1. Introduction portrait drawing: Hey guys joe, mix them in here. This week's class is all about portrait drawing, drawing faces. So we're going to
teach you some of the different
structural stuff about drawing a face means
a woman's faces. And then we're going to
have a play around with some really fun during
activities like blind contour drawing or left-hand drawing or wrong hand drawing if you're left-handed. And then we're going
to finish off with a cartoon drawing from
the catherine frozen. So, yeah, this is gonna be
a really fun one today. Let's get started.
2. 1. Proportions of the face: My drawing pen today. So I've already pulled up
his paper out of that one. We're going to start off on. I'll just keep
this all lined up. Now what pencils? Now? It doesn't really
matter if you've only got like one piece,
so that's fine. But we're going to
start off today. I'm actually going to start
off with a to-be pencil. You, so you can use a to-be
or you might use an HB, a nice kind of hard one. So it's not like a real skill, like a real kind
of shaving pencil. It's more just for
the drawing lines. Okay. Now, everyone seemed to
go, you guys all cool. Good work. Okay, So, um, what
we're gonna do guys is we're going to
start off by learning some, some stuff about how to draw a face and draw the
proportions of the face. So this is the way
you're going to do it just on your
piece of paper. I want you to start
off with a circle. Just lightly sketch down
a circle like that. You can do it reasonably
big if you want to. It doesn't have to
be perfectly round. Now when you just
the lightly draw a line down the middle of
the so-called like that. Like a line that
cuts it in half. Okay? Now, all of these
ones we're doing now, I'm just gonna be like
really simple guidelines, so don't press too hard while
you're drawing them, okay? Okay. Now what we're gonna do
is we're going to carry on that line down below the circle about that far. So it's not quite
a whole circle, it's about two-thirds of a circle down, if
that makes sense. So a little bit further down. Then we're going to turn, this is gonna be the chin parts. So we're going to
draw like a kind of oval shape down like this and connect it up
with that bottom line. Does that make sense? So you should have something now that it's like a circle at the top and then kind of a curve coming down on
the bottom like that. And this is going
to be like a heat as starting off, he'd shape. Cool. Now what we're
gonna do now guys, is we're actually hopefully
you guys have got a rubber, have you got a
rubber handy so you can rub out some of the lines. Just rub out the
bottom of the circle. So it's because it's kind of in the way now we don't
really need it. It's like that. Okay. Now you got to kiss. We're halfway down the face. Okay, so halfway down the face, you're going to just
do a very light line going across like that. Don't worry if you don't
get it exactly right, just make sure it's
round about halfway. Okay. Hopefully I'm not
going too fast. I think you guys should be
able to keep up with us. The next thing we're gonna do is halfway between the top of the head and the first-line. We're gonna do
another little line, but we're just gonna
do a little line across the middle like that. Okay, now I'll write this
down so you guys can note the first-line we drew
is called the eye line. You might want to note
this down on the side of your drawing because you
can remember it later. It's called the eyeline. The next one up that we just
did is called the hair line. Okay. Now let's come down here, halfway down the heat
to between the eye line and the chin is gonna
be the nose line. Hopefully you guys
have got this. And then halfway between
the nose line and the chin is the mouth line. The mouth line. So what that does is by
doing those little simple, simple kind of measurements
or structures, it makes it so that we put, try and put the features in the right place on the
face. Does that make sense? Yeah, cool. Okay. So we're going to carry on guys. So we're gonna go back over
this again in a minute, but we'll carry on. Next thing we're gonna
do is draw the eyes. Now, the rule with the eyes is that there's one eye space
in-between each eye. So what are you going to
do is you've got to like, kind of work out how big you think your eye should be
and you just draw like a little rough shape like that. Then what I do is I use my pencil. You
could use a roller. Actually, if you've
got a roller, you can measure the eye. But you can just use your pizza one measure with
a pencil if you want. And however, however, why that is a minus 2.5 centimeters. You measure that match along. And it's the same gap in-between
the other. Between HI. Does that kinda make sense? So we've got an I. We gotta, we gotta get, and
then we've got another I. Alright, hey, just give me, give me an idea of if you guys are keeping up,
give me a thumbs up. If you're keeping up
with what I'm doing. Yeah. You can do with the emoji
on the thing or you can do with Gabriel hand if
you've got a real hand. Yeah, Cool. Nice.
