1. What is Google Ads Fastrack?: Hi, My name is Oliver Olson. Since 2000 and five have been helping businesses generate convert traffic on the Internet and Google ads. Fast track. I'm gonna show you how to quickly and correctly set up your Google ads account and run the essential campaigns you'll need for search, display and re marketing campaigns. If this is your first time with Google ads, this is the perfect course. If you want to run ads on your first day with the course but also feel sure that you've done everything right, this is also the perfect course. If you have a business or if you're an entrepreneur who wants to avoid the cost of an ad manager with Google ads, fast track you're in control of your Google ads account and you'll learn all the set up necessary for campaigns and conversion tracking. Finally, if you're looking to become an ad manager, Google fast track will leap you forward, making sure you do the essentials. Do them correctly and start getting results for your client's right away. There's not a single bit of fluff in this course. Every lesson is screen capture video showing you the exact steps, so you can follow along and do the same steps in your own account. Once your campaigns air running, I'll show you how to set up automated alerts and optimization that put your campaigns on track for continual improvement. Imagine, 24 hours from now you're running your first Google ad campaign, knowing you have set it up correctly for best performance on Don't forget love getting feedback in questions. So if you get stuck, let me know, and I'm sure I'll be able to help you out.
2. Sign Up Google Ads: all right, so the first thing you're going to need is an email address that is also used for a Google account. You may already have a Gmail account. You can use that if you want, or you can use any other email address and make that a Google account. If this is for a business, use the business email address so you would go Teoh accounts google dot com You course at fix communications. So if you get that, we come down here and hit, uh, creating account. And this is to manage my business and you go ahead and felt the information. It's basically offering me here. Do I want to use it? Create a new Gmail account, which I don't. So I'm using this email address here, and I choose a strong password and click next. Sure, I'll say that. So after verifying you'll eventually reach this screen on you will agree to the terms, and so now you actually have a Google account, which you may have already had, like I said with Gmail. But now you have one connected to that particular email address that you're going to use for AdWords. So now just go over to another tab. Search for Google ads and you'll go to this place, adds google dot com. Well, actually sign up for a new account for Google ads. So, as you can see, it says here email address that I used to sign up. Just make sure that it is that if it's not, then go here, sign out and sign in to Google ads with this email address that you want to use for your Google ads account. Now what it's gonna do is it's kind of send you through a wizard here to set up a new campaign, which is all going to be changed later. They're actually just a couple of steps here, which you do have to pay attention to and get right, but the actual campaign settings are meaningless. I mean, you can take the time to do them right if you want, but we're gonna change all that later. And this is the only time you're ever going to set up an account. This way. Google just wants to help you get on your way quickly so nothing matters here. But just choose this one just to get started. Click Next, putting your business name on your so it should look like this and click next. Where your customers again. This is something you're gonna choose later. So for now, I'm just gonna say, OK, I'm gonna click next. Uh, what is your business category? I'm gonna say marketing, but it can be whatever you want. And it doesn't matter what you put in here right now. It's all gonna be changed later. So just zip along. You can add these things now if you want for fun, but, um, again, it's gonna be changed later. Google even writes you and adhere. It's not a very good looking at. It Doesn't matter. Just click Next. You can put a phone number in here if you want. It's optional. It's just to show phone numbers in your ads. This is something that you'll decide on later for your particular campaign. So it doesn't matter what you put in a phone number or not. Thes budgets here. Completely arbitrary. You might spend $3 a day. You might spend $300 a day s o. Just click any one of these and click next. So this is what we've set up so far. But it's all kind of meaningless. So what? Just gonna click next? Going to get to now something that's actually important? Uh, you should choose your time zone here correctly as well as your country, obviously, but your time zone is important. If you do get wrong, you're allowed to change it once, so just make sure that it's the correct time zone. Do check this box. Sometimes you'll get an email from Google from one of their representatives to get on the phone with you and go over your account. They're just there to be helpful. Sometimes they might be a little bit pushy. Hey, why don't you try this bidding strategy or something like that? Often they will have good suggestions. Other times they won't and you can usually tell. But if you don't know, certainly get in contact with me or ask the question out on Google by searching and you can find an answer. Not everything they say is correct. So just keep that in mind. So then just go out and fill out the rest of this page, which is your business information and your payment information. You're not gonna be charged anything until you actually start running a campaign that you put together properly and that you have decided on the budget in the amount that you want to spend. So don't worry about putting your payment information, and now it's not gonna charge until you wanted to. All right, So once you've submitted your payment information and everything, you should reach this screen and you can go and hit Explore your campaign, and the first thing you're gonna want to do is pause this campaign. So just click this button here, pause and click Pause Campaign, and they're gonna ask you a bunch of questions here you can fill aside if you want, um or not. So it's making me fill out a few things here, and I'm just going to say no to the Google researcher because this person is just going to try to hold my hand while I set things up and you don't really need that right now. So just click closed and you'll see there that it's paused now and you just click up here and it says, switch to expert mode. Switch to expert mode here, and that is what you see here all looks good. So that's the end of this video. Congratulations. You're set up and ready to rock
3. Account Settings: direct. So the first thing I want to make sure that you guys did is that this campaign that you created in the last video that is actually paused. So make sure again that it is paused. Otherwise, you will pay for the clicks. So I want to make sure that the other settings in the account are what I want them to be. And so what we do is we go over here settings and I grew up to hear account settings. Uh, tracking. I don't need to worry about that right now. Um, that is one way of tracking work. I'm going to show you another, easier, faster way, in my opinion. Auto tagging. Yes. We want, uh, to have auto tagging on. Auto tagging is on. Yes, message reporting. If you're going to be using messages, um, you could have it on. So why not have it on call reporting on inventory type? That is just for video campaigns. Um, if you want to exclude your, um, ads from coming up on certain websites, you could do that there. Uh, I never bother with it. Normally again, Also here can exclude certain things. This one is important set to auto apply 14 days after notification. What happens is is that Google sends you these on notifications here. You could see them here in this little bell, right? If it gives you a suggestion and you don't take any action, it's gonna just apply them because it says, Well, we kind of know what you should be doing, so we're gonna play them. But you don't really want to do that. You want to make all your optimization is yourself. And to see these notifications, you can see them and then you can decide whether or not to do them. You can also click here on recommendations for any campaign, and you'll also see their optimization is that you could make. But you don't want this because they may not know or understand the robot. What you're trying to achieve don't automatically apply. Had suggestions. Thanks, save. And we're good to go there
4. Dynamic Search (DS) Set Up - Part 1: Okay, so picking up where we left off go over here. This this menus probably out. I've got a reduced windows so I can fit it into the video, but shows all your campaigns there. Eso let's click on all campaigns and then click on campaigns here and we're back to this screen. And what we're gonna do now is actually put up the fastest campaign that we can. Um, it's a campaign that you know, pretty much all Google accounts Will will run more or less, and it's a dynamic search campaign, and basically, you do not have to put any keywords into it. Um, you could just have traffic coming to your site based on the content of your site. Um, you will have keyword campaigns to more likely, but this is that takes more time. And right now we just want to get this campaign up and running, and this is how you do it. So the first thing is to click this little plus button here and we go new campaign, and we could follow the wizard here and choose something that seems right to us. There's no problem doing that. You can change the settings later on any of these things. Um, but I'm just gonna go without a goals, guidance just to kind of go raw, if you will. Um, these are the different types of campaigns that you can run in Google so on the shopping network will probably do in video on that later video. Like a YouTube display. So adds that air like display ads around on other websites and things like that, Um perhaps advertising inside APS Smart campaigns. I think, you know, that's again advanced. And we'll get into that later. Right now, we're just doing the good old search campaign. Somebody's looking for something, and, uh, your ad shows up. Um, I'm just going to click website visits for right now. And the site that we're gonna use as an example for this is this used car site auto Rama. So if I grab the u. R. L here and then I just paste it in over here, and, uh, that's all I need to do. Just click on that. I want to have a sight for as an example that gets enough. Had enough pages, gets enough traffic. Um, your campaign. Let's just call this dynamic used one. All right. So you want Google display network to be off? Um, you want your search campaigns and your display campaigns separate? There's no reason. Good reason toe have together. Google does a lot of things to try to make things faster and easier. But it isn't always the best thing for everybody so uncheck that, um, you want your campaign to keep running, No reason to have it turn off you composite at any time. But if you had a specific campaign for a specific promotion that ended on a certain day and you didn't want to have to go to the trouble of coming back and turning it off on that day and you could set an end date here, But we're not doing that. Ah, you Earl options. Just ignore that for now. Um, get automated search heads. So now we are getting into the meat of what this campaign is all about is that we want to create dynamic search ads. Okay. Whoa, there, Oliver. What are dynamics her chats? So, basically, you have your website with content, and this kind of campaign looks at your website and says, Ah, you sell used cars. Okay, you sell used Hondas. All right, so somebody types in used Honda 19 2000 and 19. Something like that or 2016 Honda Accord. Something like that. Um, if that vehicle is on your site, then Google will create an ad for it and send traffic directly to that page. So for you to be able to do that with a keyword campaign would be almost impossible to get them to go to that specific page because of the work that it would require to build it. And, yeah, there's just no way of making that happen. So this is the easiest way to get traffic to your site. That is traffic specific for your site. Because Google is Onley gonna send traffic, that it matches to the text, the words, the keywords that are on your site, what you sell. So, Andrew the domain again, It's this Ram. Uh, we don't need all of that, and we want to use Google's index of my website. All right, now we're going to decide where to target what geographic target. And so you want to click advanced search and what I typically do or is put in the postal code nine. Let's say seven. All right, so now we're gonna choose the location where the ads are going to show you have full control right down to the postal code of where you want your ads to show. So you click advanced search. And if we want to use postal code, we click radius and put in the postal code and click target. Okay, so there. Now, if I said to myself, that looks too big or too small, I can click this little guy here, and I can adjust the area and make it 50 miles instead. And that is probably way too big for a car dealership. But anyways, we're gonna leave it like that. I can also put in negative targets here. So if there's countries say, for example, like, look at this, this goes into, uh, the US and I don't want maybe people coming from the US or they're not good prospects. So I don't want my ads to show in the US, so I'm going to go location and I'm gonna go United States country, and I want to exclude that country. Okay, so now when I zoom in here, I can I can see that it is not gonna show adds in that red area. Of course, Maybe there's other areas here. So I could type in Peterborough and go a 10 mile radius around there like ago London. I could get other postal codes in here. I can completely have control over the specific area that I want, my adds to show and not show. And you're just entering them in here by either location or radius and then click Save. The last thing to consider here with regard to location is how you want them to show. And basically the two choices are. Do you want your ads to show just in the location that we just defined? Or do you also want them to show for people outside of that location? But they're searching in that location so they might say, used car for sale in Toronto. Well, if they're in Winnipeg or Detroit or something, then the Advil show, Um, because they're they're searching about a specific area. This is great if you on the hotel, obviously, or if you have, um, if you're a chiropractor and you're very successful, uh, then you might want to be advertising to other parts of Canada. Um, because somebody might be searching for their relative. So So I might be in Vancouver searching for chiropractors in Toronto for my mother who lives in Toronto. Something like that. Um, just be careful. It's basically going to give many more clicks here with this, and they're not gonna be, is qualified. Uh, and so if you're a local business, really, all your business comes from local people go with this one. It's a bit more conservative, and it's gonna get the people who actually convert. Just leave this one as is. That's gonna be setting most the time, and we'll stop for now.
5. DS Audiences: Alright, so picking up where we left off. The next thing is language. I'm just failing English because we're using English here and now we're on to audiences. And basically, Google allows you to add audiences. People who they know are interested in certain categories. So for example, if I go used cars because our example is a used car dealership, it actually has already audiences set up here for all kinds of used cars. Because over time, Google has figured out who these people are. They keep searching in terms like, you know, used Toyota truck, whatever. And they then get added to an audience. And so audiences, just another way to target the right people for your product. So here they give you three ways to dig out these audiences. You can use any of them, all of them, try them all. Here. We've got used cars, so I'm going to say, yeah, compact cars, sports cars. Oh, we don't have luxury vehicles, so I won't match that. Had that motor vehicles. Sure. Alright. Pickup trucks. Right? You see how it goes now once you've kinda run that out, right? And you, and what it means here is these are in market, audiences. In market means that there in the market they, they've actually indicated that they are searching for that product there in the market for a used car. Alright, so the next one is you could go over here and Google's got some ideas for us. And it's some of the things we didn't choose before. Okay. Maybe there's extra ones here. Diesel vehicles, hybrids. Yeah, we have hybrids. So on and so forth. So add the ones that you think apply to you. And finally, the last way to find audiences is to go through these three different processes. Then you choose whether it's targeting or observation. We want to leave it as observation because targeting would just send the traffic from those audiences. And we don't want Google to be so strict with our traffic. We want other people to becoming as well who may not have so clearly indicated that they are looking for a used car. Okay. That's it for now, will continue on in the next video.
6. DS Audiences 2: All right, so just a quick little side video regarding audiences. And if you are in the setup stage, then you can still do this. But if you ever want to come back and add audiences, this is how you would do it as well. So we're just here on the campaigns level, go down to audiences here. And here we see the list of audiences that have been added to this campaign. And as you remember, if you have it set to observation, then you're just looking at what that audience is doing with regard to your click data, compressions, conversion data, and stuff, which you will see in these columns. So this gives you the opportunity to bid higher if you're using a CPC, just Emmanuel CPC campaign or an enhanced CBC. And so that you can go to the bid adjustment and click on it, on it and increase your bid. If you are using an automated bid strategy, like maximized conversions, target CPA, basically anything other than a maximize clicks, but anything other than manual CPC and enhanced CPC, whatever you put in here will just be ignored because Google decides what to bid on an automated bid strategy. So only those two types of campaigns can you actually use these buttons, bid adjustments. So if you are using enhanced CPC or manual CBC, You can go ahead and fill in the amounts here. But if you are not using one of those campaigns, you're using maximized conversions or target CPA or maximize clicks or whatever. It is still a good idea to add these audiences hear and have the setting as observation. Because you're still gonna have data here that shows up about who's converting and where are you getting most of the clicks from. And that's valuable information. So if you find that, say, beauty and personal care, people are active in your campaigns and are converting. Wow, well, then you can set up another campaign that does use enhance CPC for example. And you can actually set it to a targeting campaign and target those specific audiences so that only those audiences, only people in those audiences will see your ads. So this is a great way to drill down and refine who the people are, who are converting and be able to market to them directly. So again, if we want to add some audiences, we can go up here. You can select an ad group. And we'll just say personal shopper. And you really have the same interface here. The ideas is missing, but that doesn't matter. That's just in the setup stage. But you can browse them. And so you can sort of start to find out who they might be. Now, for example, you may want to add, you know, a bunch of audiences and I recommend that you do. That seemed to be maybe outside your market. You know, maybe you sell cars, but you add like beauty and fashion or something like that as an audience because you don't know for sure whether or not certain audiences are gonna convert better or not by having them in your account and the setting is for observation, then you're going to be able to see that data. And if you don't have min there, it's just not going to see that data. It's as simple as that. So why not, Adam, now you don't want to add like a 100 audiences here. But you could. And to see who are the converters in terms of audiences like are they single or they interrelationship? What's their education level? All of those things can start to give you a clear picture of who searches and who converts. And of course, make sure that you're not basing this on, you know, in the account that I'm looking at right now, we have very few clicks so far, so we're not going to base anything on that. It's too early. We want to wait till we have enough click data to say, look, this audience really does convert and converts. Well. So we'll do that here. We're going to see who the people are, who convert here. We'll add them. Let's look at education and click this down to see if the converters have bachelor's degree. Are they high school dropout, secondary school dropouts. Do they have a home? I they renters. So those are just a few ideas. Okay, and so now I just want to show you a fast way of adding those audiences. You know, say if you wanted them to go across other ad groups. There may be times when you say, I want these audiences in this ad group and those audiences and that ad group, and it may be different. So if it is great and it is a good idea, sort of to put your audiences in the ad groups as opposed to across the campaign. If you know, that's going to be the case where you're going to sort of change them around and in different ad groups. But likely not, probably putting them on the search, on the campaign level is probably just fine and you won't have to do anything different with that. But we did put this in the ad group level. And so we got the recent changes here and we see that it's lit green. We go to the personal shopper. And now I can see these are the ones I added. And so I just want to take these. And I did not going click done because that would erase all the green. And then I don't know what the new stuff was that I added. And I just go here, I go, click and I right-click and hit copy. And then I can just go to the ad groups where I want to add those. Yes, I want to do that. And I could do this all at once if I want by hitting the campaign, but I'll just do them one by one. Okay, so those are all done now. And then I would just click on Done. And I would click on post and upload them all. And we're good to go. So the last thing I want to mention here is that you'll see this here where it says remarketing and similar audiences. And so you click on that and you are going to see your website visitors in here so you can choose to remark it to these website videos visitors. The thing to, the important thing to note here is that when you add them here in this campaign, they're going to be set to observation. So you're not actually marketing to them, but you are seeing what their activity may be. There's no real reason to add them here. And an observation campaign. If you actually want to remark it to the people who have visited your site, you need to set up a separate remarketing campaign. And you've gotta set it to targeting so that only the people in that audience, that visitors, previous visitors, audience, we'll actually see those ads. And so that's the way to do that. And then it has its own budget. And you can take care of any other, you know, controls that you want to there as well in terms of different types of ads because these are people that already visited your site. So there's no real reason to add them here.
