1. An introduction to this course: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony. Welcome to getting things done. Would ever know. This course is about showing you how to set of Evernote using the getting things Don't method on your Mac. I used to think of every note as a tool for storing reference interior documents, images, etcetera. But having read Getting Things Done by David Allen on searching around for a tool to implement the HGTV system, I found Evernote to be very useful from managing actionable items as well. This course will show you have to configure and populate every note for your project lists . Action plans Next Action List on reference material This course is for Evernote from Mac on Lee. The interface is so different from ever know for Windows, it made sense to make two separate courses. And if you keep your eye out in a few days, will have every note HGTV for your Mac as well. For those of you who are new to Evernote, this course and Xing starting point for you to start your G to D journey, if you already use Evernote that this course will service an opportunity to fine tune or simplify your current system and As you move through this course and then beyond it, be careful not to over complicate your G T D system to the point where it takes massive amounts of effort a mental energy to maintain it. This is how your whole getting things doing on Evernote system can fall apart. Your system should be complex enough to manage your workflow, but simple enough to use and find what you're looking for at any time. Finally, don't worry about using every feature in every note. This will come over time as you learn and familiarize yourself whatever note on your GT system, so let's get started.
2. What Is GTD: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony Staunton on Welcome Back to getting things Don't would ever note this lecture. We're going to talk about what exactly is G T D, which is shorthand for getting things done. So g t d. Getting things done is based on the book by David Alan of the same name. Getting things don't. Now, if you haven't read it, I highly recommend that you dio After the 1st 5 or six pages, I was actually feeling less stress, less anxiety on more organized. So you can imagine 100 pages in on implementing some of the practices within the book. How well you will feel. So in this lecture we're going to discuss for those of you who have never heard of g t d before, we're going to discuss what exactly it is and Ferdowsi. And for those of you who have, we're going to do a quick refresher session. So that's reviewed five phases up the G t d work float phase one, collect capture, an aching and everything that is grabbing your attention. So what we mean by that could be in the email. It could be a piece of paper. Could be received. It could be to do whatever it is. Get them all together. Phase two Process the fine actual things into concrete next steps on successful outcomes. So when we say that, what are we talking about? Well, if you have a receipt, if you have something to return. If you have dry cleaning to pick up whatever it might be, the find the action associated with that item on define a next step, which will lead to success. Face Tree is to organize sort information in the most streamlined way into appropriate categories based on how and when you need to access it. So, for example, if you have a client, you could set up a client folder with your email and put all your emails related declined into that folder. If you have reference material that you might only need to review every few weeks, put it into a reference folder so you know where it is. The goal of this phase is to organize everything that you consider open on dawn or to do into relevant categories. Step for its review. Take a step back on review and update your system regularly. Now we'll talk about this a little bit later in the weekly review, but you always have to remember that any system is only as good as the information that you put into it. So if you're not maintaining and not reviewing and updating your Evernote system, then it will be of no use to you. You will return to it in two or three weeks, not knowing where you left off, and everything will be out of date. And you'll just lose all motivation to keep using the system. And Step five is do. There's no point in putting all of this information together, putting everything into the correct categories. The correct filing system to correct email folders. If you're not going to take action. And I've spoken about this and other courses and order lectures before taking action is the most important step. You can have all the ideas in the world that you want. You can have all you can have everything organized in the appropriate folders, but if you're not going to take action, it just doesn't matter. So let's move on to the next lecture, where we discuss setting up your Evernote account. Thank you. And as always, if you have any questions, just ask or leave me a message in the discussion section of this lecture