Hopefully you've got hands so you can draw. Okay, So we've got, we've got the two eyes in there
now. That's looking good. Now what you have to
do is bring a very, bring a line down from
the inside of each. I see like that emits, That's the width of the nose. Now, how you draw
the nose is you have a little bit on the
bottom on our nose line. And then it kinda curls around. And then you hit the sides. Okay. So draw that in. I'll bring it up a little bit
closer so you guys can see. It's looking a
little bit creepy at the moment, but that's fine. It'll look more human-like. And then we Wow.
3. 2. Proportions of the face part2: Okay, So I'm good. So now we've got like a nose
and we've got some eyes, will the position
of them anyway. Okay. Now what we have to do now is the nose comes up but we don't draw
the sides of the nose. We just draw it like here
where it goes beside the ions. Okay? And what happens is that, but
they're curls up like this, into an eyebrow up like that. And so you just lightly draw
in some eyebrows there. But there is like the
bridge of the nose, you know where your nose is
like then it comes down. Yeah. Okay. Now, we're gonna
do the mouth now. So come on down to the mouth. No, sorry, we're not
gonna do the math now. We're going to
finish off the eyes. So here's how you do the eyes. You watching me. You gotta draw some eyelids. So you draw the eye lids on the inside of
the eyes like that. Now if you're person's
really squinting, there's only going to be a
little weak gap in there, but we'll just do them
like normal at the moment. Alright. Now, how are we going to
draw the actual iPad? Watch my screen and see. What you do is you have
the round part of the eye attaches to the top
eyelid like that. And inside that
bit is the pupil. The pupil is the black part. You can color them in
black if you want. And the iris is the colored
part that goes around. And you see I just
put a bit of shading into it to show you
what that pattern is. But it's really
important that the eye, the round part of the icon
next to the top eyelid. Okay, so go ahead
and draw those in. I'll give you guys a little
close up again of that. Nice. You're doing
really well, guys, Cool. Okay, now, the reason we did the eyes is because
from the middle of the eye, from the black part, a line coming down like a
little straight here. And that is how wide the
mouth is going to be roughly. Okay. Now, This is Math time
we've got down here, that's actually the
bottom of the mouth. So we need to come up a bit to about halfway here between
the nose and the mouth. And that's gonna be
our top of our lips. So how we do that is
we do a little V. And then you do a curve coming down like that to
each side of the mouth. Do you guys see that? Kind of curve around? The bottom of the mouth goes
down to the mouth line. Okay. Cool. So that is the basic structure. The, um, the hairline up here, this is where the hair stops. So when you're normally
during a head, like often when
people draw here, they started to hear at
the very top of the heap, but that's not where your
hair starts growing. Actually starts growing like
this far down your forehead. Okay. So that's the basic structure. There is like the
same basic structure for like a man or a woman, or a child or anyone. And then we can start to mess around with it and change it, to change the person and
give it some personality. Okay? So what we're gonna do
now is we're gonna, we're gonna add a few
other little details and I think we'll try
drawing some here. Now. I'll think we'll do,
we'll do voice here. I will turn this into a boy. Now what you do for the
here is if you come up now, obviously everyone has
a different hairstyle, but we'll do a short
spiky hair cell here. Okay? So from this hairline, you come up a bit to the side and then you
have a line like this. And you start doing
some little curves, go up like that, spiking up. You see that? Now the hair is going to come around like
this in a curve. So we're going to spike it up. We're going to sort
of make it a messy, messy style like this. Now once you get to that part, it's going to curve
the other way and then spike up on the
sides of the heat. It's going to come
down like this. And the heel goes down here, sort of like flux
out a bit around the ears. And it's a bit messy on the top. You guys see what I'm saying? You can give your picture whatever hairstyle
you want to give it. Okay. It doesn't have to
be the same as mine. Okay. Now what do we do? The ears. The ears are
basically going from the eyeline almost to the nose and then just go down
on each side of the heat. So there and there. All right, cool. So we've got some ears. There we go. Now,
if we want to make this person look more
mainly like week, what we're gonna do
is we're gonna make the chin a little bit stronger. Okay, so we're
going to bring out, instead of just keeps
sticking to this line, we're going to bring out the
chin of it here and make the jaw like a little
bit more angled. Do you see that? Then we can rub out that nice
curve that we started with. And you see how that sort of debt shape of the jaw makes
it look a bit more manly. Yeah. Because Mean have
more and mainly jaws. I don't know why that
is. Probably because we like eating more eight
because we can chew more. Okay.