7. DS Budget & Bidding Settings: All right. So picking up where we left off, we're now down to budget and bidding. Um, at the beginning, if this is a new campaign for you, you can bid Is lows like, $5 a day? Um, maybe $10 a day is more realistic. Just to get an idea of the clicks and conversions you'll be getting, um, if you throw in, like, $100 a day, it's gonna be spent on You may suddenly realise, um, there's something about your landing page, your website or something like that. That is not helping your conversions that you could have found out for a lot cheaper. So don't go through a lot of money at it at the beginning. Leave this as standard accelerated means that it'll just spend your budget faster in the day. Um, standard will just have it last all day long, which is better generally, um, bidding. Now, there's a lot of options here for a mature account. Um, you can have bidding based on, um, a whole bunch of things on your conversions on, uh, taking more of the clicks from your competitors, all those kinds of things, but, uh, just to get started. You just wanna have it to be clicks and we're gonna go maximize clicks. Um, so that, uh, all of the budget gets spent in a day You don't want to set a daily budget for $10 come back the next day and see only $2 were spent. For whatever reason, do not set a maximum cost per click because the maximize click strategy Google will just automatically decide how much to spend on a click. And they're gonna try and get you the maximum number of clicks with your budget in a day. They know that's what you want. That's what they're going to try to get for you. All right, Now we go down here, show more settings and conversions. You don't have to set up conversion tracking here. I'm gonna show you, um, an easier, better way to do it. And, uh, your ad schedule. Do you want your abs to show all day? I don't see why not. Especially if it's a new campaign. You don't know when people might be researching. Even if you have a business with regular hours, they may be researching off hours and looking at your business your website, so leave it as all day and add rotation. If you are under the gun and you want to get you know as much, click through rate and conversions as possible, like today, then leave it as optimized. Prefer bet past performing ads that is to say that you'll have two or three adds that Google can choose from to show and it will find the best one. It will see the one that gets the most clicks, the best click through rate. And then it will just start showing that ad pretty much all the time. If you don't want it to do that, and the reason not to do that is because you want to a B test your ads. So if you have two adds up there that Google controls from, it'll show them evenly over time. Okay, And that way you can show that at 100 times against the other ad that shows 100 times and you can see which one gets the better click through rate, and then you can really know for sure, which is the better at this one. It's kind of like Google makes a fast decision you know, and this one is just more scientific, so you'll get better results. If you want a B, test your ads, which is what I recommend you do. Yes, this setting is little more hands on because you will actually look at your results, which adds air getting the clicks and you'll make a determination. You'll say, Okay, this one is getting the clicks, and this one is not. You'll pause the one that is not getting the clicks, and you'll make a new ad based on the ad that is better, with a little bit of a variation that you think would make it an improvement. And, uh, so that's a little more work. But if you just want to get going quickly and you don't care, um, and you're willing to pay a little bit higher per click than maybe this is a better way to go for you. So I am gonna go. Do not optimize and remember, You can always change this later, so once you get some winning ads and you get tired of a B testing and looking at them, then you can just go prefer best performing adds. If you want
8. Bid Strategies Explained: All right, so we're gonna talk about how do you choose your bid strategy? And of all the things that I see that are a problem in Google Ads accounts, it's often wrong. Bid strategy that is being run for the campaign. There are many other issues and problems that do come up, but at the top of the list, that's pretty much always the wrong bed strategy. Okay, so there's lots of posts out there that you can look at to learn about exactly what these are in terms of the definition of each one. But then that'll give you some clue about what to choose for what you're doing. But you'll probably feel a little bit uncertain, still knowing which is the best one to do. And you will hear a lot of a fair amount of conflicting information. And some of what I say may conflict with other people, say. And so you still owe me having a hard time making a decision, but I believe this video will clear up a lot of the issues for you. But before we actually dig in to talking about these, I want to make sure that you have something set up in your Google Apps account. That is important no matter what bidding strategy you choose with regard to conversion. So when you come over here to tools and you click on measurement and you click on conversions. You're going to be on this page here. And you're going to be adding your points of conversion. And these are in their videos which you've already seen. And what, there's one part of the videos where you'll see where you get to choose whether or not the conversion goal has a value or not. And in the video, I did choose that it was you didn't have to choose a value. And you don't have to choose a value depends on what you're doing. But there's no reason really not to choose a value. And if you really don't know what the value of the conversion is for you just choose $1. And what this does is just leaves it open for you to be able to use other Biddy bidding strategies kind of right out of the gate when you decide you want to switch to them. Namely the automated bid strategies of maximized conversions, target CPA, and target ROS. And those will need some kind of value. Now, if you're going to use target ROS, you can't have just put in $1. You at least have to have a pretty reasonable estimate because Google's going to use that amount to decide how much it should be good for you. Now there's a couple of things to decide here because some of the conversions that you have set up here are going to be leads, people who phone or people who fill out a form. And then other conversions that you have set up here may be for actual sales. And those are going to be very different values, right? So for a sale, it's fairly easy to calculate. So if your product is $1000 and they go ahead and buy it, well, then you know what that's worth to your business for every sale you get, how much is it worth to your business? And you have to factor in other things, basically, within your margin, what's it worth to your business? So it's not worth $1000 because Google's going to look at that and go, okay, so that's what one of these conversions is worth your business. It's going to be less than that. It's going to be whatever your profit margin is, or even smaller than that, so that you can make sure that Google isn't overbidding for you when you're using an automated bid strategy. For leads, they don't bring direct revenue in, but they are worth something to your business. And so you do want to put in an amount. And basically what you want to be able to do. If you're starting out, you're just going to estimate what that could be. And you're gonna estimate on the conservative side. But if you've been running ads for awhile or if you've been running your business for awhile, then you do already know what elite is worth. And the way that you calculated is simply to take your total amount of revenue for the longest period of time that you can. So let's say year and divide that by the number of leads that you got in a year. And then you know the value of lead. And you can take that number, knock it down a little bit, and then put that into whatever that lead is worth is into your configuration for each one of your, for your conversion. So you would have a value for your leads or your phone calls. And then you would have a value for your sales, which is obviously different. And that way you kind of have a fairly accurate tracking of what Google you're going to be able to. You're telling Google basically what it can spend to get you conversions. And that's going to matter really only when you do automated bit strategies. It is also going to matter when you do say enhance CPC when you're doing things manually. Because at least you'll be able to see. Okay, so I put in this much and it quickly calculates how much you got back, what your return on your investment wise, because you do have those values in there. So those two have to be set up. So I would just say, make sure you have at least a $1 value in there, at least to start. And then you can go back in there and you can change it to the value that becomes more accurate for your, for your business. And calculating what a lead is worth obviously has to do with how many leads clothes and how much they close for. And so you're going to have to crunch some numbers to get that number. And you're also going to need to keep that in mind so that when you do evaluate the value of what you're Google ads is bringing you, that you kind of remember? Oh, yeah. We estimated that kind of conservatively or oh yeah, that's, you know, so much of the profit margin and so on and so forth. So that you're not looking at it as an exact dollar value, you're looking at as like, okay, that's roughly yes, that's profitable or no, it's not. That's really what you need to be able to see. Okay, so once you have that correctly set up, we want to go over here and we're going to talk about the actual bid strategy to choose. And most everyone is familiar with manual CPC, you basically set the bid amount for everything manually. So you say it's going to be a dollar and it stays a dollar and gold never bids more than a dollar. That's just the way it is. It's really an uncommon bid strategy to use. If you are going to want to have manual control right from the start. Do enhanced CBC. It's not going to make, you're spending out of control or anything like that. It's just going to allow Google some wiggle room to be able to bid higher and certain, with certain keywords as it learns in terms of what your website, what converts and, and what you're likely to convert with. So give it that wiggle room by in choosing enhanced CBC. So I would just say is there ever a reason to use manual CPC Generally? No. I mean, any client who I have comes along. I mean, there's never ever reason to use manual CBC are going to use enhanced CPC perhaps to start. But in fact, I almost always use maximize clicks to start. And that's basically telling Google to spend the entire budget for the day and get the most amount of clicks in a day for my budget. And it's going to look at all my keywords. And it's gonna say, okay, we're going to do our best and it's going to kind of know from previous days how many clicks There are. And it's gonna say, yep, we're gonna spend your whole budget. And we're gonna get to the most amount of clicks. And that's great because if I'm using enhanced CVC and I've limited my, my clicks two, cost a certain amount. Google is only allowed to bid over that a certain amount. And if the click is more expensive than that, and I'm not going to enter that auction. And then I'm not generating data on potential keywords that are valuable. But with maximized clicks, I have a better chance of doing that. That being said, of course, it's not going to bid on the Super most expensive. You know, if your budget for the day is $20 and there's a ninety-nine dollar keyword that comes along right at the beginning of the day. Google is not going to enter you in that competition into that auction because. It's going to heat up your whole budget in one click and that's not the deal here. Maximize clicks is trying to get you the most amount of clicks. Now one of the criticisms you'll hear about maximize clicks is that the cliques are kinda garbage, right? So they're the low cost clinics that nobody wants. You get a lot of them and there are really no good. And so what's the point? And yes, that is true if you have poorly setup keyword clustering in your ad groups. And that is to say your bidding on a lot of broad terms with no broad match modifier. And so you have not targeted your keywords to specific intent for each ad group. Then yeah, you're going to, you're opening up yourself to get a bunch of low quality cliques because your actual campaigns are set up that way to allow those lower-cost clicks to come in. And you'll look at them and you'll go, wow, I got a lot of clicks and they actually wow, they're really cheap. And you look at your search terms and you'll see, these are not that great. These are not really, and some of them will just be downright wrong, right? So that you paid for something, maybe only paid $0.25 for it, but it's paid for nonetheless, and it's not a visitor that you wanted at all. So as long as you set up your ad groups with, you know, exact phrase and modified broad match keywords that are all towards the one specific intent. Can't stress that enough, then you're going to be okay with getting quality clicks. All of them, all of them will be high-quality clicks. And I'm often running campaigns where there is pretty much all the time. There is no broad match, just plain broad match without the modifier in the campaign. I just don't see how it's ever necessary, especially with the way that Google now runs the close variant part of the algorithm. If it sees that you're kinda close with your keyword, then it's going to NTU in the auction because it understands your intent by having that 20 or so at least keywords in that ad group. It knows that what you're after. And so you don't really need those broad match those without, without the modifier on them. And often there's only one or two or maybe three keywords in that ad group that have a broad match modifier. The rest are Phrase and exact. And so you keeping it very tight. So just to recap, maximize clicks is great for beginning because it's going to generate the data that you want in terms of showing okay, where the clicks coming from. What are the most potent, most popular keywords? What are these cliques costing generally? Where am I converting most of the time and I'm, I'm spending my budget every day, so I'm maximizing my efficiency in terms of generating that data to be able to see what's going on. You will most of the time be looking to switch from maximize clicks once you have enough data. It's just a great starter to get your campaign going in the right direction. Alright, so now we have maximized conversions. And maximize conversions is really just the same as maximize clicks in terms of Google saying, we're gonna spend your whole budget and we're gonna try to get as many conversions as possible. That's about as far as it goes in terms of how they're the same. They're really quite different. And they're, they're kind the maximized conversions bid strategy is a big pain to a lot of people. And there's a lot of problems surrounding it with people trying to make it work. And at the beginning of this video and talked about how important it is to have accurate amounts in for your conversion, your conversion values in your, in your conversions set up. And that couldn't be more true than with maximized conversions. You need to have that number really pretty accurate. And that number is also going to be used when you used when you use target CPA and target ROS as well, and maximum conversion value. So once you get into these automated bid strategies that it's really important. And so maximize conversions any if you think about it, everybody wants that right. There couldn't be a sexier name for a bid strategy then maximize conversions. Sure, I'll do that. That's what I really want. And actually, hey, guess what? It's what Google really wants you to do two, and it helps their algorithm learn how to get conversions for people. But understand that it is a kind of set it and forget it kind of strategy. And that's what Google wants in a way to a lot of accounts are just set up by business owners and they don't really know what they're doing and they don't have the time to manage it and optimize it and everything. So that's why Google has maximized conversions and smart campaigns and such. Because it takes over all of that, you know, micro managing that you would have to do otherwise. The problem with maximized conversions is that imagine Google at the auction. And if you imagine it just like an auction like where there's a painting being auctioned. And you've got this maximize conversions guy there for you. So what he's gonna do is he's going to, you're, you're, you're interested in buying one of those paintings. And there's a painting up there for auction. And you know, you can send that sell at painting for $5 million, but not more. And your maximized conversions guy goes in there and you say to him, Do you want to know how much I can sell it for because I don't want you to pay too much. He says no, I don't care. And that's, that's maximized convergence. They don't, the algorithm does not know what's your profit margin is. It knows how much of value of a conversion is for you, but it doesn't know what your profit margin is. So that's the way it's super important to get that number right in your conversion setup, you basically need to be telling Google truly what it's worth to your business. Don't put in the actual amount that you sell a product for. You've got to be able to crunch the numbers so that you have a number in there where Google can say, okay, over time, I'm going to get it so that, you know, I'm going to be able to make that profitable for you. If you don't have that right, you're forever going to be struggling with that bid strategy maximize conversions, because all it does is throw money at it. It just goes, it just says, okay, it's a 5 million. It's a it's a $4 million painting and we are going to be $3 million. We're going to add 200, you know, just gonna throw numbers at it to get the conversion. And it's going to have some idea of what that conversion is worth. But it's really, really about spending the whole budget in the day. That's the first sort of parameter it's operating at. And then the second one is, do we think we can win that conversion? Okay, then we're going to bid, we're gonna go hard and we're going to bid as much as we can to get as many of these conversions in a day. So it's not a bad strategy, but you have to make sure that it's managed correctly from the data point of view. So if you had run maximize clicks for some time and you know, they say the guide is something like, you know, you have to have at least 20 conversions or 30 conversions for maximized conversions to really work, to know in terms of what it can bid to make it profitable for you? I would say more than that. I would say, you know, try to get 50 or a 100. Right? It depends on your business and it depends how accurate that number is in your conversion set up. But the more the better. So you want to run maximize clicks perhaps to generate that data. And then it shows, it'll show, but it'll be a good guide for the maximize conversion strategy to work. Now that one of the issues here is that it's available as a bid strategy, right? When you first set up a campaign with no conversion data. And you'll actually see in your recommendations that Google is going to be recommending that you use maximized conversions if you're using enhance CBC or maximize clicks, it's right there in your recommendations and it pops up after the first few days after you've set up your campaigns and you're running them. And it says, why don't you switch to maximize conversions? And yet there's no conversion data for it to really operate on. And there may not even be any good values in there. You may have put in $1 value for a lead, $1 for sale. And it still recommending that you switch to an automated strategy. And that is Google's mission to get you to switch over to that. And I don't know why, but they also have their own representatives recommending this fail, set up a call with you and they'll look at your account and they'll say, why did you switch over to maximize conversions or they'll suggests target CPA, those two will be the high on their list is switch over to. And you just need to understand that's what they kinda been directed to do. And you also need to know that when it comes up in your recommendations list that, you know, that's that's happening to all accounts across the board. I've never not seen it as a recommendation. Okay. So you need to know and be able to decide yourself, okay, what is the right thing for me to be doing here? Because this is why I see all these accounts with these problems with bit strategies because the recommendations are poor and they're not really cognizant of the business and the profit margins and all those things which need to be taken into account in order to choose the right bid, bidding strategy. Alright, so target CBA. So target CPAs, cost per action. And you're telling Google what you are willing to pay for that action. And again, this is something that's important for setting that value in your conversion setup. And so you set up your lead and you say that it's going to, you know, the cost per action that I'm willing to pay for that to happen is, you know, $50 or $25. That's a very, very important number because Google will use that number to decide how much to bid, whether it thinks you're going to win that auction. And so obviously for, for for a phone call or a form fill, it's quite a small number and for a sale it's going to be a bigger number. And again, you need lots of previous conversion data for this to work. I will pretty much always ignore Matt maximized conversions. There are some circumstances you that you can use it to great effect. Namely like brand campaigns, which are just kind of a no brainer in terms of conversion. So, sure, give me the most conversions in a day. The clicks are going to be cheap. So I know that Google can get me a lot of good conversions on the brand name of the business, ok. But to have more control, I want to have that be able to set that target CPA. So I can say do not overtime because sometimes certain leads will cost more, certain sales would cause more last, but Google's going to average it out for the month. And I want to know at the end of the month, okay. I never paid more than this for a lead and I never on the average, and I never paid more than this for a sale on the average. Alright, so target return on ad spend. So right at the top. But you need to understand is that if you enter in 100%, that means you are telling Google, you're okay with breaking even. You put in a dollar, you get a dollar back. That's all you're asking for. And who wants to do that, right? It's waste of time. So you need to understand that if you want to have a profit out of it, you need to be able to put in, say, 200% or 500% for your return on ad spend. There are some, you could just search target ROS calculator for Google ads. And you'll find lots of blog posts and things like that that show you how to calculate this. It's just important because I have seen accounts where people think when they put in a 100%, they mean they, they think that they're, it's like it's like putting money in a bank and getting a 100% return rate. And they think, Oh, that's great, that's a good investment. But it's not calculated that way. So make sure you look up and find a calculator where you can figure out what you want it to be, basically, what it comes down to. For every dollar you put in. You're going to be telling Google what you want to get out. Now if you set that. So if I want to put in $1, only get five back, or I want to put in $1, I wanna get ten back. And important thing is that the higher the number that you want to get back, the lower your traffic will be, because there's only going to be a few clicks that where Google can bring you that return. I find that on e-commerce campaigns, target, return on ad spend is really great, right? Because you're able to set that for an entire list of products and make sure that you get your return on ad spend. You may find though at first that it's like, okay, well, there's hardly any traffic. Oh, yes, I am making $20 for every $1 I put in, but we only had three conversions. So you need to be able to find that balance. And it may not actually be the right bid strategy for your market because you can't get enough clicks by doing it that way, you may have to go maximize clicks or something else to start off with to get enough data to be able to then tell you what to do. And that's what I like about starting with maximize clicks does that, it actually tells me, okay, you know what this campaign is going to work for target CPA or maximize conversions or target return on ad spend. Because of the kind of data that I see coming in there, the amount of conversion that happens once they get to the land landing page, It really does tell you. So learn about the bid strategies. And then, but then you will start probably with maximize clicks. The reason to say go from maximize clicks to enhance CPC is because you have a client or business where there's a lot of different kinds of traffic. And you want to, you need to have, and it's in a very competitive market. And you need to have ultimate control because. Your competitors keep zig zagging and driving the bids up here and down there and all that kind of stuff. And there are certain times of day and certain states are locations or countries or whatever it is, where you get different types of conversion data. And there's different audiences that convert better at times than others and your businesses seasonal. And there's lots of variables. And if you're using an automated bid strategy like maximize conversions and target CPA and target return on ad spend. It's not going to be able to move as fast as you are able to, to, to respond to the market. And this is the important thing to know with maximized conversions. So you do not go in there and optimize things every couple of days. Because every time you do that, you've changed things. You've changed the landscape for Google, and it has to go o, and it'll switch it back into a learning period for five days. And it's more realistically like about three weeks depending on the size of the changes that you've made to the campaign. And it has to re-learn how to get you those conversions. So when you use a maximized conversions strategy or target CPA or, or target ROS is that you are you are setting the settings in your leaving them for like two weeks at a minimum and more like a month. And you should have enough data already to know that you should be able to do that. When you come to the end of that month, then you can say, okay, what is all this data telling me now? And you can make a couple of optimizations to whatever the ad that landing page. And then go ahead and start and then let it run again. You with enhanced CPC, you can make optimizations and have them play out the next day or that day, right? So you can bid higher, bid lower, changed the device bids on mobile, higher or lower, certain countries times a day, audiences, all of these things, other demographics, and really be able to have all that control. The issue with that obviously is that it takes time. And so if you have a manager, they can be doing that. And maybe you're, you're hiring a certain kind of manager who is really comfortable making those changes and knows how to make them. Some of those changes can be automated with rules and scripts. So you can have, you know, once a certain keyword gets a certain number of clicks, and there's no conversion than the bid can be automatically changed. And so with accounts with lots of keywords and lots of different targeting and things like that. Those kinds of automations are gonna save time. But again, you've got to have somebody who knows because all of the bid adjustments that you have are put together. So you might have a bid adjustment on location, device, keyword, audience, and you've got up and down and bubble ball all over the place. Google puts all those together, makes a calculation, and then makes the bit. Ok. So you've gotta make sure that, you know, these are not all counteracting each other. It's all gonna work harmoniously. And I'm sure by now you're sort of going, oh, I don't want to go through any of that and I don't blame you. So that's why I kind of go maximize clicks and then get enough data and then go into an automated bid strategy, usually target CPA. And then the last one we have here is maximize conversion value. It's kinda like target return on ad spend. It's not looking for a specific mount though. It's just gonna maximize it to the most that it can. And that also is a strategy that I've found to work well on e-commerce as well. Because then you're not limiting yourself so much. You're going to see what the market can bear in terms of being able to get you a good return. So I hope that all has been helpful. And if you have any questions, please let me know.
