him fans should have its own ad group. And that ad group should be under the main campaign of domestic fans. So hopefully you found that useful and we'll give you some ideas on how you construct your York do you ads account. But again, don't worry if you don't understand at present, as I'm going to give you a live example. But essentially the main takeaway from this is you have a Google Ads account. Within that account you can have multiple campaigns for each product you offer such as maybe air cooling, commercial, domestic fan, and so on and so on. And then below that campaign, you'd have your ad groups, which are the products that come under that subcategory. And then lastly, you have your keywords and your ads which are all relevant at that ad group and that subcategory. So that's it for this video. And I'll see you in the next video where I'm going to show you how you can set up a Google Ads account from scratch. 6. Setting Up Your First Google Ads Account: In this video, I'm going to show you how you can set up a Google Ads account from scratch. So if you already have a Google Ads account, then feel free to skip through parts of this video to find the bits you are after. So to set up a Google Ads account, all you need is two things. The first is an internet connection and the second is a Gmail account. So go ahead and sign into your Gmail account. So as you can see, I'm already signed into one of my Gmail accounts, and I'm simply going to go over to Google and type in Google ads. And I'll get the top result inorganic. So I'm not going to click Add. I'm currently at the top result in organic. It will bring up a page which looks something like this. Do bear in mind, this page is going to change over time. You simply need to click Start now, either here or starting out at the top. Let's give that a click. And then once the page has loaded, it's going to give you three different options. So what is your main advertising goal? Is it to get more calls, get more websites, cells or sign-ups, or get more visits to your physical location. Now you might think these are the only three options you can choose from. It's super, super important that you ignore these three options and you actually come all the way down here and click Switch to expert mode. Now the reason why we want to do this is because the free options you have at the top is what we call a diluted setup process, meaning all the options to choose from for your ad groups. How are you going to structure your account is completely removed from you, taken out of your hands and decided by Google, which is what we want to avoid at all cost. Google Ads is extremely powerful and we want to have full control over our campaign and what triggers are as the show. So let's go ahead and click that button right now, switch to expert mode. So this is the page that is going to show, and as you can see, it is definitely expert mode. Emi have way more options than we had on the previous screen. You've actually got eight different campaign objectives in total. We've got cells, leads, website traffic, product and brand consideration. We then got brand awareness and reach, app promotion, local store visits, and we can create a campaign without any guidance whatsoever. So that's like expert mode on steroids and is one I don't recommend. If you are feeling overwhelmed with all the options you see here, then don't worry, as nine times out of ten or 9.9 times out of ten, the majority of people want to go for this camp and objective right here, website traffic. And the main reason being is because you are about to learn in this course how to set up Google ads the right way. If you get the right keywords, the right match types, you match your destination page with the right search intent. Everything as I'm about to run through later on the course, then all you need to do is make sure you get the right people to visit your website. This is the best objective for that. For example, if you are selling desk fans, then I'll be showing you how you can get the best people who are looking to buy desk fans to visit your website. Website traffic is always going to be the best objective. So let's go ahead and give that a click. It will then bring up a another option below, which is all about the campaign type. So they used to be just two different campaign types here we had search and display, which is what I ran through in the previous videos, the Google search network and the Google Display Network. But Google have recently added more options. We have performance, Macs, discovery, shopping, and video. If you're wondering why some of these options are grayed out is because to create these type of campaigns, you have to actually create your Google Ads account first. So the campaign type we want to go for is going to beat the search campaign as you want to add to show on the Google search network. If you're not sure what the Google search network is, then I highly recommend that you go back to their previous videos in the course as I actually run through the difference between the search and display network, the performance max campaign type. This is a new one they've added recently, and it's pretty much a hybrid between the search and the Display Network. Again, I don't want to be showing any ads on the Display Network for the reasons I ran through in the previous videos. So I'm gonna make sure I go for this search campaign type. Once you give that a click, you get a couple more options. You can enter in your website URL and just give Google an idea of what campaigns settings you should be using. However, we don't need much guidance from Google as we know what we are doing. So I always skip this option right here. You can completely ignore this option as well as I'm actually going to go through conversion tracking later on in the course. And then finally, we have the option to put in a name for our campaign. So going back to that HSD online website, the one I'm using as an example for the purpose of this training course. Let's imagine I wanted to set up some ads and I want to promote all of my fans, right? Well, these are the specific type of fans I have for sale. I've got ceiling fans, desk fans extract to fans, tower fans and so on. However, all of these fans are what they come under, what category? Well, the domestic fans, right? They aren't commercial and industrial. They are all domestic fans. So what I'll do is I'll have a campaign called domestic fans. And I'll create ad groups for my specific type of fans I offer. So let's go back to Google ads and I'll put in domestic fans like so. Again, if you're unsure on why I use this as a name, I highly recommend to go back to their previous videos, specifically the Google hierarchy video, as I go through the Google account structure in great detail. So once you put in your campaign name, simply go ahead and click continue. And that'll bring up the next page, which I'm going to run through in the next video. I'll see you there. 7. Location Targeting: Welcome back. Next up, we have campaign settings. So the first option we have at the top is to do with the networks your ad is going to show on. So although we told Google already only show our ads on the Google search network, you can see by default that she'd go ahead and take both networks. So do make sure you go ahead and uncheck Display Network as we don't want to add to show that whatsoever. Then we'll scroll down. And the next option we have is locations. So this is where you're pretty much telling Google what location do you want your ads are showing. If you are a business in the UK and you target all of the UK, then you may just want to go ahead and tip United Kingdom. That way your ads will only show it to people who are based in the UK. However, the UK is a country which contains a lot of people. If you do go ahead and select a country, it means that a lot of people are potentially going to see your ad. The more people that see your ads also means, yes, it's more visibility for your business and brand, but it's going to generate a lot more clicks and it's going to cost you a lot more money too. So please do take that into consideration. I always recommend to start off by targeting a single city. If you're a local business, then you target your local city. So for me, that would actually be London. And the reason why targeting a city is better than going for guns blazing and talked in a whole country is because it allows you to get some data which you can then use to determine on how you should adapt your location targeting moving forward. So if you did want to target a city, what you can do is go for the third option, enter another location and simply enter in the location you would like to target. So for me it would be London. Once I select London, you can see the potential reach. So this is the maximum amount of people you can reach with our ad. If you select, London is currently 45 million, which is a lot. And he wanted to target them. You'd simply click the target button on the right-hand side. Didn't give me a chance to show you that. So I'll just get it up for Manchester. You click target and then add it above. As you can see. However, if you want to go even more detailed and go more granular, you can go to the Advanced Search option right here. We can then take off London. And then what we can do is go to a radius option, change that to, let's say, five miles and then entering London like so, let's put in UK, it's got the right London. And then click Target. And what that is going to do is only show your ads to people who are in a five-mile radius within Central London. So you can really get as specific as you want and have full control over the people who are seen your ads. If you are a small business and you're running on a tight budget, but then this is a great strategy you can leverage as what you can do is put a five-mile, ten-mile radius, whatever radius you deem to be relevant of rounding your specific business. You don't just have to enter the radius around their location like London or a city. You can even put in a postcode such as E 13, which has a place in the east of London. So again, you can get as specific as you want. So what I'll do is I'll come back and just cancel that and actually leave mine to the UK. Just for the purpose of this training video, the majority of people would then move on to the next section, which is languages. However, the majority of people that would do that would be making a mistake. And the fact that you are watching this course right now, what? You are not going to be one of those people because you actually have some more options below location options right here. And these options are extremely, extremely important. If you expand the menu, you can see we have two different options, one for targeting and one for excluding. Now, by default, it is set to presence or interests. So what this means is that Google is going to show your ad to anyone who is currently present in the location you targeted, which for me is United Kingdom or to anyone who've also specified interest in that location. And as you can see, this is the recommended setting. So you might think this is the best thing to do, right? Well, no, it is completely the worst thing you can do as a Google advertiser. And the reason being is because if someone is interested in my location, for example, someone could be based in Japan. They can be based in America. They can be based literally in any country in the world. But if they specify an interest in my location, such as using that location in the search term, then my ad is going to trigger. So hopefully you can see just how problematic that can be. You can potentially be shown ads to people in other countries who are not even base in the location that you've just specified. Google recommend this option as the best cheaply because that means you are going to generate more clicks. And guess what? The more clicks you generate, the more money google makes. So it's not always in your best interests to follow what Google recommends as the best option. So what I recommend you actually go for is the second option right here, present people in or regularly in your targeted locations. That way your ads will only show two people who are in or regularly visit your targeted location. So that's actually a really important thing to make sure you go ahead and change. It's going to save you a lot of money and make sure you are a smart advertiser. Once you've done locations, the next option is language. It's typically going to be correct by default. So mine is English. Don't worry about audience segments or dynamic search ad settings. Going to go through all of this later on in the course. Again, same applies for anything that you see below. More Settings. I'll be going through all of this later on in the course. The main purpose of these initial videos is to get your Google Ads account setup. Once you've done all of that, go ahead and click Next. This will be on the next section, which has keywords and ads, which I'm going to run through in the next video. See you there. 8. Budgets and Selecting Your Bidding Strategy: Welcome back. The next option we have in account setup process is budget and bidding. So this is where we pretty much told Google, how much money do you want to spend everyday running or Google ads? Now of course, at this point in the cell process, we're not even sure how much it's going to cost us to generate one-click. Some search phrases, also known as keywords, are more expensive than other ones. So at this point, you can literally enter in any number here as you wish. I typically always go for free, just because free is my magic number. Again, don't worry about any advice that Google gave you. They say it's too low, you need to increase it. We're only putting in a placeholder figure once we can change, once we've created our ad account. In fact, in the next section of the course, when we go through keyword research, I'll show you how you can find out exactly how much each click is going to generate you based on what search terms you are targeting. Put in £3 as your budget, or $3, whatever currency you have selected. For the bidding section, this is pretty much where you determine what metric you want to focus on when it comes to generating the most amount of visibility for your Google Ads. We've got a few different options. We can select. The majority of them are going to be grayed out. As you can see, conversion, conversion value, we are unable to select any of these. The reason being is to bid on a metric based on conversions. You need to have some historical data in your Google Ads account for Google to understand which specific ads are performing the best. Once you have that data, you can then tell Google to show my ads based on the ones which are generating the most amount of conversions. However, as it's a brand new Google Ads account, we don't have any of that data, so leave it on clicks for now. And this basically means the Google, our main goal is to generate as many clicks on our ads as possible. You can also set a maximum cost-per-click as well. If you want to, go ahead and do that, again, it doesn't really matter as you can change this later on in your campaign settings. Anyway, simply put in to pound it just for the purpose of this training video, we do have some more options down below, if you click More Settings, we have added rotation. But again, as we don't really have any ads at the moment or any historical data, especially as a completely ignore this and then go into the next screen, which is going to take us into your campaign settings, which I'll be running through in the next video. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one. 9. Setting Up Billing: Keywords and ads. So this section is pretty much irrelevant in the account setup process, as of course has a dedicated sections on how you can find the best keywords to target. I also go over the best practices when creating your Google Ads. For now, you can pretty much ignore everything we have here. As remember, the main goal of these initial videos is just to create your Google Ads account. However, annoyingly, if you do leave some of these fields blank, then Google actually won't even ally to create the Google Ads account. So it's a little bit annoying. We've got to put in this place holder information just to create our ad account when in reality, we're never going to use this information. And it's all going to be changed once we create our Google Ad account. So let's just enter in a random keyword. For now, I'll just go for dog because, why not? For the add section below, I'm going to put in my company domain website, click Slice dot code dot UK. My website is nothing to do about dogs by the way. But again, this is all just placeholder information. So you can go ahead and create our account. Path one I'll put in dog for headline. I'll put in dog one for a headline to below. I'll just copy that and put in dog to then put in dog free. That should be enough titles for now and description, I'll just type in description dog one that we'll do, and description dog2. Feel free to copy these just to get your ad account live. Again. Just to clarify all these finger entering right now, they don't matter whatsoever, or simply enter in some placeholder information so we can get our Google Ads account live. The same applies to the next option in the setup process which has extensions. We can actually leave all of this blank. This part won't actually prevent us. Go ahead and click Next, and we are almost done and we're on pretty much the last step of the process, which has reviewing all of the settings we've just imported, such as a campaign name, that objective type, the budget, pretty much everything you just run through. So it's always good just to double-check this information and make sure you are happy if you do have any warnings at the top, like I do, conversion tracking is not set up. People in your country have a budget of at least £12. And again, these are just suggestions by Google. You don't have to actually go ahead and fix this. Clearly, this one is based on me spending more money and Google making more money. So I'm definitely not going to fix that. Again, I covered conversion tracking earlier on in the previous videos. So if everything looks good, you can go ahead and click Next. And then we have the last section of the setup process, which is where you enter in your billing information and also selected time zone for your account. So I'm zone is actually very, very important because this can not be changed once you create your account. So make sure you go ahead and select the time zone that you are in. Because if this is wrong and you want to run ads from, say, nine AM to five PM. Or if you're in the wrong time zone, then your ads will be shown are completely different times. So always make sure you double-check that and you get that right. It should be selected right by default anyway, it's always good to double-check. And you can see at the time of me recording this video, there's actually an introductory offer where if I spend £400, then actually get a number, £400 in add credit. If you don't see that option on your screen, then it just means Google isn't running any introductory offer at the time you're creating your account. And unfortunately, that is out of my hands. The remaining options at the bottom is all related to how you're actually going to pay for your Google Ads campaign, all the information. So just go ahead and make sure this is correct. Just to give a bit of background as well as to how Google ads work. How it works is you pretty much attach your card to the Google Ads account. You then generate clicks, and once you reach a minimum specified threshold, you will then have to pay Google for the clicks generated. You don't literally pay. Every time someone clicks, you add all those clicks, tally up and go towards your threshold. And once you reach that threshold, the money is automatically taken from your account. Just a quick heads up on the billing information. Please make sure you use a card that you actually have. Do not use any virtual cards or anything like that. As if you do set up a brand new Google Ads account with a virtual credit card, your account is going to get suspended. I've had a lot of messages from people setting up accounts with virtual credit cards and all of the accounts has been suspended. So please make sure you use a real card that you actually own and have access to. So once you've entered in all of your billing information and you tick the box at the bottom, you can go ahead and click Submit, and that is it. Congratulations, you are now all done and you've created your Google Ads account. We can then click Explore your campaign, and we are now in the backend of our Google Ads campaign. And the first thing you want to do right away is go to campaigns. Go-to campaign, and you'll see that campaign right here. This is the one we just created in the setup process. And you want to go ahead and click this arrow right here and click ports. By default, Google will enable it, meaning your ad is going to be live and it's gonna be costing you money. So make sure you go ahead and pull that straight away. As remember, this has loads of placeholder information in it. We just created it to get our account setup. Now it sets up we no longer need it. So you can actually go ahead and select it and actually just remove it from your ad account completely by clicking confirm. That will then remove it from your account and you have no active campaigns in your ad account. So congratulations, you are now ready to start exploring your Google Ads account. Exploring all of the amazing features that Google provides us as advertisers and start to generate some revenue for your business. So I will see you in the next section, which is keyword research, where I'll be running through how you can find the best keywords to target for your specific business. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you there. 10. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Keyword research. In this section of the course, I'm going to cover what is a keyword and understanding the intent behind one. Really, really important as if you target keywords, we've not a lot of higher buyer intent behind them. You're going to find it quite difficult, actually make some money when it comes to running Google ads. I'm also going to cover the three methods you can use the comma with keyword ideas that target. I'm going to show you how you should organize your keywords by themes, which is going to make our life so much more easier. And I'm going to explain what we call keyword match types in great detail. And lastly, we're also going to cover what we call negative keywords. So without further ado, let's dive into this section. 11. What Is A Keyword & Understanding The Intent Behind One: What is a keyword? A keyword is simply a search phrase that you wish to bid on in a Google ads auction. So remember, Google ads, every time you bid on a keyword, you are essentially enter in an auction and competing against other advertisers. To be successful, you need to figure out exactly what your potential customers would search for in Google to find your website, the service, or the products that you offer. For example, if we follow suit from the same website, HSD online, you can see they have so many different products. Stick with our fan example. We've got domestic fancy about seeding fans, desk fans and so on. So each one of these individual products would potentially be something that the cost was would search for. So as a result, the potential keyword for that website would be ceiling fan, as this website offers a seed in fans. Now each keyword has its own intent behind there. So it's time to understand the keyword intent. So keyword in 10, sometimes known as search intent, represents the user's purpose for the search. So I have two keywords below. I have all ceiling fans worth the money, and I have best ceiling fan. So these are two completely different keywords and I have completely different intents behind them. Someone's searching for arsine and fans worth the money. They're not really sure whether senior fans are right for them. They're still trying to justify it to themselves. Is it really worth the money? Shouldn't be buying a fan and so on. And the second keyword, BCD and fan, this person already knows that they need a ceiling fan and now they're just looking for the best in fan at a combined. So this keyword had a much higher buyer intent and will be more profitable if you target this keyword as part of your Google Ads campaign. We have the either chart on the right-hand side of the screen. So a stands for attention. I stands for interest, the Sanford desire and a Stanford action. So when it comes to finding keywords that are going to make you the most money. You're going to want to target keywords that are further down the aida funnel. If you target keywords at the top of the funnel, such as attention and interest, such as a keyword like all ceiling fans worth the money. And you're not going to see that many conversions. Why? Because these people are more interested in your product and they don't have the desire or the action to buy at present. Hence the keyword actually be in a question. It's good to know as well that there are two different types of keywords. You have a short tail keyword, and you have a long-tail keyword. Short tail keywords are much more general search queries consisting of one or two words, while long-tail keywords consists of two to five or even more words. Here's an example of a short tail keyword, ceiling fan. Here's an example of a long-tail keyword, best seed and fans with bright lights typically speak in long tail keywords convert a lot better than short tail keywords. And the main reason why is because there are more specific to the customer knows exactly what they're looking for. If someone goes onto Google and they type in best seed and fans were bright lights, then they land on your website, which is all about seeding fans with bright lights, the chances of them converted and actually by one of your products is going to be quite high. That's if your prices are competitive. But essentially, long-tail keywords convert a lot better than short tail keywords. Now do bear in mind when I say long-tail keywords, I'm talking about long-tail keywords that have high buyer intent behind them. So essentially, keywords that are further down the aida funnel. The aida funnel will help you a lot when it comes to determine are you targeting the right keyword. So now we know what a keyword is and we understand the intent behind a keyword, it's time to actually dive into a bit of keyword research. I'm not showing you exactly how you can find key was the target for your website. I'll see you in the next video. 12. How To Find Keywords To Target - Related Website URL: Welcome back in this video, I'm going to show you one method you can utilize to find keywords you can target for your website. So, as you can see, I mean, why Google ads account I have my campaign set up on. I have my group set up well under my campaign. So, domestic fans, this is our campaign. And in that campaign, we have offers at group, which at present is just called at Group One, as that is the name we gave the group when we set up a Google ads account. If you skipped out the videos in the first section because you already have a Google account sets up, then simply we need to do to get to the scream on right now, it simply create a new campaign. So if you don't know how to create a new campaign we need to do is go toe all campaigns at the top and then click this bottom right here that says new campaign and then just follow the process We went through in the previous section of the course to get to the screen. We're going to be on now, so essentially, let's go through this now. So let's go to our campaign, which is all about domestic fans. And just to confirm, we're going to be using this website as an example throughout the whole course as we build out a real and live Google ads campaign. So we'll go with the fan category, and we've simply pick domestic fans as our main campaign. So as a result, we have domestic fans, and with in domestic fans, we have our ad group. So let's go into our ad boob and actually rename this right now. So let's go to domestic fans. Goto ad groups. This will view all of our ad groups, which you only have one. As we created one in the set up process on, I'm simply gonna click this edit icon and give that the name off. Add grew if you want to target. So we're going to start with the top one, which I believe wars ceiling fan. So is indeed us open that in a new tab. So what I'm going to do is rename this ad group to ceiling fans. Reason why is because this whole ad group or the keyword of inside this ad group all the ads are all going to be about ceiling fans to now we have our ad group called Ceiling Fans , so let's go into our group and add some keywords. So once you have in your ad group, you now have the opportunity to add some keywords. So, as you can see at the moment, it says you don't have any enabled keywords. Soto add some keywords or we need to do is click this bottom right here. This were now open a screen like this, so what you can do is simply enter your keywords such a ceiling fans and best Selim found and so on. But that's not the best thing to do, and there's a lot of guesswork involved in that, and I wouldn't actually recommend that tool. What I'm going to show in this video is extremely powerful and very easy to do. If you look to the right hand side of the page, we have this option right here. Get keyword ideas, enter a related website. So what we can do is actually go over to our Web site, find our page, which is related to our group. So it's going to be seen and fans, which is the one I have open already here because simply take this euro control. See, go back to AdWords on paste that in control V and click. Enter on. Now What Google is going to do is go to analyze are you are all on pick loads of relevant keywords, which it believes is relevant to this. You are all so as you can see, it's found ceiling fans, outdoor ceiling fans, ceiling fans of lights, white ceiling fan so tons and tons of different ideas. So what you can do is actually go through these keywords and just add any of them you think are going to be applicable. You go for ceiling fans. Get that a plus you're not. Add it to your keyword list. You go of ceiling fans with lights, ceiling fans of remote. The idea is just to go for the keywords and pick which one you believe are relevant to you Now, DeBerry mind you can enter any euro here. You don't just have to enter your website URL, for example, if one of the key word you are targeting is going to be ceiling fans, then instead of just using your website, you can actually go over to Google and type in ceiling fans go down to the website number one inorganic so the ones that aren't paying for ads. So let's take this website right here. We can copy this you Earl copy link address. Go back to Google ads on, then paste in that euro on the Google. Tell you all the keywords which is relevant to that euro, which you can then pick and choose from if you weren't included in part of your Google ads campaign on. As you can see, we now have some new keywords. You have ceiling fan blades. We have contemporary CNN found and so on and so on. So you convince you rinse and repeat this to get tons of keyword ideas so I'm going to do is simply add some or keywords over for ceiling without lights. Outdoor ceiling outdoor for ham. Modern got cheap Ceiling fan, which is quite interesting. Large Setem fans see them fam Price, which probably not a good one, actually, someone who types in Celean Fan Price. They just want to know the price of a founding not dedicated to buy one. So let's take that off and then click Seymour and get some more ideas that we have ceiling fans for cell cool Selim fans. Hunter seeding found. I'm not sure what she is, but it sounds good. We've got modern again. You can keep on scrolling down just to find more keywords which you believe are going to be relevant on. Like I said, you