4. 3. Drawing a woman's face: Sweet. So there is our basic kind
of men drawing men face. So we're going to
try that again. Alright, because it's
about practicing. So we're gonna do this again. You can do on the same
page if you want the sum, we're going to draw a lady. So same exact structure. We're gonna go a
little bit faster on the structure now. Okay? So we're gonna do the circle. Again. The center line, bring it down about that far. And then curving down
with that nice curve. Too far out. Alright, nice. Maybe to keep these lines nice and light so
they're not gonna be, we're gonna be able
to rub them out a little bit lighter, cool. So then we go
halfway between the top and the bottom
is our eyeline. In halfway up as a hairline, nose line in our mouth. You can literally
just do it like that. Just do like literally
lights lines. Okay. We started with the
structure of the eyes again. So let's just make sure we've
got that are roughly right. How wide is it? Backwards? Wines? Yep. Cool. You don't have to taper roller. You can just look at
it and just check and see how how it looks to you. Okay. Remember to bring down from
the inside of the eye, bring down a line for the nose. You just draw the very, very bottom of the
nose so the sides, not, not the whole
sides all the way down. Okay. Now how is this going
to be different? So with the eyes, they start off the same. But there's a difference for ladies eyes and I'm sure you
guys can guess what it is. Ok, try and make
both eyes the same. You got to add in
some eyelashes. Okay, So here's how we do that. On the outside of
the top eyelid. You just do some
curving up eyelashes, cilia that alright. You can do some on the
bottom eyelash as well. And then we just
draw in same way. So we're drawing in the circle, connecting it up to the top. The top of the eye. See it's already starting to look
more lady-like, isn't it? What those eyelashes.
Now with the lips, the lips tend to be a little bit fuller and a little
bit slightly bigger. So we can just make that
curve at the top a little bit bigger and a bit more
rounded like that. I mean, this is totally
just generalizing a like everyone has different
eyes and lips and stuff, but this is just like
a real basic thing. Cold, those look like
more lady-like lips. Nice. Okay. With the chin. We don't need to make it nice and strong like
the manly journey. We're just kinda keep it. Keep it kind of nice, petite, nice and pointy. We're going to add
in some cheekbones. So we're going to come down the side and sort of
come in a little bit. Just a very little bit. Almost like from the eye, curving around a little
bit towards the nose. This lady looks
kinda weird because she hasn't gotten to
here at the moment. So she looks very weird. But that's fine. We'll
be able to fix her up. And what did the ladies
eyebrows look like? I guess I can look
like anything right. But we'll make them sort of like more like curvy like this. They still sort of come down
from the top of the nose. So we sort of on the
same angle but the, but more maybe curvy in Dhaka. All right, Now we're
going to draw the here. So how are we going
to do the here? Well, we're gonna do here
is we start off with, this is the hairline
up here, guys. Okay. Now we're gonna be doing
a part on the side. So let's say that
here's like here. It's gonna go over this, a little bit over the eye. Kevin down like
that on this side. So start with that little curve. And above the hair, above the head. Bring it down. So their shoulder length
and same on the other side. So kind of curves out like that. I guess. You can draw here
however you want. But generally speaking,
it's like looks better if it's off to one side of the heat and not sort of
straight in the middle. Okay. So now what I want you to do if you guys have
kept up with that, hopefully you've
kept up a subpoena that was a bit of a faster one. I want you to use your
rubber and I want you to rub out all the guidelines
that we drew on there. Okay. So the center line, the line for the nose, everything all those
separate little guidelines. Just rub them out. All right. Oh yeah. If you've got the hair
coming in front of the eye, you need to rub that out as well because it's going
to cover it up. Nice. There we go, that sudden little bit array. The NIC, we forgot
about the nick. Nick just comes down from here. I'm just roughly down like that. Depends on the size of the mic, but just curves out a
little bit on the sides. Okay. Gotten a little bit of
a dean from the side here. Okay. So those are our two, those are our two like
generic faces, basic faces. Now, obviously we can
do things to each one to make them look more male or female or like
manly, a womanly. Like adding facial
here to the manly one. That's something