3. Setting up your notebooks in Evernote: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony Staunton. And welcome back to getting things done with Evernote. In this lecture, I'm going to show you how to download and install Evernote. Once that's done, we're going to log in and create the most commonly used G T D lists. So most people think of Evernote as a reference to, but with some adaptations, it could be used as an excellent tool for managing Project an action list in your G T D workflow system. So what I do is I create notebooks in Evernote, which much the set of lists recommended in the getting things don't book. So let's get started and go on over to the download Evernote page, so you just simply type in. Download Evernote into Google would be one of the first links that pop up Click download every note, and for those of you on a Mac, the download will start automatically. Once it download is complete, you go into your downloads folder on double Click on the Evernote Mac installation are insulation icon. Once the installation has been completed, you'll see and Evernote icon like this Click it and you brought to your Evernote sign in screen For those of you who have never created and never know to count before, you have the ability here to create an account on two simple process your email address password. Click Register. For those of you who have never note account, you simply sign in with your details here. Once you sign in your brought to your Evernote screen, I haven't ever note account, which I use my day today g t d workflow system. But what I want to do in this lecture is create a brand new account, which I've done now, and it's completely empty because I want to walk through with you the student, how I set up my GT workflow using every note on how I used after add note two DUIs, reminders and everything else that I consider open or to do from my lists. So the first thing we need to do is add in the most common G to D lists, as outlined in the book by David Allen. On the left hand side, we click notebooks and we click New Notebook. The first new notebook is agendas. When I'm going to do now is Uncle Deposit Video. I didn't do the nine notebooks, and once that's complete, resume the video. So welcome back. And as you can see here, I have added into 10 notebooks as detailed in the book Getting Things Done. And you can also see here that there is no book which was set up for you automatically by Evernote called Forest Notebook. Now you can delete that if you want right clicking on the notebook and selecting Delete notebook confirmed that you want to delete this notebook on There we go. The next thing that we want to do is organize our notebooks into whatever note called stacks. And stocks are simply groups for notebooks organized together so they can easily reference and find them later on. So we started this process by dragging and dropping the anywhere notebook into the agendas notebook. So anywhere into agendas. And, as you can see, a new stack is created. Continue this process by dragging the remaining next action related notebooks, which are cold computer errands, home and office. So there we go. That's all our next action related notebooks in the one stack. Next thing to do is right. Click the Agenda stack and select rename on rename it to next actions. So, as you can see ever notice at an icon here of a little book to say that you have a stack of notebooks in there and we can tell from the number here that are seven notebooks in this stack. So after completing this process, should only have next actions projects someday, maybe waiting for and crush. And that's the simple process off downloading, setting up and creating notebooks in Evernote and the next lecture we're going to discuss what goes in each of these notebooks. So thank you for listening on. I'll see you in the next lecture.
4. Adding content to your notebooks: Hi, everybody. Welcome back to getting things. Don't whatever note my name's Tony Staunton. Now, this lecture is gonna pick up exactly where we left off previously. In that we're going to start adding items into our notebooks, so you haven't done so already. Please go back and create the notebooks that you see here. Now, as you can see in each of the notebooks I've added in some test examples, I will go through them now. I've just out of the men before this lecture, just for a speed sick. So starting with agendas, this list tracks the topics on agenda items for people you interacted regularly. For example, if you have a standing meeting with a particular team and you want to capture agenda items to bring up at the next meeting, this is the place to capture. The agenda list is not for tracking actions that you need to take related it up Paris and or team. Once you're on a call, you may refer to the agenda list for that person, but it's the call list that is triggering the action to make the phone call, not agendas. So I think that's kind of self explanatory. If you have to make a call, you would put that call details in the calls list, not indie agendas. While you would put in the agendas is the items that you want to talk about on that call, and I do this regularly with my solicitor. I schedule a call within the calls list and then in agendas. I add in what I want to talk about with my solicitor. So as you can see in the notebook here now, I have a note called Solicitor On, and these are the two items that I want to discuss with him. So we just go back to our list here on we have the anywhere notebook, and as you move through these notebooks, you'll see over the top. Create a new note in anywhere, and that's how simple it is. You just click that button on your brought into the new note section. You have the ability at entitle. Here you have the ability to add in all your content, so as you can see when you click into the content area, you are given the usual word processor. Tobar. So what are the kind of notes that you were put into anywhere and action that can be accomplished without any restriction about where it's done. We'll go on this list. So here we have read Getting Things Done By David ALLEN Reading a book is something that you can accomplish almost anywhere, and that's why it's in the annual list. Go ahead now and capture any items for