9. DS Dynamic Ad Targets: All right. So in the last video, we got down to add extensions. Um, we're gonna do that in another video, gonna add those to your campaign. They're important. But we don't have to do them now, so just click, save it. Continue, and you'll end up on this page here. And this is where we're gonna tell Google what pages toe look at on your website in order to create ads. And so those are the specific pages that you'll want to send people to in order to consider buying your product. So here we are on the site, and I'm gonna say used cars for sale. I'm gonna pick any page that I want Google traffic to come to. Okay, this looks good. It's got a bunch of cars on it, and I'm gonna click that Copy that you are. L on. I'm gonna put it in right there. And then I could add a whole bunch of them in a row here. Uh, I have found that it's a bit finicky after about three or four year els. So at any time, just click, add and then continue to add more. Now, how you desired to add or not Add, uh, pages is gonna be just dependent on how Maney ad groups you have. So in this case, you know, they got a lot off Honda here, so I might say, Well, I'm gonna have one Honda, uh, add group because then I could have specific ads that mention Honda or Acura. Uh, or I could just have, like, all my pages, all my used cars in one campaign that I wouldn't mention specific brands in the ads. I would just say use cars or to see what my offer is or what cheap ones you can get. I might say, OK, you know, I want one. I group for cars under 10-K another one for cars under 15 and so on. And then just put those pages in that one at group. So figure out a way that makes sense. Look at the structure of your site and, uh, group a bunch of you. RL's a bunch of pages that you will adhere in this box and add them all and then click, save and continue. It may also give you some categories here. Um, I'm not sure why it's not actually right now, but if you had clicked on this if and it would say something similar to what you see in the audience is it would say, use cars And you know, it would say certain brands and things like that because this is Google actually looking at your site, it's going, Oh, well, I see you have that. And I see you have that. So here's some categories. So go ahead and add those as well. And what you most likely don't want to do is add all the pages of your site because certain pages like Blawg pages or, you know, whatever. If you put all the pages than all those pages potentially trigger ads and you get traffic and coming to your you pay whatever it is per click and you get somebody coming and seeing a block post, and it may not have very strong called the action, and, um, and so you don't want that. So this is practically never used. Uh, just be very selective about which pages you want. And like I said, if you're doing more than one ad group, then you would click another ad group here and again so all the Hondas could be here and in the other one. That's up here. So this is that group number two in the previous ad. Group number one. And you can rename those if you want. Um, you would put, like, say, all cars in another different category that you've decided is, uh, he's gonna work for your ads. Once you're done and again, you can come back and you can change all of those things again. So don't worry about it. Too much. Like saving. Continue, and we'll pick that up in the next video.
10. DS Create Your Ad: All right. So the next page has you writing some ads and because this is a dynamic search campaign, uh, the headline, um, and the final u R l and the display you're out. All of that is already done for you because that will depend on the actual search term that the user put in in order to trigger your ad. What you have to put in is these two lines here, description one and description to and you have 90 characters, which is quite a lot, actually. So you can stuff a lot of great information in there. The first thing you're gonna want to remember is the ad group that this ad is gonna play in . So if you did do a nag group for Honda's, um, you're gonna mention haunt us here in this description somewhere. And, um, something about why buying a Honda from you is is the right choice. Um, if it is just a generic usucar add group and you've got all your pages in that one thing, then you're just gonna go for something a little more generic, and usually what you'd want to do is bring some credibility to the business Why should people do business with you? And so the first thing you would want them to know, I go over here and I go into about us, and there wasn't much there. So I went here to awards. And I see this voted best used car dealership in Toronto four years in a row, which is great. There are other awards here, but this one, uh, top choice reader's choice. This one looked great to me. So I'm just gonna take that and I'm gonna put it right in there, and I've still got some space left for about 30 characters. You don't have to fill it if you sometimes just saying something that, to the point is that really gets its somebody's attention, that's all you have to dio. But if I wanted to add something, uh, I would go here and I put this vertical bar in, and then I could write something else here to fill up the space. The only other change that I'm gonna make here is because the rest of the headline is the description is in capitals. I'm gonna put those capitals all right now I need something else for this Second line description. All right, So what I'm looking for is that that second line of description, sometimes you'll find something good on the home page. Um, and there we've already gotten what we already used and nothing, really. But what I see here is the way that the website functions is attractive. I can shop by brand or shot by price. And so, um, just that line there shot by brand or price. Um, and something about financing. So, um, that could be in there as well. All right, So this is what we ended up with shop online by Bryant or Price. I put that word online in there, and I added this apply online for easy financing. All right, then we have the second ad group here, and just Teoh put something in there. I just switch these two lines around. You probably wouldn't do that. Your second ag group is probably something that has a very different focus. And so the copy will be informed by that different type of approach or offer whatever it is they're clustering of products that you have, anyway. Then we hit, saving continue. And your campaign is ready so that we continue to the campaign and we're gonna go up here. This would be open on yours. We're gonna go to search campaigns, close this, and I want to click on campaigns because what you'll see is that it is actually already to go, and there's still some work to do. So you want a pause it right away before it starts getting clicks, because it would start getting clicks right away. So we pause it until we get to the next video and fill out what we need to for the rest of the campaign.
11. DS Negative Dynamic Ad Targets: All right. So we are now gonna talk about negative dynamic ad targets. And what this is is telling Google, not toe Look at certain pages on our site in order to trigger ads. So go to your campaign where you have the dynamic. So we did a dynamic used here. We had to add groups. Okay, so I'm gonna go to the first ad group here, which is a dynamic campaign, and I'm gonna click on dynamic ad targets here, and then I'm going to see this. Okay, so here, I'm gonna see my list of pages that I added to trigger ads. But now I'm gonna go over to this tab here Negative. And I'm gonna create a negative dynamic, and it's very similar. You can add an entire you are l or you could just do something like this where it is you, Earl, Um, or page Title page content contains whatever you want. And one of the things that is common is, too. If you have a blawg, um, you may not want any of those pages in the blawg to trigger ads. Those air great for S e O. That's what they're therefore and sending people paying to paying for clicks to send people to your blog's is, uh, probably gonna be costly. And it's not going to result in very much unless your blog's pages have strong calls to action on them. And they're very specific, and they're sort of more of a selling nature. There may be a category of block posts, which are like that on your site, in which case you could include some block posts. So if your your l for your blawg isa category, you could say I don't want to have the categories for, you know, birds or whatever, and then you could end another one and add at as many as the categories that you don't want . And then it could trigger the other ones. Um, or you could, you know, if you just want to limit your whole blawg. If the word blawg is in the URL, then you can just say if it says blogged, then don't include that. So make sure that, um and this is especially true if for some reason you are using the all pages dynamic ad targets, which I don't really recommend. If you go over here and you happen to use this setting here so that all the web pages on your side or being triggered for ads, then you would definitely want to use this negative dynamic ad target quite extensively to eliminate the pages that you don't want. Um, anyways, just a good practice, because there's gonna be some pages for sure that you don't want to include. You don't have to be, um, exhaustive. You know, you're going to see, for example, once you start getting clicks, how many clicks how many impressions? Certain pages are generating traffic. And at that point, you may see a look that conversions on this. You know, I've gotten 1000 clicks and I've never got any conversions. Please don't wait till there's not many, uh, that that is a page that does not generate any conversion. So I'm going to stop it. I'm gonna add it to my negative dynamic target. All right, That is enough for now.
12. DS Add Another Ad: All right. So if you remember when we created our ads, we only created one ad in each ad group. And you wanna have three, but at least two ads in each ad group. Okay, so that way you can always be trying to find a winner and ratchet up your conversion rate so you can see by your results the data will show you which had is getting more clicks. Okay. And then you can pause the one that is getting less and make a new one and continually improve on your click through rate by always having some ads compete with each other. So let's just go in there. You would be going to all campaigns and then click on campaigns here. And then here's your campaign that you want to use and you'll see your to add groups here. Click into the 1st 1 and then click ads and extensions. All right, so there we have the one ad that we created when we put up the campaign. So just click on the plus button here, and we've got the previous text that we used right? And all we want to do is change this a bit to have a competing ad and often times I would just switch these two lines around, Um or, you know, you could write something completely different. It's up to you. If you're at this start of testing your ads, then yes, right. Something quite different, right? A small variation is not going to tell you very much. As you refine your ad. The variations that you make are gonna be smaller and smaller. Um, so we can try this. Um, again, I have a credibility statement here. Um, you may find that Google will not allow you to use an exclamation mark. You can always try it. Ah, I put browse online right now. Often you want to try to use something urgent, something to get them to click. OK, um put it in their heads that they can actually look for on browse and choose their product . Right now, this one happens to be selling cars And so a lot of people have in their head Well, I have to go down to the car lot. I have to look at the car after drive it and things like that, and they may not be aware that they can learn a lot about what cars are available online and so put inside their heads. The things that you want them to know that will make them click the add you you definitely . That is the goal for them to click the add. And then I just kept Thea financing statement here, so that's a little bit different, say the new ad. And then I have the two ads here now competing against each other. And because of that previous setting that I said, rotate adds evenly. Google is not gonna figure out which one is better here and decide to play that one more often. Uh, Google is going to play these evenly, and then I'm going to see by the impressions and click through this. Hear that click through rate to see which one ends up being better. Then I'll pause the one that is worse. Um, you generally want about 100 klicks or are you know, a good amount of impressions to be able to know statistically which one is is truly better . And so you pause the one that has the lower click through rate and make a variation out of the winner. That way, you continually, like I said, uh, ratchet up your performance
13. DS Extension Intro: Okay, so we're picking up where we left off. You have your two ads here now, maybe three. And we're gonna go to extensions and extensions. Just fill out your ad with extra information. Here are some of the most important ones. Theater one that's not here is phone number, which you do see it here. Uh, that's another extension that you can add and there are a few more We'll be going through these. I'll be showing you how to do it. But this just gives you an idea of how they kind of appear in your ad. Uh, call outs are just like bullet points so you'll add, say, 10 call outs. And Google will figure out which ones get the best response and show those more often You don't have to worry about it. You just add the call outs and then Google takes care of the rest. Structured snippets are a little more specific. Uh, Google has a bunch of headers, so the header is services in this case, and then you would add a bunch of them. There's brands as a header. There's about 10 of them on. We'll talk about those in another video and it depends on your business, obviously, and then you'll add the's specific structured submits that apply to you. Side links are extremely important. These air actually clickable links. So there's the main euro that your ad will take people to. And then there are other you RL's that you set up in your site links that may be more appropriate for that specific user. So you just have a better chance of getting the click if you have other places for them to click. So in this case, they were going to be about us Page or the contact us page, the blawg. Probably not a good idea, generally. And, um, in, you know, in our used car example, I would put like a link for used cars under 20,000 financing those kinds of things. And finally we have location, and this is linked to the Google, my business location. And if you have a physical location, or maybe if you don't. But generally you do have to have a physical location to have a Google my business listing and you connected to your Google ads account, and then you add it as an extension here and that way your address will show up in every ad that you wanted to, and that is very useful for local businesses. So we're gonna go through these? Not all in this video, But we're gonna go through these, and I'm gonna show you how to set those up. All right, See you in the next video.
14. DS Sitelink Extensions: all right, So now we're on to creating extensions, and if you are setting up this campaign for the first time, then you're going to see a page that looks like this. It's just giving you the most obvious extensions to start filling out first their arm. Or if this is an existing campaign and you'll just see the little plus button here where you can ADM or extensions, it's the same thing. So let's start here with creating site link extensions. So here I've filled out a few extensions. As we go down here, it gives you a bunch to fill out, and then you can add mawr. You can add as many as you want, so the 1st 1 I have here is the most obvious. Contact us, and you can just have the U R l for that. You do not have to put in description lines here. This is so obvious. Contact us that there would be no reason to add descriptions here. You want to just keep it short and sweet, and the other thing is is that if you put one line of description, you're actually forced to use two lines, so they make you using? Both were none at all. Now, if we go down, we can see vehicles under $20,000. I'm creating extensions here that I think people will want to click. Uh, that's the whole idea. Figure out the extensions that are most attractive. And so the text that you have for your descriptions is all about trying to make that happen as well. So vehicles under 20,000 cars, SUVs, minivans. They go. Okay, so something that they're looking for is in there. And then the idea again, Put this in your head. You could do this all online, browse and compare online. Finally, we have financing fast approval, apply online. Just obvious things to make it attractive. So when you're done, just click save, and you may see this little tip here, but we're just going to continue. And if, for example, you didn't fill it out correctly, it would give you an error, and you just obviously simply correct it
15. DS Callout Extensions: Okay, so now we're going to add call out extensions. So when you come to the ads and extensions tab here and you click extensions, you're going to see the whole list of your extensions here. So you want to add another one? You simply click this button and hear all the possible extensions that you can add. And we're going to do call outs. And, like I said, there really just the same as bullet points. Um, I have added three here for sorry, a quick financing approval, browse by Price shot by brand award winning dealer. And they are going to show like this. So this line here kind of shows someone after each other, uh, comma. Or sometimes there's a bar in the middle. Maybe. No, it's just actually not even a comma. They'll just show one after each other so and they could be in any order. So they're just just like bullet points. And as you could see, they're not clickable. All right, so now we can you can actually see advanced options here, which allows you to choose a schedule like if there's a start date or an end date on a particular one um, I could see that being useful for a link, but for a specific call out, you may be promoting something that has an end date. You could add that there, but probably kind of laborious to do that. Anyway, click save when you are done, and there you haven't.
