Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Class 8 - Design a Bottle Opener | Vladimir Mariano | Skillshare

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Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Class 8 - Design a Bottle Opener

teacher avatar Vladimir Mariano, I'd rather be 3D Printing

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      01 Intro


    • 2.

      02 Spline Tool


    • 3.

      03 Sketch Dime Slot


    • 4.

      04 Adjust Spline Points


    • 5.

      05 Offset and Mirror


    • 6.

      06 3D Printing Advice


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About This Class

In this class we use Fusion 360 to design a functional bottler opener.  The opener is modeled with a slot to insert a coin which will provide the strength needed to pop a bottle top.  This is a great example of using other materials along with 3D printing to achieve strength and functionality.

The stl file can be downloaded from here.

Make sure to follow the course in sequential order since each class builds on the prior to introduce new concepts and techniques.  Below is the table of contents for the entire course:

Class 1 - Design a Thingimabob

Class 2 - Design a Pair of Tweezers

Class 3 - Design a Coat Hook

Class 4 - Design a Wrench

Class 5 - Design a Vacuum Nozzle

Class 6 - Design a Tablespoon

Class 7 - Design a Soap Dish

Class 8 - Design a Bottle Oopener

Class 9 - Design a Taco Stand

Class 10 - Design a Ship Wheel

Class 11 - Design a Hair Comb

Meet Your Teacher

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Vladimir Mariano

I'd rather be 3D Printing


Vladimir Mariano is the instructor of the course 3D Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360. He is cofounder and president of the Fairfield County Makers' Guild, an independent makerspace in Norwalk, CT and founder of CT Robotics Academy. He teaches 3D printing and design at the makerspace as well as electronics and programming classes. Vladimir also teaches several maker related classes at local libraries and schools and was the coach for a local robotics team. He has a degree in Geology from West Virginia University and a RobotC Programming Instructor Certification from Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy.

