Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Class 4 - Design a Wrench | Vladimir Mariano | Skillshare

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Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Class 4 - Design a Wrench

teacher avatar Vladimir Mariano, I'd rather be 3D Printing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1 Intro


    • 2.

      2 Sketching the Profile


    • 3.

      3 Sketch Continued


    • 4.

      4 Extrude and Sketch Fillet


    • 5.

      5 Making Changes


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About This Class

This is class 4 in a series on learning how to design for 3D Printing Using Fusion 360.  In this class we learn how to design a 3d printable wrench.

All design printable design files for the course can be found here.

Make sure to follow the course in sequential order since each class builds on the prior to introduce new concepts and techniques.  Below is the table of contents for the entire course:

Class 1 - Design a Thingimabob

Class 2 - Design a Pair of Tweezers

Class 3 - Design a Coat Hook

Class 4 - Design a Wrench

Class 5 - Design a Vacuum Nozzle

Class 6 - Design a Tablespoon

Class 7 - Design a Soap Dish

Class 8 - Design a Bottle Oopener

Class 9 - Design a Taco Stand

Class 10 - Design a Ship Wheel

Class 11 - Design a Hair Comb

Meet Your Teacher

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Vladimir Mariano

I'd rather be 3D Printing


Vladimir Mariano is the instructor of the course 3D Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360. He is cofounder and president of the Fairfield County Makers' Guild, an independent makerspace in Norwalk, CT and founder of CT Robotics Academy. He teaches 3D printing and design at the makerspace as well as electronics and programming classes. Vladimir also teaches several maker related classes at local libraries and schools and was the coach for a local robotics team. He has a degree in Geology from West Virginia University and a RobotC Programming Instructor Certification from Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy.