16. DS Location Extensions: All right, So now we're going to add the location extension, and that means finding your goldmine business listing. Um, So here's the one for auto Rama. I just searched Auto Rama Toronto. The thing is, you may already have a Google my business listing because Google will create it automatically. Once it knows that your business exists. You may then need to claim it as yours, and there's a process to do that. So you would see in this link if this was yours, you would see a little link here that says, Is this your business? Um or do you own this business? Something like that. And there is a process that verifies that you are actually the business owner, so you would have to take that step first. However, if you already have this listing, then you just want to make sure that you have all the correct details in there hours, address description of your services, things like that. And you just have to log in to your Google, my business listing to do all those things. I will say that having an up to date Google my business listing is very good thing for your business. It helps Google serve up your listing more often. It also appears in Google maps. So do have photos. Add new photos every month. This kind of keeps it current and fresh and make sure that everything is up to date and that you have a nice, meaty description of what your business does. So the first thing we want to do is link your Google my business account to your AdWords account on the way you do. That is simply go to add extensions here and location extension. And there's a couple of different ways of connecting your camp. It's going to be easiest if your Google my business listing, is the same email address as your Google ads account. But it doesn't have to be. You may see it listed here already, in which case you will probably be good to go. You'll just have to confirm it. Um, there's finding it this way, thinking to an account. You know, um, if you are using a different email address that for your Google my business account, then enter it here and then you may find it, uh, coming up. Once you're done, you've found it and confirmed here, then you would just, uh, click that, and you would see it listed in the list here. And if you don't, then it may be because you've requested access. And you have to grant access by receiving an email from the email address that your Google my business listing is under and, uh, allow access to it. Once you've done that again, come back here and see if it's listed. It can be a little bit finicky, so just persevere because having your location listed on all of your ads, especially if you have a local business eyes super important so that you appear in map searches and so on. Okay, that's it.
17. DS Call Extensions: Okay, so now we're gonna add the call extension, and that allows you to display your phone number in your ad. If someone calls that phone number, which is a dynamically created number by Google, you're gonna pay for the click. So understand that it's not going to just be a free call because they see your phone number in the ad. You're going to pay for it. So how we do that is we just go to call extension and it's gonna ask you right here. Do you want to create a new one or used the existing? And if you click, used the existing? There's nothing there because we haven't created one before. So you put in your country. You put in your business phone number here. Call reporting is already turned on. We did that in the account settings earlier, and it's asking How do you want to record conversions? Use account settings, cults from adds. Yet that's what we want to do. And here you can actually put in your business hours so that Onley people will call when you were businesses open when there's somebody to answer the phone, and that's about it. Once you're done, click Save and you have a call extension
18. Conversion 1 - Sign Up for Google Analytics: Okay, So, congratulations. You've hit a real milestone. Your campaign, Your dynamic search ad campaign is ready to play. You can if you like, turn it on here just by enable, and then you'll start getting traffic and clicks to your website. The thing is, though, is you will be able to see your impressions and your click through rate, but you will not be able to see whether or not anyone bought anything as a result off your ads or if any leads were created as a result of your ads. And to do that, we need to install the conversion tracking. So if you want to get traffic today, you want to start just sending people to your site. Go ahead, turn it on. It's kind of exciting, but like I said, you won't know if the result of your ads was actually a purchase or a lead. So we're gonna start installing the conversion tracking, and the first step of that is to have a Google Analytics account. So if you go to just search Google analytics and you'll end up here, I'll show you that you are well, it's right up there. Analytics google dot com and you will see this page if there is no Google Analytics account associated with email address. So you want them to be the same email address your Google analytics account and your Google ads account. So here. Yes, we are signed in here, has the same email address as our Google. And so I'm ready to have the account for Google analytics. Just click sign up so you could just put in your name and then just choose. I leave these all checked That's totally up to you on. Then click next. Right now, we're just talking about monitoring a website. But if you have APS that you're going to monitor a swell, you could choose this option down here, click next. So for this, I'm gonna put, um, the other website fixed communications. But our example so far has been that oughta Rama, um, I'm not gonna do that here, but it should be the same. Obviously, whatever you're sending traffic to is the rural that you're gonna put here. Okay? And just fill out the rest. Choose your industry, your country and time zone. Click create. Accept all the terms. We'll click. No, thanks to that, I could get that any time. And here I am ready to go. I've created a Google Analytics account. There are a couple of different ways of installing the global site tag, which is this bit of code here that you need to put on your website for Google Analytics toe work to be able to track all your visitors. And my preferred way is to use Google tag manager that way. I just have to put the one bit of code from Google tag manager onto the site. And then any other tags? Conversion tags from Google ads, conversion tags from Facebook ads or any other platform Twitter, LinkedIn, anything like that. I can just put those in Google tag manager. I don't have to keep going back to my site digging into to the code, finding the place to put it. Google tag manager makes this so much easier. And I'll have some videos on how to do that for right now. I'm just gonna leave this here. We're not gonna show you how toe add just a Google tag manager right now, But I will show that in a later video The next thing to do here is to go to data collection . Here, click this guy Get started with remarking signals. You just have to go to the next page. Click continue. Activate. Okay, you've activated Google signals Done and we're back here. Click Save. But there is one more step to do that. And if you just scroll down here to audience definitions and click on audiences, you can enable re marketing and click this drop down. You will see that it just says you course website for the Google Analytics account. That's the only place that this re marketing will be connected to. And the reason for that is, is that you have not yet connected your Google analytics account to your AdWords to your Google ads account. And that's a very important step that we need to take care of first. If you had done that, if it's already done, you'll see the option to check box this as well as you'll see your Google ads account here , and you can check a box that and you check them both, and you say that so we'll end here for now. We're going to link Google Analytics single ads in the next video, and then we'll come back to this
19. Conversion 2 - Link Google Ads to Google Analytics: all right. As promised, we're going to now. Link are cool, adds account to our Google Analytics account. And the way you do that as you go up here to tools and settings, set up linked accounts. Here's Google Analytics. So you click on it and it should appear right there because we're using the same email address and you click on a link. Yes, we want to link and we want to import site metrics save and we're done.
20. Set Up Remarketing Lists Part 1: Okay. Now, again, as promised, we're going to finish setting up re marketing audiences. And so we go back to Google analytics here, and whatever page you are on, it doesn't really matter. You click on Little Gear icon here, just scroll down audience definitions to we enable re marketing by clicking next step and we click on destinations. And there we see our Google ads account as well, right? So we checked both of these and click enable. So once we've done that, you'll actually see that Google creates this first audience for you automatically. It's just all users, and so you could use that as a re marketing audience in Google ads. If you go to Google ads, you go to tools shared library audience manager, and you'll end up on this page. Uh, you will first see this one here, Which is that all visitors one. And then a little while later, this one will show up eso. You can use this one here, all visitors. But the thing is, is that what you want to decide is how long is the decision making process for your customers? Because this one by default and it cannot be edited is 30 days. And so your re marketing ads will only show for 30 days if you use this list. And if you've got a, you know, a big ticket item or something that just takes longer to decide, maybe it's two months. Maybe it's three months, something like that. Then maybe this is too short. And generally speaking, it is too short. And so I would create another list with all users and extend it to a t least 60 days, maybe even 90 days, maybe even longer than that, depending on what you sell. So to do that we go back to the audience is Paige and we click on new audience and we're gonna go all users. And we're gonna change this membership duration to, let's say, 90 days. So then I'm gonna go all users 90 days next step, and then I'm gonna have this same thing here. Yes, I'm going to check both and click publish. So now when I come back over here on Google ads, I see that new list that I've created is is here. Now, the important thing to note is starting today, Uh, you would start building these lists So the first visitor, a second visitor, and you know the first day you might have 100 or whatever. It depends on if you have a new site or if you've got a site already that has lots of traffic, the point being that your re marketing list will only start actually working and actually being used to drive traffic once it hits 1000 users. And but that's fine. You create them now and they start building. So for re marketing adds to show in search campaigns it must be 1000. And for display campaigns, it must be at least 100. And that's got to happen in a 30 day period. So you've gotta have at least 1000 users come through your site in a 30 day period for re marketing to work for search ads and at least 100 in a 30 day period for it to work in display. And that's pretty reasonable. You should be able to achieve that. The final thing to note here is that you can create audiences out of any kind of visitors that come to your site. They could be coming to specific pages, so on and so forth, so that you can run specific campaigns to them. And so you come down here and you could do those who completed a transaction those who visited specific areas of your site so you can collect this, create new and you can see here all the different ways you can segment people in order to run campaign specifically to those people on your site. This kind of segmentation and campaigns created, directed to targeted people who visited your site before. This kind of granular re marketing is something you would do down the line. If you're just starting out, it's not necessary. You first want to start seeing where the traffic is actually going, what it's actually doing, is it Is it buying? Is it not buying? And all those kinds of questions need to be answered first before you decide. Oh, yeah, I'm going to start doing this so it just is worth mentioning that you would do the same process here, create the audiences, create the membership duration, and then you would see them show up here in Google ads in order to use them for campaigns
21. Set Up Remarketing Lists Part 2: So once we've done that, you'll actually see that Google creates this first audience for you automatically. It's just all users, and so you could use that as a re marketing audience in Google ads. If you go to Google ads, you go to tools shared library audience manager, and you'll end up on this page. Uh, you will first see this one here, Which is that all visitors one. And then a little while later, this one will show up. Eso You can use this one here, all visitors. But the thing is, is that what you want to decide is how long is the decision making process for your customers? Because this one by default and it cannot be edited is 30 days. And so your re marketing ads will only show for 30 days if you use this list. And if you've got a you know, a big ticket item or something that just takes longer to decide, maybe it's two months. Maybe it's three months, something like that, Then maybe this is too short, and generally speaking, it is too short, and so I would create another list with all users and extend it to a t least 60 days, maybe even 90 days, maybe even longer than that, depending on what you sell. So to do that, we go back to the audience is Paige and we click on new audience and we're gonna go all users. And we're gonna change this membership duration to, let's say, 90 days. So then I'm gonna go, Oh, users 90 days next step. And then I'm gonna have this same thing here. Yes, I'm going to check both and click publish. So now when I come back over here on Google ads, I see that new list that I've created is is here. Now, the important thing to note is starting today, Uh, you would start building these lists. So the first visitor, a second visitor and you know, the first day you might have 100 or whatever. It depends on if you have a new site or if you've got a site already that has lots of traffic, the point being that your re marketing list will only start actually working and actually being used to drive traffic once it hits 1000 users. And but that's fine. You create them now and they start building so for re marketing adds to show in search campaigns it must be 1000. And for display campaigns, it must be at least 100. And that's got to happen in a 30 day period. So you've gotta have at least 1000 users come through your site in a 30 day period for re marketing to work for search ads and at least 100 in a 30 day period for it to work in display. And that's pretty reasonable. You should be able to achieve that. The final thing to note here is that you can create audiences out of any kind of visitors that come to your site. They could be coming to specific pages so on and so forth so that you can run specific campaigns to them. And so you come down here and you could do those who completed a transaction. Those who visited specific areas of your site so you can collect this, create new and you can see here all the different ways you can segment people in order to run campaign specifically to those people on your site. This kind of segmentation and campaigns created, directed to targeted people who visited your site before. This kind of granular re marketing is something you would do down the line. If you're just starting out, it's not necessary. You first want to start seeing where the traffic is actually going, what it's actually doing, is it Is it buying? Is it not buying? And all those kinds of questions need to be answered first before you decide. Oh, yeah, I'm going to start doing this. So it just is worth mentioning that you would do the same process here, create the audiences, create the membership duration, and then you would see them show up here in Google ads in order to use them for campaigns.
22. Conversion 3 - Goals in Google Analytics: All right. So I'm gonna show you the first way to record conversions. We're gonna do that through Google Analytics. So come over here to your Google Analytics property and click on this little gear icon on the bottom left and go over two goals. You're gonna say new goal, and you're gonna scroll down here a bit and click on custom on Continue. And now we say the goal name and this is a destination. And now click. Continue in here. You're going to put the euro of your thank you page. And this little bit of text down here is quite helpful because it tells you that you could just write the end of the URL okay, instead of the whole thing. And you can also choose begins with or regular expression. And that has to do with the structure of your website and how your thank you pages are generated. They may have additional parameters attached to them. So it might be thank you dot html question mark a bunch of numbers and so on, so forth. And it might change every time. And so you need to If that is the case, then you're going to either be choosing begins with or regular expression. If you would like to assign a value like a monetary value off how much this lead is worth to you. You can certainly do that here. And if you are creating a funnel, you can do that here. This is something you can always add later if you want. But right now, we're not gonna do that. If you've already gotten traffic and your forms have been filled out by people a bunch of times and you've had Google analytics actually running during that time, then you can verify this goal by clicking here. It'll tell you how many times it would have happened in the last seven days. Uh, if you know, it did happen and you click a five, verify this goal and you get zero. Then there's something wrong with how you've put it in up here. All right, so there you see it created Another goal that you may wanna have is the amount of time or the number of pages that somebody viewed your site. And the idea here is that you're willing to pay for a user who comes along who spends five minutes or 10 minutes browsing your site, and that's up for you to decide how long that should be. You may not be willing to pay for a user who comes for one minute, and therefore you're not gonna record that as a conversion. But conversion is not Onley Somebody who is a lead or somebody who buy something. You can make it anything you want. We're gonna continue here. We're going to say all right, duration. And we say 10 minutes. Okay. Value could be on or off. That's up to you. And now we have this goal here as well. Once you have all your goals listed that you would want to record in Google ads, you go back over to Koukal ads, you click tools and settings and measurement conversions. And here we are at conversions and we click on that and that. We want to import from Google Analytics. Okay, So click here. Click. Google Analytics continue, and there are the two goals that we set up, and we want to get both of them. You may not want to get all of the ones that you created. There may be some goals that you only want to measure on traffic. That's not Google ads. It may be just your organic traffic or something like that. So only click the ones that you think you're willing to pay for. Right and there they are, ready to go. The next thing you have to do is decide by clicking one of them. You'll see. Here is how they are set up the default and what you The two things that you want to look at is what is the conversion window and what attribution model you're gonna use. Let's see when we click edit The count is important. You should only count one, and that's the default. So we're just gonna leave it there and the conversion window, and this again applies to How long does it take for somebody to convert? So if somebody clicks your ad and 29 days or literally 39 30 days, but let's say 29 days later they actually buy from your site. It's going to count as a conversion. If they click on the 31st day or 32nd day, it will not count his conversion, even though they may have remembered your site and come back to it. because they click your ad, you've got it set to 30 days. So it's not gonna count if you wanted to count than you gonna change it to whatever you think it should be. You can have a 90 day conversion window. You can, uh, do whatever makes sense for your business. I typically said it 60 days. A lot of the kinds of products and things like that have a kind of a 30 day, our 60 day buying cycle. They're bigger products. People take more time. They see more than one ad. Finally, the most important thing to choose here is what attribution model you want to choose, and I typically go with position based and people have different views on this. The one thing you don't want to do, and I'll say this quite strongly, although it'll completely depend on your situation and your business. And your outlook on things is first click or just last click. And what this is all about is, let's say, linear. If somebody clicks five ads, they click your they do a search that click your search at, but they don't buy and then a week later they see you re marketing. Add your you know, So they click that, but they don't buy. And then they see another re marketing at a week. Later, after that and so on and so forth, they may have clicked your ads. 2345 times. Whatever. Typically we expect, especially on high ticket items that it's gonna take about seven touches. Maybe those air ads, maybe those air, you know, S e o listings that come up. Maybe that's other things that happen, but seven touches on that could include a touch on Facebook or whatever, before somebody actually seriously takes the action and and buy something. And what you want to do is not just record the first click that somebody did as whether or not that converted or the last you want to record them all. I want to know all the keywords or all the ads that had a contribution to converting the customer. Because the danger is if I see, for example, that you know this keyword here always gets me the conversion, and I've got it set to last click while. Okay, great. I know that that's a hot keyword. I'm not gonna pause that keyword, but I might pause another key word that pretty much never gets the conversion. But, um, I might deposit because it doesn't get the conversion for that exact reason. But the thing is, is that it may have actually contributed to the conversion. And you wouldn't know that if you chose last click or first click. Okay, you would only know that if you chose one of these last three linear time to care position based. And as you can sort of see linear treats them all equally. All clicks contribute to the conversion equal the time decay means that the 1st 1 means the least. The 2nd 1 is a little more meaningful. And the 3rd 1 so so on, so forth, so that the last one is the big gona. It's the one that pushed him over the edge. And so therefore that's the most valuable keyword or audience or whatever it ISS. And typically, what I think is that the first click is important. The last click is important. And then everything else in between is kind of shared. So I typically choose position based save. And now we're set up here and you're gonna have to do this for each goal that you have. So as you can see here again, I got to go through the process again. I change this to 60 days, and it could be different. Maybe that particular goal or or whatever you say? No, that's That's when I want to do differently. Okay, so those were done. You can see you are conversion window. Here is 60 days, and these were going to start recording conversions. Once these things actually happen, the next thing you're gonna want to do is decide Click. You know your phone number. So we want to go phone calls. Calls to a phone number on your website. Yeah, that might be something. You want to come track calls to a number on your mobile website calls from using call extensions? Yes. We set up a call extension, So let's do that one. So I called it calls from ads, and now it's asking me, measure the impact of your advertising and it says not recommend it. Don't use a value. And the reason for this is that if you actually know what a phone call is worth to your business, then it's possible to use a bidding strategy later on. That takes this into account in terms of how much you're willing to pay for a click for a phone call. And, yeah, that's eventually perhaps something that you can reach with enough conversions. It's certainly what Google wants you to do is to use an automated bidding strategy. Um, but it's not necessary. But if you know roughly how much value of a phone call is to your business, then sure, put it in here. Be conservative. And, um, and then Google will use that data going forward to finally help you decide what you're willing to pay for a click. That's something we'll still be able to calculate. But it's something here that allows you to use that automated bidding strategy, which you would not otherwise be able to use unless you had recorded what a conversion is worth to you. So, in any way I'm gonna be a bad boy. I'm gonna put in, not I'm going to choose one. I always want that to be one call length. How long is this call length have to be for it to count as a conversion and 60 seconds could be enough for one business. It could be meaningless for another one. That's for you to decide for how long it's worth it for. Somebody be on the phone that you're gonna pay for. If you're a car dealership, they may say, Hey, is that you know, for you know, F 1 50 They're still available. Yes, it is. Okay, I'll be down tomorrow to have a look at it. Great. See you then. And that took 30 seconds. And that still may be a valid call. So it's really up to your up to you What that's gonna be, um, conversion window is 60 days. I think that's kind of meaningless, though, with a phone call. And then again, we want to choose position based. So I'm gonna end this now because it's, ah Long video and will go on to the next conversion thing in the next video.