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1. 01 Intro: 2. 02 Spline Tool: all right, continuing with our theme of designing practical functional three D printable designs will now go ahead and model a bottle opener. As you can see, here is the finished design. And you may be asking, why is there a slot in here? Well, that's because we're gonna go ahead and put a coin in there. We're gonna be using this to open bottles and bottles. Haps are made of metal, so we're gonna need something strong to be able to grab that bottle top. Pop it off. Uh, you won't want to use plastic for that. At least not the plastics will be printing with. So this is a good instance where, you know, we get to use three D printing along with other materials to make functional products. So in this case, I designed this to fit a dime, and I chose a dime just because a dime is a millimeter smaller than a penny. But you could easily just change the dimensions of the slot to make a fed a penny, Um, or any other metal object you want to throw in there. All right, let's go ahead and begin. So we're going to start with the new designs will goto file new design and we're going to start by creating a sketch right on the X Y plane. And we're gonna be designing sort of on the upper half here of the origin will start with a line and we're gonna draw this line. Make sure you've got that horizontal constraint, and we'll just drive to roughly about 50 or so millimeters. And then next time we want you to click and the hold left, click and hold. Now, I know this is contrary to everything I've been teaching about drawing lines and the click and release method. But notice, movement, click and hold. You get this ark you know, it's an automatic arc that starts forming, So we're gonna go ahead and take advantage of that and create a narc. That's about something like this. And then click the check marked OK, and they were gonna hit D for Dimension and go ahead and enter a dimension of 50 millimeters for this line. Now, next we're gonna grab are splitting tool to go ahead and give us this, uh, shape that we see here and approach we're gonna take is going to be more of, ah, organic approach to modeling. So, you know, as opposed to previous exercises, we have given you specific dimensions and specific radius is to enter. Um, in this case, basically gonna say, do something like what I'm doing and try to get it to look closely to what I have. And as long as it looks you know, something like what I have, You should be OK. I've designed this about 10 different times, and each time it's look different. So okay, we're gonna go to sketch, grab this plane tool, and we're gonna start at this point here, and we're gonna left, click and release, and then go ahead and continue this process of just left clicking to go ahead and just enter these points. And until we get a shape like this and then click the check mark too. Okay. So if you have something that resembles this, you should be good. Let's go ahead and talk about displaying to a little bit. As you can see, we have these these nodes with the's green handles. So I'm gonna go ahead and hit escape, and then we can grab these black points and I could be able to move them around. So I can I can easily go ahead and change. You know, the shape of my my sketch just by kind of taking these points and moving them around. Um, you can also go ahead. And if you click on a particular in a particular point, you can go ahead and you get these handles and you can manipulate thes handles to sort of give you a change in that curve. So I'm just gonna take a moment here just to kind of adjust this to something more closely to what I was looking for. So But, you know, just by simply changing these curves and changing these handles to get me a shape that I want now the best way to use displaying tool if you're not used to it, is just the best way to get the hang of it is just to use it. Really. Um, you know, it's it's a little weird when you first start using it, but, you know, once you kind of get an idea of you know what it does and how it have It works, you know, mean you start to get a hang of it, so just practice and it'll you know, it'll start to be a little more predictable. Um, so get something to look like this, and you should be good. Um, gonna also show you you know how to add additional points. What I recommend when using displaying to is to start off with the minimum you need as far as points and then add more if you need later. Just because sometimes when you start drawing, when you first start using this tool, you add more points that you need. And you really make your jam it your way more complex than it needs to be. So you're I spend a lot of time just kind of tweaking and adjusting when you don't really need to. Um, But I wish you had add additional points. You All you do is select your spine line, right click and just go down to insert spine fit point. You get the little cross here here, and you can place that anywhere you want. So in this case, I'll add a point there, um, hit, escape, and now that will allow me to kind of be able to make this a little more and give this you know, a little more of a narc, if that's what I was looking for. Okay, so this is looking good. Um, you know, feel free to just kind of take some time just to, you know, go ahead, positive video and just kind of tweak it to get, you know, get the right shape. Um, and then we'll go ahead once we're all set. I'm just going to go ahead and hit E for extrude and we'll go ahead and extrude this out to make it a body. So I didn't click on the profile on Grabber Arrow, pushed us out. We're gonna give it a dimension of 25 millimeters. Okay? And there's are sort of rough profile of our bottle opener right now. 3. 03 Sketch Dime Slot: next, we're gonna go ahead and answer our, uh, slat in here to put our coin. And as you can see, this one is already looking different than this one, which is fine. This hasn't more Vologda. Sort of edgy, more of a square. Look to it. But we'll go ahead and construct Ah, sketch right in the middle of this in order to get our our slot and be able to extrude that out in both directions and I'll show you what I mean. So first, we're gonna need a plane right in that sensor. In order to do that, we're just going to go to construct. And there's different options for creating planes. So we're going to select the mid plane and what the mid plane wants is to planes, and it will go ahead and calculate what the middle of those two planes are to create to create that construction plane. So we're gonna x elect this face along with this face here. And as you can see, it went right ahead and through that construction clean right in the middle. So that allows us to now just go ahead and go to sketch creates sketch select that plane will be able to draw right there. So I'm gonna unchecked bodies for now and