that's quite cool. So if you want to do that, then you just like
just scribble some on. So you've got some
mustache like this. And you've got like a little
goatee but like this. And you can turn it
into a full beard coming down if you want to. So why don't you go ahead
and draw a beard on your man one or just the mustache? Heavy here coming down a little
bit lower than the chin. Okay. Yeah, nice. And will maybe make the
eyebrows a bit more bushy and crazy on this one
because that's more, that's probably more like
dead, crazy eyebrows. There we go. It looks a little bit
like a sketch out a string of like a
criminal or something.
5. 4. Adding tone to the face: Okay, so those are our two
basic generic drawings. Okay. Now I'm going to show you
just a little bit of tone. So you remember last week
we talked about tone and it's like how do
you take the tone from? Like, for example, you've got are different
shapes on here. How do you take the
tone from like a ball and translate that to face? Because it's a little bit
tricky to do their day. So I'll just give
you a little bit of a tutorial about that. So if you've got
a softer pencil, so I'm going to use a
for B for the next bit. If you've got a softer
pencil, grab that one. Now. If you've got the same
pencil, that's fine. You can still draw with that. Cool grave yourself pizza. You're doing really
well, guys, keep going. Okay, so what we're
gonna do is we're just going to go round
and we're going to start adding in some shading on the docket bits of the face. Cool. So if we think the light
is coming from above because generally lights
it up in the sky. I'm thinking about where it's gonna be really
dark on the face. Now the obvious places like
under the chin, isn't it? That's going to be quite dark. So you can start by just adding in some shading under the chin. Okay. Now the next most
sticking out E, but it's probably
under the nose. So if we just add a
little bit of shading, try not to make it look like a mustache if you can help it. Okay, It's a little
bit of shading. You might want to smudge
it a bit if you want to. Does look a little more starchy, will bring that shading
down under the chin like not the NIC but just like
under the chin via CO. Now under the eyebrows
is quite dark too. So do some shading
and curve it around. Do you see how I've got
the side of the nose here? Kind of curve it
around there as well. So adding some shading
around above the eyes. Don't go too dark. Otherwise it will
look a bit crazy. Okay. Now, where else? It's gonna be pretty
light on the forehead. But do you remember when
we did the cylinder, how we curved at around it
got darker on the edges. Is it faded out. So we're going to
do the same thing. So we're going to just
on the side of the head, we'll do a little bit
darker and will graduate. There are shade or tone that towards the
middle of the heat. So just a little bit darker
like that on the side. And actually if
you've got the here, here like this going
underneath the eye, it's going to be
quite dark inside there because that's
in the shredder. Okay. Do you guys know which of
the lips as the darker lip? Your ideas? The bottom lip know you have 5050 chance
That's the top lip. Because what happens is the
light comes down and it hits hits the bottom lip
so it makes it lighter. So you have to you have to
shade in the top lip darker. Now. You can just shade it, but you can also do some
little contour lines. So if you look like this, shaded in, but some little lines that sort of curve
around the lips. There might be a bit too hard
for you guys. I don't know. Don't worry about that
if you're not gonna do it, if you're not used to it. So you have a little bit of shading on the
bottom lip but not, um, not as much as the top. All right. Cool. What's next? Oh yeah, the sides of the nose. Now here's, this
is a bit tricky. The sides of the nose. You don't want to shade them
because it's really soft. It's a really soft tone. So you just literally use your
finger and you just smudge some of the tone from under the eye and just bring it down. They say that it's a
real soft, real subtle. Keep it nice and white in
the middle of the nose. But just smudge
some down the side, each side of the nose. Go. Alright, And in terms of toning, I just want to add some tone to the here and try and do lots
of these sort of lines, that kind of curve with
the flow with the here. So you can just do like long
curvy lines coming down. That kinda depends how dark
they actually here is. Alright? And then we'll just
say, last thing we'll do is create some
shading in here. So behind the ear and beside the NIC is going
to be really dark because the he is like
putting it in shared or so just like that. Both sides a little
bit dark on each side.