could easily rinse and repeat this so you can go back to Google. And instead of taking a website in position one in organic, you can take the one in position to go back to Google ads on remove the other one pace in the New York Oh, and then click Enter and it will give you more and more keywords. So let me add a few more keywords just very quickly. We've seen these ones already. We've got bedroom. That's at that one. We've seen cool. We've got kitchen, we've got, we've got remote control fairness. But that one is well, we've got fan design, not really relevant. Teoh are ceiling fans. We've got low profile seed in fans with heart stealing fans and so on. So I hope you get the point of what I'm trying to get across here. This method is super powerful to get tons of cute ideas. So once you finish compiling all of your keywords and you're happy with your list, do not go ahead and click. Save. I repeat, do not go ahead and click. Save What we want to do is visually compile a big list of all of these keywords on a spreadsheet where we're going to format them and then upload them to Google in one go. This is gonna make your life so much more easier on a liar to keep your Google ads account nice entirely and organized. So what I'm going to do is copy order. The key was control. See, go over to my spreadsheet, which I'm going to upload as a downloadable resource for you. So don't worry about that. And I'm simply going to pace. Although my keywords I found in the keyword column. So for now you can ignore the column. And that says themes. For now, we simply want to build a massive list of all the keywords that we can target for one of our product categories on. Once we've done that, I'm going to go free how we can categorize are keywords all by thematically related themes . But for now, the main goal is just to get a big list of relevant keywords. So in the next video, I'm going to run you through another method you can utilize to find keywords on. We're simply going to add those new keywords to this list and keep building up and building out. 13. How To Find Keywords To Target - Keyword Planner: Another method we can utilize to find tons of keyword ideas for our website is to use Google's keyword planet all. So let me come on this from the previous video. Let's cancel. We don't need to add these keywords right now. Like I said, the main aim off this section is just to get loaded. Key was on a spreadsheet and then go for the data after So absent your keyword plan, it'll you simply need to go over to the top where it says towards and settings. Now you can do this from any page or on rivers. Overview. Where is your campaign? Your ad group? You simply need to go over two tours and settings and then under the planning section, you want to go to keyword planner. Let's give that a click now and now I can see we have two options. Discover new keywords or get search volume and four cost. So as we're looking to get more keyword ideas, we want to go for the first option. Discovered new keywords. Once you give that click, you're going to have two options. Once again, start with keywords or start with a website. So we've just done this option already in the previous video. So let's start with Start with keywords to the best thing to do is type in abroad, keyword. So as I add Group is about ceiling fans, I'm simply going to type in ceiling fans. There's a box below your keyword, which says include brand name in results. So this all depends on what you're targeting and what you're trying to market. If you're marketing a product which is predominately dominated by large brands, then what you're going to find is a lot of the keywords you discover are going tohave brands in them. For example, if your company sells mobile phones, then you might want to until this option, as a lot of the keyword ideas you're going to get are all going to be based around Apple and Samson as M two companies obviously dominate the mobile phone sector, so what I'm going to do for now is leave ceiling fans ticked. But again, it comes down to preference and your keyword whether you should take off until this option . So once you confirmed your keyword, you simply need to click get to results. Google is now going to search its whole database and find tons of key with which are related to ceiling fans that you can target for your campaign. What's really good about the Google keyword plan? It all is that it gives you an estimate of the average cost per click to be at the top of page one. So, for example, we have this keyword right here, hunter seed in fans, this keyword get search with roughly 100 to 1000 times per month. The competition for this keyword is high, which means there are a lot of other companies also bidding on the key word hunter ceiling fans. If we go to the right hand side of the page, we can see the top of page bid, which is the low range is roughly 18 pence per click on the top of page bits. So to be at the top of page one for this keyword, you've roughly going to spend 67 pence per click. This is really handy to know, as if you know your profit margins and how much you sell your products for. Maybe it's a fixed price. You can really dive into the data and determine is this a price you can afford to pay for a click is this a pressure can afford to pay for a click and so on. But essentially, as you can see with the keyword plan, it'll we have tons and tons of keyword ideas. We actually have over 1000 cute ideas in total, which is crazy, as I just trapped in one key word. Now, as you can imagine, out of these 1000 and 68 key words that people have discovered, no, all of them are going to be applicable to your website. So instead of simply just clicking a keyword and then go and add it to one of your campaigns and your ad groups, it's far better to download or the keywords you see here. Add them to your keyword research template on, then sought the keywords out by thematically related themes. So don't worry about what that means. Now I'm just giving you a good overview of the whole process on. We're going to go through that in great detail once we found all of our key words anyway, So the download, all the keywords, what you want to do is go to the left and simply tick this box on. Go to the right hand side of the screen at the top and click download keyword ideas. You have two options that download your keywords even go for CSB or Google sheets. I always like to go for C S V, but if you do use Google sheets, then feel free to select Google Sheets. So I'm gonna go four CS file and that's now gonna download all of these 1000 and 68 keywords. So once you've downloaded the foul and you opened it, it's going to look something like this is going to be tons of data on here. However, as we're only trying to get keyword ideas at present, all we need to focus on is the actual keywords. So, as I said, there's over 1000 different key word to look at four Cdn fans on For the purpose of this training video, I'm only going to copy, let's say the 1st 50 or maybe even the 1st 100 This will make sure our spreadsheet doesn't get too long and take us too long to go through all of the data. So I'm going to copy up here 100 actually have 97 selected, so you to go down free more So let's go for this one on go back up and now have 100 keywords selected. Sun goes a copy that and simply added to our main keyword research template paste. So again, these are all keywords related to ceiling fans. We are going to have duplicates here, which isn't a problem at all, as we're going to remove these later on down the line. So just a summarize. What we've done so far is we've used two different methods to find tons of keyword ideas for one of our categories on our website. So now let me show you another method. There's so many members you can utilize. I really want to make sure I cover all aspects off keyword research just to make sure you could find literally every keyword possible for your website. So let's dive into the next video. We're going to cover method free, which is going to be using an external tool called Sem Rush 14. How To Find Keywords To Target - SEMRush: Another great tool you can use to find tons of keywords to target as part of your Google Ads campaign. Is this two right here, cool SEMrush. Semrush is an insanely powerful tool, is used by tons of digital marketers. Whether they are SEOs, content marketer as people who are running social media campaigns, seminars, literary provides you with so much data and so much information on literally any keyword out there. The great thing about SEMrush is a, also provides you with an accurate figure for how many times a keyword get search for every single month where, as we just saw in the previous video, the Google Keyword Planner only gives you a broad range. The only downside to SEMrush is that because it's a premium tool, it is not free. It is quite expensive if I do say so myself, to give you an idea, the prices start from just under $120 per month. However, do not fear as if you go back to the first lesson of the class, which is this one right here, you can actually watch that lesson. And in that lesson, I actually include a link to where you can sign up for seminars for completely free, for just 14 days. You simply have to go to the first lesson of the class, go down to the video player and then click this icon right here that says View or notes. Once you click that icon, you want to scroll down and click on this link right here. That is then going to redirect you to a dedicated page where you can sign up for SEMrush and get access to it for completely free for 14 days. Just a heads up as well. To get access to SEMrush, you will need to provide them with your card details. So if you don't want to be charged by SEMrush after your free 14 day trial, then I highly recommend you cancel before your 14 days expire. And just to clarify it, 14 days is more than enough time to action upon everything or which are going to learn in this lesson right here. But essentially, once you've signed up for SEMrush, you want to make sure you're on a dashboard tab. Once you're on their dashboard tab, you simply want to plug in one of the keywords you're targeting. So for me it's going to be ceiling fans and simply click search. So SEMrush has a really powerful keyword research tool built into it and it gives you tons and tons of information. You can also filter your keyword data by country as well, which is why I really like to see as it gives you a really good insight on exactly what people are searching for based on what country they're in. For example, right now we're looking at all the information for ceiling fans on the database on United States. How are we can click the drop-down menu and go for United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, and any other country you choose. So for seeding fans, it has a global monthly search volume over 525000, that has a lot of searches every single month. So what that means is every month there's over 525 thousand people who all go into Google and type in the keyword ceiling fans. So if we scroll down and look at keyword variations, you can see we have lots and lots of keywords. If you remember correctly in the last video for the Google Keyword Planner tool, we actually had around 106 thousand different keywords, where we have SEMrush, we are now gets him 154 thousand keywords. So we get more keyword ideas. This is the reason why you want to use multiple keyword research processes. Combine them all together to get a big master list of all the keywords you can target. Let's click this button right now, view or 154 thousand keywords and look at all the keyword ideas seminars is suggesting to us. And as you can see, once the page loads, we have all of our keywords down here. Why it seen him fan blade, lower ceiling fan ceiling fan wiring, tons and tons of different keyword ideas. If look at the top, we have volumes at how many times is keyword gets searched for every single month, we had the general trend of that keyword. So if a keyword trend is going down, then it's a good indication that maybe that keyword isn't as popular anymore. We have KD, which stands for pure difficulty. You can completely ignore this. This is based on ranking in Google. In the organic section, we had the average CPC as well. So the amount you're gonna spend per click do bear in mind that these numbers you're seeing here on the CPC are just averages. So, so try not to take them for literally how they are. But one of my favorite things about SEMrush is that it sorts the keywords by categories. Now you're probably thinking, Okay, Josh, this is really good. But why is this any better than a keyword planets? Or the reason why I'm such a big fan of SEMrush is because it sorts the keywords by themes as well. So as you can see, we have a theme for lights, a theme for hunter, a theme for remotes. So what I mean by theme is I mean lots of thematically related keywords. So if I click the FEM for a hunter, you can see that SEMrush is now going to filter through all of those keywords and only shown with the keywords which are relevant to the FIM of hunter. So a hunter ceiling fans, hunter ceiling fan remote hunter low-profile seed and fans. These are all keywords to do with the theme of Hunter, which for those who don't know, a hunter seat and fan is a type of ceiling fan. So if you remember correctly, what I said a couple of videos ago is a main aim is to get tons of keyword ideas on our main spreadsheet like so. And then sought out our keywords by themes. So the fact you can have your key was already sorted out by themes on SEMrush is going to save us tons of time. And there's a reason why I'm such a big fan of this tool. So once you're on this page, you can either download all of these keywords or you can download keywords by theme. Now downloading keywords by theme, like I said, is going to save you so much time. So I highly recommend you pick a theme and download those keywords and then add it to your spreadsheet. Now do bear in mind if you are a local business, then the keyword research process should be a little more straightforward than what we're doing now as local business keywords are typically made up of two components, which is a service and a location. So plumber and London. So your main keywords are going to be a plumber london, London plumbers plumbing company in London and so on and so on. However, if you are operating in a ecommerce store or a larger website, then this is by far the best way to find out all of those keywords. So what I'm going to do now is download all of the keywords. And let's go for the outdoor theme. So Let's click outdoor. And you can see that in total we have 4,239 keywords, which are all relevant and come under the theme of outdoor. You can actually see how many qs as you have by looking at this number right here. So for the purpose of this course, but I don't want to download too many keywords. I want to keep it nice and straightforward. So what I'm going to do is find a keyword FEM that doesn't have that many keywords in it. So maybe hanging. Let's have a look at hanging keywords that has 838 keywords. So once the data has now loaded and it seemed to go into explore or the keywords which are related to the hanging theme. So I'm going to go for CSV. This is now going to download a file which looks exactly like this. So let me give this an open. So once you open the spreadsheet is going to look like this. We have quite a lot of data and quite a lot of columns on the spreadsheet. However, we only need the first column, which is all to do with keywords. So let me copy the first 100 keywords or composite right? There. They go, 100 keywords. You can see that as a 100 as we have the countdown here. So I'm simply going to copy all of these hanging related keywords. Go back to my main keyword research spreadsheet and simply scroll to the bottom and then paste in all of those keywords. So once I've done that, I can now close this spreadsheet as it's not really needed and I can start working on my main spreadsheet. What I'm going to do in the next video is I'm going to show you exactly how we can filter through all of these keywords and categorize them by themes, which is going to make a life so much more easier when it comes to creating your ad groups and creating your actual ads. I'll see you in the next video. 15. How To Organise Your Keywords By Themes: in this video, I'm going to show you how you can thematically categories all of your keywords, which, as I mentioned in the last video, is going to make your life a whole lot easier when it comes to add in your keywords in your Google ads account. However, before we do that, what we need to do is remove the duplicate key words. So as you can see, we have seed and found right here. We've got seeding fans out there as well. So the reason why we have the same keyword mentioned multiple times is because this list you're looking at right now is our master Fall, which has a list of keywords from multiple sources. So as a result, naturally you're going to have overlap with some of your keywords. So first things first, let's remove the duplicate key words. So to do that you want to select the whole column and then simply go over to conditional formats in and then go to highlight cell rules on, then scroll down to duplicate values and give that to click and then simply click OK on. Now what's going to happen is that every key weather is a duplicate is going to be highlighted in rip. So what I like to do is let the whole column and then go to data on, then sort that by eight hours. It So that's going to solve all the key words in alphabetical order. And that way we can easily see which keywords are do profits. For example, Row number 29 every number 30 are both duplicates. So what I want to do is simply delete one of the key words on now that's going to get rid of the red highlight at that keyword is no longer a do picker, so I'm going to go through the whole list now, removed all of the duplicate key words on to speed up the video said, You don't have to wait for me to do it. And just like that, I have now removed all of the duplicate key words. It's good to know as well that I did do some further keyword research and actually add some more keywords to this research time. Just so I have a decent key websites list, which means when I go for the data, it should be a little bit easier for you to understand, as I'm going to give you more examples. But essentially, it's the same keyword list I just added in more key with by using the same keyword processes I've already showed you in the last two videos. So the next thing to do once you remove the duplicate key words, is to remove the unwanted keywords onto a separate tab. So what I mean by the unwanted keywords is literally any keyword, which you believe is not a good fit for your website. So if I scroll down, unless you can find any unwanted keywords a d school really faster apologies about that. We've got some keywords right here. So how big off a ceiling fan for a 12 by 12 room? It's a bit longer so you can see with keywords. How bigger of room for 52 Ceiling fan. How does a ceiling fan call of room? So the stopper keywords I wanna call question based keywords Now, if you remember what I said in the video on keywords on keyword in 10. The's keyword in regard to the item model is going to be pretty low down in the funnel. Someone who types in how does a ceiling found court room. What this tells us is that this person isn't quite sure they need a ceiling fan. So their search term they searched for in Google is actually a question. So as a result, I don't want this person to see my bugle at as if they do, they could potentially click my cost me money and then it might not even by a fan. So what I want to make sure I do is target keywords that have a higher Byron 10 this keyword How does a ceiling fan courtroom This has really low buyer intent. But instead of just delete in this key word from our list, what I want to do is move these unwanted keywords onto a separate tab called negative keywords. So I'm going to go through what a negative keyword is in a couple of videos later down the line. So don't worry about that. But just for now we need to know is that we need to move all of these keywords onto another tab called negative keywords. So what I'm going to do is simply go back to the top off this column. I'm going toe. Add a filter. I'm simply going to tell Excel to show me all of the key words which contain the word how as every keyword that has the word how in it indicates is going to more of a question which means is going toe have low buyer intent. So, as you can see, I've done my filter like so on. And as a result, I now have all of my keywords which contained the word How so? What I'm going to do now is copy all of these keywords on simply copier over onto the negative keywords tab like so once I have it on a separate tab, I am free to delete it from our main master far. So I'm free to delete these now. I don't want to see any off these keywords. The reason why I complete the now because I already have the data all stored on another tab now is a good idea to clear your filter and actually go through the rest of your keywords, as you might see, some other key with which also aren't relevant. So the key was removed at present is just going to be a with keywords with the word how, however, we can have a lot of key words as well. There are also questions that start with the word What? So let's go back to my main tap. Go to the filter of right here again. If you don't know how to add a thought on your keywords, I'll show you exactly how to do that step by step. I did go through that pretty bit fast her in the first instance, but essentially, you need to make sure you're on the data tab. You want to click the whole column and then go to filter and then click the arrow and make sure you choose the word contains. So I've already done it for house. I'm going to do what she has. Any keywords that say what? And as you can see, it is quite a few key words here. So what Science ceiling fan for a living room again, these keywords with low by our intense I want to get these moved across to the negative keyword list like so now the copied across Aiken. Delete them. I want to clear my field. So when I have another look through the keywords just to make sure I don't see any more. Can you hang? Can you hang a ceiling? Okay, so this is a different type of key. What we can add. Can you hang a ceiling fan again? Low by our intent. People just trying to find out about the product. Can you do this? I only want to target people who are ready to buy my product, because if I target just those people, then the conversion from our overall campaign is going to be a lot higher. So it's add. That filter again is go to the top, click the arrow on, then go to contains and then put in the word can. And as you can see, we now have all the keywords which contain the word can. So let's copy all of these keywords go over to negative keywords on Pace them in, like so. So let's go back to that on Delete that now. So essentially, it's the same process for all of your keywords. You want to go for your list and just kind of figure out what keywords aren't relevant to your business and then simply remove them onto a negative keyword list. So for the purpose off this training video. Let's just imagine I've gone through the whole list and have now removed all of my keywords . There aren't relevant over to the negative keyboard list. The next thing you need to do is go for your keywords and see if you can spot any keyword themes. What I mean by keyword themes is key. Words are all similar in some way or another. So, for example, we have a key word here. Free Blade Ceiling fan. We have light. We have 42 seeding Fan with light 42 in ceiling Fan with light 52 Ceiling Fan with the lights 52 Interceding fan with light so you can see light appears quite a lot, so other result. One of my key word themes are going to be light, as all of these key words have a relation to the word light. So that is going to be a main theme for me If we keep scrolling down and see what other things we can calm across, we've got lights. We've got fans with pre generic. We've got ceiling fan dimensions room. We've got room again. You got room, room, room, lots of room So I think I'm gonna go to the top and add another theme for the word room. Like so that scroll down to see what else we have got. Lights, we've got remote. Potentially remote control. Could be another one. We've got lights. We've got rooms again, which have already covered Got living rooms Quiet, love keywords for room and light, Which is interesting to see that scroll down and see what other key was we have. We've got hanging in the seeding hanging, Seen about books, Having seen even plaster books. Lots of interest in searches there people are Googling hanging ceiling fan from plastic books. Quite interesting. We've got Whose home Depot. Okay, So, essentially, as you could see, the whole process I'm trying to do here is literally go through all of my keywords and see if I can spot any similar themes. So I did notice remote control came up, so I'm gonna go to the top. Simply add that as another theme. My d believe that is enough themes for narrative for the purpose off this training video. So once you categorize your main themes, you could have one theme. You could have 50. There's no right or wrong answer. You simply need to go through all of your keywords and list out the most obvious themes. So once you've done that, the next step is to create a tab for each theme you just found. So the first thing for me is going to be light. So what I'm going to do is create a new tab. Let's move the tab to the end and I go to rename this tab Lights on output ceiling fans, ceiling fans light. And then I'm simply going to go back to you, my main master file. Click my filter, choose the word contains and simply put it in my theme, which is going to be light. And now it's going to show me all the keywords which related to the theme of light. So what I want to do is copy all of these themes or key word. Sorry on, go over to this tab and simply paste them in like so let me just zoom in a little bit so you can see all these keywords like, so I put in key words at the top. So I double click that secrecy or the keywords on I simply want to do the same thing for all of my other themes as well. So let's come off that and clear those filters. The next team is going to be for room two. Let's go back on. That contains one contained the word room. This is not going to show me. All of my pee was all to do with the theme room. So let's copy all of these key words again and simply paste that back on another tab, which this time is going to be called seeding fans room ceiling fans Very well, like so on pace that up there Trophy. For some reason that didn't seem to copy list. Do that again. Control C Go back to that Control V Day We have All of our keywords on are put in the word keyword talk as well, Bold and more zoom Aziz Well, on that. So what we're doing right now is simply put all our keywords which automatically related all on one tap, which is going to make it so easy when it comes to add in all of these keywords into our Google ads account in its separate groups. Now, once you've created all of your tabs. For all of your theme's, it's always a good idea just to go through the tabs and look at the keywords and just see it is anymore key where she forgot to remove, or maybe one that you just originally missed off. It's a lot easier to review your data when you're looking on a separate tab for your keywords as all the keywords you're looking at on the individual times are going to be related to that theme. So you can very easy spot ones that shouldn't be there. For example. We have 12 by 12 room ceiling fan. That is a good keyword. We have 44 in sealing family room size, which, if you think about the intent behind this keyword, if someone googles 44 inch ceiling fan room size, then essentially what they're trying to figure out is what size room had a 44 inch ceiling fan provide sufficient coverage, So this probably isn't acuity want to target. So I'm going to do is copy this keyword and put on the negative keyword list so it makes you do spend some time going through all of your keyword themes and makes. You don't have any keywords on your tabs, which you shouldn't have. That is only gonna make your life a little bit harder when it comes to creating of Google ads. So won't you cleaned up your keyword research spread? She you do not want to go ahead and copy these keywords Trains you argue, adds account. What? You want to do it at the correct keyword match types. So I'm gonna go through keyword match types in the next video on, Explain every single thing you need to know. I'll see you there. 