expand my sketches. And I'm gonna bring in that first sketch just so I can reference it. And I'm gonna go ahead now and create a rectangle I'm gonna create on the outside and then sort of move it into place. So gonna are for rectangle, and I'm gonna give this a dimension of 1.4 by 18 on had enter. The reason I'm chewing one choosing one point point for by 18 is I measured the diamond. It was 1.3 by 17.9. In this case, I'm choosing to go 0.1 millimeters bigger than a dime. Remember what we talked about. Tolerance is last time. I can't go ahead and design this, uh, slot to be the same distance her the same dimension as my dime. Er, it just won't fit. So you have to factor in the tolerance hearing, make it a little bit bigger. In this case, I'm going 0.1 because that's going to give me, you know, very tight fit with, you know, my printer that I'm using. I find it varies a little bit with printers you may have to go point to with yours. Oh, are you know, anywhere between usually, you know, 00.12 point three, depending on the printer in the pending. What kind of fit you're looking for, whether you're looking for a really tight fit or sort of loose fit. So now we'll go ahead and I'm going to create a line here just because I want this. When I, um, placed put this into place, I wanted to be able to extend about three millimeters out from here, So I'm going to just set that measurement. I'm going to draw vertical line. Just make sure it's vertical, and I'm gonna give it a dimension of three millimeters from this edge, and I'm gonna go out to make that a construction line by clicking out and hitting X. So now I'm gonna go and right click Choose, move, Gonna place my move tool right on the intersection of that construction line I just made. Once I click, I get this little hand and now I can take it and sort of drag it into place. I'm gonna place It's sort of on the, um you know lower half here of this. I'll call it the chin. Um, just a rough area right here, and we'll go ahead and click. OK, Now I automatically see a problem, and that's that. This slop extends past the edge here, and I don't want that. I wanted the chance to sort of overlap that, so it doesn't really cut it in half. So my slats and cut my eye opener and half. So I'm gonna have to go back and tweak this to make it a little bit bigger. So let's go ahead and hit, Stop, sketch. And before I tweak it just to give you an idea of where we are. So I created that first sketch, right? That's this guy here. And then I went ahead and created a second sketch. That's this. This guy right here, Um and it looks like right now I'm sketching on the same plane. But when I go ahead and orbit this, you see that here's that mid plane I created. And here was that original plane used for sketching the opener. So you can see I was simply referring to that first catch just so I can I can use it to be able to place my rectangle, but I wasn't sketching on that plane, so I just wanted to show that cause it's It's easy to get confused when you first start using fusion 3 60 what sketch and what plane you're working within. So I just always keep that in mind and always go back to refer to your sketches here on the browser. 4. 04 Adjust Spline Points: Okay, so let's go ahead. And two week, this this catch here so that, you know, our slat will fit. The nice thing about using, um, spines is that you don't have to actually go back into the sketch to edit it. Um, we can just simply drag these out just by grabbing them. And if you notice if I turn bodies back on, it will automatically adjust the body to fit that shape. So, uh, that's it's pretty nice feature. It's hard to do with the bodies on because it has a hard time trying to select that point. So I find it easier just to go ahead and turn off bodies and we can go ahead and make these adjustments. Now, one thing. You you definitely want to make sure you get right. Is this part here? Um, you want this overhang to not or to be, you know, past this chin. So if you have something like this, the bottle opener is not gonna work because this part will actually hit the neck of the bottle, and it'll prevent engagement with the coin. So you want to make sure to bring this back and and have that clearance there so you can actually grab the edge of the bottle cap. So I just wanted to go ahead and tweak this so that this extends a little bit past, um, you know, past the coin. Um, so that looks pretty good. I'm going to go ahead and bring our bodies back on. Now I can actually take this and extruded out, So let's see if he e for extrude, click on a rectangle and we're gonna do a symmetric extreme. So instead of a one side, we're gonna go and choose symmetric and for distance. Now, I want this to be the same dimension as the the mentioned I put in for my slat, which was 18 millimeters. But remember, I'm going some metrics. So let's show you, if I do 18 millimeters, it's gonna go away too big because it's doing both sides. So actually want half of that so I can go ahead and put nine in this box, and that's half or usually when I'm doing some metric. It's sometimes easier rather than calculating. You know that the mentioned that I need I can just go ahead and choose, say, 18. I know that's the mention I want to end up with so I can type and you can actually just put in the formula here so I can say, Well, I want 18 divided by two. Um, sometimes it's easier to do that than actually do the calculation in your head. So I'm gonna choose that and click OK, And that will automatically make this, uh, my 18 millimeters since it goes 91 side and nine the other. 5. 05 Offset and Mirror: Okay, That looks pretty good. Um, kind of looking at this. You turn off the sketch looking at this profile, and I'm still not quite happy with this shape here. So I'm gonna go back and to be a little bit, so I'm gonna go back into my sketch and all that. It was double click my sketch one. And I'm just going to kind of play with this a little bit because not a big fan of how that's looking. Um, so you can see it's just on ongoing process notice here. I can't. It's not letting me move this. That's because for some reason, I think I accidentally put a constraint there, so that's ah, horizontal constraint. So it'll let me go, you know, wide and short. But it won't let me, you know, turn it. So all I have to do. In that case, if that happens to you, just click on that constraint hit delete. You know, now I should be able to go ahead and two week that Okay, so it was something like this, and it gets something to look a little nicer. Um, in years, like I said, doesn't have to look exactly like my main thing. You want to actually make sure you have Is that Let's stop sketch. Um, you know that a couple things I talked about, we turned the sun. So when you're looking at your sketch, you know, you want this to extend past this chin and you know you want to