6. 5. Continuous line drawing: What we're going to
do guys, is we're gonna do some really quick, kinda different drawings, okay? And we're gonna be
drawing a basic face. So I want you to remember the sort of idea about doing it. Starting off with the shapes
and the eyes and the nose. But you don't have to go through the whole structure
if you don't want to, you can just draw, just draw it however you
want to draw it. Okay? So the first one
we're gonna be doing is called continuous line. Okay? The rule for
this one is you're not allowed to take your
pencil off the paper. All right. I'm going
to trust you guys to be able to do this at home. This is a bit fun. So watch what I do. I'm going to start off
with the eye watching me. So I'm going to start off,
I'm going to go, Okay. I see my my pizza
is still on there. And now if I want
to get to the nose, I have to keep it
attached and draw it down here to the nose. And then I'm going to come
across here to the other eye, coming down here to the mouth. And during the years, alright, you guys get the
idea. I want you to have a go. I'm gonna give you like two minutes to do a
continuous line drawing. We are not allowed
to take your pencil off the paper. All right. Ready city go. It's not going to
look realistic. That's fine. I'm wanting you to just
to draw a face anyway, you can using this technique.
7. 6. Drawing with the wrong hand: Okay, we're gonna do
the next one now this one's gonna be even
more of a challenge. Are you ready? We're going to
draw with your wrong hand. Okay, So if you're right handed, you're going to draw
with your left hand. If you're left-handed,
you're going to draw with your right hand, ready to go. So I'm gonna give
you two minutes and you're going to draw a face. I'm gonna do it as well
with my, with my left hand. Okay. It's really
CV go you can take the pizza off now if you don't have to keep
it continuous, but you have to draw
with the wrong hands. Well man, I'm so bad at
drawing with this hand. My guy looks so creepy. He's going to have long hair
for some reason and banks. Oh, he's got a mallet.
My God has got a mallet. He did have a mustache,
but he's got a mallet. How are you guys going?
Does it look really weird?
8. 7. Drawing only tone: Okay, the next one
we're gonna do is, um, Okay, yeah, switch
to a softer pencil. If you've gone like a
four or a six feet, we're going to do one. That is only tone. Okay. So you're not allowed
to draw any lines. Let me show you what
that looks like. So you're gonna be like basically like if you're
going to shade around an eye, you're gonna do the
shape around it. What the tone do you see that? I'm going to draw like so you really kinda drawing around the features and you'll live. What you're left with is the, is the white Betsy
show the shading. Okay, so have a go at
that couple of minutes. Just toning. This one is quite a bit
of a brain challenge, trying to figure
out how to do it. My one's looking pretty
cartoony actually, but sorry. You're allowed to take
your pencil off as well. You don't have to leave
it on the whole time. In fact, I'm gonna I'm
gonna just document my top lip and make it
really dark and shaded. That's on top of it. It looks a bit creepy. It looks a bit
like cartoony guy. Make sure you draw in
some dark eyebrows. You guys know how to
make angry eyebrows. Just draw them like more
close together, angled down. Okay. So that one's
called only tone.