your anywhere notebook that come to mind. Our next notebook is called, and again I've got in some test data place reminders of calls you need to make in this notebook. If a call requires a specific location like your home or office, I recommend putting the action in one of those notebooks instead. If the phone number is not already in your contacts, that attitude, a subject line. So you're ready to go when you have to make the call. So as you can see here, I've created new note call accountant and I founded in his phone number. If you had what you wanted to discuss on the call, you would put that in agendas. Go ahead now and capture any new items for your calls notebook that come to mind. Next, we have computer. If the action requires a computer. So, for example, sending an email or looking at a website added to this notebook. This notebook then comes into play whenever you want your computer. Even if you only have a computer in the office, it's still convening toe. Have this list separate from your office because you don't need to look at this notebook when you're looking at non computer things to do so I was always just double click in, and you can see here have already added in the note. Visit T starting dot com, which is my website. Quick plug, but you have up the top, as always, the ability to create a new note in computer. Go ahead now and capture any new items for your computer that come to mind. Our next notebook is Erin's. This holds reminders of things that you need to do when you're out and about. If you are likely to think of more than one thing to do or get one of those locations, like the hardware store, are dry cleaners. Make the hardware store or dry cleaners the subject and put your running list of things to do in the notes field. So if I click into Erin's. I have collect dry cleaning, so I have to bring my dry cleaning ticket, and I have to bring more dry cleaning. Go ahead now and capture and new items for your errands notebook that comes to mind. Next we have to Home notebook. There's no book is for next actions that have to be done in your home. I've had a new note called Change a light bulb in the front room lamp, and I just noted what kind of light bulb it is. Go ahead now and capture any new items for your home notebook that come to mind. Moving to relist, we go to office. These are the next actions that require you to be at your office. Such is called, So you have to make from your desk meetings that you have to attend or photocopying or any administrative work that you have to do. And as you can see, I've added in a note, photocopy legal documents. Go ahead now and capture any new items for your office notebook. That might come to mind, and that's a quick overview of what kind of items go into your next action lists. Just close is stuck on the next list we're going to look at is waiting for this notebook. Keeps track of all the actions, projects and deliverables that you want to happen but which are someone else's responsibility? It could be something you've ordered that hasn't yet arrived, something you've handed off your assistant or a team member for which you're waiting for a response or something that your boss is supposed to do before you can move forward on a key project. So I click into waiting for I can add a new note here. This note will be boss to approve. Quote. When using the waiting for a notebook, I suggest adding the days of when you started waiting for the item in question. This can be helpful when deciding when it's time to follow up again. If you have not got a response you're waiting for. A list should be reviewed as necessary, usually once a week in your weekly review, go ahead now and capture any new items for your waiting for a notebook that might come to mind. The next notebook we're going to look at is that someday, maybe notebook on in here are the teams you might want to do at some point in the future, but with no commitment to move on. DeMott present they could represent next actions are projects that were current at one time or not. Many people find the triage things unto and after something, maybe list. When the priority shift, your only commitment to items you put under something, maybe notebook is that you will review the choice regularly in your weekly review. This gives you the freedom to capture items onto the list. Would have to stress are feeling like you've made a commitment you may or may not have. The resource is to take on. Go ahead now and capture any new items for your Sunday, maybe notebook that come to mind. And finally, on the list of notebooks we look at projects the projects list. Track any of your desired outcomes that will require more than one action step to complete and for which you expect to be going over the next 12 to 18 months. Projects should always have a defined endpoint, and, he notes you have about the project, also known as your project. Plans can be attitude. A notes field for each project on the list. While this note field may not be robust enough to capture all of your project details, nor does it make sense to transfer everything to dislocation. So just e mails about the project it will be useful for a quick bullet. List of notes, files milestones on future actions you want to capture the current next actions I'm waiting for us for the project are not trapped in this note field, but in those notebooks. So I click into projects. And as you can see, I have a project here, organized family, holy and that will require several steps to complete. Go ahead now and capture any new projects for your projects notebook that might come to mind, and once you're done, we go back to our notebook list.
