Getting Started with Water Resources Management Using Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) | Ahmed Alkebsi | Skillshare

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Getting Started with Water Resources Management Using Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP)

teacher avatar Ahmed Alkebsi, Civil Engineer and a Writer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Overview of WEAP


    • 3.

      WEAP Installation and Activation


    • 4.

      WEAP Structure


    • 5.

      Examples of Analysis


    • 6.

      WEAP Modeling Steps


    • 7.

      WEAP Capabilities – Part 1


    • 8.

      WEAP Capabilities – Part 2


    • 9.

      Conclusion and Highlights


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About This Class

Do you want to want to learn new water resources management skills using innovative software?

Do you want to improve your Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) skills with free open-source software tools?

Do you want to get ready for your next water modeling job in water resources and policy management?

Are you interested in encountering water scarcity and climatic change challenges?

I am so excited to have you here!

You may have some prior experience in WEAP or are just getting started. 

In this course, I will help you to get started on your water management modeling learning journey by walking you through the basics required to start working on the WEAP, a powerful software innovated by Stockholm Environment Institute's U.S. Center.

What makes me qualified to teach you?

I am Eng. Ahmed Al-Kebsi, MSc. in water resources and environment as DAAD alumni. I used to be a teacher assistant at Jordan University of Science and Technology and a research assistant guest at
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ.

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: Overview of the WEAP

In this lesson, you will get general information on the WEAP. You also will be introduced to some types of analysis that the WEAP represent.

Lesson 3: WEAP Installation and Activation

In this lesson, you will learn you install the free version of the WEAP. You will also learn how to activate and obtain a free license code. Additionally, you will be introduced to the WEAP community where more knowledge, challenges, and solutions are being shared.

Lesson 4: WEAP Structure

In this lesson, you will learn how the structure of the WEAP is formed. You will be introduced to the architecture of the WEAP, assigning the priority and preference to the demand site, the constraints in the WEAP, and the algorithm of this tool.

Lesson 5: Examples of Analysis

In this lesson, detailed examples of the simulation and the modeling that can be done using the WEAP will be illustrated such as sectoral demand analysis, water conservation, water rights and allocation priorities, and hydropower generation.

Lesson 6: WEAP Modeling Steps

In this lesson, well-organized steps of the modeling will be explained:

Step 1: study definition

Step 2: Current Accounts

Step 3: Building Scenarios

Step 4: Evaluation

Lesson 7: WEAP Capabilities – part 1

In this lesson, I will explain the WEAP schematic and its components; the spatial boundary, and the system components. Then, we will explain how to input the data and what functions can be used. After that, expressing results of the analysis and the scenarios will be shown.

Lesson 8: WEAP Capabilities – part 2

In this lesson, more capabilities of the WEAP will be explained. Most importantly, linking the WEAP to other models and software such as the LEAP and MODEFLOW.

I hope to see you in the course soon!



Meet Your Teacher

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Ahmed Alkebsi

Civil Engineer and a Writer


Hello, I'm Ahmed. I am a master's graduate in Civil Engineering and a writer.
I have 4 years of experience as a civil engineer. I have worked as a teacher assistant at Jordan University of Science and technology. Also, I have worked as a guest research assistant at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ).

I have won some scholarships which are: 1. Master DAAD scholarship 2. DAAD summer school in Frankfurt  3. DAAD short-term research 4. Ph.D. DAAD scholarship.

Here I will share my skills and answer those questions that I always get asked. Here I will also document different experiences for self-development.
Let's go!