have a little bit of a clearance here. You don't want this right to the edge, just so you you know, you're open, it will be a little bit stronger. So that's actually tweet that a little too much. That's too close. So I'm gonna choose bodies and come back out a little bit. Okay, so I'm gonna leave it at that. But you you think you get the point? Um, So I'm going to stop scared. I'm gonna turn on bodies back on. And if I look at this compared to this one, right, that kind of took a different approach. Their side, that more of a curvy round approach. This I did more of a, you know, a square approach. Um, but that's fine. And your skin look different. Um, but let's go ahead and just do a few more tweaks to this. Just to give it a little more visual appeal. Um, we can go ahead and send this to the printer. Know what? Print? Fine. And this would work. But let's go ahead. And I'm going to give this a little sort of relief on the side here. So I'm gonna go to sketch, create, sketch, choose this side. I'm gonna turn off my first on that sketch, and I'm just gonna choose offset and grab the outline so you'll see a highlight and give it a negative offset to bring this in. I'm gonna choose an offset of negative one and head enter. Now, I'm just gonna go ahead and grab that hit. He for extrude and extruded in one as well are actually negative one. And that just gave it a little sort of, you know, a nice little edge of their, which which looks pretty good. So you know that Do the same thing on the other side. Now, I can go ahead and follow the same process. Creates sketch officer and extrude, or I can take advantage of my mirror command. So I'm gonna go to my or create and go down to mirror, and we get this box. So let's talk about the mirror command here. Um, we've used mirror and sketch before where we've made one line on another side. Um, with the under your modeling environment with using mirror, you get a few options here, so let's go through each one. So, object. That's easy, right? That's asking us. What do you want to select? The object? Your mirror playing from my mirror plane. I'm actually gonna go ahead and select my construction plane, so I'm gonna go. And the one we created. Remember when we chose the mid plane? But I'm gonna choose it by going down. You see, we have this construction option here so I can go and turn that on. So I haven't selected anything yet in this whole box. So my first election I'm gonna choose is my mirror plane here, and I'm gonna go ahead and just choose that. And that says once elected. Um, So now let's talk about pattern type pattern type gives me a few options. It says you if you want, you can choose faces so I can choose any one of these faces and have that modeled on the other side. I can choose a pattern. Bodies in this case, pattern bodies wouldn't really work Because I'm you know, I'm working with one body. If I had more than one body and I wanted to mirror, I could go ahead and do that. Or I can actually mirror this body That would make remember the whole thing if I chose a construction plane that was outside of this body. But we're not going to deal with that right now. Pattern features is what we're actually going to use. Um, come back to that pattern. Components were actually we don't have any components here, so we're not gonna use that. Let's talk about pattern features when I choose pattern features. So unlike faces, you know where your, um, you know, you would you would select a certain face, Um, this case when I used pattern features, I like to go in and just select an option off my timeline. So I know I want this extrusion, which was this here. So I can go ahead and just choose this as my features, and it should actually have to go back and shoes objects. So once I go to objects now, I can go back. Since I have features selected that could go back and shoes my pattern feature. And now I can just go ahead and I have everything else selected so I can just click. OK? And I went ahead and made that right on the side. Let me do that again because I felt like that was a lot of talking. And so it was wasn't as smooth as I wanted it to be. Um, So I'm gonna go ahead and marry this feature on this side, So I'm gonna go to modify. So I'm gonna go to create mirror gonna have pattern type, selected us padded features. So for my abject, I'm gonna choose it right from my timeline. My mirror plane. I'm gonna turn this on and shoes that as my plane and that's it. And I like to do is hit. Okay, you can see on this side once I had OK, there is my future selected, so I'm gonna turn off my construction plane. So I went ahead and created that feature on this side 6. 06 3D Printing Advice: Okay, there we go. I'm gonna do one final thing, which is going to be at a fill it over here. So I'm gonna have for Philip, and I'll do just the fill it of one millimeter. Looks good and click. OK, And there's our bottle opener. Um, so this looks pretty good. Just the word of caution when you do print this depending on the printer, your may you may not want to actually model, uh, this feature on one side. You may want to keep it flat, because if you remember, you know how a printer works is that this part is actually gonna lie flat on the printer just like that, Right? So when the way of three d printer works as a deposits each layer, it relies on the previous later to support the layer above it. Um, and but a lot of printers have most plant printers, have the ability to, you know, do a decent job, and bridging and bridging means that you're gonna deposit film from one side to another without any supports. And my printer does a decent job of this. So I'm okay with printing. I mean, there's a little bit of sagging when it has to go from one side to the other without support. But, um, you know, it still looks pretty decent. You may have different results with your printer. Um, a way to help your printer out is just actually put a fan on there while it's doing that. Bridging that helps the film mental harder and faster on. Do a better job. Um, so you can try it like this, See how it works. If you're getting a little too much sagging, then you may just want to go ahead and remove. Um, we move one side and just print one side flat and then have the feature on the other side. So to do that, you can actually just go back to your timeline. You know, you could just sort of elite, um or that was actually that's the wrong one. That was the Philip. You can delete that mirror that we did, and that would go ahead and make that flat. So I'm gonna hit control C to bring that back. Eso just you know, just some advice. When you're printing, you give it a try like this, and if you get good results then that's good. If not, you may want to remove that. Okay. So that there we go. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. And go ahead and print your bottle opener and, uh, enjoy a drink.