9. 8. Blind contour drawing: All right, This next one
is going to be crazy now, I'm going to have
to trust you guys to be able to do this. It's called blind contour
drawing is called blind, is basically blind
drawing, okay? And what you've gotta do guys, is you have to close your eyes
so your pins will sit up. Normal hand. You can
just use normal lines. You got to close your eyes. And I'm gonna give you 30
seconds to draw a face, but you're not allowed to look. You guys ready? Okay. I'm going to put I'm actually
going to do my time at this time around 30 seconds. Pretty steady. No cheating. Ready, steady. Go. Keep those eyes closed. Trying to remember where
you are on the face. Don't look at your paper. I can see some people picking. Ten seconds left. Keep closing your eyes. 321 and stop.
10. 9. Scribble drawing: I think we'll do
one more silly one and then they will
finish that silly thing. Okay, so the next, the last one we're going
to do is scribbles. K, you're only
allowed to scribble. So watch me how I do it. It doesn't really matter
what paints will use, but I'll just use my fine. So scribbles like this case, I'm going to start
off with the eyes. You can do straight
lines if you want, but they've gotta be scribbly. Coming down from the nose. Alright, you guys have a go three minutes to
scribble a face. If you want to create a Docker, but then just scribble
more than that, but can create tone
with scribbles as well. There we go, That's
my scribble face. Don't worry, you can
do this one wrong. You make it as
messy as you want.
11. 10. Drawing a cartoon character: What we're gonna do now is
we're going to learn how to draw a cartoon character. And the character that
we're going to draw is going to be drawing frozen. Elsa. Elsa or isn't it?
Yeah, Frozen or not, honor, because she's
the assistant coach. So what we're gonna do is I want you guys
to sit yourself up. We're going to take
a little bit longer now and do a bit of
a longer journey. So probably about maybe
15 minutes or something. And I'll just sort of talk you through each step and we'll we'll we'll figure
it out as we go. So what do you notice
that's different about like a realistic typeface and
a cartoony typeface. So you have a cartoony
faces kinda more rounder. And how the eyes are so big a, that's quite a big
difference as well. So that's one of the
things when you're drawing cartoons as
you're gonna do, you're gonna change those
features a little bit. But we are going to
start off the same way. So grab yourself, your paint. So like whatever pencil
for the structure, we're going to start
off with the circle. And then we're going to start off with the
center line as well. Just nice and lightly. But we're not going to come down as far, so we're only going
to come down about halfway of the circle like that. And then we're going to
create a curve at the bottom. But you notice how the
curve on her face is quiet, quiet, round at the bottom a. So make sure you make your curve nice and around like that. Alright. I'm just looking at this now and I'm thinking
I've already done the chins too long,
the kids too long. So try and bring it up a
little bit more like that. Yeah, That's a good point, guys is actually quite good
when you're at this stage to just check with your drawing
and see how it's looking. And if it's not looking right, it's easy to change it now while you're still in the first stage. Now, we're going to have a similar thing
here of an eyeline. So line through the middle. We're going to have a nose line. And we're going to have
the mouth line here. Okay. And same with the here
is going to be up here, halfway between the eyes. So just always cut it in half. So you've got half as the eyes, half as the nose, half as the mouth,
half as the here. When you get, when you do
lots of drawing a face as you get really good at just
kind of doing that, doing those lines
really quickly. Okay? Now with the eyes, remember the same rule applies. So there's the same distance
of the eye between the eyes. If you do the eyes
too close together, it looks a bit weird, right? So start out nice and wide. The eyes are quite big. And one thing you can do if
you don't have a rule that is you can just use
your pencil to measure. So you just put your finger
like that on your pencil. And then you go, goes to there. Goes to there. Nice. And for the eyes
just do like a nice, quite a big wide oval. We're going to draw these
in more detail soon, but we're starting off
with the structure. Cope. So it looks like an alien
or something at the moment. Okay, so then we're gonna
come down here. Now. The nose, her nose
is quite small, so it actually comes in
a little bit from here. So normally you
would go to here. But we're going to come
in a little bit more. And you see how the bottom of her nose you
can see those two nostrils. So it's like a little cute
little nostril there and there are kids
around on the sides. Don't do the nostrils too dark or too wide
because it looks a bit funny. Okay. Then the mouth is here. She's got quite a thin mouth, in fact yet and
it's not gonna be as wide toe because I think just because the eyes are so big. So the mouth is going
to be like this, kind of straight in the
middle and then it curves on the bottom. Okay.