16. Everything You Need To Know About Keyword Match Types: Keyword match types. Keyword match types are probably the most important element when it comes to keyword research. So keyword match clients tell Google how much freedom they have when pairing your keywords. We've searched terms. Now there's a big difference between a keyword and a search term. Keyword is a keyword you ends up in your Google Ads account. So that is a keyword you want to bid on as part of the Google Ads, ocean. And the search term is what the user would search for in Google to see your ad and OZ, click it and land on your landing page. So it's really important, you know the difference between a keyword and a search term. So keyword mass times applied to the keywords that you add in your Google Ads account. Now, there are three different types of keyword match types you can use. We have number one, broad match, number 2, phrase match, and number free, Exact Match. The only difference between each match type when you enter it into your Google Ads account is going to be the symbol you use at the start or the end of the keyword. For example, let's go through all of these and I'll show you exactly what I mean. And I'll give you some examples of each match type as well. So let's say you want to use a broad match keyword match type. The symbol you'd have for that keyword is literally none, as there is no symbol for broad match modified keywords. Broad match modified keywords is actually the default match type which are used if you just enter in a keyword into your ad account. For example, let's use the same keyword we had earlier of ceiling fans. Well, let's imagine you type in seeding fans into your keyword section of your ad account. Well, by default, that means you are using a broad match keyword match type. So as a result, your ad may show one searches that include misspellings, similar and related searches, and other relevant variations to, to give that some contexts. If someone wants to go onto Google and type in what our ceiling fans, because our example search is broadly related to your example keyword, then your ad is going to show to that user. Here's another example. If someone went onto Google and typed in do ceiling fans work and then carried out with search for that, your ad is also going to be eligible to show. Now, you might be wondering, well, if someone Google's wall or ceiling fans, well, clearly the intent behind that keyword isn't that high whatsoever as this person doesn't even know what a ceiling fan is. So the chances of them actually by one of your products is going to be very, very low. So if that is the case for you, then you may not want to use broad, much modified keywords, as the name suggests, broad match modified keywords is going to match your ad against broad related searches, which you don't really want. However, there are some really good use cases or when you do want to be using broad match. And that is essentially where you have a big budget to spend on Google ads. And you want to get some keyword ideas that you can use. Tollgate in your campaign going forward as Google Maps image or add to broad searches, you can actually go into your example searches within your Google Ads account and see exactly what people are searching for that triggers your ad. And you may notice that within that list of examples searches, you can find a really good keyword that you could then bid on and generate more cells or inquiries that going forward. However, if you don't have a big budget, then it's probably not the best keyword match type to use. So let's take a look at the second keyword match type, which is phrase match, the symbol to use. If you wanted to use a phrase match keyword is going to be speech marks at the start and the end of your keyword. So using the same keyword example of ceiling fans, you can see all we've done is we entered a speech at the start and at the end of our keyword. And as a result, our ads are going to show when anyone carries our search for a phrase such as the one we've just used in our example, keyword, or a close variation of that phrase. So again, let's put that into context. If someone wants to go over to Google and carry out a search for best ceiling fans or ADS is going to be editable to show as that cert contains a phrase which is related to our keyword, which is seen in fans. And as you can see the example search contains ceiling fans and it's incense. The user has just put the word best in front. If a user also carries our search for fans for the ceiling, ads will also show as fans for the ceiling is a variation of the same keyword phrase ceiling fans. However, if that same user was to carry out the same search above what our ceiling fans or ad would not be shown to the user as a member or adds up only shown, we've phrase match when the users are using a phrase or a close variation of the phrase, which of course is related to our keyword, as you probably guessed, phrase match is a lot stricter than broad match as you have way more control over who sees your ad. However, there is a match type which is even stricter than phrase match, and that is the last one which is exact match. The symbol you need to use. If you want to use exact match, match types is going to be this little bracket right here. You need to add this at the start and at the end of your keyword. So using the same example again of ceiling fans, if we want you to use exact match, match type, we would need to put a opening bracket at the start or the keyword, and a closing bracket at the star of the keyword as well. So this is exactly how it looked. Ceiling fans. And once you use this match type, your ads will be shown on any exact term or a close variation of that exact term. Meaning if someone goes over to Google and carries out a search for ceiling fans, which is an exact match of your keyword, then your ad is going to be triggered. However, if someone types in best seat infants, then your ad will not show as a best ceiling fans is not an exact term or a close variation of that exact term, EVA. So in a nutshell, exact match is basically the one that gives you the most control over who sees your ad. And the higher you go, the less control you get over what triggers your ad. So the best way to view these match types and which one you should use all comes down to what budget you have to spend. If you have a big budget to spend on Google ads, then I recommend you go for phrase match and broad match. As that is going to give you tons of different keyword ideas you can use. You may not have originally photo. If you're running on a really tight budget, then I recommend you go for just exact match and phrase match as that where you have way more control over who sees your ads. And of course, you can focus on target and the people who show the most higher buyer intent in relation to whatever product or service you are offering to help give this some more context. Why we'll also do is I will include a link in the resources to this Google support article right here, which is all about keyword and match types. And basically what it does is it gives you different options and different scenarios. And just basically let you know exactly when your ad could show based on what are the match type you'd go for. It's maybe really useful for some OF US as of course, the examples I've given so far all related to seat him fans, however, just bear in mind. This is just an example. The same strategy and the same logic applies to whatever keyword you use. So this Google support article basically just gives you different examples using different industries for each match type as well. So like I said, I will include a link to this in the resources. So those are your free match types of choice. Understanding which one to use is going to help you massively when it comes to save him money and time and is greatly going to increase the chances of you being able to run a profitable Google ad campaigns. I'll see you in the next video. 17. How To Add Match Types To Your Keywords Like A Pro: Welcome back. In the last video, we looked at keyword match types and why they're so important. However, in this video, what I want to do is to show you how you can add those match types. So all of the keywords you have in your keyword research template. Now I just want to confirm as well that have actually padded out this keyword research template a little bit more from when you'd lost, sorry, In the last video, which if you remember, we actually had one theme for the word room, however, now I've split this up into two different themes. One for large room and one for small room. And I've also added a number theme for Hunter. Now the reason why I split it up the keywords into two different themes for room. Because when I was actually going through all of the keywords, I noticed there was lots and lots of keywords all related to large ceiling fans. You've got large ceiling fans and large ceiling fans. Large indoor scene in a large room, large, large, large and large. So basically what I noticed was the word Lord was a pair in a lot. And we also had quite a few mentions for the word small. Best ceiling fan for small rooms, small room ceiling fans, small room flush mount ceiling fans, and so on and so on. So it made more sense to split these up into two different themes. As someone who wants a large fan is going to be different to someone who wants a small fan. This just goes to show that even though you think you may get it right when it comes to determining how many themes you have, unless you really go through the key was in an immense amount of detail, you may not initially always end up with the correct amount of themes, which is actually really good to stress because I do get a lot of questions from students saying, how many themes should I have? How many keywords should I have in each theme? Well, there isn't any perfect number and there isn't any way to know unless you saw actually go in through the key was yourself. And please do not rush this as this keyword research process is. So, so key, if you get this wrong, well, what happens? Which in my instance, I can have all of these key was talking about large and small funds in the same theme, which means I can't speak to any of these people on a specific level and actually crop my ad texts to what that person is after, whether that's a large ceiling fan or a small ceiling fan. So moral of the story is make sure you do not rush this process. And you can have as many themes as relevant and include as many or as little keywords in those themes as relevant as well. So now we've got that out of the way. Let me show you how you can add your match types to the keywords you have in your spreadsheet. So let's go with the large ceiling fans as our first theme. Well, what you could actually do is add some advanced formula until Excel to copy this keyword and then paste it into the next column and then add speech more brackets to create your keyword match types. However, you're way better off just using a free online tool to do the process for you. So remember, there are three different keyword match types. We have the broad match, which is essentially just going to be your keyword as it is. Then we have the phrase match, and we have the exact match, match types. So we can use this tool right here called emerge words. The URL for this page is, forward slash mocked in a forward slash merge words, I will actually include a link to this in the resources for ease, essentially audience to do is take the keywords from one of your themes. I'll be using the ceiling fans for a large room theme for the example of this training video. Then we want to do is go back to the tool, paste in all of your keywords. And we can see we have 23 in total. You then want to click extra options. And what this will do is give you options to add Eva, speech marks or brackets to all of your keywords. And of course, the speech marks are going through your phrase much keywords. And the bracket is going to indicate your exact match keywords. So let's go for the brackets and then click Merge. And as you can see, it's now generated all of our keywords below and added a bracket at the start and the end of each keyword. So these are all of our keywords, which we can then add in our Google Ads account. Let's go ahead and copy all of these. But before we actually go ahead and copy them into our Google Ads account, what I like to do is actually go ahead and add them back to our keyword research monster template just to make sure we have all of our keywords in one place. You can actually replace the queue as you have at the top, because like I said, most people won't be using the broad match keywords, which are basically your standard keywords. However, if you want to keep them for reference, just go ahead and pacing or an exact match keyword below, like so. So now let's go back to the tool and do exactly the same thing. But let's get off phrase match keywords. So they simply change that to this icon right here. Click Merge. And then just like that is added, a speech marks at the start and at the end of each keyword. Once again, we'll copy that. We'll go back to our spreadsheet and then paste them in like so. And you are going to notice that, hey, for some reason, the speech marks are actually missing. And I said, Do you have a conditional format in Excel? So to get your speech marks to appear, what you need to do is select all of those keywords and then go to General at the top. And then go to more number formats, then go to Custom and delete general. And what you want to do is paste in this formula right here. I've zoomed in as much as I can so you can see it. But basically it says backslash, speech mark the symbol, backslash and speech mock again. So let me just copy that, go back to Excel and then paste it in to just confirm it says backslash, speech mark, symbol, backslash and speech mock once again, click. Okay. And as you can see, it's now added our speech marks at the start and the end of each keyword. So that is literally how easy it is to add your keyword match types. So all of your keywords, like I said, a lot of people would like to complicate this process. Add in all these amazing advance formulas and whatnot. I mean, if you are good at Excel, feel free and go for it. But I like to work smart instead of HOD. And this is by far the easiest way to add these match types. So once you've added all of your match types, the next thing to do is to copy all of these much slips. I'll take the exact match and I'll take the phrase match. I'm going to leave the broad match ones at the top. As like I said, that is going to result in Google. Show you my ad to tons and tons of searches. We've probably only unrelated to what I offer. Then once you've copied all of your keywords, you want to go back into your Google Ads account, Find your campaign, which is the one we created right here for domestic funds. So going to that campaign and we can now see the ad group we created earlier for ceiling fans. However, since we've done our keyword research process, it's become very apparent that we're not going to have one ad group for seed and fans. As of course, there are multiple themes for ceiling fans. So I'm going to do is simply rename this ad group now and we'll call it ceiling fans. And for large rooms we'll go for, so here we have ceiling fans or for a large rooms. Then once you've done that, you want to go into that ad group. Click the plus icon right here to add your keywords and, and simply paste in all the keywords we already have. And they already have all of the perfect keyword match types next to them. So go ahead and click Save. And then Google is going to add all of those keywords to that ad group within that campaign. Now, this is going to be a really, really targeted ad group. As essentially every single keyword in this ad group is all to do with large room ceiling fans. So guess what? When it comes to writing my add text, I can speak 100% of people who want to look in for large ceiling fans. This is the beauty you have that when you spend quite a lot of time in your keyword research process, essentially, the more time you spend here, the easiest going to be for you to create ads. Actually generate the best results from your ads as well. So that is the whole process in a nutshell. And essentially what you want to do is go ahead and do exactly the same thing for all of the other themes you have for your Google Ads campaign as well. Before we move into the next part of the course and start creating our ethics, I want to cover one more really, really important thing when it comes to keywords, and that is what we call negative keywords. So in the next video, I'll be covering just that. Please be sure not to skip that one and give it a watch as it's going to save you tons and tons of money when it comes to running Google ads. I'll see you in the next video. 18. The Importance Of Negative Keywords How To Add Them To Your Account: Negative keywords. Negative keywords prevent your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. Negative keywords can save you so much money when used correctly. For example, if you only sell luxury products, then you can actually go into your Google Ads account and put the word cheap as a negative keyword. So whenever someone goes on to Google and searches for something similar to your product and they use the word cheap. Google will ensure your ad does not show to that user, which means straight away, you can block out clicks from people who are looking for a product which you may not offer, which in this instance is going to be a cheap version. Let's go over to the next slide and look at example of exactly how this works in the real world. So before I go through the examples, the symbol we use for a negative keyword is the minus symbol. So this would be the symbol you add before the keyword. Now, it can get a bit confusing as you can have different match types. For each negative keyword. You're going to have a broad match negative keyword. You can have a phrase match negative keyword, and you can't have an exact match negative keyword as well. It's really important to know that the whole word you enter as a negative keyword is going to become the negative keyword search phrase. So let's look at the top example. The negative keyword for broad match of cheap ceiling fans. If someone goes onto Google and they type in cheap seeding fans, your ad will not show. It's the same story. If someone goes onto Google and types in ceiling fans cheap, your ad will still not show to the user as a negative keyword is a broad match of all of the words, cheap ceiling fans. However, if someone goes onto Google and they type in basic fans, your ad will show to the user. Now basic could be another term people use to identify a cheap solution. So do bear that in mind. The second option is going to be a phrase match negative keyword. So it would be brushed metal fans, and you'd have those words in speech marks. So your ad will not show if someone searches for best brush metal fan or brushed metal fan price. However, your ad will show if someone types in Metal fan or bimetal found as a negative keyword you entered was brushed metal fan missile found by itself. And bimetal fans are perfectly fine. To show the last match type, we can apply it to a negative keyword is going to be the exact match. So in this example we have an exact match negative keyword, which simply says luxury fans. So if someone goes onto Google and types in that luxury fans, your ad will not show. However, if someone types in companies that sell luxury fans, your ad Canto, the reason being is because a negative keywords you entered is simply just luxury fans. If he wanted to block out when someone types in anything to do with luxury, then you'd have to enter the word luxury as a broad match, match type. As a result, when it comes to adding negative keywords, SEO, Google Ads account, I always recommend you go for the first option, which is a broad match. The reason why as a broad match negative keyword covers the most methods that people can use to find your ads. For example, if I did just sell luxury fans and I didn't want anyone to find my ad who types in the word cheap, then what I would do, I would go over to my Google Ads account, An add the word cheap as a negative, broad match keyword. Understanding how negative keywords work is super important. As like I said, it's going to save you so much money. So let me head over to my Google Ads account and I'll show you exactly how you can add a negative keywords to your account. So to add a negative keyword, what you need to do is go over to keywords and then simply click negative keywords. So this is a whole section on your Google Ads account dedicated to add in negative keywords. So to add a negative keyword, or you need to do is click negative keywords here, or you can click the blue plus icon up here as well. And then one Chinese option, you need to select your campaign, so go campaign and then pick the campaign we have wishes domestic fans, it's always important you add negative keywords to your campaign and not an ad group level. The reason why we wanted to add negative keywords at the campaign level and not that ad group is because as you know, an ad group comes under a campaign. So if we add a negative keyword to the campaign, then by default that's going to include all of our out-groups. So instead of just sitting here and thinking, what negative keywords should I put in, you can actually go back to your keyword research template file and go over to your negative keywords. These are all the keywords that when we did our initial keyword research, we deemed not to be relevant to our business. So as a result, if you remember correctly, I said to you, don't delete these keywords, keep them on another tab as we are going to use them later on in the course, this is exactly what we're going to use them for. So instead of spending hours trying to find out what people searched for and if it's relevant to your business. We've already done that research and we've done the heavy lifting. So now it's just a case of adding these keywords over to our people were ads account. But instead of selecting all the keywords and then copy them over to our ads account. We can actually be a little bit smarter about this. If you remember what I said a couple of minutes ago, we can use a broad match negative keyword, which is going to block out a lot of these keywords. For example, all of these keywords here, they start the same. Can you? So the main word we're going to want to block out, to block out all of these keywords is going to be the word can. The reason why is when someone goes onto Google and they type in the word can, it typically leads to a question. Now we need to ask ourselves, do we want to be shown on Add to users who are going into Google to type in a question. The answer is no. The reason being is because these type of people have a low buyer and 10, they are not in the mood to buy a product. And that actually just looking for some information. So as a result, I'm going to take the word can go over to my Google Ads account and paste it in like so. I'm going to go back to my list and see if I can find any more negative keywords. How big we got, how to hang, how to choose. So another word is how? Typically people will go into Google and use the word how? Again, they are not really a type of people we want to target. They'll quite far down the biofuel as I don't have much buyer intent behind the keyword. And for the purpose of this training calls, Let's just imagine we sell luxury fans. So what I'm going to do is simply type in a negative keyword of cheap. Notice how all the negative keywords I'm using are the broad maps, negative keywords. I'm not putting down any phrase match negative keywords such as cheap fans, and then add in my speech marks. All I'm doing is I'm simply adding it down as a broad match negative keyword. Now if you remember correctly, you will remember me saying to you that negative keywords should have a minus symbol. However, when we upload this to Google, because Google actually has a whole dedicated section on Google ads for negative keywords, you don't actually need to add the minus symbol. You are more than fine just to go over your negative keywords and enter them like so. What I'm going to do is upload a downloadable documents into the project and resources section, which is going to cover the most common at negative keywords that you should probably have in your Google Ads account, such as words like Amazon and Walmart and so on. Because if someone types in those words in the search term, then now looking for or As a result, we don't want to add to show. So once you've finished added in all of your negative keywords, you simply need to come down here and click Save. And as you can see, Google has now added these three words as a negative broad match keyword. 19. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Creating your ads. In this section, I'm going to go through the evolution of how ads appear in Google. And believe me, it's very, very interested in. I'm also going to go through the best practices for writing killer ad texts is really important. You understand how to write ads, which are going to generate your business clicks. We're going to look at how to create your first gig or ADH from scratch. I'm going to cover everything you need to know when it comes to add rotation. And I'm also going to cover how you can create an ad schedule to suit your business. So let's hop straight into this section. 20. The Evolution Of How Ads Appear In Google: before we dive into the fine details off going for exactly how to create a good glad, I thought would be really good to go for the evolution off Google. It's so Google ads have changed so many times over the years and the way they're looking, Google is always changing. So this is how a Google ad used to look in the year 2000. So some of youse may be quite thriller with how this Google actually looks. It was quite clunky, messy. The ads always stood out where ads on the right hand side of the page with a nice little colored section behind it, but adds up the talk. We had a whole banner up here, Aziz. Well, just really, really old fashioned Google Google, since moved on from this layer on went through this layer in 2000 and seven. So as you can see, they removed the clutter blocks on the right hand side of the screen and actually added this massive colored section behind the top free, which indicated these were adds. So as you can see back in the day, it was very, very easy to spot a Google at which, if you think about it is not really a good thing for Google. If Google know that the results are ads, then people are less likely to click onto them because they're paid advertisements. So as a result, Google is going to make less money as less people are clicking on the ads. So over time, Google has been changing the ads constantly to ensure they're know as obtrusive. So this is another example of what Google went soon in 2000 and 17 2018. You can see that she removed the whole colored section on. What they've done instead was simply add a little color to add icon right next the euro. So as you can see, this is a lot less obvious, then what they used to have In the past, However, Google went one step further on there, actually removed the colored section. So this is what used to look like and not too long ago. And if you look carefully, you can see the top three results for this keyword. Women's boots are all actually adds. It is quite hard to see it since they removed the colored background. However, if you do look closely you can see. Indeed, these are actual ads. However, that wasn't enough to satisfy a Google have gone one step further on what we have now to date is the black add text, which literally just says add with no background color at all. So, as you can see, what we have at present is a lot less obtrusive than what we first had when Google launched Google ads in the year 2000. So the main aim of Google is to get more people clicking over to the at. So what does that mean for you as a Gil ad advertiser? Well, it's actually a good thing, as there are a lot of people out there who aren't too fun off. Give your lives and they just see it as a scam. I don't want any website at the top. If it's an ad, however signature add now blends in with the organic section are a lot better. People are going to click over onto your ad without knowing its ad in the first place. So what does that mean For you? It means more clicks over to your website and your landing pages. More eyeballs on your website and your brand. It's Aled. Good news for us. The only people who really suffer from these updates are people who have just during S e o . So people who are trying to pay in the organic section, which is a section you see below the paid advertisements. But the main take away off this video is that Google ads are always changing. So just be aware that on any time I do see any big Google update in regards to ads, what I will do is I will make a post in the Facebook group and make you aware of that. But that is it for now. And I'll see you in the next video. We're going to walk you through the best practices for curating killer Google ads. I'll see you there. 21. Best Practices for Writing Killer Ad Text: Google ads best practices. So before we go over to our Google Ads account and actually create our first Google ads. I wanted to go through the best practices first. So understanding this is going to help you so much when it comes to creating your first Google ad. So let's dive into it. So a great technique you can use when creating a Google ad is going to be highlighting what makes your company unique. So as you can see, I've gone on to Google and I typed in the keyword, teeth whitening London. The ad in position one says White Teeth in 10 minutes, UK award-winning whitening kits. The ad below that it says, Chris teeth whitening strips next day pose seven days a week. So from me not know much about teeth whitening and who's the best company? How long should it take straight away from me from a cost perspective, white teeth in 10 minutes, sounds absolutely crazy. And I don't see any other company States in there. So as a result, I am by default going to associate this as a USP with this company. On top of that, they go on to say UK award-winning whitening care. So this company, they can want in your teeth into minutes. And they also use the UK award-winning whitening kid. So this is two USP for this company. So if I actually carried out this cert and I was looking to get my teeth, why didn't I would actually end up clicking the top had as it has more appeal to me, primarily because of the titles are using why TPP in ten minutes and they use it award-winning whitening kid, that has to be a USP as accompany below has no mention of how long it takes the whiten your teeth. And on top of that, they didn't mentioned that they award winning one in kids. They might do in reality, however, as they haven't stated that in the time. So there's no way of me knowing whether added a top has made it very clear. And as a result, I have associate that as a USP with that company. Usp standing for unique selling point for those who wasn't aware. So as you can see, highlighting what makes your company unique, or at least comes across as unique, is going to help you a lot when it comes to generating more clicks on your ads. Another good strategy you can utilize is to focus on the benefits and not the features. So this is so, so important. As you can see from the screenshot, I went over to Google and I typed in slit disk S6, S6 be in my local county in the United Kingdom and slipped disc indicating that had a painful problem in my back. The ad at the top of Google says slipped disc, get expert pain relief fast. The reason why this ad is so good as it focuses on the benefits of the service and not the feature. I have a slipped disc, right. My back is in a lot of pain. This ad is telling me I can get expert pain relief fast. They're not just going to relieve my pain that go into do it fast. As a result, this ad is completely talking about the benefits of the service and not the features. If the ad was going to talk about the features that you can say things across the lines of. We can see UV in 30 minutes fast Consultation 101. Although those examples are good, it's still nowhere near as powerful as focusing on the benefits. Let's imagine you go into a shop that sells vacuums, right? And then the cells man comes up to you and he says we have this amazing vacuum is got twin turbo jet suction power 500, 24 hour battery life, blah, blah, blah, shouts all those features and facts down your is. And then on the other hand, you have another salesperson who comes up to you and they say, Hey, we have the best Hoover on the market. It has a highest suction power possible, and it Hoover's up dirt better than any other Hoover out there on the market. On top of this, it's very lightweight, so it's very easy for you to carry upstairs and also clean the upstairs of your house. Which one sounds more appealing? That guy just shut down all the facts down your ear, that up suction power, which in reality actually doesn't mean that much. Or the person telling you you can get the best Hoover on the market, which is going to make clean in so much more easier. So when you're creating your ad text, make sure you focus on the benefits and not the features. Another good strategy to use is to include prices, promotions cell with an offers as much as you can in your Google ad texts. So I went over to Google and I typed in memory foam mattress. We have an ad at the top of the page which says, biggest ever discount, 40% of ergo flex memory foam. Then we have the ad below it which says 10 best memory foam mattresses, UK's top mattress brands. If I'm looking for a memory foam mattress, which are actually was a few months ago, then I'm going to be more inclined to click the top result. As a result is mentioned in a massive discount and promotion, the haben wir, the website below who's running that ad. They don't mention anything to do a promotion or a discount even in a might actually be having one. Can you see how this plays a big difference? So let's imagine you are the company at the bottom. Compare your and you're running 50% off on your website. If you don't stay there in your ad, how our potential people are supposed to be aware of your discount? The answer to that question is then not going to be aware. So if you do offer any discounts on your products, you've got any cells promotions, any offers. Do you make sure you include that in your ad text to make it crystal clear to people who were searching for the products and services that you offer. The most important element is to understand if your landing page is relevant. What I mean by relevant is, is it relevant to the term you are bidding on? If someone goes on to Google and they type in memory foam mattress, if they click your ad, are they going to land on a page which is all about memory foam mattresses or are they going to land on a page which is about memory foam pillows? You need to make sure that their customer journey makes sense. It might sound very simple, but there's so many people that get this wrong. They'll bid on a keyword such as red raincoat. However, when the person clicks the ad that actually land on the page which shows raincoats in multiple colors here, the blue ones, greens, yellows. The person didn't type in those collars only serve the user what they typed in. This way, you can show your ads performed to the optimal level and they produce the most amount of conversions and cells with your business. And lastly, another good strategy you can use is to add scarcity and urgency in your ego lab techs. So this can be things like cell ends tonight. Last chance to get 40% off, or even selling fast. These are just free ideas. And in scarcity and urgency is best used when you're running discounts, as you can tie the discount into the scarcity texts as well, such as the middle one, last answer, get 40% off. If you're looking for a product and you see a website offering 40% off the product you're after, and they let you know this is the last chance to get 40% off. That's going to apply a bit of subconscious pressure, which may end up pushing your cross the line to purchase that product. It's simple, but it's very, very powerful. So now we've gone through the best strategies. It's time to head over to our Google Ads account and I'll show you exactly how you can create an ad from scratch. I'll see you there. 