5. Moving Items And Context: Hi, everybody, and welcome back to getting things done. Whatever note now we've been following along with last few lectures. You have set up your notebooks, you know, have to set up your notebooks. And you know what kind of items go into your notebooks. If you haven't done any of that, please go back to the previous lectures on do So now. So moving forward with a G T d. What are getting things? Don't work, flow system and never note. Eventually, you'll start to move items between notebooks regularly. For example, you may have a next action in your calls notebook to make a call. If you get a voicemail but need to track that the person called you back, that item would get reassigned to the waiting for a notebook. Or you may have a project that has changed in priority and becomes a someday, maybe or vice versa. To change the notebook assigned to an entry. Click on the entry from your list of notes. Let's do it up now. Double click on the notebook. Find a note, right click the note and, as you can see, move to notebook. So let's just say this family Holy was canceled. I would move this to my someday maybe notebook. And there it is. Just go back to our notebooks, something maybe organized family. Holy. Next, we'll discuss thinking projects to the related actions, and this comes down to context. Sorting next actions by context, not by project can initially seem awkward. And to be honest, I found a very awkward in the beginning. Some people are used to having multiple files, no pads, documents and spreadsheets related to a project with next actions for the project. Very amongst all of that information next action list. Don't replace project plans. We just call that data project support, and in my experience, it rarely works tohave current Next actions buried among project support for day today Action Management Think of the last time you had 20 minutes free. I decided to work on a key project. How easy was it? The dig through your project support to find immediate next action based under tooled people and places available to you. At that moment, it was probably more repellent to you, especially if he knew that they were still thinking to do from the project support. When your next actions are already defined and sorted by context, you can move quickly, more easily and more in sync. What have you were naturally choosing what to do first, which is by context, then project support remains the parking lot for actions that could be incubated for future action. You can always add a key word for the project in your next action or waiting for description. That way you can rely on the powerful Evernote search function to pull together related information. Or you can choose to use a tag for a specific project and sore. But a tag. Just be careful that whatever additional criteria you add for creating new entries does not become a border or requirement. You may find tags useful for one project but overkill. For another, it's easy to let a feature like tags become on really. So watch it carefully to ensure its happen your productivity and not becoming a hindrance. Thank you for listening, and as always, if you have any questions, please just ask, and I'll see you in the next lecture
6. Creating an Inbox: Hi, everybody, and welcome back to getting things done would ever note my name's Tony Staunton. Now we've discussed several lists through the last few lectures. Next actions, projects waiting for someday, maybe, but the one we haven't discussed yet is an inbox. Wouldn't ever note this kind of notebook could be used to capture mind sweep items that still need to be processed. For example, you may have a taught or idea on the fly, not know exactly what the next action is yet, but you don't want to lose the idea. Or you may see something on the Web you want to get back to and clip it into the in box, sending it to the inbox notebook with story idea until you were ready to fully process it on to decide what it means on what you want to do about it. To make this list work, you'll need to treat it with same rigor. You would your email on paper inboxes, meaning processing items in this notebook down to zero on a regular basis. So let's go ahead now and create a new notebook on Let's call this inbox on. What you can do now is go ahead and set up a new notebook called Inbox. You can take this time now that add any items, any ideas, any time. So you might have that you haven't been able to process yet. You don't know what to do with them yet on add them to your inbox. Thank you. And I'll see you in the next lecture.
7. Emailing To Evernote: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony Staunton. I'm welcome back to getting things done, but Evernote Now I've been following along with the previous lectures. You will have just added your in box. You'll have next action stack on no books. You'll have your projects. Assume they may be notebook and you're waiting for. So by now you should be very familiar with how to add. Notebooks have to add notes and things like that would in every note on that, we're going to discuss one of my favorite ways to add notes in Evernote, which is one of Evernote most powerful features, and that is the ability to send notes to Evernote. But I would even having to launch the application via email when anybody created Evernote account. They were assigned a unique email address, which is used for emailing information to your Evernote account. To find this unique email address, all you have to do is go to every load up in the top left hand corner, click account info on Click Maura account settings, and when you're in account settings, you simply scroll down and you'll find your unique email address here so you can see it, says email notes to and then your unique email address on its A simple is that all you have to do then is pop open your email client of choice and send an email to your unique email address once you have sent the email from your email email client. When your outlook account sinks your note with all amount. If you go into your inbox and to make it go away automatically into your inbox, you have to make your inbox that default notebook. Highlight your in box click on the card here and select. Make this my default notebook save. That means now that every note that you send into Evernote or Saving Evernote would automatically be saved your inbox and had a great way to use. The email feature of every note is to send things directly to a specific notebook. You can do that with one small change. So, for example, let's say that you want to remind Just have to make a phone call so you have to call your solicitor, create a new email address to your unique Evernote account and in the subject line, type in whatever that next action is. So in this example, Call your solicitor, but add the name of the notebook with the at symbol before sending. Now, instead of going to your inbox, this item will go go directly into your calls notebook. And there are two very simple ways to add information into your Evernote account whenever even having to open up the application so you can do that from wherever you happen to be. If the talk just pops into your head, you can send yourself an email and the note is in there for you to action or decide what to do with later. It's a very powerful feature, but just be warned that in the Evernote free account, I think you're allowed to send yourself five emails a month on the Evernote premium account . It's unlimited, so just check which a counter signing up for what are the limitations on that? So I hope that was helpful on you. Have any questions? As always, just ask thank you and I'll see you in the next lecture