12. 11. Drawing Elsa's eyes: Now, let's go back
to the eyes now. So how, let's look at
the shape of each eye. So if you notice what it
is from this point here, it kind of has quite
an almost flat, but here it goes up. And then it curves on the side. And then the top curves
around like that. To try and draw
the shape of that. I I'll bring that up a little bit closer
for you guys to see. Can see that from this
point in the middle, it goes straight and
then it curves up. Here. It's like a big curve. And you can just, if
you've got a rubber, you can just rub out
your guides as you go, like your extra guidelines. Cope. This is actually the
hardest bit now, is to really get it to be
the same on both sides. Okay? So we're going to be
drawing from here, curving up like that. This one curving up like that. So you might have to redraw that a couple of times
just to get it right. All right. Some of you guys might have an advantage because you might have actually already
drawn Elsa before. Alrighty, nice. Okay. Now, one of the big things about her eyes is or the
eyelashes, isn't it? So you see all these eyelashes
coming in on the sides. So they just come out
of the top eyelid. And they they come up like this, lots and lots of them
right at the top. So just draw those
in on both sides. It's probably a
few little ones on the side at the bottom,
but not too many. And then we're going
to draw the eyes. The eyes see how the
eyes here connecting to the top of the eye so that, that round like that
are really big. So convicting him like that. I probably drew this one
a little bit too big. So good if you have to rub it out, if it's not quite right. I mean, inside that, the black part of
the eye, the pupil. Pretty sure that's the pupil. Pupil is really gonna be really black and it's quite
big in this case as well. Bigger than realistic. Some of you have
got your hands up, but I'm just going
to ignore that. You guys keeping up. Okay. Everyone Eros though with me. All right, Good. Remember you can go
back to it later if you've struggled with this. Ok. And for the bits around the eye, for the iris part, this
is the way to do it. Okay? You just
basically do like, like rays of the sun. So you do lots of lines
that kinda go out, fan out from the middle. You see that? So lots of lines kind of
fanning out from the middle. And once you've drawn those
lines and then you start, you shade over top
of them a little bit or you can smudge
them a little bit. So if you want to, cool, We'll get onto the shading. Once you've drawn, the whole thing will
get onto the shading. Okay? Now that's looking alright.
13. 12. Drawing the hair: Let's work on the here, I think. Okay, so with the here, what we've got is these big, kind of like big bets at pop up. So see how they sort of start
from the middle point here. And we can draw each little bit. So it's like a big
chunk of hair. Now it goes up above the top of the hair a little
bit just like this. That looks like a mohawk, but that's that would be
pretty funny if we stop there, but we won't see there's
another one coming up here. And then one kinda
comes down the size. This one flex up. So try and draw in those shapes. Now, there's one little
bit of here that so it comes down onto her
forehead like this. Okay. So what I'm doing, I'm
just looking closely at the picture and I'm
just coming down. Now. She's got she's got
a plate, isn't she? So the plate's going to go
behind who hit on the size. And it's going to come
out on this side. Now, let's just draw
the neck and here, so we've got a are
in the right place. It's quite a skinny, long 10k. So just like this. And then she's kinda
wearing this dress thing. Alright. So the, the
heel goes down behind your NIC and it comes out on the other side and it
turns into a planet. How do you draw that
plus any ideas? You just look at the,
look at the shapes of it. So if you guys can see Yeah,
it should be, I see that. So there's like these kind
of different shapes in here, these little kind of ovals
and they overlap each other. So I draw that like kinda like one shape in another shape. Now the one sort of like that. So it's sort of like they're
connecting up to each other. Then it sort of comes
into the heel like this. Oh, we forgot to
draw the ear guys. The ear starts from about the eye and it comes down
like that to the nose. Not too big though. Probably
today, a little bit too big. Okay. Awesome. In the end, I think the last
thing we have to draw on this is just the eyebrows. So do you notice
how the eyebrows, they sort of go up on an angle
and then they curve down. So they start here, they go up and curve down.