22. How To Create Your First Google Ad: Welcome back. In this video, I'll be showing you how you can create your very first Google ad. It's a great y'all Google ad. What you need to do is go into the campaign you would like to create your ad for. So for me it's going to be domestic fans wanted to have in that campaign that you need to select the Add Group which you'd like to write your ads for. So I only have one ad group, which is this one right here, ceiling fans for long-term rooms. Let's go ahead and go in to that ad group. And then once you're in the out-group, you want to go to ads and extensions. Click Add on the left-hand side. And you have two different options you can use to create your ad. You have the plus icon on the left-hand side, and you have this icon right here. It creates, add, both bring up exactly the same options, so it doesn't matter which one you go for. It all comes down to preference. I'll go for this one right here. Create, ADD. I then go for it, responsive search, Add. This will then bring up the dedicated page where you can actually start to craft your ad text. So let me just minimize this and delete all the texts we have here already. This is actually here from when I was making this ad earlier on the day. But essentially before we go through all of these options, let me start from the top of the page and work my way down so everything is super clear. So at the top of the page, what you're going to have is basically a summary of what you are creating your ad for. So Google is telling me I am creating ads for the ad group or to do we've seen in fans for large rooms. It also gives me a summary of all the keywords that I have with in this ad group, such as large room ceiling fan, large ceiling fans, Lord ceiling fans for high ceilings. So just gives you a confirmation of exactly what you are writing a text for, just to make sure your message in a line to the keywords you're targeting. So back in the day, what used to happen when you'd create your ads is you would use what we call expanded text ads. So if I actually give this a click and show you what this is, just to give you some context. So basically what you do is you'd enter in a free different headlines. Your headline being what shows in that ad. And then you go ahead and create another ad with another free headlines. You then show both of those two ads on Google and you'd see which outperforms the best and the one which doesn't perform best. You'd basically delete and then add another ad and continuity which ads are performing the best? This way was a little bit Columbus and as you could only have free headlines, you created. So sometimes you'd have literally ten different ads using a 30 different headlines. And you just literally be testing all of them to figure out which ad performs the best. However, as you can see, from June 30, 2020, you will no longer be able to create these expanded text ads. So going forward and from this point onwards, you have to use a responsive search ad. So you're probably thinking, Okay, well, what is a responsive search ad? Well, if you go back, I'll show you a responsive search ad which a week. Get it up one more time. Oh, I've got delete my text once again, so sorry about this. There's no way for me to remove it until I actually create my ad. But essentially a responsive search ad is an option which gives you multiple choices to add lots and lots of headline texts. So instead of just adding for your headlines and then cool in that your one ad, I then created a number add women never free headlines. You can actually insert up to 15 different headlines. And what Google was going to do, it's going to automatically show different variations of your headlines and your descriptions to see which one performs the best. So going forward, please make sure you are using and responsive search ads and you're not using the old, outdated, expanded text ads, which as I just showed you, are going to be emitted from June 2022. So now we've covered that. Let's go through the process of creating our first add to the first option we have at the top is what we call the final URL. The final URL is the URL people are going to land on once they click your ad. So as this ad group is all about large ceiling fans and ceiling fans for large rooms, what we want to do is make sure our final URL is also relevant to all of the keywords we are targeting. Aka, people should land on a final URL, which is all about large ceiling fans. So if we go back to our example website or HSD online, Let's go to the fan category once again and we'll go for ceiling fans. Well, they actually don't have a category or if there was to just show the large fans. However, for the purpose of this training video, let's imagine that this URL right here is a URL which is showing all of the large fans. So what I'll do is I would take this URL back into Google ads and I'll paste that down as the final URL. Then below the file URL, we have a number option called the display path. The display part is literally the URL that you would like to show in your ad. So you can see at the top of the ad right here it says hygiene supplies However, I mean, that's not the best Euro I want to show. Remember, I am going to be bidding on keywords related to large seating fan and ceiling fans for a large rooms. So what I want to do is make it clear to the user that the URL that go into land on is related to large fan. So what I'm going to do for my display path is simply put in a large fans, like so. Now this display URL update or like so large fans, it just makes your ad look way more targeted and direct. And just to confirm, your display pop is literally just the URL which is going to display on your ad. The URL people are going to land on is indeed the final URL. So after you've entered in your final URL and your display path. The next option we have is to go ahead and enter in our headlines for all Google ad. So like I just mentioned, with your responsive search ads, you have the option to add up to 15 different headlines. And Google is going to automatically show different variations or the headline to see which one performs the best, as we've just covered in the previous video, there awesome best practices which you want to follow when it comes across in your ad texts, such as focusing on the benefits included any USPS add in scarcity. So let's go ahead and do that now. So what are the benefits of ceiling fans? Well, why does someone order a coelom fun? They don't order a ceiling fan because they want to see it in fun. Most likely order a fan because they are hot. Which means if they are hot, they want to cool down. So what we can do is we can go for a headline such as ceiling fans to call them tight grip, cool. You down as it, That is a benefit of our products, right? A ceiling fan is go into cool you down. So we have add text focusing on that benefit. We don't go into directly speeds of what people want. We could also go for something like stay cool this summer. Again, that is another benefit of a fan. Fans help you stay cool. So I recommend add in at roughly two to three headlines which focus on the benefits of your product. And then once you've done that, you want to go ahead and simply include some of the keywords you are targets in. So again, if you want confirmation, you can always scroll up to the top, click, Show More and then see all of those keywords. So what I'll do for some of my headlines is I'll go for large ceiling fans. I'll go for large, extra large ceiling fan. Sorry. I'll go for large outdoor ceiling fans. I'm pretty sure I saw a keyword, early autumn mention light. So if a lot of ceiling fans, way of lights, I'll also go for large blade seen him fans. Again, just to confirm what I'm doing here is I'm literally just using keywords. I'm targeting as part of my ad group. And then once I finish including all of those keywords, what I then want to include is some keywords which I call our USPS. So keywords which are unique to my business. So I could go for next day delivery available. Maybe you want to add in some scarcity as well. I could go for lost on us to get 40 percent of I can even go for only 10 left in stock just to add a little bit more scarcity or once again, so as you can see, what I've done is I've added 10 headlines in total. I've got the first ones which focus on the benefits of the products. I've got tons of keywords in the middle which basically just mentioned the keywords I'm targeting. Then got some more headlines, tools or end, which are focusing on my unique ISPs. So this is basically what you want to do. You can add up to 15 different headlines. And what's great about this new responsive add that Google have created is they have this section right here at the top, which is called add strength. And it basically gives you an indication and a kind of a guideline on what you should be doing to get the best ad created. So as you can see, I've added enough headlines. I have a tick in this box. Google is suggesting that I include more popular keywords in my headlines. So although I've included 12345 different headlines, we have keywords. Google is telling me to include even more keywords in my headlines. And if you wanted to find out what those headlines are, just simply click View ideas and you can see exactly what keywords you've included already and which ones you are missing. And you can basically just go ahead and add in some more headlines, which includes those keywords. Something to bear in mind is that if you have more keywords as part of your ad group, you will need to create more headlines to make sure you include all of these keywords. And you can see we've got another headline and the bottom, which is make your description more unique, but haven't actually got to that section just yet. But basically the whole point I'm trying to get across is you have your midterm score on the right-hand side, and it just gives you an indication of how well your ad is going to perform based on all of the data that Google has from previous advertisers who are running campaigns in your specific niche targeting the same exact keywords. Like I said, it is just an indication and a guide. So just use it as a guide and don't get too caught up on it whatsoever. However, a rule of thumb is you want to make sure you get at least average Azure AD shrimp score, anything below average? Well, it basically means you need to go ahead and add more headlines based on the feedback that Google says. However, for now I'm going to go ahead and leave my ads. As is. Like I said, it's only telling me my score is average because I haven't included enough keywords in the headline. But that's only because I have a lot of keywords as part of this group. And of course, I want to keep the training video as short and concise as possible. I don't want to bore you with me writing in a number 5 headlines, just include in some keywords. So once you've added in all of your headlines, the next part is to add in four different descriptions. That description is the part which appears below your headlines as part of your Google at ticks. So the best practices when creating descriptions, it's pretty much the same as a crafting your actual ad sex. So focused on the benefits, include some of the keywords in there as well. And of course maybe it has some scarcity and highlight any USPS you have. So I actually already have free descriptions up here. I will breed them first and then copy them across. The first one says, get a reliable ceiling fan and stay cool the summer, free delivery on orders over 40 pound. So I've got my benefit of the product. Stay cool this summer. I've got free delivery on orders over 40 pounds and that's my USP. I've got another description variation, quick and easy checkout. Again, that's a USP with my company. Everyone knows how painful some customer checkout processes can be oddest places for TPM arrived the next working day. Again, here we have another USP. So this description in this instance is really just going heavy on my USP. And of course, Google is going to show a variation of one of free of these, and we can see which one performs the best. I've got another one at the bottom by a woodwind enlarge ceiling fans and state call this summer free delivery. Again, we have a USP award-winning we've got the key word, large ceiling fans, and we have the benefit of the product as well. So it's literally the same process as we already went through. He just wanted to kind of rearrange it a little bit to make it more unique. So let's go ahead and copy these into our description box. We'll put that one in the second one, and then we'll add a novel description for free black. So like I said, you can go ahead and add a full description if you want. However, free is more than sufficient. And as you can see, we have a 90 character limit. Her description of wheat add. And just like that, we have now created a Google ad texts before we go ahead and actually save this ad, there's a couple of things I want to highlight and just clarify, as I typically do get a lot of questions in relation to this. The first one is, what are these things down here? People typically say to me, these things are what we call extensions. Don't worry about them for now. The only purpose of this video is to focus on the actual ad texts, which is actually the part highlighted. I'll be showing you how you can start with these extensions later on in the course. So just completely ignore these for now is all covered. Don't worry, I have your back. And the second thing which a lot of people would tend to ask is, okay, I've created all of these headlines. Is it a way for me to tell Google that I want this one to show as the first headline. I want this one to show as the headline because as we all know, Google is going to rearrange these and find the best combination which generates a most clicks on your ads. Yes, if you would like any headline in particular. So maybe you'd like this headline right here. Large ceiling fans, we have lights, but maybe you want this headline to appear at the start of your ad all the time. And then for Google just to play around with your second and your third headline variation, then if that is the case, we need to do is select the Add, click the Pin icon, and then literally pin it to where you'd like to show in the headline. You can say show only in position one, show only in position 2 or show only in position three. Or of course, you can show in any unpin position, which is actually what Google recommends. And that is basically telling Google to show these in any order they would like. However, if you have preference, just make sure you go ahead and pin that headline in that specific order. So once you're happy and you filled in all of the details for a part of your responsive search ad, we need to do is scroll to the bottom and click Save at. And just like that, we've now created our first Google ad. And we can see our ad under Add section with in the ad group where we created our ad. And as you can see under the second column status, it says this ad is currently under review. Don't worry about you're saying not eligible. That is simply because I don't have any of my ads running, which is why it says eligible in the status column. But essentially, once this ad gets approved, we're going to start seeing some of the data populate on the disk columns. And because I had to figure out how many impressions at is getting, how many clicks this gets in and really start to dive into the data. Now you know how to create your first Google ad. I hope you enjoyed this video and got tons of value out of it. And I'll see you in the next one. 23. Ad Rotation - Everything You Need To Know: Add a rotation. So in this video, I want to go through the two options you have when it comes to rotating your ads. So let's head over to the Google Dashboard. So to access your Google ad rotation settings, what you need to do is go to your overview and then go to settings on the left-hand side. And then we had this column right here which has added rotation. So by default, Google always select the top one which is going to be optimized for best-performing ads. The option below that is do not optimize and rotate adds indefinitely. The lost your options are no longer supported. So when you're viewing this in your Google Ads account, just have the two options at the top. So to understand exactly what these two options mean, Let's hit it over back to our PowerPoint slides and I'll walk you through a live example. So let's imagine we have two ads within our Google ad group. And also within that ad group, we have a few key words we are bidding on, such as big seed implants, seed in band for large rooms, see in pounds or big rooms and so on and so on. Now, all of these keywords can result in any of our ads being triggered. So if someone goes onto Google and they type in big ceiling fans, then Google can even show the user our first add, all, our second add. The whole concept of ad rotation is letting people know exactly what ad we would like them to show to the user. Now let's just imagine that all our keywords added up in total over the course of a month result in 100 clicks. So if we went for the first option which was optimized, prefer best-performing ads and our bottom add generated the boat or the clicks that month. So let's just imagine our bottom add generated 70 clicks that month and I'll talk only generated 30 clicks. What that means is our bottom ad is now our best-performing ad. And as a result, Google is no longer going to show our first ad. It's only going to show our second ad to the user. Now on a surface level that might seem great as the ad desk getting the most clicks is going to be showed the most. However, what you have to bear in mind from our perspective as a business doesn't actually give us that much information. The 30 people that clicked our first ad and went over to our website, they could have ended up actually by one of our products, whereas the other 70 people, they could have actually clicked on Add 1 over to our website and bought literally nothing. So whilst it can sound great to optimize for the best-performing ad is not always the best thing to do. What I advise you to do instead is to do not optimize and rotate your ads indefinitely. This way, no matter what happens with your ads in terms of the amount of clicks are guessing. So your CTR, this way you can view all the data yourself and see exactly which add it generates the more conversion, so more cells and more importantly, our business and then make that the most visible ad. This is actually way more effective and way more smarter than leaving it up to Google to decide who's only going to be using the CTR as a main metric to decide which ad is performing the best. Do bear in mind, the longer you are running your Google ads, the more data and the more information you're going to have in the future, you are more than fine to go for the optimizer option. However, in the first instance, I do not recommend them. However, the choice is completely yours. If you'd rather not go into your Google Ads account and see what ads are performing the best, generating the most clicks and the most conversions, then you may just want to go for optimize your ads. However, as we're trying to learn Google ads and be smart Google advertisers, it's probably not the best decision. We want to be proactively involved in our Google Ads account to ensure we're getting the best results possible. So what I'm going to do is go back to my Google Ads account. I'm going to go to add rotation and I'm going to click, do not optimize. Rotate adds indefinitely. And as you can see, I have this warning message here from Google, low-performing as will run about as often as higher performing ads for an indefinite period of time. This option is not recommended for most advertisers. Absolutely fine. I'm going to click Save. And all I'm going to do is login to my Ads account every single week, depending on how many clicks you're getting. If you're getting a lot of clicks and you may need to login every other day, but essentially you need to login to your ads account and just measure how many clicks your ads get in. So It's very easy to do. Well you need to do is go into your ad settings and then click ads. And then on the right-hand side you can see how many clicks you are getting your impressions, your CTR, which is your click-through rates. You can actually click column that right up here. And you can add the metric which we need to add, which is going to be conversion. So I'm going to show you how you can set up conversion tracking later on in the course. But for now, just make sure you have the box conversion ticked and then click Apply. And this is going to add a column in your overview which shows you how many conversions you're guessing. So over time, you'll be able to see exactly which as it generates in the most conversions for your business. 24. Ad Schedule - How To Select The Days & Times You Want Your Ads To Show: Ad schedule within your Google Ads account, you have the opportunity to create an ad schedule just for your campaigns. So by default, if you don't create an ad schedule than what Google was going to do is show your ad every single day of the week. So Monday to Sunday and 247 as well. So what you want to do is make sure you go into your ads account and create an ad schedule. So an AB schedule gives you the opportunity to say, Hey, Google only show my ads on Mondays, maybe only show on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and so on and so on. You can also tell Google to only show your ad between specific timeframes, such as from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM, which might be the hours that your business operates. However, you can also go over your business operation timeframes and say from 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM, that choice is completely up to you. So let's head over to our Google Dashboard and I'll show you exactly how you can create an ad schedule for your campaign. So once you logged into your Google Ads account, what you need to do is go to the Overview section of your account. And on the left-hand side you'll see we have ad schedule right here. So let's give that a click and expand the menu. And as you can see, we have free options, are we have four in total, sorry, we have ad schedule day in our day. And then our the one you want to focus on is going to be the top one ad schedule. So to create a schedule, or you need to do is click Edit, add schedule. And then we now need to select the campaign type which you want to apply the schedule 2. So as we only have one campaign, is going to be this one right here, domestic fans. But before I click this and get into all the details, it's really important to note that when you create an ad schedule is only going to apply to the campaign you select. So if I apply my ad schedule to this campaign and then three months later down the line, I create a new campaign. This ad schedule is not going to be live on that campaign. So do bear that in mind if you intend on creating multiple campaigns later down the line. Let's go ahead and click domestic fans. And as you can see by default, it says all days and from 12 to 12, which is 24 hours a day. So we can actually click the drop-down arrow and see multiple options. So we can tell Google to only show our ad to users between Monday to Friday, which would be weekdays. We can say Saturday to Sundays, which would be the weekends. Or we can go for one of the blow options and pick a specific date. So I'm going to go for Monday to Friday and I'm going to go for nine AM. So 05:00 PM. So let's go to nine AM right here, and then scroll down to 5PM, which is going to be 1700 likes. So, so I get a lot of questions from people saying, should I show my ads from the time my business opens? Yes, that is a good idea. However, you can also make our ads show maybe half hour before your business opens. So if you open at nine AM, then you can show your ad from a Pharisee just in case you want to target anyone who's getting into the office early. And you want to ensure you have the visibility and you have an ad in front of those eyeballs, it all comes down to preference as it's a new account and we're setting up an account from scratch, we won't have any data to base our decisions on how other when you've been running your ad for a long time, you can actually look at your schedule and see exactly what hours of the day are producing the most amount of clicks. For example, you could find out that Mondays at two PM, that is when the majority of people are carrying out research and seeing your ad. So you may want to allocate more of your budget to that specific day and time. However, let me just add a specific date just to show you how to do that. Select Save on our ads to run on Monday. And we want them to run from 1 pm, 2, 2 pm only on Monday, so 01:00 PM, Like so I need to find 4800 for TPM, like so. So this is Helen Google now to show my ads on Mondays and Fridays and on Mondays only from one to two. So as we had Monday in its y-axis is going to be a bit conflicting because in the top line we're telling Google shower ad from Monday to Friday, from 830 to five PM. And then we're also telling Google actually on Monday, just share it between 12. So if you wanted to run your ad from Monday to Friday, so all weekdays, but on one specific day you want to go for a timeframe, then what you need to do is add each day individually. So I choose date. I would simply put in eight Hercy life so and then go for five o'clock and then do exactly the same thing for every day of the week. So add Wednesday and then add another one for Thursday and Friday and so on. So hopefully that gives you a good idea of exactly how you can customize and make your own ad schedule. If you want to delete any of the options you've just added, we need to do is go to the right-hand side and then click the X icon. Once you're happy with the ad schedule you've created, we need to do is click Save, and that is now going to be added to your campaign. And as you can see, we can get tons of information about all of our ad schedules, such as how many clicks or get in, how many impressions that ad is getting. So how many times that ad is being seen? The click-through rate, the average cost-per-click, the overall cost, and so on and so on. The average cost-per-click is actually quite interesting to look at as it actually a lot of client accounts I've looked at whether average cost-per-click had been cheaper on a specific day than it has in comparison to another day. So I highly recommend you set up a schedule and then review that data every month just to see exactly what's going on in your account. And that way you'll be able to make smart optimizations in the best way possible. 25. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Bidding strategies. In this section of the course, I'm going to walk you through all their bid and strategies that Google allow you to choose from. Now, a bidding strategy is essentially the strategy you use to determine how you bid on a keyword. There are tons of different strategies you can choose from, such as target CPA, target ROAS, which stands for return on ad spend. We have maximize clicks, maximize conversions, target impression share. We have manual CPC and we also have enhanced CPC. So let's hop into this section of the course and go for exactly what each and every one of these actually mean. 26. Target CPA: building strategies. A bidding strategy is a strategy allow Google Toe have when it comes to showing your ads to users. There are free main types off bidding strategies. You can use the automated bidding strategy where Google basically does every think you can go for semi automated, which is where you have a lot of control, but you let giggles Alberta and do a bit of what as well. And then, lastly, you can go for a manual bidding strategy, which is where you have complete control on make. All of the decisions are highly recommend that you start off with using a manual bidding strategy. And then, as you get more data in your Google ads account, you switch to a specific type of automated bidding strategy where you focus on a goal such as conversions or return on ads been and so on. Those are different things worth testing. Google. The faux option that it picks for us when you set up your Google ads account is maximized clicks, which is really bad. Which issue? Remember, I said you should changes to manual CPC, which sounds for cost per click, and then we're going to review these bidding strategies later on in the course. Well, that part I was referring to is this part now. So there are quite a few bidding options we can pick from. I believe that seven in toast or that'll very. And they come out of the free main types I mentioned earlier. Automated, semi, automated and manual. So before we dive into each bidding strategy available, I want to head over to my Google ads dashboard on, just show you exactly how you can change your bidding strategy. Now it's good to know that you can change your bidding strategy whenever you like. That could be at the started the campaign halfway through the campaign. It doesn't. Massa is completely up to you, so to change your bidding strategy or you need to do is log in to your Google ads account, go over to the left hand pain and click campaigns, and then click the campaign you have in your Google ads account. Once you click that you want to go over to settings on the left hand side and then go over to this option right here, which has bidden give this drop down arrow a click and you could see. At present we have manual CPC. So what I want to do is click change bid strategy. And then, as you can see, we now have more options that you targeted C p A which answer cost per acquisition. We have targeted Roos return on ad spend maximized clicks, which is the default one Google select for you. We have maximized conversions, target impressions here on manual CBC and so on. So what I'm going to do now is head back over to our power point slides on. I'm going to explain to you what all of these mean so the 1st 1 is target C p A. Or cost per acquisition. So target C p. A. Is a fully automated bid strategy where advertisers set a target Cosper conversion and then Google adjusted bid to generate as many conversions as possible. At that c. P A. The cost per click does not matter with this strategy. The main goal is to generate conversions. So if we look at this from free different ways that the objective how it works on a scenario, the main objective off target c p. A. Is to get as many conversions as possible for your target cost per acquisition. The cost per click like I just said, does not matter. As long as you're getting clicks that confer profitable course business is going to grow. So how does it work? So Google will predict which clicks will convert and how much it will cost that click to convert. To use this strategy, you must have conversion tracking set up, and you must have at least one conversion action configured Now, if you're working on a brand new Google ads account, then you won't have this data, so you can't use a strategy to start off with. It's good to know as well that the more conversion days you have in your Google ads account the closer Google will be able to get conversions for your target CPI A. So how does this work in a scenario? So let's run through how this would work with a live example. So let's imagine you're a plumber on the conversion action on your website is a form submission. You know that you get a customer from one in five forms, which is a 20% converge injury, and you know that your average job is worth $300 in profit. So in order to make money, you need to get form submissions for less than $60. And if you're wondering how I figured that out, it was simply $300 divided by five as $300 is my average profit on dividing that by my average conversion rate. So to use this strategy, you are goingto also need your average profit put job. If you don't have that information, then it's literally going to be impossible to determine your target. C p A. In the next video, we're going to go through the next bidding strategy, which is target return on our spin. I'll see you there. 