23. Conversion 4 - Calls from Your Website: All right, so then next kind of conversion we want to look at is we want to know when somebody phones the business from the website after clicking and add. So they did a search. They saw your ad that clicked on it and they end up on your website and they spend some time here, and then they decide I'm gonna call the business. And so what they do is they see this phone number up here and they call it. And if they call that particular number right there, there is no way to track that. That call came from and add and there's a way to set this up so that a dynamic number it shows in the place of this number. And it means putting a little bit of code in a certain place. And I'm gonna show you how to do that so that after clicking and add, somebody visits. The website sees some phone number here. It's not the regular business phone number. It's a phone number generated by Google For everyone else looking at the site, it's just going to be the regular number because they didn't click through from an ad and so I'm gonna show you how to set this up. In order to set up this type of conversion, you're gonna any Google tag manager, which is a wonderful tool which makes life very easy. So just goto Google tag manager, Just search it and click on here. Make sure you're signed in with same email address that you're using for your Google account makes it very easy. And once you have signed up, actually, I don't even think you need to sign up. I think it just brings you to this screen automatically. Uh, but yes, we do need to create an account, so we'll do that quickly. So once you've signed up and accepted the terms, you're going to see this screen here with some code. And if I did click this often What hoops. Where's the code now? Where do I get it? You just click on this guy right here, and it comes right back. If you don't know how, Teoh, install this yourself, you can get somebody else to do it for you. Um, it's fairly straightforward, and you only have to do it one time. And just so you understand what Google tag managers about. There was a time when if you wanted to install, like conversion, tracking from Google and conversion tracking from Facebook or LinkedIn or whatever, you had to add bits of code separate bits of code for each one of these platforms on your site. So you are always needing somebody or yourself to go into your site, dig into the code, find where to put that piece of code and hopefully make sure it didn't conflict in some way or break your site. And it was just a big pain. And what Google tag manager does for us is that we just put this one piece of code on there , and then thereafter we just work in here. Any thing that I put into that container, that's what that code is. It's like a like a bucket is actually effectively is still installed on the website that that a code appears on and there's a number of couple of great ways of checking to make sure that whatever code you add is working. And um so here we are. Okay, so I've installed that code onto my site, and once I've done that, I could hit, submit to publish the container. I don't have to put anything in there that's up to you. It'll just published that way. And now I can go and check and see if it's correctly installed, and the way I do that is that I go. I use this extension here, the Google tag assistant, which is just an extension you cannot chrome. It's free and the first time I click it. Actually, it will show me a little thing that says Enable enable it and then refresh the page and then click it again. And I will see here. And I actually have two instances of Google Tag manager appearing here cause I already had one installed. But for the purposes of teaching here I've got the 2nd 1 is installed. So if I go back to my workspace here I look and I am looking for W F R A D k B and I look over here. Andi Yes, and it's green. And so that means there's no errors. They're so that it's successfully installed. The next thing to do is we're going to install tracking Teoh have a dynamic number on the website so that Google knows that when somebody calls that number. It is going to count as a conversion because they had clicked and add to get there. So we go over here, we click our little plus button to bring up our conversions, and we click on phone calls. All right, we already did the one for using call extensions calls to a phone number on your website. That's the one we're doing now and we click continue, and we've kind of been here before we fill out this information. So once we've feel that that information and chosen our conversion window and the attribution, which again I chose as position based, I come over here and it asks me how I want to install this bit of code and were using Google tag manager. So clicking that And here's the information that I'm gonna need to copy and paste over to Google tag manager. It is telling me to also install the conversion linker tag and configure it on all our Web pages. So let's do that right now because it's so easy. Here we are back on Google Tag manager and we're gonna install the conversion Linker. It's, um, just a way of being able to track and versions that happened as a result of people being on different devices. You just have to do it once, and it's done. So, uh, we click on new tank on we go call this conversion linker. Okay, we click right in the middle here, and you're going to see it. Where is it? There it is. Conversion linker. Click on that. And then we enable linker options. Neighbor, linking across domains. Just have a look at these if they apply to you. Um and this is Well, it should all be good to go. You just click all pages. Yes. And click save. And that's good. Every time you add a new tag, it's not on your site until you re published. So you have to publish again, and we'll just do that here. A Blash. Continue. Done. Okay. Our back to the workspace that is done. Now we're going to install the tag for the full number. We could tags. We click on new for a new tag. We're gonna call this calls from website, click on tag, and we scroll down here until we find it. And it is this one here. Google ads calls from website conversion. Okay, Displayed full number to replace, and I am just gonna put any old phone number on there. But the number that we would actually be putting if this was our business, it would be this one here. And I want toe enter it exactly the way it is here so that Google could recognize. Okay, that's the one to replace. Then I need to just put in my conversion I d and my conversion label. And we saw those over here Virgin I d All right. And then we want to trigger this again on all pages and that is done again. We publish it again, make sure it's published. Now, this is not gonna work on my site. Example because I don't actually have a full number there on, and I just used a fake number anyway, But you need to check and make sure this is working and you do that by adding this bit here to the end of your you are out. When you do that and you enter that you'll see on the bottom, left hand side little box come up and it may say activation failed or something like that There's a little button there that says Force. You click it again and you should see your phone number changed to 999 something or change to a dynamic number. If it changes to 999 something it is working and that is it.
24. Conversion 5 - Mobile Clicks to Call: all right, So now we're going to set up another tracking for conversion, and this one will track mobile clicks to call because we have already set up a tracking for form fills on the website. We've set up one for people who spend more than 10 minutes on the site. We've set up another one for people who click through and on their desktop, see a phone number on the website and call it. And now we're going to set up for the situation where people are on their mobile phones and there's a phone number. And, as you know, if you have a mobile phone, you can just click that phone number with a touch of a finger, and the business number will start to dial. When that happens, we want a track that touching of the phone number that click on the phone number. Here's how do you do it, So we'll go up to tools and settings, click measurement conversions, and there we see the other conversions that we've set up. So we're gonna go plus gonna go phone calls, and this one says, clicks on your number on your mobile website. Okay. All right. We go through this, filling out the information. So here's that information we're calling it mobile clicks to call, and everything else should be the same here on we click creating. Continue and we're using Google Tag Manager again. Click on that. And again, we have the conversion I d and the conversion label that we're gonna come and paced in later. Right now, we'll jump over to Google tag manager, and the first thing that we'll do here is we want to tell the code that we've put on the site to listen for clicks. That sounds really complicated, but it's a simple is clicking variables here and hitting configure and we scroll down and we just click all of these here. Target Click. So now it's listening for all types of clicks on the site. All right, click that off and you'll see them listed here. Okay, then go to tags. That would go to new tag and we'll call this mobile clicks to call. But this time we're gonna choose the Google ads conversion, tracking, and here we're gonna put our conversion. I d in here in our conversion label in there, which I have now done simply I copied and pasted from over here into those two boxes. And then we're going to set up the trigger, basically, when we want this to fire. So when you get here, you do not select all pages you could hear. Plus, and we're gonna call this trigger and we choose just links. All right, now, we don't want to record all the link clicks. OK, just some. And now we're gonna tell it which ones to do. So we go. Here we go. Page, you are l on matches regular expression. And it is period and star. Okay, which is, like, eight hit on your keyboard, right? And then the other one toe ad is click your l contains tell. Okay. Click, save, click. Save again. Okay. And that has been added now and we click. Submit published. Continue. Let's look at all our tags we've set up There it is mobile clicks to call conversion linker calls from website. So if we come back over here, click next. So what we see here is all the conversions we've set up. This is unverifiable because we need to have an actual click on a mobile device for it to be verified. Of course, that actually has to happen after someone has click through from an ad so you can't actually do that yourself. So it's a good idea to come back here after about a week and make sure that all of these air working and recording conversions
25. Conversion 6 - Google My Business: Okay, Now, if you remember that we set up a location extension and we connected that with our Google line business listing. And when you do that, um, you're going to see these conversions show up automatically. And as you can see here, it's Google hosted. And basically, what that means is that Google put this together for you. And this little lock means that you can't edit any of these settings. So if you click on one of them, you'll see there's no edit button here, and they just decide that the value is gonna be $1. They're gonna count every conversion. It's a 30 day win. No view through one week. Do not include them in the conversions. And it's a last click. Okay, so what's going on here when we see these conversions? Okay, we are seeing what happens when somebody clicks. One of your ads ends up on your website. Doesn't become a lead, doesn't do anything, but within 30 days, does another search seize your google my business listing and decides to take one of these actions. And so you know that when you're on mobile, you'll see the cool my business listing and It's very convenient just to click the button there that says Call, um, or get directions, or there's other engagements here. I don't even know what those are. And or if you want to go to the website, see the website or see a menu view seems to be fairly uncommon. And, ah, these air gonna count in a separate conversions. So they're not included. These are the ones you set up. And you said Yes, we're going to include these in conversions. Okay, but none of these are all right. They are in what we call all conversions. Okay, if you look at your statistics, so let's just go look at that. All right, So you can see the columns here. We have conversions, conversion rate cost for conversion. But then we have this other column here. That's all conversions. And this includes those Google my business conversions, as well as any other conversions that you've added. So all of them together and in the conversion rate and the cost per conversion for that. Now, if you don't see that in these columns here, you're gonna go to columns and you're gonna go to modify columns, and you can see conversions. Here. You check up the ones that you I want to see, and then you can arrange them here simply by dragging them around. Uh, you can check this box here, give your column, set a name so that you don't have to redo it every time that it's always there. I think that it's really important to look at this all conversion rate or all conversions, including those clicks that come from Google. My business, Um, they clicked on add, and within 30 days, they clicked to contact you in some way, War came back for another visit to the site. Uh, those are things that I am willing to pay for, and so I count them as conversions. And if you just want to be really pure about it in terms of what you want, Teoh include or not include in strictly conversions. Like if you just wanted to say just the form fills and just the phone calls, you could just be recording those in this column. You could eliminate, for example, the 10 plus minutes site on the site conversion simply by saying no in the settings on that conversion, Um, to including it in conversions, you could just say no. Currently it's set to Yes. Okay, so that is over now.
26. Set Up a Display Remarketing Campaign: Okay, So what's next? We have a dynamic search campaign, and we have conversion tracking set up, and that can be running right now. The next thing to do is to decide what is the next best campaign to build, and typically it is re marketing campaign on the display network. So for all the people who came to your site in the last 90 days, we want them to see display ads on other websites that they visit around the Web to hopefully bring them back. It's just not good sense to have people who are searching for what you have. They end up on your website, they look around for a bit, and then they're gone. The stats us show us that if you can get them back there, there's a much better chance of converting them. And the way we do that is with re marketing, it can be done on the search network. That's another video or on the display network, and that's what we're going to set up now. So we simply go here and press are new button to set up a new campaign. We are going to just go raw again and we're choosing to do this on the display network. Smart display is something else. You can look it up, but basically it's very good. But you have to have already Ah, whole bunch of conversions for Google to make it work. So we're gonna have standard display campaign you put in your website here. Continue. All right. Now, for a location, you'll have to decide what is right for your business. Presumably, anybody who came to your site and spent some time there is somebody who you want to re market, too. They may be outside of your target location. And so, in the video where we explain this setting in the dynamic search campaign you had to decide . Do you just want your ads to show to people in your local area, or do you also want to Should have your ads show for people who are searching about your area? Eso the same kind of thing applies here. You can have a much wider geographic location for your re marketing because this is really only going to show for the people who came to your site almost because you can tell Google . Yeah, show it to the people who came to my site but showed a little bit to some people who are kind of like that as well. And I'll show you that setting in a minute to be safe. You should just put your local area. If you have a local business. Justus, you did with your dynamic search campaign set up choose the same location here. If you want to try to go wider, go wider because people may be searching way out of your area and you do want to re market to them. Fine. But to be safe, just make it your local area, the same as you did before. So I chose Toronto and I'm saying people who show interest in I'm gonna leave these settings as they are. So it's not just strictly people who are in my local location when you're starting out, I would definitely choose the default setting here, which is to manually set your bids. You don't know what the beginning, whether Google is gonna be able to figure out who's gonna convert and what to bid on the auctions and so definitely set your bids manually. Be conservative here with your budget for re marketing. So here we are in the additional settings, and I'm gonna keep them all the same, but I'm gonna explain them a little bit Here. Uh, the one that you may want to change is this one. And how many times do you want your ad to show to the same user? And it's a good idea just to let Google do this figure this out, especially if it's a new account and moving on. We have the first ad group here. I'm just going to leave it as at group one and down here in audiences. Now, this is where I'm going to choose my re marketing audience. So go over here to browse and how they have interacted with your business, re marketing and similar audiences. And in the videos where we were setting up conversion, we took a little left turn there when we were in Google Analytics and we had two videos which were about setting up audiences. And as you can see those air here and it's this one that I want to use coming down here in the demographics, you can uncheck various groups if you want to. I wouldn't do that, especially if this this is a new new campaign. Just leave them all checked. And now here's where we decide how much more reach we want to have. This setting is the default, and I would leave it. It's that because Google says, Hey, we know, actually, we're starting to get a good idea of the kind of people who are coming to your site who are just like your re marketing audience. So I would put it like this, allow it to be, and you could increase it even more if you want. Just before warn that if you, you know, go all the way. The end. Uh, yeah, it's true. You know, it says here Oh, yeah, it's gonna increase impressions, clicks and conversions. Basically, your budget, if you're seeing it, not be eaten up and you wanted to be eaten up, then Inc. Increase this because this is what we'll do. It just hit a larger audience and eat up your budget, which may be what you want, especially if you don't have a lot of traffic on your site to start with. Here's what we decide how much we're gonna bid for a click and display can be very, very cheap. And so I'm gonna go at the beginning. I'm just gonna say 25 cents. You could even go lower and see what the results are, but I'll keep it at 25 cents and see if I can get clicks for that cheap. This next setting doesn't apply to us, but it's interesting to read about because it can show you what you could do in the future . Which is to say, if somebody comes to your site and interacts with a couple of different products, you can actually then re market to them, showing them images of those specific products so you can get very targeted with your re marketing. But as it says here, you need a data feed to do this. Okay, so now let's create our ad, and we have a choice here. Responsive display ad or upload some display ads, and what we're gonna do is a responsive display at You'll have the option to upload various fixed sizes of ads if you want, but that's very laborious. You have to get somebody in Photoshop or somebody or yourself to actually create specific sizes of ads. Fiddle a text in there, put all the images in fit them in and takes quite a while. You do not have to do any of that with a responsive ad. So what we do, we're gonna upload. Ah, logo and at least one image. You can also upload a video, and then we're gonna add some text here, up to five different headlines and five different descriptions. Andi. Then you should be good to go. You're going to see a preview here of your ad. And once you're done, that you have created a responsive had, and you're good to go. All right, so let's begin. We begin with our image. So this is just something Google is thrown in here. It will scan your website and actually try to pull some pictures off their or scan your Facebook page. Um, you can upload your own images here. Okay, So I scan the Facebook page, and actually, I'm gonna decide I'm going to use that as the logo, obviously, and that I'm gonna go try searching for stock images. I don't normally do this, but because we want to quickly get something in here, and I want to say use this as the image, Okay? Okay. and click save. And that's the minimum that I need to put in here. Let's see. I've got to remove that. My assets. I don't want this in here. All right, that's all fine. I could have both of those click, save. And now I've got the images in there, the minimum amount of images in there that I need and I'm not gonna go through a headline writing lesson here, but you get the idea. You have 30 characters and you want to add up all of them. Use every every bit of headline, you know, so do all five of them and do a long headline and then five descriptions. Then you have some options here for the call to action text so you can see here. It says, Do you want automated or do you want it to say apply now, book? Now, any one of those things that's gonna apply to you, you condone. Let Google figure out what it is by leaving automated, because Google is always going to try various combinations of your headlines, descriptions, images, the call to action tech text on even the colors of the text to figure out what gets the most clicks. And if you don't want it, ever, you know to say one of these other things install that's not gonna apply to you or something, Then you're just gonna want to choose one that does apply to your business. Okay, So if added just a bunch of dummy headlines here just to see what we're working with, you can scroll through various iterations of it for mobile. And then there's desktop. You'll get to see this is what it starts. Look on the website. So as you can see here, you've got, like, 160 by 600 ad size. Like I said before, you could create your own ad, uh, and of these all of these sizes and upload them and you can do both so you can have one that is responsive, and then you can have any number. Or you could have more than one that's responsive with different images, different text. And that's a good idea to to test those. Um, but then you can also have any number of fixed image sizes as well. Okay, so I clicked to add group, and there's that ad continued to campaign. And here it is, and I'm gonna pause it right away. Uh, and we're good to go, and conversions will record just in the same way as they do for the other campaign. So let's look here. We can see and I've got search campaigns, display campaigns, all campaigns. So let's go look at all campaigns, and I want to see campaigns here. And there's my re marketing display standard Campaign says Display here. That's what I want. Well, good.
