German for Engineers - Level B1 B2 - Deutsch für Ingenieure - Part 1 | Melih Cilga | Skillshare

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German for Engineers - Level B1 B2 - Deutsch für Ingenieure - Part 1

teacher avatar Melih Cilga, German Teacher

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Section 1 Lecture 1 Introduction and Word Formation


    • 2.

      Section 1 Lecture 2 Partizip I und II video


    • 3.

      Section 1 Lecture 3 Relative clause video


    • 4.

      Section 1 Lecture 4 Vocabulary and Word Formation video


    • 5.

      Intro video German for Engineers Level B1 B2


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About This Class

"German for Engineers" language course addresses a specific target group: It is designed for engineering students and engineers who are interested in study or work opportunities in German spoken countries.

Students of this course should have completed a minimum A2 level in German, ideally with some experience in B1 or B2 levels.

This class is the first section of a series that will cover all grammar topics in B1 and B2 levels.

Meet Your Teacher

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Melih Cilga

German Teacher



Hello, I'm Melih. I am a German teacher and an ex-engineer, now living in Istanbul, Turkey.

Even though I graduated from Istanbul Technical University’s Informatics department, I worked as an Engineer only for a few years, because my professional aspirations changed, somehow I became more interested in different subjects, such as languages, publishing, journalism and advertising.

So, thirty years ago I started to learn German at the Goethe Institut in Istanbul, and then I moved to Germany and lived in Berlin and Hamburg for some years.