27. Target ROAS: The next bidding strategy we're going to discuss is target R A s, which stands for return on ads. Been so this is nearly the same as target CPI A but with the return on ad, spend instead. So with this strategy, Google will predict future conversions on conversion value performance based on your historical data toe. Enter auctions as it's based on historical data. You can't use this straight away on a brand new account When using this strategy. Do the war just bids in real time to maximize conversion value while trying to achieve the target Return on ad Spend goal. You've set other ad group campaign or the portfolio level, so let's look at the objectives. So if you're tracking more than one conversion action, so maybe you're tracking sales and phone calls both from your website on each conversion action has a different value to your company. Now this is quite likely, as a cell is probably going to be worth a lot more to you than an actual phone call. So talk with him. Return on ad spin will aim to bid base and how much return you make on your main advertising dollars as opposed to targeted a cost per conversion so it return on ad spend equals total conversion value, divided by the cost so you can see your conversion value in your Google ads account if you have conversion tracking set up. So as you can imagine, this bidding strategy is not best used on brand new Google ads account his best use on Google ads accounts that actually have a bit of data behind them. So how does it all work? So Google will predict which clicks will convert aunt? How much of those conversions will be worth to you so you can actually tell Google? What are converging is worth to you when you set up your conversion tracking. Now don't worry, as I'm going to show you exactly how to set up conversion tracking later on in the course. And like I just said, you must have conversion values configured in your account to be able to use target return on ad spin. It's good to know as well that campaigns using targeting return on ad spend need to have at least 15 conversions in the last 30 days on. This needs to be consistent as well, which means You must have conversions over a consistent time period and not just a bunch of conversions on one day and then none for a week. Another 10 none for a week. They need to be consistent. If you don't have data that showed consistent conversions, then Google is not going to able to optimize your account to the best of their ability. So let's look a scenario of this. Let's imagine. Your company primarily sells insurance, but you also have a free e book on your website available to download. Now you know from the historical data that a conversion rate from a cells form is 10% on a conversion rate on your e book is 0.5%. So less than 1% on the average client is worth $850 to you, based on what Google knows about the cost off your clicks and you're goo as conversion rate for each conversion action. So that could be a cell or a phone call. They were trying to hit your target return on ad spend, so we can very easily work out how much each conversion is worth to our business. We would simply have to multiply $850 by 0.10 as that's ourselves conversion rate on, we would be left with $85. So each form submission is worth $85 to us, as we convert one in 10 of them on the average client is worth $850. So we could use exactly the same calculation to figure out what a conversion is worth to us via an E book. So now we know how to determine what conversion is worth. You're probably thinking great, that's good. But what should my return on ad spend be? Well, this all depends on your profit margins. When you determine your return on ads been, you actually do it by inserting a percentage into your cable ads account, which I'll show you just how to do in a second. But to give you an idea how it works, a 6000% return on ad spend means that for every $1 I spend, I'm getting $60 back in revenue instead of just sitting there and trying to figure out the math to determine what your return on has been. Should be, you could just use the calculator that I showed you earlier on in the course, which was this one right here. So you can see that you have a section on here which has determined your break even return on has been so to determine your return on ad spend, you need to determine your profit margin. First, in order to know what your return on ABC's Ben has to be, you need to know your average profit margin is so if you have a 10% profit margin. So for every $10 in cell, you only earn $1. I need a 1000% return on ads. Been that means a 10 x roos. If my profit margin is 25% that my return on ad spend would be 400% now. Dewberry mine, this is break even. So you need this return on ad. Spend just to get the money you're spending back in revenue so we can use this calculator to determine what I return on Aspen should be. So let's head over to our Google account, and I'll show you exactly how you can enter this percentage into your account, which Google could then use toe, optimize your account fervor. Soto, update our bidding strategy. We need to go to campaigns, select our campaign and then go to settings and then go to bidden get counseling that there we go and then changed bid strategy and they won't go for target. Return has been so, as you can see, it says to use his bid strategy, set up conversion tracking. So as we don't have a conversion track and set up, I can't and she do this on this account. However, what I'm going to do is I'm going to head over to a live account. I'm going to show you exactly how you can insert your target retirement. I'd spend percentage. So I'm now here logged into a live Google ads account. I'm going to select Target return on ad, spend on. As you can see, we now have the opportunity to enter in a percentage. So let's just imagine, for the purpose of this video that might average profit margin is 25%. So as a result, I need a break even return on ad spend off at least 400%. So I'm going to do is go back to market where ads account. I'm simply going to make sure any number I enter in here is going to be at least 400%. So I from Taipei in 500%. The number you're going to enter here all depends on how much revenue will look into a chief one amount of money you're spending. Then you can see from below that Google was actually recommended me that my target return on ads. Ben should be 175.5%. So they notice because I've already entered in how much each conversion is worth to my client for this account. So they can very easily tell me what my target returning has been. Should be so in this case is knowing near 500% is actually just under 200%. That's it for this bidding strategy. And I'll see you in the next video. We're going to cover the neck strategy, which is maximized clicks 28. Maximize Clicks: maximize clicks when you choose maximize clicks as your bidding strategy, Google will work to get as many clicks as possible while spending your daily budget. This strategy can be great if you're trying to drive more volume to your website for Brandon on, let's build in or if you have a very strong conversion performance and you want to find more volume. So the main objective off maximized clicks might have just said is to get as much traffic to your site as possible. So if you're looking to get as much data on site behavior as possible and just get visitors in your door that worrying too much about specific cost objectives, then this could be helpful. So how does it work? So Google will try to get you as many clicks as possible by choosing the right bids across your keywords. Using this main strategy, you can set a maximum cost per click bid limit, which means, yes, you're trying to get the most clicks possible. However, you control Google, do not pay any more than this specific amount for any click we generate, so it spend is cut that the campaign daily budget. You can also use portfolio bid strategies, which allows you to apply this automation to just a specific set of keywords all of inside the same campaign. Now, while since my saying great, I'm not actually a big fan of this as when it comes to review in your data, it's going to be important to know what's actually going on. You could see your daily spin off $100 could lead to maybe six conversions. You don't know whether those six conversions came from this bidding strategy. Maximize clicks? Or did it come from the other business strategy, which you have applied to the overall campaign? So just to confirm bidding strategies are applied at the campaign level, However, you can apply bigger strategy for individual keywords using their portfolio bid strategy, which is saying, I do not recommend you do as I just said. It's going to make a life a whole lot harder when it comes to review in the data. So let's look at a live scenario off this. Let's imagine you sell football boots on your website, and the data shows you that using manual cost per click as a bidding strategy is giving you good results. you now want to release a new product, which is football pumps. So nothing to do with football boots. So you quiet. Just use the data. You have a football boots and apply it to football pumps. Football pumps is also a low volume search keyword in your targeted locations, and you want to drive as much traffic as possible to your new product page. You could use maximize clicks as a bidding strategy just to generate an influx of traffic, which is going to help get more feedback, put up improvements, website improvements and so on so you can actually apply maximize clicks as a bidding strategy to these keywords to reach your main goal. Now Dewberry might Like I said, you can apply these at the portfolio level, which is going to apply it to just a specific keywords, or you can create a new campaign on Just have those keywords in it. He completely comes down to your choice. That is it for this strategy. On in the next video, we're going to go through maximized conversions. I'll see you there 29. Maximize Conversions: maximize conversions, so this one is kind of self explanatory. Google will essentially trying to maximize the amount of conversions you have in your Google ads account. So the main objective, like I just said, it should generate the most amount conversions possible from your daily ad budget. So how does it all work? So do will optimize your bids on ads to try and generate you the most conversions possible for this to work, you must have conversion data in your ads account to use this strategy. As you can imagine, the more data you have, the more effective the strategy will be as a more reliable your data is going to be. So let's look at a scenario off this. So let's imagine you have aged, adds account with tons and tons of day to a village. Your ad spend is split evenly across two different groups. You notice that all of your conversions are coming from one Pacific Add Group. You could use this bidding strategy for Google to bid more aggressively. One. That ad group, which had performing better on generating the boat off conversions. This will save you a ton of time having to go into the AdWords account on Make the Optimization is yourself. It's really important to note as well that with this strategy, Cooper doesn't take in consideration how much each convergence is worth to you, so it will use another scenario. You have two different ad groups. The first group generated five conversions on the second and a group generated free conversions. So if you went for maximize conversions, Google would optimize the first ad groom or, as it's generated more conversions and performing better than the other ad group. However, these conversions on your first at group might be conversions that have a lower value in revenue with the other. Free conversions could be really, really high in terms of revenue. So those free conversions are actually worth more to your business than those five conversions from the first ad group. So do bear that in mind when it comes to picking new strategy and try to take all things into consideration. I'm not really a big fan of this strategy, if I'm honest just for the reason I've explained, However, it does work very well in a lot of case and arrows like the 1st 1 I've just given you on my screen. So just be careful not to trip yourself up and take things all into consideration when making your decision on what bidding strategy to select in the next video, I'm going to cover the bidding strategy. Target impression share. I'll see you there. 30. Target Impression Share: target impression share. Target Impression share is a newer bidding strategy with Target Impression share. Advertisers set a goal impression share percentage that they want to achieve for their ads , so the main objective is focused on awareness on breach. If you want a specific target impression share, you are literally telling Google Show my add to these many people who are typing in this surgeries. So let's imagine you want to go for a target impression. Share off 60%. That means for every 10 people carrying out a search for one of your keywords, you won't be able to show your ad to six of those users. So how does it work? So Google will adjust your bids accordingly to ensure your at is positioned at your predetermined position. Whether that's at the top on the first page within the top three, you can specify exactly where you want your ad to show, and I'll show you how to do that in just a second. So before I show you how to set where you want your ad to show, let's go for a scenario and go, for example, where you would use this in the real world So let's imagine. Your company has just released a new product on you would like to create some awareness and extend your reach. Ignore the word teacher that should actually say Reach. You could use target impressions share to ensure Google shows are add to the majority of people searching for your product. This is going to help you increase your awareness whilst putting you at the top of Google for the keywords that you really want to target. Now, as you can imagine, when you're using this strategy, you don't really have that much focus on things like your average cost per click, the pressure pain for conversion and all those metrics right there. The main focus off this bidding strategy is to create awareness and reach, so as a result, this is best suited for those advertisers who have quite a bit of budget to play with. So let's head over to our Google ads account, and I'll show you exactly how we can set this right now. So it is going to bid in on. We have selected target impression share, and as you can see, we have a second option right here. Where do you want your ad to appear. You can have anywhere on the results page the talker results page that you have in the top free top four positions and then you have absolute top of results page, so this would be right at the top off Google. So let's go for top of results page and then below that we can enter our percentage impression share to target. So let's put in 70%. So I'm now telling Google I want them to show my add to 70% of people who carry out that search. Below that I can also put in my maximum CPC bid limit as well. So let's put in free pound, for example. So I'm not telling Google. I want them to show my add to 70% of people who carry out this search on the maximum amount I want to pay Per click is going to be free pound dewberry. Mind that when you put in a matter, um, cost per click, this can limit an effect. Your percentage you achieve for your actual target impressions. If majority of impressions for the group of keywords your targets in have a cost per click off £4 your maximum cost per click is free pound. Then obviously Google will not be showing or add to those users in the oceans where the cost per click reaches above what you specify it. So if you really want to achieve your target impressions here, I actually advise you. Put in a higher cost per click limit just to ensure you do actually achieve what you want to achieve, which is more awareness and eyeballs over to your website. But just for the purpose off this training video, once you are happy with all the data you selected, so your impression share target were you when your ads to show and your maximum cost per click limit, you simply go to the right hand side and click safe, and that would now save your bidding strategy and apply it to your campaign. 31. Manual CPC & Enhanced CPC: manual cost per click manual bidding is the easiest bid strategy to get a grasp on. Advertisers, set their bids manually at the keyword level on the bid. Stay the same until the advertisers change them. So the main objective off manual CBC is to fully maintain control over your bids. In every single auction you're willing to pay what you're willing to pay on. That is the end of it. If you set your manual cost per click at £2 then you'll never pay anything more than £2. So how does it work? So you have your default bid at the campaign level on the art group level, you can also set individual keyword level bids as well. On Google won't get any more than your max bid in any circumstance. It's my favorite strategy, as it gives you the most flexibility, the most organization, and this is my bidden strategy off choice. The only downside to the manual bidding strategy is that you have to do everything yourself as it's a manual strategy. So this is the only bidding strategy which has no automation in it whatsoever. People had zero influence, a tool on what it changes and what optimization zehr made. It all comes down to you reviewing the data and then making their decisions yourself. You can add in what we call enhance cost per click so e CPC at any time, as well as changing your bidding strategy whenever you want. It's really good to note as well that manual cost per click is the best place to start, as it does not require conversion tracking toe work. You could simply create your account select manual CPC, which is what I advise you did when you created your account and simply start running Google ads and generating some data. It's far better to use this strategy. Then use a number one in the first instance. Such a maximize clicks as Google is just going to spend all of your budget to generate the most amount of clicks, whereas with manual CPC, Google will have no influence whatsoever. So as a result, you make your own decisions and you lets you control what is going on in your Google ads account. This is the main reason for whenever I create a new Google ads campaign or even a nuclear as account, I always start off of manual CPC. So there is another version off manual CBC, where you add a little bit of automation into it, and that is what I referred to earlier, which is E CPC. Enhance cost per click. So when you select manual CPC from live in your bidding strategy, you're also going to get this little box below, which he says, help increase conversions within haunt CPC, so this only becomes available if you take this box. If you don't take this box and you won't have the option to go for optimize for conversions or optimized for conversion value, and you must select at least one of these to use in haunt CPC, I always recommend you go for optimize for conversions. It's really important to know as well that to use in haunt CPC, you must have convergence in the Google ads account. This is why you can use e CPC straight off from the star, So the main objective of in heart CPC is to maintain tight control over your individual keyword level bids, whilst also put in some trust in Google's algorithm toe optimize CPCs for more conversions . So how does it work? So Google will automatically raise your bid as much as 30% or decrease your bid as much as 100% based on how likely they think the cliff is going to lead to a conversion. E. CPC does sometime work to maintain or increase conversion volume whilst decreasing cost per conversion, you still set your maximum cost per click bids at the keyword at group or campaign level. E P C. Starts off with modifying 50% of the traffic review in the data and then adjust in based on performance. So let's see a scenario where you might want to you to haunt CPC lets him out in your company has strict guidelines on budget on. You want as much control over how much you pay for any given keyword. Every key would represents a different type of bio. You're also trapping conversion, and you feel that your bids can be more optimized than they currently are. E. CPC is a good place to start experimenting with automation. This would be a great place to start than to go for maximize conversions as you still want the boat of control over your Google ads account. So as you can see in heart, CPC and manual CPC that pretty similar. The only difference with in Haunt is you add a little bit of Google's automation on news that algorithm and put a bit of trust in it on in summary, when it comes to bidding strategies, what I recommend is you go for manual CPC to start off with to give you full control and really review what's going on. And then once you have a bit of data, I recommend you move over onto your first automation bitten strategy, which is going to be in haunt CPC on as in heart, CPC isn't a fully automated bidding strategy. It actually comes under a manual bidding strategy to let me go over to a Google ads account , and I'll show you exactly what I mean. So as you can see, we've got target impression share right here. If we look under automated bid strategies, which is all these ones at the top, you do not see enhance CPC. That is because it comes under the manual bid strategy off manual CPC. So once I give us a click, you can see we have the option right here. But like I said. To use this, you need to have convergent track and set up on the account, but that covers everything there is to do with bidding strategies, and I'll see you in the next section of the course. 32. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Google dynamics. In this section of the course, I'm going to go through the importance of what we call quality score. I'm going to go for the four different components that make up quality score. I'm also going to go through the important of what we call ad rank and show you exactly how your ad rank is calculated. I'm also going to show you is actually how Google determines how much you pay when someone clicks on one of your ads. And lastly, I'm going to show you some examples are when you can and when you cannot ignore a low quality score. So without further ado, let's dive into this section, which is personally one of my favorites. 33. Understanding Quality Score: Quality score. In order to first understand what quality score is and how it came to be, it's important to first understand what Google is. At its most fundamental level. Google is a massive referral service. People come to Google looking for referrals when people need to find the information on the Internet, they ask people this question by typing in a question into the search box. And Google provides websites that hopefully contain the information that Google's customers, which is u, was looking for. So it stands to reason from a business perspective that Google cares a great deal how relevant the suggestions or referrals are to the customers. The better of a webpage gives you an answer to your question and provide you with the information you are looking for, the more likely you will be to use Google again in the future. If you carried out a search for blue hats and then Google return results for red hats. You aren't going to be happy. And in the future, you may even use another search engines such as Yahoo or Bing. This is why it's super important for Google to ensure their results. It returns two users are indeed relevant. This applies to both the pay that section and the organic section 2. So as you can see from the screenshot, we have loyal London and we have free ads. London lawyers, award-winning law firm, relevant to why search for in Google. Same with the second and the third ad. If you look at the organic results on the right-hand side, you can see the result says it best lawyers in London, which is super relevant why I typed in Lawyer London. And then we have a second result below solicitors in London, Duncan Luce solicitors, which is obviously a local lawyer firm in London as well. So the results google servers up, it needs to be relevant to ensure that customer has a good user experience. Now if you remember what I said at the beginning of the course, Ads account and 97 percent of Google's revenue. So quality score in a basic form is Google's way of ensuring that customers had the same high-quality referrer experience from a paid ad as they do with organic results. Now we understand what quality score aims to do at a conceptual level less than or exactly how it works and how it's calculated. So one of the first things you need to be familiar with is something called ad rank. Advert is a number which determines which slot your ad will show in. The advertiser with the highest ad rank, gets her ad placed the highest on Google serves, which stands for search engine results page. The question is, how does Google calculate your ad rank? Great question. Let's look at how it was calculated before Google introduced quality score, which were those who are interested, was in 2005. So the ocean before quality score existed. Just to confirm, this is the way Google used to operate before what they make quality score. So let's imagine we have three people. We have Ben, we have Sally, and we have tongue. Now all three of these people both own e-commerce stores and they both sell men's hoodies. And as a result, they over and Google ads and they tell Google, show my ad anytime someone searches for men's hoodies. So Ben goes into his Google Ads account and he sets his maximum cost-per-click at $1. Sally goes into account and sets her maximum cost-per-click at $2 and Tom sets is maximum CPC at $3. In this scenario, we have three different advertisers were free, different maximum cost-per-click. Back in the day, Google would literally give Tom the highest ad rank, which should be ranked number 3. And because he has had ranked number three, he has adverse show at the top of Google, Sally with the second highest Max CPC would get ad rank number 2 and as a result be in position 2. And Ben with his $1 maximum CPC, he would have ad rank number 1 and as a result would be in position three. So as you can see back in the day, Google only really to take into consideration what your maximum CPC was. Now not to confuse matters that are no longer relevant, but CTR, which stands for click-through rates, did in fact play a role in determining underwriting back in a day as well. And essentially out of rank was calculated by a maximum CPC times your CTR. And the reason why I do who added the CTO element into the algebraic calculation? Because a keyword with a very high bid but no clicks was not only relevant to users, but it also wasn't making any money no matter how much the advertiser was willing to pay for a click. But what's important to note is that before quality score was introduced, the highest ad rank with essentially given to the highest bidder. But when qualities goes into juice, everything changed and things got a little more trickier. So as we saw in the last slide, calculate an ad rank based solely on the advertiser's maximum CPC isn't a great way to go. And it cameras are in a very poor user experience. As long as your pockets with deep enough, you could appear on the first page, we have highly irrelevant ads. You could literally go into Google and search for office chair and then see a bunch of ads all to do with car insurance. K will be in the premium search engine. It didn't want this to happen. As a result, they introduced quality score in 2005 to try and combat this, before we dive into how Google calculates quality score, let's run through some important key things you should know about first, the first is every single keyword in your account has a quality score on the one to ten scale. To view your quality score, you simply need to add the column to your data overview. Let's head over to our Google Ads account now, and I'll show you exactly how you can add this. So once you're logged into your Google Ads account, what you need to do is go into the campaign and then go into any ad group. This will now take you on a page where you can see all of your keywords. So once you're on this page where you can see your keywords, you need to go over to the right-hand side where it says columns. Give that a click and then click Modify Columns. This is now going to open a page which looks similar to this. So what you want to do is go to the bottom, second from the bottom and click quality score, expand the menu, and then make sure you have this box checked. And once you've done that, you want to go down and click Apply. This is now going to add a column to your overview, which is going to show your quality score. If you'd like to move this column to the front of your data, or you need to do is go back into the columns, click Modify, and it's simply pick quality score and drag it up to the top of the data, like so you can see it's now between clicks and impressions. Let's click Apply. And that's now going to move the quality score column to the front of our data overview. Another important thing to note is that historical keyword level quality score is not available inside of Google Ads account. In other words, you can only see what your quality score is at present and you can't see what it was in the past. So you can't see what your quality score was last week, yesterday, last month, last year, you can only see what it is at present. Whilst Google has never officially confirm this themselves, is generally for that your overall count has a quality score in some way or another which affects your overall performance. In any case, the better your keyword level quality score, the better your account will be. The display network quality score is another murky area, and it's known that improving your click-through rate on any non search campaigns can improve the efficiency of your display campaigns as well. However, for our purposes here, we're going to be focusing on the tangible data, which is quality score for the search network. In the next video, we're going to look at the four main components that make up quality score. I'll see you there. 