8. Adding Reminders To Evernote: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony's. Don't. I'm welcome back to getting things Don't with Evernote. Now, in this lecture, we're gonna talk about using due dates to set up reminders for yourself. So Evernote was not built as a traditional list manager or a traditional to do application . So, as they say on the website, it's all about never forgetting anything ever again. Evernote does not currently include a typical list man of your functions, like assigning a due date or the next action need to be doing on a particular date. And besides, that kind of item should be going into calendar, not Evernote as well, its course in a future lecture. So there are a couple of ways to work around us. I wanted to Easiest ways is to add the date in the subject line. So, for example, in her next actions, we have called call Accountant on there from a previous lecture. We have call accountant on his phone number, and we could just end this and simply type in, and that's it. Now we have a note with a due date on it. Notre option is to create a tag or several tags that represent due dates. For example, do this week juice soon or before next trip. Move up to the top and you can see click the add new tags. We click here and make a type in. The tag will always be there available for order notes. So if we jump back into our notes section and there we have boss to approve quote, which was done in a previous lecture, you can have Jew and, as you can see do this week, but what we could also do is another one in do today. On there we go on. You can move your mouse over here to left hand side click tags and say, Do today, do this week so you can see here what's do today. Click back what's due this week. Not a simple way as well to keep on top of your reminders. Fund your to do's for the tags, the work. It means that you are actively reviewing the items under those tags. What is much discipline as you were looking at what your next action lists. So like, I just said, you click in your tags and you have to be doing that frequently so as with everything that we've been saying during this course, used the tags as a benefit and not as a burden by adding too many tags in and you can't remember what tagged was signed toe. Which note finally, at her adoption is to assign a reminder to a note to assign a reminder. Simply select the note so we'll take this one organized family. Holy move up to the top here and click the alarm clock icon. There we go, set reminders and no to keep track of what you're working on. So we out of date in here unless you say you want to start working on this nose in one week's time and you can see it up Monday, the 25th of July. Now, when you set a reminder with a date in it, you can see on the left hand side here, Reminders Box has appeared. So you received reminder emails on the day that the Notre do so we'll select Yes, and there we go on our list of notes. Now we also have a Reminders notes list with organized family, hardly on when that day comes around the 25th of July, you'll get an email on a pop up on When you're ready, you can just click done and that it Mac, don't just keep in mind over that with reminders. Adding a reminder does not replace the consistent reviews of your actionable notebooks. I still suggest reviewing your counter frequently true today your next action notebooks daily, or is often that you feel appropriate on your projects at Notebook Weekly or in your weekly review, which will be discussing later on. And that's it for this lecture on how to add a reminder to your notes. I hope you found that useful. And as always, if you have any questions, please just ask, and I'll see you in the next lecture. Thank you.
9. Adding A Completed Notebook To Evernote: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony Staunton. I'm welcome back to getting things done with Evernote. Now, as we saw in the last lecture, there are a bill. There are ways to add in due dates on reminders into Evernote. So here's the note we worked on in the last lecture. So as you can see, we and then adjudicate. And we also added a reminder to our family. Holy note Monday, the 25th of July. You hover over it. You can market has done over here on our own notes Section two, this is all notes. We have the organized family holy, which were due to start work on on Monday the 25th and you can take that as done. And there you see it there now. One of disadvantages off Evernote, compared to a traditional to do system or traditional task manager system, is that there is no complete section. So any of your to do's or your notes or anything that you've been working on that is now complete and finish with. There's nowhere there to keep that in Evernote. I've seen text where they recommend deleting the note. I never emptying your trash and that way. Everything is always in your trash notebook. I don't really recommend up because trash fundamentally means to get rid off. So you're dumping your information, and I don't like that kind of kind of patient. So what I recommend you do is you create a new notebook called Completed. Let's go ahead now and create that notebook as always, in the top left hand corner Click New notebook on As I said, Let's call it completed. There we go Now, when you complete a project or a next action and you want to store that item for the history of what you've completed, reassigned it or move to the completed notebook, it's unlikely you'll want to keep a record of every next action you've completed on. Those could just be deleted, but having a record of the project and the plans you captured in the project Note Field conservers Useful reference come end of year review time or if it's six months into the future and for gotten when or how you did something, you might want to jump back into your completed notebook and review your notes. So go ahead now create a completed notebook on if you think you'll ever want to save the history, Move it into your completed notes. Thank you. Hope it's lecture was helpful on as always. If you have any questions, please just ask and I'll see you in the next lecture.
