Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Class 1 - Design a Thingamabob | Vladimir Mariano | Skillshare

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Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Class 1 - Design a Thingamabob

teacher avatar Vladimir Mariano, I'd rather be 3D Printing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Download Fusion 360


    • 3.

      The Fusion 360 Environment


    • 4.

      Our first 3D Shape


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Finish our Thingamabob


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About This Class

Learn how to design for 3D Printing with my course series.  In this first class we download and install Fusion 360, get familiar with the modeling environment, and design our first model - The Thingamabob.

Autodesk Fusion 360 is free for students, educators, and hobbyists and can be downloaded at:


3D printable course files can be downloaded from http://www.thingiverse.com/Desktop_Makes/designs

Make sure to follow the course in sequential order since each class builds on the prior to introduce new concepts and techniques.  Below is the table of contents for the entire course:

Class 1 - Design a Thingimabob

Class 2 - Design a Pair of Tweezers

Class 3 - Design a Coat Hook

Class 4 - Design a Wrench

Class 5 - Design a Vacuum Nozzle

Class 6 - Design a Tablespoon

Class 7 - Design a Soap Dish

Class 8 - Design a Bottle Oopener

Class 9 - Design a Taco Stand

Class 10 - Design a Ship Wheel

Class 11 - Design a Hair Comb

Meet Your Teacher

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Vladimir Mariano

I'd rather be 3D Printing


Vladimir Mariano is the instructor of the course 3D Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360. He is cofounder and president of the Fairfield County Makers' Guild, an independent makerspace in Norwalk, CT and founder of CT Robotics Academy. He teaches 3D printing and design at the makerspace as well as electronics and programming classes. Vladimir also teaches several maker related classes at local libraries and schools and was the coach for a local robotics team. He has a degree in Geology from West Virginia University and a RobotC Programming Instructor Certification from Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy.