See full profile

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1. 1 Intro: 2. 2 Sketching the Profile: All right, let's go ahead and design a ranch. As you can see, here is the finished model to show you what the product will look like. So let's jump right in. I'm gonna go ahead and create a new design, so it's gonna file in the design, and we'll go ahead and save it. So we will call this one wrench and throw it right until the same project. Polar. We've been working with the tutorial designs. One click save. All right, so now we'll start with a sketch. So we'll go to the sketch, create sketch and choose the X Y plane. The way I'm going approach this one is that I'm going to start off first with the line. So we're gonna click help for a line, and I'm gonna draw a horizontal line and notice the horizontal constraint that's automatically set, and it snaps to it. So let's go ahead and great line about 80 or so millimeters and then click again in the check mark. Okay, Now we're going to give it an exact dimensions, so we're gonna hit deeper dimension and the mentioned this up and actually want that to be 80 millimeters, so go ahead and do that. Now I want to position this line so that the middle of this line will sit right on this origin. The way to do that is to go ahead and use our constraints on our sketch palette. So we're gonna grab this midpoint constraint. I'm going to click once on this line, you can click anywhere on the line, and then I'm going to click on the midpoint here around the origin here and now it place that line perfectly in the mid point of that origin. So great. All right, so now I will go ahead and going to construct a polygon here at this point. So we're gonna go to sketch Holly Gagne, circumscribed polygon, and I'm going to click on the point here, click and release and move my mouse cursor out. And I'm gonna give this a radius of 5.15 millimeters going to hit enter and it's gonna ask me how many sides. So in this case, I wanted to be six side, so that's what I need. But just to show you if I for example, Inter aid, it will turn into an act of God. Alright? condenser three, for example. Little giving a triangle. So let's go ahead and make that. Hey, Hexagon, give it six sides and hit. Enter now. I really wanted this top line here to be horizontal, so let's go ahead and set a horizontal constraint to that. So I'm gonna grab my horse until slash vertical constraint, Click on the line, And there we go. It's set to horizontal. Now, at this point, I can actually still grab this and drag it up and increase it and decreases in size. And I don't want it to be able to do that. So I'm actually gonna hit D for Dimension Click here and on the center. And it clicked the top line, dragged that out and actually answer my radius again a 5.15 Okay, so now it's lacked. And so it won't I don't accidentally make it bigger or smaller. All right, now we're gonna hit, see for center diameter circle, and I'm gonna draw a circle from the center of my polygon. Um, and I'm gonna drag the mouse out and give this a diameter of 20 millimeters on that answer . Okay, Now we're gonna move to this side 3. 3 Sketch Continued: and then this side of the point, I'm going to start off with a sensor rectangle, and I'm gonna start drawing that right on that point. Click warrants released, drag out. And for this, I'm gonna give it a with of 12 millimeters in a high of 10.3 and had entered twice. Okay? And I'm gonna hit, see for center diameter circle And I'm going to start a circle. I want the circle to start here something to click and release And I want the the circumference diameter to be able to come out to this point right here on my rectangle that I created. So I'm gonna reference that and click again and there's my circle. So I started a here, and I referenced this as my outer diameter of a circle. Okay, that looks to be good so far. Okay. Next, I want to take this line and apply an offset to it. So I'm gonna go to sketch, offset, click on this line and start dragging up. See how if I go up in this case, it's going negative and down there is a positive number, so I'm gonna go ahead and answer negative seven as the offset head answer. Okay, now, that leaves me with a lot of geometry here that I want to clean up. So notice that each one of these in course profiles are able to be selected separately. And if I'm gonna take this and extrude it, I really don't want to deal with that. I just want to be able to click one profile and extruded. Plus, it'll just make this easier to work with. So let's go ahead and trim this a little bit. So let's have tea, fur trim, and I'm just gonna start removing these edges that I don't need. So just how long and I'm just click where I'm clicking to remove these edges. Okay, so now you know, it's starting to look more like a wrench. So now one thing that's left to do and the sketches I want to take this line here and actually mirror it about this line so I can get you know, my bottom half here. So to do that, I'm gonna go to sketch mirror. I'm gonna choose this as my Merrill line. I'm sorry is my object and choose this is my mirror line and click OK All right, now, I'm just gonna trim a few more things. I don't need this line anymore. Trump this on this piece here and there goes my sketch. So that's what I wanted to end up with. And now I'm ready to go ahead and extreme this something to click Stop sketch. 4. 4 Extrude and Sketch Fillet: and go ahead and click on this profile. Click on the for extrude and I will start dragging this up. I know I want this to be four millimeters thick, so I'm gonna quick for if this has one side, new body and click. Ok, all right. Now, I can had some fillets to these sides here. So many click out for Philip. Click this. This this edge and this edge and we'll give this radius of five millimeters and click. Ok. Hey, that looks good. This I couldn't go ahead and print this now and have a fully functional wrench, but it looks a little bland, so it's ah, give a little bit of a style to it. So, um, in order to do that, let's go ahead and create another sketch. We're gonna go to sketch create scheduled sketch on top of this surface, and I will start by creating a sensor rectangle in the reference right from the origin. And I'm gonna make this five millimeters by 45 millimeters and had answer. And there's my sketch notice. Let's see if I expand my sketch. I have sketch one which would which was my sketch that I first made at the bottom. Um, click that and that's my sketch one. And my sketch to is the sketch that I just made right now on top of the geometry here, her on top of the model. So now I want to take you this. Let's say, Let's go ahead and extruded down. Um, let's try and negative two millimeters and said it to cut and click. OK, and that's actually looking a little too deep. Not exactly what I wanted her to look I was going for. So let's go ahead and change that. So ranted in hitting Control Z or undo. Let's go ahead and we can just use our timeline here. So if I right click on the last thing I did here, which was this extrude have function right? Click on that. If you have anything selected, it won't show added features, so sometimes you have to quick outside in a blank space and go back and try it again. So let's go toe headed feature, and I'm gonna change that from a negative to negative one and click OK, and there we go. That's a little better. Um, so quick. Way to go back and change your designs. That's anything about Parametric designs. It's It's very easy to go back and make changes. So let's actually do that on this catch level now. So let's go back on this catch. I wanted I could go ahead and fill it these at this point. But let's say I wanted to do that at the sketch level. So I'm going to go back to that sketch and Goto added sketch and gonna go She's sketch fillets and I'm gonna choose the sides here, sandwiches this side in this side Careful not to choose the bash line here and the reference where the sensor rectangle, because it will allow you to choose that. Um and I'm just gonna go ahead and start clicking our start selecting each of the sides this and this and this and this and I'm going to give this a fill it of two millimeters. I'm gonna hit to Hunter, and I'm gonna click Stop sketch notice how that was automatically applied to my model. So now I'm gonna go ahead and do fill it another feel that this time on the model environment, So I'm going to go to modify and go to fill it, and they choose this outer edge and also this inter edge here and give this fella just one millimeter. Well, that looks good. So there we go. That's our wrench. You could even come back later. You know, put a design in here if you have a logo or if you want to put your initials or your name if you can fit it, Um, so that's that's an option that's left to you. 5. 5 Making Changes: Um, but that's Ah, this is this wrench works. Actually, I use it to Ah, and screw my, um, Quadcopter propellers. So you know it. I just need something to get in there. Doesn't have to be metal. So I have this printed on P l. A. And it works great for tightening and then changing my propellers. So there's a lot of uses where you don't really need, you know, staying with steel wrench. You just need something just to get something tied enough in. This works great for it. Um, and these dimensions I used were exactly what I need for my propellers. But let's say you wanted to change him up. So let's go back. And let's say you wanted to make this bigger. Okay, uh, we'll go ahead and go at it sketch and instead of 5.15 has that dimension. Let's say you wanted to make this six millimeters so we can just go ahead and change it head enter and you can see the sketch changed. But the thing is, once you click on stop sketch, it will automatically update Yeah, that model. So again, just another example of going back to your sketch to make the changes so you can go ahead and quickly, um, update your models, so that looks good. I'm gonna go ahead and actually just undo that because I wanted at 1.15 So hit control Z, and we're back to our 5.15 All right, that's the wrench. You can go ahead and export this to a three d printer and you'll find out that it'll actually works great for us, sir. And applications enjoy.