Since I came back to Istanbul, I teach German to my private students.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Section 1 Lecture 1 Introduction and Word Formation: they'll come to the first lecture off German for engineers and engineering students. In this course, we will use a simple but effective methodology. Learn German grammar armadillo Jeez called the grammatical and structural analysis off sample sentences. Let's get started. Our first sentence in German did you knew wasn't listen sharply all scapula that Lloyd the off technician Gibby are by. As you see, this is a very simple definition off the word engineer. In this lecture and the following two or three lectures, I want to discuss about three different and important grammatical topics. First of all, vert formation or vote below in German. Second, present and past participle in German recall participant lines on party states Why and third topic relative glows as we say in German relative sets. Let's talk about some or chats on word building, which is more Cavalleri and vote formation. The most basic word that Asian your angelea, the female form off this work is the Asian You in. As I told earlier, Listen shelf with the article be means science and this suffix. Lee comes together with this word and makes an objective or an ad work from means. Whether it's an adjective or other work depends on the context, but the point is how suffixes are used to make adjectives from names. So let's have a closer look at the frequently used surfaces to make adjectives from now owns the technique. Finish the Technolo key. If you look ish, their effect If it keith that's fades in, I said huffed. By the way, let me explain this latest. The latest word that's great cell means possible or mystery or enigma and racing huffed is obviously puzzling, enigmatic or mysterious. Here is another list off most frequently used suffixes to make adjectives from now deeply teach dish The Yogi. Hello, Gische. That guy's guys think we creativity. Eight. Create Chief. The Indo What? Soon? You know what teeth? That's reason. Reasonably, they're fortunate for swimming. He found work found Fort Lee. Let me have a look at the list of the words you may not know. The politic is obvious. I don't need to translate it into English. A Kogi ecology that guys is spirit like a team spirit. Creativity Aid is obvious creativity in the what's your own obvious. That's reason means the essence because or recently means the essential the most important part or something. Their fortunes means progress or at lands. So our objective fortunately, means progressive or advanced, depending on the context. But mostly progressive, he found. For tongue means responsibility, and the adjective form found Fort Leash means responsible. So let's continue with this, uh, alert formation on new words or if you say it in German war chats on board building, I think you can remember thes words from our sample sentence. In the very beginning, that's full means subject off expert ties or profession. The loiter means people. So these two words that's fun and the low it come together make a compound make a connected word, and we have the fast Lloyd. And the following day means experts, professionals, specialists Here is a very important rule. If two or more words for my compound, the last word in the compound determines the gender and the plural form off the compound. Now, as we have seen in our example, the article or far is thus, and the article off loiter is be according to our rule. The article of our final word Lloyd bears the article of the last word. The far Lloyd I think that's enough for the first lecture. Now, please go on with second lecture There we will discuss about present and past participle or participate my insulin participants Y thank you very much. Feeding back. 2. Section 1 Lecture 2 Partizip I und II video: in this lecture, we will talk about present and past participle or, if you say it in German. Pakistan eines on participates. Why? Let's get started. Participle is an adjective formed from work in Germany. Grammar. There are two different types off participles. The 1st 1 partisan lines or Willett's more theoretical, more grammatical name. Participate. Raisins is something very similar to the Garant in English and participate, spy or participate Perfect. Exactly the same thing as the part past participle in English. Here is a very important, grander rule in German. Participate IMEs on party six y Both of them are used with declination, addictive soon, or the addict Chief. And here is a general formula have to form how to make participants on participates. Why, In order to make participant IMEs, we take the infinitive form over word and then add a letter D at the end of the world and then necessary objective and which comes from declination. Okay, in order to make participate effect or the participants why we think the participant effect form off the word and then just add unnecessary, addictive and wrong. We can use participle fines as an attribute, tive, adjective and always with an adjective ending always with declamation. For instance, Let's take the world showing them which means to swim We take at the and we have Schwinn meant together we have that's Sri Mendham match the participle. Schwinn Mint comes directly between the Arctic Ill thus and the now mansion that's Sri Mandan mentioned he was an important detail because the US is a definite article. If you say these swimming girl, they are talking about a specific known girl because off the use Thus definite article We have a E in red color. I showed you here at the end of the sri moment. This letter e comes from Declamation and because we used definite article thus if he used however an indefinite article I'm If you talk about any girl in general then we have to say I insure Lehman. This mentioned in the article does comes in the form off s at the end of shoe in mint instead off e on the above the sentence and other sample sentence to discuss, participate Science 65 then the bidding gungan him then the import of soon a bid in