10. Actionable Email With Evernote: Hi, everybody. And welcome back to getting things. Don't what? Evernote. My name's Tony Staunton. In this lecture, we're going to be discussing managing your emails on Evernote together. So one of the biggest things that people have difficulty with when they adopt the Evernote and getting things done system is what to do with their emails. So they're not too sure whether they should move all their emails into their Evernote, whether she create notes for every single email that they receive or what exactly they should do. And this is the biggest habit change for people and probably one of the biggest things for me to wrap my head around when I was beginning the Evernote on HGTV journey. And the problem is that most people do not have a system for managing their emails beyond our in box. So if the cap move on are finished in with the email right there and then they believe it in inbox as the safest place on as the best place to be reminded. So there two options for managing your email that needs reaction on the first option is to create an at action on at waiting for folders in your email program and then use them like an action list. You would not also put those reminders on your counter or your next action. Let's in Evernote because this is just data duplication. The email itself will be the only reminder, and this means that you need to scan these folders with his much discipline as you would your order notebooks on your counter. The at symbol is a little trick used by people to push folders to the top of your email structure for easy access. If the at symbol does not work, try another symbol, like a period or a full stop. People often like this action on me included, because it gives a quick win and getting your inbox process. Zero. You're able to filter stuff out of your inbox very, very quickly with this matter. The downside with this option is that you have no place to capture. The next action are Jude, eight that's associated with that email. All you have is your at action folder, where you have to constantly review items on what this means is that when you review your next action folder, you have to do some Reedus siding about emails on what action you need to take with them. The second option is the use next action notebooks in Evernote or a counter as the action reminder, so you can create at action support on at waiting for support folders in May of the whole supporting information for actions that attract on your counter our next action list in Evernote. In this case, these folders only serves as storage book. It's toe hold the information you need to take action on. You would be reminded of the action when you review your counter or next action notebooks, which is when you would refer to your email if needed. It's one fewer places. Look for actions are waiting for items, whereas the first option adds an additional location. For a complete view of your reminders, people often like this option because all of your reminders will be tracked in his fewest places as possible. But it does mean you have to take the time to go to every note. Next actions notebook, and to find the next action, go ahead now and create either of these options. The U tin could suit you best as always. Thank you for listening on. Do you have any questions? Please just ask. And I look forward to seeing you in the next lecture. Thank you.
11. Getting Your Inbox to Zero: Hi, everybody. Welcome back to getting things done. What ever note My name's Tony Staunton and this lecture. We're gonna talk about how to get your inbox to zero, and we're going to talk about this obviously, in the context off getting things done on using Evernote So it might sound like a big task getting your inboxes era. But here are some simple rules, as recommended by David Alan in his book Getting Things Done. The first question need to ask is, What is it on? Is it actionable? If the answer is no, then you trash it. You incubated or you file it for reference at a later time. If your answer is yes, then the follow up question is, Well, then what's the next action? So if the answer is yes and you have to follow, what's the next action? You have several options. You can do it now. And as recommended by David Island, if it takes less than two minutes, then do it there and then in the moment, don't put it off. You can delegate. It's delegating. Tracked a waiting for reminder in Either you're waiting for notebook and Evernote or you're at waiting for folders in your email or conduct you can be fair it if the fairing tracked the action reminder in your next actions. Notebook and Evernote or you're at Action folder in your email or counter systems. And if the next action has multiple actions, then what's your desired outcome? Track the Elkem in your project list in Evernote on a daily basis. I recommend processing your email in box down to zero as much as you can on a weekly basis in your G t D review. Oliver in boxes are driven down to zero in the get clear steps, and that's a quick lecture on getting your inbox. Zero as recommended by getting things owned by David Alan. As always, I love to hear your feedback on. If you have any questions, just please ask. And I look forward to seeing you in the next lecture. Thank you
12. Your Calendar: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony Staunton on Welcome Back to getting things Done When Evernote This lecture is about your counter, your counter is a critical component in your getting things done system for reflecting the action choices that need to be done on specific day versus does that you see in your next action notebooks and Evernote, which can be done by a specific date or by a day. Your calendar page should represent the hard landscape for your day on were provided. Trusted foundation at a glance for a moment, moment orientation on about what's next in many productivity books on blog's on websites and things like that. You always hear the phrase What gets scheduled gets done. And that's what your candor is all about in relation to your G t D and Evernote system. If something gets in your calendar, it gets done, and I always use the example of a doctor's appointment. When was the last time you canceled a doctor's appointment? Probably not very often on the same thing has to happen with your calendar. If it gets into your counter that it has to get done so there treat things that belong in your calendar, and they are day specific information. So that is information you want to know or be reminded about on that day. Not necessarily something to do so examples would include events that you have on meetings , activities, whatever it is. Whole days, bits and piece like that day, specific actions, things that need to happen during the day, but not at a specific time. So, for example, to call, you might have to make on time specific actions things that need to happen on a specific day and time. For example, a meeting, an appointment or a time block that you have scheduled toe work on a specific project on a daily basis. I recommend reviewing your counter for day and time specific actions at any chance you get on a weekly basis. In your weekly review, I recommend reviewing your calendar on backward for Annie. Oh, I forgot about that or that slipped through the cracks item and forward it to the next week . So that's how your counter should be managed in your G, Tedy and Evernote system. And I think the main thing to take away from this lecture is that what gets scheduled gets done. Thank you for listening. And as always, if you have any questions, please just ask and I'll see you in the next lecture.