34. The 4 Components That Make Up Quality Score: So now we have a good understanding of quality score is trying to look at the four components which actually make up the quality score number. Those four things are, number one, the click-through rate, also known as CTR. The second is keyword to add relevance. The third is keyword to query relevance. The fourth is Landing Page quality. So these are the four components which make up your quality score. So let's look at all of them in a little bit more detail. So let's start off with click-through rate. So click-through rate, or CTR, is the percentage of people that click your ad of the CNN. So how is it calculated? Your CTR is calculated by your clicks divided by impressions times 100. This is how you get your CTR percentage. So if your ad is shown ten times and out of those 10 times it generates one-click. You would have a CTR of 10 percent as one divided by ten times 100 equals 10. In other words, 10 percent of people who saw your ad actually clicked on it. It goes without saying, the higher your CTR, the higher your quality score would be. If more people are clicking your ads, then it's a good signal to Google that you're AD must be relevant. And of course, when people clicked your ads, Google make money. So it's in Google's best interests to show the ads which generate the most clicks towards the top of the search results. So a question I get asked a lot is what is a good CTR? Now it's really important to note that there is no concrete answer to this. In fact, a good CTR is actually industry-specific. For example, you could be operating in the industry such as insurance, Mortgages, something along those lines where it's extremely competitive. So as a result, the CTR, just by default, is going to be a lot lower than if you're running ads for our local business. This is why you can't get this a definitive answer. However, as a general rule of thumb and to give you some context, always aim for 5% and above. So how does Google know what a good CTR is? Well, chances are you are not the first advertiser in your industry with your keywords. So Google has tons and tons of data on what other advertisers have done in the past. And it uses that data as a metric to determine what is good and what is bad. This also correlates to what I said before about how they're not being one global good CTR is all going to be industry-specific. What's good to note as well is that Google does take your ad rank or your ad position into consideration when calculating if your CTR is good or not. As the ads run at the top of Google in the first place is going to have a higher CTR, then add in the third position. So Google uses your position to determine what is a good CTR. In other words, if you're in position free, Google is going to look at CTR is for other ads. Also in position three in the industry that you are operating in. The second component of quality score is keyword to add relevance. So relevancy between the keywords you're targeting, your ad text is super important. So you don't want to create an ad for reversible yoga mat. So basically what this means is your ad text must be relevant to the keywords you are bidding on. So as you can see from the screenshot below, I've gone on to Google and I've typed in reversible yoga mat. And I have two ands at the top of the page, one from a website called Lululemon. And the second ad is from Amazon. The first ad it says shot reversible yoga mats. Perfect. As I went on to Google and I typed in reversible yoga mats. So the keyword and add a relevant is going to be extremely high. It's exactly the same for the ad by Amazon as you would expect by reversible yoga mats and Amazon. Both of these ads are really good examples of showing you how the keywords and the ads are extremely relevant. One thing you want to bear in mind is that you want to avoid keyword stuffing. This is not what Google wants to see. So don't just create an ad and say reversible yoga mats. Check our yoga mats that are reversible, that is not natural to the user. Make sure that your ad text always reads correctly is also good practice to try and include your main keywords in your headlines as well. So while she wants to avoid keyword stuffing, it is good practice to try and include the main keywords in your headlines. The third component of quality score is keyword to query relevance, the sentence, phrase or question a user types into Google search box referred to as a query. So whereas your keywords trigger ad impressions, user query trigger results page, also known as serves. Google capitalists quality score for your keywords in real time, every single time search was performed, one of the factors that go into your real-time quality score is the relevance between a user's query and your keyword that triggered your ad impression. Likewise, Google also takes into account the relevancy between the query and the ad copy that's going to be triggered by the keyword. The same reasoning applies to the keyword add text relevance, we just discussed before, google understands that the more relevant assertions query is to an advertiser keyword and add texts, the more relevant and useful that overall user experience is likely going to be. The fourth component of quality score. Is it landing page quality? Landing page relevance is the least weighting factor, but it's still plays a big role in determining your quality score. In essence, your landing page needs to be relevant to the keywords your targets in along with your ad techs. To give you an example, if someone clicks on your ad after searching for air con units, they should land on a page which is relevant to air-con units. They should not land on a page that talks about desk fans or wireless mikes needs to be relevant. If the landing page is not relevant, that user isn't going to be happy and Google is going to be aware of this. And it's going to bring down your overall quality score. But if you onto the user's query and give the user what thereafter, which is what they search for, then you have no issues to worry about. So now we've gone through the main components which make up quality score. It's time to look at how important they are in terms of weight. So as you can see, there was four components we went through. However, in this pie chart, I am only showing three elements. That is because two of the elements are both to do irrelevancy and both come under the term relevance. So if we look at this, we can see CTR has roughly a 65 percent weight in regards to quality score. That is how important your CTR is when determining your quality score. Now, as you will already know, your CTR is going to be composed of your added to keywords, CTR history, your account CTR history, even your geographical CTR history as well. So what's good to know as well is that when Google determines if a CTR is good or not, it also looks at geographical area as CCR is can vary greatly from one country to another, even from city to city, relevancy has roughly 25 percent weight when it comes to quality score. And just to confirm on that as well, your relevancy is going to be made up of things such as your keyword to add relevance, your keywords or query relevance, your keyword to ad copy and landing page relevance. These are all the components which are going to make up your relevancy section. And lastly, we have Landing Page quality, which accounts are roughly 10 percent. So your landing page quality is mainly going to be things such as, does your landing page meet what your ad text says? Does it meet what the keyword sets? Does it follow the right customer flow? And on top of that as well, you need to have a load fast in landing page and ensure it is easy to navigate around, especially on mobile devices. So now we have a really good understanding of what quality score is, how it works, and all the different relevant factors and how much weight they have. We can now jump into ad rank and really figure out how our actual cost-per-click is calculated. I'll see you in the next video. 35. Understanding Ad Rank and How It Is Calculated: how to calculate your ad break. You now understand quality score on the auction. So in this video, we're going to go through exactly how Google determines your ad break. As discussed in the last video, your Advent number is super important on determines how higher at his position on the Google search engine results page. The old ad drink formula didn't account for quality score, essentially the highest bidder. One. The highest spot on your maximum cost per click was the most important factor when calculating. Add verdict. However, as you already know by now, this former that wasn't in the best. So what Google did was changes in 2000 and five, and they actually changes drastically. So let's have a look at the new ad rank formula. So the new ad drank formula is now. Add rank equals your maximum cost per click bid. Time Joe Quality score. This new formula is way more comprehensive than the old formula. The formula stayed this way until 2000 and 13 until Google introduced the expected impact off. Add extensions on CTR as part of the advert formula. Now, if you're not sure what ad extension is, then don't worry as I'm going to be going through that in great detail in the next section of the course. However, for now, all you need to know is that add extensions are important and they can help you improve your CTR. Google discovered that different sorts of ad extension such a call out reviews can have a positive impact on your sees your on. As a result, they included these projections into the advanced formula. But even till this date, no one is certain exactly how the formula changed of accommodate these ad extension factors . It's widely accepted that add extensions account for about 20% of the quality score portion off the current Adam and formula. But whether or not that number is precisely accurate, we can be pretty confident that it's not much more than that because so many advertisers are using add extensions on because it's a pretty small factor by itself, as a result, will continue by evaluation. Some examples narrows with the primary formula, which is ad rank equals maximum CPC times quality score. So to see how this all works in the real world, let's go through a live example auction. Let's imagine we have five different people. We have Ben, Sally, Tom, Simon and Louise. Now all five of these individuals are bidding on the same keyword. So then goes into his Google ads account. And he said it's his maximum cost per click at $10. Sally sets her maximum cost per click at $8. Tom sets his maximum CPC at $6.5. Simon does $5.5 on new. We set a maximum CPC at $2. Now let's just imagine Ben has a quality score off one. Sally has a quality score off to. Tom has a quality score off seven. Simon has six and Louise has 10 Now. If we use the formula above ad ran equals maximum CPC bid times quality score, we can actually figure out the ad drank for all of these different advertisers. So Ben's ad right would be 10 as 10 times. One is 10. Sally's Advent would be 16. Tom's out of rank would be 45.5. Simon would have an address off 30 free, and Louise would have an advent off 20 Now, based on this, we can figure out which advertiser is going to have the ad shown in the highest position on Google. And as you can see, Tom has the highest add drank off 45.5. So as a result, Tom is going to get position one, meaning his ad is going to show the highest on Google position to is going to be followed by Simon with AD ran off 30 Free, which is a second highest position Free is going to go to Louise with the ad ran off 20 and then Sally would get the full export off 16. So in this scenario, there would actually miss out on it. I would not be shown as he has the lowest drag off 10 which puts him in position five on. Remember, there's only four positions for this auction. What's really good to know is that Ben has the maximum CPC. He's told Google the matter. Um, he's willing to pay. Per click is $10. That is almost double than what Simon is willing to pay. Where his maximum CPC is $5.5. Ben is literally willing to pay double that. However, his ad is not showing. The reason being is because he has a low quality score of just one where Simon has a quality score off. Six. So as you can see your matter, um, CPC is important. However, what's even more important is your quality score. This is why it's so important to try your hardest to make sure you have the highest quality score possible, as if you get it right. You can have a lower maximum CPC. If Simon was able to improve the landing page Andi Ctr and as a result, gets quality score all the way up from six up to 10. He would now have the highest add drink on. He would take the top spot with his at. This would mean he would be in position one on imposition to would be Tom and then Louisa be imposition free, as it was before. And Sally would remain in position for notice how Simon was able to increase his ad drink without increasing his maximum CPC again. This just shows you how important quality score is. The same applies in the opposite direction. Let's imagine Louise are able to maintain her quality score of 10 on. It drops down to six. This would now mean it as an address off 12 which is the fourth highest. As a result, her add one out dropped down to the fourth ad slot, and she would be in position for just below Sally. So, like I just said, quality score is super important on will play a massive role in regards to where your ad is going to show in Google. So now we have a good understanding off. Add drink what we're going to do in the next video. We're going to go through exactly how Google determines how much you pay per click. I'll see you there. 36. How Google Determines How Much You Pay Per Click: in this video, I'm going to show you how Google determines how much you pay per click. Now you have to remember that this is different from what you said as your maximum CPC from within your account. Your maximum CPC is the maximum amount of money you are willing to pay per click. However, this isn't always what you're going to pay for a click. So how is your cost per click? Calculated. Your CPC is determined by the advent of the advertiser below you, divided by your quality score. So let's head over to another example auction on. I'll give you a live walk through off how this works in the real well. So for the purpose off this training, let's imagine it's a week later into the auction on our five. Advertisers have updated their maximum CPCS, and as a result, the quality scores have changed as well, which is extremely natural in there. Well, so as you can see, Ben has a maximum CPC off $2.5. Sally has $7 Tom has $2. Simon has free dollars on Louise has $9. So Ben has the advent of now 43.75 Sally has a advent off 21 Tom is just behind Sally Imposition free. With adverts off 20 Simon has an advent or 15 and Louise has an advent of nine, meaning Ben has the highest and burn and as a result has the top ad position. Simon has dropped down from position one down to position for. So how does this look when it comes to calculate in the CPC? So, like I said, to calculate the CPC, you need the address of the below advertiser on divided by your quality score. So let's go ahead and calculate Ben's actual CPC. So Ben's CPC is going to be 21 as this is the advent of the advertiser below him, which is Sally, 21 divided by his quality score, which is going to be seven. So 21 divided by seven is going to be a CPC off free dollars. Sally CPC is going to be 20 which is Tom's address in the advertiser below her divided by free. So 20 divided by free is going to equate to a CPC off $6 Tom CPC is going to be 15 divided by 10 which is a CPC off $1.5 on Simon. CPC is going to be Louise's address, which is nine divided by her quality score. So nine divided by five equals 1.8 so others. Oh, that is going to be Simon CPC so fully res as there is no advertising below her, Google is going to determine her CPC. What's really good to see is that in our example, the person in the top spot, which is Ben, is not paying the most per click the person pain and most click is Sally Imposition to, And the main reason why Sally is paying so much per click is because she has a quality score off just free, which is a lot worse than Benz. So let's imagine Sally works really hard on our AdWords account on her landing page on manages to increase her quality score from free to six. And as a result, he added, right now goes up to 42. This means that she still has the second highest add drink, so remains in a current position. However, her CPC now drops to almost half on goes down to free $0.3 which is a lot less cheaper than a previous CPC off $6 on. She's managed to achieve this just by improving her quality score. Real powerful, right? So in our auction we have Tom Imposition free, and then we have Simon below. So, at present, Tom is paying the lowest cost per click. He is paying $1.5 he has a quality score of 10. So you may be thinking right. Tom has the highest quality score possible as quality score is obviously out of 10. So there's no way Tom compare any less than $1.50 per click. Well, if you think this you would be wrong. As you have to remember, your cost per click is determined by the advent of the below advertiser divided by your quality score, meaning If Simon's quality score was to drop down from five down to four, he would not have an address off 12 which means he stays in the four position as it's the full highest on drink. However, as his adventures now dropped down to 12 however, that means Tom's actual CPC is going to be 12 divided by 10 which is actually $1.20 so Tom has managed to lower his cost per click by literally doing nothing. This is simply because Simon's quality score has gone in the wrong direction. Hopefully, this illustrates to you just how important quality score is on just how diverse that Google AdWords auction is now. It's really important to know that we can't actually see the advent of the other advertisers in our auction, so there's no way to know what your maximum CPC should be set up. And so on, however, is just an example to give you an idea of just how divert to Google ads auction. It's on what you have to remember as well as in this example. Simon's quality score went down from five down to four. So as a result, the amount he's going to pay per click is going to go up as well, because Simon's actual CPC is now going to be nine divided by four, which is $2.22. So, as you can see, there is quite a lot to consider when it comes to determine in how much you actually pay per click 37. When You Can Ignore Low Quality Scores (and when you can't): when you can ignore quality score. So by now we all know how important quality score is. However, I wanted to let you know that there are a few instances where you should indeed actually ignore your quality score. So in this video, I'm going to go through free, different examples off exactly when you should do just that. The first and most common example I see when you should ignore your quality score is when it relates to plural and singular keywords. These are instances that can't be understood by any logical boundaries. Sometimes the player will version off. A keyword will have half the quality score of a single aversion off the same keyword in the same ad group. There is no logical reason why they should be the case. Sometimes adding the prefix or a Suffolk to the word contract YCL e change a quality score . For example. You could have bed cover versus bedcovers. Now these are very similar keywords. The only difference is one is a plural. On one is a single a keyword. The plural version or the singular keyword version could have a different quality score. Now, these instances on others that have no rhyme or reason can be very frustrating, as you will continue to try to optimize for the quality score, but you will fell every single time. The best thing to do in this case scenario is to try a few different tests on. If you don't see any positive results, just walk away. Whether that means leaving the key word in your ad group or removing it, it can be very frustrating. But unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it. The second example where you can ignore quality score is to do with new accounts and new keywords. Every new keyword is assigned a quality score, which is not reflective of its true quality score. As a rule of thumb, I don't worry about any quality scores until the keyword has at least 1000 impressions on 100 clicks. This way I can be certain that the data on reviewing is indeed reliable. It's important we don't get trigger happy too soon. After a few clicks on, then go ahead and make drastic change is the only time you want to act straight away is if the issue is to do with the landing page as this issue simply won't go away. The last example is bad blood. I've seen tons of examples in industries with bad reputations that literally have a quality score glass ceiling, meaning, no matter what you do, is really difficult to improve your quality score. Some of these industries are pharmaceutical, financial, the legal industry on literally any other industry that has a very high cost per click. A lot of these industries have gotten a bad reputation with Google after loads of advertisers sent traffic to shady or untrustworthy websites. As a result, Google adopted a guilty until proven innocent mentality with these specific industries. We ran into this issue a few times when, no matter what we did, we couldn't get the quality score above five. We persisted, and eventually, in the long run, we managed to improve over time. If you suspect something like this is happening in your account, you could always reach out to a Google rep and ask them to look into this fervor. If you'll see in a lot of low quality scores. But your ads are averaging in the top three positions, then it's very likely that this is happening to you don't worry about it too much as it's most likely happening to all of your competitors as well, which is why these industries can be very competitive toe enter due to the higher CPI sees . If you are operating in one of these industries, then try not to worry about it and keep plucking along and you'll eventually get there. Just be mentally prepared to be in it for the long run. 38. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Ad extensions. In this section of the course, we're going to go through exactly one ad extension is we're going to look at the benefits of ad extensions. The different types of ad extensions you can use on your ads. I'm going to show you how you can add an ad extension onto your aunts. And I'm also going to go through things to bear in mind when you're using ad extensions. Let's get straight into it. 39. What Are Ad Extensions & The Benefits Of Using Them: add extensions. So first things first. What is an ad extension on? At extension? Simply expand your AB with additional information is really that simple. Ah, lot of people like to overcomplicate add extensions and make it sound a lot more difficult than it actually is. But essentially on ad extension. Simply expand your ad of additional information, so to understand, add extensions a little bit better. Let's look at a live example. So I went over to Google and I simply did a search for office desk on Google returned to me free. Different ads we have at the top by office furniture online. We have an ad in position to bip landscape and we ever add imposition free buy furniture work but code at UK Now. If you look at these abs, you will notice that the top ad is a lot more larger than the bottom two acts. And the main reason why is because the top ad is using what we call sightly extensions, which are these parts of right here, which is essentially a sub menu off the main act. So, as a result, this top ad takes up so much space on your screen where the ad imposition to an position free. They aren't using any site like extensions, so as a result that I just don't take up that much space a tour in the page. Now, if you was in the market for an office desk and you went on to Google, carried out a search, you are way more in life, you to look at the top in comparison to the ads below. The main reason being is because this ad takes up more space on the page, so this is just one of the benefits of using add extensions. So let's head over to the next lie that we're going to go through the five main benefits off using add extensions. So the first benefit, as I just covered, is when you use ad extension, your ad takes up more real estate on the page, which is going to make it more likely to get it click, which is obviously what we want as we are running bugle. That's the second benefit of using add extensions is short cuts. So as we just saw in that screenshot before, you can actually add site links that any page you want on your website. So in this instance, this website Office Furniture online, it has direct links to pages on its site talking about its best seller of white vote desk, the best sell next day desk. So I'm assuming this company would have done some research, and it found out these two pages are most likely going to be its most popular pages. So, as a result, is going to make it easier for customers to land on those pages. Imagine if this act didn't have those links right here, and you wanted to find out the best sell next day desk. You'd have to click the add weight for the patient load and then find that option from the menu in the site. So having the option below as a site link makes it so much more easy for the customer on results in less clicks, which is going to result in a higher conversion rate. The third benefit off add extensions is it's easy to update. So as you expand your business and you create and launch new products, you can very easily update all of your add extensions literally in bulk. So let's imagine you have 10 different campaigns on each campaign is using its own ad extension. You could literally update all of those 10 campaigns very easily. The full benefit of the ad extension is it increases your CTR and your quality score. Now this is a massive one. As you already know, as the higher your quality score on the higher click through rate the cheap you're going to pay per click. So having addict sentience is really a must. I would never recommend you run any ads without using add extensions. That is just how important they are. And if you are wondering how add extensions help increase your CTR it simply because your ad takes up more real estate on the user obviously has more things to click as well. That's especially true if you're going for cycling extensions. The fifth and final benefit of using and extensions is it. Make sure adds way more relevant. You can literally create and extensions at the group level, meaning you can really attain of the text to suit the keyword Targeting. This is going to help you a lot, and it's also going to contribute to increasing our seed. Shaara's well, we have course is going to increase your quality score, which on the whole is going to make you pay less per click as well. So having more relevancy in your ads is definitely the way to go. So now we've gone through the basics of what ad extension is and the benefits of using them . In the next video, I'm going to go through the main fire type of addict sentence you can use when curating your ads. I'll see you there. 40. The Different Types Of Ad Extensions You Can Use: the four main types off. Add extensions. So when you are creating your ads, there's four main types of addicts centers I recommend you use. The first is site link extensions. The second is location extensions. On the furred is cool. Extensions on the fourth and final type of extension I recommend you use is going to be call out extensions. So first up is cycling extensions. So this is when we covered in the last video. As you can see, I went over to Google and I did a search for Nike or Nike, depending where you are in the world is how you pronounce that. But essentially, as you can see Nightcap four different cycling's in total. The first sighting they have is directing users to a page on the website, which currently has a 50% sell. The second cycling is directing customers to the page about running shoes. Then we got yogurt collection and then products for kids. So, as you can see, Nike have done really well again. I'm see when they have used their data from the website to figure out what pages are most popular. Then they used that for their main site links as they know the majority off the customers, and the visitors like to see these four pages. So having these four pages as site links is just going to make her life a little bit easier . If you're looking for these pages, the second type of ad extension is what we call location extensions. So these air primarily used for local businesses. However, they can be used for generic businesses as well that sell products such as an e commerce store On. As you can see in this ad example, we have the ad text at the top on and Edmunds official site extra for 2% off select boots on the bottom or their ad. We have this icon right here, a little map symbol, and then it has the address as well. So typically, that address you see here is going to be poured from the Google. My business listing, if not show a Google my business. This is it's essentially the listing every local business has. We can go into Google maps, get directions, check out the review that is at the Google my business listing. So to get an address shown on your ad, you need to make sure you have a Google my business listing registered and then simply connected up to your Google ads account. But like I said, this type of ad extension is best reserved for local businesses as they get the most value from it. I'm actually not sure why this e commerce store is using a location extension. It could be a case where they simply don't know what they're doing. Or potentially they might win attract more customers into the actual store. Who knows? But anyway, that is a location at extension. The fertile at extension is what we call the core extension. So again, this is really useful for local businesses. However, it can be used for general businesses as well on. Basically, when you use a call extension, you literally list a number on your Google at. So this is very handy if people want to get in touch of you. I've seen some businesses uses on the ads when directing traffic to the customer service page, which is a little bit smart as honestly, when people get in touch with businesses a lot of the time, actually want to get in touch of Beira phone So listen, the contact number on the ad is a very good method. However, I'm not to fund of paying for clicks when it comes to customer service. That is just my personal preference. Anyway, on the number. Really good thing about using court extensions as well as when you do that on a mobile device. That core icon actually looks something like this. So you have the phone icon like so and then you have the phone number. Now, if you click this on your mobile device, this is actually going to trigger the phone call function on your phone and start to call that number so it can help really a lot when it comes to conversions, which is why I recommend using it for local businesses. Let's just imagine you're an emergency plumber based in New York. Some of the key words you might be bidding on could be Emergency Plumber, New York, and as a result, when someone types in that keyword into Google, they are looking for an emergency plumber. The reason being because they have an emergency, they want to get in touch with someone as fast as possible. So given that customer away to call you before they even clicked. Your ad is going to have a massive impact on your conversions. The fourth and final type of extension I recommend you use is going to be cool out extensions. So I like to refer to call extensions as highlight extensions because this is essentially waiting to highlight what is unique about your business. So, as you can see in this example, we have an ad from new balance dot com. They have the call extensions below which you can see highlighted made in the USA, which could be really important to customers in the U. S. They might only want to buy products from the local country we have established in 1906 again just help build more social proof and kind of convinced a user that this is a good business, that being around for a long time, free shipping over $125 free returns. So these are all really good things about this company called Extensions are very effective if you get the text right. So now we're going for the five different types of add extensions you can use. You're probably wondering which is the best ones for me now. There's no simple answer for this. You need to have a think about what I've just covered on your business and then pick the extensions. Which of the best for your business? For example, if you're a local business, you might want to go for the core extensions. If you're an e commerce store, you might want to focus more on the cool out extensions on the review extensions. The one type of extension I recommend that the majority off businesses use is going to be the cycling extensions. Those are super powerful, and we're allowed to take up the most for impossible on the Google service Now. Another thing I just want to highlight is that site links don't always take the same form. They don't always take out that massive space like I showed you that can also look like what we see right here. New arrivals, women, new arrivals, men, MB, women, lifestyle E cards and gift cards. These are also site link extensions. How your sightly extension shows unfortunately, is not to you. It comes down to Google, so just a heads up. This is also how you're citing extensions could actually look. However, it's still another line on your ad sex, which is going to make it more Ficker and take up more real estate more likely to get more clicks in the next video. I'm going to head back over to our bugle adds account on. I'll show you exactly how we can add these add extensions onto our hands. I'll see you there. 