27. Do I need a keyword campaign?: Okay, so we're going to set up a standard keyword search campaign now, And that means digging out some keywords to use for that campaign that will trigger the ads . The's air the This is the kind of campaign that was the original Google search campaign. There was not any dynamic search campaigns back then. Eso dynamic search has made things a lot easier. And so you may ask, Well, why do I even need a standard keyword search campaign? Doesn't this dynamic searched? Just take care of all of that for me. People go to Google a search for a product using whatever keyword they use. And if that matches keywords that are on your site that you identified or if they happen to be in an audience that you are using in your campaign, um, they're gonna see the ads and they're gonna click on them. And so why do you need a standard keyword search campaign at all? And hopefully you don't. But here's why. You may need it, and it's very likely that you do, because the dynamic campaign, like we say way looked at it, and if you look at it, you go while here's all the things that we decided that are going to trigger it. A bunch of pages. It could be a bunch of terms. And, um, let's see if we've even even telling us in terms here. No categories. But if you were up here, you could see a bunch of categories that you could check box off and say, Yes, I want people who are in the market for that or searching for that And there be a bunch of different reasons why people would see your ads. But there may be holes. There may be holes in terms of search terms that do not exist on your site, which actually would attract people. So, for example, if you have on Lee, say two or three pages on your site is just not gonna be that many key words there to trigger your ads. And so in that case, you really do. Either one had a lot more pages to trigger the ads, or you want Teoh have a keyword campaign, a tightly kind of control keyword campaign. Um, even if you have 10 pages on your dynamic search campaign, that air used to trigger ads, and you also have a bunch of audiences and and other categories that air triggering the ads . They're still gonna be some holes. If you're not worried about that. If you're getting enough traffic and your cost of acquisition is good and your conversion is good in everything, then OK, maybe you don't want to go to all the trouble of creating a keyword search campaign. Um, but if you do, then you can continue watching these videos to learn how to do it. The first thing to decide is, how big will the budget be on your keyword campaign? And, uh, if it's small, there's something to consider. So, let's say $10 a day. Um, there are some key words in your industry out there that might be kind of expensive. They they're keywords out there that are, you know, dozens of dollars and hundreds of dollars per click. And, uh, if you have a $10 a day campaign, then you're not going to be able to pay for a single key word. But let's just say there's too hot keywords that air $5 each, and your budget is $10 a day, and every day comes along that keyword eat, though both those keywords eat up your budget just like that, let's say they're really popular as well. They get searched a lot, and so you're trying to get a little piece of the pie with a with a tiny little hook, a little tiny bit there, and you're just not able to get any traction because you're you're only going to get one or two clicks per day, and that's not enough traffic. Even if they're super high quality, you just don't have enough track traffic to make it work. So what you want to do, in that case, is if you do have a low budget per day, then you want to go for relevant but cheaper, much cheaper clicks. We're talking clicks that air like 20 cents or 25 cents or 50 cents, certainly less than a dollar. If you have ah, $1 per click, you're only gonna get 10 clicks in a day. Still, really not, not what you're after. Not that great. And so when you build out your keyword campaign, you need to know in your mind do I have a 50 or 100 or $200 a day budget Or do I have a $10 a day budget? And no matter what kind of budget you have, you are certainly going for the most high quality clicks that you can get for the lowest cost that applies to any campaign. But if you do have that low budget, then you just want to restrict yourself to the lower cost keywords. Some of those are identifiable before you put them into your campaign. Um, because Google can tell us what the estimated cost for the for the click is, and you could just avoid them right off the bat. Other ones are not, um, Google may say the estimated cost for this keyword is $9 per click. And then, in actuality, because of your business and your offer and the quality of your ads and quality of your landing page and stuff, such your quality score is high and you may only pay $3 per click or even less so. If you're unsure, you could include it in your campaign to start and see if you get the clicks for it at an affordable rate, and then you can just prove in your campaign Teoh to be the cost per click that you need it to be. Okay, so in the next video, we'll start setting it up.
28. Set Up a Standard Keyword Campaign: All right, so here we go. We're gonna set up that standard keyword search campaign. You begin here, you're on the campaign's tab here, and you click the Blue button New campaign and we go to website traffic. Or let's just go without a goal. All right? We're doing a search campaign, and this is gonna be very similar to what we did before with Dynamic. There's just one setting later on that we do different. We're gonna go for Web site visits, Tyne, you. I like to put the word standard in the name of the campaign. So it was dynamic. I would put dynamic there just so I can see right away. What kind of campaign it ISS. And you could put your product name there for here. I again do not want to include the display network so uncheck that I probably want to include search partners later on. When you look at your stats, you can see how much conversion you're getting on those search partners. And sometimes you may want to turn those off and you could do that. Lay Iran once you see your stats. But when you set it up here, keep it on, and then we'll see how we do later. See here. You can actually add dynamic search into your standard campaign. Uh, I think it just complicates things. You should keep them separate. So we're not gonna put anything into this right now. Okay, Locations. We've gone over this a few times. Um, but I'll just go through it. Generally. I like to take a radius, uh, and and her a postal code. If it's a local business and if you're going all over the country, then obviously you search you put in the entire country, whatever that is, or you can put particular states you can mix and match it up, however, is right for your business. So here I've just on a radius around a particular postal code, all right? And again, you can have negative locations as well. Cool down. And here's where you put your budget on. We're just going to say $10. But that's gonna depend on you Delivery method. We pretty much always Leavis standard. I am. If you want to spend your budget quickly, you could put it accelerated. But then you're generally gonna pay mawr, uh, per click here. I'm gonna go for clicks. It says conversions, and I don't know why it has that default. There's of conversions because, um, you need actual data for it to try and get you conversions and seems out this campaign or none of the campaigns in this account have run yet. It's not possible. So anyways, we want clicks and we want as many clicks is we can we want this maximize click, uh, for the amount of budget that we have. So here's my answer. Actually, it says, but your account tracks conversions, Yes, but we haven't got any conversions yet, so, uh, it's not gonna be able to know who would convert. I would definitely not set a maximum cost per big limit because, uh, Google is already going to try to get you the maximum clicks. And you want to see a Zeman e different keywords as possible in terms of what your You know what your results might be and you don't want to limit it by. So if you have a keyword that's more expensive and you put a low max on there, you're not gonna see the results of that keyword because you filtered it out and We don't want do that right now. We just want to see everything that Google could serve up to us with this budget and let it figure out where to get us the most amount of clicks. Okay, show more settings. Yes, we'll have the account level conversion settings running all day. Best performing ads. We've covered this before, but in case you're just watching us again, um, you if you want to get a better, um, quality score on your account, then you're going to want to optimize your ads and to optimize them. You want to rotate them indefinitely. It does mean you putting up a second or 1/3 ad on. We'll be showing it that later and then seeing the results of that after a month or so, uh, and then you'll be able Teoh, pause the ad that is not performing as well and put up a new one and always have one that is the best running against something else that's new so that you could ratchet up your performance. Uh, if you just want to get going with the best results possible right now, then choose optimized, prefer but best performing ads and It's probably the best thing to do for your first month . Then you can change this. And you can start, you know, testing your ads because this one this way at Google will figure out for you right away. Which one is is performing best and you go, OK, now I know what the winner is and I contest against that winter, so I'm gonna leave it as I prefer best performing ads. All right, so now we can add site links, call out extensions and call extensions. Um, it may have some suggestions for you. These air, actually from another account so they don't apply to this. It'll, um you just click new site link extension. Uh, you put the title here. Your description. You have to fill in both description lines. If you want to use descriptions, you can only use one, or you could just have the site link. So, uh, Google will say, Oh, you get better results if you have both. But we don't really know that for sure. I would generally say, try and fill in something for both, but make it really short. A couple of words, if possible. And, uh and then you're you're out for that site like then you can add another one and as many as you want again. If you are doing a phone number that you only want to ring at certain times of the day, then make sure that site link only shows at those times of the day. So you would do that down here, choosing which days and what times once you don't click, save and you're good to go there. And we have call out extensions and thes air basically just like bullet points. Think of them as bullet points. They're not clickable. They're just ah, bunch of different bullet points that Google is gonna decide which ones work the best in your ads. And, uh, so if you have 10 call outs, Google might put in, like, four or five or six of them, depending on their length and, um, and put them in the ad and see how they perform. Uh, this where you can add a phone number, you would have to do the call extension here. So you put in your phone number here and make sure it's the right country, and then, if you want, when you add the extension later to a specific Add the phone number of your business. The one that you put in here will show in that ad. Note that if they click on it or call it, um, uh, you're going to be charged. And so here we are. In this case of using a phone number, you have that option. Teoh haven't only show at certain times. And then that is not all for extensions. You cook here and you see there's a whole bunch mawr, the one that you will likely want to do, especially if you're a local business like you have an actual store or something is to have the location extension. So we click on that, and then you will need to connect your Google my business account to your to this Google ads account. And so you can go ahead and do that. There's a couple of different ways of having a connect. It certainly speeds things along. If the email address of your account this one up here a top right, uh, is the same as the one in your Google my business account. If it's not the same, then you're gonna have to go through a little process off requesting permission and that you'll do that from this interface here. And then you'll have to go and grant that permission because you'll receive an email, uh, at the other email address to grant the permission. So we also see here a bunch of other options for extensions. They're fairly easy to look up what they are. It did cover them in other videos. Struck, structured snippets are about models and things like that. The, um sorry. The promotion extensions allow you to have a start and an end to a, uh, on extension and so it can end on a certain date. Uh, and so I'm gonna let you look up those because we could make a whole nother video on that, but it's not really, really important. But I do recommend that you really must have, uh the site links to specific pages on your site, the full number extension and the location extension. Now, we'll save and continue. All right, now we're here and don't miss out. It's kind of small here that you should see this up here and you have the choice of standard are dynamic, and we're doing standards so we're gonna leave it as standard. But as I said before, you could include an ad group, which is dynamic, uh, again, I don't really recommend mixing the two together, but just so you know, it is an option. You could have say three ad groups and one of them is dynamic, and the other two are standard. Um, that is an option. So we'll leave this standard, and we'll just I'm just gonna leave. This is at Group One, Uh, and now it's gonna ask me if I want to start adding keywords. And this, to me, is not an efficient way of adding keywords and finding good keywords for your business. So I'm just gonna leave that empty right now and hit, save and continue, and we'll go onto the ad writing. Okay. So you could villain add here with all the headlines and everything like that. But you don't have Teoh. And the reason why we don't want to right now is because we don't even know exactly what keywords where I'd be using. And that's super important, because to get a good quality score, you need to put keywords in your ad. And of course, that headline is all important because it has to speak to the intent of that particular keyword. So right now you can just put in something for a placeholder and then click on save and continue. That will bring you here and click, continue to campaign. And then the first thing you want to do is deposit. Turn it off right away.
29. Keyword Research: All right, so now we're going to start making lists of keywords, and this is a process that you can quickly burn up a lot of time doing, uh, and we're gonna try and avoid that. So the first thing you want to do is find out what are the hot terms in your market. And if you're the business owner, you probably already know what those particular hot terms are, Um, for your for your business. But if you don't, if you're an ad manager or if you just are curious about, maybe you don't know what the really popular words are related to your offer. And so the first thing I would do is just go to Google and search your search term. So let's just go here. And I'm going to say, uh, actually got a tap. Your already here with electric bicycle. So you sell electric bikes, okay? And you're gonna see here. Oh, there's a bunch of competitors here that are using Google shopping. Okay, so that's a place where you could sell physical products on Google. And then there's a bunch of local businesses here. All right, so if you're a local business, you're going to see your competitors right there. And, uh, what I'm really looking for in terms of key words, Like a scroll right to the bottom. And I want to see the searches related to electric bicycle, and it's just gonna give me some clues. So, folding electric bike. Oh, I didn't know that existed. Uh, okay, so that's a key word. Does my bike fold? Would I want to use that keyword? Yes or no? Um, electric motorcycle. Is it a motorcycle? I don't know, but there's the also the area is connected to this is well, so when you have a local business, you may, um you're going to want to just understand that having the local, uh, geo would call it a geo modifier in the term may be something you want to do, but it may not be necessary because you are already perhaps too targeting the specific area , so the geo modifier may not be necessary. Um, and then you might see competitors here, amigo bikes or email bikes. And if they're showing up here, that means Google is already kind of putting them high as it is something. There's a lot of searches for them. And so you kind of want to look at what are they doing to market? And what are the key words there they're using? And, um, that come up that serve their business. So then you just, uh, copy those onto a no pad here. Hopefully, you've got maybe about five of them, but if you don't, that's okay. I just got these two. And even if I just had that one, it would probably work fine. In this case, I go back to my Google ads account, and I go up here to tools and settings and click on planning. And I wanna go to keyword planner, click on, discover new keywords. And then I just put in my two key words here. Include brand names in results. You may wanna bid on brand names. Um, if you're in a competitive industry, you would wanna have a campaign that does bid on your competitors. So you may want to include that. Um, let's see what else? Another way of finding keywords is to put in a website. So you could put in your competitors website or the best website you can find that that sells what you sell and Google will look at that website, pull out all the keywords that it thinks are relative relevant, And, uh, but we're just going to start with this. Just put in a couple of words here and get results, all right? I don't need to sort any the results here it is like that only want to do is download this . So I'm just gonna click download keyword ideas. It's downloading the report. I want to open it with Microsoft Excel. And here we go. So to get set up. Actually, I'm gonna put this into another video where we're going to sort through this keyword list.
