1. Introduction: Hello everybody and welcome to this new course. Today, we will have a look at French adverbs. The course is aimed at beginner level, but issue at a higher level. Feel free to watch to catch up with some previous learning. So let's have a look at the different topics of the course. You will learn different French adverbs and different adverbs category, which will help you to recognize them. You will learn where adverbs are placed in a sentence. You will learn how to create an adverb from an adjective. And finally, you will have a class project to practice what you will learn today. So let's get started.
2. Recognise French Adverbs: So first of all, what is an adverb? It's a word or an expression that changes adjectives, verbs, or even other adverbs meaning. And it could be a single word, for example, who see which mean also in French? It can also be a single word ending in e, n, t. For example, poorly, more politely in English. And it can also be a group of words, one expression, for example, to Turku suddenly. And those Adverb, they can also be categorized into different categories. So we're going to have a look at a couple. The first category would be location adverbs. So I'll give you a couple of examples per category. In French, we can have duel EC, law passed to Duvall. And they mean outside. Here, there, everywhere in front of and as you can tell, they are related to location. Their meaning is related to a location. Then we have time adverbs like usual, dri, Duma or sweet. So Von to-do suite. And they mean today. Tomorrow, then often right now. And they are related to time. Then we have manner adverbs like mu desk, Pluto, V8 come, which means better almost rather quickly, like we also have quantity adverbs like auto, bu, qu produce more. And they mean as much, a lot, more, too much or less. You can also have a formation adverbs like certain mode, Buffett, mom, son, duit, volume CI. And they mean certainly, absolutely, probably, gladly. And really. As opposed to a defamation at web, we have negation adverbs like nope, jammy, pneumo needed. But due to and they mean no, never. Not attune. Nowhere. Not at all as well. If you've got two waves of saying it. And one last category would be the doubt adverbs. Like APA, HMO, put that 2D flop, recent blab LUMO. And the meal apparently may be nevertheless in all likelihood. So that's it for this topic. You can recognize an adverb and you also know different adverb categories. So let's move on to the next video. Thank you.
3. Position of French Adverbs: Now we're going to have a look at where you need to place French adverbs in a sentence. First of all, if you want to modify the verbs, meaning you need to put the adverb after the verb. So let's have a look at an example. Xun, most cashless reason would I eat fast as I am late? The adverb is V8 fast, so it is placed after the verb. And what does that do? The adverb fast at some speed to the action of eating. Then if the verb is conjugated with a past participle, so you have an auxiliary verb and the past participle you have to put it between. So let's have a look at an example. Emoji, I have eaten too much. And as you can see, the auxiliary is a and the past participle is Moji. Therefore, you put the adverb in-between the adverb too much at a higher quantity of what has been eaten. Therefore, it's modifying the meaning of the verb. Now, if you want to modify an adverb, meaning, you need to put it before the adverb. Let's have a look at an example. Lp, not smoke. She speaks very slowly. So you've got two adverbs, lot more slowly. And we're adding a second verb, which is very, and we changed the meaning of long-term way does it's adding a higher degree to the adverb slowly. So she speaks slowly. She speaks very slowly. But you have to remember, you put it before the other adverb. Now if you want to modify an adjectives meaning something, you put it before the adjective. Let's have a look at an example. Xi is two to the adjective is called tall, and the adverb is top too. So you put it before the adjective. And what happened is the adverb too, at the higher degree to the adjective tool makes it even taller in a way. Now if you adverb as three or more syllables, it can be after the verb, but it can also be at the end of a sentence. For example, tap sulla tabular view Lama, he hits the table, violently. Ill tab view lemma. Surely he violently hits the table. So you can see that the adverb view lemme, be careful with the pronunciation and know it's written with an E. Pronunciation is it's the sound ulama. And as you can see, it is at the end of a sentence or after the verb, you can use it both ways. Then if you are using a location or time Adverb, they can be at the start, who at the end of a sentence, they rarely in the middle of the sentence, therefore after a verb. So it would be 11 new EC. That means yesterday, it came here. And you can also say 11 new ear can hear yesterday. It actually works in English as well. You can put it at the start of the sentence and at the end of the sentence. The adverb ensemble, which means together, is always after the verb. Ensemble MED. They eat together at noon, always after the web. And finally, the adverb, Sumo and certain mode, surely, and certainly they can never be at the start of a sentence. Elites, Jomo alotta is late for sure. Are surely G certain Pell delusion as certainly lost again, can never be at the start of a sentence. So now you've seen where you can add an adverb in a French sentence depending on what you need to change. If it's the meaning of an adverb, a verb or an adjective, or depending on their location or time adverb, how many syllables the adverb has an if its own songs, Shlomo, certain law. So all of that will help you make sure you use the adverb at the correct place in the sentence. So that's it for this topic. Let's move on to the next video. Thank you.
4. Creation of French Adverbs: We're going to have a look at how you can create an adverb from an adjective. So there's different ways of doing this. The first one, if it is a feminine adjective, you add the ending. Let's have a look at an example. Collage ruse. As an adjective would become cautious. And that means courageous. Courageously. That if you have an adjective that is ending in e and t already, that e and t will become e m e n t. So for example, if I assume would be minus e and t ending and you add e double m e n t. And you get to be careful with the pronunciation. It's assigned for the adjectives, adverbs. And that means patient. Patiently. Now if you have an adjective that is ending in a and T, and T will become a double m, e and t. So for example, but you have clay Jante adjective. You remove the a and T at the end and you add a double m, e n, t. So the adverb is adjective. Adverb, which means brilliant. Brilliantly. Unfortunately, in French we have some exception. So I'm gonna show you a couple of exceptions. Some adjective. We'll take an ending which is a more acute accent, M, E, and T, for example. Which means huge. We change to MIMO. Hugely. Confused, confuse him, confused profusely. The reason why we add the axon is because it's easier to pronounce. So if you would say without the excellent enum in no MIMO, MIMO, it's the same sound, so it's difficult to say. When you add the accent in MIMO, the pronunciation is so much easier. Confused, confusing. If you didn't have the accent, confuse zoom mode. It's just more complicated to say. Some feminine adjective. We lose E. Like real, really, Venmo. Julie. Julie. Pretty, pretty symmetric, active will change to e m e and t, not the double m e n t that we've seen. For example, long slope slowly. Some of them will have a cookie different form. Like John T. Nice. John Timo. Nicely. Brief. Briefly. Bone. Good. Well, like in English, that one is complexly different as well in English. Move it mal, Bad, badly. So that's it for this topic. You have seen how you can create a French adverbs from a French adjective. Remember there are some exceptions, so it's good to always learn them by heart just in case. Let's move on to the next video. Thank you.
5. Class Project & Conclusion: Well then everybody, it's NYU tend to practice. So remember to download the project PDF that are put in the project section where you have all the information about your exercises to do. In the first exercise, you will need to add the correct French adverb and indicate if it is modifying the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. You can also indicate from which category decide the comes from. The second exercise is a list of fringe adjective for you to transform into French adverbs, book knowledge. We are now at the end of the course. So let's summarize what we have learned today. You know what an adverb 0s and the different adverb categories. You know where to place French adverbs in a sentence. And you know how to create an adverb from a French adjective. Don't forget to submit your class project back in the project section below, so I can have a look at it and give you some feedback. Thank you for watching this course. Messy bullet liquid a attribute onto over.