14. 13. Adding some tone: Oh, okay. So once you're at
this place that we've we've kinda sketched it all out. Now what we need to do is
rub out all the extra lines, all about guidelines, okay? So rub out the center line. Rub out the shape of the head at the top because we can't see that
through the here. And just get rid of
all those extra lines because they're kind
of annoying now. We'll just tidy up
the chin as well. So just sort of rub out the
first line that he's dead and just draw in the shape of the chin is pretty
much what it was, but it might be slightly more pointy at the
actual chin like that. There we go. And this particular Cool. Okay, now let's work
on our shading. So go over to your
four or six B pencil. And we're going to
start off in the eyes, because the eyes of the
real focus of this picture. So make sure that you've got your inside of your black
pots really nice and dark. Okay. That should be super dark. I mean, you notices
like a kind of a dark ring around
the iris as well. So you can just
sketch that in there, that dark ring in there. And right underneath
the eye, the eyelid, it's quite shaded, It's
quite dark in there, so I'm just going to add
some shading in there. It can look a little bit like, um, like eye shadow or
something like that, but we'll just add summon. See that straightaway that
makes it look better. Just, just save that shading
underneath the eyelid. Whenever you're doing the eyes, just make sure that you're doing the same thing on both sides. Okay? So just to do one and then
do the other straightaway. So you remember how to do it? Co nice, dark, reasonably
dark eyebrows. What colors else is here, guys? It's like blond, a kind
of yellowy Blondie color. So we're not gonna be able to do the hair too dark.
That's the thing. Okay. Now, where else have
we got some shading? Remember how we gonna get
some on the side of the head? So because this is like
a really smooth shading, what I would do is
I would just do a little bit of shading around the side of the heat like this. If you guys watch me a
little bit of shading here, and then I would
use my finger and I do a lot of smudging. And because smudging
will give you a really smooth tone
through the middle. Okay. The Lipset quiet dark too, so we need to we need
to darken them up. The top lips a little bit
darker than the bottom lip. Wow, the rains really,
really coming down. Now, my place, it's
like really stormy. Here we go. Don't be afraid to use a bit of
smudging on there as well. The nose just you're gonna get the darker tone
inside the nostrils. But around the bottom
it's just going to have a little bit of
shading in there. Not too much, just a little bit, maybe just a bit of a
smudge through there. And you can, you can
do that trick of smudging down the sides
of the eyes as well. Just about really softly. Okay. Okay. We're
nearly finished, guys. We're gonna be finishing
in a few minutes. Let's get a little bit
more shading underneath the chin. Like that. Cool.
15. 14. Adding detail to the hair: You notice how in the here, this two things, there's a
bit of shading in there. So in the dark areas
you can do some tone. But then also it's
got all these lines. So the lines from the here, you can just draw
those n. So this is heaps of little lines like that. And what I would do
probably because this is blonde here and
it's really lies. I would do some lines and
then give it a little smudge. And that will just pick
up a little bit of the shading and how to make it look more more 3D.
Do you see what I'm saying? So just think about where
those lines going on here, going straight across the curve up with the curve of the here. And then you smudge it. And then I'm on those in yeah. Same for their plates. So the plates gonna go like it's going to have
lines that sort of flowed down each
plant. Like that. I mean, smudge them and there's
a little dark but saying in between the plates like that. Co Then if you're like me and you've been
smudging logs on your drawing. Oh, sorry, last thing. Just see how it's got
a really dark patch here where the hair
goes beside the 10k. Remember we talked
about that before. So make sure you do
that nice and dark and then that makes it look more 3D. Doc. And also it's a bit darker on the other
side of the chin. Okay. Now the last
thing I'm gonna do is because you've
been smudging locks. If you've got your rubber, just rub out the insides of the eye so that the
white parts of the eye. And what will happen
is they will make it look really nice and
bright and white. You can only really do they
own like cartoony characters. You don't wanna do that on realistic people
pictures because yeah, probably two. It's
going to be too wide. But yeah, hopefully
that was fun guys. Hopefully you enjoyed learning
a bit about drawing faces.