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Welcome to the course. This course is about getting started in water resources management. Using WEP software. Is water evaluation and planning system toward one of the most powerful software, water resources management. You are interested in the challenges of the water resources, climatic change, and the environment. You want to rest it in the water policy analysis? If the answer is yes, then this course is for you. My name is Emma little tipsy. I am a master graduate water resources and environment. I worked as a teacher assistant what I thought hydro informatics lab in Jordan University of Science and Technology. I also worked as a research assistant at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Germany. Let's have a look at the content of this course. Listen one is an introduction, listened to, I will give an overview of the week. And listen three, you will learn how to install and activate the weep software. Listen for, I will explain the wave structure. Some five examples of analysis that can be done using the week will be provided. And listen to x. I will explain the way modelling steps. And listen and listen. Eight, I will talk about the web capabilities. And finally, the conclusion. By the end of this course, you will obtain the basics and the fundamental knowledge to start the water management modelling using the interesting We software. Let's get started. 2. Overview of WEAP: Welcome to the course. In this lesson, you will have an overview of the water resources management using weep. Weep is a shortcut for water evaluation and planning system. So what is weep? Weep is a user-friendly software tool that takes an integrated approach to water resources planning. It is a tool that is used to build simulation models. Whip is applicable to municipal and agricultural systems. Single sub-basins are complex reverts systems. But over, we can address a wide range of issues. For example, sectoral demand analysis, water conservation, water rights and application priorities, groundwater and instream flow simulations. Is it of what operations, hydrology generation and energy demands, pollution tracking, ecosystem requirements, and project benefit-cost analysis. That was developed in 1988 by this two columns, environment and institutes, United States center. And it is an authorized software by many institutions and organizations worldwide. In the next lesson, I will show how to install and activate the web software. Thanks for watching. 3. WEAP Installation and Activation: Hello again. In this lesson, you will learn how to install and get a free license of the software. Installing the web software is very easy process. To download the web software. We go to the web official website. They are below. Using WEP heading, we find an icon download. From here we can download the latest version. After downloading and installing the week. We just throw out the whip website. It's shown on the screen. We go to join in. There we provide some information such as Title, FirstName, LastName, organization, or university name, user, type, address, city or town, the country, organization, websites. And most importantly, describe the purpose of the project for which you are considering using wave. And here if you are working on a university project, a master thesis for example. You should mention that because in this way, you can get approved license. By registering, we can obtain many advantages, such as a free license in case you are a student or a type of user who work in a non-profit Environmental Academy organization. Also, on this website, there is a group for all the users all over the world where they shared their knowledge and challenges. Now if we press licensing, there are many categories based on the type of user. For example, non-profit, governmental or academic organization. One student for use of their research while they are enrolled at a university, a credit academy institution, college, university, or a school based in an industrialized country. Other users, none consulting license, their users consulting license. Here, what should be done to get a free license? In case you were a student in a developing country, you can apply for a license by taking the second choice. You can apply for a free licensed by pressing on. Apply for a free license. It is a great if you can take the advantages of free license, then less than a week, a license, username and registration code will be sent to you via e-mail. Without a license, the program can work back. Some pictures do not work. For example, you cannot save your adjustments every time. That is all of today's lesson. The next lesson, I will talk about the web structure. Thanks for watching. 4. WEAP Structure: Welcome to the course. In this lesson, I will talk about the structure. Well, the whip structure can be summarized by four main points. First of all, the basic principle in the whip is the node link architecture, which connects water supply to demand sites. The water supplies, which could be surface water or groundwater, and demand sites, which could be domestic sites, agricultural sites, and industrial demand side. Secondly, each element is assigned a priority and a preference among available supplies. And here you can determine the order in which demands are met. For example, if you have a periodicity to fulfill the demand in a certain location such as the capital city. But a certain cases such as high priority to drinking water than agriculture water. You can give this location higher priority number. Also, you can determine the order in which sources are used. What does this mean? Well, we know that the water is not available equally in all water resources. Example, if we have lack of groundwater and availability of surface water, here it is logical that we use the surface water and make the groundwater as a second or last option. Here's the Whip, allows the user to manage that by ordering the water resources that should be used and prioritizing the water usage. The third is that the whip is constrained by link capacities. Here what we mean by this point is that they pumped water is constrained by three main elements. Number one is the availability of water that can be abstracted. Number two, the capacities and diameters of the buyers convey the water and the water network. Also, another important point that should be mentioned here is how far is the water sources? Is, how far the water resources is. Because water source means more energy cost and more carbon emissions. Therefore, the whip is a great tool that enables the user to control these constraints for better water management. Last point here is that linear programming solution optimizes the distribution of water at each time step. This means that the algorithm of the web uses linear programming for battle distribution of the water based on our modelling and inputs. That is all of today's lesson. And next lesson is interesting. I will explain different examples of analysis in the week. Thanks for watching. 5. Examples of Analysis: Hello again. Today's lesson is very interesting. In this lesson, I will explain different examples of analysis in the week. Let's start these examples by sectorial demand analysis. This is the analysis of the water demand based on the sector. For example, how much water does the domestic sector, agricultural sector, the industrial sector consume? Water conservation, the word considered the water loss factor in the modeling and the analysis to better manage and conserve water. Water rights and allocation priorities. By determining the lack of water in demand sites, we can determine the water rights then to reallocate the priorities according to that and to the water sources characteristics. As I have mentioned in the previous lesson. Is there a part operations? How much water flowing? And our thesis, reservoirs, which is called the water balance. Another type of analysis is hydro power generation. Though it can be linked to a software called leap to predict the potential hydro-power energy that can be produced. Pollution tracking and analysis for the pollutant that producers from the wastewater treatment plants also can be done using weep. And finally, ecosystem requirements. And this can be achieved by determining where the lack of water is and what solutions and recommendations should be made to our combat. That is off today's lesson. In the next lesson, I will explain the web modelling steps. Thanks for watching. 