gong means condition and the world Zaeef and their means to change. Now you may ask what is the difference between Zifa and then and on Lee friend there Okay, fair and earn means change Something to change something Zifa and their change happens Toe itself happens at the subject The subject is affected by the change in order to make participate Isles from this word from the world Zifa And then we take the infinite the form on then and a letter d and an extra letter e which comes from the article off the world off the world Baby in Go And then finally we have Zaeef and then the bidding Let's see another example They're ever vegan the untitled amino What soon come to Austin West saw Let's look at these specific single words the brilliant adjective And it means predominant that unkind is share like in market share in order to make participle eines So as you see, there is a difference here between definite article and indefinite article. If you if I am talking about a definite and specific share, then I must use their on time. If I'm talking about any share in general, then I can say I'm I'm time, so in the definite form to work with the vegan B and E in the other form. However, I'm either via gin there sometime. This final E. R comes from the article there, let's have a closer look at the participants y We can use it as an attribute of adjective very similar to the participle. Irons on an extra field. Extra uses area for past its allies. The passive voice. As you may remember, the participants vie is formed from the past participle, the past perfect form over the world, very similar to English. The German works also have weak words and strong words. For instance, if we have the world, Othman, which means toe open the past perfect form off this war is Guelph Nets. If we have a strong work, however, then the route off the world also changed. For instance, stale in means to steal the past perfect form of this world is get stolen. Let's look at some good and simple example. Santorum sample sentences to have a better understanding off opposites. Y. I'm a friend there, the studio tour London and dwarf Bessa there, and wolf means design. Do you remember the rule have to make participates. Why the red color e at if and there. There comes from the article off stroke tour because it is the structure. I add an extra e. And as you see it is used with I'm with indefinite article. Let's look at another sample sentence. I have a life start If our by spartan costume our world is a lifetime which means make something easy or to ease toe unburden to relieve we take past perfect form a life hurt and then add a letter e because of the indefinite article and the original articles be off work at the world found are by we remember our original sentence from the from the first lecture you're I took a very simplified, very short version off this sentence just to show you the sits. Why, in our original sentence, Eugenio isn't ask able that they're far Lloyd, As you see verb here is house building to train someone or to educate someone we take, I'll skip. Build that at an extra e which comes from the Arctic Ill be off fast loiter And finally we end up with having all skip building their father Lloyd I think This is enough for the second lecture. Now, please go on with the lecture. Number three there will talk about relative closes in a few cents. Thank you very much. Feeding dunk. 3. Section 1 Lecture 3 Relative clause video: in this lecture, we've all learned a very important topic. Relative sucks or relative closes. Let's get started that if closes are usually but not always located right after denounce to which they refer, sometimes they can also refer to a whole sentence. In German grammar, a relative close can start with a tree. Different things. First, it can be a relative pronoun or a combination off a proposition and a relative pronoun or a little bit complicated version. It can be a relative. Add work. If a relative close starts with a relative adverb, then it refers to a whole sentence. Now we can go on with relative pronounce simple nominative case. Relative pronouns are dirty, and thus these pronounce very often used in declined forms like in acquisitive Gennett, ive or Lucky forms. And they convert to dame pain or datum. According to the dramatically case. Off the words, let's look at the very simple relative close, which is in nominative case. Maria E. On a blow, a brilliant trade are guided in minor up Tyler in order to understand the structure of the sentence at first, please try toe. Try not to see the red color part and then our sentence becomes like Maria. Are invited in minor up kylo because I want to give extra explanation. Extra detail about Maria. I add a relative close right after the Marea because Maria is a female word. It's article is the because off this I start my relative close with the Maria de Ayn a flower let fake means Maria, who wears at blue glasses. Relative closes, are subordinate. Closes Navan, Zatz, Zack and be off. Sewage is their nature, so their words are always located at the ends. Let's start. Let's continue with this simple sentence. The house belongs to my uncle in German. I can say that's how skilled mine. Um, Uncle Now I want to give extra detail about the house what kind of house it is. So I need some space in this sentence toe. Add my extra information, which is my relative close. I need an extra place extra space right after the house. There I will put my clothes. So I want to say the house standing over there belongs to my uncle. In order to say that in German, I take first of all the article off house which is thus now the first dust in the red color is my relative pronoun starting my relative close because of the rule. The words and closes goes toe end here as you see staying in ST is located at the end off the red color part. That's house. That's daughter doing state. He hurt mine. Um Uncle, they see another example. He is my friend as my find But I want to say he is my friend with whom I spend a lot of time. So I will explain the word find article off Lined is there