30. Keyword Sorting 1: Okay, So if you know your way around excel and manipulating spreadsheets and sorting and filtering and things like that, then you'll find this very easy and basic. And if you don't know all those things, that's okay. I'm gonna show you right now what you need to know in order, Teoh, make this work for you. So the first thing is, just go up to these two here on, delete them. That's Ah, right. Click on there and click, Delete and then highlight the top bar and go to a view and then go to freeze panes and freeze top row on, then hit home and click Bold. Just so it's like a bold. Then I would go here, uh, to the keyword thing. You could just double click up here and it'll widen it to the widest keyword. Um, And then what I want to know is, what is the highest number of searches? And so right now, already, it's kind of organized into the maximum searches. This is the minimum searches, and this is the maximum searches per month, and already we can see that the highest one is electric bike. But what? We're relying on Google to do here is to give us a bunch of other keywords that are related to this because they know what those are. So if these were not in order of Max search, I would do that. So I would click this here and I would go to data, and then I would go to sort and then I'm gonna go sort by maximum minimum. It doesn't matter, Max. I'm gonna do minimum search and I'm gonna go largest to smallest. So that puts this column into the number of searches. And that way I could see Okay, So the key word that I knew about is actually number one. It's not always the case you may have, you know, had a different key word like electric cycle or something like that and realized, Well, it's it's there. It's just not as popular as these ones up here that people are searching for. And so let's be clear on what we're actually trying to do here. We're trying to pick out the key words we want to you use and put them into groups, and those groups are each one going to be an ad group. So, um, I may find up to 20 keywords, and that's the recommended amount. About 20 keywords maximum per at group, and they all need to be pretty closely related because in an ad group, all those keywords are going to use the same ads. When you have other words in there mixed into that ad group, the ads become less applicable, and you're going to see how this works but basically have it in your head right now that I'm looking to make lists of keywords that will have the same ads, and that will be one ad group. So the way I start here is I just highlight this column and I want to insert a column here to the left of it, and I want to find, say, for example, if I know you know, all of my key words that I want to use say first, are gonna have the term bike or bicycle in them, or electric, then I just want toe quickly. Start filtering those down so I would go here, highlight the whole sheet, have a click filter and then it uh brings me over and I come back here and now I've got this little drop down here and I click here and I could just type the word electric. All right? And hit, OK, and now it's filtered. All the words in this list are gonna have the word electric in it, all right? Not all of them will be words they don't want to use. But I don't care about that right now. I just want toe get all the words of electric in it. So I'm gonna put an X there, and then I just highlight the box here, and I grab this little guy and I pull it right down to the bottom. That's a lot of words that have the word electric in it. Okay, so they all have exits. Now I'm gonna click on the top of this column again, then next call him. I'm gonna insert another column, and I could put here just so I know what this is. I could write electric, And now I'm gonna put, uh, bike, and I'm gonna do the same thing here, and I'm gonna actually I want to uncheck Ali so that I get all of them again, right? Just so I get more exhaustive here, So I click on Mike because maybe not all of my keywords will have the word electric in them . May have bike something else. And so now all of these words have biking them. So I'm going to put an X there on the same way. Pull that down so that I get all those words selected. Okay, so I just added Bicycle here a swell. And I go back to this column here and click on that little black box to select all my words to see them all again. And now I start looking. Is there are there any other terms which are as common as these ones here that I didn't even know about? And I Let's see your mountain Bike Mountain, maybe. Yeah, because there might be Citi bike versus a mountain bike. Let's see if I see that again. And actually, maybe I'll just right away. Go on and click on the mountain and there are a lot of mountain bikes. Ha! So look at that pedal assist. That's an interesting term that I didn't think of. So maybe on my piece of paper in front of me. All right. Down pedal assist. I wouldn't have thought of that term so anyway, so then I'm gonna add another column here on, uh, I'm gonna put mountain on, get on my axis there. All right, We go back up to the top and we click on this filter again. I want to see them all again. All right, Go back to top. I got mountain folding, All right. Folding We saw already. And Google. That's obviously a very popular term. So I could do a column for folding I could do. Let's see if I could find some other ones before going do that. E bikes for sale e bikes. So that is the term and electric fat bike. Particular kind of bike. Giant electric bike, electric tricycle. Well, maybe maybe, Do you sell that Costco? So that is a competitors, er term somebody. Is that so? I would want a column for competitors terms. So I would go competitors, and I would then go down here, Costco, and just enter that there. As I go down, I might see other competitors, and I can't really search for that because there's gonna be a whole bunch of different ones . The mountain bike, fastest electric bike, fat tire, electric bike. So we'll see how many times we see that maybe electric assist bike. Another way of doing this is that once you have key words, you can actually filter out these words to dig out of the ones that you already that you haven't seen. So let's see. Swag cycle. What is that? So if you see something like this and you go, I don't know, there's only 100 searches. Who knows what that ISS. So now what I would do is I would go over to Google and I would just search. What is this swag cycle at Amazon? 00 it's one of those. OK, so is that a competitor or do you sell that so on so forth? Electric bike Amazon wouldn't try to compete with Amazon. Really? With, uh uh, Google adds, electric bike, cruiser, cruiser Might be a word. Used electric bikes. Okay, that would be a whole campaign, probably of its own. Schwinn is a competitors, er, best value folding straume er Is that a competitor or set something else, amigo, I think, is a competitive er cheap e bike. E bike itself is words. Let's see her how popular I was quite a few Okay, so another column here. Maybe I'll put this over here next to bicycle. Go. He bike. So here's that one pedal assist, and there's only a few key words right there already. Um, that's okay. That's enough keywords for a camp for a, uh, an ad were at group, and, um so Well, we're fine with that. When you see something that's like one or two key words, it's not worth it unless they're very high traffic keywords and very relevant. But that's not very often the case. I'm going to look up fat tire, but I see a few with fat tire, but I'm only gonna search for fat because of ah, put in fat tire. It's going to narrow down my results. And a lot of people will just say, Fatso, best electric fat bike. So fat is good enough. And we create our column here same way, but it put our action there. All right, You must be a pro at this by now. So we'll look at this one here, which is a lot of people are concerned with speed. They want to know what the fastest one, and so they're pretty much all fastest electric or and then they have the variations of e bike and, uh, and electric bike and mountain bike things like that. And so this is important because basically, you have a number of different terms that mean the same thing. Um, you know, actually, fastest electric motor bike is not probably relevant. Um, so motorbike, maybe something that you decide is gonna be added to your negative list. And so if you start to see words that are indicating No, that's not me. That's something else. And start to put those in a separate list because you'll add those asses negative so you don't come up for those searches. But, um, so what we have here are all the different terms for what you have. So I put those in a little sheet and show you So that's what we're seeing Here are a bunch of terms that mean the same thing for the same product. And so we're gonna want to type those in here. So if I take e bicycle, for example, and I go here, it only gives me ah, these two terms and I may just say, you know what? It's not worth it. Uh, It's just not not enough. And I could add it later. Or Google probably suggests that I added later. You don't have to create a whole column for that. However, let's look at what else is here. E bicycle? No terms matching. Okay, so I could, you know, because we don't know about the future. People could start actually searching with e bicycle so I could include those search terms and, um, have them ready to go so that when people actually search them, um, I'll get the clicks and I'll get him cheap because that's just not that many of them. And I'll have the exact match. Uh, if you want to do that, um, go for but most of time, nothing will happen if it if it's a product that's been around for least a little while. The terms that people use to search them are pretty much the same. You're going to see them here in these lists, and so you don't have to guess too much about the future about what terms people may be using. But if it's a new kind of product, Theun and you may want to include those variations to catch those searches as they come in the future. Now here. This one is for e bikes. Ah, and we already did. E bike is one word, and now it's e bikes, and it's giving me a whole lot of listings, so I'm gonna have to, um, decide, actually. Here. Do I just want to put these into this same column is e bike. And, uh, I think the answer is gonna be Yes. You could separate them out and have two separate groups for the different variation here. It's not worth it. Just Abby's to this e bike. Uh, call him. It's close enough. All right, So when you've done a bunch of this and nearly driven yourself crazy, what you want to do is select them all, and then you want to filter all of the ones out that you've gotten. See what you have left. All right, So the way you do that is, you just click so you can actually see. I've only got the filter on these ones here, so I have to go here and put the filter on and then off. And then it's gonna have these little filter things on each one, so I don't want to see. I just want to see the blanks. So I take out the one with the X, okay? And I do that for all of them, so that I'm just gonna be seeing the ones with that I haven't done before. So that one is there's none. What is? Because I've already been filtered out by something else. That's great. Okay, take out that next X, all right? And I'm not gonna actually will take out the X with competitors. All right? And then I see what I have left. And I see if there's anything else worth my time, uh, digging out as a key word, and I'm not going to try and figure that out here with this, But this is something that you would do on your own with your particular list. And again, if you see something there, then you just go here, you search it and make another column. All right, so that's a long video, and we'll pick it up in the next one
31. Keyword Sorting 2: Okay, so picking up where we left off, we're going. Teoh, bring back all these. X is if, uh, see where they are. And okay, I've done all that we've got. We're seeing everything now again, And let's remind ourselves what we're trying to do here. I'm trying to get lists of keywords that are about anywhere. Say, from 5 to 20 keywords in a list that will give me be served by the same ad copy, okay? And so I don't want to jump in and try and, you know, just filter here for electric or electric bike, and then I'm gonna have way too many keywords here. I want to dig in here and say, Oh, yeah, I remember that. You know, fastest waas, uh, was was a keyword that only had about 10 key words in it or pedal assist, did or or folding did. And so I just want to see those right now. And the way that I do that is that I just want to see the ones with the X in it. Okay, so I click that and I see who there's actually quite a few folding. So I'm gonna want to look at how I'm gonna filter that down. I'm probably gonna find a bunch in here that are competitive keywords on so on so forth. So let's see. So here's one That's a competitor. Keyword. And I'm definitely gonna want to filter out anything that is a competitor. Keyword first. I'm not gonna go through all these right now, but you would definitely want to filter those out. And so then I would go here, and I would say, Okay, I don't want to see any of those. So I click on okay, so that I take those out, all right? And then I may say, Well, look, you know what? This fat one, you know, it's going to be its own thing, right? So I don't want to see those either. I just want to see blank. So take those out as well, and let's see what out? Mountain bikes. Yeah. I don't want to see mountain bikes. That's I think that's gonna be its own category. So now you can see folding get smaller and smaller he bike is still gonna work for me. Bicycle? Yes, Bike an electric. All those work for this. So now we've got actually a manageable maybe a bit too many keywords. But actually, if I took out the competitor keywords, which I'll do now. Okay, So look here. These all the exes that I added. And that's quite a few. There's quite a few that air that our competitors. And so I'm actually starting to see that, um, competitors are a big deal here in this industry, and I'm gonna have to have a whole kind of competitive strategy, uh, to to to come up against those competitors. They're definitely going to If you become popular, that definitely gonna bid on your your brand name, so you're gonna need to bid on theirs. And just as a side note, of course, you may know this already, but you cannot have a competitors brand name in your ad. You can bid on their key word. You can have it trigger ads, but you cannot use it in the ad itself. And so the quality score is a little bit lower on those on DSO. You gotta do need to watch that a little bit, but nonetheless, it's a strategy that you're gonna need to install. Okay, so now what I can do here is I can take out these years there. Not going to be relevant, obviously. And now we have Ah, good list. Let's see here. Best folding by electric Fully make lightweight folding electric bike for sale light. It's like cheap pulling by phone. Might be bikes for sale. That's what we're trying by E bay. I don't really want to do that, because, uh, I'm just not gonna get it. Very good, Barry. Gate, click there. I might. If they're specifically looking for eBay, they're gonna go to eBay and my clicks. Your rate on that keyword is gonna be low. And that's gonna pull down my quality score, so I just highlight it. And don't delete it by doing this. Um, generally, when you're working with the spreadsheet, especially when you are, ah, working with filtered things. If you are toe, you know, delete all of this, you would delete all the fields, all the rows that are between these numbers you see between these and you don't want to do that. And so just a general rule of thumb is just to go like this and hit delete on your keyboard , and it just clears that row, and that's fine. So what I have here now is a list. It's not a perfect list. Some of the words are a little bit redundant, but don't worry about that right now. You just got a good list with a number off good terms in it. And don't worry like this. Also to is like you're looking at, maybe the the amount of traffic, uh, minimum 10 searches per month. Don't worry about that, either. You don't pay for keywords that sit in your account and don't perform yet. You're gonna find that out, How much they perform, how maney, uh, impressions you're going to get and you can monitor Figure out your traffic later. Um, you know, you don't just have to go for the high search volume. There's good, cheap clicks to be had. And if you have a lot of these kinds of keywords and things like that, then you can get a lot of good clicks for cheap. So the next step is using AdWords editor. And so we're going to just save our spreadsheet here for now, as is, and we're going to open up AdWords editor and start setting this up in terms of ag groups
32. Adwords Editor Introduction: Okay, so now we're going to dig into Google AdWords editor, and you need to download this. It's an application that is on your computer, and it connects with your Google ads account so that you can download your accounts to the editor, make changes and then click upload. It's just much faster and much easier to make changes to your account this way. So all you need to do is go and search for download Google AdWords editor, and you will find this page here. Just show you the euro l there and that it's easier just to do the search and, uh, just took on the blue button here, download it, install it on your computer, and then the next step will be to configure it with your actual account. So let me show you that you're gonna see a screen something like this, and you're going to click. Add here and you're gonna enter the email address and password for your Google ads account . And then it's going to say, Do you want to download all the campaigns or some of them? And you just click OK and it will download. Once you do that, you'll see it in list here, and then you could just open it up. Just check box it and open. And there you go. So let me give you a little tour quickly. Um, here. Are you going to see your campaign names up here? Okay, so this is the root account. So you're going to see the campaigns listed here? If I click on these buttons, I see the ad group underneath. Um, okay, if I click on to that campaign now, I'm looking at I'm just on that campaign. Now. I'm looking at the settings for that campaign, and I could make any changes. I want to. Those settings, you'll recognize them from the set up that you did when you created the campaign itself. And so you can make any changes you want to hear when you open up when you download or where you open up a new your account. Every time you open it up, you're gonna want to get the latest changes that may have happened inside the actual account. So you click this and you click more data and all campaigns? Yes. And then it just downs load downloads. The latest information that comes from the account. If you see some colored bars up here when you do that, just click on keep or whatever. It's just telling you what has changed. It's just alerting to you what has changed. Okay, so the next thing is down here, I can see all of these things here so I can look at the account level, uh, settings here. I can look into the shared library on the's air, all the shared extensions, for the most part, or any rules that we set up for the account. And then we can see keywords. And targeting here is all listed here. So anything that I want to add to this particular cause right now, I'm in this campaign. Okay, so I'm looking at the keywords and targeting for that campaign right here so I can see what location I've got selected. I've got a negative location set there. Uh, I've got my audience is here, and why this is so easy is that if I want to copy these audiences and put them into another campaign, it's just Azizi is highlighting the ones I want. I'm holding control down now just to click the ones I want or I could do them all. I right click copy. And if I wanted to just go right over here to audiences and I go right click and click Paste. It says Yes. Okay. And we add those there Whenever you add something new, it's bold ID just to show you that there's been a change there that is not yet posted to the account. Eso You see, audiences here is bold ID as well as the things that we added. And if I just want to immediately post those things, I just want to get those going. Then I call appear to the top, right? And I click post and I just typically go all campaigns because then I know that everything that hasn't been posted yet gets posted. And it will tell you if there's any errors here, it will not post something. If you've made an error here, um, you'll have to correct that. And then it will be ready to post hit close. Okay, back over here to this tree, Um, again, if I want to see my settings for an ad group, Okay, so there it is, the settings for the particular add group that I have going, Um, let's continue here with the keywords and targeting. Um, you can see everything that is possible here to add or change in that list. Okay, So mostly you're gonna be working now with adding keywords because location is already set on. Then we look at it, adds here, and we'll be working with expanded text ads is the one that we already created. So there it is. If I click on it, I see the let's see. Uh, yes, I see what I put in there as placeholder text. Obviously, we're gonna want to change all of that. It does have kind of a rough look at what it looks like. And if you're running dynamic search campaign. So let's look up what are dynamic. And you see, there's no expanded text. That's they have expanded dynamic search ads here. Okay, because you only fill in these two lines at the bottom thes air dynamically created, depending on the search term. And Google takes care of that for you. Uh, you can also add responsive search ads. They're still in beta, and I haven't done a lot of it. Um, and but there's no harm in doing it so you could do that. It's just that anything that's in beta is going to spend your money. And you know, you may not get the results you want. And Google is still really, admittedly trying to figure out exactly how to serve these ads properly so that they get a good response. So I'm not doing that with any clients yet. Um, I'm waiting to see make when they come out of beta. Then I'll, uh, then I'll start using them. All right, So if we scroll down, we were looking at ads here and actually just close that, and I'll look at the years all my add extensions that I added before and again. What is great about this is that I could just copy and paste them. So, for example, here I had these Call it extensions here, and I can just highlight the mall, click control, see or right click and hit copy and go over to my standard campaign and paste them here. And it's asking me, Do I want to add this as an account level? Call that extension, meaning that it'll play on all the on the entire count, or is it just a camp campaign level, and you pretty much always just want to choose that campaign level because you may not be sure later on down the road that you may add a, um, a campaign where you don't want those added, and you could turn them off. But, uh, it's easier just to keep it straight like this. There they are. And again they're folded because they're new. So anything else that you would want to adhere, you could, you could add, If you add an extension, it's basically gonna send you over to the shared library. And a shared library is just a place where everything exists that's available that you've created. And then once it's in the shared library, um, and you would add it here first. Then you go to your your campaign, and then you say, Okay, I want to add an extension. So if I go to here, let's try it and I want to add a call it extension. I had a call an extension. So it's going. It's asking me to make this part of the library. Okay, so that's a basic overview. Um, you're also able to get statistics for your ads, and so that makes it easy to kind of prune things. You can set the date for, how long, like its all time or a certain period. And then you can choose what you want to download with clicks and impressions. CTR things like that to be able to know. Okay, something's not getting a very good CTR. Maybe I want to pause all those. So it's easy to filter and pause those whole. All here in AdWords editor far easier, far faster. Been trying to do that in the actual Google ads interface. Okay, so Well, um, get on to the next video and we'll add our keywords.