6. WEAP Modeling Steps: Hello again. In this lesson, I will explain the web modelling steps. Shown figure illustrates the procedures are the steps we pass through to build a web model. The process tip, which is the study definition, we have a spatial boundary, which is the area of study. Time horizon is the duration that our model studies. For example, to build a model for the next 30 years for a 30-year water policy. System components are the elements in the study area, such as the water resource and the demand supply. The network configuration represents how these elements are connected in the network by drawing a schematic. The second step, which is current accounts, is the step in which we enter the available data. We have the study area, the month, which could be the demand for the domestic or agricultural demand. What characteristics such as the capacity and the annual recharge, the groundwater aquifers. Rivers simulation, simulation for rivers can be made and very characteristics. Pollutant generation. Based on the wastewater treatment plants data, we can determine the pollutant concentration and the quantity of the polluted water. Wastewater treatment plants, we enter a data such as the capacities and the pollutant loads. Remember that simple models required only part of this data and not all of it. After preparing the study definition and the current account data, we move to the third step, which is the scenarios. Were different scenarios can be built such as demographic and economic activity, patterns of water use, pollution generation, water system infrastructure, hydro-power, and location pricing and environmental policy, component costs and hydrology. These scenarios will be explained further when modelling. The last step of the modelling as the evaluation. Here after running the model, now we can check the water sufficiency, the ecosystem requirements, and the pollutant loadings. Also, we can make a sensitivity analysis by changing a certain parameter in the model and see what could it change in the results. That is all of today's lesson. The next lesson, I will talk about the interesting capabilities of the week. Thanks for watching. 7. WEAP Capabilities – Part 1: Hello again. In this lesson, I will talk about the wave capabilities. Well, the whip has many wonderful capabilities. The capability number one is that the easy-to-use interface, which facilitates learning, data import, and scenario development. As you can see on the screen, the web interface is very easy to be used. On the top is the menu bar as any software. Then to the left, there are five main views which represent the steps of the modelling. We first draw a schematic, then import data after that to run the model and see the results. And finally, to see more results of the belt scenarios. The notes view is just for adding notes when needed. So the first, the View icon is the web schematic. Schematic is consisted of three main parts. The first part, spatial boundary or the study IDA. And here it is possible to import a GIS file that facilitates drawing the schematic. The second part of this schematic is the system components, which can be selected from the rectangle to the left. These components involve River, ground water, demand side, transmission link that links the water source with the demand side. And return flows that return water to surface water or groundwater or treatment plants. Because not a 100% of the water will be consumed. Each component has different color and sample as shown. The capability number two is that import can be thrown Prius, or the user specified functions. Here in the second view icon data. The data can be entered manually or from Excel files, which save a lot of time. By choosing each system components of the schematic. From the left rectangle, we can see what data can be entered. Reading from file. Here, as we have mentioned, that data can be inserted from texts, access or access pi it. Moreover, other tools that we provide are called building exhibitions and time series wizard. Using these tools, the data can be interpolated using different functions, such as the population growth or to obtain a predicted data using historical time series data. When choosing H function, we can read a description and an example of this function. The capability number three is that multiple scenarios can be run and supply it graphically at one time. As it is shown on the result icon. All created scenarios can be shown in one time or better understanding and combating. Also, the results can be displayed a number of formats and scales. You can determine which scenarios and what appears to be home results in place on the map. Another wonderful capabilities is that the results can be shown on the map. From map as shown on the screen. This helps to better understand the results and also to prepare IT professional reports. Here also, you can determine what results to be shown. The fourth few icon is the scenario similar from this menu or detailed results of the scenarios can be shown. February charts can be selected to five quick overviews. The full capability of the whip is the use of nodes that allows for internal documentation of scenarios. The advantage here is that when building a complicated model, it will be a lot of details. So it would be very helpful to decrement it, the data, assumptions and how the scenarios would have felt. This way. Another person wants to use the model. He can do that and understand how it was built. From the notes I equal. Or that can be done for any part of the model. That is all of today's lesson. In the next lesson, we will continue talking about the capabilities of the way. Ponder. Thanks for watching. 8. WEAP Capabilities – Part 2: Hello again. In this lesson, I will continue talking about the interesting capabilities of the way. The capability number five of the whip is that the hydrology, maybe climate, driven from gauge data. This means that the data can be obtained from the climate stations and be inserted into the wave model. With this regard, there are different periods to represent hydrological data in the WIP, which will be explained in the advanced whip course. The capability number six is that the whip involves several internal modules to choose from. For example, hydropower generation, financial analysis, and water quality. As shown on the screen. For the hydro-power, we can specify capacities, efficiencies, and other properties of power generation. For the financial analysis, we can specify variables, fixed costs and revenues. Additionally, the water quality, we can specify pollutants, loadings and at the end of the modelling to obtain more results of the analysis. The last capability is the ability of linking the two other models and software. One of these important model is the groundwater flow model, which is called MODFLOW. The mode flow is specialized for modeling, monitoring, and simulation the groundwater aquifer. It's another important software that can be linked to the whip is called leap. And using the software, the hydro power generation and the energy demands can be obtained. And linking these two programs are widely used for water energy and exists studies. That is all of today's lesson. Thanks for watching. 9. Conclusion and Highlights: Hello again. Here we came to the end of this course to summarize some important highlights of the week. First of all, we have is an integrated water resources planning system. Secondly, this is a GIS based that has graphical drag and drop interface. Thirdly, WEP is a model building tool which creates a variables and modelling equations. The fourth is that the basic methodology of the wave is the physical simulation of demands and supplies. Another important point is that the wave has a great scenario management capabilities. And lastly, it can dynamically be linked to submerge sheets and other models. I hope that this course has provided you with the knowledge you need to get started with the weep and explain how powerful it is for better water resources management. The next course, we will start modelling by taking a real example. You'll find this course valuable. You review will be highly appreciated. And based on it, the next course will be uploaded. Thanks for watching and see you unexplored.