because I want to say with whom which is a bat if example article pair turns in tow be win Who in German is mitt The And now my sentence becomes as my informant mid name ish feel side for bringing you have already the same relative closest can be in nominative case Acquisitive case narrative or Kennedy of case. Let's see another example in un Crosetti case Martin, they excite minor Kim tied Canada is the show because Martin is a male. His article Is there better market? My work can canon is used in except this is the reason I turn. I convert the article off Martin in tow. Then so Martin Day in the side. Minor kin tied can Then is there shallow? Let's see an example in Darkest hasn't be. Call Liam meet, meaning someone garb I harbor. These are the colleagues with whom I have worked together. Legal. Egan is, ah, plural form off colic together with them. I want to say I must say, Mitt Dana, it's relented pro now and doesn't he call legal Mitt Dana each summon Gar Vital Harbor means these are the colleagues with whom I have worked together. And now look at example an example in Guinea PIF acre bleeding finger Zahra sport liest, Can told Johnson. OK, at first we have a Patria if I can told Tansen dances. Great. I want given extra information about Petra Patria, whose figure is very sporty. Dayton means Who's the figure off? Petra Peta Dion. Figure sash. Portly ist can told cancer relative pronouns. They are the dust generally and widely used, preferred in everyday speech. Sometimes the relative pronoun must be used to kinds. I will give you an example. Look at this. Doesn't the brief Krieger brief three year means postman? Listen, the brief three d The post sushi tell So Stella means deliver. As you see, two different be came next to each other. The first D in color is my relative pronoun of relative pronoun, which explains brief trigger. But the second B is just the article off the post. In orderto avoid this ambiguity. Use value here now here or the values instead off their deed us when two articles repeating at the same time doesn't be briefed. Three year fell here, the post sushi and now a few words about relative Edwards. As I said earlier, the difference between red if pronoun and relative adverb is relative. Other words refer to a whole sentence, not only and now, and they don't change their form, you just stay as they are. Let's look at this example Ash, Great food. French problem was make their but I endorse. He speaks five foreign languages, which impresses me a lot. The red color waas refers to not only the noun French person but the entire sentence. Air street food. Let's see another examples. You are the door Bovie owns in my car red color role in the caves and refers to the entire sentence at the beginning. Work adored HVO. Another example. Hans on their stoops to me. Oh, feel aims. A dunk bar Hunt's sported me for that. I'm very grateful to him. Volf. Your refers to the entire close at the beginning that hunts sported me once understood. Still make because off that I am grateful to him. I think this is enough for this lecture. Please go on with the lecture. Number four there will try to explain some engineering related concepts and terms both in English and in German. Thank you very much. Feeling dunk. 4. Section 1 Lecture 4 Vocabulary and Word Formation video: in this lecture, we'll learn some vocabulary and word formation rules related to the job definition. Often, engineer, let's get started. We start with a very simple question in German. Let you off carbon Had any Asian your In this simple German sentence, we have the word off cover. It means task duty assignment. As you see when I introduce you a new word in German. I always give its poor oh form as well the off carver on the plural V off Cobb. And I recommend you to do so as well. Whenever you learn and new word in German. Please also learn its article and it's plural form engine Your order Air em was effective in losing one. If you're taking ship hardest, the Long and chef in on to take Nickelodeon and killed. Let's try to analyze this sentence word by word. As you see, one of the most significant words in the sentence is the loser. The plural form, the losing Okay, the loser honk means solution, answer or serenity. And it comes from the root word lose, which means to solve and you speak German. You can say losing on the field. Probably Mitt finda or losing. And for poor blaming, shuffle or in vehicle. Let's look at the other words, Chef, in at least pay attention. That Chef in is a very important and a little bit complicated work. Why complicated? Because it has two different congregations and, respectively, two different meanings. If you congregate that Shelvin xuv a chef in, then it means to create toe make. If you congregate. However, like chef in shaft hot Gay shaft, then it means to accomplish, to manage or to achieve. Let's look at this German sentence. Yeah, but and fail again, mocked by my studio, an absolute sue clown sketch off so hard. In the rest came a phone Zepce. As you already see in this German sentence, there are some new grammar structures which we haven't learned yet. For instance, here I see to infinitive sets, samples, Sewell, Alban and a shaft. Suha Robin and I see another came which is actually quaint ifs. Y okay, it doesn't matter whether you understand infinitives, that's and queen, it's why here for the moment, the important thing is you have to memorize, or you have to learn that Chef in can be conjugated in two different ways, and it has two different meanings. Another word from our sample sentence at the beginning. The frog ish the which means problem, question or issue. And I think it. This is also very important and highly frequently used words, which means to develop, to generate or to design, depending on the context. Let's look at this sample sentence air and killed these software losing women, the one so busy on their smart. As you see in this German sentence, the second d I highlighted in the red color is a relative or normal. The second part off the sentence after the coma, starting with