13. Filing In Evernote: Hi, everybody. My name's Tony Staunton. I'm welcome back to getting things done with Evernote. In this lecture, we're going to talk about using Evernote as a reference store. So for storing reference material reference files, anything that you don't have to taken action on that you don't need right now but may have to reference again in the future. So as we sat in a previous lecture, Evernote is designed primarily so that you never forget getting again. So with that in mind, ever know can store a limitless number of potentially useful non actual items for reference , such as lists, checklists, articles, magazines, whatever it might be anything that you need to keep ever. No can do it. This is one of the hardest things I think as well to get your head around in the hole, getting things don't system. What exactly is reference material? How do you keep it on? When do you reference it will reference material to my mind is anything that you don't need right now, such as a newspaper article that you saw that you might need in the future or not, could be a recipe that you want a reference in six months time Christmas. It could be a Christmas dinner recipe, something like that. They're your reference materials. There are many, many different ways to store reference material and Evernote on each getting things done. Implementation has their own variant off. How to set up a reference system. I'm going to show you my one, which I think is simple enough on very easy to maintain and use and find something again. So we're logged back into our Evernote account. And as you can see here, I've created a new notebook called File and Toughness. And I've also added in a couple new notebooks just called a B and C So, as always, open the top halftime corner. We click New notebook. Just select D E F on G No, I have notes called a B C D E f g on. What I do is I drag each of these into my filing cabinet and like we've seen before, I now have what's called a filing cabinet. Stack and I just renamed that right, clicking on it and selecting Rename Stack. I'm just gonna remove the word stack. So now I have my filing cabinet as well as we asked at the beginning of this lecture. What kind of things going to your filing cabinet? What? As we can see here I have a notebook called Be So I just popped that open. It's empty. So new note and be And this could be my bank account Details says we can see here we now have a note within to be folder of our reference notebook called Bank Account Details. So any time I'm on the phone or somebody asked me what in my bank account details and I can't recall them off hand, I can always just quickly go into Evernote into my filing cabinet and in to be, and that's what I do. I set that up for every letter in the alphabet. Eight. Is that on my store? Information hasn't when I need to. Another thing that you can do with in your filing cabinet if you think you're filing cabinet is going to grow exponentially. Is your gun attacks? So in this instance, I can add bank details tank No, we discussed in a previous lecture how to use tags on. You have to be very careful when using tags that they did not that you do not add so many you can't remember or you for Guess what tags to use. Well, what note On what notebook? So just be very careful that your tags don't become aboard and rather than help. So that's how I set up my Evernote filing system. I think what's good about this system is that it really does reflect a really, really world filing cabinet. If I just go back to my notebooks again, I have my filing cabinet, swords. If I was sitting at my desk and somebody said, Tony, what? Your bank account details so I can make this payment, I would simply go into my filing cabinet going to be. And there's my bank account details on. Obviously, I would have order notes. They're not be related, but I would quickly be able to find bank account details as well simply by searching bank. There we go. Bank account details on it pops it all up. So that's how I use the filing system. Wouldn't ever note in relation to my HGTV workflow system. I love to hear any ideas that you might have unhealed implement a filing system. It could be more streamlined in mind mattered. He could enable you to find information quicker. Or could you or could use tags differently right away? I'd love to hear. So as always, Thank you for listening. If you have any questions, please ask. I'll see you in the next lecture. Thank you.