33. Matchtypes: okay. It's quite easy to find information on match types and how to define them. Um, it takes a little time just for it to come automatically into your head and takes it just a little bit more than time. Not to kind of get to be second nature of when to use broad match phrase manager Exact match. Um, I'm just gonna make it as simple as possible here. Basically, as we saw in Google AdWords editor, you have the choice of making the keyword one of thes three. Okay, you could make the keyword brought match phrase match or exact maps. And so what are these? So let's say if our keyword term is cheap folding electric bike, that's the key word term. It's not what they searched. Okay, um, these items here are what they searched. Okay, So if somebody, if you've said it too broad match and somebody's searches cheap bike, it might trigger this keyword here because it's got the word cheap, and it's got the word bike in it. And if you have a high enough bid or whatever other things that go into the auction, uh, you may win, and your ad will be displayed. Uh, this could also trigger it, folding back because the word folding and biking it in the broad match category, it does not have toe have all the words in your key word for it to be triggered and sometimes even. You see, I have inexpensive here it Google says Google knows that cheap and expensive are the same things, and synonyms are gonna be allowed and so inexpensive Mike bike might come up. And so right away, you say? Well, this this doesn't work for me because it doesn't have the word folding in it. And these ads are gonna be for people who want folding. And so I don't want to have that broad match just broad match on those keywords that we put in there because I'm gonna have ads. It's a folding bikes folding this fooling you don't get your folding bike. It's all about people who are looking for folding bikes in this ad group. And so, in this case, I don't want to get these clicks thes clicks, air. Not gonna convert as well for me because this guy's just looking for a cheap bike. He's not looking for an electric bike necessarily, or a folding bike. So I'm going to get a whole lot of clicks and pay for them, and I'm not going or I'm going to get a whole lot of impressions at least, and they probably won't click that much. But still, I'm still going to get a bunch of because somebody might be curious and say, Oh, oh, folding bike. I never thought of that. Click on it. Look at it. No, that's not what I'm looking for. But you still pay for that click. So you want to filter out that? So the next kind of more specific option is phrase match, which has to have, uh, the same words not necessarily all of them, but the same words in the same order that you have them here. Broad match. Um, you know, if somebody searched bike, folding or bike cheap again, that doesn't matter that it will still trigger the trigger. The at it could be in a different order, but with phrase match, it has to be in the order that you have in the key word. So the possible variations are cheap folding electric bike, so that's exactly what it is. But it could trigger with just folding, electric bike and possibly even just electric bike. Okay, and again, without that word folding in it, you may be showing your ad to somebody who's not necessarily looking for a folding bike. And that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to show this ad specifically to the people looking for a folding electric bike , and the final category is exact match. And as you can guess, it has to have all the same words and in the same order. So So it's just more specific than exact match because it actually has to have all those words together. It will include some close variations, and that's fine. So inexpensive folding electric bike may be triggered when you haven't set to exact match. And that's fine because you want to be triggered for Maybe you're looking for customers who are looking for a cheap version, your cheaper than other cut than competitors. And so, by the same token, you want them to see your ad when they put inexpensive as their as their search term. And finally, is one more and very useful, uh, version here, which is the modified broad match and all that is, is when I and all that is, is when I have added thes plus signs to my keyword in AdWords editor. So I would set it to the broad match option. But I would add these little plus signs right in front, off the words that I choose and what that's telling. It's basically sort of putting me in the middle. It's a little bit of phrase match, kind of. It's little bit of broad match, but basically it's this these words electric and bike half to be in the search term. If the user didn't use both these words in the search term, the this ad will not be triggered. Okay, So as you can see here, I've changed this category now to modify broad match and showing the search terms that would trigger this. They all have electric bike, electric bike, electric bike. They have to because I put those plus signs. They're telling Google. Basically, I don't want toe trigger this ad unless both those words are in there. And so we still gonna get an inexpensive electric bike because we didn't tell it. We didn't put a plus sign in front of cheap and so we're gonna get variations on the word cheap. We did not put a plus sign in front of folding, so we're gonna get electric bike. And if your category is all about folding, then you may actually want to put a plus sign. And I would put a plus sign in front of folding because I only want to trigger folding electric bike terms. The last thing we want to talk about regarding managed types and we will talk about this more in the other videos is when are these triggered? And basically Google will. If it sees an advertiser with an exact match for what the searcher is searching for, the the term they use to search is an exact match and all other things being equal in terms off all the things that Google considers when deciding who who's added to show. And that has to do with how much your bidding and your quality score on your account. And that has to do with your landing page and those things. But basically the first thing Google is going to look at is there any advertiser out there with the key word that is an exact until we say this is first in exact match is first in because it wants to serve the user exactly what they're looking for. Next up is phrase match. If there's no exact match, or if the qualities core is horrible on the exact match it may serve up, then it will go down to phrase match, and then we'll go down to modify Broad and then finally, broad match at the bottom. Uh, it just makes sense. I mean, the most specific thing that the user is looking for, Google wants to to serve it up and say, Right here This is an advertiser who has exactly what you're looking for and then goes down the line. It's not something, in my opinion, that you need to pay a whole lot of attention to at the beginning because they're a bunch of other factors which trigger your ads and trying to have all exact match. And trying to like, you know, of everything that everybody searches is not realistic. You will find that over time that certain searches worked great for an exact match and you get good conversion. Some of them are phrase match, and some of them are modified broad, and so you're gonna end up with a mix of all those. So when you start your account and you start deciding wall, should I make them? You know this or that. Don't worry about it too much, but we'll get that into the We'll get into that in the video about adding keywords to your campaign, and I'll show you how to organize that.
34. Choosing Keyword Match Types in Adwords Editor: Okay, so now we're going to add the keywords that we found to this campaign and organize some AG rips. All right, so here we are. We're looking at the product, whatever your product name is, and it's a standard campaign, that's the campaign we're working in. And we already have an ad group set up for once, we actually created the actual campaign that was set up for us. So now we're gonna go to, uh, keywords and click here. And as you can see, there's no keywords yet in this campaign, we did not enter any when we created it. So let's go over to our spreadsheet. And we had first decided that we were going to use this folding electric bike, the full, the word folding, being the main keyword that we're going to be talking about because people looking for that are looking for a particular thing. And we wanna have ads that serve that intent. So I just highlight all of those click copy, all right. And then I go over here and I say, add keyword. So this is actually hit at keyword, and it it's asking me to add a single key word which I don't want to do. I want to add a whole bunch of key words at once. So let's just click the garbage can in there and get rid of that. And because I have this in a small window here, Um, see how that changes? I want to put make multiple changes, okay? And I'm gonna be pacing from the clipboard. And really, once it's open, it's it's ready to go here. It's checked their the right campaign, and I just go pays from clipboard and hit process and finish and review changes. And there they are. When you paste them in like this, the default is the match type is broad, and you have your choice of broad phrase or exact, and I'm gonna have a separate video on, uh, match types because I don't want you to have to go through it the whole time again. And again, uh, way. Want to continue with working here right now? So please watch the video on match types. Okay, so now we are going to decide on the match type for the keywords that we added. And the way to do that is I can just click here I can highlight the particular one, and I can change it to whatever I want. In this case, I am going to be using the, uh, modified broad match for these keywords. And the way that I do that is I want the word folding to appear in every case. So I just click on the 1st 1 I click on. I hold the shift key down I click on the bottom one so they're all highlighted. I right, click and then I'm going to click on replace text and I'm going to put the word find text folding and then I'm going Teoh put the plus sign there for the modified broad match and put folding and hit replace. And now it adds that plus sign in front of every time folding appears. And so the keyword the search term has toe have the word folding in it, but that is probably not enough. Um, we are gonna get a bunch of searches that we don't like because of this. And I don't want to start out my campaign that way with a whole bunch of key words that don't apply. I want to be more restrictive. Okay, so I am actually going to add that modified broad to electric and bike as well. Okay, so that is what that looks like. Now, as I had mentioned in the match type video, uh, it is actually exact, which is what Google looks at first to see if there's an exact match. And then it goes down to phrase and so on, so forth. And so it's a good idea toe have some exact terms in here, too, for that very reason. So what I would do is have a go over to the spreadsheet again. I would just copy all those again and paste them in again. Here, make multiple changes. Pace from clipboard process. Great review. Don't worry about all this stuff. You can just say keep to get rid of all these colors. Okay? And here I see the new ones that have added the none of them have the plus sign. And I'm just going to say I'm gonna put them all as exact. Okay, you could just leave it as that over here, you can see what the actual type is that you've got chosen, and you can always change that at a later time. And when I look at this list off exact match, um, in some ways, they're a little too specific. And I may just want to add, for example, just folding electric bike. And so I will do that to see the windows small holding we go it enter. Okay. And it's again, the default is broad. So I changed it to exact and you see, so I don't have best in there, because otherwise, you know, Onley bet only if it has best in it will be triggered folding electric bike. I want to be definitely triggered for that. So sometimes you need to make your your some of your exact matches a little more, general. And now, finally, uh, we want to do phrase match. And so I would just take all these ones that are, uh, here in the exact right missed one so ago there, and I've highlighted all of those, and then I'm gonna go copy, and then I'm just gonna click on paste and I'm gonna put those in there. And so now it's telling me, with all these read warnings that I have two of the same keywords, uh, with the same exact match type, and you can't do that. It won't upload if you do that. And the reason is it's the same keyword with same match type. And it's saying, No, no, no, you can't do that. So all I gotta do is change these new ones. I've still got them highlighted, and I just change them to phrase match. Okay, now it gives me this kind of warning, which is saying the keyword has the same text as another key word in this ad group with a different match type. Yeah, that's right. That's that's what I intended. And it's just kind of letting me know. And once you actually start searching on the Internet and looking around, you're gonna find, ah, a bunch of different information because there's no perfectly agreed on point of view of whether or not you should be doing this. Yeah, it's gonna work for some circumstances to have, um, you know, the same exact keyword with a different matched up, and other times it's going, Teoh, uh, make your account little more complicated or trigger the wrong word or something like that . It's nothing to worry about at this stage. What we're trying to do is is put out like the Net and say, Well, we don't know exactly which of these keywords in which of the match types of those keywords is actually going to be the most get the highest clicks and the highest traffic and the and the best kind of traffic and the ones that convert we don't know that yet. So we're just trying to put this all out there, and as we optimize, we're gonna be pausing. Some of these are gonna be changing the match type on some of these and so on and so forth in order to get a good mix, and that does take some time and work to do that. But it's certainly worth it. And then looking again at thes phrase matches, um, I have the same kind of concern, which is, you know, some of these air kind of exact, because I'm gonna be asking, you know, Thies to be triggered with, You know, all of these were all of these words in a row. Not all of them, actually. But these words in a in an actual row that has to be in the right order for them to trigger and so maybe some of these air a bit restrictive. And so, for example, um, I might say, you know, folding e bike e bikes for sale. Let's see. Folding He bikes, folding e bikes. Maybe just folding e bike is a phrase match that I wanna have. So if I click on this one, I click control copy and then control V. Uh, I've just copied it. And then I could just click into it and I can just put take out the word best, Okay? And now I have folding e bike and I think to myself, You know what? That actually should be a on exact match as well. So again, I will just highlighted and control copy Control V and I will change that to an exact match . So now I have that. And so you're gonna want to kind of go through here and think to yourself, You know what little modifications you're gonna need to do and what you've done that you kind of covered all your bases. It's a great place to start with a new keyword campaign because you've got the modified broad, and I do not recommend having any broad. The only reason why you would add, like, broad without the modification. So, for example, uh, if you we'll start running this campaign and you're just getting very little traffic, it's telling you that your keywords are not triggering enough, um, impressions. Um, you may also be, you know, not bidding high enough. But if you're bids are competitive, then and you're not getting the traffic and you're thinking, well, it's because, you know, there's just not that many people searching with folding and electric and bike or people searching these exact terms or these exact phrases, and it's just not happening often enough, and so you have to kind of loosen it up a bit. So you may cut down on the words. Um, you may say, like I just wanted to be electric bike folding electric bike and you may take out the plus sign here, maybe take take out the plus sign on electric. Uh, you may take out plus sign on. Well, you would just have to look on. Let's see here. Well, we've got it only on those three, but, um, take out some of these other words like take out best and just have electric folding bike or something like that. And at the extreme case, you would have just a broad match folding electric bike with no modifiers or maybe just one modifier on the word bike and and see what that does for you. The way to know if it's working is when you go into your account and we'll show that to you in a moment about negative keywords. If you're finding ah bunch of search terms that are, do not apply to you in that are triggered, it will tell you the keyword that's triggering it. Then you have to pause that or change the match type or something so that, you know, you stop getting those surges. All right, so that is it for adding keywords will go into writing ads next.
35. Writing Search Ads in Adwords Editor: Okay, The next step is to write the ad, and here we are, in the key words here. So just click this up so that you can see where the ads are. And this is a standard. Add we're gonna go here. If it was a dynamic campaign, we would go here, and I've already written and adhere just to save some time. But I'm gonna go through with you on why I wrote what I wrote here. And of course, uh, we are targeting people who are looking for folding. Folding is the is them is the central word. And obviously electric bikes are the other words that we're looking for here. So we want to include those words in the ad, and that helps your quality score. If you have a good quality score than you pay less per click and you can actually win the auction and pay less because you have a high quality score and high quality score in general is something to pay attention to because it actually effects your whole account. And so, if you are writing good ads and have good landing pages and have a decent, decent sized bid on your ads. All those things contribute to a decent quality score. And you don't want to just be trashing one campaign and, um, and not doing well in it because it will affect your whole account. It'll affect what you pay for clicks on all your other campaigns. And so you need to play nice and be good in all in all the campaigns that have Okay, so, keywords, we want to include them here. A to least I would say twice. It doesn't always happen. Um, you may just have it in the headline, or you may just have it in one place because you're going to try variations of ads. And that's okay, too. It doesn't have to be there, but certainly when you start out, that's what we're gonna go for. OK, so the headline, The most important thing, it's the obviously the first thing they're going to read, and I'm just gonna go for best folding electric bikes. In fact, I know that one of my key words is that and so it makes a perfect headline. So if you can actually put an entire keyword phrase up here and it sparks curiosity and it speaks to their intent then. Great. It's a great place to start. People are often looking for, you know, things that are reviewed by other people. Have a reputation, have a good guarantee. Price is important all those things. So if you have won awards or if your top rated in some way, uh, then you want to point that out? Definitely in your ad, you're just gonna look ah, whole lot better than some other seller who doesn't have that kind of credibility. So certainly always play up could end credentials and awards and reviews. Those are all things that get good clicks. The next thing would be what kind of guaranteed you offer if you have a strong guarantee and you should you're going to just get more clicks. People feel more secure about buying from someone who has a stronger guarantee. Um, could be a price guarantee. So if you have ah, lowest price guaranteed and say that the adding we beat any price 30 days, you know, after you buy the product, if you within 30 days, if you find something is cheaper, will, you know, make up the difference for you. Uh, could be a service guarantee um that lasts for a certain amount of time includes certain items. You don't have to spell all those out in the ad, obviously. But the fact that you have won it sparks curiosity here and again gives you a lot of credibility. The next one here is a fast, powerful, robust Any weather we saw the lot of the keywords were looking for fast, fastest things like that. And so I'm just kind of putting that here because I know that that appeals to the market. Some people might worry like, Well, I live in San Francisco. There's a lot of hills there. I don't think an electric bike is gonna get me up some of those hill or I wonder about that . And so you want to speak to that concern? It's a good idea to list on a piece of paper. What do you think the concerns are off your marketplace? Is it the price isn't the guarantee how many reviews you have? How powerful is it? Uh, what are the reasons also list one of the reasons that they would object to buying on electric bike from you or from someone else They may you need to address some of those things. So if you if your product is green or if your product is, you know, uses, you know, less fuel of something like that. We're talking about different products here. You want to point that out. You want to knock down objections here in your add if you can, to distinguish yourself from other sellers. Ah, again, Here. Now, we've got this word folding and bicycle here in the description line. And I could have, you know, switched out these two lines that could have put this this description here on this line instead. As you can see here, this is something what it looks like. Um, And you not in a non. In all cases are all of these going to show it depends if they're looking on mobile or desktop or where else the ad may appear. Maybe this headline number three it doesn't always show everywhere. Description Line Number two doesn't always show everywhere. And so, um, if this happens to be a really powerful piece of information that that makes people click well, you're gonna have You're going to want to have a variation of the ad where maybe you switched headlines two and three around. Or descriptions one and two around and see how they perform overall. Better or worse. And you know, So I would do something like this. I would just copy this control, see, and then click paste or could do Control V. And now I've got the same Adhere again. And I can just say, Well, you know what I'm gonna put, uh, this one actually here. And then I'm just gonna take that out there. Okay? So that is just a change out those two, and I'm going to see how that performs against the original one. It probably won't be that much different. It doesn't. It's not a huge change. The biggest change that you would want to make is especially at the beginning. When you're starting, your count is something that changes the headline. So let's copy that one again. And now we want to do something different for this headline. Okay, so I decided to put folding electric bikes top brands, and oops, I've gone over the character limit here. I have to shorten this somehow, and you're just gonna have to find creative ways to fit it in. So a possible solution would be Teoh put folding e bikes. So I still have that word folding. And I'm speaking to that particular intent folding e bikes, top brands. And maybe now I've got some extra space put in either a dash or I could put in the vertical . And you could see how that changes down here and how it looks in the ad. Maybe. I think in this case, well, maybe it looks fine like that Top ones Warring designed Lifetime guarantee is starting to look really nice. Uh, what you're not seeing here are your extensions. And so underneath here, in this type of text, you would see your call out extensions and then further underneath, you would see the actual links the site link extensions that you have here. If you've included a phone extension, you might see the phone number here. And, um, if you're a local business, you've connected to, uh, Google my business and you have three. The location extension. Then you would actually see the address of the business here as well. And that is really looking like a complete add to me. Generally, you should always have three ads running here and if you remember the setting for the account. So sorry for the campaign is if we look at it. Here we go, Teoh here click on campaign and then you click campaigns here. You're going to see this setting regarding the ads. Add rotation. It says optimize prefer Beth best performing ad. And right now it's gonna look Google is gonna look at those three ads. It's gonna somehow determine which one it thinks is gonna do the best for you. And it's gonna show that add most of the time and you're not really gonna know whether or not those two other ads are actually over time. Better, uh, would they perform better over time? So again, just to recap on that, what to do here is if you want to get going quickly and get your out out there and get some clicks, then leave it as this optimize prefer but best performing, Um and, uh, and if you then run that for maybe a couple of months, or maybe even just a month, depending on how much traffic you get, if you get enough, then you could switch it to rotate, adds indefinitely. And that way, when you look at these ads you're going to see in here Performance stats of Let's see you try that over. No, I cannot do that. But you will see here the impressions and so on, so forth on on those ads, you'll be able to download the statistics. Here you be able to see the click through rate the impressions, whatever it is, you decide that you want to see so you would say get statistics and you could choose any step to fix that you want to see and then you can see a You know, this one gets, um, the best click through rate, and this one gets a lower click through rate, but it gets a better conversion. And this one gets, you know, better decent click through rate and a very low conversion or something like that, and you'll see one. Okay, overall, this one or that one or whatever, Which one is the loser? So you would then take the loser and you look over here and you would say, Well, we don't need him anymore. And we would take the winner the one that is doing the best for you. And you would copy that and write a new variation on it and run it again so that then you always have three running, and you're gonna find out which one of those three overtime is always bringing you the best traffic that converts the best. And that is kind of hands on optimization. After a while, you may realize, may find, like, you know what? No matter what I do, I just can't really improve it any any further. I'm done with this now, I don't want to optimize this anymore, and, uh, and then you can switch it back to optimize and in that setting here in the campaign and so that Google will just serve the best serving ads most of time. And, uh, that is all for ads.