red color d a relative close, which explains the word lose and software closing. Now we will try something new, relatively new. Imagine you are looking a dictionary from German to German. Okay, does means puzzle. Mystery riddle are Condra. If I would explain this word in German, I would say that's raisel Detroiters Denk sport off Garber Day on Luzon. Kamina Soon's Garber Bellbottoms Carb Fund. It doesn't matter if you understand all the words in this German sentence. This is just to make your ear familiar with German explanations. Let's continue another related word. It's adjective form. Actually, Raisel Haft means puzzling, baffling, mysterious or any money. If I would explain this word raisel half in German or if I would try to find German synonyms for it's 1/2 I would say when Eric clearly sh one first, then leash. What I give hime this for? Let's look at the sample sentence on the over Fleischer. I'm I'm for her. Get dunker in that Tiefer. I never rates 1/2 on the surface. On the superficial level, it is a simple thought. But if you go into death and go deep, it is a mysterious, puzzling question. This is the meaning of our sample sentence. Another word highly related with us. Hate settled rates. Rockin means guess or add wise the world. Haden has two meanings. Let's see how we use it in a different context. This if I say many heart and saw it, this means if I were to guess, if I say the raid team so foresee, this means she advises him to be careful. Another word very useful. Our sheriffs in means acumen, brilliance, sea or ingenious. It's German. Synonyms are in elegance. Clue. Hide sharp for a fresh start? Yes. Look at this sample sentence with Sinem Sharf Sin on air and in Gordon I'm jokin less with his intelligence hill. It has left a good impression. Another small group off related words we can use with the job definition and the qualities of an engineer, I think ive very some There comes four complex means feel shifting someone hanging and complete See it here If you look at the word complex you see feel she she means layer feel shitty multilayered So someone hanging and in terror related, Entire connected create Eve I'm falls high Fantozzi for e d in the I am vice right. If somebody finds good ideas Good sore shins very often we can call him in five from Muzi. Fall is obvious in the in the eye is rich with ideas. The what If you're how can you explain this word in German? The plant don't control your on the wrong No yolk in I names oost um Dorsch Unmanned long Neue in technique. Let's look at this sample sentence. You know what's human? I wouldn't get harder in Deutschland on home and still that kinda in the one soon on a for show. Probably the word which you may not know in this sentence is they're still in there. Still without means significance. Another interesting word. A little bit complicated looking, but it's not actually a spout war talks be washed sign, which means sense of responsibility. Let's learn its German equivalents. German explanation. First Faith Kite found four tongue so that Neiman on So Kagen Faith Kite means ability, the ability to take on their responsibility and carried on Let's look at this in a simple sentence where we have used the word and sporting spirit wished side. Asian You off your NRG technique, often nine is or felt again. Our bikes wiser found four tongue spare, wished Sign. What I ask a plague steak. Delicious first tenderness. I think this is enough for this lecture. Please continue with the lecture number one in the second section. There we will talk about the soft skills, often engineer or, if you say it in German, I hear soft skills. Most sign Asian Europe made in the barbarism mid bring thank you very much. Feeling dunk 5. Intro video German for Engineers Level B1 B2: As its name suggests, this course addresses a specific target group. It is designed for engineering students and engineers who are interested in study or work opportunities in journalist spoken countries. My name's maybe I'm a German teacher and X engineer now living in Istanbul, Turkey. Actually, 25 years ago, I graduated from computer engineering department off Istanbul Technical University. But somehow I ended up being German teacher. Yes, I just to be an engineer. And now I'm a German teacher before explaining you more about the course. Probably the most important thing I should mention is the language level required for the scores. Students on this course should have completed a minimum, a two level in German or ideally more, preferably some experience in B one or B. It'll levels be basic methodology. All this course based on the grammatical and structural analysis off sample sentences carefully cited from relevant texts on you nearing fields in order to give you a better idea of our methodology, which is learning by analyzing sample sentences with a grammatical and structural approach , I think the best thing Aiken Dio is given example. For instance, let's look at this German sentence. Imagine you're isn't isn't shaft like ask a building. The for Floyd, the E off technician Gibby are beytin. You can roughly translate this sentence like engineers are scientifically trained professionals who work in technical field. But if you look at this German sentence, careful the way you'll see three different grammatical topics, for instance, the word listen sharply, which means scientific or scientifically is a good example off suffixes. To make adjectives from now again in our sample sentence, you will see a word I'll skip Bill. That's which means trained educative. This is also a good example. Off a past participle. The spot Cipel's are adjectives derived from words again. If you look at our sample sentence, if I exploited the off vacation giving are by. This is a relative close or in German and that he's stuff. The second part off the sentence, which starts with the is a close explaining the characteristic off far Lloyd professionals . I think I've managed to give you a clear idea or the methodology and the content off this course. Yes, machine and fish bus. I'm George in black