41. How To Add Sitelink Extensions To Your Ads: So now we've gone through the four main types of different add extensions you can use. It's time to look at exactly how you can add those to your ads in your Google ads Account. Soto Adam Ad extension. It's very simple. We need to do is go toe ads on extensions on the left hand side, give a click and expand the menu, and then simply take extension right here. You're going to want to make sure you click extension on, not automate extensions as that is going to take you to a different option and just add a little bit of clarity as well. Automated extensions are essentially what Google ad automatically when you don't have any extension set up. Now Google doesn't always pick the best extensions, so I highly recommend you actually go ahead into extensions and create your own extensions . So let's go ahead and give extensions a click on. As you can see, we have three main options. Create cycling extension, which gives you the sub menu below your ad. We have create call out extension on. We have create core extension as well, so these are the free that giggle give you by the phone, however, you can scroll down a little bit more and click this icon right here, create at extension, and then you can see the four list of extensions that you have available. So let me go ahead and show you step by step exactly how you create an extension for the four types who just covered in the last video. So let's start with the first ad extension, which we covered, which was sightly extension. So let's go ahead and give this a click. And as you can see, we have an example screenshot on the right, which shows you exactly what you are creating, which is obviously a site link. So let's go ahead and create some cycling texts. So if we follow Su on our previous examples of using the website hey, just the online to create our ad, we can go ahead and pick some other sightings, which should be relevant to our aunt's. So if you remember, we actually created ads all to do with ceiling fans. However, I can have similar products as cycling such a desk, fan extractor, fan pedestal fans and so on and so on. So when creates in sight links. You want to make sure that they are relevant to the main search. So as my main searches about ceiling fans, what I'm going to do is include similar other products as the main cycling's. So I'll go for death fans, so I'll go back to Google ads. Site link text offered in desk fans. So you're citing text is a senator the text that displays on Google for description one below. I'm going to put in hi quality fans that cool you down. That is space right there. And as you can see, I've gone over the current limit by one. So let's see if we can trim this down a bit. High quality fans to cool you down That works description to open. Another description recommended that I go for powerful but smooth fans for cooling perfect 35 out of 35 then the final girl is going to the euro. The user lands on once a click, this citing text so that is obviously going to be the girl or to do with desk fan. So let's go ahead. Click that copied the URL and then put that down as the final Girl. Now this would be exactly the same process for every other, citing. You want to create now? I highly recommend you have foresight links. The reason why I recommend you have four and not two is when you have foresight links, you essentially get so much more real estate on Google. So the more realist that you have, the more likely your ad is going to get clicked on, the more users, enquiries and cells are going to generate. So for the purpose of this training video, I'm simply going to go ahead and create free more cycling's. But I'm going to speed up the video so you don't have to sit there. What you meet and getting bored. I'll see you in just a sec. And just like that, I have now created four sightings in total. I've gone for a desk fan extractor, fans, pedestal fans on tower fans. So now, before I scroll to the bottom and click save, what I want to do is go to the top of my cycling extensions on make sure I added to the right place. So when you create a slightly extension, you can even add it to your account, which is going to add it to every single campaign, or you can add it to a specific campaign or you can even add it at the group level. Now, as this is a brand new account and I only have one campaign set up with one ad group that is going to be the out group I'm going to add it to now. When you add your site links, you're going to want to tie it to the ad group or the campaign, which is most relevant to what the sightings are about. So if I select campaign, you can see it's going to ask me which campaign do I want to attach the site links to so I could go for domestic fans, which is going to be my only campaign. However, if I go back and actually change at to add group, you can see I have my campaign here and now I can select the ad group. I want to apply it to, however Dewberry mind that this group is all about ceiling fans. So for someone to see these ads, they would have to type in something similar to ceiling fans, which is quite specific on my cycling's. As you can see deaths fans and extractor fans, these are quite generic. So in this instance is going to make more sense to add the site links to the campaign and not the ad group. The main reason being is because I might have multiple ad groups all of in this campaign. So let me go back and then go over to campaign, select my campaign on, then click Done. Once you've done that, you don't want to scroll down and click safe. This is now going to add those foresight link extensions over to your main campaign. And as you can see, the current status for the cycling extensions is currently under review. Which just means Google is reviewing the changes we've made, and they're just making sure it all looks good on it. Doesn't lead the youth anywhere, dodgy or not, mentioning any bad words with you shouldn't be mentioned in and so on and so on. So that is how you add of cycling extensions. In the next video, I'm going to show you how you can add a cool extension 42. How To Add Callout Extensions To Your Ads: in this video, I'm going to show you how I can and a call out extension to your app. So it's the same closest as before. Go over to the left hand side of your people at Dashboard. Give that a click, go over to extensions, click the plus icon and then go for cool out extension. Now people actually give you a bit of information of what you can use when using quarter extensions. Such a show. Descriptive texts. Example. Free shipping. Now remember what I said in my slides. I like to use caller extensions to highlight things which are unique to my business. So if I go ahead ankle it call out extension, are going to create a new one, and then I'm going to want to select where want to apply this call out extension to. So in this instance, I'm going to apply it to the ad group or to do with Selim fans, which is the only add group I have. So as I'm applying these cooler extensions to the ad group or to do with Cdn fans, what I want to do is make sure all of my call up Tex is relevant to ceiling fans. So what I'm going to do now, it's simply go ahead and put in some call out text, which is all relevant to ceiling fans So I can put in something along the lines off powerful ceiling fans that call you down to call you down Powerful Cdn fans for cooling that can work. She's going over 25 powerful seed and fans. I think that would do for one, and then we connive free delivery on a lot fans. That's okay. It's quite generic, but is 25 25. So I'll take that because it would take up more space. Call out text free again. Let me try and relate this to ceiling fan so I can go for reliable ceiling fans again. This could be a U. S P to your company. Obviously you will know your business better than I know this business as it's always the isn't my business, but essentially, you just want to highlight U. S peace about your business so I can go back and even put in free 24 hour support. So if someone has the issue of the product, it's good to know that they can get free 24 hour support. You can also click. Call out text and add as many as you want now. Typically, I add about 4 to 6. Call out text on, then what will happen? Google will select the ones which it believes are most relevant for when someone types in a search phrase, which is similar to our keyword. So let me go ahead and put in two more cool up text ideas. So another idea I can use could be quiet ceiling fans. I can also go for something own lines off modern ceiling fans. Now just be careful. Although we want to tie this down to the main add group, which is about ceiling fans. You don't want to repeat ceiling fans too many times as if you look at one of your call out Tex. It's just going to say seeded and seeding found Ceiling fans, which looks a little bit spammy. We want to keep things natural, which is why I recommend we have generic ones in there as well such a 24 hour free support , free delivery and all fans and so on and so on. So once you're happy with all your call out text extensions, simply go ahead and click. Save this is now going to go through the same process where Google is going to review your call out checks on again. Just make sure you have in the guidelines and you're not using any hateful or spammy Tex or things like those that is it for that one. On in the next video, I'm going to show you how we can add cool extensions. I'll see you there. 43. How To Add Call Extensions To Your Ads: in this video, I'm going to show you how I can set up cool extensions, so it's the same process as any other extension. What you need to do is go toe ads on extensions and then click the word extensions but low . And then it's going to load the page, showing all of the extensions you have currently set up in your Google ads account. So 12 on his page You want to get the blue plus icon like so and then go down to core extension. Once you're on this page, you're going to see a few of the same options you've seen before. Such as Where do you want to add this call extension to? You want to add it to the advert level with a campaign or their account level. In this instance, I'm going to go for the account level, so I want my number to show on all my adds. The main reason being is because when you do this on a mobile device, he actually takes up a lot more space. So a lot more real estate on the screen is taken up as you have this massive phone call like one right here below the ad, so I always recommend you add it like so when it comes to the next option for your phone number, you simply need to enter your phone number. So, for example, of this video, I'm just going to copy this phone number right here and copy that in like so just make sure you have the right country selected for your phone number as well. And as you can see, it says court reporting is turned on. So what this means is, for every time someone calls your phone number, Google is going to track that down as a conversion. Now you're probably wondering, How does Google know when someone called my phone number as it's my personal phone number? Well, the answer to that question is, is because Google uses a Google Ford in number on top of your number. So although you enter your number like so in your backing off your Google ads account, this is not the number grew where she shows to the user. So what actually happens is Google shows afford a number on when people call that that number forwards onto your number that you put in your cooler aunt account. This way they contract all the phone calls generated from the Google. That's so once you put in your phone number, what you need to do is click advanced options. Now it's quite important to go through this because, you know, really and truly, when you're sitting on any call extensions, you want to make sure you create them in the most optimal way possible, so you can actually determine when you want your core extension to show. Now, let's imagine you operate a business, and it runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. However, you also generate a lot of cells over the weekend, so you choose to show you ads on the weekends as well. However, no one in the office on the weekends, so you don't want to call it something to show on the weekends. You only want your call. It's entered into show from Monday to Friday, nine AM to five PM, when you have employees in the office. So in this instance, what you can actually do is create a schedule that suits your business so you simply come down to days and hours and you select whatever applies to your business. So in this instance, be Monday to Friday and simply put in the time that you have people in the office toe. Obviously answer the phone call, which would be from 9 a.m. down to five PM, which would be 1700 like so and then you simply clicked save, and I would add a schedule to only show this court extension during the time that you show now. You can also have a bit of preference in regards to device that adds a shown on a swell. I always like to take the box right here that says mobile. And this basically means that Google is way more laughter to show your ad two people on mobile devices rather than desktop devices. Now, if you remember, when you have your cool extensions, like so on a mobile device, when you actually click, this icon is going to trigger the core feature on your phone. However, if you're not on a mobile device and you're on a desktop, then your call its engine is simply going to look like this. People are not able to call you from the desktop, so it's far more effective just to show your core extensions on mobile devices. So once you're happy of all the settings you configured on the schedule for your core extensions to run, you could simply go ahead and click save. And that is simply how you create a call extension for your bugle. Let's 44. How To Add Location Extensions To Your Ads: so the fourth extension I covered was location. Add extensions. So to add a location extension is exactly the same process as other extensions. You probably can't do this with your eyes closed now, simply covered head and quick adds extensions. Go into extensions and then give the big Blue plus icon a click and then simply scroll down and click location extension. So, like I said, in my power point slides, you are going to need a verified Google my business listing to use this option. If you don't have a Google my business listing, your either need to create one on verify it or you won't be able to use this extension. Now do bear in mind. Like I said, this extension is typically used for local businesses, awful businesses who would simply like to generate more customers into the actual shop. So, as you can see, once you click location extensions, we have two main options. Find a Google my business account, or you can link to a Google my business account. I know so even Ito own your Google, my business account or linked to someone else's. But ive away the Google might be account needs to be verified and just to add a little bit more clarification. For those who don't know what Google my business account looks like, it's simply one of the. So let's go over to Google and type in Click Slice on you could see on the right hand side of the page. We have a big Google listing, which is for our agency. Website clicks lions. You can visit the website, get directions. This is essentially what a Google my business listing is. So to use a location at extension, you will need one of these so that it's a very important asset to say into consideration before you go ahead and try to add a location extension. Now, my personal view on location extensions is that if you do have a Google my business, listen then definitely go ahead and add it to your ads as an extension. If you don't have a Google my business listing, then I wouldn't worry about it. As it's not one of the most impactful. Add extensions you can use out of the four I showed you. Location extensions is probably the least effective, however, like I said, if you have the listing, definitely go ahead and get it connected 45. Things To Bear In Mind When Using Ad Extensions: So now I have gone through. What add extensions are the different types of addict centers you can use. How to add extensions to your ads. I just wanted to go through a couple of things you need to bury mind when using add extensions. The 1st 1 is there is no guarantee Google will show all of your add extensions. So I'm gonna add in front of me from a company called John Lewis, which is a massive company. And as you can see, the ad looks very, very basic. It just has the free titles, Death Span, view, the latest range shop online, and then it has a description below and above that, next to the girl. It has a core extension. Other than that, there is literally nothing else still is at now. John Lewis is a massive, massive company. It is very unlikely that they don't have any add extensions for this particular at so In this case, it's extremely likely that Google just chose not to show any add extensions Now what you have to bear in mind is that we will never find out the reason why it's just something to be aware off At the same time, I've created so many ads in the part I've had call out extensions, call extensions, cycling extensions. And then when I go ahead to another browser and Google one of the key words I'm bidding on and actually look at that Abou is showing you will it. She shows just one of my extensions where if I try again an hour later, I can see all for extensions on the same at. So there's not really any magic Former. You can use our follow to make sure Google shows all of your extensions. The best thing you can do is create as many add extensions as possible as that way you are putting or the favor and the ball in your court, meaning If Google sees an opportunity to show multiple add extensions, then it can at least do so. As you've already set your add extensions over in your Google ads account. The next thing to bury mind when it comes to add extensions is avoid repeating yourself. So as you can see from the ad in front of us, we have a description right here, which talks about hoops of every shape, color and size, free shipping. Great. We have the cooler extensions below the free shipping, and then we have two site links below and one says free shipping as well. So I mean, it's super obvious that this company offers free ship in. I think she everywhere you look in this ad, all you see is free shipping, free shipping, free shipping. Now this comes across a very spammy and very unnatural. So it's definitely something to pay attention to. When it comes to creating your add extensions, you really want to avoid repeating herself. We've actually taken on a lot of clients who have done this in the past, and as soon as we swapped out their repetitive words, we actually saw a massive increase in their CTR, which had a positive effect on the quality score on, of course, which actually brought down the cost per click. So that brings this section to an end. And in the next section of this course, I'm going to cover every single thing you need to know when it comes to conversion tracking , which is extremely important when it comes to Google ads, as if you can't measure how many conversions as a generating, then you can't really tell how profitable your campaigns actually are. I'll see you in the next section 46. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: Conversion tracking. In this section of the course, I'm going to go through the basics of conversion tracking. And we're going to look at the benefits of conversion tracking and will also learn to look at the two main types of conversions you can use. And of course, I'm going to show you how you can set up conversion tracking for both or form submissions and to track phone calls. This is a really important section of the course. Tracking your conversion is going to allow you to see just exactly how profitable your Google campaigns actually are. Let's get straight into it. 47. Understanding The Basics Of Conversion Tracking & Its Benefits: conversion tracking. So first things first. What is a conversion? A conversion is simply any action that is valuable to you that any customer can take on your website. Now, a lot of people automatically assume that conversions can only be cells and purchases. However, that's actually wrong. A conversion can be anything that is valuable to you and your business. So that could be things like cells, phone calls, form submissions and so on. And conversions are super valuable as they let you know how effective your ads are in regards to reaching your goals and targets. Whether that is generating a cell for every $50 spent or acquiring a new client for every $100 spin. If you don't track conversion, you let you have no idea on how effective your ads are. So what are the main benefits off tracking conversions, or there's really two main benefits on before we get into them. Let's just clarify the main goal of running Google ads in the first place. The main goal for everyone who's running Google ads should be to generate more revenue and more money, whether you're running ads to a free Ebert or free sign up. It doesn't really matter, as you're most likely trying to convert that person to buy one of your products later on down the line from the email campaign. So the ultimate goal of your ad is still to generate more revenue and business. So the first benefit of tracking conversions is it allowed you to boost your are away on For those who don't know R A Y stands or return on investment. Now you may be sitting there and thinking, Well, my business was making $1000 per month before I ran any ads. I'm now spending $250 on ads every month, and now my business makes $2000 every month. So I'm actually profitable, and I'm making an extra $750 every single month. Yes, that's correct. But you don't know exactly where that extra $750 is being generated from. So if you wanted to scale that up in the future, you did. You have no idea where to start. It would all be guesswork on. When you're investing your hard earned money into Google ads, you want to remove any elements off guesswork to ensure your money is spent most efficiently. When you have conversion tracking set up, you can see exactly what time of the day's ourselves have been generated, which adds up performing the best, which actually leads on to my second point conversion. Tracking allows you to see the most important metrics on will give you all the information you require for when you want to optimize your account or simply scale of things that were whole nother level. You can view your dashboard and very easily see what keywords are performing the best in terms of conversions and not CPCs as often, you'll find the key words that have the cheapest, CPCS said. The cheapest cost per clicks on the highest click through rates are not always a key without generating the most conversions. So while shall CPC and your seats yard data looks good, those key was on actually making you any money. Now, when you have convergent truck and set up, you know exactly the specific components of the ad campaign which is generating the profit . Whether that's the key words, the match types that adds the time of the day, which is going to make a life so much more easier on will allow you to optimize your account in the most effective and smartest way possible. So now we've gone through exactly what a conversion is on the benefits of conversions. In the next video, I'm going to go through the two main types of conversions you can use. I'll see you there. 48. The Two Main Types Of Conversions You Can Use: the two main types of conversions you can use. So there's more than two different types of conversions you can use in Google ads. How about 99% of the time, these other two you're going to use? So the first African version you can use what we call a website conversions. Now. This can include anything from a purchase or a cell. So someone buying a product from your e commerce website we can have a sign up. So someone signing up for a newsletter, for example, we can also have a leader which would basically be someone filling in a form on your website. And lastly, we contract a conversion from a view off a key page such as your pricing paid. For example, you might have some data that says you typically convert 25% of users. You view your pricing page, so tracking views on that particular page is going to be an important metric to your business. So now we've gone through the first type of conversions. Let's look at some things you need to bury mind when it comes to setting up these conversions, which I'm going to show you how to do later on in the course, so the first thing to bear in mind is pretty straightforward. You need to have a website to set up these conversions, which is pretty obvious, and you also need the ability to edit the coat on your website. Now don't worry about this, as it's nowhere near as complicated as you think. Ah, lot of people actually get spooked out when they hear the word code. But if you're using any CMS such as WordPress, squarespace, dude are unbound zoology any other CMS this is going to be pretty straightforward now. CMS for those who don't know, it sounds for content management system, which basically means you're not using a site which is completely coded from scratch. Now, when it comes to edit in the code on your website, do not worry as I'm going to go. Free is in a live walk through that had done for every other section off this course, so you can let you watch over my shoulder and see exactly how you apply this code to your websites. You contract conversions. The next thing to know is that the conversion tag is placed on the individual page that signifies conversion. Don't worry about what tag is for now, as I'm going to come for that very shortly. But the main thing to understand is that the tag has to be placed on the page that signifies a conversion. For example, when you make a purchase online, once you finish placing your order, you're going to land on Eva. A Frankie page or order confirmation page Now is very likely that on this order confirmation page there was going to be a pixel, which is going to fire, which is going to let people adds, know that a cell was being made I e. A conversion on. As a result, it will love that conversion down, in your view, adds account. Now that is only if the click originated from a bugle at in the first place. The conversion tack would only be on the order confirmation page and not the page that you is viewing the product as that page does not signify a conversion. For example, if you had the conversion tag on your home page on your website, then any time someone visits your home page, this is going to be marked down as a conversion in your ads, account on completely school or your data and make it really hard when it comes to boost in R A Y. If you are using forms for conversions, then you need to make sure you've read are at the user to a thank you page. It needs to be a unique page that only the users who completed that action would see. I can't stress enough how important that is. It is super, super important. Some forms use what we call inland submissions where once the form is filled in the button that says Submit will simply change to thank you for submitting an inquiry. Our something along the lines of that thes type performers will not work and will not be able to trap convergence in the way that we're going to show you in this course, which is the easiest and the most reliable way you need to configure your forms to redirect users to a confirmation or a thank you page. Once that action is being completed, that is super super important and just as a pro tip. If you have multiple forms on your website, then I would highly recommend you set up different Frankie pages to keep all your data organized in your cable ads account. This will allow you to see exactly what forms in particular are generating the conversions from your website. The second type of conversions is what we call phone call conversions. Now Noel businesses operate on cells and forms emissions. Ah, lot of them generate AM rely on phone calls. And as a business, if we are running Google ads, we want to be able to track how many we are generated from the ads will run in. So there are a few different ways were able to track core some ads. The first is caused from ads, which are actual course from the ads himself. If you remember what we covered in the last section of the course in add extensions, you can actually add add extension to your ad. So if someone sees your ad and does not click the add but seizure number from the call extension and then cause it Google contractor. So how does Google do that? It's done by using a Google Ford in number, which is basically a separate number that Google gives you, which displays on the add on when it dialed it will forward the Koran tr actual office number or wherever number you choose. You can also track cause when you use core only campaigns. So this is when you set up Google search campaigns specifically for mobile devices. On the main conversion action is when someone clicks for ad, which is going to trigger the phone call feature on the mobile device that person is using with core only adds, there is no option to send the user to a website. It's literally just phone calls. These typically work best when bidding on emergency keywords such as Emergency Plumber on. Don't worry, I'll show you exactly how to sell these courtly campaigns later on in this section off the course. Okay, the more complex way off tracking phone calls are calls to a number on your side. So what happens if someone clicks your ad lands on your Web site and then gives you a number of core? Well, as that's your personal number, people has at no way whatsoever of knowing how many cause you've generated, so to track phone calls it this way, you need to use what we call a D and I, which stands for dynamic number insurgent, which basically means when someone lands on your website. After clicking and add, they will see a different number to someone who lands on your website for another channel such a social media. Organically, this number is also going to be afforded number, which will allow Google to track the amount of phone calls generated. Now. Setting this up is a little more complicated and required you at an attack to your website along with some JavaScript code, which can be quite complex. So for that purpose, we won't cover that in this course, as this course is primarily aimed at beginners. However, I still wanted to explain how it works to give you a strong foundational understanding. Now I know everyone is a fan off dynamic number. Insurgents, as a lot of companies have branded numbers and changing the number on the website can really affect the brand awareness on the brand identity for those particular companies. People use more advanced solutions such a coral dialogue, tech and so on. But D and I from Google is free and pretty much does a good job. The last method you canoe to trap phone calls is clicks on a number on your website. Now. This is only applicable to mobile devices. Ah, lot of the time of phone number is going