14. Your Weekly Review: Hi, everybody, welcome back to getting things done. Whatever note my name is Tony Staunton. This lecture is entitled your weekly review. We said a few times during this course now that any system is only as good as the data that it holds on the effort that you as the user and the keeper of the system put in to keep that system up to date on the Evernote application is no different. But rest assured that what holds it all together is your weekly review. This is what ties all your notes, all your notebooks, all your candor and your emails together and keeps everything in one place and keeps you on top off. Everything that you put into your system during the previous week on also gives you the confidence to rely on your system time and time again into the future. So your weekly review and as we just said, Anne Tool, is just as good as the day that that it keeps. So how do you do a weekly review? Well, let's start with getting clear. You collect all your loose papers and materials, got all accumulate business card receipt, paper based materials into your entry. Get your inbox. Zero process completely All of standing paper materials, journal meeting notes, voicemails, dictation and emails and for more information on health through that, jump back to the lecture entitled Getting Your Inbox. Zero. Finally, into getting clear section of your weekly review, you need to empty your head. Put in writing on process. Any one captured new projects. Action items waiting for us some days. Maybes, ideas, whatever it might be. Get it out of your head. Next, you need to get current review. Next action lists mark off completed actions or review reminders. Are Florida Action Steps to dio review your past counter in detail for remaining action items? Any reference information on anything that you need to transfer into your active system? Review the upcoming calendar for events long and short term and capture any actions that need to be triggered? Is your birthday coming up that you have? The party is a gift for review. Your waiting for list record appropriate actions for any needed follow up items. So what have you delegated during the past week that you need to follow up on next week? Review your project lists, evaluate the status of projects gold on outcomes one by one, ensuring that at least one current action is on each list. Breath. True project plans support material on any other work in progress to trigger new actions, completions, waiting for us or any other information that might be at the back of your mind and review any checklists. So do you have any checklist that you used Treasure Week to get work done? Review does and keep them up to date. Finally, you need to get creative. Review your someday, maybe list. Review it for any projects which may, which may now have become active and transfer Damn two projects delete items that are no longer of interest. So, for example, you may have had in your someday maybe list the idea to buy a car. Perhaps you're gonna purchase a car in the near future, and that needs to move on to projects onto your project list. To begin research for ideas on what kind of car you would like and finally be creative and courageous. Any new, wonderful, hair brained, creative, creative top provoking risk taking ideas out into your system in your ideas notebook. So to summarize, have to hold the week in review. I just run through the point to get collect loose papers and materials. Get your inbox zero as much as possible, both physical and email, and to your head review your next action lists. So what do you have to do next? Review your previous calendar, so review your calendar for the week. Just gone. Did you get everything doing that you had scheduled to dio, If not moving into Yocum, encounter for the week and review your upcoming counter. What have you got coming up this week that you might need to prepare for review? You're waiting for a list. What items have you delegated out the people that you were waiting for them to come back to you on? Review your project list. Have you made any progress? Which of projects in the last week or so Does your project list need to be updated? Review any checklist that you might have review your someday. Maybe list has anything being promoted from your someday maybe list toe in active project and finally right down and it taught or ideas that you might have that need to go into the necessary no notebook or lists, and that's an overview. Off had to conduct a weekly review. As always. Have love to have your tart on it. What do you do differently if you hold it a weekly review, Please let me know in the discussion section. And as always, Thank you for listening. And I see you in the next lecture.
15. Thank You: Hi, everybody. Welcome back to getting things done. Whatever Note my name's Tony Staunton and this is our last lecture. And as they say, all good things must come to an end. So first off, I want to say a very big on a sincere thank you. Thank you for purchasing this course on making the effort to engage, provide feedback and complete it. And secondly, well done. You've just taken the first step in creating a better, more productive life for yourself and becoming more organized on getting more done. Changing habit is never easy, But by following the guidelines in this course, I'm confident that you'll be able to change your habits, become more productive, get more organized and get more done by using the Evernote on HGTV system. So that's a quote here. Sounds from Winston Churchill. Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning, and that's exactly what this is. It is the end of beginning of your getting things done on every no journey. So as you move forward in getting more done on using Evernote, please keep me updated on your progress. And as always, if you have any feedback or questions, I would love to hear them. And finally, I'd like to ask you a quick favor. Please provide feedback on reviews into review section off. This course now doesn't have to be a good review or about of you. I would just welcome your honest feedback on how I can improve this course. Thank you. Once again on best of luck in the future.