See full profile

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1. Intro: - welcome to my course. My name is Vladimir Mariano, and I'll be your instructor. So I've seen the scenario played out numerous times. You get into a three D printer, or maybe you have access to one through your school or library, and at first it's very exciting. You go online and you download a model of a squirrel that someone designed you. Send it to the printer. This thing is being formed right before your eyes, and soon you're holding something that used to be a digital file, and I was actually a physical object and you're blowing away. So you go back online and you look for more stuff and you're printing a cat or a bracelet or some other figurine, and soon you have more trinkets than you know what to do with. And it doesn't take long before this just becomes a little boring on your thinking. You know this whole three D printing hype. Ah, but the Magic and three D printing is not printing other people's stuff. It's actually printing your own designs and your own creations. So in my course I'm gonna take you through a series of lessons. We were actually gonna learn how to design and how to make our own models for three D printing, we're going to use a very powerful software called Fusion 3 60 Not only is it very powerful , but it's also free for hobbyists and students. So we'll go through my course and each lesson will be creating a very functional, impractical model. And we'll be learning a new design concept along the way. So I encourage you to go ahead and enroll in this course. And if you stick with me to the end, I promise you that you'll be making some pretty incredible stuff. All right, let's begin. 2. Download Fusion 360: the first thing we're going to do is download Fusion 3 60 So I'm just gonna go ahead and type fusion 3 60 right into Google hit, enter and the first search result that comes up should be good. Just remember our make sure to double check that it's, Ah, the one by auto desk and go ahead and click on it. I'm also gonna put this link on the course description, so you just go ahead and click on it and it'll take you right to this link. You'll notice desire INGE Bone for the free trial. Go ahead and click on it and it'll direct you to the download page. It's gonna ask you for your email and it'll have you create an account. Feel free to scroll down to get some information and software. Remember, this is available for both PC and Mac, so you have the option of choosing whichever one you want. Um, over here noticed that it says free for students, enthusiasts, hobbyists and startups. So you can read out to get more information. You start by downloading this 30 day trial, but at the end of the trial, you can actually just go on there and put your information whether you're a student or happiest, and it allows you to continue to use it. So go ahead, download it, create an account and install the software, and then we'll begin our first tutorial. 3. The Fusion 360 Environment: before we jump into modeling our first real part. Let's just take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the Fusion 3 60 environment, so we'll start at the top. As you can see, we have this little grid icon here. This is our data panel. This is where our models are organized into different projects. For example, you can see if I click on my recent data, it's gonna bring me toe Ah, the most recent models that I've made and I can drag these into my current model or Aiken, double quick on them toe, open them up and continue working. We'll talk more about this little later. We also have our file menu, our save icon and our undo and redo buzz. Be, though, that we have our toolbar. Our toolbar is where we're going to spend a lot of our time choosing different tools. So, for example, you'll hear me say, open up your sketch menu and select the line tool or the rectangle or circle tool. There's also other parts of the tool bars for manipulating our models, such as create, modify and a whole bunch of different options. Below that, we have our browser. There's not much in our browser right now because we haven't created anything. But for now, just note that you'll see these little light bulb icons that you can turn on and off. For example, I'll turn on my origin right now, and that will show me my different planes. Uh, where we will be working with a three D environment. So you always have to be aware of what plane you're working with on the top, right? We have our view, cube. And as you can see, I can move this around to change my view on orbit around Oh, I can click this little home icon and it takes me back to, ah, home orientation all the way on the bottom. We have our timeline. Ah, timeline is empty right now, but as we start modeling, you'll see it being populated with all our different sketches and different manipulations that we have made. Okay, now let's jump in and practice using some of these tools 4. Our first 3D Shape: so we'll start with just, uh, basically constructing a line. So we're gonna go to sketch create sketch infusion, is going to prompt us to choose a plane. And you can see as I hover over the different planes, they will turn Ah, lighter color or it'll light up. So we have our X y Z plane or are RGB red, green and blue? I like working with the X Y plane when im sketching. So let's go ahead and select this one right here. The red green plate to create a line I'm gonna go to sketch lying and something I want establish right from beginning is to get into the habit of just clicking and releasing. So now that as I move my mouse around, I'm not holding any buttons now and I get this rubber band effect. You know, I I mentioned that just to distinguish it from clicking, holding the button and dragging. I think a lot of people are used to doing that. So just click release the left mouse button and now you can see that you know, I can go ahead and start just creating legs, so I'm gonna left click again and I can keep clicking just to make just some basic shape, go ahead and do the same thing. It doesn't matter what your shape looks like as long as it comes to a point that looks something like this and you get this shaded region. So we now have a profile. Whenever we enclose a sketch, we get this This profile that's shaded in that tells us that. Okay, we can do something with this. We can extrude it. So go ahead and click stops catch. Now, this brings us into our three D environment. Um, so let's go ahead and click on Create extrude to extrude this up. So I'm gonna go ahead and click inside that profile that I made and I get this arrow so I can drag this arrow up or down to, ah, go ahead and create a three d shape. So let's go ahead and drag it up. It doesn't really matter. Um, you know, don't worry about the dimensions right now. Just get it to look something like this and click OK 5. Navigation: all right, So now that we have a three D shape, let's talk a little bit about navigation. So if I click and hold down my scroll wheel button, I can pan, so I can. It's like I'm grabbing this model in just moving it around the space and very important to have a three reel scroll now. So you don't want to be working with the track pad or just the mouse with left and right click button. So with that scroll wheel, I can also move it forward or scroll forward to zoom in or scroll backwards to zoom out. Yours might be the other way around. Depends, for example, either, um, you know, in my zoom in when you scroll out or are amount when you scroll And but either way you're moving the scroll wheel to zoom in and out and tow orbit. We're going to hold down, shift and pressed the scroll Leo, and we can see that we can Harbert our model around. And if we ever, for example, lose our model that we're way out when can't find that we're wondering where away. If you just double click your scroll wheel that will bring your model right back. Okay? That's really the important parts of navigating. If you're in a bind and you don't have that squirrel wheel mosque with you right now, you can also use the little toolbar here on the bottom, which allows you to click orbit, orbit and pan to move around. And it has zoom options. You can also quick on this little look at icon and select the face, and it'll turn it. And so that you're viewing that face trade on. And again, we could just go back and click on the home icon of that view, Cube also to bring us to a home orientation. Okay, that's enough for navigation right now. So just practice orbiting and moving around. It takes a little bit getting used to, um, you know, But eventually you'll get the hang of it. 6. Finish our Thingamabob: So let's now continue with our model. So I'm gonna orbit this, um, so that no, I'm looking someone at the top, and that's great. Ah, Cube on the top of our model. So I'm gonna go to sketch rectangle and I'm going to select the two point rectangle and it gives us the option to choose a plane again. As you can see, I can select one of those planes O r. I also have the option to select the surface so I can draw on any one of these surface on the extrusion we just made. I'm gonna go ahead and choose the top so you'll see it light up and go ahead and click on it and I'm gonna zoom in a little bit and I'm going to start drawing in my rectangle So to start drawing, just click ones and in drag out and click again for your your end point And now we have a rectangle So let's go through that same process We're gonna quicken stops catch, create extrude click on the rectangle I'm gonna hold shift and just change my orientation a little bit And I'm going to drag my cube up and that looks good. So I'm going to say OK, all right. So now let's do one more sketch and which will involve putting a hole through the second cube that we've made. So we will go to sketch circle, uh, which was center diameter circle, and I'm going to go ahead and choose this side. And as you can see, I'm facing that cute. Be careful. I'm gonna do that one more time. Choose circle, centre, diameter circle. In this case, it went ahead and lit up the side that I want. But if you wanted to choose something that's inside sort of if you wanted that plane, you can click and hold down the mouse month and you get a few options so I can actually go in and select that point. But what I want is that face. So I'm going to go Just click on that Now I can go ahead and draw my circle by just picking a starting point and dragging out to set my diameter again. Don't worry about the dimension. Just make something that looks something like this. Okay, Now I have my circle in that face, so let's go ahead and also extrude this, but this time we're gonna extruded in instead of outwards. So we'll click on, create extrude click in our circle. And as you can see, we can drag out and create, um, this fair that comes out Oh, are the cylinder that comes out or we can drag it in and you can see it starts turning red or pink. Also, notice that when I drag it out this option right here in our dialect by schools from join keep an eye on that as I move it in. Once it goes inside the circle are inside the cube, it changes to cut. So let's just drag this all the way till we see a, um, come out on the other side and I'm gonna click, OK? And we have a whole going through are cute. Okay, there we go. That's our first model. Uh, not much. I don't know what you can do with this, but I basically just wanted to use this to be able to, you know, just introduce some of the tools and briefly talk about you know how to use them. The next section will create something that would can actually at print and will have some , some really a world function