to be clickable on a mobile device. On Once is clicked, it will trigger the core feature on your phone. Google Contract this. Click just by adding a certain type of phone call conversion to your site. Now it's important to note that is no afford in number. It's your standard number. And to be honest, this one is not really common. The most common types of conversions you're going to use the phone calls is going to be the 1st 2 types, which is cool from ads and cause a number on your website. So now we've gone through the two main types of conversions you can use on your website. It's time to head over to a Google ads account on show you how to actually set these up. I'll see you in the next video 49. How To Set Up Conversion Tracking For Form Submissions: in this video, I'm going to show you how can set up conversion tracking to track conversions from form submissions. So to do so, all you need to do is go into your Google ads account, go to the right hand side of the screen and click tools and settings on an under the tab that says Measurement. You want to go ahead and click conversions. This is now going to take you to the page where you set up edit and early all your conversions. You configure in your Google account. So once you're on this page, what you want to do is go ahead and click the blue Plus icon, and this is now where we select what type of conversion would like to great. And this is a section where we're going to select what type of conversion would like to curate. So in our instance as it's going to be a form submission, it's going to be website, so track actions on your website. You can see the text right there as soon as I hover over it. It gives you a list of website conversion such as online cells, link clicks, page views and sign ups. So this is the one for us. So let's go ahead and give this a click on this page. We're going to want to trade the convergent action for our website. So the first option is category. Select the action you'd like to track, So if you click the drop down menu, you can see we have multiple options. Do we want to track a cell? If so, is it a purchase at a car? Begin check out, subscribe. And someone. However, Like I said, in this case scenario, we're going to be tracking a form submission. So in this case, we're going to want to go for the one under lease category and go for this option right here. Submit lead form when someone expresses an interest in your business by filling out a form you provide them. So let's go ahead and click. Submit lethal and then for the value. This is where you determine how much his conversion is worth to your business. Now, when it comes to determining how much conversion is worth to your business, is going to be a little more difficult when it comes to form submissions as if you only e commerce store and you sell a product for $50 on the product sells for $50 then obviously the value off that conversion to you is worth $50. However, when it comes to forms emissions, we need to look at things in a different perspective. So let's imagine all the data you have showed you that you convert one in 10 customers on the average customer spends $1000 with your business. This would mean that each conversion is worth $100 as you convert one in 10 and the one person you do convert spends $1000. So in this instance, you could go for use the same value and simply put in the correct currency where it's US, D or pounds. So let's go for US dollars and simply put in $100. Or like so now. That is telling Google that every time someone submits a conversion that is worth $100 to you, the second option Google gives you is you different values for each conversion, which is a little bit more complicated and involves adding dynamic code to your website, it's not really used often in the real world, so we're going to skip Option two on the third option is what I recommend that you don't know the value each conversion. So if you have no idea how much each conversion is worth to you, just go for this one on dual say it's actually not recommended. Just completely. Ignore that you're far better off not using any values issue. Don't know the data on your conversion value. The next option we have below it comes under count, so select how many conversion to count per click or interaction. So this is pretty straightforward. If you run an Ikea most or you're going to want to go for the top option, count every transaction as a unique conversion, because if someone buys five products from your e commerce website, then that should count as five conversions. However, if we don't operate e commerce store and you want to collect form submissions, maybe your service based business, then you're going to want to go for the second option, which says one, which means if one user submits five different forms, this is going to count as one conversion. The reason why you want to use one over every is because when it comes to lead, typically the first interaction is the most valuable. And you can see that is actually what Google says here as well. The next option Google provides you with is your click fruit conversion window. So this is how long you will give the user before they count it as a conversion. So if someone clicks, your ad lands on your website and submit to form on the 28th day, if you have 30 days selected, then that will still count as a conversion on the 28th day. So, as you can imagine, the click fruit conversion window is going to be dependent on what you want to select for your business. So nine times out of 10 most businesses go for 30 days, and that is what I do across every campaign. If you are working with clients, then it definitely work while asking the client. How long does it take for them to typically attract a new customer? Could it be 60 days could be 90 days. If it is indeed 90 days, then you want to make sure you reflect that in the conversion tracking. So for now, I'm going to leave mine at 30 days. The View Fruit Conversion window I always leave at one day. I never really change, and you probably don't have to change that Eva, including conversions. Always lead this tick and make sure it says yes. This basically means when you have a conversion tracked, it's going to show it in your overview dashboard attribution Model. I always leave as last click as well. So once you set up your convergence settings, go ahead and click. Create and continue. This will now take you to a page where you need to add the Google tag, the one we just created over onto our website. So you will contract with the days. Oh, so we have three different options. The first is installed. The tag yourself. The second is emailed. Attack to someone on your team. It may be your developer on. The third is used Google tag manager, So let's go for the first option installed. Attack yourself so let's go ahead and give this a click. And as you will see, we will give you some information and instructions on how you can add this tag to your website. So one really important thing to note is that when you add this code to your website which is actually this code right down here, you know this is a conversion tag as it has the word conversion in it. You also need to add your global site tag to your website. Now your global site tag. It needs to be on every single page on your website. Now it's really important to note that if you already have Google Analytics set up and you have the code on your website, then you basically already have the global Cytotec. So if that is the case, then you want to go ahead and go for the second option and just add the event snippet on your website. However, if you don't have any global site tax on your website, then ensure you have the top option selected and simply copy all of this code on added to the head section on your website like Google shows you. So let me head over to one of my websites and I'll show you exactly how you do that. Now, now, Dewberry, mind for the purpose of this training course, we were showing you how to set up and run ads to HST online. However, as I don't own this website, I obviously don't have access to the back end, so I won't be able to add the code to this website. However, no worries as I'll show you exactly the same process of what you would do just over on one of the websites that I own called level finish. So this is the website and going to use when it comes to add in the Google tax. So the first thing I'm going to do is go back over to my giggle, adds account and simply copy all of my global Cytotec code. Then do a control, see or command. See if you're on a Mac book, go back to my level finish website. Now I'm going to go into the back end. So this website is built on WordPress. So the process I'm showing you now is applicable to wordpress websites. However, if your website is built on Wix Weebly squarespace, you can easy go over to Google and just type in how to install global tag manager on Wix or place it by weebly or squarespace and will be plenty of instructions. Is pretty straightforward, but essentially all you need to do is at the code into the head section off your website. So when you're using a WordPress CMS, you can actually download this plug in or install this plug, and I should say it's called insert Headers and Footers. This allows you to add code into the head section or the filter section off your website without really seen any code whatsoever. So it's a really handy plug in. So why don't you have this plug in installed on your website and is active? What you need to do is go over to settings and then go to insert headers and footers on in the head of section at the top. So scripts in head on, What you want to do is simply paste in this new code. So let me scroll down right to the bottom and then pace in this new global site tag code, like so do bear in mind. I obviously already have my own global site tag from Google Analytics, as I already had that sell on this website. However, like I said, I want to show the whole process from scratch, just in case no one has you analytic set up. So why don't you added that in the head up? What you want to do is scroll down and click, save, and then go back to your Google ads account. And you can see we've now done Step one to the next step to do is copy the conversion code onto the page. That signifies a conversion. So let me go ahead and copy this conversion coat right here on. Now. Go back to level finish. Let's review our main website. Let's just take the contact page, for example, As we have a form submission on this page, you can see it simply says get in touch and it has a contact form below. Now, remember, when it comes to add in your conversion type code, you want to add it to the page, which signifies a conversion. So if I was to go ahead and add this coat of this page is going to do more harm than good as any time someone used my contact page is going to mark it down as a conversion which, as we both know, isn't actually a conversion. So the page I want to add the code to is going to be the confirmation page. However, before I add the code to this page, I just wanted to go over this Google chrome extension is called Google Tag assistant. So you definitely want to go in to get this installed in your Google chrome browser on basically what it does, it shows you all the legal tags that you have on your website. So, for example, I've already added the global Cytotec. So if I go to my contact page and then click the icon extension, which is this part right here, you can see we actually have five tags on this page in total, on the top to the ones that end in 574 is going to be the tag we just added. I know it's a top tag that ends in 574 because if we go back to argue with ads account, you can see it attack right here, end in 574 So it is very easy to tie things up on. Actually, just check the work you're doing and make sure it's actually reflected on your website. So we have five tags in total. So now remember Like I said, what we want to do is at the conversion tag on the confirmation page. So to get the confirmation page, you are all let me go ahead and fill in this form. So let's put in a name. Simon. Email Simon at gmail dot com Message. Hello. Hi. Nice website that would do blah, blah, blah. That would do for now and then click send. And as you can see, the form is going to redirect me to this confirmation page. Thank you for submitting your inquiry. A member of our team will get back to you in 24 hours and this is a confirmation girl. So what I want to do is simply add that conversion code over onto this girl. So to do so, I'm going to click edit page. Now, this is gonna be the same process simply across any CMS on the way you add the code over to this website is by simply adding of raw haste here, Mel block. So if I go to front and editor So I'm using a page board of cord WP bakery. So word bakery, It doesn't really matter what page builder you are using or you need to do is add a raw HTML block. So to do so, I'm going to go ahead and click the plus icon and search I'm going to put in Haiti html and then you can see I have the option right here. Raw. Hey, html. So I'm gonna go ahead and give that click on in this block. I'm simply going to replace what we have in the present and replace it with the Google conversion turncoat. So once I've done that, I'm going to click, Save close the box and as you can see, actually doesn't display any text on that is correct. It's simply just so that you have in the back end of your website, I'm going to go ahead and click update on, then simply refresh the page just to make sure our changes it actually come through live to our website. And now if we go ahead back to the tag assistant chrome extension, you can see we now have six tags on this page in total and we have a new one right here. Do ads conversion tracking. So this is confirmation that we have indeed added the conversion track to our website successfully and just a further confirm that we have done it correctly. We can actually go back into our science, the back in editor. And if I was to remove that Hatim El Block, then that number from six would go down to five. So let me remove the hasty middle blocker like so let's delete the code click update. Make sure changes are now live. Let's view the new page. Let's view the URL and then go over to the tag assistant. And as you can see, we now have five tags on this page on the one that is mission is a conversion tag, which is the one we've just release it. So what I'm going to do it is simply fast forward this video on add the code back to the website and then move on to the next step in our Google ads account. So I've now re added the code back to my website. So if I go back to my legal conversion set up in the Google ads account, I've now added the global site tag on I'm added that event snippet to the page, which signifies a conversion. So the next thing to do is simply click next on. This is now going to tell you that you sell conversion tracking, so let's go ahead and click. Done on it will take you to an overview page of all the conversions you have. So at the moment I have one conversion which was submit lead form. You can rename this or set up differently when you first create your conversion just to make it a bit more detail. So I could say lead form and I can put something like this. Contact, Contact page, leave form. So now whenever I get a conversion, I know exactly what Page at came from, which was my contact page, and it was a lead form. If I have other contact forms on my website, I could have pricing page lead form. I could have service page lead form. I could have home page lead form. And as you can imagine, this will make it super easy and super organizer you. When it comes to reviewing what pages on your website on generating the most conversions from your people at this stuff is super, super powerful. The last thing I wanted to go over is going to be your tracking status. So at the moment it says I'm verified. It can take up to three hours with you with actually verify that you have set up the tag properly. So don't worry about that for now. Simply just come back to this page in a few hours and it will be updated and sorted out. So now this brings this video to end. In the next video, I'm going to show you hike. It's out conversion tracking to track phone calls. 50. How To Set Up Conversion Tracking For Phone Calls: in this video, I'm going to show you how I can set up conversion tracking for phone calls. So to track conversions from phone calls, what you simply need to do is go to the top of your Google ads account, and then, under measurement, you want to go ahead and click conversions, so the same process as you kind of follow to create a website conversion. So once you're on this page, you can see actually, are old conversion right here for websites. It's now updated the tracking status to no recent conversions, which, if you remember from the last video, it actually said. I'm verified, however, that is now verified and is tracking our conversions, which is really good. But anyway, moving on, I digress to track your phone call conversions what you need to do it in the plus icon, and then when you're on this page that we saw before, what you need to do is go for the third option, which his phone calls so track calls from your ads all website. So let's go ahead and give this a click. Now we have three different options, which is called from ads, cool extensions or core only adds we have caused to a phone number on your website clicks on your number on your mobile website. Now to use the bottom two options that we need to add some code and attack to a website. So we're gonna go for the top option, which is used 99% of the time, which is tracking course from court extensions. And court only adds. So the court extension is what we created in the last section of the course, and call only adds, we have covered a little bit. So gonna go through that in a bit more detail now and I'll show you exactly how you can set up a court only at. So let's go for the top option. Calls from ads, use and call extensions or court only adds on Let's click Continue, and this is going to load the page where we can configure what are called action is going to be. So First things first. Let's put in our conversion name. So it's really important to note that whenever I tracked conversions from phone calls, I like to make sure that is clear in the conversion name. So what? I'm simply going to do is name is conversion calls from adds like so the value again. If we don't know the value of a core for your business, then you're better off taking the second option and saying Do not use a value for this conversion action. However, if you do have the data on your business, like in my last example, you convert one in 10 and the average person spends $1000 then you can obviously go ahead and put in $100 for your conversion value. However, for now, I'm going to leave us at the second option. Do not use a valley for this conversion Action. Now for count, you're going to want to go for the second option one, as one phone call should count as one conversion for cool. Empty. Now again, this all comes down to preference, so enter the minimum length of core needs to last to count as a conversion. Some clients we work with say they want this to be a free minutes, which would be 180 seconds. Some of our clients say it could be just 60 seconds. So it all comes down to you I like to go for 60 seconds. Eso one minute as a minute is a pretty good amount of time to determine whether that is a quality lead. However, depending on what you sell and how your business operates, a minute may not be nowhere near enough time. So this comes down to your preference on ultimate what you are selling for the click through Conversion Window. I leave it at 30 days as usual, including conversions. Yes, I want to make sure that shows in my data overview in my cable dashboard actual beauty model. I always leave at last click. So once you've done that, go ahead and click trait and continue on. Then that is. You basically done. So let's go ahead and click done. This would now take you back to your overview page off all of your conversions. So now we've created a conversion action, which is going to track all phone calls that generated from our core extensions. Now let me go back one and show you exactly how you can create a court only at so this is an ad where the ultimate goal is to generate a phone call on the visitor cannot click a link to go over to your website. So to create a core only at what you need to do is go over to campaigns and then click the blue plus icon to create a new campaign. Let's go for new campaign like so on. Once the page load, we want to go for leads on, then make sure we have search as a core only campaign comes under a search campaign, so it select the ways you'd like to reach a goal. So as we'll focus on phone calls, phone calls is going to be the main option we want right here the next option it to enter our phone number. So again, just for the purpose of this training video, I'm going to copy the number that Google actually give you so control. See on then control V to pace that number, like so going to go ahead and click, continue and then go through. The same steps were being free before, which is setting up the campaign to the campaign name for this. I'm going to call cool only because it's a court only campaign, and I seem to give this the name domestic fans like. So we're going to show more set in and create a schedule and so on. But for now, I won't do that. We're gonna target London just for now. Absolutely fine. So of course, when you set this up, you'd mention you make is custom to your business, which is probably gonna be the same set since, as you use for your standard search campaign. Anyway, the one that covers all of your standard ads going to scroll down to audiences bid in again . We're just gonna put in free pound for now. Bid in which want to focus on conversions, clicks, impressions, shares again, who covered is in a lot of detail already. However, I'll go to bed strategy directly, and I'll just go for manual CPC for now. Then I'm going to scroll down and click, save and continue. And this is where I need to create my ad group and now at my keywords again all that we've done before. So just for the purpose of the training video, I'm just gonna give this a name. Cool only ceiling fans. This will do for now, the photo bids to free pound into my key words are being see them fine and upper in modern ceiling fans, and I'll just make these phrase much keywords again. The purpose off this training video isn't to show you how to set up a Google ads account it to show you how we actually create a court only. And so they should go ahead and click, Save, continue from now, just so I can show you exactly what it looks like. So this is the page I was trying to get, Teoh. So this is what our core only add looks like. So, as you can see, we've got a phone icon like So once you click that one a mobile device, it's going to trigger the click to call feature on your phone. So when it comes to filling out this core, only add, there are a few of the same features. So you're finally girl now, Like I said, that when people click this add, they aren't gonna land on any euro whatsoever. However, to improve your quality score, which hopefully by now, you know it's super super important. You definitely want to try and include the keyword in your final euro as well. So as this core only add is targeting the keyword ceiling fans. I'm going to want to make sure that I have that keyword in my final. You are. Oh, so I'm going to do it simply. Go ahead and put in website dot com and I put in ceiling fans like So it's going to say it's a fake. You roo descended like a new website. 1234 That should be okay. What is the problem of this? To ensure customers information corrected use Haiti TPS Okay, fine. We'll do that. HTC p s like so there we go website 1234 Before we take that bit off What's like dot com for stealing fans? That verification euro again? Just the same euro above display path again. I want to try and get my keywords in there. So put ceiling fan, Don't even put the word modern in there. I'm pretty sure I did another key word for modern so I can go ahead and put more than so. As you can see, I'm trying my best to get all the key words in there just so I get the highest quality score possible. So headline one and two Let's go ahead and fill that in. Now. I'm going to go for keep cool with, uh, ceiling fans. One over. Take off the escape call Are ceiling fans. I mean, found to be better. Keep cool with our ceiling fan family. Fine. He call with our ceiling fan headline to They order today over the phone. Remember, this is a core only add. So I'm trying to tailor my text to the person on a mobile device. The next option is business names they put in your business name. And remember, we're going for the website called haters de Online type in hate Christie Online like so they don't give a description off the sea. And fans, you know, powerful, reliable, low energy, energy efficient. All those types of words that people want to see when they're making a purchase of these type of products. So now I'm just going to quickly get on the keyboard just like uncover another reporting element again. Just ignore this. Please don't do this. When it comes to your ad, it's not gonna do you any good whatsoever. He says cool reporting is turned on. So again, this is really important. This is going to allow us to able to track the phone calls were generating from our ads. I want you fold in your description a lot better than mine. You're going to go ahead and click, save and continue on. This is going to create your core only at so it is really that simple. It gives you a summary off what's actually going on. You've got your CPC, your big strategy, your campaign goal, which is to get more lead your budget, the location, your target in the language and so on and so on. So next thing to do is click continue to campaign on that is going to show you your overview off your campaign, which is the ad group and all the keywords of in it you've targeted which for me is only one to be. These two key words, like so so want to do is just go back to my campaigns and quickly pauses campaign before it starts to run and I start spending some money, which you can see that she happened for my first campaign, already about 15 impression. But luckily no one is click the add, so I haven't spent a penny got away with that one right there. So a good learning lesson for you people as well. So now you're probably wondering. Great. So you set up conversion tracking to track phone calls, but we've also got a phone call. Listen, in a cool extension on now, we have a court only add as well. So how can you tell where calls are coming from? Good question. If you go over to your tour settings and go back to your conversions, you're only gonna notice that you have one section for course calls from add the wishes of when we set up earlier. Now, if you generate five calls from your core only campaign and then generate another two calls from your court extensions, so seven cause in total is simply going to show you seven. Here in total, seven conversions signifies seven course. However, on this page you can actually dive in and dig into the detail to see where those calls come from. So if you would like to see that data, which I highly recommend as it will allow you to optimize your account a little bit better , what you need to do is go back to your main Google ads account and then go over to campaigns. I didn't go over too segment, like so under segment. You want to go for conversions and then click conversion action. So this will show you what campaigns in particular has generated those particular phone calls. Now Dewberry mine. I actually don't have that set up as my campaigns haven't generated any calls yet. But if you did, then that is how you would see that data. Now, one more thing I just want to highlight before this video comes to its end is that sometimes people are going to click your core only add and trigger the core feature by they aren't going to go ahead and actually click call on the mobile phone to start the actual phone call. So sometimes you might reveal your data. And it might say you have 10 clicks, but only to cause what that means is your ad got clicked 10 times, but only two people actually went through with the phone call. Now, unfortunately, when it comes to Google ads, you pay for every time someone clicks your ad, and not for every time someone actually connects to you on the phone. So if you do have 10 clicks, you're going to pay your average CPC times 10 as you had 10 clicks on, not just twice based on amount of people who actually spoke to, it's going to be based on total clicks. This is why sometimes you can see a difference between amount of pictures generated in comparison to the amount of phone calls, So that brings us to the end of this section off the course. When it comes to conversion tracking, I hope you found it valuable Conversion tracking is super important, and we're allowing to see how profitable your Google campaigns are. I'll see you in the next section of the course, where we're going to walk you through some of the steps you can use when it comes to optimizing your account to ensure at the performance in the most efficient way possible. I'll see you in the next section of the course on thank you for making it this far into the course with me 51. What We're Going To Cover In This Section: In this section of the course, we're going to go through campaign optimization. So this section is again, another really important section, and it's going to allow you to make sure your campaigns are running in the most efficient and profitable way possible. So some of the things we're going to look at when it comes to campaign optimization is going to be your keyword data. We're going to look at your ad data as well. We're also going to look at what we call device targeting. And lastly, we're going to look at the times and the date data. So this is essentially the time and the day that your ads run. So Rican review audit data to see whether both of our conversions are coming from and then optimize our campaign accordingly. So I'm going to show you exactly how to do that for all what four elements. Let's get straight into it. 52. Optimising Your Ads Based On Keyword Data: in this video, I'm going to show you how you can optimize your Google ads account in a step by step, walk through process. Now, I was going to show you this on the account we made. However, as that account doesn't have any data, as it's a brand new account is probably not gonna be that effective. So what I've done is I've actually gone into the Google ads account for one of our clients that we've recently took on, and I'm gonna show you exactly what I would do to optimize the account. Now, do bear in mind as I'm actually in one of our clients, Google ads account. I can't obviously show you the data in regard to the key word on what keywords a bidding on . But I can't obviously show you all the data such of the clicks, conversions, how much they're paying for conversion and stuff like that. So it's gonna be really valuable. So let's dive into the first element. We can optimize when it comes to optimizing your Google ads campaign, which is going to be your keywords so we can actually go and level of our key words in this campaign and see exactly which ones are performing the best on generating the boat of conversions. But before we do that, let's have a quick overview off the clients free main ad groups. So as you will see, I am on the group tab on, we have add Group up here, which signifies we're currently looking at clients ad groups on. Of course, you can't see what it says in this first column as it's going to be great out. However, as you can see, there is free different groups on If we look at the conversion column you can see. In total, we have 46 conversions across all free ad groups on 34 of those conversions are coming from the top ad group. The Second ad group has roughly 8.59 conversions on the bottom Add group has only free conversions. So although we have free different ad groups, the boat with the conversions are coming from the first group. So let's g